bool CDirect3D::SetShader(const TCHAR *file) { SetShaderCG(NULL); shader_type = D3D_SHADER_NONE; if(file!=NULL && (lstrlen(file)>3 && _tcsncicmp(&file[lstrlen(file)-3],TEXT(".cg"),3)==0) || (lstrlen(file)>4 && _tcsncicmp(&file[lstrlen(file)-4],TEXT(".cgp"),4)==0)){ return SetShaderCG(file); } return true; }
bool COpenGL::SetShaders(const TCHAR *file) { SetShadersCG(NULL); SetShadersGLSL(NULL); shader_type = OGL_SHADER_NONE; if(file!=NULL && ( (lstrlen(file)>3 && _tcsncicmp(&file[lstrlen(file)-3],TEXT(".cg"),3)==0) || (lstrlen(file)>4 && _tcsncicmp(&file[lstrlen(file)-4],TEXT(".cgp"),4)==0))) { return SetShadersCG(file); } else { return SetShadersGLSL(file); } }
bool check_file_extension(_TCHAR* filename, _TCHAR* ext) { int nam_len = _tcslen(filename); int ext_len = _tcslen(ext); return (nam_len >= ext_len && _tcsncicmp(&filename[nam_len - ext_len], ext, ext_len) == 0); }
BOOL SetRootPath(TCHAR *oldpath, TCHAR *InPath) { TCHAR OutPath[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR OutPathTemp[MAX_PATH]; /* Retrieve the full path name from the (possibly relative) InPath */ if (GetFullPathName(InPath, MAX_PATH, OutPathTemp, NULL) == 0) goto Fail; /* Convert the full path to its correct case. * Example: c:\windows\SYSTEM32 => C:\WINDOWS\System32 */ GetPathCase(OutPathTemp, OutPath); /* Use _tchdir, since unlike SetCurrentDirectory it updates * the current-directory-on-drive environment variables. */ if (_tchdir(OutPath) != 0) goto Fail; /* Keep original drive in ordinary CD/CHDIR (without /D switch). */ if (oldpath != NULL && _tcsncicmp(OutPath, oldpath, 2) != 0) SetCurrentDirectory(oldpath); return TRUE; Fail: ConErrFormatMessage(GetLastError()); nErrorLevel = 1; return FALSE; }
BOOL SetRootPath(TCHAR *oldpath, TCHAR *InPath) { TCHAR OutPath[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR OutPathTemp[MAX_PATH]; /* The use of both of these together will correct the case of a path where as one alone or GetFullPath will not. Exameple: c:\windows\SYSTEM32 => C:\WINDOWS\system32 */ if (GetFullPathName(InPath, MAX_PATH, OutPathTemp, NULL)) { GetPathCase(OutPathTemp, OutPath); /* Use _tchdir, since unlike SetCurrentDirectory it updates * the current-directory-on-drive environment variables. */ if (_tchdir(OutPath) != 0) { ConErrFormatMessage(GetLastError()); nErrorLevel = 1; return FALSE; } /* Keep original drive in ordinary CD/CHDIR (without /D switch). */ if (oldpath != NULL && _tcsncicmp(OutPath, oldpath, 2) != 0) SetCurrentDirectory(oldpath); } return TRUE; }
int FindArg(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[], const TCHAR * arg) { size_t len(_tcslen(arg)); while (--argc > 0) { if (_tcsncicmp(argv[argc], arg, len) == 0) break; } return argc; }
int APIENTRY _tWinMain(HINSTANCE /*hInstance*/, HINSTANCE /*hPrevInstance*/, LPTSTR lpCmdLine, int /*nCmdShow*/) { SetDllDirectory(L""); InitCommonControls(); size_t cmdlineLen =_tcslen(lpCmdLine); if (lpCmdLine[0] == '"' && cmdlineLen > 1 && lpCmdLine[cmdlineLen - 1] == '"') { lpCmdLine[cmdlineLen - 1] = 0; ++lpCmdLine; } if (lpCmdLine[0] != 0) g_Prompt = lpCmdLine; const TCHAR *yesno=_T("(yes/no)"); const size_t lens = _tcslen(yesno); const TCHAR *p = lpCmdLine; BOOL bYesNo=FALSE; while(*p) { if (_tcsncicmp(p, yesno, lens) == 0) { bYesNo = TRUE; break; } ++p; } if(bYesNo) { if (::MessageBox(nullptr, g_Prompt, _T("TortoiseGit - git CLI stdin wrapper"), MB_YESNO | MB_ICONQUESTION) == IDYES) { _tprintf(_T("yes")); } else { _tprintf(_T("no")); } return 0; } else { if (DialogBox(hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_ASK_PASSWORD), nullptr, PasswdDlg) == IDOK) { _tprintf(_T("%s\n"), (LPCTSTR)g_PassWord); return 0; } _tprintf(_T("\n")); return -1; } }
HRESULT CUtilGPU::GetDisplayDeviceType(LPCTSTR szDevName, CDisplayDevItem& dev) { dev.m_DeviceName[0] = '\0'; dev.m_DeviceId = 0; dev.m_VendorId = 0; if(EnumerateDisplayDevices() < 0) { return E_FAIL; } if(szDevName == NULL || szDevName[0] == '\0') { dev = m_DeviceTable[0]; return S_OK; } for(int i = 0; i < m_NumDevTableItems; i++) { // note that UNICODE won't work here because of the input string is CHAR if(_tcsncicmp(m_DeviceTable[i].m_DeviceName, szDevName, CDisplayDevItem::kMaxDevName) == 0) { dev = m_DeviceTable[i]; return S_OK; } } // test for single monitor and szDevName == "DISPLAY1" or dual monitors and szDevName=="DISPLAY2" if(m_NumDevTableItems == 1 && _tcsncicmp(_T("\\\\.\\DISPLAY1"), szDevName, CDisplayDevItem::kMaxDevName) == 0) { dev = m_DeviceTable[0]; return S_OK; } else if(m_NumDevTableItems >= 2 && _tcsncicmp(_T("\\\\.\\DISPLAY2"), szDevName, CDisplayDevItem::kMaxDevName) == 0) { dev = m_DeviceTable[1]; return S_OK; } return E_FAIL; }
// Message handler for password box. INT_PTR CALLBACK PasswdDlg(HWND hDlg, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM /*lParam*/) { switch (message) { case WM_INITDIALOG: { MarkWindowAsUnpinnable(hDlg); RECT rect; ::GetWindowRect(hDlg,&rect); DWORD dwWidth = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN); DWORD dwHeight = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN); DWORD x,y; x=(dwWidth - (rect.right-rect.left))/2; y=(dwHeight - (; ::MoveWindow(hDlg,x,y,rect.right-rect.left,,TRUE); HWND title=::GetDlgItem(hDlg,IDC_STATIC_TITLE); ::SetWindowText(title,g_Prompt); const TCHAR *pass =_T("pass"); const size_t passlens = _tcslen(pass); const TCHAR *p = g_Prompt; bool password = false; while (*p) { if (_tcsncicmp(p, pass, passlens) == 0) { password = true; break; } ++p; } if (!password) SendMessage(::GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_PASSWORD), EM_SETPASSWORDCHAR, 0, 0); ::FlashWindow(hDlg, TRUE); } return (INT_PTR)TRUE; case WM_COMMAND: if (LOWORD(wParam) == IDOK || LOWORD(wParam) == IDCANCEL) { if( LOWORD(wParam) == IDOK ) { HWND password = ::GetDlgItem(hDlg,IDC_PASSWORD); ::GetWindowText(password,g_PassWord,MAX_LOADSTRING); } EndDialog(hDlg, LOWORD(wParam)); return (INT_PTR)TRUE; } break; } return (INT_PTR)FALSE; }
/* * CD / CHDIR * */ INT cmd_chdir (LPTSTR param) { TCHAR szCurrent[MAX_PATH]; BOOL bChangeDrive = FALSE; /* Filter out special cases first */ /* Print Help */ if (!_tcsncmp(param, _T("/?"), 2)) { ConOutResPaging(TRUE,STRING_CD_HELP); return 0; } /* Remove " */ StripQuotes(param); /* Set Error Level to Success */ nErrorLevel = 0; /* Print Current Directory on a disk */ if (_tcslen(param) == 2 && param[1] == _T(':')) { if (GetRootPath(param, szCurrent, MAX_PATH)) { error_invalid_drive(); return 1; } ConOutPuts(szCurrent); return 0; } /* Get Current Directory */ GetCurrentDirectory(MAX_PATH, szCurrent); if (param[0] == _T('\0')) { ConOutPuts(szCurrent); return 0; } /* Input String Contains /D Switch */ if (!_tcsncicmp(param, _T("/D"), 2)) { bChangeDrive = TRUE; param += 2; while (_istspace(*param)) param++; } if (!SetRootPath(bChangeDrive ? NULL : szCurrent, param)) return 1; return 0; }
int KTestCommon::GetCurVersion(const TCHAR cszFilePath[], OUT TCHAR* pRetCurVersion) { int nResult = false; int nRetCode = false; FILE* pVerFile = NULL; TCHAR* pszRet = NULL; size_t uLength = 0; long lOffset = 0L; TCHAR szBuffer[MAX_PATH] = {0}; static const int sc_nVersionLen = (int)_tcslen(_T("1-0-8-1505")) + 1; ASSERT(cszFilePath); ASSERT(pRetCurVersion); nRetCode = _tfopen_s(&pVerFile, cszFilePath, _T("r")); KGLOG_PROCESS_ERROR(nRetCode == 0); uLength = _tcslen(PRODUCT_VERSION_KEY); while (TRUE) { pszRet = _fgetts(szBuffer, sizeof(szBuffer) / sizeof(TCHAR), pVerFile); if (!pszRet) { nRetCode = ferror(pVerFile); KGLOG_PROCESS_ERROR(nRetCode == 0); KG_PROCESS_SUCCESS(nRetCode == 0); } szBuffer[sizeof(szBuffer) / sizeof(TCHAR) - 1] = _T('\0'); if (szBuffer[0] != _T('#')) { nRetCode = _tcsncicmp(szBuffer, PRODUCT_VERSION_KEY, uLength); if (!nRetCode && szBuffer[uLength] == _T('=')) { lOffset += (long)uLength + 1; nRetCode = fseek(pVerFile, lOffset, SEEK_SET); KGLOG_PROCESS_ERROR(nRetCode == 0); pszRet = _fgetts(pRetCurVersion, sc_nVersionLen * sizeof(TCHAR), pVerFile); KGLOG_PROCESS_ERROR(pszRet); KG_PROCESS_SUCCESS(true); } } lOffset += (long)_tcslen(szBuffer) + 1; } Exit1: nResult = true; Exit0: if (pVerFile) { fclose(pVerFile); pVerFile = NULL; } return nResult; }
int KTestCommon::ModifyVersionFile(const TCHAR cszFilePath[], const TCHAR cszVersion[]) { int nResult = false; int nRetCode = false; FILE* pVerFile = NULL; TCHAR* pszRet = NULL; size_t uLength = 0; long lOffset = 0L; TCHAR szBuffer[MAX_PATH]; ASSERT(cszFilePath); ASSERT(cszVersion); //修改版本信息文件中的版本号,用于测试需要 nRetCode = _tfopen_s(&pVerFile, cszFilePath, _T("r+")); KGLOG_PROCESS_ERROR(nRetCode == 0); uLength = _tcslen(PRODUCT_VERSION_KEY); while (TRUE) { pszRet = _fgetts(szBuffer, sizeof(szBuffer) / sizeof(TCHAR), pVerFile); if (!pszRet) { nRetCode = ferror(pVerFile); KGLOG_PROCESS_ERROR(nRetCode == 0); KG_PROCESS_SUCCESS(nRetCode == 0); } szBuffer[sizeof(szBuffer) / sizeof(TCHAR) - 1] = _T('\0'); if (szBuffer[0] != _T('#')) { nRetCode = _tcsncicmp(szBuffer, PRODUCT_VERSION_KEY, uLength); if (!nRetCode && szBuffer[uLength] == _T('=')) { lOffset += (long)uLength + 1; nRetCode = fseek(pVerFile, lOffset, SEEK_SET); KGLOG_PROCESS_ERROR(nRetCode == 0); nRetCode = _fputts(cszVersion, pVerFile); KGLOG_PROCESS_ERROR(nRetCode != EOF && nRetCode != WEOF); KG_PROCESS_SUCCESS(true); } } lOffset += (long)_tcslen(szBuffer) + 1; } Exit1: nResult = true; Exit0: if (pVerFile) { fclose(pVerFile); pVerFile = NULL; } return nResult; }
static int match_string(HTTPCSTR *buf, HTTPCSTR *strs) { int i = 0; for (i = 0; strs[i] != NULL; ++i) { int len = (int)_tcslen(strs[i]); if (_tcsncicmp(*buf, strs[i], len) == 0) { *buf += len; return i; } } return -1; }
LPTSTR up2date_getBoolArg(LPCTSTR argName, LPTSTR commandLine, BOOL *boolValue) { size_t argNameLength; BOOL argValue; argNameLength = _tcslen(argName); commandLine = up2date_skipWhitespace(commandLine); if (0 == _tcsncicmp(commandLine, argName, argNameLength)) { argValue = TRUE; commandLine = up2date_skipWhitespace(commandLine + argNameLength); } else argValue = FALSE; if (boolValue) *boolValue = argValue; return commandLine; }
INT32 APIENTRY ATMFontMan_CallBackCacheNamedFont( ENUMLOGFONT FAR* lpelf, // address of logical-font data NEWTEXTMETRIC FAR* lpntm, // address of physical-font data INT32 FontType, // type of font LPARAM lParam // address of application-defined data ) { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER (lpntm); if (FontType & DEVICE_FONTTYPE) { String_64 FontName(lpelf->elfLogFont.lfFaceName); if (lParam==NULL || (_tcsncicmp(FontName, *((String_64 * )lParam), 64) == 0)) { FontManager* pFontMan = GetApplication()->GetFontManager(); pFontMan->SetTempFont(FC_ATM, &FontName, lpelf); return FALSE; } } return TRUE; }
bool CAtom::LoadDefaults() { int len = _tcslen(m_Name); if(len == 0) { _tcsncpy_s(m_Name, _T("???"), 3); return false; } bool found = false; for(int i=0;i<_countof(m_AtomDefaults);i++) { int deflen = _tcslen(m_AtomDefaults[i].name); int namelen = _tcslen(m_Name); if(deflen == namelen && !_tcsncicmp(m_AtomDefaults[i].name, m_Name, deflen > namelen ? namelen : deflen)) { found = true; _tcscpy_s(m_FullName, 20, m_AtomDefaults[i].full_name); m_Size = m_AtomDefaults[i].size; m_ColorR = m_AtomDefaults[i].color[0]; m_ColorG = m_AtomDefaults[i].color[1]; m_ColorB = m_AtomDefaults[i].color[2]; } } if(!found) { if (len < 4) _tcscat_s(m_Name, _T("*")); //_tcsncpy_s(m_Name, 4, _T("?"), 3); _tcsncpy_s(m_FullName, 20, _T("UNKNOWN"), 7); m_Size = 1.0f; m_ColorR = 0.0f; m_ColorG = 1.0f; m_ColorB = 0.0f; } return found; }
bool CloneCommand::Execute() { CTGitPath cloneDirectory; if (!parser.HasKey(_T("hasurlhandler"))) { if (orgCmdLinePath.IsEmpty()) { cloneDirectory.SetFromWin(sOrigCWD, true); DWORD len = ::GetTempPath(0, NULL); std::unique_ptr<TCHAR[]> tszPath(new TCHAR[len]); ::GetTempPath(len, tszPath.get()); if (_tcsncicmp(cloneDirectory.GetWinPath(), tszPath.get(), len-2 /* \\ and \0 */) == 0) { // if the current directory is set to a temp directory, // we don't use that but leave it empty instead. cloneDirectory.Reset(); } } else cloneDirectory = orgCmdLinePath; } CCloneDlg dlg; dlg.m_Directory = cloneDirectory.GetWinPathString(); if (parser.HasKey(_T("url"))) dlg.m_URL = parser.GetVal(_T("url")); if (parser.HasKey(_T("exactpath"))) dlg.m_bExactPath = TRUE; if(dlg.DoModal()==IDOK) { CString recursiveStr; if(dlg.m_bRecursive) recursiveStr = _T("--recursive"); else recursiveStr = _T(""); CString bareStr; if(dlg.m_bBare) bareStr = _T("--bare"); else bareStr = _T(""); CString nocheckoutStr; if (dlg.m_bNoCheckout) nocheckoutStr = _T("--no-checkout"); CString branchStr; if (dlg.m_bBranch) branchStr = _T("--branch ") + dlg.m_strBranch; CString originStr; if (dlg.m_bOrigin) originStr = _T("--origin ") + dlg.m_strOrigin; if(dlg.m_bAutoloadPuttyKeyFile) { CAppUtils::LaunchPAgent(&dlg.m_strPuttyKeyFile); } CAppUtils::RemoveTrailSlash(dlg.m_Directory); if (!dlg.m_bSVN) CAppUtils::RemoveTrailSlash(dlg.m_URL); CString dir=dlg.m_Directory; CString url=dlg.m_URL; // is this a windows format UNC path, ie starts with \\? if (url.Find(_T("\\\\")) == 0) { // yes, change all \ to / // this should not be necessary but msysgit does not support the use \ here yet int atSign = url.Find(_T('@')); if (atSign > 0) { CString path = url.Mid(atSign); path.Replace(_T('\\'), _T('/')); url = url.Mid(0, atSign) + path; } else url.Replace( _T('\\'), _T('/')); } CString depth; if (dlg.m_bDepth) { depth.Format(_T(" --depth %d"),dlg.m_nDepth); } g_Git.m_CurrentDir = GetExistingDirectoryForClone(dlg.m_Directory); CString cmd; CString progressarg; int ver = CAppUtils::GetMsysgitVersion(); if(ver >= 0x01070002) //above progressarg = _T("--progress"); cmd.Format(_T("git.exe clone %s %s %s %s %s %s -v %s \"%s\" \"%s\""), nocheckoutStr, recursiveStr, bareStr, branchStr, originStr, progressarg, depth, url, dir); // Handle Git SVN-clone if(dlg.m_bSVN) { //g_Git.m_CurrentDir=dlg.m_Directory; cmd.Format(_T("git.exe svn clone \"%s\" \"%s\""), url,dlg.m_Directory); if(dlg.m_bSVNTrunk) cmd+=_T(" -T ")+dlg.m_strSVNTrunk; if(dlg.m_bSVNBranch) cmd+=_T(" -b ")+dlg.m_strSVNBranchs; if(dlg.m_bSVNTags) cmd+=_T(" -t ")+dlg.m_strSVNTags; if(dlg.m_bSVNFrom) { CString str; str.Format(_T("%d:HEAD"),dlg.m_nSVNFrom); cmd+=_T(" -r ")+str; } if(dlg.m_bSVNUserName) { cmd+= _T(" --username "); cmd+=dlg.m_strUserName; } } else { if (g_Git.UsingLibGit2(CGit::GIT_CMD_CLONE)) { CGitProgressDlg GitDlg; CTGitPathList list; g_Git.m_CurrentDir = dir; list.AddPath(CTGitPath(dir)); GitDlg.SetCommand(CGitProgressList::GitProgress_Clone); GitDlg.SetUrl(url); GitDlg.SetPathList(list); GitDlg.SetIsBare(!!dlg.m_bBare); GitDlg.SetRefSpec(dlg.m_bBranch ? dlg.m_strBranch : CString()); GitDlg.SetRemote(dlg.m_bOrigin ? dlg.m_strOrigin : CString()); GitDlg.SetNoCheckout(!!dlg.m_bNoCheckout); GitDlg.DoModal(); return !GitDlg.DidErrorsOccur(); } } CProgressDlg progress; progress.m_GitCmd=cmd; progress.m_PostCmdList.Add(CString(MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDS_MENULOG))); progress.m_PostCmdList.Add(CString(MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDS_STATUSLIST_CONTEXT_EXPLORE))); INT_PTR ret = progress.DoModal(); if (dlg.m_bSVN) ::DeleteFile(g_Git.m_CurrentDir + _T("\\sys$command")); if( progress.m_GitStatus == 0) { if(dlg.m_bAutoloadPuttyKeyFile) { g_Git.m_CurrentDir = dlg.m_Directory; SetCurrentDirectory(g_Git.m_CurrentDir); if(g_Git.SetConfigValue(_T("remote.origin.puttykeyfile"), dlg.m_strPuttyKeyFile, CONFIG_LOCAL, CP_UTF8)) { CMessageBox::Show(NULL,_T("Fail set config remote.origin.puttykeyfile"),_T("TortoiseGit"),MB_OK|MB_ICONERROR); return FALSE; } } if (ret == IDC_PROGRESS_BUTTON1) { CString cmd = _T("/command:log"); cmd += _T(" /path:\"") + dlg.m_Directory + _T("\""); CAppUtils::RunTortoiseGitProc(cmd); return TRUE; } if (ret == IDC_PROGRESS_BUTTON1 + 1) { ShellExecute(nullptr, _T("explore"), dlg.m_Directory, nullptr, nullptr, SW_SHOW); return TRUE; } } if(ret == IDOK) return TRUE; } return FALSE; }
int parseCommandLine() { int iRet = 0; int iNumArgs, iNumToBeProcessed; LPTSTR lpstrCommandArgs=GetCommandLine(); LPTSTR *rgCmdArgs=CommandLineToArgvW(lpstrCommandArgs,&iNumArgs); // To take care of no command line arguments if (iNumArgs <= 1 ) { iRet = -1; goto Cleanup; } // Check if one argument only and that is the /? argument if (0==_tcsncicmp(rgCmdArgs[1],CAzGlobalOptions::HELPTAG , CAzGlobalOptions::HELPTAG_LEN)) { DisplayUsage(); iRet = 1; goto Cleanup; } // if more than one argument but not the required 2 arguments if (iNumArgs < 3 ) { iRet = -1; goto Cleanup; } CAzGlobalOptions::m_bstrDestStoreName.Attach(CComBSTR(rgCmdArgs[1]).Copy()); CAzGlobalOptions::m_bstrSourceStoreName.Attach(CComBSTR(rgCmdArgs[2]).Copy()); CAzGlobalOptions::setDefaults(); iNumToBeProcessed = iNumArgs-3; for (int i = 3 ; i < iNumArgs ; i++) { // Checking for /logfile if (0==_tcsncicmp(rgCmdArgs[i],CAzGlobalOptions::LOGFILETAG,CAzGlobalOptions::LOGFILETAG_LEN)) { _TCHAR *strRightPart=_tcschr(rgCmdArgs[i],_TCHAR('=')); if (NULL==strRightPart) { iRet = -1; goto Cleanup; } CAzLogging::Initialize(CAzLogging::LOG_LOGFILE,&strRightPart[1]); iNumToBeProcessed--; } else if (0==_tcsncicmp(rgCmdArgs[i],CAzGlobalOptions::APPNAMETAG,CAzGlobalOptions::APPNAMETAG_LEN)) { //Checking for /application flag LPTSTR strTmp; _TCHAR *strRightPart=_tcschr(rgCmdArgs[i],_TCHAR('=')); if (NULL==strRightPart) { iRet = -1; goto Cleanup; } CAzGlobalOptions::m_bSpecificApp=true; _TCHAR *strAppNames =_tcstok_s(&strRightPart[1],_TEXT(","),&strTmp); while (strAppNames!=NULL) { CAzGlobalOptions::m_bstrAppNames.push_back(CComBSTR(strAppNames).Copy()); /* While there are tokens in "string" */ /* Get next token: */ strAppNames =_tcstok_s(NULL,_TEXT(","),&strTmp); } iNumToBeProcessed--; } else if (0==_tcsncicmp(rgCmdArgs[i] , CAzGlobalOptions::OVERWRITETAG , CAzGlobalOptions::OVERWRITETAG_LEN)) { //Checking for /overwrite flag CAzGlobalOptions::m_bOverWrite=true; iNumToBeProcessed--; } else if (0==_tcsncicmp(rgCmdArgs[i] , CAzGlobalOptions::IGNOREMEMBERSTAG,CAzGlobalOptions::IGNOREMEMBERSTAG_LEN)) { //Checking for /IGNOREMEMBERS flag CAzGlobalOptions::m_bIgnoreMembers=true; iNumToBeProcessed--; } else if (0==_tcsncicmp(rgCmdArgs[i] , CAzGlobalOptions::IGNOREPOLICYADMINSTAG , CAzGlobalOptions::IGNOREPOLICYADMINSTAG_LEN)) { //Checking for /IGNOREPOLICYADMIN flag CAzGlobalOptions::m_bIgnorePolicyAdmins=true; iNumToBeProcessed--; } else if (0==_tcsncicmp(rgCmdArgs[i] , CAzGlobalOptions::VERBOSETAG , CAzGlobalOptions::VERBOSETAG_LEN)) { CAzGlobalOptions::m_bVerbose=true; CAzLogging::Initialize(CAzLogging::LOG_TRACE); iNumToBeProcessed--; } else if (0==_tcsncicmp(rgCmdArgs[i] , CAzGlobalOptions::HELPTAG , CAzGlobalOptions::HELPTAG_LEN)) { DisplayUsage(); iNumToBeProcessed--; iRet = 1; goto Cleanup; } } // Some additional parameters exist which donot match // hence these are invalid flags. if (0 != iNumToBeProcessed) { iRet = -1; goto Cleanup; } iRet = 0; Cleanup: if (rgCmdArgs) { LocalFree(rgCmdArgs); } return iRet; }
INT cmd_copy(LPTSTR param) { LPTSTR *arg; INT argc, i, nFiles, nOverwrite = 0, nSrc = -1, nDes = -1; /* this is the path up to the folder of the src and dest ie C:\windows\ */ TCHAR szDestPath[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szSrcPath[MAX_PATH]; DWORD dwFlags = 0; /* If this is the type of copy where we are adding files */ BOOL bAppend = FALSE; WIN32_FIND_DATA findBuffer; HANDLE hFile = NULL; BOOL bTouch = FALSE; /* Used when something like "copy c*.exe d*.exe" during the process of figuring out the new name */ /* Pointer to keep track of how far through the append input(file1+file2+file3) we are */ TCHAR * appendPointer = _T("\0"); /* The full path to src and dest. This has drive letter, folders, and filename */ TCHAR tmpDestPath[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR tmpSrcPath[MAX_PATH]; /* A bool on weather or not the destination name will be taking from the input */ BOOL bSrcName = FALSE; /* Seems like a waste but it is a pointer used to copy from input to PreserveName */ TCHAR * UseThisName; /* for CMDCOPY env */ TCHAR *evar; int size; TCHAR * szTouch; BOOL bHasWildcard, bDone = FALSE, bMoreFiles = FALSE; BOOL bMultipleSource = FALSE, bMultipleDest = FALSE; /* Show help/usage info */ if (!_tcsncmp(param, _T("/?"), 2)) { ConOutResPaging(TRUE, STRING_COPY_HELP2); return 0; } nErrorLevel = 0; /* Get the envor value if it exists */ evar = cmd_alloc(512 * sizeof(TCHAR)); if (evar == NULL) size = 0; else size = GetEnvironmentVariable (_T("COPYCMD"), evar, 512); if (size > 512) { TCHAR *old_evar = evar; evar = cmd_realloc(evar,size * sizeof(TCHAR) ); if (evar!=NULL) size = GetEnvironmentVariable (_T("COPYCMD"), evar, size); else { size=0; evar = old_evar; } } /* check see if we did get any env variable */ if (size != 0) { int t = 0; /* scan and set the flags */ for (t = 0; t < size; t++) { if (_tcsncicmp(_T("/A"),&evar[t],2) == 0) { dwFlags |=COPY_ASCII; t++; } else if (_tcsncicmp(_T("/B"),&evar[t],2) == 0) { dwFlags |= COPY_BINARY; t++; } else if (_tcsncicmp(_T("/D"),&evar[t],2) == 0) { dwFlags |= COPY_DECRYPT; t++; } else if (_tcsncicmp(_T("/V"),&evar[t],2) == 0) { dwFlags |= COPY_VERIFY; t++; } else if (_tcsncicmp(_T("/N"),&evar[t],2) == 0) { dwFlags |= COPY_SHORTNAME; t++; } else if (_tcsncicmp(_T("/Y"),&evar[t],2) == 0) { dwFlags |= COPY_NO_PROMPT; t++; } else if (_tcsncicmp(_T("/-Y"),&evar[t],3) == 0) { dwFlags |= COPY_PROMPT; t+=2; } else if (_tcsncicmp(_T("/Z"),&evar[t],2) == 0) { dwFlags |= COPY_PROMPT; t++; } } } cmd_free(evar); /* Split the user input into array */ arg = split(param, &argc, FALSE, TRUE); nFiles = argc; /* Read switches and count files */ for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) { if (*arg[i] == _T('/')) { if (_tcslen(arg[i]) >= 2) { switch (_totupper(arg[i][1])) { case _T('A'): dwFlags |= COPY_ASCII; break; case _T('B'): dwFlags |= COPY_BINARY; break; case _T('D'): dwFlags |= COPY_DECRYPT; break; case _T('V'): dwFlags |= COPY_VERIFY; break; case _T('N'): dwFlags |= COPY_SHORTNAME; break; case _T('Y'): dwFlags |= COPY_NO_PROMPT; dwFlags &= ~COPY_PROMPT; break; case _T('-'): if (_tcslen(arg[i]) >= 3) if (_totupper(arg[i][2]) == _T('Y')) { dwFlags &= ~COPY_NO_PROMPT; dwFlags |= COPY_PROMPT; } break; case _T('Z'): dwFlags |= COPY_RESTART; break; default: /* Invalid switch */ ConOutResPrintf(STRING_ERROR_INVALID_SWITCH, _totupper(arg[i][1])); nErrorLevel = 1; freep (arg); return 1; break; } } /* If it was a switch, subtract from total arguments */ nFiles--; } else { /* If it isn't a switch then it is the source or destination */ if (nSrc == -1) { nSrc = i; } else if (*arg[i] == _T('+')) { /* Next file should be appended */ bMoreFiles = TRUE; nFiles -= 1; } else if (bMoreFiles) { /* Add this file to the source string this way we can do all checks directly on source string later on */ TCHAR * ptr; int length = (_tcslen(arg[nSrc]) + _tcslen(arg[i]) + 2) * sizeof(TCHAR); ptr = cmd_alloc(length); if (ptr) { _tcscpy(ptr, arg[nSrc]); _tcscat(ptr, _T("|")); _tcscat(ptr, arg[i]); cmd_free(arg[nSrc]); arg[nSrc] = ptr; nFiles -= 1; } bMoreFiles = FALSE; } else if (nDes == -1) { nDes = i; } } } /* keep quiet within batch files */ if (bc != NULL) { dwFlags |= COPY_NO_PROMPT; dwFlags &= ~COPY_PROMPT; } if (nFiles < 1) { /* There are not enough files, there has to be at least 1 */ ConOutResPuts(STRING_ERROR_REQ_PARAM_MISSING); freep(arg); return 1; } if (nFiles > 2) { /* There are too many file names in command */ ConErrResPrintf(STRING_ERROR_TOO_MANY_PARAMETERS,_T("")); nErrorLevel = 1; freep(arg); return 1; } if ((_tcschr(arg[nSrc], _T('|')) != NULL) || (_tcschr(arg[nSrc], _T('*')) != NULL) || (_tcschr(arg[nSrc], _T('?')) != NULL) || IsExistingDirectory(arg[nSrc])) { bMultipleSource = TRUE; } /* Reusing the number of files variable */ nFiles = 0; /* Check if no destination argument is passed */ if (nDes == -1) { /* If no destination was entered then just use the current directory as the destination */ GetCurrentDirectory(MAX_PATH, szDestPath); } else { /* Check if the destination is 'x:' */ if ((arg[nDes][1] == _T(':')) && (arg[nDes][2] == _T('\0'))) { GetRootPath(arg[nDes], szDestPath, MAX_PATH); } else { /* If the user entered two file names then form the full string path */ GetFullPathName(arg[nDes], MAX_PATH, szDestPath, NULL); } /* Make sure there is an ending slash to the path if the dest is a folder */ if ((_tcschr(szDestPath, _T('*')) == NULL) && IsExistingDirectory(szDestPath)) { bMultipleDest = TRUE; if (szDestPath[_tcslen(szDestPath) - 1] != _T('\\')) _tcscat(szDestPath, _T("\\")); } /* Check if the destination uses wildcards */ if ((_tcschr(arg[nDes], _T('*')) != NULL) || (_tcschr(arg[nDes], _T('?')) != NULL)) { bMultipleDest = TRUE; } } if (nDes != -1) /* you can only append files when there is a destination */ { if (bMultipleSource && !bMultipleDest) { /* We have multiple source files, but not multiple destination files. This means we are appending the soruce files. */ bAppend = TRUE; if (_tcschr(arg[nSrc], _T('|')) != NULL) appendPointer = arg[nSrc]; } } /* Save the name the user entered */ UseThisName = _tcsrchr(szDestPath,_T('\\')); if (UseThisName) { /* Split the name from the path */ *UseThisName++ = _T('\0'); /* Check if the dest path ends with '\*' or '\' */ if (((UseThisName[0] == _T('*')) && (UseThisName[1] == _T('\0'))) || (UseThisName[0] == _T('\0'))) { /* In this case we will be using the same name as the source file for the destination file because destination is a folder */ bSrcName = TRUE; UseThisName = NULL; } } else { /* Something's seriously wrong! */ UseThisName = szDestPath; } do { /* Get the full string of the path to the source file */ if (_tcschr(arg[nSrc], _T('|')) != NULL) { /* Reset the source path */ szSrcPath[0] = _T('\0'); /* Loop through the source file name and copy all the chars one at a time until it gets too + */ while(TRUE) { if (appendPointer[0] == _T('|')) { /* Skip the | and go to the next file name */ appendPointer++; break; } else if (appendPointer[0] == _T('\0')) { bDone = TRUE; break; } _tcsncat(szSrcPath, appendPointer, 1); appendPointer++; } if (_tcschr(arg[nSrc], _T(',')) != NULL) { /* Only time there is a , in the source is when they are using touch Cant have a destination and can only have on ,, at the end of the string Cant have more then one file name */ szTouch = _tcsstr(arg[nSrc], _T("|")); if (_tcsncmp(szTouch,_T("|,,\0"), 4) || (nDes != -1)) { ConErrResPrintf(STRING_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM_FORMAT,arg[nSrc]); nErrorLevel = 1; freep (arg); return 1; } bTouch = TRUE; bDone = TRUE; } } else { bDone = TRUE; _tcscpy(szSrcPath, arg[nSrc]); } /* "x:" is not a valid source path format. */ if ((szSrcPath[1] == _T(':')) && (szSrcPath[2] == _T('\0'))) { ConOutPrintf(_T("%s\n"), szSrcPath); ConOutFormatMessage(ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND, szSrcPath); nErrorLevel = 1; break; } /* From this point on, we can assume that the shortest path is 3 letters long and that would be [DriveLetter]:\ */ /* Check if the path has a wildcard */ bHasWildcard = (_tcschr(szSrcPath, _T('*')) != NULL); /* If there is no * in the path name and it is a folder then we will need to add a wildcard to the pathname so FindFirstFile comes up with all the files in that folder */ if (!bHasWildcard && IsExistingDirectory(szSrcPath)) { /* If it doesnt have a \ at the end already then on needs to be added */ if (szSrcPath[_tcslen(szSrcPath) - 1] != _T('\\')) _tcscat(szSrcPath, _T("\\")); _tcscat(szSrcPath, _T("*")); bHasWildcard = TRUE; } /* If the path ends with '\' add a wildcard at the end */ if (szSrcPath[_tcslen(szSrcPath) - 1] == _T('\\')) { _tcscat(szSrcPath, _T("*")); bHasWildcard = TRUE; } /* Get a list of all the files */ hFile = FindFirstFile(szSrcPath, &findBuffer); /* If it couldnt open the file handle, print out the error */ if (hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { /* only print source name when more then one file */ if (bMultipleSource) ConOutPrintf(_T("%s\n"), szSrcPath); ConOutFormatMessage(GetLastError(), szSrcPath); freep(arg); nErrorLevel = 1; return 1; } /* Strip the paths back to the folder they are in */ for (i = (_tcslen(szSrcPath) - 1); i > -1; i--) if (szSrcPath[i] != _T('\\')) szSrcPath[i] = _T('\0'); else break; do { /* Check Breaker */ if (CheckCtrlBreak(BREAK_INPUT)) { FindClose(hFile); freep(arg); return 1; } /* Set the override to yes each new file */ nOverwrite = 1; /* Ignore the . and .. files */ if (!_tcscmp(findBuffer.cFileName, _T(".")) || !_tcscmp(findBuffer.cFileName, _T("..")) || findBuffer.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) { continue; } /* Copy the base folder over to a tmp string */ _tcscpy(tmpDestPath, szDestPath); _tcscat(tmpDestPath, _T("\\")); /* Can't put a file into a folder that isn't there */ if (_tcscmp(tmpDestPath, _T("\\\\.\\")) && !IsExistingDirectory(tmpDestPath)) { FindClose(hFile); ConOutFormatMessage(GetLastError(), szSrcPath); freep(arg); nErrorLevel = 1; return 1; } /* Copy over the destination path name */ if (bSrcName) _tcscat(tmpDestPath, findBuffer.cFileName); else { /* If there is no wildcard you can use the name the user entered */ if ((_tcschr(UseThisName, _T('*')) == NULL) && (_tcschr(UseThisName, _T('?')) == NULL)) { _tcscat(tmpDestPath, UseThisName); } else { TCHAR DoneFile[MAX_PATH]; BuildFileName(findBuffer.cFileName, UseThisName, DoneFile); /* Add the filename to the tmp string path */ _tcscat(tmpDestPath, DoneFile); } } /* Build the string path to the source file */ _tcscpy(tmpSrcPath,szSrcPath); _tcscat (tmpSrcPath, findBuffer.cFileName); /* Check to see if the file is the same file */ if (!bTouch && !_tcscmp(tmpSrcPath, tmpDestPath)) { ConOutResPrintf(STRING_COPY_ERROR2); nErrorLevel = 1; break; } /* only print source name when more then one file */ if (bMultipleSource) ConOutPrintf(_T("%s\n"), tmpSrcPath); /* Handle any overriding / prompting that needs to be done */ if (((!(dwFlags & COPY_NO_PROMPT) && IsExistingFile (tmpDestPath)) || dwFlags & COPY_PROMPT) && !bTouch) nOverwrite = CopyOverwrite(tmpDestPath); if (nOverwrite == PROMPT_NO || nOverwrite == PROMPT_BREAK) continue; if (nOverwrite == PROMPT_ALL || (nOverwrite == PROMPT_YES && bAppend)) dwFlags |= COPY_NO_PROMPT; /* Tell weather the copy was successful or not */ if (copy(tmpSrcPath,tmpDestPath, bAppend, dwFlags, bTouch)) { nFiles++; //LoadString(CMD_ModuleHandle, STRING_MOVE_ERROR1, szMsg, RC_STRING_MAX_SIZE); } else { /* print out the error message */ ConOutResPrintf(STRING_COPY_ERROR3); ConOutFormatMessage (GetLastError(), szSrcPath); nErrorLevel = 1; } /* Loop through all wildcard files */ } while (FindNextFile(hFile, &findBuffer)); /* Loop through all files in src string with a + */ } while(!bDone); /* print out the number of files copied */ ConOutResPrintf(STRING_COPY_FILE, bAppend ? 1 : nFiles); if (hFile) FindClose(hFile); if (arg != NULL) freep(arg); return 0; }
int CMPIPTV_RTSP::OpenConnection(void) { this->logger.Log(LOGGER_INFO, METHOD_START_FORMAT, PROTOCOL_IMPLEMENTATION_NAME, METHOD_OPEN_CONNECTION_NAME); this->isRtspSessionSetup = false; // LIVE555 works with char, not with TCHAR char *tempRtspUrl = ConvertToMultiByte(this->rtspUrl); if (tempRtspUrl == NULL) { return STATUS_ERROR; } // start LIVE555 worker thread this->rtspSchedulerThreadHandle = CreateThread( NULL, // default security attributes 0, // use default stack size &CMPIPTV_RTSP::RtspSchedulerWorker, // thread function name this, // argument to thread function 0, // use default creation flags &this->rtspSchedulerThreadId); // returns the thread identifier if (this->rtspSchedulerThreadHandle == NULL) { this->logger.Log(LOGGER_ERROR, _T("%s: %s: failed to create RTSP scheduler thread, error = %i"), PROTOCOL_IMPLEMENTATION_NAME, METHOD_OPEN_CONNECTION_NAME, GetLastError()); return STATUS_ERROR; } this->rtspClient = MPRTSPClient::createNew(this, *this->rtspEnvironment, tempRtspUrl); FREE_MEM(tempRtspUrl); if ( this->rtspClient == NULL || SendRtspCommand(METHOD_OPEN_CONNECTION_NAME, _T("OPTIONS")) != STATUS_OK || SendRtspCommand(METHOD_OPEN_CONNECTION_NAME, _T("DESCRIBE")) != STATUS_OK ) { CloseConnection(); return STATUS_ERROR; } this->rtspSession = MediaSession::createNew(*this->rtspEnvironment, this->rtspResponseResultString); if (this->rtspSession == NULL || !this->rtspSession->hasSubsessions()) { this->LogRtspMessage(LOGGER_ERROR, METHOD_OPEN_CONNECTION_NAME, this->rtspSession == NULL ? _T("failed to create session") : _T("session doesn't have sub-sessions")); CloseConnection(); return STATUS_ERROR; } // Setup the RTP source for the session. Only one sub-session expected/supported. MediaSubsessionIterator iter(*this->rtspSession); MediaSubsession *subsession = NULL; FramedSource *rtspSource = NULL; while ((subsession = != NULL) { #ifdef _MBCS TCHAR *subSessionName = ConvertToMultiByteA(subsession->mediumName()); TCHAR *subSessionCodecName = ConvertToMultiByteA(subsession->codecName()); #else TCHAR *subSessionName = ConvertToUnicodeA(subsession->mediumName()); TCHAR *subSessionCodecName = ConvertToUnicodeA(subsession->codecName()); #endif if (_tcsncicmp(subSessionName, _T("video"), 5) != 0 || _tcsncicmp(subSessionCodecName, _T("MP2T"), 4) != 0) { TCHAR *message = FormatString(_T("sub-session medium or codec not supported, medium = %s, codec = %s"), subSessionName, subSessionCodecName); this->LogRtspMessage(LOGGER_ERROR, METHOD_OPEN_CONNECTION_NAME, message); FREE_MEM(message); FREE_MEM(subSessionName); FREE_MEM(subSessionCodecName); continue; } // If a client port is configured, find a free pair of ports in the range. // The first port is used for RTP; the second port is used for RTCP. Once // we find one free port, we assume the next one is also free. if (this->rtspRtpClientPortRangeStart > 0) { struct in_addr destinationAddress; destinationAddress.s_addr = our_inet_addr(""); unsigned int port = this->rtspRtpClientPortRangeStart; Groupsock *groupsock = NULL; do { this->logger.Log(LOGGER_VERBOSE, _T("%s: %s: RTP client port %u"), PROTOCOL_IMPLEMENTATION_NAME, METHOD_OPEN_CONNECTION_NAME, port); // special construction force not reuse same UDP port { NoReuse noReuse(*this->rtspEnvironment); groupsock = new Groupsock(*this->rtspEnvironment, destinationAddress, port, 1); } if (groupsock == NULL || groupsock->socketNum() == -1) { this->logger.Log(LOGGER_WARNING, _T("%s: %s: RTP client port %u occupied, trying next even port"), PROTOCOL_IMPLEMENTATION_NAME, METHOD_OPEN_CONNECTION_NAME, port); port += 2; if (groupsock != NULL) { delete groupsock; groupsock = NULL; } } } while ((groupsock == NULL) && (port <= this->rtspRtpClientPortRangeEnd)); // Did we find a free port? If not, we fall back to a random port chosen // by LIVE555. if (groupsock != NULL) { delete groupsock; groupsock = NULL; subsession->setClientPortNum(port); } } if (!subsession->initiate() || subsession->rtpSource() == NULL) { TCHAR *message = FormatString(_T("failed to create receiver for sub-session, medium = %s, codec = %s"), subSessionName, subSessionCodecName); this->LogRtspMessage(LOGGER_ERROR, METHOD_OPEN_CONNECTION_NAME, message); FREE_MEM(message); FREE_MEM(subSessionName); FREE_MEM(subSessionCodecName); continue; } this->logger.Log(LOGGER_VERBOSE, _T("%s: %s: created receiver for sub-session, medium = %s, codec = %s"), PROTOCOL_IMPLEMENTATION_NAME, METHOD_OPEN_CONNECTION_NAME, subSessionName, subSessionCodecName); FREE_MEM(subSessionName); FREE_MEM(subSessionCodecName); // set session ID, doesn't matter what subsession->setSessionId(subsession->mediumName()); // because we're saving the incoming data, rather than playing // it in real time, allow an especially large time threshold // for reordering misordered incoming packets: subsession->rtpSource()->setPacketReorderingThresholdTime(1000000); // 1 second // set the RTP source's OS socket buffer size as appropriate int socketNum = subsession->rtpSource()->RTPgs()->socketNum(); unsigned int currentBufferSize = getReceiveBufferSize(*this->rtspEnvironment, socketNum); if (this->defaultBufferSize > currentBufferSize) { setReceiveBufferTo(*this->rtspEnvironment, socketNum, this->defaultBufferSize); unsigned setBufferSize = getReceiveBufferSize(*this->rtspEnvironment, socketNum); if (setBufferSize == this->defaultBufferSize) { this->logger.Log(LOGGER_VERBOSE, _T("%s: %s: set buffer size for sub-session, previous size = %i, requested size = %i, current size = %i"), PROTOCOL_IMPLEMENTATION_NAME, METHOD_OPEN_CONNECTION_NAME, subSessionName, currentBufferSize, this->defaultBufferSize, setBufferSize); } else { this->logger.Log(LOGGER_WARNING, _T("%s: %s: failed to set buffer size for sub-session, previous size = %i, requested size = %i, current size = %i"), PROTOCOL_IMPLEMENTATION_NAME, METHOD_OPEN_CONNECTION_NAME, subSessionName, currentBufferSize, this->defaultBufferSize, setBufferSize); } } if (SendRtspCommand(METHOD_OPEN_CONNECTION_NAME, _T("SETUP"), subsession) != STATUS_OK) { CloseConnection(); return STATUS_ERROR; } rtspSource = subsession->rtpSource(); break; } // If we don't have an RTSP source then we can't continue. if (rtspSource == NULL) { CloseConnection(); return STATUS_ERROR; } this->isRtspSessionSetup = true; if (SendRtspCommand(METHOD_OPEN_CONNECTION_NAME, _T("PLAY")) != STATUS_OK) { CloseConnection(); return STATUS_ERROR; } // create UDP socket and start playing struct in_addr destinationAddress; destinationAddress.s_addr = our_inet_addr(""); unsigned int port = this->rtspUdpPortRangeStart; do { this->logger.Log(LOGGER_VERBOSE, _T("%s: %s: UDP port %u"), PROTOCOL_IMPLEMENTATION_NAME, METHOD_OPEN_CONNECTION_NAME, port); // special construction force not reuse same UDP port { NoReuse noReuse(*this->rtspEnvironment); this->rtspUdpGroupsock = new Groupsock(*this->rtspEnvironment, destinationAddress, port, 1); } if (this->rtspUdpGroupsock == NULL || this->rtspUdpGroupsock->socketNum() == -1) { this->logger.Log(LOGGER_WARNING, _T("%s: %s: UDP port %u occupied, trying another port"), PROTOCOL_IMPLEMENTATION_NAME, METHOD_OPEN_CONNECTION_NAME, port); port++; if (this->rtspUdpGroupsock != NULL) { delete this->rtspUdpGroupsock; this->rtspUdpGroupsock = NULL; } } } while ((this->rtspUdpGroupsock == NULL) && (port <= this->rtspUdpPortRangeEnd)); if (this->rtspUdpGroupsock == NULL) { this->logger.Log(LOGGER_ERROR, METHOD_MESSAGE_FORMAT, PROTOCOL_IMPLEMENTATION_NAME, METHOD_OPEN_CONNECTION_NAME, _T("failed to create UDP socket, no free port")); CloseConnection(); return STATUS_ERROR; } this->rtspUdpSink = BasicUDPSink::createNew(*this->rtspEnvironment, this->rtspUdpGroupsock, this->rtspUdpSinkMaxPayloadSize); if (this->rtspUdpSink == NULL) { this->logger.Log(LOGGER_ERROR, METHOD_MESSAGE_FORMAT, PROTOCOL_IMPLEMENTATION_NAME, METHOD_OPEN_CONNECTION_NAME, _T("failed to create UDP sink")); CloseConnection(); return STATUS_ERROR; } if (!this->rtspUdpSink->startPlaying(*rtspSource, NULL, NULL)) { this->LogRtspMessage(LOGGER_ERROR, METHOD_OPEN_CONNECTION_NAME, _T("failed to start UDP sink")); CloseConnection(); return STATUS_ERROR; } this->logger.Log(LOGGER_INFO, METHOD_MESSAGE_FORMAT, PROTOCOL_IMPLEMENTATION_NAME, METHOD_OPEN_CONNECTION_NAME, _T("streaming started")); // create a UDP connection to the local stream TCHAR *url = FormatString(_T("udp://@"), port); if ( url == NULL || this->CMPIPTV_UDP::ParseUrl(url, NULL) != STATUS_OK || this->CMPIPTV_UDP::OpenConnection() != STATUS_OK ) { FREE_MEM(url); this->logger.Log(LOGGER_INFO, METHOD_END_FAIL_FORMAT, PROTOCOL_IMPLEMENTATION_NAME, METHOD_OPEN_CONNECTION_NAME); CloseConnection(); return STATUS_ERROR; } FREE_MEM(url); this->logger.Log(LOGGER_INFO, METHOD_END_FORMAT, PROTOCOL_IMPLEMENTATION_NAME, METHOD_OPEN_CONNECTION_NAME); return STATUS_OK; }
bool CloneCommand::Execute() { CTGitPath cloneDirectory; if (!parser.HasKey(_T("hasurlhandler"))) { if (orgCmdLinePath.IsEmpty()) { cloneDirectory.SetFromWin(sOrigCWD, true); DWORD len = ::GetTempPath(0, nullptr); auto tszPath = std::make_unique<TCHAR[]>(len); ::GetTempPath(len, tszPath.get()); if (_tcsncicmp(cloneDirectory.GetWinPath(), tszPath.get(), len-2 /* \\ and \0 */) == 0) { // if the current directory is set to a temp directory, // we don't use that but leave it empty instead. cloneDirectory.Reset(); } } else cloneDirectory = orgCmdLinePath; } CCloneDlg dlg; dlg.m_Directory = cloneDirectory.GetWinPathString(); if (parser.HasKey(_T("url"))) dlg.m_URL = parser.GetVal(_T("url")); if (parser.HasKey(_T("exactpath"))) dlg.m_bExactPath = TRUE; if(dlg.DoModal()==IDOK) { CString recursiveStr; if(dlg.m_bRecursive) recursiveStr = _T(" --recursive"); CString bareStr; if(dlg.m_bBare) bareStr = _T(" --bare"); CString nocheckoutStr; if (dlg.m_bNoCheckout) nocheckoutStr = _T(" --no-checkout"); CString branchStr; if (dlg.m_bBranch) branchStr = _T(" --branch ") + dlg.m_strBranch; CString originStr; if (dlg.m_bOrigin && !dlg.m_bSVN) originStr = _T(" --origin ") + dlg.m_strOrigin; if(dlg.m_bAutoloadPuttyKeyFile) { CAppUtils::LaunchPAgent(&dlg.m_strPuttyKeyFile); } CAppUtils::RemoveTrailSlash(dlg.m_Directory); if (!dlg.m_bSVN) CAppUtils::RemoveTrailSlash(dlg.m_URL); CString dir=dlg.m_Directory; CString url=dlg.m_URL; // is this a windows format UNC path, ie starts with \\? if (url.Find(_T("\\\\")) == 0) { // yes, change all \ to / // this should not be necessary but msysgit does not support the use \ here yet int atSign = url.Find(_T('@')); if (atSign > 0) { CString path = url.Mid(atSign); path.Replace(_T('\\'), _T('/')); url = url.Mid(0, atSign) + path; } else url.Replace( _T('\\'), _T('/')); } CString depth; if (dlg.m_bDepth) { depth.Format(_T(" --depth %d"),dlg.m_nDepth); } CString cmd; cmd.Format(_T("git.exe clone --progress%s%s%s%s%s -v%s \"%s\" \"%s\""), (LPCTSTR)nocheckoutStr, (LPCTSTR)recursiveStr, (LPCTSTR)bareStr, (LPCTSTR)branchStr, (LPCTSTR)originStr, (LPCTSTR)depth, (LPCTSTR)url, (LPCTSTR)dir); bool retry = false; auto postCmdCallback = [&](DWORD status, PostCmdList& postCmdList) { if (status) { postCmdList.emplace_back(IDI_REFRESH, IDS_MSGBOX_RETRY, [&]{ retry = true; }); return; } // After cloning, change current directory to the cloned directory g_Git.m_CurrentDir = dlg.m_Directory; if (dlg.m_bAutoloadPuttyKeyFile) // do this here, since it might be needed for actions performed in Log StorePuttyKey(dlg.m_Directory, dlg.m_bOrigin && !dlg.m_strOrigin.IsEmpty() ? dlg.m_strOrigin : _T("origin"), dlg.m_strPuttyKeyFile); postCmdList.emplace_back(IDI_LOG, IDS_MENULOG, [&] { CString cmd = _T("/command:log"); cmd += _T(" /path:\"") + dlg.m_Directory + _T("\""); CAppUtils::RunTortoiseGitProc(cmd); }); postCmdList.emplace_back(IDI_EXPLORER, IDS_STATUSLIST_CONTEXT_EXPLORE, [&]{ CAppUtils::ExploreTo(hWndExplorer, dlg.m_Directory); }); }; // Handle Git SVN-clone if(dlg.m_bSVN) { //g_Git.m_CurrentDir=dlg.m_Directory; cmd.Format(_T("git.exe svn clone \"%s\" \"%s\""), (LPCTSTR)url, (LPCTSTR)dlg.m_Directory); if (dlg.m_bOrigin) { CString str; if (dlg.m_strOrigin.IsEmpty()) str = _T(" --prefix \"\""); else str.Format(_T(" --prefix \"%s/\""), (LPCTSTR)dlg.m_strOrigin); cmd += str; } if(dlg.m_bSVNTrunk) cmd+=_T(" -T ")+dlg.m_strSVNTrunk; if(dlg.m_bSVNBranch) cmd+=_T(" -b ")+dlg.m_strSVNBranchs; if(dlg.m_bSVNTags) cmd+=_T(" -t ")+dlg.m_strSVNTags; if(dlg.m_bSVNFrom) { CString str; str.Format(_T("%d:HEAD"),dlg.m_nSVNFrom); cmd+=_T(" -r ")+str; } if(dlg.m_bSVNUserName) { cmd+= _T(" --username "); cmd+=dlg.m_strUserName; } } else { if (g_Git.UsingLibGit2(CGit::GIT_CMD_CLONE)) { while (true) { retry = false; CGitProgressDlg GitDlg; CTGitPathList list; g_Git.m_CurrentDir = GetExistingDirectoryForClone(dlg.m_Directory); list.AddPath(CTGitPath(dir)); CloneProgressCommand cloneProgressCommand; GitDlg.SetCommand(&cloneProgressCommand); cloneProgressCommand.m_PostCmdCallback = postCmdCallback; cloneProgressCommand.SetUrl(url); cloneProgressCommand.SetPathList(list); cloneProgressCommand.SetIsBare(dlg.m_bBare == TRUE); if (dlg.m_bBranch) cloneProgressCommand.SetRefSpec(dlg.m_strBranch); if (dlg.m_bOrigin) cloneProgressCommand.SetRemote(dlg.m_strOrigin); cloneProgressCommand.SetNoCheckout(dlg.m_bNoCheckout == TRUE); GitDlg.DoModal(); if (!retry) return !GitDlg.DidErrorsOccur(); } } } while (true) { retry = false; g_Git.m_CurrentDir = GetExistingDirectoryForClone(dlg.m_Directory); CProgressDlg progress; progress.m_GitCmd=cmd; progress.m_PostCmdCallback = postCmdCallback; INT_PTR ret = progress.DoModal(); if (!retry) return ret == IDOK; } } return FALSE; }
int CMPIPTV_RTSP::ParseUrl(const TCHAR *url, const CParameterCollection *parameters) { int result = STATUS_OK; this->logger.Log(LOGGER_INFO, METHOD_START_FORMAT, PROTOCOL_IMPLEMENTATION_NAME, METHOD_PARSE_URL_NAME); this->ClearSession(); this->loadParameters->Append((CParameterCollection *)parameters); this->loadParameters->LogCollection(&this->logger, LOGGER_VERBOSE, PROTOCOL_IMPLEMENTATION_NAME, METHOD_PARSE_URL_NAME); ALLOC_MEM_DEFINE_SET(urlComponents, URL_COMPONENTS, 1, 0); if (urlComponents == NULL) { this->logger.Log(LOGGER_ERROR, METHOD_MESSAGE_FORMAT, PROTOCOL_IMPLEMENTATION_NAME, METHOD_PARSE_URL_NAME, _T("cannot allocate memory for 'url components'")); result = STATUS_ERROR; } if (result == STATUS_OK) { ZeroURL(urlComponents); urlComponents->dwStructSize = sizeof(URL_COMPONENTS); this->logger.Log(LOGGER_INFO, _T("%s: %s: url: %s"), PROTOCOL_IMPLEMENTATION_NAME, METHOD_PARSE_URL_NAME, url); if (!InternetCrackUrl(url, 0, 0, urlComponents)) { this->logger.Log(LOGGER_ERROR, _T("%s: %s: InternetCrackUrl() error: %u"), PROTOCOL_IMPLEMENTATION_NAME, METHOD_PARSE_URL_NAME, GetLastError()); result = STATUS_ERROR; } } if (result == STATUS_OK) { int length = urlComponents->dwSchemeLength + 1; ALLOC_MEM_DEFINE_SET(protocol, TCHAR, length, 0); if (protocol == NULL) { this->logger.Log(LOGGER_ERROR, METHOD_MESSAGE_FORMAT, PROTOCOL_IMPLEMENTATION_NAME, METHOD_PARSE_URL_NAME, _T("cannot allocate memory for 'protocol'")); result = STATUS_ERROR; } if (result == STATUS_OK) { _tcsncat_s(protocol, length, urlComponents->lpszScheme, urlComponents->dwSchemeLength); if (_tcsncicmp(urlComponents->lpszScheme, _T("RTSP"), urlComponents->dwSchemeLength) != 0) { // not supported protocol this->logger.Log(LOGGER_INFO, _T("%s: %s: unsupported protocol '%s'"), PROTOCOL_IMPLEMENTATION_NAME, METHOD_PARSE_URL_NAME, protocol); result = STATUS_ERROR; } } FREE_MEM(protocol); if (result == STATUS_OK) { length = _tcslen(url) + 1; this->rtspUrl = ALLOC_MEM_SET(this->rtspUrl, TCHAR, length, 0); if (this->rtspUrl == NULL) { this->logger.Log(LOG_ERROR, METHOD_MESSAGE_FORMAT, PROTOCOL_IMPLEMENTATION_NAME, METHOD_PARSE_URL_NAME, _T("cannot allocate memory for RTSP url")); result = STATUS_ERROR; } } if (result == STATUS_OK) { _tcscpy_s(this->rtspUrl, length, url); this->logger.Log(LOGGER_INFO, _T("%s: %s: RTSP url: %s"), PROTOCOL_IMPLEMENTATION_NAME, METHOD_PARSE_URL_NAME, this->rtspUrl); } } FREE_MEM(urlComponents); this->logger.Log(LOGGER_INFO, (result == STATUS_OK) ? METHOD_END_FORMAT : METHOD_END_FAIL_FORMAT, PROTOCOL_IMPLEMENTATION_NAME, METHOD_PARSE_URL_NAME); return result; }
int CMPIPTV_RTSP::OpenConnection(void) { this->logger.Log(LOGGER_INFO, METHOD_START_FORMAT, PROTOCOL_IMPLEMENTATION_NAME, METHOD_OPEN_CONNECTION_NAME); int result = STATUS_OK; this->rtspClient = RTSPClient::createNew(*this->rtspEnvironment); result |= (this->rtspClient == NULL); if (result == STATUS_OK) { // RTSPClient works with char, not with TCHAR char *tempRtspUrl = ConvertToMultiByte(this->rtspUrl); result |= (tempRtspUrl == NULL); if (result == STATUS_OK) { char* optionsResult = this->rtspClient->sendOptionsCmd(tempRtspUrl, NULL, NULL, NULL, this->receiveDataTimeout / 2000); result |= (optionsResult == NULL); if (result != STATUS_OK) { TCHAR *message = FormatString(METHOD_MESSAGE_FORMAT, PROTOCOL_IMPLEMENTATION_NAME, METHOD_OPEN_CONNECTION_NAME, _T("error occured while sending OPTIONS command")); this->LogRtspMessage(LOGGER_ERROR, message); FREE_MEM(message); } else { TCHAR *message = FormatString(METHOD_MESSAGE_FORMAT, PROTOCOL_IMPLEMENTATION_NAME, METHOD_OPEN_CONNECTION_NAME, _T("OPTIONS result")); this->LogFullRtspMessage(LOGGER_VERBOSE, message, optionsResult); FREE_MEM(message); char *describeResult = this->rtspClient->describeURL(tempRtspUrl, NULL, FALSE, this->receiveDataTimeout / 2000); result |= (describeResult == NULL); if (result != STATUS_OK) { TCHAR *message = FormatString(METHOD_MESSAGE_FORMAT, PROTOCOL_IMPLEMENTATION_NAME, METHOD_OPEN_CONNECTION_NAME, _T("error occured while sending DESCRIBE command")); this->LogRtspMessage(LOGGER_ERROR, message); FREE_MEM(message); } else { TCHAR *message = FormatString(METHOD_MESSAGE_FORMAT, PROTOCOL_IMPLEMENTATION_NAME, METHOD_OPEN_CONNECTION_NAME, _T("DESCRIBE result")); this->LogFullRtspMessage(LOGGER_VERBOSE, message, describeResult); FREE_MEM(message); this->rtspSession = MediaSession::createNew(*this->rtspEnvironment, describeResult); result |= (this->rtspSession == NULL); if (result != STATUS_OK) { TCHAR *message = FormatString(METHOD_MESSAGE_FORMAT, PROTOCOL_IMPLEMENTATION_NAME, METHOD_OPEN_CONNECTION_NAME, _T("error occured while creating new session")); this->LogRtspMessage(LOGGER_ERROR, message); FREE_MEM(message); } else { result |= (!this->rtspSession->hasSubsessions()); if (result != STATUS_OK) { this->logger.Log(LOGGER_ERROR, METHOD_MESSAGE_FORMAT, PROTOCOL_IMPLEMENTATION_NAME, METHOD_OPEN_CONNECTION_NAME, _T("session doesn't have subsessions")); } else { // Then, setup the "RTPSource"s for the session: MediaSubsessionIterator iter(*this->rtspSession); MediaSubsession *subsession = NULL; while ((result == STATUS_OK) && ((subsession = != NULL)) { char *tempSubSessionName = (char *)subsession->mediumName(); char *tempSubSessionCodecName = (char *)subsession->codecName(); #ifdef _MBCS TCHAR *subSessionName = ConvertToMultiByteA(tempSubSessionName); TCHAR *subSessionCodecName = ConvertToMultiByteA(tempSubSessionCodecName); #else TCHAR *subSessionName = ConvertToUnicodeA(tempSubSessionName); TCHAR *subSessionCodecName = ConvertToUnicodeA(tempSubSessionCodecName); #endif if (!subsession->initiate()) { result = STATUS_ERROR; TCHAR *message = FormatString(_T("%s: %s: unable to create receiver for subsession '%s', codec '%s'"), PROTOCOL_IMPLEMENTATION_NAME, METHOD_OPEN_CONNECTION_NAME, subSessionName, subSessionCodecName); this->LogRtspMessage(LOGGER_ERROR, message); FREE_MEM(message); } else { this->logger.Log(LOGGER_VERBOSE, _T("%s: %s: created receiver for subsession '%s', codec '%s'"), PROTOCOL_IMPLEMENTATION_NAME, METHOD_OPEN_CONNECTION_NAME, subSessionName, subSessionCodecName); // set session ID, doesn't matter what subsession->sessionId = tempSubSessionName; if (subsession->rtpSource() != NULL) { // because we're saving the incoming data, rather than playing // it in real time, allow an especially large time threshold // (1 second) for reordering misordered incoming packets: unsigned const thresh = 1000000; // 1 second subsession->rtpSource()->setPacketReorderingThresholdTime(thresh); // set the RTP source's OS socket buffer size as appropriate int socketNum = subsession->rtpSource()->RTPgs()->socketNum(); unsigned int currentBufferSize = getReceiveBufferSize(*this->rtspEnvironment, socketNum); if (this->defaultBufferSize > currentBufferSize) { setReceiveBufferTo(*this->rtspEnvironment, socketNum, this->defaultBufferSize); unsigned setBufferSize = getReceiveBufferSize(*this->rtspEnvironment, socketNum); if (setBufferSize == this->defaultBufferSize) { this->logger.Log(LOGGER_VERBOSE, _T("%s: %s: set buffer size for subsession '%s' successful, previous size: %i, requested size: %i, current size: %i"), PROTOCOL_IMPLEMENTATION_NAME, METHOD_OPEN_CONNECTION_NAME, subSessionName, currentBufferSize, this->defaultBufferSize, setBufferSize); } else { result = STATUS_ERROR; this->logger.Log(LOGGER_ERROR, _T("%s: %s: set buffer size for subsession '%s' failed, previous size: %i, requested size: %i, current size: %i"), PROTOCOL_IMPLEMENTATION_NAME, METHOD_OPEN_CONNECTION_NAME, subSessionName, currentBufferSize, this->defaultBufferSize, setBufferSize); } } if (_tcsncicmp(subSessionName, _T("audio"), 5) == 0) { // audio this->logger.Log(LOGGER_VERBOSE, _T("%s: %s: audio subsession '%s'"), PROTOCOL_IMPLEMENTATION_NAME, METHOD_OPEN_CONNECTION_NAME, subSessionName); result |= (!rtspClient->setupMediaSubsession(*subsession)); if (result != STATUS_OK) { // error occured TCHAR *message = FormatString(METHOD_MESSAGE_FORMAT, PROTOCOL_IMPLEMENTATION_NAME, METHOD_OPEN_CONNECTION_NAME, _T("error while setup subsession")); this->LogRtspMessage(LOGGER_ERROR, message); FREE_MEM(message); } else { this->logger.Log(LOGGER_WARNING, METHOD_MESSAGE_FORMAT, PROTOCOL_IMPLEMENTATION_NAME, METHOD_OPEN_CONNECTION_NAME, _T("subsession audio codec not supported")); } } else if (_tcsncicmp(subSessionName, _T("video"), 5) == 0) { // video this->logger.Log(LOGGER_VERBOSE, _T("%s: %s: video subsession '%s'"), PROTOCOL_IMPLEMENTATION_NAME, METHOD_OPEN_CONNECTION_NAME, subSessionName); result |= (!rtspClient->setupMediaSubsession(*subsession)); if (result != STATUS_OK) { // error occured TCHAR *message = FormatString(METHOD_MESSAGE_FORMAT, PROTOCOL_IMPLEMENTATION_NAME, METHOD_OPEN_CONNECTION_NAME, _T("error while setup subsession")); this->LogRtspMessage(LOGGER_ERROR, message); FREE_MEM(message); } else { if (_tcsncicmp(subSessionCodecName, _T("MP2T"), 4) == 0) { // MPEG2 Transport Stream // set new RTSP source this->rtspSource = subsession->rtpSource(); if (subsession->rtcpInstance() != NULL) { this->logger.Log(LOGGER_VERBOSE, METHOD_MESSAGE_FORMAT, PROTOCOL_IMPLEMENTATION_NAME, METHOD_OPEN_CONNECTION_NAME, _T("set subsession 'Bye' handler")); subsession->rtcpInstance()->setByeHandler(SubsessionByeHandler, this); } } else if (_tcsncicmp(subSessionCodecName, _T("H264"), 4) == 0) { // H264 codec, HD TV this->logger.Log(LOGGER_ERROR, METHOD_MESSAGE_FORMAT, PROTOCOL_IMPLEMENTATION_NAME, METHOD_OPEN_CONNECTION_NAME, _T("H264 not supported")); result = STATUS_ERROR; } else { // SD TV this->logger.Log(LOGGER_ERROR, METHOD_MESSAGE_FORMAT, PROTOCOL_IMPLEMENTATION_NAME, METHOD_OPEN_CONNECTION_NAME, _T("other subsession video codec than MP2T not supported")); result = STATUS_ERROR; } } } else { this->logger.Log(LOGGER_WARNING, _T("%s: %s: unknown subsession '%s', ignored"), PROTOCOL_IMPLEMENTATION_NAME, METHOD_OPEN_CONNECTION_NAME, subSessionName); } } else { this->logger.Log(LOGGER_WARNING, _T("%s: %s: subsession '%s' doesn't have RTP source"), PROTOCOL_IMPLEMENTATION_NAME, METHOD_OPEN_CONNECTION_NAME, subSessionName); } } // free subsession name and codec name FREE_MEM(subSessionName); FREE_MEM(subSessionCodecName); } // we should have some RTSP source result |= (this->rtspSource == NULL); if (result == STATUS_OK) { result |= (!this->rtspClient->playMediaSession(*this->rtspSession)); if (result != STATUS_OK) { // error occured TCHAR *message = FormatString(METHOD_MESSAGE_FORMAT, PROTOCOL_IMPLEMENTATION_NAME, METHOD_OPEN_CONNECTION_NAME, _T("error while playing session")); this->LogRtspMessage(LOGGER_ERROR, message); FREE_MEM(message); } else { // create UDP socket and start playing struct in_addr destinationAddress; destinationAddress.s_addr = our_inet_addr(""); unsigned int port = this->rtspUdpPortRangeStart; do { this->logger.Log(LOGGER_VERBOSE, _T("%s: %s: UDP port %u"), PROTOCOL_IMPLEMENTATION_NAME, METHOD_OPEN_CONNECTION_NAME, port); // special construction force not reuse same UDP port { NoReuse noReuse; this->rtspUdpGroupsock = new Groupsock(*this->rtspEnvironment, destinationAddress, port, 1); } if (this->rtspUdpGroupsock->socketNum() == (-1)) { this->logger.Log(LOGGER_ERROR, _T("%s: %s: UDP port %u occupied, trying another port"), PROTOCOL_IMPLEMENTATION_NAME, METHOD_OPEN_CONNECTION_NAME, port); port++; delete this->rtspUdpGroupsock; this->rtspUdpGroupsock = NULL; } } while ((this->rtspUdpGroupsock == NULL) && (port <= this->rtspUdpPortRangeEnd)); result |= (this->rtspUdpGroupsock == NULL); if (result != STATUS_OK) { this->logger.Log(LOGGER_ERROR, METHOD_MESSAGE_FORMAT, PROTOCOL_IMPLEMENTATION_NAME, METHOD_OPEN_CONNECTION_NAME, _T("cannot create UDP sink, no free port")); } else { this->rtspUdpSink = BasicUDPSink::createNew(*this->rtspEnvironment, this->rtspUdpGroupsock, this->rtspUdpSinkMaxPayloadSize); result |= (this->rtspUdpSink == NULL); if (result != STATUS_OK) { TCHAR *message = FormatString(METHOD_MESSAGE_FORMAT, PROTOCOL_IMPLEMENTATION_NAME, METHOD_OPEN_CONNECTION_NAME, _T("cannot create UDP sink")); this->LogRtspMessage(LOGGER_ERROR, message); FREE_MEM(message); } else { if (this->rtspUdpSink->startPlaying(*this->rtspSource, NULL, NULL)) { this->logger.Log(LOGGER_INFO, METHOD_MESSAGE_FORMAT, PROTOCOL_IMPLEMENTATION_NAME, METHOD_OPEN_CONNECTION_NAME, _T("playing started")); // now create UDP connection TCHAR *url = FormatString(_T("udp://@"), port); result |= (url == NULL); if (result == STATUS_OK) { // parse UDP url // ParseURL calls ClearSession and IsConnected must return FALSE // in another case will be current RTSP connection closed result = this->CMPIPTV_UDP::ParseUrl(url, NULL); if (result == STATUS_OK) { // connect to UDP url result = this->CMPIPTV_UDP::OpenConnection(); } } FREE_MEM(url); } else { result = STATUS_ERROR; TCHAR *message = FormatString(METHOD_MESSAGE_FORMAT, PROTOCOL_IMPLEMENTATION_NAME, METHOD_OPEN_CONNECTION_NAME, _T("error occured while starting playing")); this->LogRtspMessage(LOGGER_ERROR, message); FREE_MEM(message); } } } } } } } } } if (optionsResult != NULL) { delete[] optionsResult; optionsResult = NULL; } } FREE_MEM(tempRtspUrl); } if (result == STATUS_OK) { // start winsock worker thread this->rtspSchedulerThreadHandle = CreateThread( NULL, // default security attributes 0, // use default stack size &CMPIPTV_RTSP::RtspSchedulerWorker, // thread function name this, // argument to thread function 0, // use default creation flags &this->rtspSchedulerThreadId); // returns the thread identifier if (this->rtspSchedulerThreadHandle == NULL) { // thread not created result = STATUS_ERROR; this->logger.Log(LOGGER_ERROR, _T("%s: %s: cannot create RTSP scheduler thread, error: %i"), PROTOCOL_IMPLEMENTATION_NAME, METHOD_OPEN_CONNECTION_NAME, GetLastError()); } } if (result != STATUS_OK) { // if failed opening connection, than close connection this->CloseConnection(); } this->logger.Log(LOGGER_INFO, (result == STATUS_OK) ? METHOD_END_FORMAT : METHOD_END_FAIL_FORMAT, PROTOCOL_IMPLEMENTATION_NAME, METHOD_OPEN_CONNECTION_NAME); return (result == STATUS_OK) ? STATUS_OK : STATUS_ERROR; }
/*** *int _cenvarg(argv, envp, argblk, envblk, name) - set up cmd line/environ * *Purpose: * Set up the block forms of the environment and the command line. * If "envp" is null, "_environ" is used instead. * *Entry: * _TSCHAR **argv - argument vector * _TSCHAR **envp - environment vector * _TSCHAR **argblk - pointer to pointer set to malloc'ed space for args * _TSCHAR **envblk - pointer to pointer set to malloc'ed space for env * _TSCHAR *name - name of program being invoked * *Exit: * returns 0 if ok, -1 if fails * stores through argblk and envblk * (calls malloc) * *Exceptions: * *******************************************************************************/ #ifdef WPRFLAG int __cdecl _wcenvarg ( #else /* WPRFLAG */ int __cdecl _cenvarg ( #endif /* WPRFLAG */ const _TSCHAR * const *argv, const _TSCHAR * const *envp, _TSCHAR **argblk, _TSCHAR **envblk, const _TSCHAR *name ) { REG1 const _TSCHAR * const *vp; REG2 unsigned tmp; REG3 _TSCHAR *cptr; unsigned arg_len; unsigned env_len; int cfi_len; /* counts the number of file handles in CFI */ int retval = 0; /* * Null environment pointer "envp" means use global variable, * "_environ" */ int cwd_start; int cwd_end; /* length of "cwd" strings in environment */ _TSCHAR envpfx[] = _T("SystemRoot"); _TSCHAR *envbuf = NULL; int envsize = 0; int defined = 0; /* * Allocate space for command line string * tmp counts the number of bytes in the command line string * including spaces between arguments * An empty string is special -- 2 bytes */ for (vp = argv, tmp = 2; *vp; tmp += (unsigned int)_tcslen(*vp++) + 1) ; arg_len = tmp; /* * Allocate space for the command line plus 2 null bytes */ if ( (*argblk = _calloc_crt(tmp, sizeof(_TSCHAR))) == NULL) { *envblk = NULL; errno = ENOMEM; _doserrno = E_nomem; return(-1); } if (_ERRCHECK_EINVAL(_tdupenv_s_crt(&envbuf, NULL, envpfx)) != 0) { retval = -1; goto error; } envsize = (int)_tcslen(envpfx) + 2; if (envbuf != NULL) { envsize += (int)_tcslen(envbuf); } /* * Allocate space for environment strings * tmp counts the number of bytes in the environment strings * including nulls between strings * Also add "_C_FILE_INFO=" string */ if (envp) for (vp = envp, tmp = 2; *vp; tmp += (unsigned int)_tcslen(*vp++) + 1) ; /* * The _osfile and _osfhnd arrays are passed as binary data in * dospawn.c */ cfi_len = 0; /* no _C_FILE_INFO */ if (!envp) *envblk = NULL; else { /* * Now that we've decided to pass our own environment block, * compute the size of the "current directory" strings to * propagate to the new environment. */ #ifdef WPRFLAG /* * Make sure wide environment exists. */ if (!_wenvptr) { if ((_wenvptr = (wchar_t *)__crtGetEnvironmentStringsW()) == NULL) { retval = -1; goto error; } } #else /* WPRFLAG */ if (!_aenvptr) { if ((_aenvptr = (char *)__crtGetEnvironmentStringsA()) == NULL) { retval = -1; goto error; } } #endif /* WPRFLAG */ /* * search for the first one */ for (cwd_start = 0; _tenvptr[cwd_start] != _T('\0') && _tenvptr[cwd_start] != _T('='); cwd_start += (int)_tcslen(&_tenvptr[cwd_start]) + 1) { } /* find the total size of all contiguous ones */ cwd_end = cwd_start; while (_tenvptr[cwd_end+0] == _T('=') && _tenvptr[cwd_end+1] != _T('\0') && _tenvptr[cwd_end+2] == _T(':') && _tenvptr[cwd_end+3] == _T('=')) { cwd_end += 4 + (int)_tcslen(&_tenvptr[cwd_end+4]) + 1; } tmp += cwd_end - cwd_start; /* * Allocate space for the environment strings plus extra null byte */ env_len = tmp; /* * Check if SystemRoot is already defined in environment provided */ for (vp = envp; *vp; vp++) { if (_tcsncicmp(*vp, envpfx, _tcslen(envpfx)) == 0) { defined = 1; break; } } if (!defined) tmp += envsize; if( !(*envblk = _calloc_crt(tmp, sizeof(_TSCHAR))) ) { _free_crt(*argblk); *argblk = NULL; errno = ENOMEM; _doserrno = E_nomem; retval = -1; goto done; } } /* * Build the command line by concatenating the argument strings * with spaces between, and two null bytes at the end. * NOTE: The argv[0] argument is followed by a null. */ cptr = *argblk; vp = argv; if (!*vp) /* Empty argument list ? */ ++cptr; /* just two null bytes */ else { /* argv[0] must be followed by a null */ _ERRCHECK(_tcscpy_s(cptr, arg_len - (cptr - *argblk), *vp)); cptr += (int)_tcslen(*vp++) + 1; } while( *vp ) { _ERRCHECK(_tcscpy_s(cptr, arg_len - (cptr - *argblk), *vp)); cptr += (int)_tcslen(*vp++); *cptr++ = ' '; } *cptr = cptr[ -1 ] = _T('\0'); /* remove extra blank, add double null */ /* * Build the environment block by concatenating the environment * strings with nulls between and two null bytes at the end */ cptr = *envblk; if (envp != NULL) { /* * Copy the "cwd" strings to the new environment. */ memcpy(cptr, &_tenvptr[cwd_start], (cwd_end - cwd_start) * sizeof(_TSCHAR)); cptr += cwd_end - cwd_start; /* * Copy the environment strings from "envp". */ vp = envp; while( *vp ) { _ERRCHECK(_tcscpy_s(cptr, env_len - (cptr - *envblk), *vp)); cptr += 1 + (int)_tcslen(*vp++); } if (!defined) { /* * Copy SystemRoot to the new environment. */ _ERRCHECK(_tcscpy_s(cptr, envsize, envpfx)); _ERRCHECK(_tcscat_s(cptr, envsize, _T("="))); if (envbuf != NULL) { _ERRCHECK(_tcscat_s(cptr, envsize, envbuf)); } cptr += envsize; } } if (cptr != NULL) { if (cptr == *envblk) { /* * Empty environment block ... this requires two * nulls. */ *cptr++ = _T('\0'); } /* * Extra null terminates the segment */ *cptr = _T('\0'); } goto done; error: _free_crt(*argblk); *argblk = NULL; *envblk = NULL; done: #ifdef WPRFLAG if (_wenvptr) _free_crt(_wenvptr); _wenvptr = NULL; #else /* WPRFLAG */ if (_aenvptr) _free_crt(_aenvptr); _aenvptr = NULL; #endif /* WPRFLAG */ if (envbuf) _free_crt(envbuf); return retval; }
bool CheckoutCommand::Execute() { bool bRet = false; // Get the directory supplied in the command line. If there isn't // one then we should use first the default checkout path // specified in the settings dialog, and fall back to the current // working directory instead if no such path was specified. CTSVNPath checkoutDirectory; CRegString regDefCheckoutPath(_T("Software\\TortoiseGit\\DefaultCheckoutPath")); if (cmdLinePath.IsEmpty()) { if (CString(regDefCheckoutPath).IsEmpty()) { checkoutDirectory.SetFromWin(sOrigCWD, true); DWORD len = ::GetTempPath(0, NULL); TCHAR * tszPath = new TCHAR[len]; ::GetTempPath(len, tszPath); if (_tcsncicmp(checkoutDirectory.GetWinPath(), tszPath, len-2 /* \\ and \0 */) == 0) { // if the current directory is set to a temp directory, // we don't use that but leave it empty instead. checkoutDirectory.Reset(); } delete [] tszPath; } else { checkoutDirectory.SetFromWin(CString(regDefCheckoutPath)); } } else { checkoutDirectory = cmdLinePath; } CCheckoutDlg dlg; dlg.m_strCheckoutDirectory = checkoutDirectory.GetWinPathString(); dlg.m_URL = parser.GetVal(_T("url")); // if there is no url specified on the command line, check if there's one // specified in the settings dialog to use as the default and use that CRegString regDefCheckoutUrl(_T("Software\\TortoiseGit\\DefaultCheckoutUrl")); if (!CString(regDefCheckoutUrl).IsEmpty()) { // if the URL specified is a child of the default URL, we also // adjust the default checkout path // e.g. // Url specified on command line: // Url specified as default : // checkout path specified : c:\work\project // --> // checkout path adjusted : c:\work\project\folder CTSVNPath clurl = CTSVNPath(dlg.m_URL); CTSVNPath defurl = CTSVNPath(CString(regDefCheckoutUrl)); if (defurl.IsAncestorOf(clurl)) { // the default url is the parent of the specified url if (CTSVNPath::CheckChild(CTSVNPath(CString(regDefCheckoutPath)), CTSVNPath(dlg.m_strCheckoutDirectory))) { dlg.m_strCheckoutDirectory = CString(regDefCheckoutPath) + clurl.GetWinPathString().Mid(defurl.GetWinPathString().GetLength()); dlg.m_strCheckoutDirectory.Replace(_T("\\\\"), _T("\\")); } } if (dlg.m_URL.IsEmpty()) dlg.m_URL = regDefCheckoutUrl; } if (dlg.m_URL.Left(5).Compare(_T("tsvn:"))==0) { dlg.m_URL = dlg.m_URL.Mid(5); if (dlg.m_URL.Find('?') >= 0) { dlg.Revision = SVNRev(dlg.m_URL.Mid(dlg.m_URL.Find('?')+1)); dlg.m_URL = dlg.m_URL.Left(dlg.m_URL.Find('?')); } } if (parser.HasKey(_T("revision"))) { SVNRev Rev = SVNRev(parser.GetVal(_T("revision"))); dlg.Revision = Rev; } if (dlg.m_URL.Find('*')>=0) { // multiple URL's specified // ask where to check them out to CBrowseFolder foldbrowse; foldbrowse.SetInfo(CString(MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDS_PROC_CHECKOUTTO))); foldbrowse.SetCheckBoxText(CString(MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDS_PROC_CHECKOUTTOPONLY))); foldbrowse.SetCheckBoxText2(CString(MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDS_PROC_CHECKOUTNOEXTERNALS))); foldbrowse.m_style = BIF_NEWDIALOGSTYLE | BIF_RETURNONLYFSDIRS | BIF_USENEWUI | BIF_VALIDATE; TCHAR checkoutpath[MAX_PATH]; if (foldbrowse.Show(hwndExplorer, checkoutpath, MAX_PATH, CString(regDefCheckoutPath))==CBrowseFolder::OK) { CSVNProgressDlg progDlg; theApp.m_pMainWnd = &progDlg; if (parser.HasVal(_T("closeonend"))) progDlg.SetAutoClose(parser.GetLongVal(_T("closeonend"))); progDlg.SetCommand(CSVNProgressDlg::SVNProgress_Checkout); progDlg.SetOptions(foldbrowse.m_bCheck2 ? ProgOptIgnoreExternals : ProgOptNone); progDlg.SetPathList(CTSVNPathList(CTSVNPath(CString(checkoutpath)))); progDlg.SetUrl(dlg.m_URL); progDlg.SetRevision(dlg.Revision); progDlg.SetDepth(foldbrowse.m_bCheck ? svn_depth_empty : svn_depth_infinity); progDlg.DoModal(); bRet = !progDlg.DidErrorsOccur(); } } else if (dlg.DoModal() == IDOK) { checkoutDirectory.SetFromWin(dlg.m_strCheckoutDirectory, true); CSVNProgressDlg progDlg; theApp.m_pMainWnd = &progDlg; progDlg.SetCommand(CSVNProgressDlg::SVNProgress_Checkout); if (parser.HasVal(_T("closeonend"))) progDlg.SetAutoClose(parser.GetLongVal(_T("closeonend"))); progDlg.SetOptions(dlg.m_bNoExternals ? ProgOptIgnoreExternals : ProgOptNone); progDlg.SetPathList(CTSVNPathList(checkoutDirectory)); progDlg.SetUrl(dlg.m_URL); progDlg.SetRevision(dlg.Revision); progDlg.SetDepth(dlg.m_depth); progDlg.DoModal(); bRet = !progDlg.DidErrorsOccur(); } return bRet; }
void ProcessCommandLineArguments() { // Since we are trying to keep this code string type agnostic // We will extract the command line from the OS instead of using // the version passed to the application. This ensures we have // the wide char version which is needed to use the CommandLineToArgvW function. int NumberOfArguments; LPWSTR* theArgumentList = CommandLineToArgvW( GetCommandLineW(), &NumberOfArguments ); if( theArgumentList != NULL ) { // Index 0 in the list will be the application name. // Search for supported arguments starting at index 1 for( int nIndex = 1; nIndex < NumberOfArguments; nIndex++ ) { // Some paranoia assert( theArgumentList[ nIndex ] ); // Test for the number of threads parameter if( _tcsncicmp( theArgumentList[ nIndex ], _T("THREADS="), 8 ) == 0 ) { // Parameter name syntax is valid, now test the given value // Parameter value must be non-null and a numeric value // If the given value is valid, it is assigned to our variable // Otherwise we assign a zero which indicates an error condition g_LaunchInfo.numberOfThreads = ( _tcslen( theArgumentList[ nIndex ] ) > 8 ) ? _tstoi( &( theArgumentList[ nIndex ][ 8 ] ) ) : 0; // Test for the error condition if( g_LaunchInfo.numberOfThreads < 1 ) { // Thread value is bogus, reassign to the default value g_LaunchInfo.numberOfThreads = 1; OutputDebugString( _T("Invalid thread count argument\n") ); } } #pragma region TODO // Insert other supported command line parameters here // // 1) Alternate log file name and location // 2) Console window to be open by default // 3) etc // //else if( ) { } #pragma endregion else { // Command line parameter was unrecognized TCHAR ErrorString[ kMaxApplicationString ]; _stprintf_s( ErrorString, kMaxApplicationString, _T("Invalid command line parameter: %s\n"), theArgumentList[ nIndex ] ); OutputDebugString( ErrorString ); } } } else { OutputDebugString( _T("CommandLineToArgvW failed\n") ); } // Free memory allocated for CommandLineToArgvW arguments. LocalFree( theArgumentList ); }
bool CheckoutCommand::Execute() { bool bRet = false; // Get the directory supplied in the command line. If there isn't // one then we should use first the default checkout path // specified in the settings dialog, and fall back to the current // working directory instead if no such path was specified. CTSVNPath checkoutDirectory; CRegString regDefCheckoutPath(_T("Software\\TortoiseSVN\\DefaultCheckoutPath")); if (cmdLinePath.IsEmpty()) { if (CString(regDefCheckoutPath).IsEmpty()) { checkoutDirectory.SetFromWin(sOrigCWD, true); DWORD len = ::GetTempPath(0, NULL); std::unique_ptr<TCHAR[]> tszPath(new TCHAR[len]); ::GetTempPath(len, tszPath.get()); if (_tcsncicmp(checkoutDirectory.GetWinPath(), tszPath.get(), len-2 /* \\ and \0 */) == 0) { // if the current directory is set to a temp directory, // we don't use that but leave it empty instead. checkoutDirectory.Reset(); } } else { checkoutDirectory.SetFromWin(CString(regDefCheckoutPath)); } } else { checkoutDirectory = cmdLinePath; } CCheckoutDlg dlg; dlg.m_URLs.LoadFromAsteriskSeparatedString (parser.GetVal(_T("url"))); if (dlg.m_URLs.GetCount()==0) { SVN svn; if (svn.IsRepository(cmdLinePath)) { CString url; // The path points to a local repository. // Add 'file:///' so the repository browser recognizes // it as an URL to the local repository. if (cmdLinePath.GetWinPathString().GetAt(0) == '\\') // starts with '\' means an UNC path { CString p = cmdLinePath.GetWinPathString(); p.TrimLeft('\\'); url = _T("file://")+p; } else url = _T("file:///")+cmdLinePath.GetWinPathString(); url.Replace('\\', '/'); dlg.m_URLs.AddPath(CTSVNPath(url)); checkoutDirectory.AppendRawString(L"wc"); } } dlg.m_strCheckoutDirectory = checkoutDirectory.GetWinPathString(); // if there is no url specified on the command line, check if there's one // specified in the settings dialog to use as the default and use that CRegString regDefCheckoutUrl(_T("Software\\TortoiseSVN\\DefaultCheckoutUrl")); if (!CString(regDefCheckoutUrl).IsEmpty()) { // if the URL specified is a child of the default URL, we also // adjust the default checkout path // e.g. // Url specified on command line: // Url specified as default : // checkout path specified : c:\work\project // --> // checkout path adjusted : c:\work\project\folder CTSVNPath clurl = dlg.m_URLs.GetCommonDirectory(); CTSVNPath defurl = CTSVNPath(CString(regDefCheckoutUrl)); if (defurl.IsAncestorOf(clurl)) { // the default url is the parent of the specified url if (CTSVNPath::CheckChild(CTSVNPath(CString(regDefCheckoutPath)), CTSVNPath(dlg.m_strCheckoutDirectory))) { dlg.m_strCheckoutDirectory = CString(regDefCheckoutPath) + clurl.GetWinPathString().Mid(defurl.GetWinPathString().GetLength()); dlg.m_strCheckoutDirectory.Replace(_T("\\\\"), _T("\\")); } } if (dlg.m_URLs.GetCount() == 0) dlg.m_URLs.AddPath (defurl); } for (int i = 0; i < dlg.m_URLs.GetCount(); ++i) { CString pathString = dlg.m_URLs[i].GetWinPathString(); if (pathString.Left(5).Compare(_T("tsvn:"))==0) { pathString = pathString.Mid(5); if (pathString.Find('?') >= 0) { dlg.Revision = SVNRev(pathString.Mid(pathString.Find('?')+1)); pathString = pathString.Left(pathString.Find('?')); } } dlg.m_URLs[i].SetFromWin (pathString); } if (parser.HasKey(_T("revision"))) { SVNRev Rev = SVNRev(parser.GetVal(_T("revision"))); dlg.Revision = Rev; } dlg.m_blockPathAdjustments = parser.HasKey(L"blockpathadjustments"); if (dlg.DoModal() == IDOK) { checkoutDirectory.SetFromWin(dlg.m_strCheckoutDirectory, true); CSVNProgressDlg progDlg; theApp.m_pMainWnd = &progDlg; bool useStandardCheckout = dlg.m_standardCheckout || ((dlg.m_URLs.GetCount() > 1) && dlg.m_bIndependentWCs); progDlg.SetCommand (useStandardCheckout ? dlg.m_checkoutDepths.size() ? CSVNProgressDlg::SVNProgress_SparseCheckout : CSVNProgressDlg::SVNProgress_Checkout : dlg.m_parentExists && (dlg.m_URLs.GetCount() == 1) ? CSVNProgressDlg::SVNProgress_Update : CSVNProgressDlg::SVNProgress_SingleFileCheckout); if (dlg.m_checkoutDepths.size()) progDlg.SetPathDepths(dlg.m_checkoutDepths); progDlg.SetAutoClose (parser); progDlg.SetOptions(dlg.m_bNoExternals ? ProgOptIgnoreExternals : ProgOptNone); progDlg.SetPathList(CTSVNPathList(checkoutDirectory)); progDlg.SetUrl(dlg.m_URLs.CreateAsteriskSeparatedString()); progDlg.SetRevision(dlg.Revision); progDlg.SetDepth(dlg.m_depth); progDlg.DoModal(); bRet = !progDlg.DidErrorsOccur(); } return bRet; }
/* * Finds information about USB HID devices using setup class API. * * The sequence of entries in array must match with what java layer expect. If a particular USB * attribute is not set in descriptor or can not be obtained "---" is placed in its place. * * The array returned will be in following sequence; transport, device node, vendor ID, * product ID, serial, product, manufacturer, USB bus number, USB device number, location. * * For an HID interface in a USB device, Windows create a device instance for the USB interface * (GUID_DEVINTERFACE_HID_DEVICE) and another device instance for the HID collection (GUID_DEVINTERFACE_HID). * This function relate HID collection device instance to its USB interface (physical USB device) through * HardwareID. A hardware ID is a vendor-defined identification string that Windows uses to match a * device to an INF file. In most cases, a device has associated with it a list of hardware IDs. * (However, there are exceptions − see Identifiers for 1394 Devices). When an enumerator reports a * list of hardware IDs for a device, the hardware IDs should be listed in order of decreasing suitability. * * This key contains symbolic links to HID device instances : * HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\DeviceClasses\{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030} * * This function basically collect information from USB and HID subsystems and relate them to identify a device * and then create a unified information to be sent to java application. */ jobjectArray enumerate_usb_hid_devices(JNIEnv *env, jint vendor_to_match) { int q = 0; int i = 0; int x = 0; BOOL ret = FALSE; LONG status = 0; DWORD error_code = 0; DWORD errorVal = 0; DWORD size = 0; DWORD charbuffer_size = 0; DWORD driver_name_size = 0; ULONG buffer_size = 0; ULONG devprop_buffer_size = 0; DEVPROPTYPE proptype; DWORD regproptype; CONFIGRET cmret = 0; DEVINST firstchild = 0; DEVINST next_sibling = 0; DEVINST current_sibling = 0; struct hiddev_inst_cont_id *instidinfo; struct hiddev_instance_list hiddevinst_list = { 0 }; struct jstrarray_list list = { 0 }; DWORD hid_member_index = 0; HDEVINFO hid_dev_info_set; SP_DEVINFO_DATA hid_dev_instance; DWORD usb_member_index = 0; HDEVINFO usb_dev_info_set; SP_DEVINFO_DATA usb_dev_instance; /* size of these buffers is hardcoded in functions using them */ TCHAR buffer[1024]; TCHAR devprop_buffer[1024]; TCHAR keybuf[1024]; TCHAR charbuffer[512]; TCHAR tmpbuf[128]; char cmerror[256]; jstring usb_dev_info; jclass strClass = NULL; jobjectArray usbHidDevicesFound = NULL; /* allocate memory to hold information used during processing and returning information to caller. */ x = init_hiddev_instance_list(&hiddevinst_list, 25); if (x < 0) { return clean_throw_exp_usbenumeration(env, 0, 1, 0, E_CALLOCSTR, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); } /* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ENUMERATE ALL HID DEVICES ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ */ /* get information set for all HID devices matching the GUID. It an array of structures containing information about all attached and enumerated HID devices. */ hid_dev_info_set = SetupDiGetClassDevs(&GUID_DEVINTERFACE_HID, NULL, NULL, DIGCF_PRESENT | DIGCF_DEVICEINTERFACE); if (hid_dev_info_set == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { return clean_throw_exp_usbenumeration(env, 1, 2, HRESULT_FROM_SETUPAPI(GetLastError()), NULL, NULL, &hiddevinst_list, NULL, &hid_dev_info_set); } /* enumerate all devices in this information set starting from 0th index */ hid_member_index = 0; while (1) { ZeroMemory(&hid_dev_instance, sizeof(hid_dev_instance)); hid_dev_instance.cbSize = sizeof(hid_dev_instance); /* from information set, get device by index */ ret = SetupDiEnumDeviceInfo(hid_dev_info_set, hid_member_index, &hid_dev_instance); if (ret == FALSE) { error_code = GetLastError(); if (error_code == ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS) { break; }else { return clean_throw_exp_usbenumeration(env, 1, 2, HRESULT_FROM_SETUPAPI(GetLastError()), NULL, NULL, &hiddevinst_list, NULL, &hid_dev_info_set); } } /* for this device find its instance ID, for example; HID\VID_04D8&PID_00DF&MI_02\7&33842C3F&0&0000 * this is variable 'Device Instance Path' in device manager. */ memset(buffer, '\0', 1024); ret = SetupDiGetDeviceInstanceId(hid_dev_info_set, &hid_dev_instance, buffer, 1024, &size); if (ret == FALSE) { return clean_throw_exp_usbenumeration(env, 1, 2, HRESULT_FROM_SETUPAPI(GetLastError()), NULL, NULL, &hiddevinst_list, NULL, &hid_dev_info_set); } /* get HardwareID of this device; HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\HID\VID_04D8&PID_00DF&MI_02\7&33842C3F&0&0000\HardwareID */ memset(keybuf, '\0', 1024); _stprintf_s(keybuf, 1024, TEXT("SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Enum\\%s"), buffer); charbuffer_size = sizeof(charbuffer); memset(charbuffer, '\0', 512); status = RegGetValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, keybuf, TEXT("HardwareID"), RRF_RT_REG_MULTI_SZ, NULL, (PVOID)charbuffer, &charbuffer_size); if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return clean_throw_exp_usbenumeration(env, 1, 2, GetLastError(), NULL, NULL, &hiddevinst_list, NULL, &hid_dev_info_set); } /* save device instance and hardware id (including terminating null character) in the list for later comparision */ instidinfo = NULL; instidinfo = (struct hiddev_inst_cont_id *) malloc(sizeof(struct hiddev_inst_cont_id)); if (instidinfo == NULL) { return clean_throw_exp_usbenumeration(env, 1, 1, 0, E_MALLOCSTR, NULL, &hiddevinst_list, NULL, &hid_dev_info_set); } _tcscpy_s(instidinfo->instance, 512, buffer); _tcscpy_s(instidinfo->hwid, 512, charbuffer); insert_hiddev_instance_list(&hiddevinst_list, instidinfo); /* increment to get the next HID device instance */ hid_member_index++; } /* release HID info set as it is no longer needed */ SetupDiDestroyDeviceInfoList(hid_dev_info_set); /* allocate memory to hold information used during processing and returning information to caller. */ x = init_jstrarraylist(&list, 100); if (x < 0) { return clean_throw_exp_usbenumeration(env, 2, 1, 0, E_CALLOCSTR, NULL, &hiddevinst_list, NULL, NULL); } /* From here onwards, enumerate over all USB interfaces looking for HID interface and try to associate with its device instance and then create information that will be passed to application. */ /* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ENUMERATE ALL USB DEVICES ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ */ /* get information set for all usb devices matching the GUID */ usb_dev_info_set = SetupDiGetClassDevs(&GUID_DEVINTERFACE_USB_DEVICE, NULL, NULL, DIGCF_PRESENT | DIGCF_DEVICEINTERFACE); if (usb_dev_info_set == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { return clean_throw_exp_usbenumeration(env, 3, 2, HRESULT_FROM_SETUPAPI(GetLastError()), NULL, &list, &hiddevinst_list, &usb_dev_info_set, NULL); } /* enumerate all devices in this information set */ usb_member_index = 0; while (1) { ZeroMemory(&usb_dev_instance, sizeof(usb_dev_instance)); usb_dev_instance.cbSize = sizeof(usb_dev_instance); /* from information set, get device by index */ ret = SetupDiEnumDeviceInfo(usb_dev_info_set, usb_member_index, &usb_dev_instance); if (ret == FALSE) { error_code = GetLastError(); if (error_code == ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS) { break; }else { return clean_throw_exp_usbenumeration(env, 3, 2, HRESULT_FROM_SETUPAPI(GetLastError()), NULL, &list, &hiddevinst_list, &usb_dev_info_set, NULL); } } /* for this device find its instance ID (USB\VID_04D8&PID_00DF\000098037) * this is the variable 'Device Instance Path' in device manager. */ memset(buffer, '\0', sizeof(buffer)); ret = SetupDiGetDeviceInstanceId(usb_dev_info_set, &usb_dev_instance, buffer, 1024, &size); if (ret == FALSE) { return clean_throw_exp_usbenumeration(env, 3, 2, HRESULT_FROM_SETUPAPI(GetLastError()), NULL, &list, &hiddevinst_list, &usb_dev_info_set, NULL); } /* fetch and examine USB interface */ cmret = CM_Get_Child(&firstchild, usb_dev_instance.DevInst, 0); if (cmret != CR_SUCCESS) { if (cmret == CR_NO_SUCH_DEVNODE) { /* this device does not have any child, so check if this is a HID class device or not */ memset(devprop_buffer, '\0', 1024); ret = SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryProperty(usb_dev_info_set, &usb_dev_instance, SPDRP_CLASSGUID, ®proptype, (BYTE *)devprop_buffer, sizeof(devprop_buffer), &size); if (ret == FALSE) { return clean_throw_exp_usbenumeration(env, 3, 2, HRESULT_FROM_SETUPAPI(GetLastError()), NULL, &list, &hiddevinst_list, &usb_dev_info_set, NULL); } /* check if this is a HID device interface, if it is not than loop back to examine next USB device */ ret = _tcsicmp(devprop_buffer, TEXT("{745A17A0-74D3-11D0-B6FE-00A0C90F57DA}")); if (ret != 0) { usb_member_index++; continue; } /* reaching here means that the device is a HID device, so create all the information that will be passed to java layer. */ /* get the HardwareID of this USB HID interface. HardwareID is multi-sz, however we use only 1st string from multi-string HardwareID for our matching. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\USB\VID_04D8&PID_00DF&MI_02\7&33842C3F&0&0000\HardwareID The buffer contains device instance path of USB device */ memset(keybuf, '\0', 1024); _stprintf_s(keybuf, 1024, TEXT("SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Enum\\%s"), buffer); charbuffer_size = sizeof(charbuffer); memset(charbuffer, '\0', 512); /* USB\VID_04D8&PID_00DF&REV_0101 and USB\VID_04D8&PID_00DF and so on */ status = RegGetValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, keybuf, TEXT("HardwareID"), RRF_RT_REG_MULTI_SZ, NULL, (PVOID)charbuffer, &charbuffer_size); if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return clean_throw_exp_usbenumeration(env, 3, 2, GetLastError(), NULL, &list, &hiddevinst_list, &usb_dev_info_set, NULL); } /* charbuffer now contains hardwareID, cook it a little bit to enable suitable matching */ if ((charbuffer[0] == 'U') && (charbuffer[1] == 'S') && (charbuffer[2] == 'B')) { charbuffer[0] = 'H'; charbuffer[1] = 'I'; charbuffer[2] = 'D'; } for (q = 0; q < hiddevinst_list.index; q++) { /* check association between HID collection device instance and USB device instance */ ret = _tcsicmp(charbuffer, hiddevinst_list.base[q]->hwid); if (ret != 0) { continue; } /* reaching here means this HID collection belongs to this USB HID device, so glean information to be passed to java layer. */ /* TRANSPORT */ usb_dev_info = (*env)->NewStringUTF(env, "USB"); if ((usb_dev_info == NULL) || ((*env)->ExceptionOccurred(env) != NULL)) { return clean_throw_exp_usbenumeration(env, 3, 1, 0, E_NEWSTRUTFSTR, &list, &hiddevinst_list, &usb_dev_info_set, NULL); } insert_jstrarraylist(&list, usb_dev_info); /* DEVICE NODE */ usb_dev_info = (*env)->NewString(env, hiddevinst_list.base[q]->instance, (jsize)_tcslen(hiddevinst_list.base[q]->instance)); if ((usb_dev_info == NULL) || ((*env)->ExceptionOccurred(env) != NULL)) { return clean_throw_exp_usbenumeration(env, 3, 1, 0, E_NEWSTRUTFSTR, &list, &hiddevinst_list, &usb_dev_info_set, NULL); } insert_jstrarraylist(&list, usb_dev_info); /* USB-IF VENDOR ID (extracted from USB device instance for example: USB\VID_04D8&PID_00DF\000098037) */ x = 0; while (buffer[x] != '\0') { if ((buffer[x] == 'V') && (buffer[x + 1] == 'I') && (buffer[x + 2] == 'D') && (buffer[x + 3] == '_')) { break; } x++; } x = x + 4; i = 0; while (buffer[x] != '&') { tmpbuf[i] = buffer[x]; i++; x++; } tmpbuf[i] = '\0'; /* indicate end of string */ usb_dev_info = (*env)->NewString(env, tmpbuf, (jsize)_tcslen(tmpbuf)); if ((usb_dev_info == NULL) || ((*env)->ExceptionOccurred(env) != NULL)) { return clean_throw_exp_usbenumeration(env, 3, 1, 0, E_NEWSTRUTFSTR, &list, &hiddevinst_list, &usb_dev_info_set, NULL); } insert_jstrarraylist(&list, usb_dev_info); /* USB product ID (extracted from USB device instance for example: USB\VID_04D8&PID_00DF\000098037) */ x = 6; while (buffer[x] != '\0') { if ((buffer[x] == 'P') && (buffer[x + 1] == 'I') && (buffer[x + 2] == 'D') && (buffer[x + 3] == '_')) { break; } x++; } x = x + 4; i = 0; while (buffer[x] != '\\') { tmpbuf[i] = buffer[x]; i++; x++; } tmpbuf[i] = '\0'; /* indicate end of string */ usb_dev_info = (*env)->NewString(env, tmpbuf, (jsize)_tcslen(tmpbuf)); if ((usb_dev_info == NULL) || ((*env)->ExceptionOccurred(env) != NULL)) { return clean_throw_exp_usbenumeration(env, 3, 1, 0, E_NEWSTRUTFSTR, &list, &hiddevinst_list, &usb_dev_info_set, NULL); } insert_jstrarraylist(&list, usb_dev_info); /* SERIAL NUMBER */ x++; i = 0; while (buffer[x] != '\0') { tmpbuf[i] = buffer[x]; i++; x++; } tmpbuf[i] = '\0'; usb_dev_info = (*env)->NewString(env, tmpbuf, (jsize)_tcslen(tmpbuf)); if ((usb_dev_info == NULL) || ((*env)->ExceptionOccurred(env) != NULL)) { return clean_throw_exp_usbenumeration(env, 3, 1, 0, E_NEWSTRUTFSTR, &list, &hiddevinst_list, &usb_dev_info_set, NULL); } insert_jstrarraylist(&list, usb_dev_info); /* PRODUCT (iProduct field of USB device descriptor) */ memset(devprop_buffer, '\0', sizeof(devprop_buffer)); ret = SetupDiGetDeviceProperty(usb_dev_info_set, &usb_dev_instance, &DEVPKEY_Device_BusReportedDeviceDesc, &proptype, (BYTE *)devprop_buffer, sizeof(devprop_buffer), &size, 0); if (ret == FALSE) { /* fallback to SPDRP_DEVICEDESC if DEVPKEY_Device_BusReportedDeviceDesc fails */ ret = SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryProperty(usb_dev_info_set, &usb_dev_instance, SPDRP_DEVICEDESC, ®proptype, (BYTE *)devprop_buffer, sizeof(devprop_buffer), &size); if (ret == FALSE) { /* if second attempt fails, throw error, we need to investigate drivers/firmware etc */ return clean_throw_exp_usbenumeration(env, 3, 2, HRESULT_FROM_SETUPAPI(GetLastError()), NULL, &list, &hiddevinst_list, &usb_dev_info_set, NULL); } } usb_dev_info = (*env)->NewString(env, devprop_buffer, (jsize)_tcslen(devprop_buffer)); insert_jstrarraylist(&list, usb_dev_info); /* MANUFACTURER */ memset(devprop_buffer, '\0', sizeof(devprop_buffer)); ret = SetupDiGetDeviceProperty(usb_dev_info_set, &usb_dev_instance, &DEVPKEY_Device_Manufacturer, &proptype, (BYTE *)devprop_buffer, sizeof(devprop_buffer), &size, 0); if (ret == FALSE) { return clean_throw_exp_usbenumeration(env, 3, 2, HRESULT_FROM_SETUPAPI(GetLastError()), NULL, &list, &hiddevinst_list, &usb_dev_info_set, NULL); } usb_dev_info = (*env)->NewString(env, devprop_buffer, (jsize)_tcslen(devprop_buffer)); insert_jstrarraylist(&list, usb_dev_info); /* LOCATION (Location paths + Location info, get separately and then create a single string) */ // PCIROOT(0)#PCI(1400)#USBROOT(0)#USB(3) memset(devprop_buffer, '\0', sizeof(devprop_buffer)); ret = SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryProperty(usb_dev_info_set, &usb_dev_instance, SPDRP_LOCATION_PATHS, ®proptype, (BYTE *)devprop_buffer, sizeof(devprop_buffer), &size); if (ret == FALSE) { return clean_throw_exp_usbenumeration(env, 3, 2, HRESULT_FROM_SETUPAPI(GetLastError()), NULL, &list, &hiddevinst_list, &usb_dev_info_set, NULL); } // Port_#0003.Hub_#0001 memset(charbuffer, '\0', sizeof(charbuffer)); ret = SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryProperty(usb_dev_info_set, &usb_dev_instance, SPDRP_LOCATION_INFORMATION, ®proptype, (BYTE *)charbuffer, sizeof(charbuffer), &size); if (ret == FALSE) { return clean_throw_exp_usbenumeration(env, 3, 2, HRESULT_FROM_SETUPAPI(GetLastError()), NULL, &list, &hiddevinst_list, &usb_dev_info_set, NULL); } i = 0; x = (int)_tcslen(devprop_buffer); devprop_buffer[x] = '-'; x++; for (i = 0; i < (int)_tcslen(charbuffer); i++) { devprop_buffer[x] = charbuffer[i]; x++; } devprop_buffer[x] = '\0'; usb_dev_info = (*env)->NewString(env, devprop_buffer, (jsize)_tcslen(devprop_buffer)); insert_jstrarraylist(&list, usb_dev_info); } /* loop back to get next USB device */ usb_member_index++; continue; }else { /* error happend when getting child of USB device */ _snprintf_s(cmerror, 256, 256, "CM_Get_Child failed with CR_xxxx error code : 0x%X\0", cmret); return clean_throw_exp_usbenumeration(env, 3, 1, 0, cmerror, &list, &hiddevinst_list, &usb_dev_info_set, NULL); } } /* reaching here means that this USB device has at-least one child device node, examine first child now */ devprop_buffer_size = sizeof(devprop_buffer); memset(devprop_buffer, '\0', 1024); cmret = CM_Get_DevNode_Registry_Property(firstchild, CM_DRP_CLASSGUID, &proptype, (PVOID)devprop_buffer, &devprop_buffer_size, 0); if (cmret != CR_SUCCESS) { _snprintf_s(cmerror, 256, 256, "CM_Get_DevNode_Registry_Property failed with CR_xxxx error code : 0x%X\0", cmret); return clean_throw_exp_usbenumeration(env, 3, 1, 0, cmerror, &list, &hiddevinst_list, &usb_dev_info_set, NULL); } /* check if first child is a HID device interface */ ret = _tcsicmp(devprop_buffer, TEXT("{745A17A0-74D3-11D0-B6FE-00A0C90F57DA}")); if (ret == 0) { /* reaching here means that this sibling (interface) is a HID type, get its device instance path */ memset(devprop_buffer, '\0', 1024); cmret = CM_Get_Device_ID(firstchild, devprop_buffer, 1024, 0); if (cmret != CR_SUCCESS) { _snprintf_s(cmerror, 256, 256, "CM_Get_Device_ID failed with CR_xxxx error code : 0x%X\0", cmret); return clean_throw_exp_usbenumeration(env, 3, 1, 0, cmerror, &list, &hiddevinst_list, &usb_dev_info_set, NULL); } /* get the HardwareID of this USB HID interface. HardwareID is multi-sz, however we use only 1st string from multi-string HardwareID for our matching. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\USB\VID_04D8&PID_00DF&MI_02\7&33842C3F&0&0000\HardwareID */ memset(charbuffer, '\0', 512); buffer_size = sizeof(charbuffer); cmret = CM_Get_DevNode_Registry_Property(firstchild, CM_DRP_HARDWAREID, NULL, (PVOID)charbuffer, &buffer_size, 0); if (cmret != CR_SUCCESS) { _snprintf_s(cmerror, 256, 256, "CM_Get_Device_ID failed with CR_xxxx error code : 0x%X\0", cmret); return clean_throw_exp_usbenumeration(env, 3, 1, 0, cmerror, &list, &hiddevinst_list, &usb_dev_info_set, NULL); } if ((charbuffer[0] == 'U') && (charbuffer[1] == 'S') && (charbuffer[2] == 'B')) { charbuffer[0] = 'H'; charbuffer[1] = 'I'; charbuffer[2] = 'D'; } for (q = 0; q < hiddevinst_list.index; q++) { /* check association between HID collection device instance and USB interface device instance */ ret = _tcsncicmp(charbuffer, hiddevinst_list.base[q]->hwid, 512); if (ret != 0) { continue; } /* reaching here means this HID collection belongs to this USB HID interface, so glean information to be passed to java layer. */ /* TRANSPORT */ usb_dev_info = (*env)->NewStringUTF(env, "USB"); if ((usb_dev_info == NULL) || ((*env)->ExceptionOccurred(env) != NULL)) { return clean_throw_exp_usbenumeration(env, 3, 1, 0, E_NEWSTRUTFSTR, &list, &hiddevinst_list, &usb_dev_info_set, NULL); } insert_jstrarraylist(&list, usb_dev_info); /* DEVICE NODE */ usb_dev_info = (*env)->NewString(env, hiddevinst_list.base[q]->instance, (jsize)_tcslen(hiddevinst_list.base[q]->instance)); if ((usb_dev_info == NULL) || ((*env)->ExceptionOccurred(env) != NULL)) { return clean_throw_exp_usbenumeration(env, 3, 1, 0, E_NEWSTRUTFSTR, &list, &hiddevinst_list, &usb_dev_info_set, NULL); } insert_jstrarraylist(&list, usb_dev_info); /* USB-IF VENDOR ID (extracted from USB device instance for example: USB\VID_04D8&PID_00DF\000098037) */ x = 0; while (buffer[x] != '\0') { if ((buffer[x] == 'V') && (buffer[x + 1] == 'I') && (buffer[x + 2] == 'D') && (buffer[x + 3] == '_')) { break; } x++; } x = x + 4; i = 0; while (buffer[x] != '&') { tmpbuf[i] = buffer[x]; i++; x++; } tmpbuf[i] = '\0'; /* indicate end of string */ usb_dev_info = (*env)->NewString(env, tmpbuf, (jsize)_tcslen(tmpbuf)); if ((usb_dev_info == NULL) || ((*env)->ExceptionOccurred(env) != NULL)) { return clean_throw_exp_usbenumeration(env, 3, 1, 0, E_NEWSTRUTFSTR, &list, &hiddevinst_list, &usb_dev_info_set, NULL); } insert_jstrarraylist(&list, usb_dev_info); /* USB product ID (extracted from USB device instance for example: USB\VID_04D8&PID_00DF\000098037) */ x = 6; while (buffer[x] != '\0') { if ((buffer[x] == 'P') && (buffer[x + 1] == 'I') && (buffer[x + 2] == 'D') && (buffer[x + 3] == '_')) { break; } x++; } x = x + 4; i = 0; while (buffer[x] != '\\') { tmpbuf[i] = buffer[x]; i++; x++; } tmpbuf[i] = '\0'; /* indicate end of string */ usb_dev_info = (*env)->NewString(env, tmpbuf, (jsize)_tcslen(tmpbuf)); if ((usb_dev_info == NULL) || ((*env)->ExceptionOccurred(env) != NULL)) { return clean_throw_exp_usbenumeration(env, 3, 1, 0, E_NEWSTRUTFSTR, &list, &hiddevinst_list, &usb_dev_info_set, NULL); } insert_jstrarraylist(&list, usb_dev_info); /* SERIAL NUMBER */ x++; i = 0; while (buffer[x] != '\0') { tmpbuf[i] = buffer[x]; i++; x++; } tmpbuf[i] = '\0'; usb_dev_info = (*env)->NewString(env, tmpbuf, (jsize)_tcslen(tmpbuf)); if ((usb_dev_info == NULL) || ((*env)->ExceptionOccurred(env) != NULL)) { return clean_throw_exp_usbenumeration(env, 3, 1, 0, E_NEWSTRUTFSTR, &list, &hiddevinst_list, &usb_dev_info_set, NULL); } insert_jstrarraylist(&list, usb_dev_info); /* PRODUCT (iProduct field of USB device descriptor) */ memset(devprop_buffer, '\0', sizeof(devprop_buffer)); ret = SetupDiGetDeviceProperty(usb_dev_info_set, &usb_dev_instance, &DEVPKEY_Device_BusReportedDeviceDesc, &proptype, (BYTE *)devprop_buffer, sizeof(devprop_buffer), &size, 0); if (ret == FALSE) { /* fallback to SPDRP_DEVICEDESC if DEVPKEY_Device_BusReportedDeviceDesc fails */ ret = SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryProperty(usb_dev_info_set, &usb_dev_instance, SPDRP_DEVICEDESC, ®proptype, (BYTE *)devprop_buffer, sizeof(devprop_buffer), &size); if (ret == FALSE) { /* if second attempt fails, throw error, we need to investigate drivers/firmware etc */ return clean_throw_exp_usbenumeration(env, 3, 2, HRESULT_FROM_SETUPAPI(GetLastError()), NULL, &list, &hiddevinst_list, &usb_dev_info_set, NULL); } } usb_dev_info = (*env)->NewString(env, devprop_buffer, (jsize)_tcslen(devprop_buffer)); insert_jstrarraylist(&list, usb_dev_info); /* MANUFACTURER */ memset(devprop_buffer, '\0', sizeof(devprop_buffer)); ret = SetupDiGetDeviceProperty(usb_dev_info_set, &usb_dev_instance, &DEVPKEY_Device_Manufacturer, &proptype, (BYTE *)devprop_buffer, sizeof(devprop_buffer), &size, 0); if (ret == FALSE) { return clean_throw_exp_usbenumeration(env, 3, 2, HRESULT_FROM_SETUPAPI(GetLastError()), NULL, &list, &hiddevinst_list, &usb_dev_info_set, NULL); } usb_dev_info = (*env)->NewString(env, devprop_buffer, (jsize)_tcslen(devprop_buffer)); insert_jstrarraylist(&list, usb_dev_info); /* LOCATION (Location paths + Location info, get separately and then create a single string) */ // PCIROOT(0)#PCI(1400)#USBROOT(0)#USB(3) memset(devprop_buffer, '\0', sizeof(devprop_buffer)); ret = SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryProperty(usb_dev_info_set, &usb_dev_instance, SPDRP_LOCATION_PATHS, ®proptype, (BYTE *)devprop_buffer, sizeof(devprop_buffer), &size); if (ret == FALSE) { return clean_throw_exp_usbenumeration(env, 3, 2, HRESULT_FROM_SETUPAPI(GetLastError()), NULL, &list, &hiddevinst_list, &usb_dev_info_set, NULL); } // Port_#0003.Hub_#0001 memset(charbuffer, '\0', sizeof(charbuffer)); ret = SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryProperty(usb_dev_info_set, &usb_dev_instance, SPDRP_LOCATION_INFORMATION, ®proptype, (BYTE *)charbuffer, sizeof(charbuffer), &size); if (ret == FALSE) { return clean_throw_exp_usbenumeration(env, 3, 2, HRESULT_FROM_SETUPAPI(GetLastError()), NULL, &list, &hiddevinst_list, &usb_dev_info_set, NULL); } i = 0; x = (int)_tcslen(devprop_buffer); devprop_buffer[x] = '-'; x++; for (i = 0; i < (int)_tcslen(charbuffer); i++) { devprop_buffer[x] = charbuffer[i]; x++; } devprop_buffer[x] = '\0'; usb_dev_info = (*env)->NewString(env, devprop_buffer, (jsize)_tcslen(devprop_buffer)); insert_jstrarraylist(&list, usb_dev_info); } } /* check if this usb device has more than one interface. if it has enumerate over each one by one and collecting information for every HID interface found and sending it to java layer. */ current_sibling = firstchild; while (1) { cmret = CM_Get_Sibling(&next_sibling, current_sibling, 0); if (cmret != CR_SUCCESS) { if (cmret == CR_NO_SUCH_DEVNODE) { /* done iterating over all interfaces, move to next examine next USB device */ break; }else { _snprintf_s(cmerror, 256, 256, "CM_Get_Sibling failed with CR_xxxx error code : 0x%X\0", cmret); return clean_throw_exp_usbenumeration(env, 3, 1, 0, cmerror, &list, &hiddevinst_list, &usb_dev_info_set, NULL); } } /* reaching here means USB device has more than 1 interfaces, get class of this interface (sibling) */ devprop_buffer_size = sizeof(devprop_buffer); memset(devprop_buffer, '\0', sizeof(devprop_buffer)); cmret = CM_Get_DevNode_Registry_Property(next_sibling, CM_DRP_CLASSGUID, &proptype, (VOID *)devprop_buffer, &devprop_buffer_size, 0); if (cmret != CR_SUCCESS) { _snprintf_s(cmerror, 256, 256, "CM_Get_DevNode_Registry_Property failed with CR_xxxx error code : 0x%X\0", cmret); return clean_throw_exp_usbenumeration(env, 3, 1, 0, cmerror, &list, &hiddevinst_list, &usb_dev_info_set, NULL); } /* check if this is a HID device interface */ ret = _tcsicmp(devprop_buffer, TEXT("{745A17A0-74D3-11D0-B6FE-00A0C90F57DA}")); if (ret != 0) { /* this is not HID interface, move to check next interface */ current_sibling = next_sibling; continue; } /* reaching here means that this sibling (interface) is a HID type, get its device instance path */ memset(devprop_buffer, '\0', 1024); cmret = CM_Get_Device_ID(next_sibling, devprop_buffer, 1024, 0); if (cmret != CR_SUCCESS) { _snprintf_s(cmerror, 256, 256, "CM_Get_Device_ID failed with CR_xxxx error code : 0x%X\0", cmret); return clean_throw_exp_usbenumeration(env, 3, 1, 0, cmerror, &list, &hiddevinst_list, &usb_dev_info_set, NULL); } /* get the HardwareID of this USB HID interface. HardwareID is multi-sz, however we use only 1st string from multi-string HardwareID for our matching. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\USB\VID_04D8&PID_00DF&MI_02\7&33842C3F&0&0000\HardwareID */ memset(charbuffer, '\0', 512); buffer_size = sizeof(charbuffer); cmret = CM_Get_DevNode_Registry_Property(next_sibling, CM_DRP_HARDWAREID, NULL, (PVOID)charbuffer, &buffer_size, 0); if (cmret != CR_SUCCESS) { _snprintf_s(cmerror, 256, 256, "CM_Get_Device_ID failed with CR_xxxx error code : 0x%X\0", cmret); return clean_throw_exp_usbenumeration(env, 3, 1, 0, cmerror, &list, &hiddevinst_list, &usb_dev_info_set, NULL); } if ((charbuffer[0] == 'U') && (charbuffer[1] == 'S') && (charbuffer[2] == 'B')) { charbuffer[0] = 'H'; charbuffer[1] = 'I'; charbuffer[2] = 'D'; } for (q = 0; q < hiddevinst_list.index; q++) { /* check association between HID collection device instance and USB interface device instance */ ret = _tcsncicmp(charbuffer, hiddevinst_list.base[q]->hwid, 512); if (ret != 0) { continue; } /* reaching here means this HID collection belongs to this USB HID interface, so glean information to be passed to java layer. */ /* TRANSPORT */ usb_dev_info = (*env)->NewStringUTF(env, "USB"); if ((usb_dev_info == NULL) || ((*env)->ExceptionOccurred(env) != NULL)) { return clean_throw_exp_usbenumeration(env, 3, 1, 0, E_NEWSTRUTFSTR, &list, &hiddevinst_list, &usb_dev_info_set, NULL); } insert_jstrarraylist(&list, usb_dev_info); /* DEVICE NODE */ usb_dev_info = (*env)->NewString(env, hiddevinst_list.base[q]->instance, (jsize)_tcslen(hiddevinst_list.base[q]->instance)); if ((usb_dev_info == NULL) || ((*env)->ExceptionOccurred(env) != NULL)) { return clean_throw_exp_usbenumeration(env, 3, 1, 0, E_NEWSTRUTFSTR, &list, &hiddevinst_list, &usb_dev_info_set, NULL); } insert_jstrarraylist(&list, usb_dev_info); /* USB-IF VENDOR ID (extracted from USB device instance for example: USB\VID_04D8&PID_00DF\000098037) */ x = 0; while (buffer[x] != '\0') { if ((buffer[x] == 'V') && (buffer[x + 1] == 'I') && (buffer[x + 2] == 'D') && (buffer[x + 3] == '_')) { break; } x++; } x = x + 4; i = 0; while (buffer[x] != '&') { tmpbuf[i] = buffer[x]; i++; x++; } tmpbuf[i] = '\0'; /* indicate end of string */ usb_dev_info = (*env)->NewString(env, tmpbuf, (jsize)_tcslen(tmpbuf)); if ((usb_dev_info == NULL) || ((*env)->ExceptionOccurred(env) != NULL)) { return clean_throw_exp_usbenumeration(env, 3, 1, 0, E_NEWSTRUTFSTR, &list, &hiddevinst_list, &usb_dev_info_set, NULL); } insert_jstrarraylist(&list, usb_dev_info); /* USB product ID (extracted from USB device instance for example: USB\VID_04D8&PID_00DF\000098037) */ x = 6; while (buffer[x] != '\0') { if ((buffer[x] == 'P') && (buffer[x + 1] == 'I') && (buffer[x + 2] == 'D') && (buffer[x + 3] == '_')) { break; } x++; } x = x + 4; i = 0; while (buffer[x] != '\\') { tmpbuf[i] = buffer[x]; i++; x++; } tmpbuf[i] = '\0'; /* indicate end of string */ usb_dev_info = (*env)->NewString(env, tmpbuf, (jsize)_tcslen(tmpbuf)); if ((usb_dev_info == NULL) || ((*env)->ExceptionOccurred(env) != NULL)) { return clean_throw_exp_usbenumeration(env, 3, 1, 0, E_NEWSTRUTFSTR, &list, &hiddevinst_list, &usb_dev_info_set, NULL); } insert_jstrarraylist(&list, usb_dev_info); /* SERIAL NUMBER */ x++; i = 0; while (buffer[x] != '\0') { tmpbuf[i] = buffer[x]; i++; x++; } tmpbuf[i] = '\0'; usb_dev_info = (*env)->NewString(env, tmpbuf, (jsize)_tcslen(tmpbuf)); if ((usb_dev_info == NULL) || ((*env)->ExceptionOccurred(env) != NULL)) { return clean_throw_exp_usbenumeration(env, 3, 1, 0, E_NEWSTRUTFSTR, &list, &hiddevinst_list, &usb_dev_info_set, NULL); } insert_jstrarraylist(&list, usb_dev_info); /* PRODUCT (iProduct field of USB device descriptor) */ memset(devprop_buffer, '\0', sizeof(devprop_buffer)); ret = SetupDiGetDeviceProperty(usb_dev_info_set, &usb_dev_instance, &DEVPKEY_Device_BusReportedDeviceDesc, &proptype, (BYTE *)devprop_buffer, sizeof(devprop_buffer), &size, 0); if (ret == FALSE) { /* fallback to SPDRP_DEVICEDESC if DEVPKEY_Device_BusReportedDeviceDesc fails */ ret = SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryProperty(usb_dev_info_set, &usb_dev_instance, SPDRP_DEVICEDESC, ®proptype, (BYTE *)devprop_buffer, sizeof(devprop_buffer), &size); if (ret == FALSE) { /* if second attempt fails, throw error, we need to investigate drivers/firmware etc */ return clean_throw_exp_usbenumeration(env, 3, 2, HRESULT_FROM_SETUPAPI(GetLastError()), NULL, &list, &hiddevinst_list, &usb_dev_info_set, NULL); } usb_dev_info = (*env)->NewString(env, devprop_buffer, (jsize)_tcslen(devprop_buffer)); insert_jstrarraylist(&list, usb_dev_info); }else { usb_dev_info = (*env)->NewString(env, devprop_buffer, (jsize)_tcslen(devprop_buffer)); insert_jstrarraylist(&list, usb_dev_info); } /* MANUFACTURER */ memset(devprop_buffer, '\0', sizeof(devprop_buffer)); ret = SetupDiGetDeviceProperty(usb_dev_info_set, &usb_dev_instance, &DEVPKEY_Device_Manufacturer, &proptype, (BYTE *)devprop_buffer, sizeof(devprop_buffer), &size, 0); if (ret == FALSE) { return clean_throw_exp_usbenumeration(env, 3, 2, HRESULT_FROM_SETUPAPI(GetLastError()), NULL, &list, &hiddevinst_list, &usb_dev_info_set, NULL); } usb_dev_info = (*env)->NewString(env, devprop_buffer, (jsize)_tcslen(devprop_buffer)); insert_jstrarraylist(&list, usb_dev_info); /* LOCATION (Location paths + Location info, get separately and then create a single string) */ // PCIROOT(0)#PCI(1400)#USBROOT(0)#USB(3) memset(devprop_buffer, '\0', sizeof(devprop_buffer)); ret = SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryProperty(usb_dev_info_set, &usb_dev_instance, SPDRP_LOCATION_PATHS, ®proptype, (BYTE *)devprop_buffer, sizeof(devprop_buffer), &size); if (ret == FALSE) { return clean_throw_exp_usbenumeration(env, 3, 2, HRESULT_FROM_SETUPAPI(GetLastError()), NULL, &list, &hiddevinst_list, &usb_dev_info_set, NULL); } // Port_#0003.Hub_#0001 memset(charbuffer, '\0', sizeof(charbuffer)); ret = SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryProperty(usb_dev_info_set, &usb_dev_instance, SPDRP_LOCATION_INFORMATION, ®proptype, (BYTE *)charbuffer, sizeof(charbuffer), &size); if (ret == FALSE) { return clean_throw_exp_usbenumeration(env, 3, 2, HRESULT_FROM_SETUPAPI(GetLastError()), NULL, &list, &hiddevinst_list, &usb_dev_info_set, NULL); } i = 0; x = (int)_tcslen(devprop_buffer); devprop_buffer[x] = '-'; x++; for (i = 0; i < (int)_tcslen(charbuffer); i++) { devprop_buffer[x] = charbuffer[i]; x++; } devprop_buffer[x] = '\0'; usb_dev_info = (*env)->NewString(env, devprop_buffer, (jsize)_tcslen(devprop_buffer)); insert_jstrarraylist(&list, usb_dev_info); } /* set this sibling as base sibling for fetching next sibling, loop over to get and check next interface (sibling) */ current_sibling = next_sibling; } /* increment to get and examine the next usb device for HID class */ usb_member_index++; } strClass = (*env)->FindClass(env, JAVALSTRING); if ((strClass == NULL) || ((*env)->ExceptionOccurred(env) != NULL)) { return clean_throw_exp_usbenumeration(env, 3, 1, 0, E_FINDCLASSSSTRINGSTR, &list, &hiddevinst_list, &usb_dev_info_set, NULL); } usbHidDevicesFound = (*env)->NewObjectArray(env, (jsize)list.index, strClass, NULL); if ((usbHidDevicesFound == NULL) || ((*env)->ExceptionOccurred(env) != NULL)) { return clean_throw_exp_usbenumeration(env, 3, 1, 0, E_NEWOBJECTARRAYSTR, &list, &hiddevinst_list, &usb_dev_info_set, NULL); } for (x = 0; x < list.index; x++) { (*env)->SetObjectArrayElement(env, usbHidDevicesFound, x, list.base[x]); if ((*env)->ExceptionOccurred(env)) { return clean_throw_exp_usbenumeration(env, 3, 1, 0, E_SETOBJECTARRAYSTR, &list, &hiddevinst_list, &usb_dev_info_set, NULL); } } /* clean up and return result to java layer application */ free_jstrarraylist(&list); free_hiddev_instance_list(&hiddevinst_list); SetupDiDestroyDeviceInfoList(usb_dev_info_set); return usbHidDevicesFound; }
void fsUpdateMgr::ProcessUpdateLstFile() { TCHAR szSections [10000]; *szSections = 0; TCHAR szValues [10000]; if (::GetVersion () & 0x80000000) FixIniFileFor9x (fsGetDataFilePath (_T("Update\\proupd3.lst"))); if (0 == GetPrivateProfileSectionNames (szSections, sizeof (szSections), fsGetDataFilePath (_T("Update\\proupd3.lst"))) || _tstoi (szSections) <= (int)vmsFdmAppMgr::getVersion ()->m_appVersion [2].dwVal) { ASSERT (GetPrivateProfileSectionNames (szSections, sizeof (szSections), fsGetDataFilePath (_T("Update\\proupd3.lst")))); _App.NewVerExists (FALSE); Event (UME_NEWVERSIONNOTAVAIL); m_bRunning = FALSE; return; } m_strBN = szSections; CString strCurBN; strCurBN = vmsFdmAppMgr::getBuildNumberAsString (); m_strUpgSize = ""; m_strUpgFileName = ""; m_vWN.clear (); LPCTSTR pszSect = szSections; while (*pszSect) { GetPrivateProfileSection (pszSect, szValues, sizeof (szValues), fsGetDataFilePath (_T("Update\\proupd3.lst"))); LPTSTR pszValue = szValues; BOOL bCommon = _tcsicmp (pszSect, _T("Common")) == 0; BOOL bNewBNNow = bCommon == FALSE && _tcscmp (pszSect, m_strBN) == 0; BOOL bBiggerBNNow = bCommon == FALSE && _tstoi (pszSect) > (int)vmsFdmAppMgr::getVersion ()->m_appVersion [2].dwVal; while (*pszValue) { LPTSTR pszVVal = _tcschr (pszValue, _T('=')); *pszVVal = 0; pszVVal++; if (bCommon) { if (_tcsicmp (pszValue, _T("DownloadPathForFullInstall")) == 0) { m_strDlFullInstallPath = pszVVal; if (m_strDlFullInstallPath [m_strDlFullInstallPath.GetLength () - 1] != _T('\\') && m_strDlFullInstallPath [m_strDlFullInstallPath.GetLength () - 1] != _T('/')) m_strDlFullInstallPath += _T('/'); } if (_tcsicmp (pszValue, _T("DownloadPathForUpgrades")) == 0) { m_strDlUpgradesPath = pszVVal; if (m_strDlUpgradesPath [m_strDlUpgradesPath.GetLength () - 1] != _T('\\') && m_strDlUpgradesPath [m_strDlUpgradesPath.GetLength () - 1] != _T('/')) m_strDlUpgradesPath += _T('/'); } } if (bNewBNNow) { if (_tcsicmp (pszValue, _T("Version")) == 0) m_strVersion = pszVVal; else if (_tcsicmp (pszValue, _T("FullSize")) == 0) m_strFullSize = pszVVal; else if (_tcsicmp (pszValue, strCurBN) == 0) m_strUpgSize = pszVVal; else if (_tcsncicmp (pszValue, strCurBN, strCurBN.GetLength ()) == 0) { if (_tcsicmp (pszValue + strCurBN.GetLength (), _T("-name")) == 0) m_strUpgFileName = pszVVal; else if (_tcsicmp (pszValue + strCurBN.GetLength (), _T("-size")) == 0) m_strUpgSize = pszVVal; } else if (_tcsicmp (pszValue, _T("FrmtVer")) == 0) { int nVer = _tstoi (pszVVal); if (nVer != 1) { _App.NewVerExists (FALSE); Event (UME_NEWVERSIONNOTAVAIL); m_bRunning = FALSE; return; } } else if (!_tcsicmp (pszValue, _T("Flags"))) m_dwFlags = _tcstoul (pszVVal, NULL, 10); } if (bBiggerBNNow && _tcsnccmp (pszValue, _T("WN"), 2) == 0) m_vWN.add (pszVVal); pszValue = pszVVal; while (*pszValue++); } while (*pszSect++); } if ((m_dwFlags & IgnoreUpdateInAutomaticMode) && !m_bCheckingByUser) { _App.NewVerExists (FALSE); Event (UME_NEWVERSIONNOTAVAIL); m_bRunning = FALSE; return; } Event (UME_NEWVERSIONAVAIL); }
int KConfig::_ReadVersionInfo() { int nRetCode = false; int nResult = false; FILE* pVerFile = NULL; TCHAR szVersionFile[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szBuffer[256]; _tcsncpy(szVersionFile, m_szAppPath, sizeof(szVersionFile) / sizeof(TCHAR)); szVersionFile[sizeof(szVersionFile) / sizeof(TCHAR) - 1] = _T('\0'); nRetCode = (int)(sizeof(szVersionFile) / sizeof(TCHAR) - _tcslen(szVersionFile)); _tcsncat(szVersionFile, VERSION_FILE_NAME, nRetCode); szVersionFile[sizeof(szVersionFile) / sizeof(TCHAR) - 1] = _T('\0'); pVerFile = _tfopen(szVersionFile, _T("r")); KGLOG_PROCESS_ERROR(pVerFile); while (TRUE) { size_t uLength = 0; TCHAR *pRet = _fgetts(szBuffer, sizeof(szBuffer) / sizeof(TCHAR), pVerFile); if (!pRet) { if (ferror(pVerFile)) goto Exit0; else goto Exit1; } szBuffer[sizeof(szBuffer) / sizeof(TCHAR) - 1] = _T('\0'); _StringTrim(szBuffer); if (szBuffer[0] == _T('#')) continue; uLength = _tcslen(PRODUCT_VERSION_KEY); nRetCode = _tcsncicmp(szBuffer, PRODUCT_VERSION_KEY, uLength); if (!nRetCode && szBuffer[uLength] == _T('=')) { _tcsncpy(m_szCurrVersion, szBuffer + uLength + 1, sizeof(m_szCurrVersion) / sizeof(TCHAR)); m_szCurrVersion[sizeof(m_szCurrVersion) / sizeof(TCHAR) - 1] = _T('\0'); _FormatVersion(m_szCurrVersion, _T('.')); } uLength = _tcslen(PRODUCT_VERSION_NAME_KEY); nRetCode = _tcsncicmp(szBuffer, PRODUCT_VERSION_NAME_KEY, uLength); if (!nRetCode && szBuffer[uLength] == _T('=')) { _tcsncpy(m_szVersionLineName, szBuffer + uLength + 1, sizeof(m_szVersionLineName) / sizeof(TCHAR)); m_szVersionLineName[sizeof(m_szVersionLineName) / sizeof(TCHAR) - 1] = _T('\0'); } uLength = _tcslen(PRODUCT_VERSION_EX_KEY); nRetCode = _tcsncicmp(szBuffer, PRODUCT_VERSION_EX_KEY, uLength); if (!nRetCode && szBuffer[uLength] == _T('=')) { _tcsncpy(m_szVersionEx, szBuffer + uLength + 1, sizeof(m_szVersionEx) / sizeof(TCHAR)); m_szVersionEx[sizeof(m_szVersionEx) / sizeof(TCHAR) - 1] = _T('\0'); } uLength = _tcslen(PRODUCT_VERSION_PRODUCT_NAME_KEY); nRetCode = _tcsncicmp(szBuffer, PRODUCT_VERSION_PRODUCT_NAME_KEY, uLength); if (!nRetCode && szBuffer[uLength] == _T('=')) { _tcsncpy(m_szVersionName, szBuffer + uLength + 1, sizeof(m_szVersionName) / sizeof(TCHAR)); m_szVersionName[sizeof(m_szVersionName) / sizeof(TCHAR) - 1] = _T('\0'); } } Exit1: KGLOG_PROCESS_ERROR(m_szCurrVersion[0] != _T('\0')); KGLOG_PROCESS_ERROR(m_szVersionLineName[0] != _T('\0')); if (m_szVersionEx[0] != _T('\0')) { _tcscat(m_szVersionLineName, _T("_")); _tcscat(m_szVersionLineName, m_szVersionEx); } nResult = true; Exit0: if (pVerFile) { fclose(pVerFile); pVerFile = NULL; } return nResult; }