예제 #1
int main(int argc, char** args){
	int64_t _4;
	int64_t _5;
	int64_t _7;
	int64_t _8;
	//const %4 = 2 : int
	_4 = 2;
	//const %5 = 2 : int
	_5 = 2;
	//arraygen %6 = [4; 5] : int[]
	_NEW1DARRAY_DEALLOC(_6, _4, _5, int64_t);
	//assign %1 = %6  : int[]
	// isCopyEliminated = true
	//const %7 = 2 : int
	_7 = 2;
	//const %8 = 2 : int
	_8 = 2;
	//arraygen %9 = [7; 8] : int[]
	_NEW1DARRAY_DEALLOC(_9, _7, _8, int64_t);
	//assign %2 = %9  : int[]
	// isCopyEliminated = true
	//invoke (%10) = (%1, %2) 2parameter_test79:func : function(int[],int[])->(int[])
		_FUNCTIONCALL_NO_COPY_PRE(_10, b, "true-NEVER_RETURN-false" , "func");
		_FUNCTIONCALL_NO_COPY_PRE(_10, a, "false-ALWAYS_RETURN-false" , "func");
		// isCopyEliminated of '_1' = true
		// isCopyEliminated of '_2' = true
		_10 = _func_(a, a_size, b, b_size, _1DARRAYSIZE_PARAM_CALLBYREFERENCE(_10));
		_10_dealloc = a_dealloc;
		a_dealloc = false;
	//assign %3 = %10  : int[]
	// isCopyEliminated = true
예제 #2
int main(int argc, char** args){
	int64_t _5;
	int64_t _6;
	int64_t _8;
	int64_t _9;
	int64_t _11;
	int64_t _12;
	void* _15;
	int64_t _17;
	int64_t _18;
	void* _19;
	int64_t _21;
	int64_t _22;
	//const %5 = 2 : int
	_5 = 2;
	//const %6 = 2 : int
	_6 = 2;
	//arraygen %7 = [5; 6] : int[]
	_NEW1DARRAY_DEALLOC(_7, _5, _6, int64_t);
	//assign %1 = %7  : int[]
	// isCopyEliminated = true
	//const %8 = 2 : int
	_8 = 2;
	//const %9 = 2 : int
	_9 = 2;
	//arraygen %10 = [8; 9] : int[]
	_NEW1DARRAY_DEALLOC(_10, _8, _9, int64_t);
	//assign %2 = %10  : int[]
	// isCopyEliminated = true
	//const %11 = 2 : int
	_11 = 2;
	//const %12 = 2 : int
	_12 = 2;
	//arraygen %13 = [11; 12] : int[]
	_NEW1DARRAY_DEALLOC(_13, _11, _12, int64_t);
	//assign %3 = %13  : int[]
	// isCopyEliminated = true
	//invoke (%14) = (%1, %2, %3) 3parameter_test397:func : function(int[],int[],int[])->(int[])
		_FUNCTIONCALL_NO_COPY_PRE(_14, c, "false-NEVER_RETURN-true" , "func");
		_FUNCTIONCALL_NO_COPY_PRE(_14, b, "false-NEVER_RETURN-true" , "func");
		_FUNCTIONCALL_NO_COPY_PRE(_14, a, "true-ALWAYS_RETURN-false" , "func");
		// isCopyEliminated of '_1' = true
		// isCopyEliminated of '_2' = true
		// isCopyEliminated of '_3' = true
		_14 = _func_(a, a_size, b, b_size, c, c_size, _1DARRAYSIZE_PARAM_CALLBYREFERENCE(_14));
		_14_dealloc = a_dealloc;
		a_dealloc = false;
	//assign %4 = %14  : int[]
	// isCopyEliminated = true
	//fieldload %15 = %0 out : {int[][] args,{method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s} out}
	//fieldload %16 = %15 println : {method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s}
	//const %17 = 0 : int
	_17 = 0;
	//indexof %18 = %2, %17 : int[]
	//indirectinvoke () = %16 (%18) : method(any)->()
		printf("%"PRId64"\n", _18);
	//fieldload %19 = %0 out : {int[][] args,{method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s} out}
	//fieldload %20 = %19 println : {method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s}
	//const %21 = 0 : int
	_21 = 0;
	//indexof %22 = %3, %21 : int[]
	//indirectinvoke () = %20 (%22) : method(any)->()
		printf("%"PRId64"\n", _22);
예제 #3
int main(int argc, char** args){
	int64_t _5;
	int64_t _6;
	int64_t _8;
	int64_t _9;
	int64_t _11;
	int64_t _12;
	//const %5 = 2 : int
	_5 = 2;
	//const %6 = 2 : int
	_6 = 2;
	//arraygen %7 = [5; 6] : int[]
	_NEW1DARRAY_DEALLOC(_7, _5, _6, int64_t);
	//assign %1 = %7  : int[]
	// isCopyEliminated = true
	//const %8 = 2 : int
	_8 = 2;
	//const %9 = 2 : int
	_9 = 2;
	//arraygen %10 = [8; 9] : int[]
	_NEW1DARRAY_DEALLOC(_10, _8, _9, int64_t);
	//assign %2 = %10  : int[]
	// isCopyEliminated = true
	//const %11 = 2 : int
	_11 = 2;
	//const %12 = 2 : int
	_12 = 2;
	//arraygen %13 = [11; 12] : int[]
	_NEW1DARRAY_DEALLOC(_13, _11, _12, int64_t);
	//assign %3 = %13  : int[]
	// isCopyEliminated = true
	//invoke (%14) = (%1, %2, %3) 3parameter_test637:func : function(int[],int[],int[])->(int[])
		_FUNCTIONCALL_NO_COPY_PRE(_14, c, "true-NEVER_RETURN-false" , "func");
		_FUNCTIONCALL_NO_COPY_PRE(_14, b, "false-NEVER_RETURN-false" , "func");
		_FUNCTIONCALL_NO_COPY_PRE(_14, a, "false-NEVER_RETURN-false" , "func");
		// isCopyEliminated of '_1' = true
		// isCopyEliminated of '_2' = true
		// isCopyEliminated of '_3' = true
		_14 = _func_(a, a_size, b, b_size, c, c_size, _1DARRAYSIZE_PARAM_CALLBYREFERENCE(_14));
		_14_dealloc = true;
	//assign %4 = %14  : int[]
	// isCopyEliminated = true
예제 #4
int main(int argc, char** args){
	int64_t _4;
	int64_t _5;
	int64_t _7;
	int64_t _8;
	void* _11;
	int64_t _13;
	int64_t _14;
	void* _15;
	int64_t _17;
	int64_t _18;
	//const %4 = 2 : int
	_4 = 2;
	//const %5 = 2 : int
	_5 = 2;
	//arraygen %6 = [4; 5] : int[]
	_NEW1DARRAY_DEALLOC(_6, _4, _5, int64_t);
	//assign %1 = %6  : int[]
	// isCopyEliminated = true
	//const %7 = 2 : int
	_7 = 2;
	//const %8 = 2 : int
	_8 = 2;
	//arraygen %9 = [7; 8] : int[]
	_NEW1DARRAY_DEALLOC(_9, _7, _8, int64_t);
	//assign %2 = %9  : int[]
	// isCopyEliminated = true
	//invoke (%10) = (%1, %2) 2parameter_test4:func : function(int[],int[])->(int[])
		_FUNCTIONCALL_NO_COPY_PRE(_10, b, "false-NEVER_RETURN-true" , "func");
		_FUNCTIONCALL_COPY_PRE(_10, a, "false-MAYBE_RETURN-true" , "func");
		void* tmp_a;
		_COPY_1DARRAY_PARAM(a, tmp_a, int64_t);
		// isCopyEliminated of '_1' = false
		// isCopyEliminated of '_2' = true
		_10 = _func_(tmp_a, a_size, b, b_size, _1DARRAYSIZE_PARAM_CALLBYREFERENCE(_10));
		if( _10 == tmp_a ){
			_10_dealloc = true;
		} else {
			_10_dealloc = true;
	//assign %3 = %10  : int[]
	// isCopyEliminated = true
	//fieldload %11 = %0 out : {int[][] args,{method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s} out}
	//fieldload %12 = %11 println : {method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s}
	//const %13 = 0 : int
	_13 = 0;
	//indexof %14 = %1, %13 : int[]
	//indirectinvoke () = %12 (%14) : method(any)->()
		printf("%"PRId64"\n", _14);
	//fieldload %15 = %0 out : {int[][] args,{method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s} out}
	//fieldload %16 = %15 println : {method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s}
	//const %17 = 0 : int
	_17 = 0;
	//indexof %18 = %2, %17 : int[]
	//indirectinvoke () = %16 (%18) : method(any)->()
		printf("%"PRId64"\n", _18);
예제 #5
int main(int argc, char** args){
	int64_t _4;
	int64_t _5;
	int64_t _6;
	int64_t _7;
	int64_t _8;
	int64_t _11;
	int64_t _12;
	int64_t _13;
	int64_t _14;
	void* _15;
	void* _18;
	int64_t _20;
	int64_t _21;
	int64_t _22;
	int64_t _23;
	int64_t _24;
	int64_t _25;
	int64_t _26;
	int64_t _29;
	int64_t _30;
	int64_t _31;
	int64_t _32;
	int64_t _33;
	int64_t _34;
	int64_t _35;
	void* _36;
	void* _39;
	int64_t _41;
	int64_t _42;
	void* _43;
	void* _46;
	int64_t _48;
	int64_t _49;
	//const %4 = 0 : int
	_4 = 0;
	//const %5 = 0 : int
	_5 = 0;
	//const %6 = 0 : int
	_6 = 0;
	//const %7 = 0 : int
	_7 = 0;
	//const %8 = 0 : int
	_8 = 0;
	//newlist %9 = (%4, %5, %6, %7, %8) : int[]
	_NEW_1DARRAY_int64_t(_9, 5, 0);
	_9[0] = _4; _9[1] = _5; _9[2] = _6; _9[3] = _7; _9[4] = _8; 
	//assign %1 = %9  : int[]
	_COPY_1DARRAY_int64_t(a, _9);
	//const %11 = 6 : int
	_11 = 6;
	//invoke (%10) = (%1, %11) FunctionCall2:func : function(int[],int)->(int[])
		void* tmp_s;
		_COPY_1DARRAY_PARAM(a, tmp_s, int64_t);
		_10 = _func_(tmp_s, a_size, _11, _1DARRAYSIZE_PARAM_CALLBYREFERENCE(_10));
	//assign %1 = %10  : int[]
	_COPY_1DARRAY_int64_t(a, _10);
		//const %12 = 2 : int
		_12 = 2;
		//indexof %13 = %1, %12 : int[]
		//const %14 = 3 : int
		_14 = 3;
		//ifeq %13, %14 goto blklab2 : int
		if(_13==_14){goto blklab2;}
	//fieldload %15 = %0 out : {int[][] args,{method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s} out}
	//fieldload %16 = %15 print_s : {method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s}
	//const %17 = [97,91,50,93,61] : int[]
	_NEW_1DARRAY_int64_t(_17, 5, 0);
	_17[0] = 97; _17[1] = 91; _17[2] = 50; _17[3] = 93; _17[4] = 61; 
	//indirectinvoke () = %16 (%17) : method(int[])->()
		printf_s(_17, _17_size);
	//fieldload %18 = %0 out : {int[][] args,{method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s} out}
	//fieldload %19 = %18 println : {method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s}
	//const %20 = 2 : int
	_20 = 2;
	//indexof %21 = %1, %20 : int[]
	//indirectinvoke () = %19 (%21) : method(any)->()
		printf("%"PRId64"\n", _21);
	//const %22 = 0 : int
	_22 = 0;
	//const %23 = 0 : int
	_23 = 0;
	//const %24 = 0 : int
	_24 = 0;
	//const %25 = 0 : int
	_25 = 0;
	//const %26 = 0 : int
	_26 = 0;
	//newlist %27 = (%22, %23, %24, %25, %26) : int[]
	_NEW_1DARRAY_int64_t(_27, 5, 0);
	_27[0] = _22; _27[1] = _23; _27[2] = _24; _27[3] = _25; _27[4] = _26; 
	//assign %2 = %27  : int[]
	_COPY_1DARRAY_int64_t(b, _27);
	//const %29 = 1 : int
	_29 = 1;
	//invoke (%28) = (%2, %29) FunctionCall2:func : function(int[],int)->(int[])
		void* tmp_s;
		_COPY_1DARRAY_PARAM(b, tmp_s, int64_t);
		_28 = _func_(tmp_s, b_size, _29, _1DARRAYSIZE_PARAM_CALLBYREFERENCE(_28));
	//assign %3 = %28  : int[]
	_COPY_1DARRAY_int64_t(c, _28);
		//const %30 = 2 : int
		_30 = 2;
		//indexof %31 = %2, %30 : int[]
		//const %32 = 0 : int
		_32 = 0;
		//ifeq %31, %32 goto blklab3 : int
		if(_31==_32){goto blklab3;}
		//const %33 = 2 : int
		_33 = 2;
		//indexof %34 = %3, %33 : int[]
		//const %35 = 0 : int
		_35 = 0;
		//ifeq %34, %35 goto blklab4 : int
		if(_34==_35){goto blklab4;}
	//fieldload %36 = %0 out : {int[][] args,{method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s} out}
	//fieldload %37 = %36 print_s : {method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s}
	//const %38 = [98,91,50,93,61] : int[]
	_NEW_1DARRAY_int64_t(_38, 5, 0);
	_38[0] = 98; _38[1] = 91; _38[2] = 50; _38[3] = 93; _38[4] = 61; 
	//indirectinvoke () = %37 (%38) : method(int[])->()
		printf_s(_38, _38_size);
	//fieldload %39 = %0 out : {int[][] args,{method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s} out}
	//fieldload %40 = %39 println : {method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s}
	//const %41 = 2 : int
	_41 = 2;
	//indexof %42 = %2, %41 : int[]
	//indirectinvoke () = %40 (%42) : method(any)->()
		printf("%"PRId64"\n", _42);
	//fieldload %43 = %0 out : {int[][] args,{method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s} out}
	//fieldload %44 = %43 print_s : {method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s}
	//const %45 = [99,91,50,93,61] : int[]
	_NEW_1DARRAY_int64_t(_45, 5, 0);
	_45[0] = 99; _45[1] = 91; _45[2] = 50; _45[3] = 93; _45[4] = 61; 
	//indirectinvoke () = %44 (%45) : method(int[])->()
		printf_s(_45, _45_size);
	//fieldload %46 = %0 out : {int[][] args,{method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s} out}
	//fieldload %47 = %46 println : {method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s}
	//const %48 = 2 : int
	_48 = 2;
	//indexof %49 = %3, %48 : int[]
	//indirectinvoke () = %47 (%49) : method(any)->()
		printf("%"PRId64"\n", _49);
예제 #6
int main(int argc, char** args){
	int64_t _5;
	int64_t _6;
	int64_t _8;
	int64_t _9;
	int64_t _11;
	int64_t _12;
	int64_t _15;
	int64_t _16;
	int64_t _17;
	int64_t _18;
	int64_t _19;
	int64_t _20;
	int64_t _21;
	int64_t _22;
	int64_t _23;
	int64_t _24;
	int64_t _25;
	int64_t _26;
	//const %5 = 1 : int
	_5 = 1;
	//const %6 = 2 : int
	_6 = 2;
	//arraygen %7 = [5; 6] : int[]
	_NEW1DARRAY_DEALLOC(_7, _5, _6, int64_t);
	//assign %1 = %7  : int[]
	// isCopyEliminated = true
	//const %8 = 2 : int
	_8 = 2;
	//const %9 = 2 : int
	_9 = 2;
	//arraygen %10 = [8; 9] : int[]
	_NEW1DARRAY_DEALLOC(_10, _8, _9, int64_t);
	//assign %2 = %10  : int[]
	// isCopyEliminated = true
	//const %11 = 3 : int
	_11 = 3;
	//const %12 = 2 : int
	_12 = 2;
	//arraygen %13 = [11; 12] : int[]
	_NEW1DARRAY_DEALLOC(_13, _11, _12, int64_t);
	//assign %3 = %13  : int[]
	// isCopyEliminated = true
	//invoke (%14) = (%1, %2, %3) specialcase1:func : function(int[],int[],int[])->(int[])
		_FUNCTIONCALL_COPY_PRE(_14, c, 2, "liveness: c = true, readonly: c = false, return:c = MAYBE_RETURN" , "func");
		_FUNCTIONCALL_COPY_PRE(_14, b, 1, "liveness: b = true, readonly: b = false, return:b = MAYBE_RETURN" , "func");
		_FUNCTIONCALL_COPY_PRE(_14, a, 0, "liveness: a = true, readonly: a = false, return:a = MAYBE_RETURN" , "func");
		void* tmp_a;
		_COPY_1DARRAY_PARAM(a, tmp_a, int64_t);
		void* tmp_b;
		_COPY_1DARRAY_PARAM(b, tmp_b, int64_t);
		void* tmp_c;
		_COPY_1DARRAY_PARAM(c, tmp_c, int64_t);
		// isCopyEliminated of 'a at 0' = false
		// isCopyEliminated of 'b at 1' = false
		// isCopyEliminated of 'c at 2' = false
		_14 = _func_(tmp_a, a_size, tmp_b, b_size, tmp_c, c_size, _1DARRAYSIZE_PARAM_CALLBYREFERENCE(_14));
		if( _14 == tmp_a ){
			_14_dealloc = true;
		} else if( _14 == tmp_b ){
			_14_dealloc = true;
		} else if( _14 == tmp_c ){
			_14_dealloc = true;
		} else {
			_14_dealloc = true;
	//assign %4 = %14  : int[]
	// isCopyEliminated = true
		//const %15 = 0 : int
		_15 = 0;
		//indexof %16 = %1, %15 : int[]
		//const %17 = 1 : int
		_17 = 1;
		//ifeq %16, %17 goto blklab2 : int
		if(_16==_17){goto blklab2;}
		//const %18 = 0 : int
		_18 = 0;
		//indexof %19 = %2, %18 : int[]
		//const %20 = 2 : int
		_20 = 2;
		//ifeq %19, %20 goto blklab3 : int
		if(_19==_20){goto blklab3;}
		//const %21 = 0 : int
		_21 = 0;
		//indexof %22 = %3, %21 : int[]
		//const %23 = 3 : int
		_23 = 3;
		//ifeq %22, %23 goto blklab4 : int
		if(_22==_23){goto blklab4;}
		//const %24 = 0 : int
		_24 = 0;
		//indexof %25 = %4, %24 : int[]
		//const %26 = 3 : int
		_26 = 3;
		//ifeq %25, %26 goto blklab5 : int
		if(_25==_26){goto blklab5;}
예제 #7
int main(int argc, char** args){
	int64_t _4;
	int64_t _5;
	int64_t _6;
	int64_t _7;
	int64_t _8;
	int64_t _11;
	int64_t _12;
	int64_t _13;
	void* _14;
	void* _17;
	int64_t _19;
	int64_t _20;
	int64_t _21;
	int64_t _22;
	int64_t _23;
	int64_t _24;
	int64_t _25;
	int64_t _28;
	int64_t _29;
	int64_t _30;
	int64_t _31;
	int64_t _32;
	int64_t _33;
	void* _34;
	void* _37;
	int64_t _39;
	int64_t _40;
	void* _41;
	void* _44;
	int64_t _46;
	int64_t _47;
	//const %4 = 0 : int
	_4 = 0;
	//const %5 = 0 : int
	_5 = 0;
	//const %6 = 0 : int
	_6 = 0;
	//const %7 = 0 : int
	_7 = 0;
	//const %8 = 0 : int
	_8 = 0;
	//newlist %9 = (%4, %5, %6, %7, %8) : int[]
	_NEW_1DARRAY_int64_t(_9, 5, 0);
	_9[0] = _4; _9[1] = _5; _9[2] = _6; _9[3] = _7; _9[4] = _8; 
	//assign %1 = %9  : int[]
	// isCopyEliminated = true
	_UPDATE_1DARRAY(a, _9);
	//invoke (%10) = (%1) FunctionCall3:func : function(int[])->(int[])
		// isCopyEliminated of 'a at 0' = true
		_10 = _func_(a, a_size, _1DARRAYSIZE_PARAM_CALLBYREFERENCE(_10));
	//assign %1 = %10  : int[]
	// isCopyEliminated = true
	_UPDATE_1DARRAY(a, _10);
		//const %11 = 2 : int
		_11 = 2;
		//indexof %12 = %1, %11 : int[]
		//const %13 = 0 : int
		_13 = 0;
		//ifeq %12, %13 goto blklab0 : int
		if(_12==_13){goto blklab0;}
	//fieldload %14 = %0 out : {int[][] args,{method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s} out}
	//fieldload %15 = %14 print_s : {method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s}
	//const %16 = [97,91,50,93,61] : int[]
	_NEW_1DARRAY_int64_t(_16, 5, 0);
	_16[0] = 97; _16[1] = 91; _16[2] = 50; _16[3] = 93; _16[4] = 61; 
	//indirectinvoke () = %15 (%16) : method(int[])->()
		printf_s(_16, _16_size);
	//fieldload %17 = %0 out : {int[][] args,{method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s} out}
	//fieldload %18 = %17 println : {method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s}
	//const %19 = 2 : int
	_19 = 2;
	//indexof %20 = %1, %19 : int[]
	//indirectinvoke () = %18 (%20) : method(any)->()
		printf("%"PRId64"\n", _20);
	//const %21 = 0 : int
	_21 = 0;
	//const %22 = 0 : int
	_22 = 0;
	//const %23 = 0 : int
	_23 = 0;
	//const %24 = 0 : int
	_24 = 0;
	//const %25 = 0 : int
	_25 = 0;
	//newlist %26 = (%21, %22, %23, %24, %25) : int[]
	_NEW_1DARRAY_int64_t(_26, 5, 0);
	_26[0] = _21; _26[1] = _22; _26[2] = _23; _26[3] = _24; _26[4] = _25; 
	//assign %2 = %26  : int[]
	// isCopyEliminated = true
	_UPDATE_1DARRAY(b, _26);
	//invoke (%27) = (%2) FunctionCall3:func : function(int[])->(int[])
		void* tmp_s;
		_COPY_1DARRAY_PARAM(b, tmp_s, int64_t);
		// isCopyEliminated of 'b at 0' = false
		_27 = _func_(tmp_s, b_size, _1DARRAYSIZE_PARAM_CALLBYREFERENCE(_27));
	//assign %3 = %27  : int[]
	// isCopyEliminated = true
	_UPDATE_1DARRAY(c, _27);
		//const %28 = 2 : int
		_28 = 2;
		//indexof %29 = %2, %28 : int[]
		//const %30 = 0 : int
		_30 = 0;
		//ifeq %29, %30 goto blklab1 : int
		if(_29==_30){goto blklab1;}
		//const %31 = 2 : int
		_31 = 2;
		//indexof %32 = %3, %31 : int[]
		//const %33 = 0 : int
		_33 = 0;
		//ifeq %32, %33 goto blklab2 : int
		if(_32==_33){goto blklab2;}
	//fieldload %34 = %0 out : {int[][] args,{method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s} out}
	//fieldload %35 = %34 print_s : {method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s}
	//const %36 = [98,91,50,93,61] : int[]
	_NEW_1DARRAY_int64_t(_36, 5, 0);
	_36[0] = 98; _36[1] = 91; _36[2] = 50; _36[3] = 93; _36[4] = 61; 
	//indirectinvoke () = %35 (%36) : method(int[])->()
		printf_s(_36, _36_size);
	//fieldload %37 = %0 out : {int[][] args,{method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s} out}
	//fieldload %38 = %37 println : {method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s}
	//const %39 = 2 : int
	_39 = 2;
	//indexof %40 = %2, %39 : int[]
	//indirectinvoke () = %38 (%40) : method(any)->()
		printf("%"PRId64"\n", _40);
	//fieldload %41 = %0 out : {int[][] args,{method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s} out}
	//fieldload %42 = %41 print_s : {method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s}
	//const %43 = [99,91,50,93,61] : int[]
	_NEW_1DARRAY_int64_t(_43, 5, 0);
	_43[0] = 99; _43[1] = 91; _43[2] = 50; _43[3] = 93; _43[4] = 61; 
	//indirectinvoke () = %42 (%43) : method(int[])->()
		printf_s(_43, _43_size);
	//fieldload %44 = %0 out : {int[][] args,{method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s} out}
	//fieldload %45 = %44 println : {method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s}
	//const %46 = 2 : int
	_46 = 2;
	//indexof %47 = %3, %46 : int[]
	//indirectinvoke () = %45 (%47) : method(any)->()
		printf("%"PRId64"\n", _47);
예제 #8
int main(int argc, char** args){
	int64_t _3;
	int64_t _4;
	int64_t _7;
	int64_t _8;
	int64_t _9;
	int64_t _10;
	void* _11;
	void* _14;
	int64_t _16;
	int64_t _17;
	//const %3 = 2 : int
	_3 = 2;
	//const %4 = 3 : int
	_4 = 3;
	//arraygen %5 = [3; 4] : int[]
	_NEW_1DARRAY_int64_t(_5, _4, _3);
	//assign %1 = %5  : int[]
	// isCopyEliminated = true
	_UPDATE_1DARRAY(x, _5);
	//const %7 = 11 : int
	_7 = 11;
	//invoke (%6) = (%1, %7) ResetMacro1:func : function(int[],int)->(int[])
		// isCopyEliminated of 'x at 0' = true
		_6 = _func_(x, x_size, _7, _1DARRAYSIZE_PARAM_CALLBYREFERENCE(_6));
	//assign %2 = %6  : int[]
	// isCopyEliminated = true
	_UPDATE_1DARRAY(tmp, _6);
	//assign %1 = %2  : int[]
	// isCopyEliminated = true
	_UPDATE_1DARRAY(x, tmp);
		//const %8 = 0 : int
		_8 = 0;
		//indexof %9 = %1, %8 : int[]
		//const %10 = 11 : int
		_10 = 11;
		//ifeq %9, %10 goto blklab0 : int
		if(_9==_10){goto blklab0;}
	//fieldload %11 = %0 out : {int[][] args,{method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s} out}
	//fieldload %12 = %11 print_s : {method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s}
	//const %13 = [120,91,48,93,32,61,32] : int[]
	_NEW_1DARRAY_int64_t(_13, 7, 0);
	_13[0] = 120; _13[1] = 91; _13[2] = 48; _13[3] = 93; _13[4] = 32; _13[5] = 61; _13[6] = 32; 
	//indirectinvoke () = %12 (%13) : method(int[])->()
		printf_s(_13, _13_size);
	//fieldload %14 = %0 out : {int[][] args,{method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s} out}
	//fieldload %15 = %14 println : {method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s}
	//const %16 = 0 : int
	_16 = 0;
	//indexof %17 = %1, %16 : int[]
	//indirectinvoke () = %15 (%17) : method(any)->()
		printf("%"PRId64"\n", _17);