예제 #1
static stat_t _probing_start()
	// initial probe state, don't probe if we're already contacted!
    int8_t probe = gpio_read_input(pb.probe_input);

    // false is SW_OPEN in old code, and INPUT_INACTIVE in new
	if ( probe == INPUT_INACTIVE ) {
		cm_straight_feed(pb.target, pb.flags);
        return (_set_pb_func(_probing_backoff));

    cm.probe_state = PROBE_SUCCEEDED;
    return (_set_pb_func(_probing_finish));
예제 #2
static stat_t _probing_start()
	// initial probe state, don't probe if we're already contacted!
    int8_t probe = gpio_read_input(pb.probe_input);

    // INPUT_INACTIVE means switch is OPEN
	if ( probe == INPUT_INACTIVE ) {
		cm_straight_feed(pb.target, pb.flags);
        return (_set_pb_func(_probing_backoff));

	} else {
        cm.probe_state = PROBE_SUCCEEDED;
        return (_set_pb_func(_probing_finish));
예제 #3
static stat_t _probing_finish()
    int8_t probe = gpio_read_input(pb.probe_input);
	cm.probe_state = (probe==true) ? PROBE_SUCCEEDED : PROBE_FAILED;

	for (uint8_t axis=0; axis<AXES; axis++ ) {
		// if we got here because of a feed hold we need to keep the model position correct
		cm_set_position(axis, cm_get_work_position(RUNTIME, axis));

		// store the probe results
		cm.probe_results[axis] = cm_get_absolute_position(ACTIVE_MODEL, axis);

	// If probe was successful the 'e' word == 1, otherwise e == 0 to signal an error
	printf_P(PSTR("{\"prb\":{\"e\":%i"), (int)cm.probe_state);
	if (fp_TRUE(pb.flags[AXIS_X])) printf_P(PSTR(",\"x\":%0.3f"), cm.probe_results[AXIS_X]);
	if (fp_TRUE(pb.flags[AXIS_Y])) printf_P(PSTR(",\"y\":%0.3f"), cm.probe_results[AXIS_Y]);
	if (fp_TRUE(pb.flags[AXIS_Z])) printf_P(PSTR(",\"z\":%0.3f"), cm.probe_results[AXIS_Z]);
	if (fp_TRUE(pb.flags[AXIS_A])) printf_P(PSTR(",\"a\":%0.3f"), cm.probe_results[AXIS_A]);
	if (fp_TRUE(pb.flags[AXIS_B])) printf_P(PSTR(",\"b\":%0.3f"), cm.probe_results[AXIS_B]);
	if (fp_TRUE(pb.flags[AXIS_C])) printf_P(PSTR(",\"c\":%0.3f"), cm.probe_results[AXIS_C]);

	return (_set_pb_func(_probing_finalize_exit));
예제 #4
 * _probing_backoff()
static stat_t _probing_backoff()
    // If we've contacted, back off & then record position
    int8_t probe = gpio_read_input(pb.probe_input);

    /* true is SW_CLOSED in old code, and INPUT_ACTIVE in new */
    if (probe == INPUT_ACTIVE) {
        cm.probe_state = PROBE_SUCCEEDED;
    //  FIXME: this should be its own parameter
    //  cm_set_feed_rate(cm.a[AXIS_Z].latch_velocity);
        cm_straight_feed(pb.start_position, pb.flags);
        return (_set_pb_func(_probing_finish));
    } else {
        cm.probe_state = PROBE_FAILED;
        return (_set_pb_func(_probing_finish));
예제 #5
static uint8_t _probing_init()
    float start_position[AXES];

    // so optimistic... ;)
    // NOTE: it is *not* an error condition for the probe not to trigger.
    // it is an error for the limit or homing switches to fire, or for some other configuration error.
    cm.probe_state = PROBE_FAILED;
    cm.machine_state = MACHINE_CYCLE;
    cm.cycle_state = CYCLE_PROBE;

    // save relevant non-axis parameters from Gcode model
    pb.saved_coord_system = cm_get_coord_system(ACTIVE_MODEL);
    pb.saved_distance_mode = cm_get_distance_mode(ACTIVE_MODEL);

    // set working values
    cm_set_coord_system(ABSOLUTE_COORDS);   // probing is done in machine coordinates

    // initialize the axes - save the jerk settings & switch to the jerk_homing settings
    for( uint8_t axis=0; axis<AXES; axis++ ) {
        pb.saved_jerk[axis] = cm_get_axis_jerk(axis);	// save the max jerk value
        cm_set_axis_jerk(axis, cm.a[axis].jerk_high);	// use the high-speed jerk for probe
        start_position[axis] = cm_get_absolute_position(ACTIVE_MODEL, axis);

    // error if the probe target is too close to the current position
    if (get_axis_vector_length(start_position, pb.target) < MINIMUM_PROBE_TRAVEL) {

	// error if the probe target requires a move along the A/B/C axes
	for ( uint8_t axis=AXIS_A; axis<AXES; axis++ ) {
//		if (fp_NE(start_position[axis], pb.target[axis])) { // old style
		if (fp_TRUE(pb.flags[axis])) {
//		if (pb.flags[axis]) {           // will reduce to this once flags are booleans

	// initialize the probe switch
    pb.probe_input = 5;     // TODO -- for now we hard code it to zmin
    gpio_set_probing_mode(pb.probe_input, true);

    // turn off spindle and start the move
    cm_spindle_optional_pause(true);        // pause the spindle if it's on
	return (_set_pb_func(_probing_start));	// start the probe move
예제 #6
static stat_t _probing_backoff()
    // Test if we've contacted
    int8_t probe = gpio_read_input(pb.probe_input);

    // INPUT_INACTIVE means switch is OPEN (at least for now)
    if ( probe == INPUT_INACTIVE ) {
        cm.probe_state = PROBE_FAILED;

    } else {
        cm.probe_state = PROBE_SUCCEEDED;

        // capture contact position in step space and convert from steps to mm.
        // snapshot was taken by switch interrupt at the time of closure
        float contact_position[AXES];
        kn_forward_kinematics(en_get_encoder_snapshot_vector(), contact_position);

        cm_queue_flush();                               // flush queue & end feedhold
        cm_straight_feed(contact_position, pb.flags);   // NB: feed rate is the same as the probe move
    return (_set_pb_func(_probing_finish));
예제 #7
static stat_t _probing_finish()
    int8_t probe = gpio_read_input(pb.probe_input);
	cm.probe_state = (probe==true) ? PROBE_SUCCEEDED : PROBE_FAILED;

    // store the probe results
	for (uint8_t axis=0; axis<AXES; axis++ ) {
		cm.probe_results[axis] = cm_get_absolute_position(ACTIVE_MODEL, axis);

	// If probe was successful the 'e' word == 1, otherwise e == 0 to signal an error
	printf_P(PSTR("{\"prb\":{\"e\":%i"), (int)cm.probe_state);

	if (pb.flags[AXIS_X]) { printf_P(PSTR(",\"x\":%0.3f"), cm.probe_results[AXIS_X]); }
	if (pb.flags[AXIS_Y]) { printf_P(PSTR(",\"y\":%0.3f"), cm.probe_results[AXIS_Y]); }
	if (pb.flags[AXIS_Z]) { printf_P(PSTR(",\"z\":%0.3f"), cm.probe_results[AXIS_Z]); }
	if (pb.flags[AXIS_A]) { printf_P(PSTR(",\"a\":%0.3f"), cm.probe_results[AXIS_A]); }
	if (pb.flags[AXIS_B]) { printf_P(PSTR(",\"b\":%0.3f"), cm.probe_results[AXIS_B]); }
	if (pb.flags[AXIS_C]) { printf_P(PSTR(",\"c\":%0.3f"), cm.probe_results[AXIS_C]); }


	return (_set_pb_func(_probing_finalize_exit));