MarbleQuarry::MarbleQuarry() : Factory(Good::none, Good::marble, B_MARBLE_QUARRY, Size(2) ) { _setProductRate( 9.6f ); setPicture( Picture::load( ResourceGroup::commerce, 43 ) ); _getAnimation().load( ResourceGroup::commerce, 44, 10); _getAnimation().setFrameDelay( 4 ); _fgPictures.resize(2); }
BuildingEngineer::BuildingEngineer() : ServiceBuilding( Service::S_ENGINEER, B_ENGINEER_POST, Size(1) ) { setWorkers( 0 ); setPicture( Picture::load( ResourceGroup::buildingEngineer, 56 ) ); _getAnimation().load( ResourceGroup::buildingEngineer, 57, 10 ); _getAnimation().setFrameDelay( 4 ); _getAnimation().setOffset( Point( 10, 42 ) ); _fgPictures.resize(1); }
Prefecture::Prefecture() : ServiceBuilding(Service::prefect, constants::building::prefecture, Size(1)) { _fireDetect = TilePos( -1, -1 ); setPicture( ResourceGroup::security, 1 ); _getAnimation().load( ResourceGroup::security, 2, 10); _getAnimation().setDelay( 4 ); _getAnimation().setOffset( Point( 20, 36 ) ); _getFgPictures().resize(1); }
Prefecture::Prefecture() : ServiceBuilding(Service::S_PREFECT, B_PREFECTURE, Size(1)) { _fireDetect = TilePos( -1, -1 ); setPicture( Picture::load( ResourceGroup::security, 1 ) ); _getAnimation().load( ResourceGroup::security, 2, 10); _getAnimation().setFrameDelay( 4 ); _getAnimation().setOffset( Point( 20, 36 ) ); _fgPictures.resize(1); }
IronMine::IronMine() : Factory(G_NONE, G_IRON, B_IRON_MINE, Size(2) ) { _setProductRate( 9.6f ); setWorkers( 0 ); setPicture( Picture::load(ResourceGroup::commerce, 54) ); _getAnimation().load( ResourceGroup::commerce, 55, 6 ); _getAnimation().setFrameDelay( 5 ); _fgPictures.resize(2); }
void FishPlace::timeStep(const unsigned long time) { _getAnimation().update( time ); _d->animations[ 0 ] = _getAnimation().getFrame(); if( _d->walker != 0 ) { TilePos lastPos = _d->walker->getIJ(); _d->walker->timeStep( time ); if( lastPos != _d->walker->getIJ() ) { getTile().setOverlay( 0 ); getTile().setPicture( _d->savePicture ); TilePos pos = _d->walker->getIJ(); _d->savePicture = &_getCity()->getTilemap().at( pos ).getPicture(); setPicture( *_d->savePicture ); TileOverlay::build( _getCity(), pos ); } else if( lastPos == _d->walker->getPathway().getDestination().getIJ() ) { deleteLater(); } } else { Pathway pathway; bool pathFound = Pathfinder::getInstance().getPath( getTilePos(), _getCity()->getBorderInfo().boatExit, pathway, Pathfinder::waterOnly, Size( 1 ) ); if( !pathFound ) { deleteLater(); } else { _d->walker = WalkerPtr( new Walker( _getCity() ) ); _d->walker->drop(); _d->walker->setSpeed( 0.1f ); _d->walker->setPathway( pathway ); _d->walker->setIJ( getTilePos() ); _d->walker->go(); } } }
void MarbleQuarry::timeStep( const unsigned long time ) { bool mayAnimate = getWorkers() > 0; if( mayAnimate && _getAnimation().isStopped() ) { _getAnimation().start(); } if( !mayAnimate && _getAnimation().isRunning() ) { _getAnimation().stop(); } Factory::timeStep( time ); }
void BuildingEngineer::timeStep(const unsigned long time) { bool mayAnimate = getWorkers() > 0; if( mayAnimate && _getAnimation().isStopped() ) { _getAnimation().start(); } if( !mayAnimate && _getAnimation().isRunning() ) { _getAnimation().stop(); } ServiceBuilding::timeStep( time ); }
void MeshExporter::_dumpAnimation(IGameControl * pGameControl, int boneId) { int start = ExportConfig::Instance()->GetFrameRange().x; int end = ExportConfig::Instance()->GetFrameRange().y; start *= GetTicksPerFrame(); end *= GetTicksPerFrame(); if ((pGameControl->IsAnimated(IGAME_POS)) || pGameControl->IsAnimated(IGAME_ROT) || pGameControl->IsAnimated(IGAME_SCALE)) { IGameKeyTab Key; if(pGameControl->GetFullSampledKeys(Key, 1, IGAME_TM, true) ) { SkeletonAnimation * skelAnim = new SkeletonAnimation(boneId); int count = Key.Count(); for(int i=0;i<count;i++) { if (Key[i].t >= start && Key[i].t <= end) { float time = (float)Key[i].t / (float)GetTicksPerFrame() / (float)GetFrameRate(); SkeletonAnimation::KeyFrame * kf = skelAnim->CreateKeyFrame(time); kf->position = Utility::ToFloat3(Key[i].sampleKey.gval.Translation()); kf->rotation = Utility::ToQuat(Key[i].sampleKey.gval.Rotation()); kf->scale = Utility::ToFloat3(Key[i].sampleKey.gval.Scaling()); } } skelAnim->Optimize(); _getAnimation()->AddSkeletonAnimation(skelAnim); } } }
FactoryOil::FactoryOil() : Factory(G_OLIVE, G_OIL, B_OIL_WORKSHOP, Size(2) ) { setPicture( Picture::load(ResourceGroup::commerce, 99) ); _getAnimation().load(ResourceGroup::commerce, 100, 8); _fgPictures.resize(2); }
Winery::Winery() : Factory(G_GRAPE, G_WINE, B_WINE_WORKSHOP, Size(2) ) { setPicture( Picture::load(ResourceGroup::commerce, 86) ); _getAnimation().load(ResourceGroup::commerce, 87, 12); _fgPictures.resize(2); }
FactoryFurniture::FactoryFurniture() : Factory(G_TIMBER, G_FURNITURE, B_FURNITURE, Size(2) ) { setPicture( Picture::load(ResourceGroup::commerce, 117) ); _getAnimation().load(ResourceGroup::commerce, 118, 14); _fgPictures.resize(2); }
WeaponsWorkshop::WeaponsWorkshop() : Factory(G_IRON, G_WEAPON, B_WEAPONS_WORKSHOP, Size(2) ) { setPicture( Picture::load(ResourceGroup::commerce, 108) ); _getAnimation().load( ResourceGroup::commerce, 109, 6); _fgPictures.resize(2); }
TimberLogger::TimberLogger() : Factory(G_NONE, G_TIMBER, B_TIMBER_YARD, Size(2) ) { _setProductRate( 9.6f ); setPicture( Picture::load(ResourceGroup::commerce, 72) ); _getAnimation().load( ResourceGroup::commerce, 73, 10); _fgPictures.resize(2); setWorkers( 0 ); }
void ServiceBuilding::timeStep(const unsigned long time) { WorkingBuilding::timeStep(time); if (_d->serviceTimer == 0) { deliverService(); _d->serviceTimer = getServiceDelay(); } else if (_d->serviceTimer > 0) { _d->serviceTimer -= 1; } _getAnimation().update( time ); const Picture& pic = _getAnimation().getCurrentPicture(); if( pic.isValid() ) { int level = _fgPictures.size()-1; _fgPictures[level] = _getAnimation().getCurrentPicture(); } }
FishPlace::FishPlace() : TileOverlay( constants::place::fishPlace ), _d( new Impl ) { _getAnimation().setDelay( 3 ); _d->animations.resize( 1 ); _d->passQueue.push_back( Renderer::foreground ); _d->passQueue.push_back( Renderer::animations ); _d->fishCount = rand() % 100; if( _d->fishCount > 1 ) { _getAnimation().load( ResourceGroup::land3a, 19, 24); //big fish place _d->basicOffset = Point( -41, 122 ); _getAnimation().setOffset( _d->basicOffset ); } else { _getAnimation().load( ResourceGroup::land3a, 1, 18); _d->basicOffset = Point( 0, 55 ); _getAnimation().setOffset( _d->basicOffset ); } //small fish place }
void Factory::timeStep(const unsigned long time) { WorkingBuilding::timeStep(time); //try get good from storage building for us if( time % 22 == 1 && getWorkers() > 0 && getWalkerList().size() == 0 ) { receiveGood(); deliverGood(); } //start/stop animation when workers found bool mayAnimate = mayWork(); if( mayAnimate && _getAnimation().isStopped() ) { _getAnimation().start(); } if( !mayAnimate && _getAnimation().isRunning() ) { _getAnimation().stop(); } //no workers or no good in stock... stop animate if( !mayAnimate ) { return; } if( _d->progress >= 100.0 ) { _d->produceGood = false; if( _d->goodStore.getCurrentQty( _d->outGoodType ) < _d->goodStore.getMaxQty( _d->outGoodType ) ) { _d->progress -= 100.f; //gcc fix for temporaly ref object GoodStock tmpStock( _d->outGoodType, 100, 100 ); _d-> tmpStock, 100 ); } } else { //ok... factory is work, produce goods float workersRatio = float(getWorkers()) / float(getMaxWorkers()); // work drops if not enough workers // 1080: number of seconds in a year, 0.67: number of timeSteps per second float work = 100.f / 1080.f / 0.67f * _d->productionRate * workersRatio * workersRatio; // work is proportional to time and factory speed if( _d->produceGood ) { _d->progress += work; _getAnimation().update( time ); const Picture& pic = _getAnimation().getCurrentPicture(); if( pic.isValid() ) { // animation of the working factory int level = _fgPictures.size()-1; _fgPictures[level] = _getAnimation().getCurrentPicture(); } } } if( !_d->produceGood ) { if( _d->inGoodType == G_NONE ) //raw material { _d->produceGood = true; } else if( _d->goodStore.getCurrentQty( _d->inGoodType ) >= 100 && _d->goodStore.getCurrentQty( _d->outGoodType ) < 100 ) { _d->produceGood = true; //gcc fix temporaly ref object error GoodStock tmpStock( _d->inGoodType, 100, 0 ); _d->goodStore.retrieve( tmpStock, 100 ); } } }