예제 #1
void PxCloth::setTransform( const MatrixF &mat )
   Parent::setTransform( mat );
   setMaskBits( TransformMask );

   // Only need to do this if we're on the server
   // or if we're not currently ticking physics.
   if ( !mWorld || !mWorld->isEnabled() )
예제 #2
void PxCloth::inspectPostApply()

   // Must have at least 2 verts.
   mPatchVerts.x = getMax( 2, mPatchVerts.x );
   mPatchVerts.y = getMax( 2, mPatchVerts.y );
   if ( isServerObject() )

   setMaskBits( TransformMask | MaterialMask | ClothMask );
예제 #3
bool PxCloth::_createClothPatch()
   // Make sure we have a mesh.
   if ( !mClothMesh )
      if ( !mClothMesh )
         return false;

   // Make sure we can change the world.


   NxClothDesc desc;
   desc.globalPose.setRowMajor44( getTransform() );
   desc.thickness = mThickness;
   desc.density = mDensity;
   desc.bendingStiffness = mBendingStiffness;   
   desc.dampingCoefficient = mDampingCoefficient;
   desc.friction = mFriction;
// start jc
   // todo: expose this
   desc.sleepLinearVelocity = 0.0000001f;
// end jc
   if ( mBendingEnabled )
      desc.flags |= NX_CLF_BENDING;   
   if ( mDampingEnabled )
      desc.flags |= NX_CLF_DAMPING;
   if ( mTriangleCollisionEnabled )
      desc.flags |= NX_CLF_TRIANGLE_COLLISION;
   if ( mSelfCollisionEnabled )
      desc.flags |= NX_CLF_SELFCOLLISION;

   desc.clothMesh = mClothMesh;    
   desc.meshData = mReceiveBuffers;

   if ( !desc.isValid() )
      return false;

   mCloth = mScene->createCloth( desc );
   mIsVBDirty = true;


   return true;
예제 #4
bool PxCloth::onAdd()
   if ( !Parent::onAdd() )
      return false;

   // Cloth is only created on the client.
   if ( isClientObject() )
      mWorld = dynamic_cast<PxWorld*>( PHYSICSMGR->getWorld( "client" ) );

      if ( !mWorld || !mWorld->getScene() )
         Con::errorf( "PxCloth::onAdd() - PhysXWorld not initialized... cloth disabled!" );
         return true;

      mScene = mWorld->getScene();

      mResetXfm = getTransform();


      PhysicsPlugin::getPhysicsResetSignal().notify( this, &PxCloth::onPhysicsReset, 1053.0f );

   // On the server we use the static update
   // to setup the bounds of the cloth.
   if ( isServerObject() )

   // Also the server object never ticks.
   if ( isServerObject() )
      setProcessTick( false );

   return true;