예제 #1
// ECMA262 CreateResolvingFunctions ( promise ) 
static void
CreateResolvingFunctions(ejsval promise, ejsval* out_resolve, ejsval* out_reject)
    // 1. Let alreadyResolved be a new Record { [[value]]: false }.
    ejsval resolvingFunctions_env = _ejs_closureenv_new(2);
    *_ejs_closureenv_get_slot_ref(resolvingFunctions_env, 0) = _ejs_false;
    *_ejs_closureenv_get_slot_ref(resolvingFunctions_env, 1) = promise;

    // 2. Let resolve be a new built-in function object as defined in Promise Resolve Functions ( 
    // 3. Set the [[Promise]] internal slot of resolve to promise. 
    // 4. Set the [[AlreadyResolved]] internal slot of resolve to alreadyResolved. 
    *out_resolve = _ejs_function_new_anon(resolvingFunctions_env, resolve);

    // 5. Let reject be a new built-in function object as defined in Promise Reject Functions ( 
    // 6. Set the [[Promise]] internal slot of reject to promise. 
    // 7. Set the [[AlreadyResolved]] internal slot of reject to alreadyResolved. 
    *out_reject = _ejs_function_new_anon(resolvingFunctions_env, reject);

    // 8. Return a new Record { [[Resolve]]: resolve, [[Reject]]: reject }. 
예제 #2
static ejsval
bound_wrapper (ejsval env, ejsval _this, uint32_t argc, ejsval *args)
    ejsval target = EJS_BOUNDFUNC_ENV_GET_TARGET(env);
    ejsval thisArg = EJS_BOUNDFUNC_ENV_GET_THIS(env);
    uint32_t bound_argc = ToUint32(EJS_BOUNDFUNC_ENV_GET_ARGC(env));

    if (bound_argc == 0) {
        return _ejs_invoke_closure(target, thisArg, argc, args);
    else if (argc == 0) {
        return _ejs_invoke_closure(target, thisArg, bound_argc, _ejs_closureenv_get_slot_ref(env, EJS_BOUNDFUNC_FIRST_ARG_SLOT));
    else {
        uint32_t call_argc = argc + bound_argc;
        ejsval* call_args = alloca(sizeof(ejsval) * call_argc);
        memcpy (call_args, _ejs_closureenv_get_slot_ref(env, EJS_BOUNDFUNC_FIRST_ARG_SLOT), sizeof(ejsval) * bound_argc);
        memcpy (call_args + bound_argc, args, sizeof(ejsval) * argc);
        return _ejs_invoke_closure(target, thisArg, call_argc, call_args);
예제 #3
// ECMA262 Promise Resolve Functions 
static ejsval
resolve(ejsval env, ejsval _this, uint32_t argc, ejsval *args)
    ejsval resolution = _ejs_undefined;
    if (argc > 0) resolution = args[0];

    // 1. Assert: F has a [[Promise]] internal slot whose value is an Object. 
    // 2. Let promise be the value of F's [[Promise]] internal slot. 
    ejsval promise = _ejs_closureenv_get_slot(env, 1);

    // 3. Let alreadyResolved by be the value of F's [[AlreadyResolved]] internal slot. 
    ejsval alreadyResolved = _ejs_closureenv_get_slot(env, 0);
    // 4. If alreadyResolved. [[value]] is true, then return undefined. 
    if (EJSVAL_TO_BOOLEAN(alreadyResolved)) {
        return _ejs_undefined;
    // 5. Set alreadyResolved.[[value]] to true. 
    *_ejs_closureenv_get_slot_ref(env, 0) = _ejs_true;

    // 6. If SameValue(resolution, promise) is true, then 
    if (SameValue(resolution, promise)) {
        //    a. Let selfResolutionError be a newly-created TypeError object. 
        ejsval selfResolutionError = _ejs_nativeerror_new_utf8(EJS_TYPE_ERROR, ""); // XXX
        //    b. Return RejectPromise(promise, selfResolutionError). 
        return RejectPromise(promise, selfResolutionError);
    // 7. If Type(resolution) is not Object, then 
    if (!EJSVAL_IS_OBJECT(resolution)) {
        //    a. Return FulfillPromise(promise, resolution). 
        return FulfillPromise(promise, resolution);
    // 8. Let then be Get(resolution, "then"). 
    ejsval then = Get(resolution, _ejs_atom_then);
    // 9. If then is an abrupt completion, then 
    //    a. Return RejectPromise(promise, then.[[value]]). 
    // XXX

    // 10. Let then be then.[[value]]. 
    // 11. If IsCallable(then) is false, then 
    if (!EJSVAL_IS_CALLABLE(then)) {
        //     a. Return FulfillPromise(promise, resolution). 
        return FulfillPromise(promise, resolution);
    // 12. Perform EnqueueTask ("PromiseTasks", PromiseResolveThenableTask, (promise, resolution, then))
    EnqueuePromiseResolveThenableTask (promise, resolution, then);

    // 13. Return undefined. 
    return _ejs_undefined;
예제 #4
// ECMA262 Promise Reject Functions 
static ejsval
reject(ejsval env, ejsval _this, uint32_t argc, ejsval *args)
    ejsval reason = _ejs_undefined;
    if (argc > 0) reason = args[0];

    // 1. Assert: F has a [[Promise]] internal slot whose value is an Object. 
    // 2. Let promise be the value of F's [[Promise]] internal slot. 
    ejsval promise = _ejs_closureenv_get_slot(env, 1);
    // 3. Let alreadyResolved by be the value of F's [[AlreadyResolved]] internal slot. 
    ejsval alreadyResolved = _ejs_closureenv_get_slot(env, 0);
    // 4. If alreadyResolved.[[value]] is true, then return undefined. 
    if (EJSVAL_TO_BOOLEAN(alreadyResolved))
        return _ejs_undefined;

    // 5. Set alreadyResolved.[[value]] to true. 
    *_ejs_closureenv_get_slot_ref(env, 0) = _ejs_true;

    // 6. Return RejectPromise(promise, reason). 
    return RejectPromise(promise, reason);