int _tmain(int argc, TCHAR *argv[]) { int res = -1; program_state_t state; if (argc != 4) { _tprintf(_T("Usage: %s <file> <num of threads> <max chunk size (bytes)>\n"), argv[0]); return -1; } _tcscpy_s(state.filename, argv[1]); state.num_of_threads = _tstoi(argv[2]); state.chunk_size = _tstoi(argv[3]); if (!init_state(&state)) { goto cleanup; } if (compute_checksums(&state)) { // return checksum _tprintf(_T("Total checksum: %d"), (unsigned int)state.checksum); res = (unsigned int)state.checksum; } cleanup: fini_state(&state); return res; }
void CCtrlButton::_ParseProperty (const tstring &key, const tstring &value, bool &relayout, bool &redraw) { if (key == _T("button-image")) { ExplodeT<TCHAR>::ValueT values = explode(_T(" "), value); assert(values.size() == 1 || values.size() == 2); uint id = _tstoi(values[0]); if (values.size() == 1) { m_imgTrans = false; } else { m_imgTrans = true; m_imgClrKey = _ParseColor(values[1]); } if (id != m_imgId) { m_imgId = id; redraw = true; } } else if (key == _T("button-image-text-padding")) { int v = _tstoi(value); if (v != m_text_image_pading) { m_text_image_pading = v; redraw = true; } } else { CControl::_ParseProperty(key, value, relayout, redraw); } }
int _tmain(int argc, TCHAR *argv[]) { int res = 0; program_state_t state; if (argc != 4) { _tprintf(_T("Usage: %s <port> <in folder> <num of threads>\n"), argv[0]); return -1; } state.port = _tstoi(argv[1]); _tcscpy_s(state.in_dir, argv[2]); state.num_of_threads = _tstoi(argv[3]); if (!init_state(&state)) { res = -1; goto cleanup; } if (!run_server(&state)) { res = -1; } cleanup: if (!fini_state(&state)) { res = -1; } return res; }
void CPPgConnection::OnEnChangeUDPDisable() { if (guardian) return; uint16 tempVal = 0; CString strBuffer; TCHAR buffer[510]; guardian = true; SetModified(); GetDlgItem(IDC_UDPPORT)->EnableWindow(!IsDlgButtonChecked(IDC_UDPDISABLE)); if (GetDlgItem(IDC_UDPPORT)->GetWindowTextLength()) { GetDlgItem(IDC_UDPPORT)->GetWindowText(buffer, 20); tempVal = _tstoi(buffer); } if (IsDlgButtonChecked(IDC_UDPDISABLE) || (!IsDlgButtonChecked(IDC_UDPDISABLE) && tempVal == 0)) { tempVal = _tstoi(buffer) ? _tstoi(buffer)+10 : thePrefs.port+10; if (IsDlgButtonChecked(IDC_UDPDISABLE)) tempVal = 0; strBuffer.Format(_T("%d"), tempVal); GetDlgItem(IDC_UDPPORT)->SetWindowText(strBuffer); } guardian = false; }
// Parse two integers separated by a comma. static void iwcmd_parse_int_pair(const TCHAR *s, int *i1, int *i2) { TCHAR *cpos; *i1 = _tstoi(s); *i2 = 0; cpos = _tcschr(s,','); if(!cpos) return; *i2 = _tstoi(cpos+1); }
BOOL CPPgWebServer::OnApply() { if(m_bModified) { CString sBuf; uint16 oldPort=thePrefs.GetWSPort(); GetDlgItem(IDC_WSPASS)->GetWindowText(sBuf); if(sBuf != HIDDEN_PASSWORD) thePrefs.SetWSPass(sBuf); GetDlgItem(IDC_WSPASSLOW)->GetWindowText(sBuf); if(sBuf != HIDDEN_PASSWORD) thePrefs.SetWSLowPass(sBuf); GetDlgItem(IDC_WSPORT)->GetWindowText(sBuf); if (_tstoi(sBuf)!=oldPort) { thePrefs.SetWSPort(_tstoi(sBuf)); theApp.webserver->RestartServer(); } thePrefs.SetWSIsEnabled((uint8)IsDlgButtonChecked(IDC_WSENABLED)); thePrefs.SetWSIsLowUserEnabled((uint8)IsDlgButtonChecked(IDC_WSENABLEDLOW)); thePrefs.SetWebUseGzip( (uint8)IsDlgButtonChecked(IDC_WS_GZIP)); theApp.webserver->StartServer(); GetDlgItem(IDC_TMPLPATH)->GetWindowText(sBuf); thePrefs.SetTemplate(sBuf); //==> remove MobileMule [shadow2004] #if defined(MM) // mobilemule GetDlgItem(IDC_MMPORT_FIELD)->GetWindowText(sBuf); if (_tstoi(sBuf)!= thePrefs.GetMMPort() ) { thePrefs.SetMMPort(_tstoi(sBuf)); theApp.mmserver->StopServer(); theApp.mmserver->Init(); } thePrefs.SetMMIsEnabled((uint8)IsDlgButtonChecked(IDC_MMENABLED)); if (IsDlgButtonChecked(IDC_MMENABLED)) theApp.mmserver->Init(); else theApp.mmserver->StopServer(); GetDlgItem(IDC_MMPASSWORDFIELD)->GetWindowText(sBuf); if(sBuf != HIDDEN_PASSWORD) thePrefs.SetMMPass(sBuf); #endif //MM //<== remove MobileMule [shadow2004] theApp.emuledlg->serverwnd->UpdateMyInfo(); SetModified(FALSE); } return CPropertyPage::OnApply(); }
BOOL CPPgProxy::OnApply() { USES_CONVERSION; thePrefs.SetProxyASCWOP(IsDlgButtonChecked(IDC_ASCWOP)); proxy.UseProxy=(IsDlgButtonChecked(IDC_ENABLEPROXY)); proxy.EnablePassword = ((CButton*)GetDlgItem(IDC_ENABLEAUTH))->GetCheck(); proxy.type = ((CComboBox*)GetDlgItem(IDC_PROXYTYPE))->GetCurSel(); if(GetDlgItem(IDC_PROXYNAME)->GetWindowTextLength()) { GetDlgItem(IDC_PROXYNAME)->GetWindowText(, ARRSIZE(; } else {[0] = _T('\0'); proxy.UseProxy = false; } if(GetDlgItem(IDC_PROXYPORT)->GetWindowTextLength()) { TCHAR buffer[6]; GetDlgItem(IDC_PROXYPORT)->GetWindowText(buffer,ARRSIZE(buffer)); proxy.port = (_tstoi(buffer)) ? _tstoi(buffer) : 1080; } else proxy.port = 1080; if(GetDlgItem(IDC_USERNAME_A)->GetWindowTextLength()) { CString strUser; GetDlgItem(IDC_USERNAME_A)->GetWindowText(strUser); _snprintf(proxy.user, ARRSIZE(proxy.user), "%s", T2CA(strUser)); } else { proxy.user[0] = '\0'; proxy.EnablePassword = false; } if(GetDlgItem(IDC_PASSWORD)->GetWindowTextLength()) { CString strPasswd; GetDlgItem(IDC_PASSWORD)->GetWindowText(strPasswd); _snprintf(proxy.password, ARRSIZE(proxy.password), "%s", T2CA(strPasswd)); } else { proxy.password[0] = '\0'; proxy.EnablePassword = false; } thePrefs.SetProxySettings(proxy); LoadSettings(); return TRUE; }
void CPPgConnection::OnStartPortTest() { CString buffer; GetDlgItem(IDC_PORT)->GetWindowText(buffer); uint16 tcp = (uint16)_tstoi(buffer); GetDlgItem(IDC_UDPPORT)->GetWindowText(buffer); uint16 udp = (uint16)_tstoi(buffer); TriggerPortTest(tcp, udp); }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------- // すべてのセルを初期化する //--------------------------------------------------------------------- void InitCellsFromFile(SuDokuGame& sudoku, LPCTSTR fname) { while (!g_gameStack.empty()) g_gameStack.pop(); sudoku.InitCells(); FILE* fp = _tfopen(fname, _T("r")); if (fp) { TCHAR buf[512]; for (int y = 0; y < 9; y++) { if (_fgetts(buf, _countof(buf), fp) == NULL) { break; } for (int x = 0; x < 9; x++) { int num = buf[x] - '0'; if (num != 0) { sudoku.FixCell(y, x, num); } } } while (1) { if (_fgetts(buf, _countof(buf), fp) == NULL) { break; } if (_tcsnicmp(_T("ExGroup="), buf, _tcslen(_T("ExGroup="))) == 0) { std::pair<int, int> onePair; std::vector<std::pair<int, int>> oneGroup; LPTSTR p = _tcstok(&buf[_tcslen(_T("ExGroup="))], _T(",")); onePair.first = _tstoi(p); // y 座標 p = _tcstok(NULL, _T(",")); onePair.second = _tstoi(p); // x座標 oneGroup.push_back(onePair); while ((p = _tcstok(NULL, _T(","))) != NULL) { onePair.first = _tstoi(p); p = _tcstok(NULL, _T(",")); onePair.second = _tstoi(p); oneGroup.push_back(onePair); } sudoku.AddExGroup(oneGroup); } } fclose(fp); } }
bool CSourceSaver::IsExpired(CString expirationdate) { int year = _tstoi(expirationdate.Mid(0, 2)) + 2000; int month = _tstoi(expirationdate.Mid(2, 2)); int day = _tstoi(expirationdate.Mid(4, 2)); //MORPH - Added by SiRoB, SLS keep only for rare files, reduce Saved Source and life time int hour = _tstoi(expirationdate.Mid(6, 2)); int minute = _tstoi(expirationdate.Mid(8, 2)); //MORPH - Changed by SiRoB, SLS keep only for rare files, reduce Saved Source and life time //CTime expiration(year, month, day, 0, 0, 0); CTime expiration(year, month, day, hour, minute, 0); return (expiration < CTime::GetCurrentTime()); }
BOOL CNumericEdit::Validate(BOOL bPrompt, BOOL bFocus) { if (m_iMinValue == 0 && m_iMaxValue == 0) return TRUE; CString strText; GetWindowText(strText); int iNum = _tstoi(strText); if (iNum < m_iMinValue || iNum > m_iMaxValue) { if (bPrompt) { CString strPrompt; strPrompt.Format(GetResString(IDS_EDIT_RANGER), m_iMinValue, m_iMaxValue); MessageBox(strPrompt, _T("easyMule"), MB_OK); } if (bFocus) { SetFocus(); SetSel(0, -1); } return FALSE; } return TRUE; }
void CSampleConfigDlg::OnEnChangeEditRepeation() { // “重复次数”编辑框变化响应函数 CString strRepeations; m_ctrlEditRepeations.GetWindowText(strRepeations); int dRepeations; dRepeations = _tstoi(strRepeations); if(dRepeations > 20) { dRepeations = 20; strRepeations.Format(_T("%d"),dRepeations); m_ctrlEditRepeations.SetWindowText(strRepeations); } if(dRepeations < 1) { dRepeations = 1; strRepeations.Format(_T("%d"),dRepeations); m_ctrlEditRepeations.SetWindowText(strRepeations); } POSITION pos = m_ctrlConfigList.GetFirstSelectedItemPosition(); while (pos) { int nItem = m_ctrlConfigList.GetNextSelectedItem(pos); CSampleConfigListItem * pItem = reinterpret_cast<CSampleConfigListItem *>(m_ctrlConfigList.GetItemData(nItem)); pItem->SetRepeat(dRepeations); } m_ctrlConfigList.RedrawAllItems(); }
void CMainDlg::GetControlValues() { CWnd* pWnd = NULL; VERIFY(pWnd = (CEdit*)GetDlgItem(IDC_LINE_WIDTH)); CString strTemp; pWnd->GetWindowText(strTemp); m_iBandPx = _tstoi(strTemp); VERIFY(pWnd = (CEdit*)GetDlgItem(IDC_IMAGE_PATH)); pWnd->GetWindowText(m_strImagePath); if(m_strImagePath.Right(1) != _T('\\')) m_strImagePath += _T('\\'); VERIFY(pWnd = GetDlgItem(IDC_IMAGE_NAME)); pWnd->GetWindowText(m_strImageName); CButton* pBtn = (CButton*)GetDlgItem(IDC_MIN_TO_TRAY); ASSERT(pBtn); m_bMinToTray = pBtn->GetCheck(); if(((CButton*)GetDlgItem(IDC_OPT_IMGNAME_1))->GetCheck() == 1) m_iNamingOpt = 0; else if(((CButton*)GetDlgItem(IDC_OPT_IMGNAME_2))->GetCheck() == 1) m_iNamingOpt = 1; else m_iNamingOpt = 2; }
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { _CrtSetDbgFlag(_CRTDBG_ALLOC_MEM_DF | _CRTDBG_LEAK_CHECK_DF); IODispatcher ioService(GetFitThreadNum()); try { std::string ip; if( argc > 1 ) ip = CT2A(argv[1]); else ip = ""; std::vector<Client *> clis; size_t cnt = 1; if( argc > 2 ) cnt = _tstoi(argv[2]); clis.resize(cnt); for(size_t i = 0; i != cnt; ++i) clis.push_back(new Client(ioService, ip.c_str(), 5050)); system("pause"); } catch(std::exception &e) { std::cout << e.what() << std::endl; } return 0; }
void CSampleConfigDlg::OnDeltaposSpinRepeation(NMHDR *pNMHDR, LRESULT *pResult) { //“重复次数”微调按钮单击响应函数 LPNMUPDOWN pNMUpDown = reinterpret_cast<LPNMUPDOWN>(pNMHDR); CString strRepeations; m_ctrlEditRepeations.GetWindowText(strRepeations); int nRepeations; nRepeations = _tstoi(strRepeations); CString strValue; if(pNMUpDown->iDelta == -1) // 如果此值为-1,即点击了Spin的向上箭头时 { nRepeations += 1; } else if(pNMUpDown->iDelta == 1) // 如果此值为1,即点击了Spin的向下箭头时 { nRepeations -= 1; } strRepeations.Format(_T("%d"),nRepeations); m_ctrlEditRepeations.SetWindowText(strRepeations); *pResult = 0; }
BOOL COptionTreeItemEdit::GetEditDword(DWORD &dwReturn) { // Declare variables CString strWindowText; // Set blank dwReturn = 0; // Get window text if (IsWindow(GetSafeHwnd())) { GetWindowText(strWindowText); } else { return FALSE; } // First see if we are in numerical mode if (GetOption(OT_EDIT_NUMERICAL) == FALSE) { return FALSE; } // See if string is numeric if (IsStringNumeric(strWindowText) == FALSE) { return FALSE; } // Convert string dwReturn = (DWORD) _tstoi(strWindowText); return TRUE; }
bool CIni::GetBool(LPCTSTR strEntry,bool bDefault/* = false*/,LPCTSTR strSection/* = NULL*/) { TCHAR strDefault[MAX_PATH]; _sntprintf(strDefault, ARRSIZE(strDefault), _T("%d"), (int)bDefault); GetLPCSTR(strEntry,strSection,strDefault); return ( _tstoi(m_chBuffer) != 0 ); }
WORD CIni::GetWORD(LPCTSTR strEntry,WORD nDefault/* = 0*/,LPCTSTR strSection/* = NULL*/) { TCHAR strDefault[MAX_PATH]; _sntprintf(strDefault, ARRSIZE(strDefault), _T("%u"), nDefault); GetLPCSTR(strEntry,strSection,strDefault); return (WORD)_tstoi(m_chBuffer); }
int CIni::GetInt(LPCTSTR strEntry,int nDefault/* = 0*/,LPCTSTR strSection/* = NULL*/) { TCHAR strDefault[MAX_PATH]; _sntprintf(strDefault, ARRSIZE(strDefault), _T("%d"), nDefault); GetLPCSTR(strEntry,strSection,strDefault); return _tstoi(m_chBuffer); }
bool IniTool::GetValueBoolean( CString sSection, CString sKey, bool bDefault/*=false*/ ) { CString strDefault; strDefault.Format(_T("%d"), bDefault ? 1 : 0); CString sValue = this->GetValueString(sSection, sKey, strDefault); return (1 == _tstoi(sValue)); }
void CIni::SerGet(bool bGet, WORD *ar, int nCount, LPCTSTR strEntry, LPCTSTR strSection/*=NULL*/, DWORD Default/* = 0*/) { if(nCount > 0) { CString strBuffer; if(bGet) { strBuffer = GetString(strEntry, _T(""), strSection); CString strTemp; int nOffset = 0; for(int i = 0; i < nCount; i++) { nOffset = Parse(strBuffer, nOffset, strTemp); if(strTemp.GetLength() == 0) ar[i] = (WORD)Default; else ar[i] = (WORD)_tstoi(strTemp); } } else { CString strTemp; strBuffer.Format(_T("%d"), ar[0]); for(int i = 1; i < nCount; i++) { strTemp.Format(_T("%d"), ar[i]); strBuffer.AppendChar(_T(',')); strBuffer.Append(strTemp); } WriteString(strEntry, strBuffer, strSection); } } }
int LoadRouterAuth(HTTPCSTR path) { FILE *RouterAuth; HTTPCHAR line[200]; HTTPCHAR *p; //int nRouterAuth=0; nRouterAuth=0; RouterAuth=_tfopen(path,_T("r")); if (RouterAuth) { while (!feof(RouterAuth)) { _fgetts(line,sizeof(line)/sizeof(HTTPCHAR)-1,RouterAuth); if ( (_tcslen(line)>5) && line[0]!=_T('#') ) { p=line+_tcslen(line)-1; while ( (*p==_T('\r') ) || (*p==_T('\n')) || (*p==_T(' ')) ) { p[0]=_T('\0'); --p; } p=_tcstok(line,_T("|")); FakeAuth[nRouterAuth].status=_tstoi(p); p=_tcstok(NULL,_T("|")); _tcsncpy(FakeAuth[nRouterAuth].server,p,sizeof(FakeAuth[nRouterAuth].server)/sizeof(HTTPCHAR)-1); if ( (_tcslen(p)==1) && (p[0]==_T('*')) ) FakeAuth[nRouterAuth].server[0]=_T('\0'); p=_tcstok(NULL,_T("|")); _tcsncpy(FakeAuth[nRouterAuth].authurl,p,sizeof(FakeAuth[nRouterAuth].authurl)/sizeof(HTTPCHAR)-1); p=_tcstok(NULL,_T("|")); _tcsncpy(FakeAuth[nRouterAuth].method,p,sizeof(FakeAuth[nRouterAuth].method)/sizeof(HTTPCHAR)-1); p=_tcstok(NULL,_T("|")); if (p) _tcsncpy(FakeAuth[nRouterAuth].postdata,p,sizeof(FakeAuth[nRouterAuth].postdata)/sizeof(HTTPCHAR)-1); nRouterAuth++; } } fclose(RouterAuth); } return(nRouterAuth); }
BOOL CSetupWnd::LoadWndParameter(CString& strParameter) { CStringArray arData; if (!m_edPath) return FALSE; CString sToken = _T(""); int i = 0; while (AfxExtractSubString(sToken, strParameter, i, ',')) { arData.Add(sToken); i++; } if (arData.GetCount() != $VALUE_MAX) return FALSE; m_btnEnable->SetCheck(_tstoi(arData.GetAt($VALUE_ENABLE))); CString strTemp(arData.GetAt($VALUE_PATH)); strTemp.Replace(L"\\", L"\\\\"); m_edPath->SetWindowText(strTemp); return TRUE; }
void ReadServerErrCodeFile(std::map<uint32_t, std::map<ELanguageType, TString> >& languageServerErrCodeMap) { TString filePath = CResourceManager::GetInstance()->GetResourcePath(eRT_Language); filePath.append(_T("\\")).append("networkError.xml"); if (CFilePathTool::GetInstance()->Exists(filePath.c_str())) { rapidxml::file<> fdoc(filePath.c_str()); rapidxml::xml_document<> errCodeXML; try { errCodeXML.parse<rapidxml::parse_default>(; } catch (rapidxml::parse_error err) { BEATS_ASSERT(false, _T("Load config file %s faled!/n%s/n"), "errno.xml", err.what()); } rapidxml::xml_node<>* pRootElement = errCodeXML.first_node("config"); if (pRootElement) { for (auto element = pRootElement->first_node(); element; element = element->next_sibling()) { std::map<ELanguageType, TString> curMap; curMap[eLT_Chinese] = element->first_attribute("lang_zhCN")->value(); curMap[eLT_English] = element->first_attribute("lang_enUS")->value(); languageServerErrCodeMap[_tstoi(element->first_attribute("code")->value())] = curMap; } } } }
/****************************************************************** Function Name: GetNetfx10SPLevel Description: Uses the detection method recommended at to determine what service pack for the .NET Framework 1.0 is installed on the machine Inputs: NONE Results: integer representing SP level for .NET Framework 1.0 ******************************************************************/ int GetNetfx10SPLevel() { TCHAR szRegValue[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR *pszSPLevel = NULL; int iRetValue = -1; bool bRegistryRetVal = false; // Need to detect what OS we are running on so we know what // registry key to use to look up the SP level if (IsCurrentOSTabletMedCenter()) bRegistryRetVal = RegistryGetValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, g_szNetfx10SPxOCMRegKeyName, g_szNetfxStandardVersionRegValueName, NULL, (LPBYTE)szRegValue, MAX_PATH); else bRegistryRetVal = RegistryGetValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, g_szNetfx10SPxMSIRegKeyName, g_szNetfxStandardVersionRegValueName, NULL, (LPBYTE)szRegValue, MAX_PATH); if (bRegistryRetVal) { // This registry value should be of the format // #,#,#####,# where the last # is the SP level // Try to parse off the last # here pszSPLevel = _tcsrchr(szRegValue, _T(',')); if (NULL != pszSPLevel) { // Increment the pointer to skip the comma pszSPLevel++; // Convert the remaining value to an integer iRetValue = _tstoi(pszSPLevel); } } return iRetValue; }
void CAction::GetKeyElement(CString &s,int &type,int &key) { // формат примерно такой "d(ff)u(ff)" if(s.GetLength()<4) { s.Empty(); return; } if(s.GetAt(1)!=_T('(')) { s.Empty(); return; } type=-1; if(s.GetAt(0)==_T('d'))type=0; if(s.GetAt(0)==_T('u'))type=1; if(type==-1) { s.Empty(); return; } int end=s.Find(_T(")")); if(end==-1) { s.Empty(); return; } key=_tstoi(s.Mid(2,end-2)); s.Delete(0,end+1); }
int IniTool::GetValueInt( CString sSection, CString sKey, int iDefault/*=0*/ ) { CString strDefault; strDefault.Format(_T("%d"), iDefault); CString sValue = this->GetValueString(sSection, sKey, strDefault); return _tstoi(sValue); }
void CInstrumentEditorDPCM::OnCbnSelchangeSamples() { CComboBox *m_pSampleBox = reinterpret_cast<CComboBox*>(GetDlgItem(IDC_SAMPLES)); CComboBox *pPitchBox = reinterpret_cast<CComboBox*>(GetDlgItem(IDC_PITCH)); int PrevSample = m_pInstrument->GetSample(m_iOctave, m_iSelectedKey); int Sample = m_pSampleBox->GetCurSel(); if (Sample > 0) { char Name[256]; m_pSampleBox->GetLBText(Sample, Name); Name[2] = 0; if (Name[0] == _T('0')) { Name[0] = Name[1]; Name[1] = 0; } Sample = _tstoi(Name); Sample++; if (PrevSample == 0) { int Pitch = pPitchBox->GetCurSel(); m_pInstrument->SetSamplePitch(m_iOctave, m_iSelectedKey, Pitch); } } m_pInstrument->SetSample(m_iOctave, m_iSelectedKey, Sample); UpdateKey(m_iSelectedKey); }
void COptionTreeWrapper::SerializeStaticItemInt(IArchive &ar, COptionTreeItem *item, bool read) { int iVal; COptionTreeItemStatic *otiStatic; TCHAR buffer[50]; CString text; otiStatic = dynamic_cast<COptionTreeItemStatic*>(item); if(otiStatic == NULL) { //error StdString error = _T("Could not cast item to COptionTreeItemStatic: "); error += item->GetLabelText(); ::MessageBox(NULL, error, _T("Invalid Command"), MB_OK); return; } if(read) { ar.Read(iVal); _itot(iVal, buffer, 10); otiStatic->SetStaticText(buffer); } else { text = otiStatic->GetStaticText(); iVal = _tstoi(text); ar.Write(iVal); } }
BOOL CNumberLimitEdit::ValidityCheck(BOOL bShowMsg, BOOL bRecoverDefault) { CString strValue; GetWindowText(strValue); if (strValue.GetLength() == 0) { if (bShowMsg) { ReportErrorMsg(); //SetDisplayNum(m_nCurrent); } if (bRecoverDefault) SetDisplayNum(m_nCurrent); return FALSE; } int nNew = _tstoi(strValue); if ( m_nMin != m_nMax && (nNew < m_nMin || nNew > m_nMax) ) { if (bShowMsg) ReportErrorMsg(); if (bRecoverDefault) SetDisplayNum(m_nCurrent); return FALSE; } m_nCurrent = nNew; return TRUE; }