void PAGE_ChantestInit(int page) { (void)page; PAGE_ShowHeader(PAGE_GetName(PAGEID_CHANMON)); cp->type = MONITOR_MIXEROUTPUT; _show_bar_page(); }
void PAGE_InputtestInit(int page) { (void)page; PAGE_ShowHeader(PAGE_GetName(PAGEID_INPUTMON)); cp->type = MONITOR_RAWINPUT; _show_bar_page(); }
void PAGE_ChantestInit(int page) { (void)channum_cb; // remove compile warning as this method is not used here (void)okcancel_cb; PAGE_SetModal(0); PAGE_SetActionCB(_action_cb); PAGE_RemoveAllObjects(); cp->return_page = NULL; if (page > 0) cp->return_val = page; if(cp->type == MONITOR_RAWINPUT ) _show_bar_page(NUM_INPUTS); else { cp->type = MONITOR_CHANNELOUTPUT;// cp->type may not be initialized yet, so do it here _show_bar_page(Model.num_channels); } }
void PAGE_ChantestInit(int page) { (void)page; PAGE_SetActionCB(_action_cb); PAGE_RemoveAllObjects(); PAGE_ShowHeader(cp->type == MONITOR_RAWINPUT ? _tr("Stick input") : _tr("Mixer output")); if (cp->type != MONITOR_RAWINPUT ) cp->type = MONITOR_MIXEROUTPUT;// cp->type may not be initialized yet, so do it here _show_bar_page(0); }