예제 #1
static void
st_bin_allocate (ClutterActor          *self,
                 const ClutterActorBox *box,
                 ClutterAllocationFlags flags)
  StBinPrivate *priv = ST_BIN (self)->priv;

  CLUTTER_ACTOR_CLASS (st_bin_parent_class)->allocate (self, box,

  if (priv->child)
      StThemeNode *theme_node = st_widget_get_theme_node (ST_WIDGET (self));
      ClutterActorBox childbox;

      st_theme_node_get_content_box (theme_node, box, &childbox);
      _st_allocate_fill (ST_WIDGET (self), priv->child, &childbox,
                         priv->x_align, priv->y_align,
                         priv->x_fill, priv->y_fill);
      clutter_actor_allocate (priv->child, &childbox, flags);
예제 #2
static void
st_table_preferred_allocate (ClutterActor          *self,
                             const ClutterActorBox *content_box,
                             gboolean               flags)
  GList *list, *children;
  gint row_spacing, col_spacing;
  gint i;
  StTable *table;
  StTablePrivate *priv;
  gboolean ltr;
  DimensionData *rows, *columns;

  table = ST_TABLE (self);
  priv = ST_TABLE (self)->priv;

  col_spacing = (priv->col_spacing);
  row_spacing = (priv->row_spacing);

  st_table_calculate_dimensions (table,
                                 content_box->x2 - content_box->x1,
                                 content_box->y2 - content_box->y1);

  ltr = (st_widget_get_direction (ST_WIDGET (self)) == ST_TEXT_DIRECTION_LTR);
  rows = &g_array_index (priv->rows, DimensionData, 0);
  columns = &g_array_index (priv->columns, DimensionData, 0);

  children = st_container_get_children_list (ST_CONTAINER (self));
  for (list = children; list; list = list->next)
      gint row, col, row_span, col_span;
      gint col_width, row_height;
      StTableChild *meta;
      ClutterActor *child;
      ClutterActorBox childbox;
      gint child_x, child_y;
      StAlign x_align, y_align;
      gboolean x_fill, y_fill;

      child = CLUTTER_ACTOR (list->data);

      meta = (StTableChild *) clutter_container_get_child_meta (CLUTTER_CONTAINER (self), child);

      if (!meta->allocate_hidden && !CLUTTER_ACTOR_IS_VISIBLE (child))

      /* get child properties */
      col = meta->col;
      row = meta->row;
      row_span = meta->row_span;
      col_span = meta->col_span;
      x_align = meta->x_align;
      y_align = meta->y_align;
      x_fill = meta->x_fill;
      y_fill = meta->y_fill;

      /* initialise the width and height */
      col_width = columns[col].final_size;
      row_height = rows[row].final_size;

      /* Add the widths of the spanned columns:
       * First check that we have a non-zero span. Then we loop over each of
       * the columns that we're spanning but we stop short if we go past the
       * number of columns in the table. This is necessary to avoid accessing
       * uninitialised memory. We add the spacing in here too since we only
       * want to add as much spacing as times we successfully span.
      if (col + col_span > priv->n_cols)
        g_warning ("StTable: the child at %d,%d's col-span, %d, exceeds number of columns, %d",
                   col, row, col_span, priv->n_cols);
      if (row + row_span > priv->n_rows)
        g_warning ("StTable: the child at %d,%d's row-span, %d, exceeds number of rows, %d",
                   col, row, row_span, priv->n_rows);

      if (col_span > 1)
          for (i = col + 1; i < col + col_span && i < priv->n_cols; i++)
              col_width += columns[i].final_size;
              col_width += col_spacing;

      /* add the height of the spanned rows */
      if (row_span > 1)
          for (i = row + 1; i < row + row_span && i < priv->n_rows; i++)
              row_height += rows[i].final_size;
              row_height += row_spacing;

      /* calculate child x */
      if (ltr)
          child_x = (int) content_box->x1
                    + col_spacing * col;
          for (i = 0; i < col; i++)
            child_x += columns[i].final_size;
          child_x = (int) content_box->x2
                    - col_spacing * col;
          for (i = 0; i < col; i++)
            child_x -= columns[i].final_size;

      /* calculate child y */
      child_y = (int) content_box->y1
                + row_spacing * row;
      for (i = 0; i < row; i++)
        child_y += rows[i].final_size;

      /* set up childbox */
      if (ltr)
          childbox.x1 = (float) child_x;
          childbox.x2 = (float) MAX (0, child_x + col_width);
          childbox.x2 = (float) child_x;
          childbox.x1 = (float) MAX (0, child_x - col_width);

      childbox.y1 = (float) child_y;
      childbox.y2 = (float) MAX (0, child_y + row_height);

      _st_allocate_fill (ST_WIDGET (self), child, &childbox,
                         x_align, y_align, x_fill, y_fill);

      clutter_actor_allocate (child, &childbox, flags);
예제 #3
static void
st_box_layout_allocate (ClutterActor          *actor,
                        const ClutterActorBox *box,
                        ClutterAllocationFlags flags)
  StBoxLayoutPrivate *priv = ST_BOX_LAYOUT (actor)->priv;
  StThemeNode *theme_node = st_widget_get_theme_node (ST_WIDGET (actor));
  ClutterActorBox content_box;
  gfloat avail_width, avail_height, min_width, natural_width, min_height, natural_height;
  gfloat position, next_position;
  GList *l, *children;
  gint n_expand_children = 0, i;
  gfloat expand_amount, shrink_amount;
  BoxChildShrink *shrinks = NULL;
  gboolean flip = (st_widget_get_direction (ST_WIDGET (actor)) == ST_TEXT_DIRECTION_RTL)
                   && (!priv->is_vertical);

  CLUTTER_ACTOR_CLASS (st_box_layout_parent_class)->allocate (actor, box,

  children = st_container_get_children_list (ST_CONTAINER (actor));
  if (children == NULL)

  st_theme_node_get_content_box (theme_node, box, &content_box);

  avail_width  = content_box.x2 - content_box.x1;
  avail_height = content_box.y2 - content_box.y1;

  get_content_preferred_width (ST_BOX_LAYOUT (actor), avail_height,
                               &min_width, &natural_width);
  get_content_preferred_height (ST_BOX_LAYOUT (actor), MAX (avail_width, min_width),
                                &min_height, &natural_height);

  /* update adjustments for scrolling */
  if (priv->vadjustment)
      gdouble prev_value;

      g_object_set (G_OBJECT (priv->vadjustment),
                    "lower", 0.0,
                    "upper", MAX (min_height, avail_height),
                    "page-size", avail_height,
                    "step-increment", avail_height / 6,
                    "page-increment", avail_height - avail_height / 6,

      prev_value = st_adjustment_get_value (priv->vadjustment);
      st_adjustment_set_value (priv->vadjustment, prev_value);

  if (priv->hadjustment)
      gdouble prev_value;

      g_object_set (G_OBJECT (priv->hadjustment),
                    "lower", 0.0,
                    "upper", MAX (min_width, avail_width),
                    "page-size", avail_width,
                    "step-increment", avail_width / 6,
                    "page-increment", avail_width - avail_width / 6,

      prev_value = st_adjustment_get_value (priv->hadjustment);
      st_adjustment_set_value (priv->hadjustment, prev_value);

  if (avail_height < min_height)
      avail_height = min_height;
      content_box.y2 = content_box.y1 + avail_height;

  if (avail_width < min_width)
      avail_width = min_width;
      content_box.x2 = content_box.x1 + avail_width;

  if (priv->is_vertical)
      expand_amount = MAX (0, avail_height - natural_height);
      shrink_amount = MAX (0, natural_height - avail_height);
      expand_amount = MAX (0, avail_width - natural_width);
      shrink_amount = MAX (0, natural_width - avail_width);

  if (expand_amount > 0)
      /* count the number of children with expand set to TRUE */
      n_expand_children = 0;
      for (l = children; l; l = l->next)
          ClutterActor *child = l->data;
          gboolean expand;

          if (!CLUTTER_ACTOR_IS_VISIBLE (child) ||
              clutter_actor_get_fixed_position_set (child))

          clutter_container_child_get ((ClutterContainer *) actor,
                                       "expand", &expand,
          if (expand)

      if (n_expand_children == 0)
        expand_amount = 0;
  else if (shrink_amount > 0)
      shrinks = compute_shrinks (ST_BOX_LAYOUT (actor),
                                 priv->is_vertical ? avail_width : avail_height,

  if (priv->is_vertical)
    position = content_box.y1;
  else if (flip)
    position = content_box.x2;
    position = content_box.x1;

  if (priv->is_pack_start)
      l = g_list_last (children);
      i = g_list_length (children);
      l = children;
      i = 0;
  gboolean firstchild = TRUE;
  gfloat init_padding = (avail_width/2) - (natural_width/2);
  while (l)
      ClutterActor *child = (ClutterActor*) l->data;
      ClutterActorBox child_box;
      gfloat child_min, child_nat, child_allocated;
      gboolean xfill, yfill, expand, fixed;
      StAlign xalign, yalign;

      if (!CLUTTER_ACTOR_IS_VISIBLE (child))
        goto next_child;

      fixed = clutter_actor_get_fixed_position_set (child);
      if (fixed)
          clutter_actor_allocate_preferred_size (child, flags);
          goto next_child;

      clutter_container_child_get ((ClutterContainer*) actor, child,
                                   "x-fill", &xfill,
                                   "y-fill", &yfill,
                                   "x-align", &xalign,
                                   "y-align", &yalign,
                                   "expand", &expand,

      if (priv->is_vertical)
          _st_actor_get_preferred_height (child, avail_width, xfill,
                                          &child_min, &child_nat);
          _st_actor_get_preferred_width (child, avail_height, yfill,
                                         &child_min, &child_nat);

      child_allocated = child_nat;
      if (expand_amount > 0 && expand)
        child_allocated +=  expand_amount / n_expand_children;
      else if (shrink_amount > 0)
        child_allocated -= shrinks[i].shrink_amount;

      if (flip) {
        next_position = position - child_allocated;
        if (xalign == ST_ALIGN_CENTER_SPECIAL && next_position < content_box.x1)
          next_position = content_box.x1;
      else {
        next_position = position + child_allocated;
        if (xalign == ST_ALIGN_CENTER_SPECIAL && next_position > content_box.x2)
          next_position = content_box.x2;

      if (priv->is_vertical)
          child_box.y1 = (int)(0.5 + position);
          child_box.y2 = (int)(0.5 + next_position);
          child_box.x1 = content_box.x1;
          child_box.x2 = content_box.x2;

          _st_allocate_fill (ST_WIDGET (actor), child, &child_box,
                             xalign, yalign, xfill, yfill);
          clutter_actor_allocate (child, &child_box, flags);

          if (flip)
              if (firstchild && xalign == ST_ALIGN_CENTER_SPECIAL)
                  position -= init_padding;
                  next_position = position - child_allocated;
                  firstchild = FALSE;
                if (xalign == ST_ALIGN_CENTER_SPECIAL && position > content_box.x2) {
                  position = content_box.x2;
              child_box.x1 = (int)(0.5 + next_position);
              child_box.x2 = (int)(0.5 + position);
              if (firstchild && xalign == ST_ALIGN_CENTER_SPECIAL)
                  position += init_padding;
                  if (position < content_box.x1) {
                    position = content_box.x1;
                  next_position = position + child_allocated;
                  firstchild = FALSE;
              if (xalign == ST_ALIGN_CENTER_SPECIAL && position < content_box.x1) {
                    position = content_box.x1;
              child_box.x1 = (int)(0.5 + position);
              child_box.x2 = (int)(0.5 + next_position);

          child_box.y1 = content_box.y1;
          child_box.y2 = content_box.y2;

          _st_allocate_fill (ST_WIDGET (actor), child, &child_box,
                             xalign, yalign, xfill, yfill);
          clutter_actor_allocate (child, &child_box, flags);

      if (flip)
        position = next_position - priv->spacing;
        position = next_position + priv->spacing;

      if (priv->is_pack_start)
          l = l->prev;
          l = l->next;

  if (shrinks)
    g_free (shrinks);
예제 #4
static void
st_table_homogeneous_allocate (ClutterActor          *self,
                               const ClutterActorBox *content_box,
                               gboolean               flags)
  GList *list, *children;
  gfloat col_width, row_height;
  gint row_spacing, col_spacing;
  StTablePrivate *priv = ST_TABLE (self)->priv;
  gboolean ltr = st_widget_get_direction (ST_WIDGET (self)) == ST_TEXT_DIRECTION_LTR;

  col_spacing = priv->col_spacing;
  row_spacing = priv->row_spacing;

  col_width = (int) ((content_box->x2 - content_box->x1
                      - (col_spacing * (priv->n_cols - 1)))
                     / priv->n_cols + 0.5);
  row_height = (int) ((content_box->y2 - content_box->y1
                      - (row_spacing * (priv->n_rows - 1)))
                      / priv->n_rows + 0.5);

  children = st_container_get_children_list (ST_CONTAINER (self));
  for (list = children; list; list = list->next)
      gint row, col, row_span, col_span;
      StTableChild *meta;
      ClutterActor *child;
      ClutterActorBox childbox;
      StAlign x_align, y_align;
      gboolean x_fill, y_fill;

      child = CLUTTER_ACTOR (list->data);

      meta = (StTableChild *) clutter_container_get_child_meta (CLUTTER_CONTAINER (self), child);

      if (!meta->allocate_hidden && !CLUTTER_ACTOR_IS_VISIBLE (child))

      /* get child properties */
      col = meta->col;
      row = meta->row;
      row_span = meta->row_span;
      col_span = meta->col_span;
      x_align = meta->x_align;
      y_align = meta->y_align;
      x_fill = meta->x_fill;
      y_fill = meta->y_fill;

      if (ltr)
          childbox.x1 = content_box->x1 + (col_width + col_spacing) * col;
          childbox.x2 = childbox.x1 + (col_width * col_span) + (col_spacing * (col_span - 1));
          childbox.x2 = content_box->x2 - (col_width + col_spacing) * col;
          childbox.x1 = childbox.x2 - (col_width * col_span) - (col_spacing * (col_span - 1));

      childbox.y1 = content_box->y1 + (row_height + row_spacing) * row;
      childbox.y2 = childbox.y1 + (row_height * row_span) + (row_spacing * (row_span - 1));

      _st_allocate_fill (ST_WIDGET (self), child, &childbox,
                         x_align, y_align, x_fill, y_fill);

      clutter_actor_allocate (child, &childbox, flags);
