SEXP mongo_cursor_value(SEXP cursor) { mongo_cursor* _cursor = _checkCursor(cursor); if (!_cursor || !_cursor-> return R_NilValue; SEXP ret = _mongo_bson_create(&_cursor->current); UNPROTECT(3); return ret; }
SEXP rmongo_cursor_next(SEXP cursor) { mongo_cursor* _cursor = _checkCursor(cursor); SEXP ret; PROTECT(ret = allocVector(LGLSXP, 1)); LOGICAL(ret)[0] = (_cursor && mongo_cursor_next(_cursor) == MONGO_OK); UNPROTECT(1); return ret; }
SEXP rmongo_cursor_destroy(SEXP cursor) { mongo_cursor* _cursor = _checkCursor(cursor); SEXP ret; PROTECT(ret = allocVector(LGLSXP, 1)); LOGICAL(ret)[0] = mongo_cursor_destroy(_cursor); SEXP ptr = getAttrib(cursor, sym_mongo_cursor); R_ClearExternalPtr(ptr); UNPROTECT(1); return ret; }
auto_ptr<DBClientCursor> ClusteredCursor::query( const string& server , int num , BSONObj extra , int skipLeft , bool lazy ) { uassert( 10017 , "cursor already done" , ! _done ); assert( _didInit ); BSONObj q = _query; if ( ! extra.isEmpty() ) { q = concatQuery( q , extra ); } try { ShardConnection conn( server , _ns ); if ( conn.setVersion() ) { conn.done(); throw StaleConfigException( _ns , "ClusteredCursor::query ShardConnection had to change" , true ); } LOG(5) << "ClusteredCursor::query (" << type() << ") server:" << server << " ns:" << _ns << " query:" << q << " num:" << num << " _fields:" << _fields << " options: " << _options << endl; auto_ptr<DBClientCursor> cursor = conn->query( _ns , q , num , 0 , ( _fields.isEmpty() ? 0 : &_fields ) , _options , _batchSize == 0 ? 0 : _batchSize + skipLeft ); if ( ! cursor.get() && _options & QueryOption_PartialResults ) { _done = true; conn.done(); return cursor; } massert( 13633 , str::stream() << "error querying server: " << server , cursor.get() ); cursor->attach( &conn ); // this calls done on conn assert( ! conn.ok() ); _checkCursor( cursor.get() ); return cursor; } catch ( SocketException& e ) { if ( ! ( _options & QueryOption_PartialResults ) ) throw e; _done = true; return auto_ptr<DBClientCursor>(); } }
void ParallelSortClusteredCursor::_init() { // log() << "Starting parallel search..." << endl; // make sure we're not already initialized assert( ! _cursors ); _cursors = new FilteringClientCursor[_numServers]; bool returnPartial = ( _options & QueryOption_PartialResults ); vector<ServerAndQuery> queries( _servers.begin(), _servers.end() ); set<int> retryQueries; int finishedQueries = 0; vector< shared_ptr<ShardConnection> > conns; vector<string> servers; // Since we may get all sorts of errors, record them all as they come and throw them later if necessary vector<string> staleConfigExs; vector<string> socketExs; vector<string> otherExs; bool allConfigStale = false; int retries = -1; // Loop through all the queries until we've finished or gotten a socket exception on all of them // We break early for non-socket exceptions, and socket exceptions if we aren't returning partial results do { retries++; bool firstPass = retryQueries.size() == 0; if( ! firstPass ){ log() << "retrying " << ( returnPartial ? "(partial) " : "" ) << "parallel connection to "; for( set<int>::iterator it = retryQueries.begin(); it != retryQueries.end(); ++it ){ log() << queries[*it]._server << ", "; } log() << finishedQueries << " finished queries." << endl; } size_t num = 0; for ( vector<ServerAndQuery>::iterator it = queries.begin(); it != queries.end(); ++it ) { size_t i = num++; const ServerAndQuery& sq = *it; // If we're not retrying this cursor on later passes, continue if( ! firstPass && retryQueries.find( i ) == retryQueries.end() ) continue; // log() << "Querying " << _query << " from " << _ns << " for " << sq._server << endl; BSONObj q = _query; if ( ! sq._extra.isEmpty() ) { q = concatQuery( q , sq._extra ); } string errLoc = " @ " + sq._server; if( firstPass ){ // This may be the first time connecting to this shard, if so we can get an error here try { conns.push_back( shared_ptr<ShardConnection>( new ShardConnection( sq._server , _ns ) ) ); } catch( std::exception& e ){ socketExs.push_back( e.what() + errLoc ); if( ! returnPartial ){ num--; break; } conns.push_back( shared_ptr<ShardConnection>() ); continue; } servers.push_back( sq._server ); } if ( conns[i]->setVersion() ) { conns[i]->done(); staleConfigExs.push_back( StaleConfigException( _ns , "ClusteredCursor::query ShardConnection had to change" , true ).what() + errLoc ); break; } LOG(5) << "ParallelSortClusteredCursor::init server:" << sq._server << " ns:" << _ns << " query:" << q << " _fields:" << _fields << " options: " << _options << endl; if( ! _cursors[i].raw() ) _cursors[i].reset( new DBClientCursor( conns[i]->get() , _ns , q , 0 , // nToReturn 0 , // nToSkip _fields.isEmpty() ? 0 : &_fields , // fieldsToReturn _options , _batchSize == 0 ? 0 : _batchSize + _needToSkip // batchSize ) ); try{ _cursors[i].raw()->initLazy( ! firstPass ); } catch( SocketException& e ){ socketExs.push_back( e.what() + errLoc ); _cursors[i].reset( NULL ); conns[i]->done(); if( ! returnPartial ) break; } catch( std::exception& e){ otherExs.push_back( e.what() + errLoc ); _cursors[i].reset( NULL ); conns[i]->done(); break; } } // Go through all the potentially started cursors and finish initializing them or log any errors and // potentially retry // TODO: Better error classification would make this easier, errors are indicated in all sorts of ways // here that we need to trap. for ( size_t i = 0; i < num; i++ ) { // log() << "Finishing query for " << cons[i].get()->getHost() << endl; string errLoc = " @ " + queries[i]._server; if( ! _cursors[i].raw() || ( ! firstPass && retryQueries.find( i ) == retryQueries.end() ) ){ if( conns[i] ) conns[i].get()->done(); continue; } assert( conns[i] ); retryQueries.erase( i ); bool retry = false; try { if( ! _cursors[i].raw()->initLazyFinish( retry ) ) { warning() << "invalid result from " << conns[i]->getHost() << ( retry ? ", retrying" : "" ) << endl; _cursors[i].reset( NULL ); if( ! retry ){ socketExs.push_back( str::stream() << "error querying server: " << servers[i] ); conns[i]->done(); } else { retryQueries.insert( i ); } continue; } } catch ( MsgAssertionException& e ){ socketExs.push_back( e.what() + errLoc ); _cursors[i].reset( NULL ); conns[i]->done(); continue; } catch ( SocketException& e ) { socketExs.push_back( e.what() + errLoc ); _cursors[i].reset( NULL ); conns[i]->done(); continue; } catch( std::exception& e ){ otherExs.push_back( e.what() + errLoc ); _cursors[i].reset( NULL ); conns[i]->done(); continue; } try { _cursors[i].raw()->attach( conns[i].get() ); // this calls done on conn _checkCursor( _cursors[i].raw() ); finishedQueries++; } catch ( StaleConfigException& e ){ // Our stored configuration data is actually stale, we need to reload it // when we throw our exception allConfigStale = true; staleConfigExs.push_back( e.what() + errLoc ); _cursors[i].reset( NULL ); conns[i]->done(); continue; } catch( std::exception& e ){ otherExs.push_back( e.what() + errLoc ); _cursors[i].reset( NULL ); conns[i]->done(); continue; } } // Don't exceed our max retries, should not happen assert( retries < 5 ); } while( retryQueries.size() > 0 /* something to retry */ && ( socketExs.size() == 0 || returnPartial ) /* no conn issues */ && staleConfigExs.size() == 0 /* no config issues */ && otherExs.size() == 0 /* no other issues */); // Assert that our conns are all closed! for( vector< shared_ptr<ShardConnection> >::iterator i = conns.begin(); i < conns.end(); ++i ){ assert( ! (*i) || ! (*i)->ok() ); } // Handle errors we got during initialization. // If we're returning partial results, we can ignore socketExs, but nothing else // Log a warning in any case, so we don't lose these messages bool throwException = ( socketExs.size() > 0 && ! returnPartial ) || staleConfigExs.size() > 0 || otherExs.size() > 0; if( socketExs.size() > 0 || staleConfigExs.size() > 0 || otherExs.size() > 0 ) { vector<string> errMsgs; errMsgs.insert( errMsgs.end(), staleConfigExs.begin(), staleConfigExs.end() ); errMsgs.insert( errMsgs.end(), otherExs.begin(), otherExs.end() ); errMsgs.insert( errMsgs.end(), socketExs.begin(), socketExs.end() ); stringstream errMsg; errMsg << "could not initialize cursor across all shards because : "; for( vector<string>::iterator i = errMsgs.begin(); i != errMsgs.end(); i++ ){ if( i != errMsgs.begin() ) errMsg << " :: and :: "; errMsg << *i; } if( throwException && staleConfigExs.size() > 0 ) throw StaleConfigException( _ns , errMsg.str() , ! allConfigStale ); else if( throwException ) throw DBException( errMsg.str(), 14827 ); else warning() << errMsg.str() << endl; } if( retries > 0 ) log() << "successfully finished parallel query after " << retries << " retries" << endl; }