예제 #1
파일: g_range.c 프로젝트: fedser/Plotutils
/* update bounding box due to drawing of a line end (args are in user coors) */
_set_line_end_bbox (plOutbuf *bufp, double x, double y, double xother, double yother, double linewidth, int capstyle, double m[6])
  plVector v, vrot;
  double xs, ys;
  double halfwidth = 0.5 * linewidth;

  switch (capstyle)
    case PL_CAP_BUTT:
      vrot.x = yother - y;
      vrot.y = x - xother;
      _vscale (&vrot, halfwidth);
      xs = x + vrot.x;
      ys = y + vrot.y;
      _update_bbox (bufp, XD_INTERNAL(xs,ys,m), YD_INTERNAL(xs,ys,m));
      xs = x - vrot.x;
      ys = y - vrot.y;
      _update_bbox (bufp, XD_INTERNAL(xs,ys,m), YD_INTERNAL(xs,ys,m));
    case PL_CAP_PROJECT:
      v.x = xother - x;
      v.y = yother - y;
      _vscale (&v, halfwidth);
      vrot.x = yother - y;
      vrot.y = x - xother;
      _vscale (&vrot, halfwidth);
      xs = x - v.x + vrot.x;
      ys = y - v.y + vrot.y;
      _update_bbox (bufp, XD_INTERNAL(xs,ys,m), YD_INTERNAL(xs,ys,m));
      xs = x - v.x - vrot.x;
      ys = y - v.y - vrot.y;
      _update_bbox (bufp, XD_INTERNAL(xs,ys,m), YD_INTERNAL(xs,ys,m));
    case PL_CAP_ROUND:
      _set_ellipse_bbox (bufp, x, y, halfwidth, halfwidth, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, m);
      /* add projecting vertex */
      v.x = xother - x;
      v.y = yother - y;
      _vscale (&v, halfwidth);
      xs = x + v.x;
      ys = y + v.y;
      _update_bbox (bufp, XD_INTERNAL(xs,ys,m), YD_INTERNAL(xs,ys,m));
      /* add other two vertices */
      vrot.x = yother - y;
      vrot.y = x - xother;
      _vscale (&vrot, halfwidth);
      xs = x + vrot.x;
      ys = y + vrot.y;
      _update_bbox (bufp, XD_INTERNAL(xs,ys,m), YD_INTERNAL(xs,ys,m));
      xs = x - vrot.x;
      ys = y - vrot.y;
      _update_bbox (bufp, XD_INTERNAL(xs,ys,m), YD_INTERNAL(xs,ys,m));
예제 #2
template <typename value_t> void contour_segment<value_t>::clip_horizontal() {
  curve_iterator c = _curves.begin();
  while (c != _curves.end()) {
    if ((*c)->is_constant(point_type::v)) {
      c = _curves.erase(c);
    } else {

예제 #3
파일: g_range.c 프로젝트: fedser/Plotutils
_set_bezier2_bbox (plOutbuf *bufp, double x0, double y0, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double device_line_width, double m[6])
  double a_x, b_x, t_x;
  double a_y, b_y, t_y;  
  double x, y, xdevice, ydevice;
  double device_halfwidth = 0.5 * device_line_width;
  /* compute coeffs of linear equation at+b=0, for both x and y coors */
  a_x = x0 - 2 * x1 + x2;
  b_x = (x1 - x2);
  a_y = y0 - 2 * y1 + y2;
  b_y = (y1 - y2);
  if (a_x != 0.0)		/* can solve the linear eqn. */
      t_x = -b_x / a_x;
      if (t_x > 0.0 && t_x < 1.0) /* root is in meaningful range */
	  x = QUAD_COOR(t_x, x0, x1, x2);
	  y = QUAD_COOR(t_x, y0, y1, y2);
	  xdevice = XD_INTERNAL(x,y,m);
	  ydevice = YD_INTERNAL(x,y,m);
	  _update_bbox (bufp, xdevice + device_halfwidth, ydevice);
	  _update_bbox (bufp, xdevice - device_halfwidth, ydevice);
  if (a_y != 0.0)		/* can solve the linear eqn. */
      t_y = -b_y / a_y;
      if (t_y > 0.0 && t_y < 1.0) /* root is in meaningful range */
	  x = QUAD_COOR(t_y, x0, x1, x2);
	  y = QUAD_COOR(t_y, y0, y1, y2);
	  xdevice = XD_INTERNAL(x,y,m);
	  ydevice = YD_INTERNAL(x,y,m);
	  _update_bbox (bufp, xdevice, ydevice + device_halfwidth);
	  _update_bbox (bufp, xdevice, ydevice - device_halfwidth);
예제 #4
contour_segment<value_t>::contour_segment(curve_ptr_iterator_t begin,
                                          curve_ptr_iterator_t end)
    : _curves(begin, end), _bbox(), _monotony(unclassified), _continous(false) {
예제 #5
파일: g_range.c 프로젝트: fedser/Plotutils
/* WARNING: This is not completely accurate, due to the nonzero width of
   the pen used to draw the ellipse.  Notoriously, the outer boundary of a
   `wide ellipse' isn't an ellipse at all: in general it's an eighth-order
   curve (see Foley and van Damm), though it's a fourth-order curve if the
   axes are aligned with the coordinate axes.  Here we approximate it as an
   ellipse, with semimajor and semiminor axes in the user frame increased
   by one-half of the line width.  This approximation is good unless the
   line width is large. */
_set_ellipse_bbox (plOutbuf *bufp, double x, double y, double rx, double ry, double costheta, double sintheta, double linewidth, double m[6])
  double ux, uy, vx, vy;
  double mixing_angle;
  double semi_axis_1_x, semi_axis_1_y, semi_axis_2_x, semi_axis_2_y;
  double rx_device, ry_device;
  double theta_device, costheta_device, sintheta_device;
  double xdeviation, ydeviation;

  /* take user-frame line width into account (approximately! see above) */
  rx += 0.5 * linewidth;
  ry += 0.5 * linewidth;  

  /* perform affine user->device coor transformation; (ux,uy) and (vx,vy)
     are forward images of the semiaxes, i.e. they are conjugate radial
     vectors in the device frame */

  ux = XDV_INTERNAL(rx * costheta, rx * sintheta, m);
  uy = YDV_INTERNAL(rx * costheta, rx * sintheta, m);

  vx = XDV_INTERNAL(-ry * sintheta, ry * costheta, m);
  vy = YDV_INTERNAL(-ry * sintheta, ry * costheta, m);

  /* angle by which the conjugate radial vectors should be mixed, in order
     to yield vectors along the major and minor axes in the device frame */
  mixing_angle = 0.5 * _xatan2 (2.0 * (ux * vx + uy * vy),
				ux * ux + uy * uy - vx * vx + vy * vy);
  /* semi-axis vectors in device coordinates */
  semi_axis_1_x = ux * cos(mixing_angle) + vx * sin(mixing_angle);
  semi_axis_1_y = uy * cos(mixing_angle) + vy * sin(mixing_angle);  
  semi_axis_2_x = ux * cos(mixing_angle + M_PI_2) 
    + vx * sin(mixing_angle + M_PI_2);
  semi_axis_2_y = uy * cos(mixing_angle + M_PI_2) 
    + vy * sin(mixing_angle + M_PI_2);  

  /* semi-axis lengths in device coordinates */
  rx_device = sqrt (semi_axis_1_x * semi_axis_1_x
		    + semi_axis_1_y * semi_axis_1_y);
  ry_device = sqrt (semi_axis_2_x * semi_axis_2_x
		    + semi_axis_2_y * semi_axis_2_y);

  /* angle of inclination of the first semi-axis, in device frame */
  theta_device = - _xatan2 (semi_axis_1_y, semi_axis_1_x);
  costheta_device = cos (theta_device);
  sintheta_device = sin (theta_device);  

  /* maximum displacement in horizontal and vertical directions
     while drawing ellipse, in device frame */
  xdeviation = sqrt (rx_device * rx_device * costheta_device * costheta_device
		     + ry_device * ry_device * sintheta_device * sintheta_device);
  ydeviation = sqrt (rx_device * rx_device * sintheta_device * sintheta_device
		     + ry_device * ry_device * costheta_device * costheta_device);

  /* record these displacements, for bounding box */
  _update_bbox (bufp, 
		XD_INTERNAL(x,y,m) + xdeviation, 
		YD_INTERNAL(x,y,m) + ydeviation);
  _update_bbox (bufp, 
		XD_INTERNAL(x,y,m) + xdeviation, 
		YD_INTERNAL(x,y,m) - ydeviation);
  _update_bbox (bufp, 
		XD_INTERNAL(x,y,m) - xdeviation, 
		YD_INTERNAL(x,y,m) + ydeviation);
  _update_bbox (bufp, 
		XD_INTERNAL(x,y,m) - xdeviation, 
		YD_INTERNAL(x,y,m) - ydeviation);
예제 #6
파일: g_range.c 프로젝트: fedser/Plotutils
_set_bezier3_bbox (plOutbuf *bufp, double x0, double y0, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double x3, double y3, double device_line_width, double m[6])
  double a_x, b_x, c_x, s_x, t_x;
  double a_y, b_y, c_y, s_y, t_y;  
  double x, y, xdevice, ydevice;
  double device_halfwidth = 0.5 * device_line_width;
  double sqrt_disc;
  /* compute coeffs of quad. equation at^2+bt+c=0, for both x and y coors */
  a_x = x0 - 3 * x1 + 3 * x2 - x3;
  b_x = 2 * (x1 - 2 * x2 + x3);
  c_x = x2 - x3;
  a_y = y0 - 3 * y1 + 3 * y2 - y3;
  b_y = 2 * (y1 - 2 * y2 + y3);
  c_y = y2 - y3;
  if (a_x != 0.0)		/* can solve the quadratic */
      sqrt_disc = sqrt (b_x * b_x - 4 * a_x * c_x);
      s_x = (- b_x + sqrt_disc) / (2 * a_x);
      t_x = (- b_x - sqrt_disc) / (2 * a_x);
      if (s_x > 0.0 && s_x < 1.0) /* root is in meaningful range */
	  x = CUBIC_COOR(s_x, x0, x1, x2, x3);
	  y = CUBIC_COOR(s_x, y0, y1, y2, y3);
	  xdevice = XD_INTERNAL(x,y,m);
	  ydevice = YD_INTERNAL(x,y,m);
	  _update_bbox (bufp, xdevice + device_halfwidth, ydevice);
	  _update_bbox (bufp, xdevice - device_halfwidth, ydevice);
      if (t_x > 0.0 && t_x < 1.0) /* root is in meaningful range */
	  x = CUBIC_COOR(t_x, x0, x1, x2, x3);
	  y = CUBIC_COOR(t_x, y0, y1, y2, y3);
	  xdevice = XD_INTERNAL(x,y,m);
	  ydevice = YD_INTERNAL(x,y,m);
	  _update_bbox (bufp, xdevice + device_halfwidth, ydevice);
	  _update_bbox (bufp, xdevice - device_halfwidth, ydevice);
  if (a_y != 0.0)		/* can solve the quadratic */
      sqrt_disc = sqrt (b_y * b_y - 4 * a_y * c_y);
      s_y = (- b_y + sqrt_disc) / (2 * a_y);
      t_y = (- b_y - sqrt_disc) / (2 * a_y);
      if (s_y > 0.0 && s_y < 1.0) /* root is in meaningful range */
	  x = CUBIC_COOR(s_y, x0, x1, x2, x3);
	  y = CUBIC_COOR(s_y, y0, y1, y2, y3);
	  xdevice = XD_INTERNAL(x,y,m);
	  ydevice = YD_INTERNAL(x,y,m);
	  _update_bbox (bufp, xdevice, ydevice + device_halfwidth);
	  _update_bbox (bufp, xdevice, ydevice - device_halfwidth);
      if (t_y > 0.0 && t_y < 1.0) /* root is in meaningful range */
	  x = CUBIC_COOR(t_y, x0, x1, x2, x3);
	  y = CUBIC_COOR(t_y, y0, y1, y2, y3);
	  xdevice = XD_INTERNAL(x,y,m);
	  ydevice = YD_INTERNAL(x,y,m);
	  _update_bbox (bufp, xdevice, ydevice + device_halfwidth);
	  _update_bbox (bufp, xdevice, ydevice - device_halfwidth);
예제 #7
파일: g_range.c 프로젝트: fedser/Plotutils
/* update bounding box due to drawing of a line join (args are in user coors)*/
_set_line_join_bbox (plOutbuf *bufp, double xleft, double yleft, double x, double y, double xright, double yright, double linewidth, int joinstyle, double miterlimit, double m[6])
  plVector v1, v2, vsum;
  double v1len, v2len;
  double halfwidth;
  double mitrelen;

  switch (joinstyle)
    case PL_JOIN_MITER:
      v1.x = xleft - x;
      v1.y = yleft - y;
      v2.x = xright - x;
      v2.y = yright - y;
      v1len = VLENGTH(v1);
      v2len = VLENGTH(v2);
      if (v1len == 0.0 || v2len == 0.0)
	_update_bbox (bufp, XD_INTERNAL(x,y,m), YD_INTERNAL(x,y,m));
	  double cosphi;
	  /* The maximum value the cosine of the angle between two joining
	     lines may have, if the join is to be mitered rather than
	     beveled, is 1-2/(M*M), where M is the mitrelimit.  This is
	     because M equals the cosecant of one-half the minimum angle. */
	  cosphi = ((v1.x * v2.x + v1.y * v2.y) / v1len) / v2len;
	  if (miterlimit <= 1.0
	      || (cosphi > (1.0 - 2.0 / (miterlimit * miterlimit))))
	    /* bevel rather than miter */
	      _set_line_end_bbox (bufp, x, y, xleft, yleft, linewidth, PL_CAP_BUTT, m);
	      _set_line_end_bbox (bufp,x, y, xright, yright, linewidth, PL_CAP_BUTT, m);
	      mitrelen = sqrt (1.0 / (2.0 - 2.0 * cosphi)) * linewidth;
	      vsum.x = v1.x + v2.x;
	      vsum.y = v1.y + v2.y;
	      _vscale (&vsum, mitrelen);
	      x -= vsum.x;
	      y -= vsum.y;
	      _update_bbox (bufp, XD_INTERNAL(x,y,m), YD_INTERNAL(x,y,m));
      /* add a miter vertex, and same vertices as when bevelling */
      v1.x = xleft - x;
      v1.y = yleft - y;
      v2.x = xright - x;
      v2.y = yright - y;
      vsum.x = v1.x + v2.x;
      vsum.y = v1.y + v2.y;
      _vscale (&vsum, 0.5 * linewidth);
      x -= vsum.x;
      y -= vsum.y;
      _update_bbox (bufp, XD_INTERNAL(x,y,m), YD_INTERNAL(x,y,m));
      x += vsum.x;
      y += vsum.y;
      /* fall through */
    case PL_JOIN_BEVEL:
      _set_line_end_bbox (bufp, x, y, xleft, yleft, linewidth, PL_CAP_BUTT, m);
      _set_line_end_bbox (bufp, x, y, xright, yright, linewidth, PL_CAP_BUTT, m);
    case PL_JOIN_ROUND:
      halfwidth = 0.5 * linewidth;
      _set_ellipse_bbox (bufp, x, y, halfwidth, halfwidth, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, m);