예제 #1
    void PCZSceneNode::_update(bool updateChildren, bool parentHasChanged)
        Node::_update(updateChildren, parentHasChanged);
        if (mParent) _updateBounds(); // skip bound update if it's root scene node. Saves a lot of CPU.

        mPrevPosition = mNewPosition;
        mNewPosition = mDerivedPosition;
예제 #2
	void CAnimation::onTransformChanged(TransformChangedFlags flags)
		if (!SO()->getActive())

		if ((flags & (TCF_Transform)) != 0)
예제 #3
	void CAnimation::restoreInternal(bool previewMode)
		if (mInternal != nullptr)

		mInternal = Animation::create();

		mAnimatedRenderable = SO()->getComponent<CRenderable>();

		if (!previewMode)
			mInternal->onEventTriggered.connect(std::bind(&CAnimation::eventTriggered, this, _1, _2));



		if (!previewMode)
			if (mDefaultClip.isLoaded())

			mPrimaryPlayingClip = mInternal->getClip(0);
			if (mPrimaryPlayingClip.isLoaded())
				if (_scriptRebuildFloatProperties)



		if (mAnimatedRenderable != nullptr)
예제 #4
void GraphComparator::drawCostDistance(shared_ptr<OsmMap> map, vector<Coordinate>& c,
                                       QString output)
  // make a copy of the map so we can manipulate it.
  map.reset(new OsmMap(map));

  for (size_t i = 0; i < c.size(); i++)
    cout << c[i].x << " " << c[i].y << endl;
    c[i] = _findNearestPointOnFeature(map, c[i]);
    cout << c[i].x << " " << c[i].y << endl;
    // find the nearest feature
    long wId = map->getIndex().findNearestWay(c[i]);
    shared_ptr<Way> w = map->getWay(wId);

    // split way at c
    WayLocation wl = LocationOfPoint::locate(map, w, c[i]);
    vector< shared_ptr<Way> > v = WaySplitter::split(map, w, wl);
    wl = LocationOfPoint::locate(map, v[0], c[i]);
    assert(wl.isNode() == true);

  // populate graph
  shared_ptr<DirectedGraph> graph(new DirectedGraph());

  LOG_WARN("Running cost");
  ShortestPath sp(graph);

  for (size_t i = 0; i < c.size(); i++)
    long wId = map->getIndex().findNearestWay(c[i]);
    shared_ptr<Way> w = map->getWay(wId);

    WayLocation wl = LocationOfPoint::locate(map, w, c[i]);

    // set cost at c to zero.
    long sourceId = w->getNodeId(wl.getSegmentIndex());
    sp.setNodeCost(sourceId, 0.0);

  // calculate cost
  LOG_WARN("Cost done");

  cv::Mat mat = _paintGraph(map, *graph, sp);

  _saveImage(mat, output, -1.0, false);
  _saveImage(mat, output.replace(".png", "2.png"), -1.0, true);

  shared_ptr<OGRSpatialReference> srs(new OGRSpatialReference());

  Coordinate c1 = MapProjector::project(Coordinate(_projectedBounds.MinX, _projectedBounds.MinY), map->getProjection(), srs);
  cout << "coord " << c1.x << ", " << c1.y << endl;

  Coordinate c2 = MapProjector::project(Coordinate(_projectedBounds.MaxX, _projectedBounds.MaxY), map->getProjection(), srs);
  cout << "coord2 " << c2.x << ", " << c2.y << endl;

  printf("POSITION_Y=%f\n", (c1.y + c2.y) / 2.0);
  //cout << "POSITION_Y=" << (c1.y + c2.y) / 2.0 << endl;
  printf("POSITION_X=%f\n", (c1.x + c2.x) / 2.0);
  //cout << "POSITION_X=" << (c1.x + c2.x) / 2.0 << endl;
  cout << "M12=0.0" << endl;
  cout << "M11=1.0" << endl;
  cout << "M10=0.0" << endl;
  cout << "M02=0.0" << endl;
  cout << "INITIAL_SCALE=" << (c2.x - c1.x) / (double)_width * 100.0 << endl;
  cout << "M01=0.0" << endl;
  cout << "M00=1.0" << endl;

  // paint graph onto raster
  //_exportGraphImage(map, *graph, sp, output);
예제 #5
double GraphComparator::compareMaps()
  double diffScoreSum = 0.0;

  vector<double> scores;
  int same = 0;
  // sampled standard deviation
  _s = -1;
  // 1.645 for 90% confidence, 1.96 for 95% confidence, and 2.58 for 99% confidence.
  // please update the header file comments if you change this value.
  double zalpha = 1.645;
  _ci = -1;

  // do this a bunch of times
  for (int i = 0; i < _iterations && same < 4; i++)
    // generate a random source point
    _r.x = Random::generateUniform() * (_projectedBounds.MaxX - _projectedBounds.MinX) +
    _r.y = Random::generateUniform() * (_projectedBounds.MaxY - _projectedBounds.MinY) +

    shared_ptr<OsmMap> referenceMap;
    // pick one map as the reference map
    if (Random::coinToss())
      referenceMap = _mapP1;
      referenceMap = _mapP2;

    _maxGraphCost = 0.0;

    // find the random source point's nearest point on a feature in one of the maps
    _r = _findNearestPointOnFeature(referenceMap, _r);

    // generate a cost distance raster for each map
    cv::Mat image1 = _calculateCostDistance(_mapP1, _r);
    cv::Mat image2 = _calculateCostDistance(_mapP2, _r);

    // take the difference of the two rasters and normalize
    double error = _calculateError(image1, image2);

    if (_debugImages)
      cv::Mat diff(cvSize(_width, _height), CV_32FC1);

      const float* image1Data = image1.ptr<float>(0);
      const float* image2Data = image2.ptr<float>(0);
      float* diffData = diff.ptr<float>(0);
      size_t size = (image1.dataend - image1.datastart) / sizeof(float);
      for (size_t j = 0; j < size; j++)
        diffData[j] = fabs(image1Data[j] - image2Data[j]);

      QString s1 = QString("test-output/route-image/route-%1-a.png").arg(i, 3, 10, QChar('0'));
      QString s2 = QString("test-output/route-image/route-%1-b.png").arg(i, 3, 10, QChar('0'));
      QString sdiff = QString("test-output/route-image/route-%1-diff.png").arg(i, 3, 10, QChar('0'));
      _saveImage(image1, s1, _maxGraphCost * 3);
      _saveImage(image2, s2, _maxGraphCost * 3);
      _saveImage(diff, sdiff, _maxGraphCost * 3);


    // keep a running tally of the differences.
    diffScoreSum += error;

    scores.push_back(1 - error);
    sort(scores.begin(), scores.end());
    _median = scores[scores.size() / 2];
    _mean = 1 - (diffScoreSum / (i + 1));

    if (scores.size() > 1)
      double v = 0;
      for (size_t i = 0; i < scores.size(); i++)
        v += (scores[i] - _mean) * (scores[i] - _mean);
      _s = sqrt(v / (scores.size() - 1));

      _ci = zalpha * _s / sqrt(scores.size());

    if (Log::getInstance().isInfoEnabled())
      cout << i << " / " << _iterations << " mean: " << _mean << "   \r";
    //qDebug() << _median << 1 - error << _mean << "+/-" << _ci << "sd: " << _s;

  if (Log::getInstance().isInfoEnabled())
    cout << "                                   \r";

  return _mean;
예제 #6
 void SceneNode::_update(bool updateChildren, bool parentHasChanged)
     Node::_update(updateChildren, parentHasChanged);
예제 #7
void Frustum::set( const MatrixF &projMat, bool normalize )
   // From "Fast Extraction of Viewing Frustum Planes from the World-View-Projection Matrix"
   // by Gil Gribb and Klaus Hartmann.
   // http://www2.ravensoft.com/users/ggribb/plane%20extraction.pdf

   // Right clipping plane.
   mPlanes[ PlaneRight ].set(  projMat[3] - projMat[0], 
                                             projMat[7] - projMat[4], 
                                             projMat[11] - projMat[8],
                                             projMat[15] - projMat[12] );

   // Left clipping plane.
   mPlanes[ PlaneLeft ].set(   projMat[3] + projMat[0], 
                                             projMat[7] + projMat[4], 
                                             projMat[11] + projMat[8], 
                                             projMat[15] + projMat[12] );

   // Bottom clipping plane.
   mPlanes[ PlaneBottom ].set( projMat[3] + projMat[1], 
                                             projMat[7] + projMat[5], 
                                             projMat[11] + projMat[9], 
                                             projMat[15] + projMat[13] );

   // Top clipping plane.
   mPlanes[ PlaneTop ].set(    projMat[3] - projMat[1], 
                                             projMat[7] - projMat[5], 
                                             projMat[11] - projMat[9], 
                                             projMat[15] - projMat[13] );

   // Near clipping plane
   mPlanes[ PlaneNear ].set(   projMat[3] + projMat[2], 
                                             projMat[7] + projMat[6], 
                                             projMat[11] + projMat[10],
                                             projMat[15] + projMat[14] );

   // Far clipping plane.
   mPlanes[ PlaneFar ].set(    projMat[3] - projMat[2], 
                                             projMat[7] - projMat[6], 
                                             projMat[11] - projMat[10], 
                                             projMat[15] - projMat[14] );

   if( normalize )
      for( S32 i = 0; i < PlaneCount; ++ i )
         mPlanes[ i ].normalize();

   /* // Create the corner points via plane intersections.
   mPlanes[ PlaneNear ].intersect( mPlanes[ PlaneTop ], mPlanes[ PlaneLeft ], &mPoints[ NearTopLeft ] );
   mPlanes[ PlaneNear ].intersect( mPlanes[ PlaneTop ], mPlanes[ PlaneRight ], &mPoints[ NearTopRight ] );
   mPlanes[ PlaneNear ].intersect( mPlanes[ PlaneBottom ], mPlanes[ PlaneLeft ], &mPoints[ NearBottomLeft ] );
   mPlanes[ PlaneNear ].intersect( mPlanes[ PlaneBottom ], mPlanes[ PlaneRight ], &mPoints[ NearBottomRight ] );
   mPlanes[ PlaneFar ].intersect( mPlanes[ PlaneTop ], mPlanes[ PlaneLeft ], &mPoints[ FarTopLeft ] );
   mPlanes[ PlaneFar ].intersect( mPlanes[ PlaneTop ], mPlanes[ PlaneRight ], &mPoints[ FarTopRight ] );
   mPlanes[ PlaneFar ].intersect( mPlanes[ PlaneBottom ], mPlanes[ PlaneLeft ], &mPoints[ FarBottomLeft ] );
   mPlanes[ PlaneFar ].intersect( mPlanes[ PlaneBottom ], mPlanes[ PlaneRight ], &mPoints[ FarBottomRight ] );

   // Update the axis aligned bounding box.
예제 #8
double AttributeComparator::compareMaps()
  double scoreSum = 0.0;

  double buffer = 10.0;

  double oldIsACost = OsmSchema::getInstance().getIsACost();

  vector<double> scores;
  // sampled standard deviation
  _s = -1;
  // 1.645 for 90% confidence, 1.96 for 95% confidence, and 2.58 for 99% confidence.
  double zalpha = 1.645;
  _ci = -1;

  boost::shared_ptr<OsmMap> referenceMap, otherMap;

  // do this a bunch of times
  for (int i = 0; i < _iterations * 4 && (int)scores.size() < _iterations; i++)
    // generate a random source point
    _r.x = Random::instance()->generateUniform() * (_projectedBounds.MaxX - _projectedBounds.MinX) +
    _r.y = Random::instance()->generateUniform() * (_projectedBounds.MaxY - _projectedBounds.MinY) +

    // pick one map as the reference map
    if (Random::instance()->coinToss())
      referenceMap = _mapP1;
      otherMap = _mapP2;
      referenceMap = _mapP2;
      otherMap = _mapP1;

    // find the nearest way on the reference map
    vector<long> wids1 = referenceMap->getIndex().findWayNeighbors(_r, buffer);
    vector<long> wids2 = otherMap->getIndex().findWayNeighbors(_r, buffer);

    Tags t1, t2;
    double bestScore = -1.0;
    for (size_t j = 0; j < wids1.size(); j++)
      WayPtr w1 = referenceMap->getWay(wids1[j]);

      for (size_t k = 0; k < wids2.size(); k++)
        WayPtr w2 = otherMap->getWay(wids2[k]);
        double score = TagComparator::getInstance().compareTags(w1->getTags(), w2->getTags());
        if (score > bestScore)
          bestScore = score;
          t1 = w1->getTags();
          t2 = w2->getTags();

    if (bestScore >= 0.0)
//        LOG_INFO("====");
//        LOG_INFO("score: " << bestScore);
//        LOG_INFO("t1: \n" << t1);
//        LOG_INFO("t2: \n" << t2);

      scoreSum += bestScore;
      sort(scores.begin(), scores.end());
      _median = scores[scores.size() / 2];
      _mean = scoreSum / (double)scores.size();

    if (scores.size() > 1)
      double v = 0;
      for (size_t i = 0; i < scores.size(); i++)
        v += (scores[i] - _mean) * (scores[i] - _mean);
      _s = sqrt(v / (scores.size() - 1));

      _ci = zalpha * _s / sqrt(scores.size());

    PROGRESS_INFO(i << " / " << _iterations << " mean: " << _mean << "   ");

  LOG_INFO(_iterations << " / " << _iterations << " mean: " << _mean << "   ");


  return _mean;
예제 #9
	void CAnimation::_registerRenderable(const HRenderable& renderable)
		mAnimatedRenderable = renderable;

예제 #10
	void CAnimation::setUseBounds(bool enable)
		mUseBounds = enable;

예제 #11
void TerrCell::updateGrid( const RectI &gridRect, bool opacityOnly )
   PROFILE_SCOPE( TerrCell_UpdateGrid );

   // If we have a VB... then update it.
   if ( mVertexBuffer.isValid() && !opacityOnly )            

   // Update our PB, if any

   // If we don't have children... then we're
   // a leaf at the bottom of the cell quadtree
   // and we should just update our bounds.
   if ( !mChildren[0] )
      if ( !opacityOnly )


   // Otherwise, we must call updateGrid on our children
   // and then update our bounds/materials AFTER to contain them.

   mMaterials = 0;

   for ( U32 i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
      TerrCell *cell = mChildren[i];

      // The overlap test doesn't hit shared edges
      // so grow it a bit when we create it.
      const RectI cellRect( cell->mPoint.x - 1,
                            cell->mPoint.y - 1,
                            cell->mSize + 2, 
                            cell->mSize + 2 );

      // We do an overlap and containment test as it 
      // properly handles zero sized rects.
      if (  cellRect.contains( gridRect ) ||
            cellRect.overlaps( gridRect ) )
         cell->updateGrid( gridRect, opacityOnly );

      // Update the bounds from our children.
      if ( !opacityOnly )
         if ( i == 0 )
            mBounds = mChildren[i]->getBounds();
            mBounds.intersect( mChildren[i]->getBounds() );

         mRadius = mBounds.len() * 0.5f;

      // Update the material flags.
      mMaterials |= mChildren[i]->getMaterials();

   if ( mMaterial )
      mMaterial->init( mTerrain, mMaterials );
예제 #12
void TerrCell::_init( TerrainBlock *terrain,               
                      const Point2I &point,
                      U32 size,
                      U32 level )
   PROFILE_SCOPE( TerrCell_Init );

   mTerrain = terrain;
   mPoint = point;
   mSize = size;
   mLevel = level;

   // Generate a VB (and maybe a PB) for this cell, unless we are the Root cell.
   if ( level > 0 )
   if ( mSize <= smMinCellSize )
      // Update our bounds and materials... the 
      // parent will use it to update itself.

   // Create our children and update our 
   // bounds and materials from them.

   const U32 childSize = mSize / 2;
   const U32 childLevel = mLevel + 1;

   mChildren[0] = new TerrCell;
   mChildren[0]->_init( mTerrain,               
                        Point2I( mPoint.x, mPoint.y ),
                        childLevel );
   mBounds = mChildren[0]->getBounds();
   mMaterials = mChildren[0]->getMaterials();

   mChildren[1] = new TerrCell;
   mChildren[1]->_init( mTerrain,               
                        Point2I( mPoint.x + childSize, mPoint.y ),
                        childLevel );
   mBounds.intersect( mChildren[1]->getBounds() );
   mMaterials |= mChildren[1]->getMaterials();

   mChildren[2] = new TerrCell;
   mChildren[2]->_init( mTerrain,               
                        Point2I( mPoint.x, mPoint.y + childSize ),
                        childLevel );
   mBounds.intersect( mChildren[2]->getBounds() );
   mMaterials |= mChildren[2]->getMaterials();

   mChildren[3] = new TerrCell;
   mChildren[3]->_init( mTerrain,               
                        Point2I( mPoint.x + childSize, mPoint.y + childSize ),
                        childLevel );
   mBounds.intersect( mChildren[3]->getBounds() );
   mMaterials |= mChildren[3]->getMaterials();

   mRadius = mBounds.len() * 0.5f;
