예제 #1
파일: s_span.c 프로젝트: hoangduit/reactos
 * Get colors at x/y positions with clipping.
 * \param type  type of values to return
static void
get_values(struct gl_context *ctx, struct gl_renderbuffer *rb,
           GLuint count, const GLint x[], const GLint y[],
           void *values, GLenum type)
   GLuint i;

   for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
      if (x[i] >= 0 && y[i] >= 0 &&
	  x[i] < (GLint) rb->Width && y[i] < (GLint) rb->Height) {
         /* inside */
         const GLubyte *src = _swrast_pixel_address(rb, x[i], y[i]);

         if (type == GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE) {
            _mesa_unpack_ubyte_rgba_row(rb->Format, 1, src,
                                        (GLubyte (*)[4]) values + i);
         else if (type == GL_FLOAT) {
            _mesa_unpack_rgba_row(rb->Format, 1, src,
                                  (GLfloat (*)[4]) values + i);
         else {
            _mesa_problem(ctx, "unexpected type in get_values()");
예제 #2
파일: s_span.c 프로젝트: hoangduit/reactos
 * Get row of colors with clipping.
 * \param type  type of values to return
static void
get_row(struct gl_context *ctx, struct gl_renderbuffer *rb,
        GLuint count, GLint x, GLint y,
        GLvoid *values, GLenum type)
   GLint skip = 0;
   GLubyte *src;

   if (y < 0 || y >= (GLint) rb->Height)
      return; /* above or below */

   if (x + (GLint) count <= 0 || x >= (GLint) rb->Width)
      return; /* entirely left or right */

   if (x + count > rb->Width) {
      /* right clip */
      GLint clip = x + count - rb->Width;
      count -= clip;

   if (x < 0) {
      /* left clip */
      skip = -x;
      x = 0;
      count -= skip;

   src = _swrast_pixel_address(rb, x, y);

   if (type == GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE) {
      _mesa_unpack_ubyte_rgba_row(rb->Format, count, src,
                                  (GLubyte (*)[4]) values + skip);
   else if (type == GL_FLOAT) {
      _mesa_unpack_rgba_row(rb->Format, count, src,
                            (GLfloat (*)[4]) values + skip);
   else {
      _mesa_problem(ctx, "unexpected type in get_row()");
예제 #3
파일: s_span.c 프로젝트: hoangduit/reactos
 * Read float RGBA pixels from a renderbuffer.  Clipping will be done to
 * prevent reading ouside the buffer's boundaries.
 * \param rgba  the returned colors
_swrast_read_rgba_span( struct gl_context *ctx, struct gl_renderbuffer *rb,
                        GLuint n, GLint x, GLint y,
                        GLvoid *rgba)
   struct swrast_renderbuffer *srb = swrast_renderbuffer(rb);
   GLenum dstType = GL_FLOAT;
   const GLint bufWidth = (GLint) rb->Width;
   const GLint bufHeight = (GLint) rb->Height;

   if (y < 0 || y >= bufHeight || x + (GLint) n < 0 || x >= bufWidth) {
      /* completely above, below, or right */
      /* XXX maybe leave rgba values undefined? */
      memset(rgba, 0, 4 * n * sizeof(GLchan));
   else {
      GLint skip, length;
      GLubyte *src;

      if (x < 0) {
         /* left edge clipping */
         skip = -x;
         length = (GLint) n - skip;
         if (length < 0) {
            /* completely left of window */
         if (length > bufWidth) {
            length = bufWidth;
      else if ((GLint) (x + n) > bufWidth) {
         /* right edge clipping */
         skip = 0;
         length = bufWidth - x;
         if (length < 0) {
            /* completely to right of window */
      else {
         /* no clipping */
         skip = 0;
         length = (GLint) n;

      ASSERT(rb->_BaseFormat == GL_RGBA ||
	     rb->_BaseFormat == GL_RGB ||
	     rb->_BaseFormat == GL_RG ||
	     rb->_BaseFormat == GL_RED ||
	     rb->_BaseFormat == GL_LUMINANCE ||
	     rb->_BaseFormat == GL_INTENSITY ||
	     rb->_BaseFormat == GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA ||
	     rb->_BaseFormat == GL_ALPHA);


      src = _swrast_pixel_address(rb, x + skip, y);

      if (dstType == GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE) {
         _mesa_unpack_ubyte_rgba_row(rb->Format, length, src,
                                     (GLubyte (*)[4]) rgba + skip);
      else if (dstType == GL_FLOAT) {
         _mesa_unpack_rgba_row(rb->Format, length, src,
                               (GLfloat (*)[4]) rgba + skip);
      else {
         _mesa_problem(ctx, "unexpected type in _swrast_read_rgba_span()");
예제 #4
 * Bilinear filtered blit (color only, non-integer values).
static void
blit_linear(struct gl_context *ctx,
            GLint srcX0, GLint srcY0, GLint srcX1, GLint srcY1,
            GLint dstX0, GLint dstY0, GLint dstX1, GLint dstY1)
   struct gl_renderbuffer *readRb = ctx->ReadBuffer->_ColorReadBuffer;
   struct gl_renderbuffer *drawRb = ctx->DrawBuffer->_ColorDrawBuffers[0];

   const GLint srcWidth = ABS(srcX1 - srcX0);
   const GLint dstWidth = ABS(dstX1 - dstX0);
   const GLint srcHeight = ABS(srcY1 - srcY0);
   const GLint dstHeight = ABS(dstY1 - dstY0);
   const GLfloat dstHeightF = (GLfloat) dstHeight;

   const GLint srcXpos = MIN2(srcX0, srcX1);
   const GLint srcYpos = MIN2(srcY0, srcY1);
   const GLint dstXpos = MIN2(dstX0, dstX1);
   const GLint dstYpos = MIN2(dstY0, dstY1);

   const GLboolean invertX = (srcX1 < srcX0) ^ (dstX1 < dstX0);
   const GLboolean invertY = (srcY1 < srcY0) ^ (dstY1 < dstY0);

   GLint dstRow;

   GLint pixelSize;
   GLvoid *srcBuffer0, *srcBuffer1;
   GLint srcBufferY0 = -1, srcBufferY1 = -1;
   GLvoid *dstBuffer;

   gl_format readFormat = _mesa_get_srgb_format_linear(readRb->Format);
   gl_format drawFormat = _mesa_get_srgb_format_linear(drawRb->Format);
   GLuint bpp = _mesa_get_format_bytes(readFormat);

   GLenum pixelType;

   GLubyte *srcMap, *dstMap;
   GLint srcRowStride, dstRowStride;

   /* Determine datatype for resampling */
   if (_mesa_get_format_max_bits(readFormat) == 8 &&
       _mesa_get_format_datatype(readFormat) == GL_UNSIGNED_NORMALIZED) {
      pixelType = GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE;
      pixelSize = 4 * sizeof(GLubyte);
   else {
      pixelType = GL_FLOAT;
      pixelSize = 4 * sizeof(GLfloat);

   /* Allocate the src/dst row buffers.
    * Keep two adjacent src rows around for bilinear sampling.
   srcBuffer0 = malloc(pixelSize * srcWidth);
   if (!srcBuffer0) {
      _mesa_error(ctx, GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY, "glBlitFrameBufferEXT");
   srcBuffer1 = malloc(pixelSize * srcWidth);
   if (!srcBuffer1) {
      _mesa_error(ctx, GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY, "glBlitFrameBufferEXT");
   dstBuffer = malloc(pixelSize * dstWidth);
   if (!dstBuffer) {
      _mesa_error(ctx, GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY, "glBlitFrameBufferEXT");

    * Map src / dst renderbuffers
   if (readRb == drawRb) {
      /* map whole buffer for read/write */
      ctx->Driver.MapRenderbuffer(ctx, readRb,
                                  0, 0, readRb->Width, readRb->Height,
                                  GL_MAP_READ_BIT | GL_MAP_WRITE_BIT,
                                  &srcMap, &srcRowStride);
      if (!srcMap) {
         _mesa_error(ctx, GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY, "glBlitFramebuffer");

      dstMap = srcMap;
      dstRowStride = srcRowStride;
   else {
      /* different src/dst buffers */
      /* XXX with a bit of work we could just map the regions to be
       * read/written instead of the whole buffers.
      ctx->Driver.MapRenderbuffer(ctx, readRb,
				  0, 0, readRb->Width, readRb->Height,
                                  GL_MAP_READ_BIT, &srcMap, &srcRowStride);
      if (!srcMap) {
         _mesa_error(ctx, GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY, "glBlitFramebuffer");
      ctx->Driver.MapRenderbuffer(ctx, drawRb,
                                  0, 0, drawRb->Width, drawRb->Height,
                                  GL_MAP_WRITE_BIT, &dstMap, &dstRowStride);
      if (!dstMap) {
         ctx->Driver.UnmapRenderbuffer(ctx, readRb);
         _mesa_error(ctx, GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY, "glBlitFramebuffer");

   for (dstRow = 0; dstRow < dstHeight; dstRow++) {
      const GLint dstY = dstYpos + dstRow;
      const GLfloat srcRow = (dstRow * srcHeight) / dstHeightF;
      GLint srcRow0 = IFLOOR(srcRow);
      GLint srcRow1 = srcRow0 + 1;
      GLfloat rowWeight = srcRow - srcRow0; /* fractional part of srcRow */

      ASSERT(srcRow >= 0);
      ASSERT(srcRow < srcHeight);

      if (srcRow1 == srcHeight) {
         /* last row fudge */
         srcRow1 = srcRow0;
         rowWeight = 0.0;

      if (invertY) {
         srcRow0 = srcHeight - 1 - srcRow0;
         srcRow1 = srcHeight - 1 - srcRow1;

      srcY0 = srcYpos + srcRow0;
      srcY1 = srcYpos + srcRow1;

      /* get the two source rows */
      if (srcY0 == srcBufferY0 && srcY1 == srcBufferY1) {
         /* use same source row buffers again */
      else if (srcY0 == srcBufferY1) {
         /* move buffer1 into buffer0 by swapping pointers */
         GLvoid *tmp = srcBuffer0;
         srcBuffer0 = srcBuffer1;
         srcBuffer1 = tmp;
         /* get y1 row */
            GLubyte *src = srcMap + srcY1 * srcRowStride + srcXpos * bpp;
            if (pixelType == GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE) {
               _mesa_unpack_ubyte_rgba_row(readFormat, srcWidth,
                                           src, srcBuffer1);
            else {
               _mesa_unpack_rgba_row(readFormat, srcWidth,
                                     src, srcBuffer1);
         srcBufferY0 = srcY0;
         srcBufferY1 = srcY1;
      else {
         /* get both new rows */
            GLubyte *src0 = srcMap + srcY0 * srcRowStride + srcXpos * bpp;
            GLubyte *src1 = srcMap + srcY1 * srcRowStride + srcXpos * bpp;
            if (pixelType == GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE) {
               _mesa_unpack_ubyte_rgba_row(readFormat, srcWidth,
                                           src0, srcBuffer0);
               _mesa_unpack_ubyte_rgba_row(readFormat, srcWidth,
                                           src1, srcBuffer1);
            else {
               _mesa_unpack_rgba_row(readFormat, srcWidth, src0, srcBuffer0);
               _mesa_unpack_rgba_row(readFormat, srcWidth, src1, srcBuffer1);
         srcBufferY0 = srcY0;
         srcBufferY1 = srcY1;

      if (pixelType == GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE) {
         resample_linear_row_ub(srcWidth, dstWidth, srcBuffer0, srcBuffer1,
                                dstBuffer, invertX, rowWeight);
      else {
         resample_linear_row_float(srcWidth, dstWidth, srcBuffer0, srcBuffer1,
                                   dstBuffer, invertX, rowWeight);

      /* store pixel row in destination */
         GLubyte *dst = dstMap + dstY * dstRowStride + dstXpos * bpp;
         if (pixelType == GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE) {
            _mesa_pack_ubyte_rgba_row(drawFormat, dstWidth, dstBuffer, dst);
         else {
            _mesa_pack_float_rgba_row(drawFormat, dstWidth, dstBuffer, dst);


   ctx->Driver.UnmapRenderbuffer(ctx, readRb);
   if (drawRb != readRb) {
      ctx->Driver.UnmapRenderbuffer(ctx, drawRb);