PyLiteStrObject* pylt_obj_str_new(PyLiteInterpreter *I, uint32_t *str, int size, bool is_raw) { PyLiteStrObject *obj = pylt_malloc(I, sizeof(PyLiteStrObject)); obj->ob_type = PYLT_OBJ_TYPE_STR; obj->ob_flags = 0; obj->ob_val = pylt_malloc(I, sizeof(uint32_t) * (size + 1)); if (is_raw) { obj->ob_size = size; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { obj->ob_val[i] = str[i]; } obj->ob_val[size] = '\0'; } else { int pos = 0, num; for (int i = 0; i < size;) { switch (str[i]) { case '\\': if (++i >= size) goto _def; switch (str[i]) { case 'a': obj->ob_val[pos++] = 7; i++; break; case 'b': obj->ob_val[pos++] = 8; i++; break; case 'f': obj->ob_val[pos++] = 12; i++; break; case 'n': obj->ob_val[pos++] = 10; i++; break; case 'r': obj->ob_val[pos++] = 13; i++; break; case 't': obj->ob_val[pos++] = 9; i++; break; case 'v': obj->ob_val[pos++] = 11; break; case '\\': obj->ob_val[pos++] = '\\'; break; case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': obj->ob_val[pos++] = _read_x_int(str + i, 8, _oct, &num, min(size - i, 3)); i += num; break; case 'x': i++; if ((size - i >= 2) && (_ishex(str[i]) && _ishex(str[i + 1]))) { obj->ob_val[pos++] = _hex(str[i]) * 16 + _hex(str[i + 1]); } else { pylt_obj_str_free(I, obj); return NULL; } i += 2; break; default: if (str[++i] >= 0x80) { // error return NULL; } obj->ob_val[pos++] = '\\'; obj->ob_val[pos++] = str[i]; break; } break; default: _def : obj->ob_val[pos++] = str[i++]; } } obj->ob_val = pylt_realloc(I, obj->ob_val, sizeof(uint32_t) * size, sizeof(uint32_t) * (size + 1)); obj->ob_val[pos] = '\0'; obj->ob_size = pos; } return hash_and_check_cache(I, obj); }
static void _decode(char *s) { char *d; int a,b; if (!s) return; /* always gets shorter */ d=s; while (*s) { if (*s == '%' && s[1] && s[2]) { a = _hex(s[1]); b = _hex(s[2]); if (a > -1 && b > -1) { *d = (a << 4) | b; d++; s += 3; continue; } } if (s != d) *d = *s; s++; d++; } if (s != d) *d = *s; }
void dumpH264AvcNalUnits (PagePool::Page *page, size_t msg_offs, size_t msg_len) { Size const msg_csum = calculateChecksumPages (page, msg_offs, msg_len); logD_ (_func, "msg_offs ", msg_offs, ", msg_len ", msg_len, ", msg_csum " _hex (msg_csum)); for (;;) { if (msg_len == 0) break; if (msg_len < 4) { logD_ (_func, "WARNING: discarding ", msg_len, " bytes"); break; } while (page->data_len <= msg_offs) { msg_offs -= page->data_len; page = page->getNextMsgPage(); } PagePool::PageListArray pl_arr (page, msg_offs, msg_len); Byte nal_len_buf [4]; pl_arr.get (/*offset=*/ 0, Memory::forObject (nal_len_buf)); Uint32 const nal_len = readBe32 (nal_len_buf); if (msg_offs + 4 < msg_offs) { logD_ (_func, "WARNING: integer overflow, msg_offs ", msg_offs); break; } msg_offs += 4; while (page->data_len <= msg_offs) { msg_offs -= page->data_len; page = page->getNextMsgPage(); } msg_len -= 4; if (nal_len > msg_len) { logD_ (_func, "WARNING: invalid nal_len ", nal_len, ", msg_len ", msg_len); break; } msg_len -= nal_len; { assert (page->data_len > msg_offs); Byte const nal_type = page->getData() [msg_offs] & 0x1f; Size const nal_csum = calculateChecksumPages (page, msg_offs, nal_len); logD_ (_func, "NAL unit: nal_type ", nal_type, ", nal_len ", nal_len, ", nal_csum 0x", fmt_hex, nal_csum); } if (msg_offs + nal_len < msg_offs) { logD_ (_func, "WARNING: integer overflow, msg_offs ", msg_offs, ", nal_len ", nal_len); break; } msg_offs += nal_len; } }
EQRawApplicationPacket *EQStream::MakeApplicationPacket(const unsigned char *buf, uint32 len) { EQRawApplicationPacket *ap=NULL; _log(NET__APP_CREATE, _L "Creating new application packet, length %d" __L, len); _hex(NET__APP_CREATE_HEX, buf, len); ap = new EQRawApplicationPacket(buf, len); return ap; }
static void nlmsg_print_raw(struct nlmsghdr *hdr) { u32 len = hdr->nlmsg_len; if (len) { _ascii((uint8_t *) hdr + NLMSG_HDRLEN, len - NLMSG_HDRLEN); _hex((uint8_t *) hdr + NLMSG_HDRLEN, len - NLMSG_HDRLEN); } }
void hex(struct pkt_buff *pkt) { size_t len = pkt_len(pkt); if (!len) return; _hex(pkt_pull(pkt, len), len); tprintf("\n"); }
static inline char *_toNumber(char *str,long long value,_bool sign, HexBase base,int size,int style,int mask){ char signString = '+'; const char *dig = _lowerDigits; int tmp[64]; //缓存转换后的值.还不是ASCII int length = 0; if(style & STYLE_LARGE) dig = _upperDigits; if(style & STYLE_LEFT) style &= (~STYLE_ZEROPAD); //左对齐就不能使用0填充 //如果不是10进制,则都按无符号处理 ,并且无正负符号显示 //如果是10进制,则去除前缀属性 if(DECIMAL != base){ sign = _false; style &= ~STYLE_SIGN; } else { style &= ~STYLE_SPECIAL; } if(style & STYLE_SPECIAL){ if(HEX == base) size -= 2; else if(OCTAL == base) size -= 1; } //如果是有符号数,却小于0,则取其补码,并设置符号标志,非16进制在前面已经去除 //符号,所以不会受影响 if((_true == sign) && ((long long)value) < 0){ style |= STYLE_SIGN; value = ~value + 1; signString = '-'; } value &= mask; if(style & STYLE_SIGN) size --; switch(base){ case OCTAL:length = _octal(tmp,value);break; case DECIMAL:length = _decimal(tmp,value);break; case HEX:length = _hex(tmp,value);break; } size -= length; if(!(style & (STYLE_ZEROPAD|STYLE_LEFT))) while(size-- > 0) *str++ = ' '; if(style & STYLE_SIGN) *str++ = signString; if(style & STYLE_SPECIAL){ *str++ = '0'; if(HEX == base) *str++ = dig[0x10]; } if(style & STYLE_ZEROPAD) while(size-- > 0) *str++ = '0'; while(length-- > 0) *str++ = dig[tmp[length]]; if(style & STYLE_LEFT) while(size-- > 0) *str++ = ' '; return str; }
TokenT *_hex(TokenizerT *tk, int isFirst) { nextChar(tk); if(isxdigit(tk->inputIter[0])) { return _hex(tk, 0); } else { if(isFirst) { return _invalid(tk); } else { return makeToken(tk, "hexadecimal integer"); } } }
void hex_ascii(struct pkt_buff *pkt) { size_t len = pkt_len(pkt); uint8_t *ptr = pkt_pull(pkt, len); if (len) { _ascii(ptr, len); _hex(ptr, len); } tprintf("\n"); }
/* * Handle being given a zero as the first char in a new token. */ TokenT *_zero(TokenizerT *tk) { nextChar(tk); if(isOctal(tk->inputIter[0])) { return _octal(tk); } else if(tk->inputIter[0] == 'x' || (tk->inputIter[0]) == 'X') { return _hex(tk, 1); } else if(tk->inputIter[0] == '.') { return _float(tk, 1); } else { return makeToken(tk, "zero integer"); } }
void SystemBubble::_SendAddBalls( SystemEntity* to_who ) { if( m_entities.empty() ) { _log( DESTINY__TRACE, "Add Balls: Nothing to send." ); return; } Buffer* destinyBuffer = new Buffer; Destiny::AddBall_header head; head.packet_type = 0; head.sequence = DestinyManager::GetStamp(); destinyBuffer->Append( head ); DoDestiny_AddBalls addballs; addballs.slims = new PyList; std::map<uint32, SystemEntity*>::const_iterator cur, end; cur = m_entities.begin(); end = m_entities.end(); for(; cur != end; ++cur) { if( cur->second->IsVisibleSystemWide() ) continue; //it is already in their destiny state //damageState addballs.damages[ cur->second->GetID() ] = cur->second->MakeDamageState(); //slim item addballs.slims->AddItem( new PyObject( "foo.SlimItem", cur->second->MakeSlimItem() ) ); //append the destiny binary data... cur->second->EncodeDestiny( *destinyBuffer ); } addballs.destiny_binary = new PyBuffer( &destinyBuffer ); SafeDelete( destinyBuffer ); _log( DESTINY__TRACE, "Add Balls:" ); addballs.Dump( DESTINY__TRACE, " " ); _log( DESTINY__TRACE, " Ball Binary:" ); _hex( DESTINY__TRACE, &( addballs.destiny_binary->content() )[0], addballs.destiny_binary->content().size() ); _log( DESTINY__TRACE, " Ball Decoded:" ); Destiny::DumpUpdate( DESTINY__TRACE, &( addballs.destiny_binary->content() )[0], addballs.destiny_binary->content().size() ); PyTuple* t = addballs.Encode(); to_who->QueueDestinyUpdate( &t ); //may consume, but may not. PySafeDecRef( t ); }
void set_qid_val(double **qid_val, int ts) { int x1, x2, x3, nqhat=-1; int L = LX; int Lhp1 = L/2+1; double q[4]; q[0] = 2. * sin( M_PI * (double)ts / (double)T ); for(x1=0; x1<Lhp1; x1++) { for(x2=0; x2<=x1; x2++) { for(x3=0; x3<=x2; x3++) { nqhat++; q[1] = 2. * sin( M_PI * (double)x1 / (double)L ); q[2] = 2. * sin( M_PI * (double)x2 / (double)L ); q[3] = 2. * sin( M_PI * (double)x3 / (double)L ); (qid_val)[0][nqhat] = _sqr(q[0])+_sqr(q[1])+_sqr(q[2])+_sqr(q[3]); (qid_val)[1][nqhat] = _qrt(q[0])+_qrt(q[1])+_qrt(q[2])+_qrt(q[3]); (qid_val)[2][nqhat] = _hex(q[0])+_hex(q[1])+_hex(q[2])+_hex(q[3]); (qid_val)[3][nqhat] = _oct(q[0])+_oct(q[1])+_oct(q[2])+_oct(q[3]); } } } }
pl_int_t str_escape_next(PyLiteInterpreter *I, str_writer_t *w) { int num; PyLiteStrObject *str = w->dstr; PyLiteStrObject *format = w->fstr; uint32_t format_size = format->ob_size; switch (format->ob_val[w->findex]) { case '\\': if (++(w->findex) >= format_size) goto _def; switch (format->ob_val[w->findex]) { case 'a': str->ob_val[w->dindex++] = 7; w->findex++; break; case 'b': str->ob_val[w->dindex++] = 8; w->findex++; break; case 'f': str->ob_val[w->dindex++] = 12; w->findex++; break; case 'n': str->ob_val[w->dindex++] = 10; w->findex++; break; case 'r': str->ob_val[w->dindex++] = 13; w->findex++; break; case 't': str->ob_val[w->dindex++] = 9; w->findex++; break; case 'v': str->ob_val[w->dindex++] = 11; break; case '\\': str->ob_val[w->dindex++] = '\\'; break; case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': str->ob_val[w->dindex++] = _read_x_int(format->ob_val + w->findex, 8, _oct, &num, min(format_size - w->findex, 3)); w->findex += num; break; case 'x': w->findex++; if ((format_size - w->findex >= 2) && (_ishex(format->ob_val[w->findex]) && _ishex(format->ob_val[w->findex + 1]))) { str->ob_val[w->dindex++] = _hex(format->ob_val[w->findex]) * 16 + _hex(format->ob_val[w->findex + 1]); } else { pylt_obj_str_free(I, str); // error: not hex return -1; } w->findex += 2; break; default: if (format->ob_val[++w->findex] >= 0x80) { // error return -2; } str->ob_val[w->dindex++] = '\\'; str->ob_val[w->dindex++] = format->ob_val[w->findex]; break; } break; default: _def : str->ob_val[w->dindex++] = format->ob_val[w->findex++]; } return 0; }
int read_hex(tre_Lexer *lex, int len, bool *p_isok) { const uint32_t *p = lex->s + lex->scur; const uint32_t *start = p; int count = 0; while (_hex(*p) != 255) { ++p; if (++count == len) break; } if (count != len) { p_isok = false; return 0; } *p_isok = true; return _read_x_int(start, p, 16, _hex, 0); }
void EQStream::Process(const unsigned char *buffer, const uint32 length) { static unsigned char newbuffer[2048]; uint32 newlength=0; if (EQProtocolPacket::ValidateCRC(buffer,length,Key)) { if (compressed) { newlength=EQProtocolPacket::Decompress(buffer,length,newbuffer,2048); } else { memcpy(newbuffer,buffer,length); newlength=length; if (encoded) EQProtocolPacket::ChatDecode(newbuffer,newlength-2,Key); } if (buffer[1]!=0x01 && buffer[1]!=0x02 && buffer[1]!=0x1d) newlength-=2; EQProtocolPacket *p = MakeProtocolPacket(newbuffer,newlength); ProcessPacket(p); delete p; ProcessQueue(); } else { _log(NET__DEBUG, _L "Incoming packet failed checksum" __L); _hex(NET__NET_CREATE_HEX, buffer, length); } }
bool LauncherLink::Process() { if (!tcpc->Connected()) return false; if(m_bootTimer.Check(false)) { //force a boot on any zone which isnt running. std::map<std::string, ZoneState>::iterator cur, end; cur = m_states.begin(); end = m_states.end(); for(; cur != end; ++cur) { if(!cur->second.up) { StartZone(cur->first.c_str()); } } m_bootTimer.Disable(); } ServerPacket *pack = 0; while((pack = tcpc->PopPacket())) { _hex(WORLD__ZONE_TRACE,pack->pBuffer,pack->size); if (!authenticated) { if (WorldConfig::get()->SharedKey.length() > 0) { if (pack->opcode == ServerOP_ZAAuth && pack->size == 16) { uint8 tmppass[16]; MD5::Generate((const uchar*) WorldConfig::get()->SharedKey.c_str(), WorldConfig::get()->SharedKey.length(), tmppass); if (memcmp(pack->pBuffer, tmppass, 16) == 0) authenticated = true; else { struct in_addr in; in.s_addr = GetIP(); _log(WORLD__LAUNCH_ERR, "Launcher authorization failed."); ServerPacket* pack = new ServerPacket(ServerOP_ZAAuthFailed); SendPacket(pack); delete pack; Disconnect(); return false; } } else { struct in_addr in; in.s_addr = GetIP(); _log(WORLD__LAUNCH_ERR, "Launcher authorization failed."); ServerPacket* pack = new ServerPacket(ServerOP_ZAAuthFailed); SendPacket(pack); delete pack; Disconnect(); return false; } } else { _log(WORLD__LAUNCH,"**WARNING** You have not configured a world shared key in your config file. You should add a <key>STRING</key> element to your <world> element to prevent unauthroized zone access."); authenticated = true; } delete pack; continue; } switch(pack->opcode) { case 0: break; case ServerOP_KeepAlive: { // ignore this break; } case ServerOP_ZAAuth: { _log(WORLD__LAUNCH, "Got authentication from %s when they are already authenticated.", m_name.c_str()); break; } case ServerOP_LauncherConnectInfo: { const LauncherConnectInfo *it = (const LauncherConnectInfo *) pack->pBuffer; if(HasName()) { _log(WORLD__LAUNCH_ERR, "Launcher '%s' received an additional connect packet with name '%s'. Ignoring.", m_name.c_str(), it->name); break; } m_name = it->name; EQLConfig *config = launcher_list.GetConfig(m_name.c_str()); if(config == nullptr) { _log(WORLD__LAUNCH, "Unknown launcher '%s' connected. Disconnecting.", it->name); Disconnect(); break; } _log(WORLD__LAUNCH, "Launcher Identified itself as '%s'. Loading zone list.", it->name); std::vector<LauncherZone> result; //database.GetLauncherZones(it->name, result); config->GetZones(result); std::vector<LauncherZone>::iterator cur, end; cur = result.begin(); end = result.end(); ZoneState zs; for(; cur != end; cur++) { zs.port = cur->port; zs.up = false; zs.starts = 0; _log(WORLD__LAUNCH_TRACE, "%s: Loaded zone '%s' on port %d", m_name.c_str(), cur->name.c_str(), zs.port); m_states[cur->name] = zs; } //now we add all the dynamics. BootDynamics(config->GetDynamicCount()); m_bootTimer.Start(); break; } case ServerOP_LauncherZoneStatus: { const LauncherZoneStatus *it = (const LauncherZoneStatus *) pack->pBuffer; std::map<std::string, ZoneState>::iterator res; res = m_states.find(it->short_name); if(res == m_states.end()) { _log(WORLD__LAUNCH_ERR, "%s: reported state for zone %s which it does not have.", m_name.c_str(), it->short_name); break; } _log(WORLD__LAUNCH, "%s: %s reported state %s (%d starts)", m_name.c_str(), it->short_name, it->running?"STARTED":"STOPPED", it->start_count); res->second.up = it->running; res->second.starts = it->start_count; break; } default: { _log(WORLD__LAUNCH_ERR, "Unknown ServerOPcode from launcher 0x%04x, size %d",pack->opcode,pack->size); DumpPacket(pack->pBuffer, pack->size); break; } } delete pack; } return(true); }
uint32 DumpBall(LogType into, const uint8 *data, uint32 len) { uint32 init_len = len; const Destiny::BallHeader *ballhead = (const Destiny::BallHeader *) data; data += sizeof(Destiny::BallHeader); len -= sizeof(Destiny::BallHeader); if(ballhead->mode > Destiny::MAX_DSTBALL) { _log(into, "Error: Invalid ball mode %d for ball %d", ballhead->mode, ballhead->entityID); return(0); } _log(into, "AddBall: entity=%d, mode=%s (%d) subtype=%d", ballhead->entityID, Destiny::DSTBALL_modeNames[ballhead->mode], ballhead->mode, ballhead->sub_type); _log(into, " x=%.3f, y=%.3f, z=%.3f, radius=%.2f", ballhead->x, ballhead->y, ballhead->z, ballhead->radius); if(ballhead->mode != Destiny::DSTBALL_RIGID) { const Destiny::MassSector *masschunk = (const Destiny::MassSector *) data; data += sizeof(Destiny::MassSector); len -= sizeof(Destiny::MassSector); _log(into, " mass=%.2f, cloak=%d, hardmonic=%f, corp=%u, alliance=0x"PRIx64, masschunk->mass, masschunk->cloak, masschunk->Harmonic, masschunk->corpID, masschunk->allianceID); } //this seems a little strange, but this is how it works... if(ballhead->sub_type & 0x1) { const Destiny::ShipSector *shipchunk = (const Destiny::ShipSector *) data; data += sizeof(Destiny::ShipSector); len -= sizeof(Destiny::ShipSector); _log(into, " maxSpeed=%.2f, V=(%.3f, %.3f, %.3f) PS=%.4f, SF=%.3f", shipchunk->max_speed, shipchunk->velocity_x, shipchunk->velocity_y, shipchunk->velocity_z, shipchunk->agility, shipchunk->speed_fraction); } _log(into, " %s:", Destiny::DSTBALL_modeNames[ballhead->mode]); switch(ballhead->mode) { case Destiny::DSTBALL_GOTO: { const Destiny::DSTBALL_GOTO_Struct *b = (const Destiny::DSTBALL_GOTO_Struct *) data; data += sizeof(Destiny::DSTBALL_GOTO_Struct); len -= sizeof(Destiny::DSTBALL_GOTO_Struct); _log(into, " formID=%d, Goto=(%.3f, %.3f, %.3f)", b->formationID, b->x, b->y, b->z); } break; case Destiny::DSTBALL_FOLLOW: { const Destiny::DSTBALL_FOLLOW_Struct *b = (const Destiny::DSTBALL_FOLLOW_Struct *) data; data += sizeof(Destiny::DSTBALL_FOLLOW_Struct); len -= sizeof(Destiny::DSTBALL_FOLLOW_Struct); _log(into, " formID=%d, followID=%u, distance=%.1f", b->formationID, b->followID, b->followRange); } break; case Destiny::DSTBALL_STOP: { const Destiny::DSTBALL_STOP_Struct *b = (const Destiny::DSTBALL_STOP_Struct *) data; data += sizeof(Destiny::DSTBALL_STOP_Struct); len -= sizeof(Destiny::DSTBALL_STOP_Struct); _log(into, " formID=%d ", b->formationID); } break; case Destiny::DSTBALL_WARP: { const Destiny::DSTBALL_WARP_Struct *b = (const Destiny::DSTBALL_WARP_Struct *) data; data += sizeof(Destiny::DSTBALL_WARP_Struct); len -= sizeof(Destiny::DSTBALL_WARP_Struct); _log(into, " formID=%d, To=(%.3f, %.3f, %.3f) effectStamp=%u", b->formationID, b->unknown_x, b->unknown_y, b->unknown_z, b->effectStamp); _log(into, " followRange=%.3f, followID=%u, ownerID=%u", b->followRange, b->followID, b->ownerID); } break; case Destiny::DSTBALL_ORBIT: { const Destiny::DSTBALL_ORBIT_Struct *b = (const Destiny::DSTBALL_ORBIT_Struct *) data; data += sizeof(Destiny::DSTBALL_ORBIT_Struct); len -= sizeof(Destiny::DSTBALL_ORBIT_Struct); _log(into, " formID=%d, orbitID=%u, distance=%.1f", b->formationID, b->followID, b->followRange); } break; case Destiny::DSTBALL_MISSILE: { const Destiny::DSTBALL_MISSILE_Struct *b = (const Destiny::DSTBALL_MISSILE_Struct *) data; data += sizeof(Destiny::DSTBALL_MISSILE_Struct); len -= sizeof(Destiny::DSTBALL_MISSILE_Struct); _log(into, " formID=%d, target=%u, followRange?=%.1f, ownerID=%u, effectStamp=%u", b->formationID, b->followID, b->followRange, b->ownerID, b->effectStamp); _log(into, " u=(%.3f, %.3f, %.3f)", b->x, b->y, b->z); } break; case Destiny::DSTBALL_MUSHROOM: { const Destiny::DSTBALL_MUSHROOM_Struct *b = (const Destiny::DSTBALL_MUSHROOM_Struct *) data; data += sizeof(Destiny::DSTBALL_MUSHROOM_Struct); len -= sizeof(Destiny::DSTBALL_MUSHROOM_Struct); _log(into, " formID=%d, distance=%.3f, u125=%.3f, effectStamp=%u, ownerID=%u", b->formationID, b->followRange, b->unknown125, b->effectStamp, b->ownerID); } break; case Destiny::DSTBALL_BOID: { _log(into, " NOT ALLOWED IN STREAM!"); return(0); } break; case Destiny::DSTBALL_TROLL: { const Destiny::DSTBALL_TROLL_Struct *b = (const Destiny::DSTBALL_TROLL_Struct *) data; data += sizeof(Destiny::DSTBALL_TROLL_Struct); len -= sizeof(Destiny::DSTBALL_TROLL_Struct); _log(into, " formID=%d, effectStamp=%u", b->formationID, b->effectStamp); } break; case Destiny::DSTBALL_MINIBALL: { _log(into, " NOT ALLOWED IN STREAM!"); return(0); } break; case Destiny::DSTBALL_FIELD: { const Destiny::DSTBALL_FIELD_Struct *b = (const Destiny::DSTBALL_FIELD_Struct *) data; data += sizeof(Destiny::DSTBALL_FIELD_Struct); len -= sizeof(Destiny::DSTBALL_FIELD_Struct); _log(into, " formID=%d ", b->formationID); } break; case Destiny::DSTBALL_RIGID: { const Destiny::DSTBALL_RIGID_Struct *b = (const Destiny::DSTBALL_RIGID_Struct *) data; data += sizeof(Destiny::DSTBALL_RIGID_Struct); len -= sizeof(Destiny::DSTBALL_RIGID_Struct); _log(into, " formID=%d ", b->formationID); } break; case Destiny::DSTBALL_FORMATION: { const Destiny::DSTBALL_FORMATION_Struct *b = (const Destiny::DSTBALL_FORMATION_Struct *) data; data += sizeof(Destiny::DSTBALL_FORMATION_Struct); len -= sizeof(Destiny::DSTBALL_FORMATION_Struct); _log(into, " formID=%d, followID=%u, followRange=%.3f, effectStamp=%u", b->formationID, b->followID, b->followRange, b->effectStamp); } break; default: _log(into, "Error: Unknown ball mode %d!", ballhead->mode); _hex(into, data-sizeof(Destiny::BallHeader), (len>128)?128:(len+sizeof(Destiny::BallHeader))); return(0); } //not right: if( ( ballhead->sub_type == 64 ) || ( ballhead->sub_type == 66 ) ) { const Destiny::MiniBallList* mbl = (const Destiny::MiniBallList*)data; data += sizeof( Destiny::MiniBallList ); len -= sizeof( Destiny::MiniBallList ); if( 0 < mbl->count ) { _log( into, " MiniBall Count: %d", mbl->count ); for( uint16 r = 0; r < mbl->count; ++r ) { const Destiny::MiniBall* mini = (const Destiny::MiniBall*)data; data += sizeof( Destiny::MiniBall ); len -= sizeof( Destiny::MiniBall ); _log( into, " [%d] pos (%.3f, %.3f, %.3f) radius %.2f", r, mini->x, mini->y, mini->z, mini->radius ); } } } const Destiny::NameStruct *name = (const Destiny::NameStruct *) data; data += sizeof(Destiny::NameStruct); len -= sizeof(Destiny::NameStruct); if(name->name_len > 0) { _log(into, " Name: len=%u", name->name_len); _log(into, " %.*ls", name->name_len, name->name); data += name->name_len*sizeof(uint16); len -= name->name_len*sizeof(uint16); } if(len > init_len) { _log(into, "ERROR: Consumed more bytes than given: had %d, used %d", init_len, len); return(init_len); } return(init_len - len); }
bool ZoneServer::Process() { if (!tcpc->Connected()) return false; if(ls_zboot.Check()){ LSBootUpdate(GetZoneID(), true); ls_zboot.Disable(); } ServerPacket *pack = 0; while((pack = tcpc->PopPacket())) { _hex(WORLD__ZONE_TRACE,pack->pBuffer,pack->size); if (!authenticated) { if (WorldConfig::get()->SharedKey.length() > 0) { if (pack->opcode == ServerOP_ZAAuth && pack->size == 16) { uint8 tmppass[16]; MD5::Generate((const uchar*) WorldConfig::get()->SharedKey.c_str(), WorldConfig::get()->SharedKey.length(), tmppass); if (memcmp(pack->pBuffer, tmppass, 16) == 0) authenticated = true; else { struct in_addr in; in.s_addr = GetIP(); zlog(WORLD__ZONE_ERR,"Zone authorization failed."); ServerPacket* pack = new ServerPacket(ServerOP_ZAAuthFailed); SendPacket(pack); delete pack; Disconnect(); return false; } } else { struct in_addr in; in.s_addr = GetIP(); zlog(WORLD__ZONE_ERR,"Zone authorization failed."); ServerPacket* pack = new ServerPacket(ServerOP_ZAAuthFailed); SendPacket(pack); delete pack; Disconnect(); return false; } } else { _log(WORLD__ZONE,"**WARNING** You have not configured a world shared key in your config file. You should add a <key>STRING</key> element to your <world> element to prevent unauthroized zone access."); authenticated = true; } } switch(pack->opcode) { case 0: break; case ServerOP_KeepAlive: { // ignore this break; } case ServerOP_ZAAuth: { break; } case ServerOP_LSZoneBoot:{ if(pack->size==sizeof(ZoneBoot_Struct)){ ZoneBoot_Struct* zbs= (ZoneBoot_Struct*)pack->pBuffer; SetCompile(zbs->compile_time); } break; } case ServerOP_GroupInvite: { if(pack->size != sizeof(GroupInvite_Struct)) break; GroupInvite_Struct* gis = (GroupInvite_Struct*) pack->pBuffer; client_list.SendPacket(gis->invitee_name, pack); break; } case ServerOP_GroupFollow: { if(pack->size != sizeof(ServerGroupFollow_Struct)) break; ServerGroupFollow_Struct *sgfs = (ServerGroupFollow_Struct *) pack->pBuffer; client_list.SendPacket(sgfs->gf.name1, pack); break; } case ServerOP_GroupFollowAck: { if(pack->size != sizeof(ServerGroupFollowAck_Struct)) break; ServerGroupFollowAck_Struct *sgfas = (ServerGroupFollowAck_Struct *) pack->pBuffer; client_list.SendPacket(sgfas->Name, pack); break; } case ServerOP_GroupCancelInvite: { if(pack->size != sizeof(GroupCancel_Struct)) break; GroupCancel_Struct *gcs = (GroupCancel_Struct *) pack->pBuffer; client_list.SendPacket(gcs->name1, pack); break; } case ServerOP_GroupIDReq: { SendGroupIDs(); break; } case ServerOP_GroupLeave: { if(pack->size != sizeof(ServerGroupLeave_Struct)) break; zoneserver_list.SendPacket(pack); //bounce it to all zones break; } case ServerOP_GroupJoin: { if(pack->size != sizeof(ServerGroupJoin_Struct)) break; zoneserver_list.SendPacket(pack); //bounce it to all zones break; } case ServerOP_ForceGroupUpdate: { if(pack->size != sizeof(ServerForceGroupUpdate_Struct)) break; zoneserver_list.SendPacket(pack); //bounce it to all zones break; } case ServerOP_OOZGroupMessage: { zoneserver_list.SendPacket(pack); //bounce it to all zones break; } case ServerOP_DisbandGroup: { if(pack->size != sizeof(ServerDisbandGroup_Struct)) break; zoneserver_list.SendPacket(pack); //bounce it to all zones break; } case ServerOP_RaidAdd:{ if(pack->size != sizeof(ServerRaidGeneralAction_Struct)) break; zoneserver_list.SendPacket(pack); break; } case ServerOP_RaidRemove: { if(pack->size != sizeof(ServerRaidGeneralAction_Struct)) break; zoneserver_list.SendPacket(pack); break; } case ServerOP_RaidDisband: { if(pack->size != sizeof(ServerRaidGeneralAction_Struct)) break; zoneserver_list.SendPacket(pack); break; } case ServerOP_RaidLockFlag: { if(pack->size != sizeof(ServerRaidGeneralAction_Struct)) break; zoneserver_list.SendPacket(pack); break; } case ServerOP_RaidChangeGroup: { if(pack->size != sizeof(ServerRaidGeneralAction_Struct)) break; zoneserver_list.SendPacket(pack); break; } case ServerOP_UpdateGroup: { if(pack->size != sizeof(ServerRaidGeneralAction_Struct)) break; zoneserver_list.SendPacket(pack); break; } case ServerOP_RaidGroupDisband: { if(pack->size != sizeof(ServerRaidGeneralAction_Struct)) break; zoneserver_list.SendPacket(pack); break; } case ServerOP_RaidGroupAdd: { if(pack->size != sizeof(ServerRaidGroupAction_Struct)) break; zoneserver_list.SendPacket(pack); break; } case ServerOP_RaidGroupRemove: { if(pack->size != sizeof(ServerRaidGroupAction_Struct)) break; zoneserver_list.SendPacket(pack); break; } case ServerOP_RaidGroupSay: { zoneserver_list.SendPacket(pack); break; } case ServerOP_RaidSay: { zoneserver_list.SendPacket(pack); break; } case ServerOP_RaidGroupLeader: { if(pack->size != sizeof(ServerRaidGeneralAction_Struct)) break; zoneserver_list.SendPacket(pack); break; } case ServerOP_RaidLeader: { if(pack->size != sizeof(ServerRaidGeneralAction_Struct)) break; zoneserver_list.SendPacket(pack); break; } case ServerOP_DetailsChange: { if(pack->size != sizeof(ServerRaidGeneralAction_Struct)) break; zoneserver_list.SendPacket(pack); break; } case ServerOP_SpawnCondition: { if(pack->size != sizeof(ServerSpawnCondition_Struct)) break; //bounce the packet to the correct zone server, if its up ServerSpawnCondition_Struct* ssc = (ServerSpawnCondition_Struct*)pack->pBuffer; zoneserver_list.SendPacket(ssc->zoneID, ssc->instanceID, pack); break; } case ServerOP_SpawnEvent: { if(pack->size != sizeof(ServerSpawnEvent_Struct)) break; //bounce the packet to the correct zone server, if its up ServerSpawnEvent_Struct* sse = (ServerSpawnEvent_Struct*)pack->pBuffer; zoneserver_list.SendPacket(sse->zoneID, 0, pack); break; } case ServerOP_ChannelMessage: { ServerChannelMessage_Struct* scm = (ServerChannelMessage_Struct*) pack->pBuffer; if(scm->chan_num == 20) { UCSLink.SendMessage(scm->from, scm->message); break; } if (scm->chan_num == 7 || scm->chan_num == 14) { if (scm->deliverto[0] == '*') { Console* con = 0; con = console_list.FindByAccountName(&scm->deliverto[1]); if (((!con) || (!con->SendChannelMessage(scm))) && (!scm->noreply)) zoneserver_list.SendEmoteMessage(scm->from, 0, 0, 0, "You told %s, '%s is not online at this time'", scm->to, scm->to); break; } ClientListEntry* cle = client_list.FindCharacter(scm->deliverto); if (cle == 0 || cle->Online() < CLE_Status_Zoning || (cle->TellsOff() && ((cle->Anon() == 1 && scm->fromadmin < cle->Admin()) || scm->fromadmin < 80))) { if (!scm->noreply) zoneserver_list.SendEmoteMessage(scm->from, 0, 0, 0, "You told %s, '%s is not online at this time'", scm->to, scm->to); } else if (cle->Online() == CLE_Status_Zoning) { if (!scm->noreply) { char errbuf[MYSQL_ERRMSG_SIZE]; char *query = 0; MYSQL_RES *result; //MYSQL_ROW row; Trumpcard - commenting. Currently unused. time_t rawtime; struct tm * timeinfo; time ( &rawtime ); timeinfo = localtime ( &rawtime ); char *telldate=asctime(timeinfo); if (database.RunQuery(query, MakeAnyLenString(&query, "SELECT name from character_ where name='%s'",scm->deliverto), errbuf, &result)) { safe_delete(query); if (result!=0) { if (database.RunQuery(query, MakeAnyLenString(&query, "INSERT INTO tellque (Date,Receiver,Sender,Message) values('%s','%s','%s','%s')",telldate,scm->deliverto,scm->from,scm->message), errbuf, &result)) zoneserver_list.SendEmoteMessage(scm->from, 0, 0, 0, "Your message has been added to the %s's que.", scm->to); else zoneserver_list.SendEmoteMessage(scm->from, 0, 0, 0, "You told %s, '%s is not online at this time'", scm->to, scm->to); safe_delete(query); } else zoneserver_list.SendEmoteMessage(scm->from, 0, 0, 0, "You told %s, '%s is not online at this time'", scm->to, scm->to); mysql_free_result(result); } else safe_delete(query); } // zoneserver_list.SendEmoteMessage(scm->from, 0, 0, 0, "You told %s, '%s is not online at this time'", scm->to, scm->to); } else if (cle->Server() == 0) { if (!scm->noreply) zoneserver_list.SendEmoteMessage(scm->from, 0, 0, 0, "You told %s, '%s is not contactable at this time'", scm->to, scm->to); } else cle->Server()->SendPacket(pack); } else { if (scm->chan_num == 5 || scm->chan_num == 6 || scm->chan_num == 11) { console_list.SendChannelMessage(scm); } zoneserver_list.SendPacket(pack); } break; } case ServerOP_EmoteMessage: { ServerEmoteMessage_Struct* sem = (ServerEmoteMessage_Struct*) pack->pBuffer; zoneserver_list.SendEmoteMessageRaw(sem->to, sem->guilddbid, sem->minstatus, sem->type, sem->message); break; } case ServerOP_VoiceMacro: { ServerVoiceMacro_Struct* svm = (ServerVoiceMacro_Struct*) pack->pBuffer; if(svm->Type == VoiceMacroTell) { ClientListEntry* cle = client_list.FindCharacter(svm->To); if (!cle || (cle->Online() < CLE_Status_Zoning) || !cle->Server()) { zoneserver_list.SendEmoteMessage(svm->From, 0, 0, 0, "'%s is not online at this time'", svm->To); break; } cle->Server()->SendPacket(pack); } else zoneserver_list.SendPacket(pack); break; } case ServerOP_RezzPlayerAccept: { zoneserver_list.SendPacket(pack); break; } case ServerOP_RezzPlayer: { RezzPlayer_Struct* sRezz = (RezzPlayer_Struct*) pack->pBuffer; if (zoneserver_list.SendPacket(pack)){ zlog(WORLD__ZONE,"Sent Rez packet for %s",sRezz->rez.your_name); } else { zlog(WORLD__ZONE,"Could not send Rez packet for %s",sRezz->rez.your_name); } break; } case ServerOP_RezzPlayerReject: { char *Recipient = (char *)pack->pBuffer; client_list.SendPacket(Recipient, pack); break; } case ServerOP_MultiLineMsg: { ServerMultiLineMsg_Struct* mlm = (ServerMultiLineMsg_Struct*) pack->pBuffer; client_list.SendPacket(mlm->to, pack); break; } case ServerOP_SetZone: { if(pack->size != sizeof(SetZone_Struct)) break; SetZone_Struct* szs = (SetZone_Struct*) pack->pBuffer; if (szs->zoneid != 0) { if(database.GetZoneName(szs->zoneid)) SetZone(szs->zoneid, szs->instanceid, szs->staticzone); else SetZone(0); } else SetZone(0); break; } case ServerOP_SetConnectInfo: { if (pack->size != sizeof(ServerConnectInfo)) break; ServerConnectInfo* sci = (ServerConnectInfo*) pack->pBuffer; if (!sci->port) { clientport=zoneserver_list.GetAvailableZonePort(); ServerPacket p(ServerOP_SetConnectInfo, sizeof(ServerConnectInfo)); memset(p.pBuffer,0,sizeof(ServerConnectInfo)); ServerConnectInfo* sci = (ServerConnectInfo*) p.pBuffer; sci->port = clientport; SendPacket(&p); zlog(WORLD__ZONE,"Auto zone port configuration. Telling zone to use port %d",clientport); } else { clientport=sci->port; zlog(WORLD__ZONE,"Zone specified port %d, must be a previously allocated zone reconnecting.",clientport); } } case ServerOP_SetLaunchName: { if(pack->size != sizeof(LaunchName_Struct)) break; const LaunchName_Struct* ln = (const LaunchName_Struct*)pack->pBuffer; launcher_name = ln->launcher_name; launched_name = ln->zone_name; zlog(WORLD__ZONE, "Zone started with name %s by launcher %s", launched_name.c_str(), launcher_name.c_str()); break; } case ServerOP_ShutdownAll: { if(pack->size==0){ zoneserver_list.SendPacket(pack); zoneserver_list.Process(); CatchSignal(2); } else{ WorldShutDown_Struct* wsd=(WorldShutDown_Struct*)pack->pBuffer; if(wsd->time==0 && wsd->interval==0 && zoneserver_list.shutdowntimer->Enabled()){ zoneserver_list.shutdowntimer->Disable(); zoneserver_list.reminder->Disable(); } else{ zoneserver_list.shutdowntimer->SetTimer(wsd->time); zoneserver_list.reminder->SetTimer(wsd->interval-1000); zoneserver_list.reminder->SetAtTrigger(wsd->interval); zoneserver_list.shutdowntimer->Start(); zoneserver_list.reminder->Start(); } } break; } case ServerOP_ZoneShutdown: { ServerZoneStateChange_struct* s = (ServerZoneStateChange_struct *) pack->pBuffer; ZoneServer* zs = 0; if (s->ZoneServerID != 0) zs = zoneserver_list.FindByID(s->ZoneServerID); else if (s->zoneid != 0) zs = zoneserver_list.FindByName(database.GetZoneName(s->zoneid)); else zoneserver_list.SendEmoteMessage(s->adminname, 0, 0, 0, "Error: SOP_ZoneShutdown: neither ID nor name specified"); if (zs == 0) zoneserver_list.SendEmoteMessage(s->adminname, 0, 0, 0, "Error: SOP_ZoneShutdown: zoneserver not found"); else zs->SendPacket(pack); break; } case ServerOP_ZoneBootup: { ServerZoneStateChange_struct* s = (ServerZoneStateChange_struct *) pack->pBuffer; zoneserver_list.SOPZoneBootup(s->adminname, s->ZoneServerID, database.GetZoneName(s->zoneid), s->makestatic); break; } case ServerOP_ZoneStatus: { if (pack->size >= 1) zoneserver_list.SendZoneStatus((char *) &pack->pBuffer[1], (uint8) pack->pBuffer[0], this); break; } case ServerOP_AcceptWorldEntrance: { if(pack->size != sizeof(WorldToZone_Struct)) break; WorldToZone_Struct* wtz = (WorldToZone_Struct*) pack->pBuffer; Client* client = 0; client = client_list.FindByAccountID(wtz->account_id); if(client != 0) client->Clearance(wtz->response); } case ServerOP_ZoneToZoneRequest: { // // solar: ZoneChange is received by the zone the player is in, then the // zone sends a ZTZ which ends up here. This code then find the target // (ingress point) and boots it if needed, then sends the ZTZ to it. // The ingress server will decide wether the player can enter, then will // send back the ZTZ to here. This packet is passed back to the egress // server, which will send a ZoneChange response back to the client // which can be an error, or a success, in which case the client will // disconnect, and their zone location will be saved when ~Client is // called, so it will be available when they ask to zone. // if(pack->size != sizeof(ZoneToZone_Struct)) break; ZoneToZone_Struct* ztz = (ZoneToZone_Struct*) pack->pBuffer; ClientListEntry* client = NULL; if(WorldConfig::get()->UpdateStats) client = client_list.FindCharacter(ztz->name); zlog(WORLD__ZONE,"ZoneToZone request for %s current zone %d req zone %d\n", ztz->name, ztz->current_zone_id, ztz->requested_zone_id); if(GetZoneID() == ztz->current_zone_id && GetInstanceID() == ztz->current_instance_id) // this is a request from the egress zone { zlog(WORLD__ZONE,"Processing ZTZ for egress from zone for client %s\n", ztz->name); if ( ztz->admin < 80 && ztz->ignorerestrictions < 2 && zoneserver_list.IsZoneLocked(ztz->requested_zone_id) ) { ztz->response = 0; SendPacket(pack); break; } ZoneServer *ingress_server = NULL; if(ztz->requested_instance_id > 0) { ingress_server = zoneserver_list.FindByInstanceID(ztz->requested_instance_id); } else { ingress_server = zoneserver_list.FindByZoneID(ztz->requested_zone_id); } if(ingress_server) // found a zone already running { _log(WORLD__ZONE,"Found a zone already booted for %s\n", ztz->name); ztz->response = 1; } else // need to boot one { int server_id; if ((server_id = zoneserver_list.TriggerBootup(ztz->requested_zone_id, ztz->requested_instance_id))){ _log(WORLD__ZONE,"Successfully booted a zone for %s\n", ztz->name); // bootup successful, ready to rock ztz->response = 1; ingress_server = zoneserver_list.FindByID(server_id); } else { _log(WORLD__ZONE_ERR,"FAILED to boot a zone for %s\n", ztz->name); // bootup failed, send back error code 0 ztz->response = 0; } } if(ztz->response!=0 && client) client->LSZoneChange(ztz); SendPacket(pack); // send back to egress server if(ingress_server) // if we couldn't boot one, this is 0 { ingress_server->SendPacket(pack); // inform target server } } else // this is response from the ingress server, route it back to the egress server { zlog(WORLD__ZONE,"Processing ZTZ for ingress to zone for client %s\n", ztz->name); ZoneServer *egress_server = NULL; if(ztz->current_instance_id > 0) { egress_server = zoneserver_list.FindByInstanceID(ztz->current_instance_id); } else { egress_server = zoneserver_list.FindByZoneID(ztz->current_zone_id); } if(egress_server) { egress_server->SendPacket(pack); } } break; } case ServerOP_ClientList: { if (pack->size != sizeof(ServerClientList_Struct)) { zlog(WORLD__ZONE_ERR,"Wrong size on ServerOP_ClientList. Got: %d, Expected: %d",pack->size,sizeof(ServerClientList_Struct)); break; } client_list.ClientUpdate(this, (ServerClientList_Struct*) pack->pBuffer); break; } case ServerOP_ClientListKA: { ServerClientListKeepAlive_Struct* sclka = (ServerClientListKeepAlive_Struct*) pack->pBuffer; if (pack->size < 4 || pack->size != 4 + (4 * sclka->numupdates)) { zlog(WORLD__ZONE_ERR,"Wrong size on ServerOP_ClientListKA. Got: %d, Expected: %d",pack->size, (4 + (4 * sclka->numupdates))); break; } client_list.CLEKeepAlive(sclka->numupdates, sclka->wid); break; } case ServerOP_Who: { ServerWhoAll_Struct* whoall = (ServerWhoAll_Struct*) pack->pBuffer; Who_All_Struct* whom = new Who_All_Struct; memset(whom,0,sizeof(Who_All_Struct)); whom->gmlookup = whoall->gmlookup; whom->lvllow = whoall->lvllow; whom->lvlhigh = whoall->lvlhigh; whom->wclass = whoall->wclass; whom->wrace = whoall->wrace; strcpy(whom->whom,whoall->whom); client_list.SendWhoAll(whoall->fromid,whoall->from, whoall->admin, whom, this); delete whom; break; } case ServerOP_RequestOnlineGuildMembers: { ServerRequestOnlineGuildMembers_Struct *srogms = (ServerRequestOnlineGuildMembers_Struct*) pack->pBuffer; zlog(GUILDS__IN_PACKETS, "ServerOP_RequestOnlineGuildMembers Recieved. FromID=%i GuildID=%i", srogms->FromID, srogms->GuildID); client_list.SendOnlineGuildMembers(srogms->FromID, srogms->GuildID); break; } case ServerOP_ClientVersionSummary: { ServerRequestClientVersionSummary_Struct *srcvss = (ServerRequestClientVersionSummary_Struct*) pack->pBuffer; client_list.SendClientVersionSummary(srcvss->Name); break; } case ServerOP_ReloadRules: { zoneserver_list.SendPacket(pack); rules->LoadRules(&database, "default"); break; } case ServerOP_ReloadRulesWorld: { rules->LoadRules(&database, "default"); break; } case ServerOP_CameraShake: { zoneserver_list.SendPacket(pack); break; } case ServerOP_FriendsWho: { ServerFriendsWho_Struct* FriendsWho = (ServerFriendsWho_Struct*) pack->pBuffer; client_list.SendFriendsWho(FriendsWho, this); break; } case ServerOP_LFGMatches: { ServerLFGMatchesRequest_Struct* smrs = (ServerLFGMatchesRequest_Struct*) pack->pBuffer; client_list.SendLFGMatches(smrs); break; } case ServerOP_LFPMatches: { ServerLFPMatchesRequest_Struct* smrs = (ServerLFPMatchesRequest_Struct*) pack->pBuffer; LFPGroupList.SendLFPMatches(smrs); break; } case ServerOP_LFPUpdate: { ServerLFPUpdate_Struct* sus = (ServerLFPUpdate_Struct*) pack->pBuffer; if(sus->Action) LFPGroupList.UpdateGroup(sus); else LFPGroupList.RemoveGroup(sus); break; } case ServerOP_ZonePlayer: { //ServerZonePlayer_Struct* szp = (ServerZonePlayer_Struct*) pack->pBuffer; zoneserver_list.SendPacket(pack); break; } case ServerOP_KickPlayer: { zoneserver_list.SendPacket(pack); break; } case ServerOP_KillPlayer: { zoneserver_list.SendPacket(pack); break; } case ServerOP_GuildRankUpdate: { zoneserver_list.SendPacket(pack); break; } //these opcodes get processed by the guild manager. case ServerOP_RefreshGuild: case ServerOP_DeleteGuild: case ServerOP_GuildCharRefresh: case ServerOP_GuildMemberUpdate: { guild_mgr.ProcessZonePacket(pack); break; } case ServerOP_FlagUpdate: { ClientListEntry* cle = client_list.FindCLEByAccountID(*((uint32*) pack->pBuffer)); if (cle) cle->SetAdmin(*((int16*) &pack->pBuffer[4])); zoneserver_list.SendPacket(pack); break; } case ServerOP_GMGoto: { if (pack->size != sizeof(ServerGMGoto_Struct)) { zlog(WORLD__ZONE_ERR,"Wrong size on ServerOP_GMGoto. Got: %d, Expected: %d",pack->size,sizeof(ServerGMGoto_Struct)); break; } ServerGMGoto_Struct* gmg = (ServerGMGoto_Struct*) pack->pBuffer; ClientListEntry* cle = client_list.FindCharacter(gmg->gotoname); if (cle != 0) { if (cle->Server() == 0) this->SendEmoteMessage(gmg->myname, 0, 0, 13, "Error: Cannot identify %s's zoneserver.", gmg->gotoname); else if (cle->Anon() == 1 && cle->Admin() > gmg->admin) // no snooping for anon GMs this->SendEmoteMessage(gmg->myname, 0, 0, 13, "Error: %s not found", gmg->gotoname); else cle->Server()->SendPacket(pack); } else { this->SendEmoteMessage(gmg->myname, 0, 0, 13, "Error: %s not found", gmg->gotoname); } break; } case ServerOP_Lock: { if (pack->size != sizeof(ServerLock_Struct)) { zlog(WORLD__ZONE_ERR,"Wrong size on ServerOP_Lock. Got: %d, Expected: %d",pack->size,sizeof(ServerLock_Struct)); break; } ServerLock_Struct* slock = (ServerLock_Struct*) pack->pBuffer; if (slock->mode >= 1) WorldConfig::LockWorld(); else WorldConfig::UnlockWorld(); if (loginserverlist.Connected()) { loginserverlist.SendStatus(); if (slock->mode >= 1) this->SendEmoteMessage(slock->myname, 0, 0, 13, "World locked"); else this->SendEmoteMessage(slock->myname, 0, 0, 13, "World unlocked"); } else { if (slock->mode >= 1) this->SendEmoteMessage(slock->myname, 0, 0, 13, "World locked, but login server not connected."); else this->SendEmoteMessage(slock->myname, 0, 0, 13, "World unlocked, but login server not conencted."); } break; } case ServerOP_Motd: { if (pack->size != sizeof(ServerMotd_Struct)) { zlog(WORLD__ZONE_ERR,"Wrong size on ServerOP_Motd. Got: %d, Expected: %d",pack->size,sizeof(ServerMotd_Struct)); break; } ServerMotd_Struct* smotd = (ServerMotd_Struct*) pack->pBuffer; database.SetVariable("MOTD",smotd->motd); //this->SendEmoteMessage(smotd->myname, 0, 0, 13, "Updated Motd."); zoneserver_list.SendPacket(pack); break; } case ServerOP_Uptime: { if (pack->size != sizeof(ServerUptime_Struct)) { zlog(WORLD__ZONE_ERR,"Wrong size on ServerOP_Uptime. Got: %d, Expected: %d",pack->size,sizeof(ServerUptime_Struct)); break; } ServerUptime_Struct* sus = (ServerUptime_Struct*) pack->pBuffer; if (sus->zoneserverid == 0) { ZSList::ShowUpTime(this, sus->adminname); } else { ZoneServer* zs = zoneserver_list.FindByID(sus->zoneserverid); if (zs) zs->SendPacket(pack); } break; } case ServerOP_Petition: { zoneserver_list.SendPacket(pack); break; } case ServerOP_GetWorldTime: { zlog(WORLD__ZONE,"Broadcasting a world time update"); ServerPacket* pack = new ServerPacket; pack->opcode = ServerOP_SyncWorldTime; pack->size = sizeof(eqTimeOfDay); pack->pBuffer = new uchar[pack->size]; memset(pack->pBuffer, 0, pack->size); eqTimeOfDay* tod = (eqTimeOfDay*) pack->pBuffer; tod->start_eqtime=zoneserver_list.worldclock.getStartEQTime(); tod->start_realtime=zoneserver_list.worldclock.getStartRealTime(); SendPacket(pack); delete pack; break; } case ServerOP_SetWorldTime: { zlog(WORLD__ZONE,"Received SetWorldTime"); eqTimeOfDay* newtime = (eqTimeOfDay*) pack->pBuffer; zoneserver_list.worldclock.setEQTimeOfDay(newtime->start_eqtime, newtime->start_realtime); zlog(WORLD__ZONE,"New time = %d-%d-%d %d:%d (%d)\n", newtime->start_eqtime.year, newtime->start_eqtime.month, (int)newtime->, (int)newtime->start_eqtime.hour, (int)newtime->start_eqtime.minute, (int)newtime->start_realtime); zoneserver_list.worldclock.saveFile(WorldConfig::get()->EQTimeFile.c_str()); zoneserver_list.SendTimeSync(); break; } case ServerOP_IPLookup: { if (pack->size < sizeof(ServerGenericWorldQuery_Struct)) { zlog(WORLD__ZONE_ERR,"Wrong size on ServerOP_IPLookup. Got: %d, Expected (at least): %d",pack->size,sizeof(ServerGenericWorldQuery_Struct)); break; } ServerGenericWorldQuery_Struct* sgwq = (ServerGenericWorldQuery_Struct*) pack->pBuffer; if (pack->size == sizeof(ServerGenericWorldQuery_Struct)) client_list.SendCLEList(sgwq->admin, sgwq->from, this); else client_list.SendCLEList(sgwq->admin, sgwq->from, this, sgwq->query); break; } case ServerOP_LockZone: { if (pack->size < sizeof(ServerLockZone_Struct)) { zlog(WORLD__ZONE_ERR,"Wrong size on ServerOP_LockZone. Got: %d, Expected: %d",pack->size,sizeof(ServerLockZone_Struct)); break; } ServerLockZone_Struct* s = (ServerLockZone_Struct*) pack->pBuffer; switch (s->op) { case 0: zoneserver_list.ListLockedZones(s->adminname, this); break; case 1: if (zoneserver_list.SetLockedZone(s->zoneID, true)) zoneserver_list.SendEmoteMessage(0, 0, 80, 15, "Zone locked: %s", database.GetZoneName(s->zoneID)); else this->SendEmoteMessageRaw(s->adminname, 0, 0, 0, "Failed to change lock"); break; case 2: if (zoneserver_list.SetLockedZone(s->zoneID, false)) zoneserver_list.SendEmoteMessage(0, 0, 80, 15, "Zone unlocked: %s", database.GetZoneName(s->zoneID)); else this->SendEmoteMessageRaw(s->adminname, 0, 0, 0, "Failed to change lock"); break; } break; } case ServerOP_ItemStatus: { zoneserver_list.SendPacket(pack); break; } case ServerOP_OOCMute: { zoneserver_list.SendPacket(pack); break; } case ServerOP_Revoke: { RevokeStruct* rev = (RevokeStruct*)pack->pBuffer; ClientListEntry* cle = client_list.FindCharacter(rev->name); if (cle != 0 && cle->Server() != 0) { cle->Server()->SendPacket(pack); } break; } case ServerOP_SpawnPlayerCorpse: { SpawnPlayerCorpse_Struct* s = (SpawnPlayerCorpse_Struct*)pack->pBuffer; ZoneServer* zs = zoneserver_list.FindByZoneID(s->zone_id); if(zs) { if (zs->SendPacket(pack)) { zlog(WORLD__ZONE,"Sent request to spawn player corpse id %i in zone %u.",s->player_corpse_id, s->zone_id); } else { zlog(WORLD__ZONE_ERR,"Could not send request to spawn player corpse id %i in zone %u.",s->player_corpse_id, s->zone_id); } } break; } case ServerOP_Consent: { // Message string id's likely to be used here are: // CONSENT_YOURSELF = 399 // CONSENT_INVALID_NAME = 397 // TARGET_NOT_FOUND = 101 ZoneServer* zs; ServerOP_Consent_Struct* s = (ServerOP_Consent_Struct*)pack->pBuffer; ClientListEntry* cle = client_list.FindCharacter(s->grantname); if(cle) { if(cle->instance() != 0) { zs = zoneserver_list.FindByInstanceID(cle->instance()); if(zs) { if(zs->SendPacket(pack)) { zlog(WORLD__ZONE, "Sent consent packet from player %s to player %s in zone %u.", s->ownername, s->grantname, cle->instance()); } else { zlog(WORLD__ZONE_ERR, "Unable to locate zone record for instance id %u in zoneserver list for ServerOP_Consent operation.", s->instance_id); } } else { delete pack; pack = new ServerPacket(ServerOP_Consent_Response, sizeof(ServerOP_Consent_Struct)); ServerOP_Consent_Struct* scs = (ServerOP_Consent_Struct*)pack->pBuffer; strcpy(scs->grantname, s->grantname); strcpy(scs->ownername, s->ownername); scs->permission = s->permission; scs->zone_id = s->zone_id; scs->instance_id = s->instance_id; scs->message_string_id = 101; zs = zoneserver_list.FindByInstanceID(s->instance_id); if(zs) { if(!zs->SendPacket(pack)) zlog(WORLD__ZONE_ERR, "Unable to send consent response back to player %s in instance %u.", s->ownername, zs->GetInstanceID()); } else { zlog(WORLD__ZONE_ERR, "Unable to locate zone record for instance id %u in zoneserver list for ServerOP_Consent_Response operation.", s->instance_id); } } } else { zs = zoneserver_list.FindByZoneID(cle->zone()); if(zs) { if(zs->SendPacket(pack)) { zlog(WORLD__ZONE, "Sent consent packet from player %s to player %s in zone %u.", s->ownername, s->grantname, cle->zone()); } else { zlog(WORLD__ZONE_ERR, "Unable to locate zone record for zone id %u in zoneserver list for ServerOP_Consent operation.", s->zone_id); } } else { // send target not found back to requester delete pack; pack = new ServerPacket(ServerOP_Consent_Response, sizeof(ServerOP_Consent_Struct)); ServerOP_Consent_Struct* scs = (ServerOP_Consent_Struct*)pack->pBuffer; strcpy(scs->grantname, s->grantname); strcpy(scs->ownername, s->ownername); scs->permission = s->permission; scs->zone_id = s->zone_id; scs->message_string_id = 101; zs = zoneserver_list.FindByZoneID(s->zone_id); if(zs) { if(!zs->SendPacket(pack)) zlog(WORLD__ZONE_ERR, "Unable to send consent response back to player %s in zone %s.", s->ownername, zs->GetZoneName()); } else { zlog(WORLD__ZONE_ERR, "Unable to locate zone record for zone id %u in zoneserver list for ServerOP_Consent_Response operation.", s->zone_id); } } } } else { // send target not found back to requester delete pack; pack = new ServerPacket(ServerOP_Consent_Response, sizeof(ServerOP_Consent_Struct)); ServerOP_Consent_Struct* scs = (ServerOP_Consent_Struct*)pack->pBuffer; strcpy(scs->grantname, s->grantname); strcpy(scs->ownername, s->ownername); scs->permission = s->permission; scs->zone_id = s->zone_id; scs->message_string_id = 397; zs = zoneserver_list.FindByZoneID(s->zone_id); if(zs) { if(!zs->SendPacket(pack)) zlog(WORLD__ZONE_ERR, "Unable to send consent response back to player %s in zone %s.", s->ownername, zs->GetZoneName()); } else { zlog(WORLD__ZONE_ERR, "Unable to locate zone record for zone id %u in zoneserver list for ServerOP_Consent_Response operation.", s->zone_id); } } break; } case ServerOP_Consent_Response: { // Message string id's likely to be used here are: // CONSENT_YOURSELF = 399 // CONSENT_INVALID_NAME = 397 // TARGET_NOT_FOUND = 101 ServerOP_Consent_Struct* s = (ServerOP_Consent_Struct*)pack->pBuffer; if(s->instance_id != 0) { ZoneServer* zs = zoneserver_list.FindByInstanceID(s->instance_id); if(zs) { if(!zs->SendPacket(pack)) zlog(WORLD__ZONE_ERR, "Unable to send consent response back to player %s in instance %u.", s->ownername, zs->GetInstanceID()); } else { zlog(WORLD__ZONE_ERR, "Unable to locate zone record for instance id %u in zoneserver list for ServerOP_Consent_Response operation.", s->instance_id); } } else { ZoneServer* zs = zoneserver_list.FindByZoneID(s->zone_id); if(zs) { if(!zs->SendPacket(pack)) zlog(WORLD__ZONE_ERR, "Unable to send consent response back to player %s in zone %s.", s->ownername, zs->GetZoneName()); } else { zlog(WORLD__ZONE_ERR, "Unable to locate zone record for zone id %u in zoneserver list for ServerOP_Consent_Response operation.", s->zone_id); } } break; } case ServerOP_InstanceUpdateTime : { ServerInstanceUpdateTime_Struct *iut = (ServerInstanceUpdateTime_Struct*)pack->pBuffer; ZoneServer *zm = zoneserver_list.FindByInstanceID(iut->instance_id); if(zm) { zm->SendPacket(pack); } break; } case ServerOP_QGlobalUpdate: { if(pack->size != sizeof(ServerQGlobalUpdate_Struct)) { break; } zoneserver_list.SendPacket(pack); break; } case ServerOP_QGlobalDelete: { if(pack->size != sizeof(ServerQGlobalDelete_Struct)) { break; } zoneserver_list.SendPacket(pack); break; } case ServerOP_AdventureRequest: { adventure_manager.CalculateAdventureRequestReply((const char*)pack->pBuffer); break; } case ServerOP_AdventureRequestCreate: { adventure_manager.TryAdventureCreate((const char*)pack->pBuffer); break; } case ServerOP_AdventureDataRequest: { AdventureFinishEvent fe; while(adventure_manager.PopFinishedEvent((const char*)pack->pBuffer, fe)) { adventure_manager.SendAdventureFinish(fe); } adventure_manager.GetAdventureData((const char*)pack->pBuffer); break; } case ServerOP_AdventureClickDoor: { ServerPlayerClickedAdventureDoor_Struct *pcad = (ServerPlayerClickedAdventureDoor_Struct*)pack->pBuffer; adventure_manager.PlayerClickedDoor(pcad->player, pcad->zone_id, pcad->id); break; } case ServerOP_AdventureLeave: { adventure_manager.LeaveAdventure((const char*)pack->pBuffer); break; } case ServerOP_AdventureCountUpdate: { ServerAdventureCount_Struct *sc = (ServerAdventureCount_Struct*)pack->pBuffer; adventure_manager.IncrementCount(sc->instance_id); break; } case ServerOP_AdventureAssaCountUpdate: { adventure_manager.IncrementAssassinationCount(*((uint16*)pack->pBuffer)); break; } case ServerOP_AdventureZoneData: { adventure_manager.GetZoneData(*((uint16*)pack->pBuffer)); break; } case ServerOP_AdventureLeaderboard: { ServerLeaderboardRequest_Struct *lr = (ServerLeaderboardRequest_Struct*)pack->pBuffer; adventure_manager.DoLeaderboardRequest(lr->player, lr->type); break; } case ServerOP_LSAccountUpdate: { zlog(WORLD__ZONE, "Received ServerOP_LSAccountUpdate packet from zone"); loginserverlist.SendAccountUpdate(pack); break; } case ServerOP_UCSMailMessage: { UCSLink.SendPacket(pack); break; } case ServerOP_QueryServGeneric: case ServerOP_Speech: case ServerOP_QSPlayerLogTrades: { QSLink.SendPacket(pack); break; } case ServerOP_QSPlayerLogHandins: { QSLink.SendPacket(pack); break; } case ServerOP_QSPlayerLogNPCKills: { QSLink.SendPacket(pack); break; } case ServerOP_QSPlayerLogDeletes: { QSLink.SendPacket(pack); break; } case ServerOP_QSPlayerLogMoves: { QSLink.SendPacket(pack); break; } case ServerOP_QSMerchantLogTransactions: { QSLink.SendPacket(pack); break; } case ServerOP_CZSignalClientByName: case ServerOP_CZMessagePlayer: case ServerOP_CZSignalClient: { zoneserver_list.SendPacket(pack); break; } case ServerOP_DepopAllPlayersCorpses: case ServerOP_DepopPlayerCorpse: case ServerOP_ReloadTitles: case ServerOP_SpawnStatusChange: case ServerOP_ReloadTasks: case ServerOP_ReloadWorld: case ServerOP_UpdateSpawn: { zoneserver_list.SendPacket(pack); break; } default: { zlog(WORLD__ZONE_ERR,"Unknown ServerOPcode from zone 0x%04x, size %d",pack->opcode,pack->size); DumpPacket(pack->pBuffer, pack->size); break; } } delete pack; } return true; }
int make_H4orbits(int **qid, int **qid_count, double ***qid_val, int *nc) { int it, ix, iy, iz, iix, iit, n; int i0, i1, i2, i3; int isigma0, isigma1, isigma2, isigma3; int nqhat = -1; int Thp1 = T/2+1; int L = LX; int Lhp1 = L/2+1; int iq[4]; int iq_perm[4], index_s; double q[4], qsq, q4; /* Nclasses = 1/4!/2^4 * (L+2)(L+4)(L+6)(L+8) + the ones with odd t */ int Nclasses = (L+2)*(L+4)*(L+6)*(L+8)/24/16 + T/4 * (L+2)*(L+4)*(L+6)/6/8; fprintf(stdout, "# Nclasses = %d\n", Nclasses); fprintf(stdout, "# allocating memory for qid_count\n"); *qid_count = (int *)calloc(Nclasses, sizeof(int)); fprintf(stdout, "# allocating memory for qid_val\n"); *qid_val = (double **)calloc(4, sizeof(double*)); *(*qid_val) = (double * )calloc(4 * Nclasses, sizeof(double)); (*qid_val)[1] = (*qid_val)[0] + Nclasses; (*qid_val)[2] = (*qid_val)[1] + Nclasses; (*qid_val)[3] = (*qid_val)[2] + Nclasses; fprintf(stdout, "# setting new fields to zero\n"); for(it=0; it<Nclasses; it++) { (*qid_count)[it] = 0; (*qid_val)[0][it] = -1.; (*qid_val)[1][it] = -1.; (*qid_val)[2][it] = -1.; (*qid_val)[3][it] = -1.; } if((*qid) == (int*)NULL) { fprintf(stdout, "# allocating memory for qid & setting to zero\n"); *qid = (int *)calloc(VOLUME, sizeof(int)); for(ix=0; ix<VOLUME; ix++) (*qid)[ix] = -1; } /* initialize the permutation tables */ fprintf(stdout, "# initializing perm tabs\n"); init_perm_tabs(); fprintf(stdout, "# starting coordinate loops\n"); nqhat = -1; for(it=0; it<Thp1; it++) { if(it%2==1) { for(ix=0; ix<Lhp1; ix++) { for(iy=0; iy<=ix; iy++) { for(iz=0; iz<=iy; iz++) { nqhat++; q[0] = 2. * sin( M_PI * (double)it / (double)T ); q[1] = 2. * sin( M_PI * (double)ix / (double)L ); q[2] = 2. * sin( M_PI * (double)iy / (double)L ); q[3] = 2. * sin( M_PI * (double)iz / (double)L ); (*qid_val)[0][nqhat] = _sqr(q[0])+_sqr(q[1])+_sqr(q[2])+_sqr(q[3]); (*qid_val)[1][nqhat] = _qrt(q[0])+_qrt(q[1])+_qrt(q[2])+_qrt(q[3]); (*qid_val)[2][nqhat] = _hex(q[0])+_hex(q[1])+_hex(q[2])+_hex(q[3]); (*qid_val)[3][nqhat] = _oct(q[0])+_oct(q[1])+_oct(q[2])+_oct(q[3]); iq[0] = it; iq[1] = ix; iq[2] = iy; iq[3] = iz; /* fprintf(stdout, "=====================================\n"); fprintf(stdout, "odd it=%3d, ix=%3d, iy=%3d, iz=%3d, nqhat=%3d\n", it, ix, iy, iz, nqhat); */ /* go through all permutations */ for(n=0; n<6; n++) { iq_perm[0] = iq[perm_tab_3[n][0]+1]; iq_perm[1] = iq[perm_tab_3[n][1]+1]; iq_perm[2] = iq[perm_tab_3[n][2]+1]; /* fprintf(stdout, "-------------------------------------\n"); fprintf(stdout, "%3d, %3d, %3d, %3d\n", iq[0], iq_perm[0], iq_perm[1], iq_perm[2]); */ for(isigma0=0; isigma0<=1; isigma0++) { i0 = ( (1-isigma0)*iq[0] + isigma0*(T-iq[0]) ) % T; for(isigma1=0; isigma1<=1; isigma1++) { i1 = ( (1-isigma1)*iq_perm[0] + isigma1*(L-iq_perm[0]) ) % L; for(isigma2=0; isigma2<=1; isigma2++) { i2 = ( (1-isigma2)*iq_perm[1] + isigma2*(L-iq_perm[1]) ) % L; for(isigma3=0; isigma3<=1; isigma3++) { i3 = ( (1-isigma3)*iq_perm[2] + isigma3*(L-iq_perm[2]) ) % L; index_s = g_ipt[i0][i1][i2][i3]; /* fprintf(stdout, "%3d, %3d, %3d, %3d; %5d, %5d\n", i0, i1, i2, i3, index_s, (*qid)[index_s]); */ if((*qid)[index_s] == -1) { (*qid)[index_s] = nqhat; (*qid_count)[nqhat] +=1; } } } } } } /* end of n = 0, ..., 5 */ } /* of iz */ } /* of iy */ } /* of ix */ } /* of if it % 2 == 1 */ else { /* it is even */ iit = it / 2; for(ix=0; ix<=iit; ix++) { for(iy=0; iy<=ix; iy++) { for(iz=0; iz<=iy; iz++) { nqhat++; q[0] = 2. * sin( M_PI * (double)it / (double)T ); q[1] = 2. * sin( M_PI * (double)ix / (double)L ); q[2] = 2. * sin( M_PI * (double)iy / (double)L ); q[3] = 2. * sin( M_PI * (double)iz / (double)L ); (*qid_val)[0][nqhat] = _sqr(q[0])+_sqr(q[1])+_sqr(q[2])+_sqr(q[3]); (*qid_val)[1][nqhat] = _qrt(q[0])+_qrt(q[1])+_qrt(q[2])+_qrt(q[3]); (*qid_val)[2][nqhat] = _hex(q[0])+_hex(q[1])+_hex(q[2])+_hex(q[3]); (*qid_val)[3][nqhat] = _oct(q[0])+_oct(q[1])+_oct(q[2])+_oct(q[3]); iq[0] = iit; iq[1] = ix; iq[2] = iy; iq[3] = iz; /* fprintf(stdout, "=====================================\n"); fprintf(stdout, "even it=%3d, ix=%3d, iy=%3d, iz=%3d, nqhat=%3d\n", it, ix, iy, iz, nqhat); */ for(n=0; n<24; n++) { iq_perm[0] = iq[perm_tab_4[n][0]]; iq_perm[1] = iq[perm_tab_4[n][1]]; iq_perm[2] = iq[perm_tab_4[n][2]]; iq_perm[3] = iq[perm_tab_4[n][3]]; /* fprintf(stdout, "-------------------------------------\n"); fprintf(stdout, "%3d, %3d, %3d, %3d\n", iq_perm[0], iq_perm[1], iq_perm[2], iq_perm[3]); */ for(isigma0=0; isigma0<=1; isigma0++) { i0 = ( 2*(1-isigma0)*iq_perm[0] + isigma0*(T-2*iq_perm[0]) ) % T; for(isigma1=0; isigma1<=1; isigma1++) { i1 = ( (1-isigma1)*iq_perm[1] + isigma1*(L-iq_perm[1]) ) % L; for(isigma2=0; isigma2<=1; isigma2++) { i2 = ( (1-isigma2)*iq_perm[2] + isigma2*(L-iq_perm[2]) ) % L; for(isigma3=0; isigma3<=1; isigma3++) { i3 = ( (1-isigma3)*iq_perm[3] + isigma3*(L-iq_perm[3]) ) % L; index_s = g_ipt[i0][i1][i2][i3]; /* fprintf(stdout, "%3d, %3d, %3d, %3d; %5d, %5d\n", i0, i1, i2, i3, index_s, (*qid)[index_s]); */ if((*qid)[index_s] == -1) { (*qid)[index_s] = nqhat; (*qid_count)[nqhat] +=1; } } } } } } /* of n = 0, ..., 23 */ } } } } /* of else branch in if it % 2 == 1 */ } /* of it */ fprintf(stdout, "# finished coordinate loops\n"); /************************ * test: print the lists ************************/ /* for(it=0; it<T; it++) { for(ix=0; ix<L; ix++) { for(iy=0; iy<L; iy++) { for(iz=0; iz<L; iz++) { index_s = g_ipt[it][ix][iy][iz]; q[0] = 2. * sin( M_PI * (double)it / (double)T ); q[1] = 2. * sin( M_PI * (double)ix / (double)L ); q[2] = 2. * sin( M_PI * (double)iy / (double)L ); q[3] = 2. * sin( M_PI * (double)iz / (double)L ); qsq = q[0]*q[0] + q[1]*q[1] + q[2]*q[2] + q[3]*q[3]; q4 = q[0]*q[0]*q[0]*q[0] + q[1]*q[1]*q[1]*q[1] + q[2]*q[2]*q[2]*q[2] + q[3]*q[3]*q[3]*q[3]; fprintf(stdout, "t=%3d, x=%3d, y=%3d, z=%3d, qid=%8d\n", it, ix, iy, iz, (*qid)[index_s]); } } } } fprintf(stdout, "# n\tqid_count\tqid_val\n"); for(n=0; n<Nclasses; n++) { fprintf(stdout, "%5d\t%8d\t%12.5e\t%12.5e\t%12.5e\t%12.5e\n", n, (*qid_count)[n], (*qid_val)[0][n], (*qid_val)[1][n],(*qid_val)[2][n],(*qid_val)[3][n]); } */ *nc = Nclasses; return(0); }
int make_H3orbits(int **qid, int **qid_count, double ***qid_val, int *nc) { int it, ix, iy, iz, iix, n; int i0, i1, i2, i3; int isigma0, isigma1, isigma2, isigma3; int nqhat = -1; int Thp1 = T/2+1; int L = LX; int Lhp1 = L/2+1; int iq[4]; int iq_perm[3], index_s; double q[4], qsq, q4; /* Nclasses = 1/48 * (L+2)(L+4)(L+6) */ int Nclasses = (L*L*L+12*L*L+44*L+48)/48; fprintf(stdout, "# Nclasses = %d x %d\n", Thp1, Nclasses); /* initialize the permutation tables */ fprintf(stdout, "# initializing perm tabs\n"); init_perm_tabs(); fprintf(stdout, "# allocating memory for qid_count\n"); *qid_count = (int *)calloc(Thp1 * Nclasses, sizeof(int)); if(*qid_count==(int*)NULL) return(301); fprintf(stdout, "# allocating memory for qid_val\n"); *qid_val = (double **)calloc(4, sizeof(double*)); (*qid_val)[0] = (double*)calloc(4 * Thp1 * Nclasses, sizeof(double)); if((*qid_val)[0]==(double*)NULL) return(302); (*qid_val)[1] = (*qid_val)[0] + Thp1 * Nclasses; (*qid_val)[2] = (*qid_val)[1] + Thp1 * Nclasses; (*qid_val)[3] = (*qid_val)[2] + Thp1 * Nclasses; fprintf(stdout, "# setting new fields to zero\n"); for(it=0; it<Thp1*Nclasses; it++) { (*qid_count)[it] = 0; (*qid_val)[0][it] = -1.; (*qid_val)[1][it] = -1.; (*qid_val)[2][it] = -1.; (*qid_val)[3][it] = -1.; } if((*qid) == (int*)NULL) { fprintf(stdout, "# allocating memory for qid & setting to zero\n"); *qid = (int *)calloc(VOLUME, sizeof(int)); if(*qid==(int*)NULL) return(303); for(ix=0; ix<VOLUME; ix++) (*qid)[ix] = -1; } #ifdef _UNDEF for(it=0; it<Thp1; it++) { nqhat = -1; for(ix=0; ix<Lhp1; ix++) { for(iy=0; iy<=ix; iy++) { for(iz=0; iz<=iy; iz++) { nqhat++; q[0] = 2. * sin( M_PI * (double)it / (double)T ); q[1] = 2. * sin( M_PI * (double)ix / (double)L ); q[2] = 2. * sin( M_PI * (double)iy / (double)L ); q[3] = 2. * sin( M_PI * (double)iz / (double)L ); (*qid_val)[0][it*Nclasses+nqhat] = _sqr(q[0])+_sqr(q[1])+_sqr(q[2])+_sqr(q[3]); (*qid_val)[1][it*Nclasses+nqhat] = _qrt(q[0])+_qrt(q[1])+_qrt(q[2])+_qrt(q[3]); (*qid_val)[2][it*Nclasses+nqhat] = _hex(q[0])+_hex(q[1])+_hex(q[2])+_hex(q[3]); (*qid_val)[3][it*Nclasses+nqhat] = _oct(q[0])+_oct(q[1])+_oct(q[2])+_oct(q[3]); iq[0] = it; iq[1] = ix; iq[2] = iy; iq[3] = iz; /* fprintf(stdout, "=====================================\n"); fprintf(stdout, "it=%3d, ix=%3d, iy=%3d, iz=%3d, nqhat=%3d, id=%3d\n", it, ix, iy, iz, nqhat, it*Nclasses+nqhat); */ for(n=0; n<6; n++) { iq_perm[0] = iq[perm_tab_3[n][0]+1]; iq_perm[1] = iq[perm_tab_3[n][1]+1]; iq_perm[2] = iq[perm_tab_3[n][2]+1]; /* fprintf(stdout, "%3d, %3d, %3d, %3d\n", iq[0], iq_perm[0], iq_perm[1], iq_perm[2]); */ for(isigma0=0; isigma0<=1; isigma0++) { i0 = ( (1-isigma0)*iq[0] + isigma0*(T-iq[0]) ) % T; for(isigma1=0; isigma1<=1; isigma1++) { i1 = ( (1-isigma1)*iq_perm[0] + isigma1*(L-iq_perm[0]) ) % L; for(isigma2=0; isigma2<=1; isigma2++) { i2 = ( (1-isigma2)*iq_perm[1] + isigma2*(L-iq_perm[1]) ) % L; for(isigma3=0; isigma3<=1; isigma3++) { i3 = ( (1-isigma3)*iq_perm[2] + isigma3*(L-iq_perm[2]) ) % L; index_s = g_ipt[i0][i1][i2][i3]; /* fprintf(stdout, "-------------------------------------\n"); */ /* fprintf(stdout, "%3d, %3d, %3d, %3d; %5d, %5d\n", i0, i1, i2, i3, index_s, (*qid)[index_s]); */ if((*qid)[index_s] == -1) { (*qid)[index_s] = it*Nclasses + nqhat; (*qid_count)[it*Nclasses+nqhat] +=1; } }}}} } } } } } #endif /************************ * test: print the lists ************************/ /* for(it=0; it<T; it++) { for(ix=0; ix<L; ix++) { for(iy=0; iy<L; iy++) { for(iz=0; iz<L; iz++) { index_s = g_ipt[it][ix][iy][iz]; q[0] = 2. * sin( M_PI * (double)it / (double)T ); q[1] = 2. * sin( M_PI * (double)ix / (double)L ); q[2] = 2. * sin( M_PI * (double)iy / (double)L ); q[3] = 2. * sin( M_PI * (double)iz / (double)L ); qsq = q[0]*q[0] + q[1]*q[1] + q[2]*q[2] + q[3]*q[3]; q4 = q[0]*q[0]*q[0]*q[0] + q[1]*q[1]*q[1]*q[1] + q[2]*q[2]*q[2]*q[2] + q[3]*q[3]*q[3]*q[3]; fprintf(stdout, "t=%3d, x=%3d, y=%3d, z=%3d, qid=%8d\n", it, ix, iy, iz, (*qid)[index_s]); } } } } for(it=0; it<Thp1; it++) { for(n=0; n<Nclasses; n++) { fprintf(stdout, "t=%3d, n=%5d, qid_count=%8d, qid_val= %12.5e%12.5e%12.5e%12.5e\n", it, n, (*qid_count)[it*Nclasses+n], (*qid_val)[0][it*Nclasses+n], (*qid_val)[1][it*Nclasses+n], (*qid_val)[2][it*Nclasses+n],(*qid_val)[3][it*Nclasses+n]); } } */ *nc = Thp1 * Nclasses; return(0); }
int _vprintf(void (*putc)(char c, void **param), void **param, const char *fmt, va_list ap) { char buf[sizeof(long long)*8]; char c, sign, *cp=buf; int i; long long val = 0; int res = 0, length, width; int prepad, postpad, leading_zeros; int addr; while ((c = *fmt++) != '\0') { if (c == '%') { c = *fmt++; leading_zeros = (c == '0')?1:0; width = 0; prepad = 0; postpad = 0; while((c >= '0')&&(c <= '9')) { width = (width * 10) + (int)(c-'0'); c = *fmt++; } // Process output switch (c) { case 'd': val = va_arg(ap, int); // up to dword length = _cvt(val, buf, 10, "0123456789", leading_zeros, width); if(length < width) prepad = width - length; cp = buf; break; case 's': cp = va_arg(ap, char *); length = 0; while (cp[length] != '\0') length++; if(length < width) postpad = width - length; if((width) && (length > width)) length = width; // truncate break; case 'c': c = va_arg(ap, int /*char*/); (*putc)(c, param); res++; continue; case 'p': // pointer addr = va_arg(ap, int); length = 7; _hex(addr, buf, length); cp = buf; break; case 'x': // any hex length addr = va_arg(ap, int); // up to dword _hex(addr, buf, width); length = width; cp = buf; break; case 'b': // byte addr = va_arg(ap, int); // byte length = 2; _hex(addr, buf, length); cp = buf; break; default: (*putc)('%', param); (*putc)(c, param); res += 2; continue; } while (prepad-- > 0) { (*putc)(' ', param); res++; } while (length-- > 0) { c = *cp++; (*putc)(c, param); res++; } while (postpad-- > 0) { (*putc)(' ', param); res++; } } else {
extern dbms_error_t dbms_comms( dbms * me, int token, int *retval, DBT * v1, DBT * v2, DBT * r1, DBT * r2 ) { int errs = 5; int err = 0; struct sigaction act, oact; #ifdef TPS gettimeofday(&tstart, NULL); #endif if (logfile) { char *p1 = NULL; char *p2 = NULL; if (v1) p1 = _hex(me, v1->size, v1->data); if (v2) p2 = _hex(me, v2->size, v2->data); _tlog("%s@%s:%d %s(%02d) >>> %s %s", me->name, me->host,me->port, _token2name(token), token, p1 ? p1 : "<null>", p2 ? p2 : "<null>"); if (p1) (*me->free)(p1); if (p2) (*me->free)(p2); } /* * for now, SA_RESTART any interupted function calls */ act.sa_handler = SIG_IGN; sigemptyset(&act.sa_mask); act.sa_flags = SA_RESTART; sigaction(SIGPIPE, &act, &oact); if (retval) *retval = -1; /* * now obviously this is wrong; we do _not_ want to continue during * certain errors.. ah well.. */ for (errs = 0; errs < 10; errs++) { if ((me->sockfd >= 0) && ((err = i_comms(me, token, retval, v1, v2, r1, r2)) == 0)) break; /* * we could of course exit on certain errors, but which ? we * call recv, */ if (err == EAGAIN || err == EINTR) continue; /* * If the DB on the other end reported an error - then it * obviously is not a comms problem - so retrying makes no * sense */ if (err == E_ERROR) break; sleep(errs * 2); shutdown(me->sockfd, 2); close(me->sockfd); me->sockfd = -1;/* mark that we have an issue */ if (((err = reconnect(me)) == 0) && ((err = reselect(me)) == 0)) { if (errs) (*(me->callback)) (DBMS_EVENT_RECONNECT, errs); } else if (errs) (*(me->callback)) (DBMS_EVENT_WAITING, errs); }; #ifdef TPS gettimeofday(&tnow, NULL); ttps++; ttime += (tnow.tv_sec - tstart.tv_sec) * 1000000 + (tnow.tv_usec - tstart.tv_usec) * 1; #endif /* * restore whatever it was before */ sigaction(SIGPIPE, &oact, &act); if (logfile) { char *q1 = NULL; char *q2 = NULL; if (r1) q1 = _hex(me, r1->size, r1->data); if (r2) q2 = _hex(me, r2->size, r2->data); _tlog("%s@%s:%d %s(%02d) <<< %s %s", me->name, me->host,me->port, _token2name(token), token, q1 ? q1 : "<null>", q2 ? q2 : "<null>"); if (q1) (*me->free)(q1); if (q2) (*me->free)(q2); } return err; };
bool LoginServer::Process() { const WorldConfig *Config=WorldConfig::get(); if (statusupdate_timer.Check()) { this->SendStatus(); } /************ Get all packets from packet manager out queue and process them ************/ ServerPacket *pack = 0; while((pack = tcpc->PopPacket())) { _log(WORLD__LS_TRACE,"Recevied ServerPacket from LS OpCode 0x04x",pack->opcode); _hex(WORLD__LS_TRACE,pack->pBuffer,pack->size); switch(pack->opcode) { case 0: break; case ServerOP_KeepAlive: { // ignore this break; } case ServerOP_UsertoWorldReq: { UsertoWorldRequest_Struct* utwr = (UsertoWorldRequest_Struct*) pack->pBuffer; uint32 id = database.GetAccountIDFromLSID(utwr->lsaccountid); int16 status = database.CheckStatus(id); ServerPacket* outpack = new ServerPacket; outpack->opcode = ServerOP_UsertoWorldResp; outpack->size = sizeof(UsertoWorldResponse_Struct); outpack->pBuffer = new uchar[outpack->size]; memset(outpack->pBuffer, 0, outpack->size); UsertoWorldResponse_Struct* utwrs = (UsertoWorldResponse_Struct*) outpack->pBuffer; utwrs->lsaccountid = utwr->lsaccountid; utwrs->ToID = utwr->FromID; if(Config->Locked == true) { if((status == 0 || status < 100) && (status != -2 || status != -1)) utwrs->response = 0; if(status >= 100) utwrs->response = 1; } else { utwrs->response = 1; } int32 x = Config->MaxClients; if( (int32)numplayers >= x && x != -1 && x != 255 && status < 80) utwrs->response = -3; if(status == -1) utwrs->response = -1; if(status == -2) utwrs->response = -2; utwrs->worldid = utwr->worldid; SendPacket(outpack); delete outpack; break; } case ServerOP_LSClientAuth: { ServerLSClientAuth* slsca = (ServerLSClientAuth*) pack->pBuffer; if (RuleI(World, AccountSessionLimit) >= 0) { // Enforce the limit on the number of characters on the same account that can be // online at the same time. client_list.EnforceSessionLimit(slsca->lsaccount_id); } client_list.CLEAdd(slsca->lsaccount_id, slsca->name, slsca->key, slsca->worldadmin, slsca->ip, slsca->local); break; } case ServerOP_LSFatalError: { #ifndef IGNORE_LS_FATAL_ERROR WorldConfig::DisableLoginserver(); _log(WORLD__LS_ERR, "Login server responded with FatalError. Disabling reconnect."); #else _log(WORLD__LS_ERR, "Login server responded with FatalError."); #endif if (pack->size > 1) { _log(WORLD__LS_ERR, " %s",pack->pBuffer); } break; } case ServerOP_SystemwideMessage: { ServerSystemwideMessage* swm = (ServerSystemwideMessage*) pack->pBuffer; zoneserver_list.SendEmoteMessageRaw(0, 0, 0, swm->type, swm->message); break; } case ServerOP_LSRemoteAddr: { if (!Config->WorldAddress.length()) { WorldConfig::SetWorldAddress((char *)pack->pBuffer); _log(WORLD__LS, "Loginserver provided %s as world address",pack->pBuffer); } break; } case ServerOP_LSAccountUpdate: { _log(WORLD__LS, "Received ServerOP_LSAccountUpdate packet from loginserver"); CanAccountUpdate = true; break; } default: { _log(WORLD__LS_ERR, "Unknown LSOpCode: 0x%04x size=%d",(int)pack->opcode,pack->size); DumpPacket(pack->pBuffer, pack->size); break; } } delete pack; } return true; }