예제 #1
void weighted_merge_planar_mmx(BYTE *p1, const BYTE *p2, int p1_pitch, int p2_pitch, int width, int height, int weight, int invweight) {
  __m64 round_mask = _mm_set1_pi32(0x4000);
  __m64 zero = _mm_setzero_si64();
  __m64 mask = _mm_set_pi16(weight, invweight, weight, invweight);

  int wMod8 = (width/8) * 8;

  for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
    for (int x = 0; x < wMod8; x += 8) {
      __m64 px1 = *(reinterpret_cast<const __m64*>(p1+x)); //y7y6 y5y4 y3y2 y1y0
      __m64 px2 = *(reinterpret_cast<const __m64*>(p2+x)); //Y7Y6 Y5Y4 Y3Y2 Y1Y0

      __m64 p0123 = _mm_unpacklo_pi8(px1, px2); //Y3y3 Y2y2 Y1y1 Y0y0
      __m64 p4567 = _mm_unpackhi_pi8(px1, px2); //Y7y7 Y6y6 Y5y5 Y4y4

      __m64 p01 = _mm_unpacklo_pi8(p0123, zero); //00Y1 00y1 00Y0 00y0
      __m64 p23 = _mm_unpackhi_pi8(p0123, zero); //00Y3 00y3 00Y2 00y2
      __m64 p45 = _mm_unpacklo_pi8(p4567, zero); //00Y5 00y5 00Y4 00y4
      __m64 p67 = _mm_unpackhi_pi8(p4567, zero); //00Y7 00y7 00Y6 00y6

      p01 = _mm_madd_pi16(p01, mask);
      p23 = _mm_madd_pi16(p23, mask);
      p45 = _mm_madd_pi16(p45, mask);
      p67 = _mm_madd_pi16(p67, mask);

      p01 = _mm_add_pi32(p01, round_mask);
      p23 = _mm_add_pi32(p23, round_mask);
      p45 = _mm_add_pi32(p45, round_mask);
      p67 = _mm_add_pi32(p67, round_mask);

      p01 = _mm_srli_pi32(p01, 15);
      p23 = _mm_srli_pi32(p23, 15);
      p45 = _mm_srli_pi32(p45, 15);
      p67 = _mm_srli_pi32(p67, 15);

      p0123 = _mm_packs_pi32(p01, p23);
      p4567 = _mm_packs_pi32(p45, p67);

      __m64 result = _mm_packs_pu16(p0123, p4567);

      *reinterpret_cast<__m64*>(p1+x) = result;

    for (int x = wMod8; x < width; x++) {
      p1[x] = (p1[x]*invweight + p2[x]*weight + 16384) >> 15;

    p1 += p1_pitch;
    p2 += p2_pitch;
예제 #2
static void weighted_merge_luma_yuy2_mmx(BYTE *src, const BYTE *luma, int pitch, int luma_pitch,int width, int height, int weight, int invweight)
  __m64 round_mask = _mm_set1_pi32(0x4000);
  __m64 mask = _mm_set_pi16(weight, invweight, weight, invweight);
  __m64 luma_mask = _mm_set1_pi16(0x00FF);
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable: 4309)
  __m64 chroma_mask = _mm_set1_pi16(0xFF00);
#pragma warning(pop)

  int wMod8 = (width/8) * 8;

  for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
    for (int x = 0; x < wMod8; x += 8) {
      __m64 px1 = *reinterpret_cast<const __m64*>(src+x); //V1 Y3 U1 Y2 V0 Y1 U0 Y0
      __m64 px2 = *reinterpret_cast<const __m64*>(luma+x); //v1 y3 u1 y2 v0 y1 u0 y0

      __m64 src_lo = _mm_unpacklo_pi16(px1, px2); //v0 y1 V0 Y1 u0 y0 U0 Y0
      __m64 src_hi = _mm_unpackhi_pi16(px1, px2); 

      src_lo = _mm_and_si64(src_lo, luma_mask); //00 v0 00 V0 00 u0 00 U0
      src_hi = _mm_and_si64(src_hi, luma_mask); 

      src_lo = _mm_madd_pi16(src_lo, mask);
      src_hi = _mm_madd_pi16(src_hi, mask);

      src_lo = _mm_add_pi32(src_lo, round_mask);
      src_hi = _mm_add_pi32(src_hi, round_mask);

      src_lo = _mm_srli_pi32(src_lo, 15);
      src_hi = _mm_srli_pi32(src_hi, 15);

      __m64 result_luma = _mm_packs_pi32(src_lo, src_hi);

      __m64 result_chroma = _mm_and_si64(px1, chroma_mask);
      __m64 result = _mm_or_si64(result_chroma, result_luma);

      *reinterpret_cast<__m64*>(src+x) = result;

    for (int x = wMod8; x < width; x+=2) {
      src[x] = (luma[x] * weight + src[x] * invweight + 16384) >> 15;

    src += pitch;
    luma += luma_pitch;
예제 #3
test (__m64 s1, __m64 s2)
  return _mm_add_pi32 (s1, s2);
예제 #4
__m64 test35(__m64 a, __m64 b) {
  // CHECK: paddd
  return _mm_add_pi32(a, b);
예제 #5
/* since sin_ps and cos_ps are almost identical, sincos_ps could replace both of them..
it is almost as fast, and gives you a free cosine with your sine */
void sincos_ps(v4sfu *xptr, v4sfu *sptr, v4sfu *cptr) {
   __m128 x=*((__m128 *)xptr), *s=(__m128 *)sptr, *c=(__m128 *)cptr, xmm1, xmm2, xmm3 = _mm_setzero_ps(), sign_bit_sin, y;
#ifdef USE_SSE2
   __m128i emm0, emm2, emm4;
   __m64 mm0, mm1, mm2, mm3, mm4, mm5;
   sign_bit_sin = x;
   /* take the absolute value */
   x = _mm_and_ps(x, *(__m128*)_ps_inv_sign_mask);
   /* extract the sign bit (upper one) */
   sign_bit_sin = _mm_and_ps(sign_bit_sin, *(__m128*)_ps_sign_mask);

   /* scale by 4/Pi */
   y = _mm_mul_ps(x, *(__m128*)_ps_cephes_FOPI);

#ifdef USE_SSE2
   /* store the integer part of y in emm2 */
   emm2 = _mm_cvttps_epi32(y);

   /* j=(j+1) & (~1) (see the cephes sources) */
   emm2 = _mm_add_epi32(emm2, *(__m128i*)_pi32_1);
   emm2 = _mm_and_si128(emm2, *(__m128i*)_pi32_inv1);
   y = _mm_cvtepi32_ps(emm2);

   emm4 = emm2;

   /* get the swap sign flag for the sine */
   emm0 = _mm_and_si128(emm2, *(__m128i*)_pi32_4);
   emm0 = _mm_slli_epi32(emm0, 29);
   __m128 swap_sign_bit_sin = _mm_castsi128_ps(emm0);

   /* get the polynom selection mask for the sine*/
   emm2 = _mm_and_si128(emm2, *(__m128i*)_pi32_2);
   emm2 = _mm_cmpeq_epi32(emm2, _mm_setzero_si128());
   __m128 poly_mask = _mm_castsi128_ps(emm2);
   /* store the integer part of y in mm2:mm3 */
   xmm3 = _mm_movehl_ps(xmm3, y);
   mm2 = _mm_cvttps_pi32(y);
   mm3 = _mm_cvttps_pi32(xmm3);

   /* j=(j+1) & (~1) (see the cephes sources) */
   mm2 = _mm_add_pi32(mm2, *(__m64*)_pi32_1);
   mm3 = _mm_add_pi32(mm3, *(__m64*)_pi32_1);
   mm2 = _mm_and_si64(mm2, *(__m64*)_pi32_inv1);
   mm3 = _mm_and_si64(mm3, *(__m64*)_pi32_inv1);

   y = _mm_cvtpi32x2_ps(mm2, mm3);

   mm4 = mm2;
   mm5 = mm3;

   /* get the swap sign flag for the sine */
   mm0 = _mm_and_si64(mm2, *(__m64*)_pi32_4);
   mm1 = _mm_and_si64(mm3, *(__m64*)_pi32_4);
   mm0 = _mm_slli_pi32(mm0, 29);
   mm1 = _mm_slli_pi32(mm1, 29);
   __m128 swap_sign_bit_sin;
   COPY_MM_TO_XMM(mm0, mm1, swap_sign_bit_sin);

   /* get the polynom selection mask for the sine */

   mm2 = _mm_and_si64(mm2, *(__m64*)_pi32_2);
   mm3 = _mm_and_si64(mm3, *(__m64*)_pi32_2);
   mm2 = _mm_cmpeq_pi32(mm2, _mm_setzero_si64());
   mm3 = _mm_cmpeq_pi32(mm3, _mm_setzero_si64());
   __m128 poly_mask;
   COPY_MM_TO_XMM(mm2, mm3, poly_mask);

   /* The magic pass: "******" 
   x = ((x - y * DP1) - y * DP2) - y * DP3; */
   xmm1 = *(__m128*)_ps_minus_cephes_DP1;
   xmm2 = *(__m128*)_ps_minus_cephes_DP2;
   xmm3 = *(__m128*)_ps_minus_cephes_DP3;
   xmm1 = _mm_mul_ps(y, xmm1);
   xmm2 = _mm_mul_ps(y, xmm2);
   xmm3 = _mm_mul_ps(y, xmm3);
   x = _mm_add_ps(x, xmm1);
   x = _mm_add_ps(x, xmm2);
   x = _mm_add_ps(x, xmm3);

#ifdef USE_SSE2
   emm4 = _mm_sub_epi32(emm4, *(__m128i*)_pi32_2);
   emm4 = _mm_andnot_si128(emm4, *(__m128i*)_pi32_4);
   emm4 = _mm_slli_epi32(emm4, 29);
   __m128 sign_bit_cos = _mm_castsi128_ps(emm4);
   /* get the sign flag for the cosine */
   mm4 = _mm_sub_pi32(mm4, *(__m64*)_pi32_2);
   mm5 = _mm_sub_pi32(mm5, *(__m64*)_pi32_2);
   mm4 = _mm_andnot_si64(mm4, *(__m64*)_pi32_4);
   mm5 = _mm_andnot_si64(mm5, *(__m64*)_pi32_4);
   mm4 = _mm_slli_pi32(mm4, 29);
   mm5 = _mm_slli_pi32(mm5, 29);
   __m128 sign_bit_cos;
   COPY_MM_TO_XMM(mm4, mm5, sign_bit_cos);
   _mm_empty(); /* good-bye mmx */

   sign_bit_sin = _mm_xor_ps(sign_bit_sin, swap_sign_bit_sin);

   /* Evaluate the first polynom  (0 <= x <= Pi/4) */
   __m128 z = _mm_mul_ps(x,x);
   y = *(__m128*)_ps_coscof_p0;

   y = _mm_mul_ps(y, z);
   y = _mm_add_ps(y, *(__m128*)_ps_coscof_p1);
   y = _mm_mul_ps(y, z);
   y = _mm_add_ps(y, *(__m128*)_ps_coscof_p2);
   y = _mm_mul_ps(y, z);
   y = _mm_mul_ps(y, z);
   __m128 tmp = _mm_mul_ps(z, *(__m128*)_ps_0p5);
   y = _mm_sub_ps(y, tmp);
   y = _mm_add_ps(y, *(__m128*)_ps_1);

   /* Evaluate the second polynom  (Pi/4 <= x <= 0) */

   __m128 y2 = *(__m128*)_ps_sincof_p0;
   y2 = _mm_mul_ps(y2, z);
   y2 = _mm_add_ps(y2, *(__m128*)_ps_sincof_p1);
   y2 = _mm_mul_ps(y2, z);
   y2 = _mm_add_ps(y2, *(__m128*)_ps_sincof_p2);
   y2 = _mm_mul_ps(y2, z);
   y2 = _mm_mul_ps(y2, x);
   y2 = _mm_add_ps(y2, x);

   /* select the correct result from the two polynoms */  
   xmm3 = poly_mask;
   __m128 ysin2 = _mm_and_ps(xmm3, y2);
   __m128 ysin1 = _mm_andnot_ps(xmm3, y);
   y2 = _mm_sub_ps(y2,ysin2);
   y = _mm_sub_ps(y, ysin1);

   xmm1 = _mm_add_ps(ysin1,ysin2);
   xmm2 = _mm_add_ps(y,y2);

   /* update the sign */
   *s = _mm_xor_ps(xmm1, sign_bit_sin);
   *c = _mm_xor_ps(xmm2, sign_bit_cos);
예제 #6
/* almost the same as sin_ps */
__m128 cos_ps(v4sfu *xPtr) { // any x
   __m128 x=*((__m128 *)xPtr);
   __m128 xmm1, xmm2 = _mm_setzero_ps(), xmm3, y;
#ifdef USE_SSE2
   __m128i emm0, emm2;
   __m64 mm0, mm1, mm2, mm3;
   /* take the absolute value */
   x = _mm_and_ps(x, *(__m128*)_ps_inv_sign_mask);

   /* scale by 4/Pi */
   y = _mm_mul_ps(x, *(__m128*)_ps_cephes_FOPI);

#ifdef USE_SSE2
   /* store the integer part of y in mm0 */
   emm2 = _mm_cvttps_epi32(y);
   /* j=(j+1) & (~1) (see the cephes sources) */
   emm2 = _mm_add_epi32(emm2, *(__m128i*)_pi32_1);
   emm2 = _mm_and_si128(emm2, *(__m128i*)_pi32_inv1);
   y = _mm_cvtepi32_ps(emm2);

   emm2 = _mm_sub_epi32(emm2, *(__m128i*)_pi32_2);

   /* get the swap sign flag */
   emm0 = _mm_andnot_si128(emm2, *(__m128i*)_pi32_4);
   emm0 = _mm_slli_epi32(emm0, 29);
   /* get the polynom selection mask */
   emm2 = _mm_and_si128(emm2, *(__m128i*)_pi32_2);
   emm2 = _mm_cmpeq_epi32(emm2, _mm_setzero_si128());

   __m128 sign_bit = _mm_castsi128_ps(emm0);
   __m128 poly_mask = _mm_castsi128_ps(emm2);
   /* store the integer part of y in mm0:mm1 */
   xmm2 = _mm_movehl_ps(xmm2, y);
   mm2 = _mm_cvttps_pi32(y);
   mm3 = _mm_cvttps_pi32(xmm2);

   /* j=(j+1) & (~1) (see the cephes sources) */
   mm2 = _mm_add_pi32(mm2, *(__m64*)_pi32_1);
   mm3 = _mm_add_pi32(mm3, *(__m64*)_pi32_1);
   mm2 = _mm_and_si64(mm2, *(__m64*)_pi32_inv1);
   mm3 = _mm_and_si64(mm3, *(__m64*)_pi32_inv1);

   y = _mm_cvtpi32x2_ps(mm2, mm3);

   mm2 = _mm_sub_pi32(mm2, *(__m64*)_pi32_2);
   mm3 = _mm_sub_pi32(mm3, *(__m64*)_pi32_2);

   /* get the swap sign flag in mm0:mm1 and the 
   polynom selection mask in mm2:mm3 */

   mm0 = _mm_andnot_si64(mm2, *(__m64*)_pi32_4);
   mm1 = _mm_andnot_si64(mm3, *(__m64*)_pi32_4);
   mm0 = _mm_slli_pi32(mm0, 29);
   mm1 = _mm_slli_pi32(mm1, 29);

   mm2 = _mm_and_si64(mm2, *(__m64*)_pi32_2);
   mm3 = _mm_and_si64(mm3, *(__m64*)_pi32_2);

   mm2 = _mm_cmpeq_pi32(mm2, _mm_setzero_si64());
   mm3 = _mm_cmpeq_pi32(mm3, _mm_setzero_si64());

   __m128 sign_bit, poly_mask;
   COPY_MM_TO_XMM(mm0, mm1, sign_bit);
   COPY_MM_TO_XMM(mm2, mm3, poly_mask);
   _mm_empty(); /* good-bye mmx */
   /* The magic pass: "******" 
   x = ((x - y * DP1) - y * DP2) - y * DP3; */
   xmm1 = *(__m128*)_ps_minus_cephes_DP1;
   xmm2 = *(__m128*)_ps_minus_cephes_DP2;
   xmm3 = *(__m128*)_ps_minus_cephes_DP3;
   xmm1 = _mm_mul_ps(y, xmm1);
   xmm2 = _mm_mul_ps(y, xmm2);
   xmm3 = _mm_mul_ps(y, xmm3);
   x = _mm_add_ps(x, xmm1);
   x = _mm_add_ps(x, xmm2);
   x = _mm_add_ps(x, xmm3);

   /* Evaluate the first polynom  (0 <= x <= Pi/4) */
   y = *(__m128*)_ps_coscof_p0;
   __m128 z = _mm_mul_ps(x,x);

   y = _mm_mul_ps(y, z);
   y = _mm_add_ps(y, *(__m128*)_ps_coscof_p1);
   y = _mm_mul_ps(y, z);
   y = _mm_add_ps(y, *(__m128*)_ps_coscof_p2);
   y = _mm_mul_ps(y, z);
   y = _mm_mul_ps(y, z);
   __m128 tmp = _mm_mul_ps(z, *(__m128*)_ps_0p5);
   y = _mm_sub_ps(y, tmp);
   y = _mm_add_ps(y, *(__m128*)_ps_1);

   /* Evaluate the second polynom  (Pi/4 <= x <= 0) */

   __m128 y2 = *(__m128*)_ps_sincof_p0;
   y2 = _mm_mul_ps(y2, z);
   y2 = _mm_add_ps(y2, *(__m128*)_ps_sincof_p1);
   y2 = _mm_mul_ps(y2, z);
   y2 = _mm_add_ps(y2, *(__m128*)_ps_sincof_p2);
   y2 = _mm_mul_ps(y2, z);
   y2 = _mm_mul_ps(y2, x);
   y2 = _mm_add_ps(y2, x);

   /* select the correct result from the two polynoms */  
   xmm3 = poly_mask;
   y2 = _mm_and_ps(xmm3, y2); //, xmm3);
   y = _mm_andnot_ps(xmm3, y);
   y = _mm_add_ps(y,y2);
   /* update the sign */
   y = _mm_xor_ps(y, sign_bit);

   return y;
예제 #7
__m128 exp_ps(v4sfu *xPtr) {
   __m128 x=*((__m128 *)xPtr);
   __m128 tmp = _mm_setzero_ps(), fx;
#ifdef USE_SSE2
   __m128i emm0;
   __m64 mm0, mm1;
   __m128 one = *(__m128*)_ps_1;

   x = _mm_min_ps(x, *(__m128*)_ps_exp_hi);
   x = _mm_max_ps(x, *(__m128*)_ps_exp_lo);

   /* express exp(x) as exp(g + n*log(2)) */
   fx = _mm_mul_ps(x, *(__m128*)_ps_cephes_LOG2EF);
   fx = _mm_add_ps(fx, *(__m128*)_ps_0p5);

   /* how to perform a floorf with SSE: just below */
#ifndef USE_SSE2
   /* step 1 : cast to int */
   tmp = _mm_movehl_ps(tmp, fx);
   mm0 = _mm_cvttps_pi32(fx);
   mm1 = _mm_cvttps_pi32(tmp);
   /* step 2 : cast back to float */
   tmp = _mm_cvtpi32x2_ps(mm0, mm1);
   emm0 = _mm_cvttps_epi32(fx);
   tmp  = _mm_cvtepi32_ps(emm0);
   /* if greater, substract 1 */
   __m128 mask = _mm_cmpgt_ps(tmp, fx);    
   mask = _mm_and_ps(mask, one);
   fx = _mm_sub_ps(tmp, mask);

   tmp = _mm_mul_ps(fx, *(__m128*)_ps_cephes_exp_C1);
   __m128 z = _mm_mul_ps(fx, *(__m128*)_ps_cephes_exp_C2);
   x = _mm_sub_ps(x, tmp);
   x = _mm_sub_ps(x, z);

   z = _mm_mul_ps(x,x);

   __m128 y = *(__m128*)_ps_cephes_exp_p0;
   y = _mm_mul_ps(y, x);
   y = _mm_add_ps(y, *(__m128*)_ps_cephes_exp_p1);
   y = _mm_mul_ps(y, x);
   y = _mm_add_ps(y, *(__m128*)_ps_cephes_exp_p2);
   y = _mm_mul_ps(y, x);
   y = _mm_add_ps(y, *(__m128*)_ps_cephes_exp_p3);
   y = _mm_mul_ps(y, x);
   y = _mm_add_ps(y, *(__m128*)_ps_cephes_exp_p4);
   y = _mm_mul_ps(y, x);
   y = _mm_add_ps(y, *(__m128*)_ps_cephes_exp_p5);
   y = _mm_mul_ps(y, z);
   y = _mm_add_ps(y, x);
   y = _mm_add_ps(y, one);

   /* build 2^n */
#ifndef USE_SSE2
   z = _mm_movehl_ps(z, fx);
   mm0 = _mm_cvttps_pi32(fx);
   mm1 = _mm_cvttps_pi32(z);
   mm0 = _mm_add_pi32(mm0, *(__m64*)_pi32_0x7f);
   mm1 = _mm_add_pi32(mm1, *(__m64*)_pi32_0x7f);
   mm0 = _mm_slli_pi32(mm0, 23); 
   mm1 = _mm_slli_pi32(mm1, 23);

   __m128 pow2n; 
   COPY_MM_TO_XMM(mm0, mm1, pow2n);
   emm0 = _mm_cvttps_epi32(fx);
   emm0 = _mm_add_epi32(emm0, *(__m128i*)_pi32_0x7f);
   emm0 = _mm_slli_epi32(emm0, 23);
   __m128 pow2n = _mm_castsi128_ps(emm0);
   y = _mm_mul_ps(y, pow2n);
   return y;
예제 #8
파일: pr34256.c 프로젝트: AlexMioMio/gcc
unsigned long long  foo(__m64 m) {
  return _mm_cvtm64_si64(_mm_add_pi32(x, y));
예제 #9
__m64 test_mm_add_pi32(__m64 a, __m64 b) {
  // CHECK-LABEL: test_mm_add_pi32
  // CHECK: call x86_mmx @llvm.x86.mmx.padd.d
  return _mm_add_pi32(a, b);