예제 #1
this function displays the current
history entry
void _el_display_history()
  int line_len;
  int h_len;
  if ((!(_el_hs.entries)) || (!_el_mb2w
    (_el_hs.entries[_el_hs.offset]->line, &_el_wide))) {
  h_len = (int)wcslen(_el_wide);
  line_len = (int)wcslen(_el_line_buffer);
  if (h_len > (_EL_BUF_LEN - 1)) {
    h_len = _EL_BUF_LEN - 1;
    _el_wide[_EL_BUF_LEN - 1] = '\0';
  wcscpy_s(_el_line_buffer, _el_line_buffer_size, _el_wide);
  wcscpy_s(_el_print, _el_line_buffer_size, _el_wide);
  wcscpy_s(_el_line_buffer, _el_line_buffer_size, _el_wide);
  rl_point = (int)h_len;
  if (h_len < line_len) {
    _el_add_char(_el_print, _T(' '), line_len - h_len);
예제 #2
insert character(s) on the command line
int _el_insert_char(wchar_t *buf, int n)
  int c;
  int eff_n;
  int line_len;
  line_len = (int)wcslen(_el_line_buffer);
  get line length from the current
  logical cursor position
  to the end, including the terminal '\0'
  c = (int)wcslen(&(_el_line_buffer[rl_point])) + 1;
  eff_n = n;
  if the buffer is not large enough, cut down
  the number of inserted chars
  if ((line_len + n) >= _EL_BUF_LEN) {
    eff_n = _EL_BUF_LEN - line_len - 1;
  make the insertion
  memmove(&_el_line_buffer[rl_point + eff_n],
    &_el_line_buffer[rl_point], c * sizeof(wchar_t));
  memcpy(&_el_line_buffer[rl_point], buf, eff_n * sizeof(wchar_t));
  copy the inserted chars into the string
  for subsequent printing
  memcpy(_el_print, &_el_line_buffer[rl_point],
    (c + eff_n) * sizeof(wchar_t));
  _el_print[c + eff_n] = _T('\0');
  set the new logical cursor position
  rl_point += eff_n;
  print the insertion
  if (_el_print_string(_el_print)) {
    return -1;
  set the new cursor position
  if (_el_set_cursor(eff_n)) {
    return -1;
  if (!_el_w2mb(_el_line_buffer, &rl_line_buffer)) {
    return -1;
  return 0;
예제 #3
main readline function
char *readline(const char *prompt)
  wchar_t buf[_EL_CONSOLE_BUF_LEN];
  char **array = NULL;
  char *ret_string = NULL;
  int start = 0;
  int end = 0;
  int compl_pos = -1;
  int n = 0;
  int index = 0;
  int len = 0;
  int line_len = 0;
  int old_width = 0;
  int width = 0;
  UINT32 ctrl = 0;
  UINT32 special = 0;
  COORD coord;
  DWORD count = 0;
  INPUT_RECORD irBuffer;
  static int piped_input_finished = FALSE;

  if (piped_input_finished) {
	  return NULL;
  _el_ctrl_c_pressed = FALSE;
  _el_line_buffer = NULL;
  _el_temp_print = NULL;
  _el_next_compl = NULL;
  rl_line_buffer = NULL;
  _el_file_name = NULL;
  _el_dir_name = NULL;
  _el_old_arg = NULL;
  _el_wide = NULL;
  _el_text = NULL;
  _el_text_mb = NULL;
  _el_compl_array = NULL;
  _el_completer_word_break_characters = NULL;
  rl_point = 0;
  rl_attempted_completion_over = 0;
  _el_compl_index = 0;
  _el_n_compl = 0;
  _el_h_in = NULL;
  _el_h_out = NULL;
  memset(&coord, 0, sizeof(COORD));
  memset(buf, 0, _EL_CONSOLE_BUF_LEN * sizeof(wchar_t));
  memset(&irBuffer, 0, sizeof(INPUT_RECORD));
  allocate buffers
  _el_line_buffer_size = _EL_BUF_LEN + 1;
  _el_line_buffer = (wchar_t *)malloc(_el_line_buffer_size * sizeof(wchar_t));
  if (!_el_mb2w((char *)rl_basic_word_break_characters,
    &_el_basic_word_break_characters)) {
    return NULL;
  if (rl_completer_word_break_characters) {
    if (!_el_mb2w((char *)rl_completer_word_break_characters,
      &_el_completer_word_break_characters)) {
      return NULL;
  if (!(_el_line_buffer)) {
    return NULL;
  memset(_el_line_buffer, 0, _el_line_buffer_size * sizeof(wchar_t));
  rl_attempted_completion_over = 0;
  _el_print = (wchar_t *)malloc(_el_line_buffer_size * sizeof(wchar_t));
  if (!(_el_print)) {
    return NULL;
  memset(_el_print, 0, _el_line_buffer_size * sizeof(wchar_t));
  rl_prompt = _strdup(prompt);
  if (!(rl_prompt)) {
    return NULL;
  if (!_el_mb2w((char *)prompt, &_el_prompt)) {
    return NULL;
  _el_prompt_len = (int)wcslen(_el_prompt);
  get I/O handles for current console
  _el_h_in = GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE);
  _el_h_out = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);
  if ((!(_el_h_in)) || (!(_el_h_out))) {
    return NULL;
  set console modes
  _el_prev_in_cm_saved = GetConsoleMode(_el_h_in, &_el_prev_in_cm);
  _el_prev_out_cm_saved = GetConsoleMode(_el_h_out, &_el_prev_out_cm);
  SetConsoleMode(_el_h_in, ENABLE_PROCESSED_INPUT
  SetConsoleMode(_el_h_out, ENABLE_PROCESSED_OUTPUT);
    _el_signal_handler, TRUE);
  rl_point = 0;
  while ((buf[0] != VK_RETURN)
    && (!_el_ctrl_c_pressed) && _el_line_buffer) {
    get screen buffer info from the current console
    if (!GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(_el_h_out, &sbInfo)) {
      return NULL;
    _el_temp_print_size = sbInfo.dwSize.X + 1;
    if (!(_el_temp_print = realloc(_el_temp_print,
      _el_temp_print_size * sizeof(wchar_t)))) {
      return NULL;
    _el_temp_print[0] = _T('\0');
    compute the current visible console width
    width = sbInfo.srWindow.Right - sbInfo.srWindow.Left + 1;
    if the user has changed the window size
    update the view
    if (old_width != width) {
      line_len = (int)wcslen(_el_line_buffer);
      sbInfo.dwCursorPosition.X = 0;
      if (old_width) {
        n = (_el_prompt_len + line_len - 1) / old_width;
        sbInfo.dwCursorPosition.Y -= n;
        coord.Y = sbInfo.dwCursorPosition.Y;
      if (!SetConsoleCursorPosition(_el_h_out,
        sbInfo.dwCursorPosition)) {
        return NULL;
      if (_el_print_string(_el_prompt)) {
        return NULL;
      if (_el_set_cursor(_el_prompt_len)) {
        return NULL;
      if (_el_print_string(_el_line_buffer)) {
        return NULL;
      if (_el_set_cursor(line_len)) {
        return NULL;
      if (old_width && (old_width < width)) {
        coord.X = 0;
        coord.Y += (_el_prompt_len + line_len - 1) / width + 1;
        FillConsoleOutputCharacter(_el_h_out, _T(' '),
          sbInfo.dwSize.X * (n + 2), coord, &count);
    old_width = width;
    wait for console events
    if (!PeekConsoleInput(_el_h_in, &irBuffer, 1, &count)) {
		/* Check we're possibly piped from another program. */
		BOOL ret;
		char *pos, buf[8192];
		DWORD to_read = sizeof(buf);

		/* Can't guarantee Unicode here, we don't control the data passed through the pipe. */
		pos = buf;
		memset(pos, 0, sizeof(buf));

		do {
			ret = ReadFile(_el_h_in, pos, to_read, &count, 0);
			pos += count;
			to_read -= count;
		} while (ret && to_read > 0);

		if (pos == buf) {
			return NULL;
		} else if (to_read > 0) {
			/* Tried to fill the buf, but there's nothing anymore. Force finish. */
			piped_input_finished = TRUE;

		buf[pos - buf] = '\0';
		ret_string = _strdup(buf);


		return ret_string;
    if (count) {
      if ((irBuffer.EventType == KEY_EVENT) && irBuffer.Event.KeyEvent.bKeyDown) {
        the user pressed a key
        ctrl = (irBuffer.Event.KeyEvent.dwControlKeyState
        if (irBuffer.Event.KeyEvent.uChar.UnicodeChar == _T('\n')) {
          if (!ReadConsoleInput(_el_h_in, &irBuffer, 1, &count)) {
            return NULL;
          buf[0] = VK_RETURN;
        if (irBuffer.Event.KeyEvent.uChar.UnicodeChar == _T('\0')) {
          if it is a special key, just remove it from the buffer
          if (!ReadConsoleInput(_el_h_in, &irBuffer, 1, &count)) {
            return NULL;
          special = irBuffer.Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode;
          parse the special key
          switch (special) {
            arrow left, arrow right 
            HOME and END keys
            case VK_LEFT:
            case VK_RIGHT:
            case VK_HOME:
            case VK_END:
            if (_el_move_cursor(special, ctrl)) {
              return NULL;

            arrow up: display previous history element (if any)
            after recording the current command line
            case VK_UP:
            if (_el_display_prev_hist()) {
              return NULL;

            page up: display the first history element (if any)
            after recording the current command line
            case VK_PRIOR:
            if (_el_display_first_hist()) {
              return NULL;

            arrow down: display next history element (if any)
            after recording the current command line
            case VK_DOWN:
            if (_el_display_next_hist()) {
              return NULL;

            case VK_NEXT:
            page down: display last history element (if any)
            after recording the current command line
            if (_el_display_last_hist()) {
              return NULL;

            delete char
            case VK_DELETE:
            if (rl_point != wcslen(_el_line_buffer)) {
              if (_el_delete_char(VK_DELETE, 1)) {
                return NULL;
              _el_compl_index = 0;
              compl_pos = -1;
        else {
          if it is a normal key, remove it from the buffer
          memset(buf, 0, _EL_CONSOLE_BUF_LEN * sizeof(wchar_t));
          if (!ReadConsole(_el_h_in, buf, 1, &count, NULL)) {
            return NULL;
          then parse it
          switch (buf[0]) {
            case VK_BACK:
            if (rl_point) {
              _el_compl_index = 0;
              compl_pos = -1;
              if (_el_delete_char(VK_BACK, 1)) {
                return NULL;

            TAB: do completion
            case VK_TAB:
            if ((!array) || (rl_point != compl_pos)) {
              index = 0;
              if (_el_text) {
                _el_text = NULL;
              if (!(_el_text = _el_get_compl_text(&start, &end))) {
                return NULL;
              if (_el_old_arg) {
                _el_old_arg[0] = _T('\0');
              if (!_el_w2mb(_el_text, &_el_text_mb)) {
                return NULL;
              if (!_el_w2mb(_el_line_buffer, &rl_line_buffer)) {
                return NULL;
              array = (rl_attempted_completion_function
                ? rl_attempted_completion_function(_el_text_mb, start, end)
                : rl_completion_matches(_el_text_mb, (rl_completion_entry_function
                ? rl_completion_entry_function : rl_filename_completion_function)));
              if (!array) {
                return NULL;
            if (!array[index]) {
              index = 0;
            if (array[index]) {
              if (!_el_mb2w(array[index], &_el_next_compl)) {
                return NULL;
              len = 0;
              if (_el_old_arg) {
                len = (int)wcslen(_el_old_arg);
                #if 0
                fwprintf(stderr, _T("VK_TAB) _el_old_arg = '%s', len = %d\n"), _el_old_arg, len);
              if (!len) {
                len = (int)wcslen(_el_text);
              if (len) {
                if (_el_delete_char(VK_BACK, len)) {
                  return NULL;
              len = (int)wcslen(_el_next_compl);
              if (!(_el_old_arg = realloc(_el_old_arg,
                (len + 1) * sizeof(wchar_t)))) {
                return NULL;
              _el_old_arg[len] = _T('\0');
              memcpy(_el_old_arg, _el_next_compl, len * sizeof(wchar_t));
              line_len = (int)wcslen(_el_line_buffer);
              if (_el_insert_char(_el_next_compl, len)) {
                return NULL;
              _el_next_compl = NULL;
              compl_pos = ((rl_point && (!wcschr(_el_completer_word_break_characters
                ? _el_completer_word_break_characters : _el_basic_word_break_characters,
                _el_line_buffer[rl_point - 1]))) ? rl_point : -1);
            ENTER: move the cursor to end of line,
            then return to the caller program
            case VK_RETURN:
            if (_el_set_cursor((int)wcslen(_el_line_buffer) - rl_point)) {
              return NULL;
            delete word
            case 0x17:  /* CTRL + W */
            if (ctrl) {
              if (!rl_point) {
              n = 1;
              while (((rl_point - n) > 0)
                && (iswspace(_el_line_buffer[rl_point - n]))) {
              while ((rl_point - n)
                && (!iswspace(_el_line_buffer[rl_point - n]))) {
              if (rl_point - n) {
              _el_compl_index = 0;
              compl_pos = -1;
              if (_el_delete_char(VK_BACK, n)) {
                return NULL;
            delete until end of line
            case 0x0B:  /* CTRL + K */
            if (ctrl) {
              line_len = (int)wcslen(_el_line_buffer);
              if (rl_point < line_len) {
                _el_compl_index = 0;
                compl_pos = -1;
                if (_el_delete_char(VK_DELETE, line_len - rl_point)) {
                  return NULL;

            case 0x01:  /* CTRL + A */
            if (_el_move_cursor(VK_HOME, 0)) {
              return NULL;

            case 0x05:  /* CTRL + E */
            if (_el_move_cursor(VK_END, 0)) {
              return NULL;

            case 0x06:  /* CTRL + F */
            if (_el_move_cursor(VK_RIGHT, 0)) {
              return NULL;

            case 0x02:  /* CTRL + B */
            if (_el_move_cursor(VK_LEFT, 0)) {
              return NULL;

            case 0x10:  /* CTRL + P */
            if (_el_display_prev_hist()) {
              return NULL;

            case 0x0E:  /* CTRL + N */
            if (_el_display_next_hist()) {
              return NULL;

            delete char
            case 0x04:  /* CTRL + D */
            if (rl_point != wcslen(_el_line_buffer)) {
              if (_el_delete_char(VK_DELETE, 1)) {
                return NULL;
              _el_compl_index = 0;
              compl_pos = -1;
            if it is a printable character, print it
            NOTE: I have later commented out the
            iswprint() check since for instance it
            prevents the euro sign from being printed
            /*if (iswprint(buf[0])) {*/
              _el_compl_index = 0;
              compl_pos = -1;
              if (_el_insert_char(buf, 1)) {
                return NULL;
      if it was not a keyboard event, just remove it from buffer
      else if (!ReadConsoleInput(_el_h_in, &irBuffer, 1, &count)) {
        return NULL;
    else {
      wait for console input
      WaitForSingleObject(_el_h_in, INFINITE);
  if CTRL+C has been pressed, return an empty string
  if (_el_line_buffer) {
    if (_el_ctrl_c_pressed) {
      n = (int)wcslen(_el_line_buffer) - rl_point;
      if (n) {
      _el_line_buffer[0] = _T('\0');
    _el_w2mb(_el_line_buffer, &rl_line_buffer);
    ret_string = _strdup(rl_line_buffer);
  return ret_string;
예제 #4
delete character(s) on the command line
int _el_delete_char(UINT32 vk, int n)
  int c;
  int line_len;
  int eff_n;
  line_len = (int)wcslen(_el_line_buffer);
  eff_n = n;
  switch (vk) {
    case VK_DELETE:
    the character in correspondence
    of the cursor is to be deleted;
    check that we are not going to delete
    more characters than those which exist
    between the logical cursor position
    and the end of line
    if ((line_len - rl_point) < n) {
      eff_n = line_len - rl_point;

    case VK_BACK:
    the character before
    the cursor is to be deleted
    check that we are not going to delete
    more characters than those which exist
    between the logical cursor position
    and the beginning of line
    if ((rl_point - n) >= 0) {
      rl_point -= n;
    else {
      eff_n = rl_point;
      rl_point = 0;
    with backspace we need to reposition
    the cursor as well
    if (_el_set_cursor(-eff_n)) {
      return -1;
    return -1;
  c = (int)wcslen(&_el_line_buffer[rl_point]) + 1;
  cut out deleted characters
    &_el_line_buffer[rl_point + eff_n],
    (c - eff_n) * sizeof(wchar_t));
  copy the characters from the current cursor
  position to end of line in a string
  memcpy(_el_print, &_el_line_buffer[rl_point],
    (c - eff_n) * sizeof(wchar_t));
  _el_print[c - eff_n] = '\0';
  add spaces to the string to be printed
  to clear out "tails" from the command line
  _el_add_char(_el_print, _T(' '), n);
  if (!_el_w2mb(_el_line_buffer, &rl_line_buffer)) {
    return -1;
  print out and goodbye
  return _el_print_string(_el_print);