예제 #1
int_32  Shell_search_file_r(int_32 argc, char_ptr argv[] )
{ /* Body */
   boolean              print_usage, shorthelp = FALSE;
   int_32               return_code = SHELL_EXIT_SUCCESS;
   int_32               len;
   MQX_FILE_PTR         fs_ptr;
   char_ptr             path_ptr, mode_ptr;
   pointer              dir_ptr;
   char_ptr             buffer = NULL;
   SHELL_CONTEXT_PTR    shell_ptr = Shell_get_context( argv );
   int_32               error = 0;
   char_ptr             file_name,source_name; 
   MFS_SEARCH_DATA search_data;
   pointer      search_ptr;
   DIR_STRUCT_PTR dir_file; // wk @130405 -->
   dir_file = _mem_alloc_zero( sizeof( DIR_STRUCT ));  // wk @130405 -->
   print_usage = Shell_check_help_request(argc, argv, &shorthelp );

   if (!print_usage)  {
      if (argc > 2)  {
         printf("Error, invalid number of parameters\n");
         return_code = SHELL_EXIT_ERROR;
      } else {
         path_ptr  ="*.*";
         mode_ptr = "m";

         fs_ptr = Shell_get_current_filesystem(argv);
         /* check if filesystem is mounted */ 
         if (fs_ptr == NULL)  {
             printf("Error, file system not mounted\n");
             return_code = SHELL_EXIT_ERROR;
         } else  {
            buffer = _mem_alloc(BUFFER_SIZE);
            error = ioctl(fs_ptr, IO_IOCTL_CHANGE_CURRENT_DIR, shell_ptr->CURRENT_DIR);
            if (buffer && !error) {
               dir_ptr = _io_mfs_dir_open(fs_ptr, path_ptr, mode_ptr );
               if (dir_ptr == NULL)  {
                  printf("File not found.\n");
                  return_code = SHELL_EXIT_ERROR;
               } else {
//                  while ((_io_is_fs_valid(fs_ptr)) && (len = _io_mfs_dir_read_wk(dir_ptr, buffer, BUFFER_SIZE )) > 0) {  // wk @130405-->old
                  while ((_io_is_fs_valid(fs_ptr)) && (len = _io_mfs_dir_read_wk1(dir_ptr, buffer, BUFFER_SIZE,dir_file )) > 0) {
//                    printf ("%-12.12s  %6lu \n"
//                    ,dir_ptr_g->SEARCH_DATA.NAME, dir_ptr_g->SEARCH_DATA.FILE_SIZE);
//                    file_name=dir_ptr_g->SEARCH_DATA.NAME;   // wk @130405-->old                   
                    printf ("%-12.12s  %6lu \n"
                    ,dir_file->SEARCH_DATA.NAME, dir_file->SEARCH_DATA.FILE_SIZE);
//                    file_name=dir_ptr_g->SEARCH_DATA.NAME; // wk @130405-->old
                       if(*(file_name++)!= *(source_name++))
                        goto next;
                       error=33;   // WK --> 文件找到
 next:                 source_name=argv[1];                     
                  printf("error=%d if /t33表示文件找到\n",error);
            } else {
               if(buffer == NULL){
                 printf("Error, unable to allocate space.\n" );
               } else {
                 printf("Error, directory does not exist.\n" );
               return_code = SHELL_EXIT_ERROR;

   if (print_usage)  {
      if (shorthelp)  {
         printf("%s [<filename>]\n", argv[0]);
      } else  {
         printf("Usage: %s [<filespec> [<attr>]]\n", argv[0]);
         printf("   <filename>   = filename what want to fine\n");
   return return_code;
} /* Endbody */
예제 #2
int32_t  Shell_dir(int32_t argc, char *argv[] )
{ /* Body */
   bool              print_usage, shorthelp = FALSE;
   int32_t               return_code = SHELL_EXIT_SUCCESS;
   int32_t               len;
   MQX_FILE_PTR         fs_ptr;
   char             *path_ptr, *mode_ptr;
   void                *dir_ptr;
   char             *buffer = NULL;
   SHELL_CONTEXT_PTR    shell_ptr = Shell_get_context( argv );
   int32_t               error = 0;

   print_usage = Shell_check_help_request(argc, argv, &shorthelp );

   if (!print_usage)  {
      if (argc > 3)  {
         printf("Error, invalid number of parameters\n");
         return_code = SHELL_EXIT_ERROR;
      } else {
         path_ptr  ="*.*";
         mode_ptr = "m";
         if (argc >= 2)  {
            path_ptr = argv[1];
            if (argc== 3)  {
               mode_ptr = argv[2];
         fs_ptr = Shell_get_current_filesystem(argv);
         /* check if filesystem is mounted */ 
         if (fs_ptr == NULL)  {
             printf("Error, file system not mounted\n");
             return_code = SHELL_EXIT_ERROR;
         } else  {
            buffer = _mem_alloc(BUFFER_SIZE);
            error = ioctl(fs_ptr, IO_IOCTL_CHANGE_CURRENT_DIR, shell_ptr->CURRENT_DIR);
            if (buffer && !error) {
               dir_ptr = _io_mfs_dir_open(fs_ptr, path_ptr, mode_ptr );
               if (dir_ptr == NULL)  {
                  printf("File not found.\n");
                  return_code = SHELL_EXIT_ERROR;
               } else {
                  while ((_io_is_fs_valid(fs_ptr)) && (len = _io_mfs_dir_read(dir_ptr, buffer, BUFFER_SIZE)) > 0) {
            } else {
               if(buffer == NULL){
                 printf("Error, unable to allocate space.\n" );
               } else {
                 printf("Error, directory does not exist.\n" );
               return_code = SHELL_EXIT_ERROR;

   if (print_usage)  {
      if (shorthelp)  {
         printf("%s [<filespec>] [<attr>]]\n", argv[0]);
      } else  {
         printf("Usage: %s [<filespec> [<attr>]]\n", argv[0]);
         printf("   <filespec>   = files to list\n");
         printf("   <attr>       = attributes of files: adhrsv*\n");
   return return_code;
} /* Endbody */
예제 #3
int32_t ftpsrv_list(FTPSRV_SESSION_STRUCT* session)
    int32_t  length;
    char*    path;
    void*    dir_ptr;
    uint32_t sock;
    char*    dir_param;
    char*    full_path;
    char*    temp;
    uint32_t path_length;
    uint32_t wrong_path;

    if (session->cmd_arg == NULL)
        path = "";
        path = rtcs_path_strip_delimiters(session->cmd_arg);

    /* Translate relative path to absolute. */
    full_path = ftpsrv_get_full_path(session, path, &wrong_path);
    if (full_path == NULL)
        if (wrong_path)
            session->message = (char*) ftpsrvmsg_no_file;
            session->message = (char*) ftpsrvmsg_no_memory;
    path_length = strlen(full_path);

    /* Allocate space for path + appendix, copy full path and add appendix to it. */
    /* This is required because MFS cannot list directories, only files. */
    temp = RTCS_mem_alloc_zero(path_length+sizeof(FTPSRV_PATH_APPENDIX)); 
    _mem_copy(full_path, temp, path_length);
    _mem_copy(FTPSRV_PATH_APPENDIX, temp+path_length, sizeof(FTPSRV_PATH_APPENDIX)-1);
    full_path = temp;

    /* Open directory. Unix format for LIST command, simple file list for NLIST. */
    if (!strcmp(session->command, "LIST"))
        /* Unix */
        dir_param = "u*";
        /* File list */
        dir_param = "f*";

    /* Open directory, get list, cleanup and return. */
    dir_ptr = _io_mfs_dir_open(session->fs_ptr, full_path, dir_param);
    if (dir_ptr == NULL)
        session->message = (char*) ftpsrvmsg_no_file;

    /* Send initialization message */
    ftpsrv_send_msg(session, ftpsrvmsg_opening_datacon);
    /* Open data connection */
    sock = ftpsrv_open_data_connection(session);
    if (sock == RTCS_SOCKET_ERROR)
        session->message = (char*) ftpsrvmsg_locerr;

    /* Send data (directory listing). */
    while ((length = _io_mfs_dir_read(dir_ptr, session->buffer, FTPSRV_BUF_SIZE)) > 0)
        /* If we are in root do not list "one level up" nor "current dir" link */
        if ((strstr(session->buffer, " .. ") || strstr(session->buffer, " . ")) && !strcmp(session->cur_dir, "\\"))
            _mem_zero(session->buffer, length);
            if (send(sock, session->buffer, length, 0) != length)
                ftpsrv_send_msg(session, ftpsrvmsg_writefail);
    /* Cleanup */

    session->message = (char*) ftpsrvmsg_trans_complete;
    return FTPSRV_OK;