예제 #1
__m128i test_mm_sra_epi32(__m128i A, __m128i B) {
  // DAG-LABEL: test_mm_sra_epi32
  // DAG: call <4 x i32> @llvm.x86.sse2.psra.d
  // ASM-LABEL: test_mm_sra_epi32
  // ASM: psrad
  return _mm_sra_epi32(A, B);
예제 #2
파일: sse2-psrad-2.c 프로젝트: 0day-ci/gcc
test (__m128i s1, __m128i count)
  return _mm_sra_epi32 (s1, count); 
예제 #3
int rotate_cpx_vector(int16_t *x,
                      int16_t *alpha,
                      int16_t *y,
                      uint32_t N,
                      uint16_t output_shift)
  // Multiply elementwise two complex vectors of N elements
  // x        - input 1    in the format  |Re0  Im0 |,......,|Re(N-1) Im(N-1)|
  //            We assume x1 with a dynamic of 15 bit maximum
  // alpha      - input 2    in the format  |Re0 Im0|
  //            We assume x2 with a dynamic of 15 bit maximum
  // y        - output     in the format  |Re0  Im0|,......,|Re(N-1) Im(N-1)|
  // N        - the size f the vectors (this function does N cpx mpy. WARNING: N>=4;
  // log2_amp - increase the output amplitude by a factor 2^log2_amp (default is 0)
  //            WARNING: log2_amp>0 can cause overflow!!

  uint32_t i;                 // loop counter

  simd_q15_t *y_128,alpha_128;
  int32_t *xd=(int32_t *)x; 

#if defined(__x86_64__) || defined(__i386__)
  __m128i shift = _mm_cvtsi32_si128(output_shift);
  register simd_q15_t m0,m1,m2,m3;

  ((int16_t *)&alpha_128)[0] = alpha[0];
  ((int16_t *)&alpha_128)[1] = -alpha[1];
  ((int16_t *)&alpha_128)[2] = alpha[1];
  ((int16_t *)&alpha_128)[3] = alpha[0];
  ((int16_t *)&alpha_128)[4] = alpha[0];
  ((int16_t *)&alpha_128)[5] = -alpha[1];
  ((int16_t *)&alpha_128)[6] = alpha[1];
  ((int16_t *)&alpha_128)[7] = alpha[0];
#elif defined(__arm__)
  int32x4_t shift;
  int32x4_t ab_re0,ab_re1,ab_im0,ab_im1,re32,im32;
  int16_t reflip[8]  __attribute__((aligned(16))) = {1,-1,1,-1,1,-1,1,-1};
  int32x4x2_t xtmp;

  ((int16_t *)&alpha_128)[0] = alpha[0];
  ((int16_t *)&alpha_128)[1] = alpha[1];
  ((int16_t *)&alpha_128)[2] = alpha[0];
  ((int16_t *)&alpha_128)[3] = alpha[1];
  ((int16_t *)&alpha_128)[4] = alpha[0];
  ((int16_t *)&alpha_128)[5] = alpha[1];
  ((int16_t *)&alpha_128)[6] = alpha[0];
  ((int16_t *)&alpha_128)[7] = alpha[1];
  int16x8_t bflip = vrev32q_s16(alpha_128);
  int16x8_t bconj = vmulq_s16(alpha_128,*(int16x8_t *)reflip);
  shift = vdupq_n_s32(-output_shift);
  y_128 = (simd_q15_t *) y;

  for(i=0; i<N>>2; i++) {
#if defined(__x86_64__) || defined(__i386__)
    m0 = _mm_setr_epi32(xd[0],xd[0],xd[1],xd[1]);
    m1 = _mm_setr_epi32(xd[2],xd[2],xd[3],xd[3]);
    m2 = _mm_madd_epi16(m0,alpha_128); //complex multiply. result is 32bit [Re Im Re Im]
    m3 = _mm_madd_epi16(m1,alpha_128); //complex multiply. result is 32bit [Re Im Re Im]
    m2 = _mm_sra_epi32(m2,shift);        // shift right by shift in order to  compensate for the input amplitude
    m3 = _mm_sra_epi32(m3,shift);        // shift right by shift in order to  compensate for the input amplitude

    y_128[0] = _mm_packs_epi32(m2,m3);        // pack in 16bit integers with saturation [re im re im re im re im]
#elif defined(__arm__)

  ab_re0 = vmull_s16(((int16x4_t*)xd)[0],((int16x4_t*)&bconj)[0]);
  ab_re1 = vmull_s16(((int16x4_t*)xd)[1],((int16x4_t*)&bconj)[1]);
  ab_im0 = vmull_s16(((int16x4_t*)xd)[0],((int16x4_t*)&bflip)[0]);
  ab_im1 = vmull_s16(((int16x4_t*)xd)[1],((int16x4_t*)&bflip)[1]);
  re32 = vshlq_s32(vcombine_s32(vpadd_s32(((int32x2_t*)&ab_re0)[0],((int32x2_t*)&ab_re0)[1]),
  im32 = vshlq_s32(vcombine_s32(vpadd_s32(((int32x2_t*)&ab_im0)[0],((int32x2_t*)&ab_im0)[1]),

  xtmp = vzipq_s32(re32,im32);
  y_128[0] = vcombine_s16(vmovn_s32(xtmp.val[0]),vmovn_s32(xtmp.val[1]));




예제 #4
sse2_tests (void)
  /* psraw */
  c128.v = _mm_srai_epi16 (m128_16, SHIFT);
  dump128_16 (buf, "_mm_srai_epi16", c128);
  c128.v = _mm_sra_epi16 (m128_16, s128);
  dump128_16 (buf, "_mm_sra_epi16", c128);

  /* psrad */
  c128.v = _mm_srai_epi32 (m128_32, SHIFT);
  dump128_32 (buf, "_mm_srai_epi32", c128);
  c128.v = _mm_sra_epi32 (m128_32, s128);
  dump128_32 (buf, "_mm_sra_epi32", c128);

  /* psrlw */
  c128.v = _mm_srli_epi16 (m128_16, SHIFT);
  dump128_16 (buf, "_mm_srli_epi16", c128);
  c128.v = _mm_srl_epi16 (m128_16, s128);
  dump128_16 (buf, "_mm_srl_epi16", c128);

  /* psrld */
  c128.v = _mm_srli_epi32 (m128_32, SHIFT);
  dump128_32 (buf, "_mm_srli_epi32", c128);
  c128.v = _mm_srl_epi32 (m128_32, s128);
  dump128_32 (buf, "_mm_srl_epi32", c128);

  /* psrlq */
  c128.v = _mm_srli_epi64 (m128_64, SHIFT);
  dump128_64 (buf, "_mm_srli_epi64", c128);
  c128.v = _mm_srl_epi64 (m128_64, s128);
  dump128_64 (buf, "_mm_srl_epi64", c128);

  /* psrldq */
  c128.v = _mm_srli_si128 (m128_128, SHIFT);
  dump128_128 (buf, "_mm_srli_si128 (byte shift) ", c128);

  /* psllw */
  c128.v = _mm_slli_epi16 (m128_16, SHIFT);
  dump128_16 (buf, "_mm_slli_epi16", c128);
  c128.v = _mm_sll_epi16 (m128_16, s128);
  dump128_16 (buf, "_mm_sll_epi16", c128);

  /* pslld */
  c128.v = _mm_slli_epi32 (m128_32, SHIFT);
  dump128_32 (buf, "_mm_slli_epi32", c128);
  c128.v = _mm_sll_epi32 (m128_32, s128);
  dump128_32 (buf, "_mm_sll_epi32", c128);

  /* psllq */
  c128.v = _mm_slli_epi64 (m128_64, SHIFT);
  dump128_64 (buf, "_mm_slli_epi64", c128);
  c128.v = _mm_sll_epi64 (m128_64, s128);
  dump128_64 (buf, "_mm_sll_epi64", c128);

  /* pslldq */
  c128.v = _mm_slli_si128 (m128_128, SHIFT);
  dump128_128 (buf, "_mm_sll_si128 (byte shift)", c128);

  /* Shuffle constant 0x1b == 0b_00_01_10_11, e.g. swap words: ABCD => DCBA.  */

  /* pshufd */
  c128.v = _mm_shuffle_epi32 (m128_128, 0x1b);
  dump128_32 (buf, "_mm_shuffle_epi32", c128);

  /* pshuflw */
  c128.v = _mm_shufflelo_epi16 (m128_128, 0x1b);
  dump128_16 (buf, "_mm_shuffelo_epi16", c128);

  /* pshufhw */
  c128.v = _mm_shufflehi_epi16 (m128_128, 0x1b);
  dump128_16 (buf, "_mm_shuffehi_epi16", c128);
예제 #5
int mult_cpx_vector_h(short *x1, 
		      short *x2, 
		      short *y, 
		      unsigned int N, 
		      unsigned short output_shift,
		      short sign)
  // Multiply elementwise the complex vector x1 with the complex conjugate of the complex vecotr x2 of N elements and adds it to the vector y.
  // x1       - input 1    in the format  |Re0  Im0 Re0 Im0|,......,|Re(N-1)  Im(N-1) Re(N-1) Im(N-1)|
  //            We assume x1 with a dinamic of 15 bit maximum
  // x2       - input 2    in the format  |Re0 Im0 Re0 Im0|,......,|Re(N-1) Im(N-1) Re(N-1) Im(N-1)|
  //            We assume x2 with a dinamic of 14 bit maximum
  // y        - output     in the format  |Re0  Im0 Re0 Im0|,......,|Re(N-1)  Im(N-1) Re(N-1) Im(N-1)|
  // N        - the size f the vectors (this function does N cpx mpy. WARNING: N>=4;
  // log2_amp - increase the output amplitude by a factor 2^log2_amp (default is 0)
  //            WARNING: log2_amp>0 can cause overflow!!
  // sign     - +1..add, -1..substract

  unsigned int i;                 // loop counter

  register __m128i m0,m1,m2;

  short *temps;
  int *tempd;

  __m128i *x1_128; 
  __m128i *x2_128; 
  __m128i *y_128; 
  __m128i mask;

  __m128i temp;

  shift = _mm_cvtsi32_si128(output_shift);
  x1_128 = (__m128i *)&x1[0];
  x2_128 = (__m128i *)&x2[0];
  y_128 = (__m128i *)&y[0];

  if (sign == -1)
    mask = (__m128i) _mm_set_epi16 (-1,1,-1,-1,-1,1,-1,-1);
    mask = (__m128i) _mm_set_epi16 (1,-1,1,1,1,-1,1,1);

  // we compute 2*4 cpx multiply for each loop
    //    printf("i=%d\n",i);

    // unroll 1
    //    temps = (short *)x1_128;
    //    printf("x1 : %d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d\n",temps[0],temps[1],temps[2],temps[3],temps[4],temps[5],temps[6],temps[7]);
    m1 = x1_128[0];
    m2 = x2_128[0];

    //    temps = (short *)&x2_128[0];
    //    printf("x2 : %x,%x,%x,%x,%x,%x,%x,%x\n",temps[0],temps[1],temps[2],temps[3],temps[4],temps[5],temps[6],temps[7]);

    // bring x2 in conjugate form
    // the first two instructions might be replaced with a single one in SSE3
    m2 = _mm_shufflelo_epi16(m2,_MM_SHUFFLE(0,1,3,2));
    m2 = _mm_shufflehi_epi16(m2,_MM_SHUFFLE(0,1,3,2));
    m2 = _mm_mullo_epi16(m2, mask);

    //    temp = m2;
    //    temps = (short *)&temp;
    //    printf("x2 conj : %x,%x,%x,%x,%x,%x,%x,%x\n",temps[0],temps[1],temps[2],temps[3],temps[4],temps[5],temps[6],temps[7]);

    m0 = _mm_madd_epi16(m1,m2); //pmaddwd_r2r(mm1,mm0);         // 1- compute x1[0]*x2[0]

    //    temp = m0;

    //    tempd = &temp;
    //    printf("m0 : %d,%d,%d,%d\n",tempd[0],tempd[1],tempd[2],tempd[3]);

    m0 = _mm_sra_epi32(m0,shift);        // 1- shift right by shift in order to  compensate for the input amplitude

    //    temp = m0;

    //    tempd = (int *)&temp;
    //  printf("m0 : %d,%d,%d,%d\n",tempd[0],tempd[1],tempd[2],tempd[3]);

    m0 = _mm_packs_epi32(m0,m0);        // 1- pack in a 128 bit register [re im re im]
    m0 = _mm_unpacklo_epi32(m0,m0);        // 1- pack in a 128 bit register [re im re im]

    y_128[0] = _mm_add_epi16(m0,y_128[0]);

    //    temps = (short *)&y_128[0];
    //    printf("y0 : %d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d\n",temps[0],temps[1],temps[2],temps[3],temps[4],temps[5],temps[6],temps[7]);

    // unroll 2
    m1 = x1_128[1];
    m2 = x2_128[1];

    m2 = _mm_shufflelo_epi16(m2,_MM_SHUFFLE(0,1,3,2));
    m2 = _mm_shufflehi_epi16(m2,_MM_SHUFFLE(0,1,3,2));
    m2 = _mm_mullo_epi16(m2, mask);

    m0 = _mm_madd_epi16(m1,m2); //pmaddwd_r2r(mm1,mm0);         // 1- compute x1[0]*x2[0]

    m0 = _mm_sra_epi32(m0,shift);        // 1- shift right by shift in order to  compensate for the input amplitude

    m0 = _mm_packs_epi32(m0,m0);        // 1- pack in a 128 bit register [re im re im]
    m0 = _mm_unpacklo_epi32(m0,m0);        // 1- pack in a 128 bit register [re im re im]

    y_128[1] = _mm_add_epi16(m0,y_128[1]);

    // unroll 3
    m1 = x1_128[2];
    m2 = x2_128[2];

    m2 = _mm_shufflelo_epi16(m2,_MM_SHUFFLE(0,1,3,2));
    m2 = _mm_shufflehi_epi16(m2,_MM_SHUFFLE(0,1,3,2));
    m2 = _mm_mullo_epi16(m2, mask);

    m0 = _mm_madd_epi16(m1,m2); //pmaddwd_r2r(mm1,mm0);         // 1- compute x1[0]*x2[0]

    m0 = _mm_sra_epi32(m0,shift);        // 1- shift right by shift in order to  compensate for the input amplitude

    m0 = _mm_packs_epi32(m0,m0);        // 1- pack in a 128 bit register [re im re im]
    m0 = _mm_unpacklo_epi32(m0,m0);        // 1- pack in a 128 bit register [re im re im]

    y_128[2] = _mm_add_epi16(m0,y_128[2]);

    // unroll 4
    m1 = x1_128[3];
    m2 = x2_128[3];

    m2 = _mm_shufflelo_epi16(m2,_MM_SHUFFLE(0,1,3,2));
    m2 = _mm_shufflehi_epi16(m2,_MM_SHUFFLE(0,1,3,2));
    m2 = _mm_mullo_epi16(m2, mask);

    m0 = _mm_madd_epi16(m1,m2); //pmaddwd_r2r(mm1,mm0);         // 1- compute x1[0]*x2[0]

    m0 = _mm_sra_epi32(m0,shift);        // 1- shift right by shift in order to  compensate for the input amplitude

    m0 = _mm_packs_epi32(m0,m0);        // 1- pack in a 128 bit register [re im re im]
    m0 = _mm_unpacklo_epi32(m0,m0);        // 1- pack in a 128 bit register [re im re im]

    y_128[3] = _mm_add_epi16(m0,y_128[3]);

    y_128 +=4;
    //    printf("x1_128 = %p, x2_128 =%p,  y_128=%p\n",x1_128,x2_128,y_128);



예제 #6
void av1_highbd_jnt_convolve_2d_sse4_1(
    const uint16_t *src, int src_stride, uint16_t *dst0, int dst_stride0, int w,
    int h, const InterpFilterParams *filter_params_x,
    const InterpFilterParams *filter_params_y, const int subpel_x_q4,
    const int subpel_y_q4, ConvolveParams *conv_params, int bd) {
  DECLARE_ALIGNED(16, int16_t,
                  im_block[(MAX_SB_SIZE + MAX_FILTER_TAP - 1) * MAX_SB_SIZE]);
  CONV_BUF_TYPE *dst = conv_params->dst;
  int dst_stride = conv_params->dst_stride;
  int im_h = h + filter_params_y->taps - 1;
  int im_stride = MAX_SB_SIZE;
  int i, j;
  const int do_average = conv_params->do_average;
  const int use_jnt_comp_avg = conv_params->use_jnt_comp_avg;
  const int fo_vert = filter_params_y->taps / 2 - 1;
  const int fo_horiz = filter_params_x->taps / 2 - 1;
  const uint16_t *const src_ptr = src - fo_vert * src_stride - fo_horiz;

  const int w0 = conv_params->fwd_offset;
  const int w1 = conv_params->bck_offset;
  const __m128i wt0 = _mm_set1_epi32(w0);
  const __m128i wt1 = _mm_set1_epi32(w1);

  const int offset_0 =
      bd + 2 * FILTER_BITS - conv_params->round_0 - conv_params->round_1;
  const int offset = (1 << offset_0) + (1 << (offset_0 - 1));
  const __m128i offset_const = _mm_set1_epi32(offset);
  const int rounding_shift =
      2 * FILTER_BITS - conv_params->round_0 - conv_params->round_1;
  const __m128i rounding_const = _mm_set1_epi32((1 << rounding_shift) >> 1);
  const __m128i clip_pixel_to_bd =
      _mm_set1_epi16(bd == 10 ? 1023 : (bd == 12 ? 4095 : 255));

  // Check that, even with 12-bit input, the intermediate values will fit
  // into an unsigned 16-bit intermediate array.
  assert(bd + FILTER_BITS + 2 - conv_params->round_0 <= 16);

  /* Horizontal filter */
    const int16_t *x_filter = av1_get_interp_filter_subpel_kernel(
        filter_params_x, subpel_x_q4 & SUBPEL_MASK);
    const __m128i coeffs_x = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i *)x_filter);

    // coeffs 0 1 0 1 2 3 2 3
    const __m128i tmp_0 = _mm_unpacklo_epi32(coeffs_x, coeffs_x);
    // coeffs 4 5 4 5 6 7 6 7
    const __m128i tmp_1 = _mm_unpackhi_epi32(coeffs_x, coeffs_x);

    // coeffs 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1
    const __m128i coeff_01 = _mm_unpacklo_epi64(tmp_0, tmp_0);
    // coeffs 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3
    const __m128i coeff_23 = _mm_unpackhi_epi64(tmp_0, tmp_0);
    // coeffs 4 5 4 5 4 5 4 5
    const __m128i coeff_45 = _mm_unpacklo_epi64(tmp_1, tmp_1);
    // coeffs 6 7 6 7 6 7 6 7
    const __m128i coeff_67 = _mm_unpackhi_epi64(tmp_1, tmp_1);

    const __m128i round_const = _mm_set1_epi32(
        ((1 << conv_params->round_0) >> 1) + (1 << (bd + FILTER_BITS - 1)));
    const __m128i round_shift = _mm_cvtsi32_si128(conv_params->round_0);

    for (i = 0; i < im_h; ++i) {
      for (j = 0; j < w; j += 8) {
        const __m128i data =
            _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i *)&src_ptr[i * src_stride + j]);
        const __m128i data2 =
            _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i *)&src_ptr[i * src_stride + j + 8]);

        // Filter even-index pixels
        const __m128i res_0 = _mm_madd_epi16(data, coeff_01);
        const __m128i res_2 =
            _mm_madd_epi16(_mm_alignr_epi8(data2, data, 4), coeff_23);
        const __m128i res_4 =
            _mm_madd_epi16(_mm_alignr_epi8(data2, data, 8), coeff_45);
        const __m128i res_6 =
            _mm_madd_epi16(_mm_alignr_epi8(data2, data, 12), coeff_67);

        __m128i res_even = _mm_add_epi32(_mm_add_epi32(res_0, res_4),
                                         _mm_add_epi32(res_2, res_6));
        res_even =
            _mm_sra_epi32(_mm_add_epi32(res_even, round_const), round_shift);

        // Filter odd-index pixels
        const __m128i res_1 =
            _mm_madd_epi16(_mm_alignr_epi8(data2, data, 2), coeff_01);
        const __m128i res_3 =
            _mm_madd_epi16(_mm_alignr_epi8(data2, data, 6), coeff_23);
        const __m128i res_5 =
            _mm_madd_epi16(_mm_alignr_epi8(data2, data, 10), coeff_45);
        const __m128i res_7 =
            _mm_madd_epi16(_mm_alignr_epi8(data2, data, 14), coeff_67);

        __m128i res_odd = _mm_add_epi32(_mm_add_epi32(res_1, res_5),
                                        _mm_add_epi32(res_3, res_7));
        res_odd =
            _mm_sra_epi32(_mm_add_epi32(res_odd, round_const), round_shift);

        // Pack in the column order 0, 2, 4, 6, 1, 3, 5, 7
        __m128i res = _mm_packs_epi32(res_even, res_odd);
        _mm_storeu_si128((__m128i *)&im_block[i * im_stride + j], res);

  /* Vertical filter */
    const int16_t *y_filter = av1_get_interp_filter_subpel_kernel(
        filter_params_y, subpel_y_q4 & SUBPEL_MASK);
    const __m128i coeffs_y = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i *)y_filter);

    // coeffs 0 1 0 1 2 3 2 3
    const __m128i tmp_0 = _mm_unpacklo_epi32(coeffs_y, coeffs_y);
    // coeffs 4 5 4 5 6 7 6 7
    const __m128i tmp_1 = _mm_unpackhi_epi32(coeffs_y, coeffs_y);

    // coeffs 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1
    const __m128i coeff_01 = _mm_unpacklo_epi64(tmp_0, tmp_0);
    // coeffs 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3
    const __m128i coeff_23 = _mm_unpackhi_epi64(tmp_0, tmp_0);
    // coeffs 4 5 4 5 4 5 4 5
    const __m128i coeff_45 = _mm_unpacklo_epi64(tmp_1, tmp_1);
    // coeffs 6 7 6 7 6 7 6 7
    const __m128i coeff_67 = _mm_unpackhi_epi64(tmp_1, tmp_1);

    const __m128i round_const = _mm_set1_epi32(
        ((1 << conv_params->round_1) >> 1) -
        (1 << (bd + 2 * FILTER_BITS - conv_params->round_0 - 1)));
    const __m128i round_shift = _mm_cvtsi32_si128(conv_params->round_1);

    for (i = 0; i < h; ++i) {
      for (j = 0; j < w; j += 8) {
        // Filter even-index pixels
        const int16_t *data = &im_block[i * im_stride + j];
        const __m128i src_0 =
            _mm_unpacklo_epi16(*(__m128i *)(data + 0 * im_stride),
                               *(__m128i *)(data + 1 * im_stride));
        const __m128i src_2 =
            _mm_unpacklo_epi16(*(__m128i *)(data + 2 * im_stride),
                               *(__m128i *)(data + 3 * im_stride));
        const __m128i src_4 =
            _mm_unpacklo_epi16(*(__m128i *)(data + 4 * im_stride),
                               *(__m128i *)(data + 5 * im_stride));
        const __m128i src_6 =
            _mm_unpacklo_epi16(*(__m128i *)(data + 6 * im_stride),
                               *(__m128i *)(data + 7 * im_stride));

        const __m128i res_0 = _mm_madd_epi16(src_0, coeff_01);
        const __m128i res_2 = _mm_madd_epi16(src_2, coeff_23);
        const __m128i res_4 = _mm_madd_epi16(src_4, coeff_45);
        const __m128i res_6 = _mm_madd_epi16(src_6, coeff_67);

        const __m128i res_even = _mm_add_epi32(_mm_add_epi32(res_0, res_2),
                                               _mm_add_epi32(res_4, res_6));

        // Filter odd-index pixels
        const __m128i src_1 =
            _mm_unpackhi_epi16(*(__m128i *)(data + 0 * im_stride),
                               *(__m128i *)(data + 1 * im_stride));
        const __m128i src_3 =
            _mm_unpackhi_epi16(*(__m128i *)(data + 2 * im_stride),
                               *(__m128i *)(data + 3 * im_stride));
        const __m128i src_5 =
            _mm_unpackhi_epi16(*(__m128i *)(data + 4 * im_stride),
                               *(__m128i *)(data + 5 * im_stride));
        const __m128i src_7 =
            _mm_unpackhi_epi16(*(__m128i *)(data + 6 * im_stride),
                               *(__m128i *)(data + 7 * im_stride));

        const __m128i res_1 = _mm_madd_epi16(src_1, coeff_01);
        const __m128i res_3 = _mm_madd_epi16(src_3, coeff_23);
        const __m128i res_5 = _mm_madd_epi16(src_5, coeff_45);
        const __m128i res_7 = _mm_madd_epi16(src_7, coeff_67);

        const __m128i res_odd = _mm_add_epi32(_mm_add_epi32(res_1, res_3),
                                              _mm_add_epi32(res_5, res_7));

        // Rearrange pixels back into the order 0 ... 7
        const __m128i res_lo = _mm_unpacklo_epi32(res_even, res_odd);
        const __m128i res_hi = _mm_unpackhi_epi32(res_even, res_odd);

        const __m128i res_lo_round =
            _mm_sra_epi32(_mm_add_epi32(res_lo, round_const), round_shift);

        const __m128i res_unsigned_lo =
            _mm_add_epi32(res_lo_round, offset_const);

        if (w < 8) {
          if (do_average) {
            const __m128i data_0 =
                _mm_loadl_epi64((__m128i *)(&dst[i * dst_stride + j]));

            const __m128i data_ref_0 = _mm_cvtepu16_epi32(data_0);

            const __m128i comp_avg_res = highbd_comp_avg_sse4_1(
                &data_ref_0, &res_unsigned_lo, &wt0, &wt1, use_jnt_comp_avg);

            const __m128i round_result = highbd_convolve_rounding_sse2(
                &comp_avg_res, &offset_const, &rounding_const, rounding_shift);

            const __m128i res_16b =
                _mm_packus_epi32(round_result, round_result);
            const __m128i res_clip = _mm_min_epi16(res_16b, clip_pixel_to_bd);

            _mm_storel_epi64((__m128i *)(&dst0[i * dst_stride0 + j]), res_clip);
          } else {
            const __m128i res_16b =
                _mm_packus_epi32(res_unsigned_lo, res_unsigned_lo);
            _mm_storel_epi64((__m128i *)(&dst[i * dst_stride + j]), res_16b);
        } else {
          const __m128i res_hi_round =
              _mm_sra_epi32(_mm_add_epi32(res_hi, round_const), round_shift);

          const __m128i res_unsigned_hi =
              _mm_add_epi32(res_hi_round, offset_const);

          if (do_average) {
            const __m128i data_lo =
                _mm_loadl_epi64((__m128i *)(&dst[i * dst_stride + j]));
            const __m128i data_hi =
                _mm_loadl_epi64((__m128i *)(&dst[i * dst_stride + j + 4]));

            const __m128i data_ref_0_lo = _mm_cvtepu16_epi32(data_lo);
            const __m128i data_ref_0_hi = _mm_cvtepu16_epi32(data_hi);

            const __m128i comp_avg_res_lo = highbd_comp_avg_sse4_1(
                &data_ref_0_lo, &res_unsigned_lo, &wt0, &wt1, use_jnt_comp_avg);
            const __m128i comp_avg_res_hi = highbd_comp_avg_sse4_1(
                &data_ref_0_hi, &res_unsigned_hi, &wt0, &wt1, use_jnt_comp_avg);

            const __m128i round_result_lo =
                highbd_convolve_rounding_sse2(&comp_avg_res_lo, &offset_const,
                                              &rounding_const, rounding_shift);
            const __m128i round_result_hi =
                highbd_convolve_rounding_sse2(&comp_avg_res_hi, &offset_const,
                                              &rounding_const, rounding_shift);

            const __m128i res_16b =
                _mm_packus_epi32(round_result_lo, round_result_hi);
            const __m128i res_clip = _mm_min_epi16(res_16b, clip_pixel_to_bd);

            _mm_store_si128((__m128i *)(&dst0[i * dst_stride0 + j]), res_clip);
          } else {
            const __m128i res_16b =
                _mm_packus_epi32(res_unsigned_lo, res_unsigned_hi);
            _mm_store_si128((__m128i *)(&dst[i * dst_stride + j]), res_16b);