예제 #1
bool GetControlExtent( gui_window * wnd, unsigned id, const char *text, size_t length, gui_coord *coord )
    int         my_length;
    WPI_PRES    dc;
    WPI_FONT    old;
    WPI_FONT    first;
    HWND        hwnd;

    if( text && GetControlInfo( wnd, id, &hwnd, &dc ) ) {
        my_length = strlen( text );
        if( length != (size_t)-1 ) {
            if( my_length > length ) {
                my_length = length;
        if( wnd->font != NULL ) {
            old = _wpi_selectfont( dc, wnd->font );
        } else {
            old = NULL;
        _wpi_gettextextent( dc, text, my_length, &coord->x, &coord->y );
        if( old != NULL ) {
            first = _wpi_selectfont( dc, old );
        _wpi_releasepres( hwnd, dc );
        GUIScreenToScaleR( coord );
        return( true );
    return( false );
예제 #2
static void textdim(

    char                *text_line,
    text_def            *text,
    int                 *width,
    int                 *height
) {
    WPI_FONT            font_hld;
    WPI_FONT            old_font;

    if( text_line == NULL ) {
        text_line = Dummy_text;

    font_hld = _wtextinit( text );

    old_font = _wpi_selectfont( Win_dc, font_hld );

    _wpi_gettextextent( Win_dc, text_line, strlen( text_line ), width, height );

    _wpi_getoldfont( Win_dc, old_font );

    _wtextdone( font_hld );
예제 #3
 * initPRES - initialize our presentation space for drawing text
static bool initPRES( statwnd *sw, WPI_PRES pres )
    if( sw->sectionDataFont == NULL ) {
        return( false );
#ifdef __NT__
    oldFont = _wpi_selectfont( pres, systemDataFont );
    oldFont = _wpi_selectfont( pres, sw->sectionDataFont );
    oldBrush = _wpi_selectbrush( pres, brushButtonFace );
    oldBkColor = _wpi_getbackcolour( pres );
    _wpi_setbackcolour( pres, colorButtonFace );
#ifdef __OS2_PM__
    GpiSetBackMix( pres, BM_OVERPAINT );
    oldTextColor = GetTextColor( pres );
    SetTextColor( pres, colorTextFace );
    return( true );

} /* initPRES */
예제 #4
static void textdim_font(
    char                *text_line,
    WPI_FONT            font_hld,
    int                 *width,
    int                 *height
) {
    WPI_FONT            old_font;

    if( text_line == NULL ) {
        text_line = Dummy_text;

    font_hld = font_hld;                // unused in Windows
    old_font = _wpi_selectfont( Win_dc, font_hld );
    _wpi_gettextextent( Win_dc, text_line, strlen( text_line ), width, height );
    _wpi_getoldfont( Win_dc, old_font );
예제 #5
void GUIPaint( gui_window *wnd, HWND hwnd, bool isdlg )
    HDC         prev_hdc;
    PAINTSTRUCT *prev_ps;
    gui_row_num row_num;
    WPI_RECT    fill_area;
#ifdef __OS2_PM__
    ULONG       flags;
    RECTL       client;

    /* save old state */
    prev_hdc = wnd->hdc;
    prev_ps = wnd->ps;

    /* Setup Paint */
    wnd->ps = &ps;
    wnd->hdc = _wpi_beginpaint( hwnd, NULLHANDLE, wnd->ps );
    _wpi_torgbmode( wnd->hdc );
    _wpi_getpaintrect( wnd->ps, &fill_area );
#ifdef __OS2_PM__
    fill_area = *(wnd->ps);
    if( isdlg ) {
        _wpi_inflaterect( GUIMainHInst, &fill_area, 10, 10);
    WinFillRect( wnd->hdc, &fill_area, GUIGetBack( wnd, GUI_BACKGROUND ) );
#if defined( __NT__ )
    if( isdlg ) {
        _wpi_fillrect( wnd->hdc, &fill_area, GUIGetBack( wnd, GUI_BACKGROUND ),
                       wnd->bk_brush );
    if( wnd->font != NULL ) {
        wnd->prev_font = _wpi_selectfont( wnd->hdc, wnd->font );
    } else {
        wnd->prev_font = NULL;

    /* send paint to app */
    GUIGetUpdateRows( wnd, hwnd, &row_num.start, &row_num.num );
    if( row_num.num > 0 ) {
        GUIEVENTWND( wnd, GUI_PAINT, &row_num );

    /* finish painting */
    if( wnd->prev_font != NULL ) {
        _wpi_getoldfont( wnd->hdc, wnd->prev_font );
        wnd->prev_font = NULL;

#ifdef __OS2_PM__
    if( isdlg ) {
        flags = DB_AREAATTRS | DB_DLGBORDER;
  #ifdef _M_I86
        if( WinQueryActiveWindow( HWND_DESKTOP, FALSE ) != hwnd ) {
        if( WinQueryActiveWindow( HWND_DESKTOP ) != hwnd ) {
        //if( _wpi_getfocus() != hwnd ) {
            flags |= DB_PATINVERT;
        WinQueryWindowRect( hwnd, &client );
        WinDrawBorder( wnd->hdc, &client, 1, 1, 0, 0, flags );

    _wpi_endpaint( hwnd, wnd->hdc, wnd->ps );

    /* restore old state */
    wnd->hdc = prev_hdc;
    wnd->ps = prev_ps;


// this is some experimental PM stuff
void GUIPaint( gui_window *wnd, HWND hwnd, bool isdlg )
    HDC         prev_hdc;
    PAINTSTRUCT *prev_ps;
    gui_row_num row_num;
    PAINTSTRUCT fill_area;

    // experimenal stuff
    HPS                 hps;
    RECTL               client;
    LONG                width, height;
    ULONG               flags;
    int                 compat_created;
    gui_paint_info      *pinfo;

    // figure out which paint info to use
    if( !isdlg && wnd->root == hwnd ) {
        pinfo = &wnd->root_pinfo;
    } else {
        pinfo = &wnd->hwnd_pinfo;
    compat_created = FALSE;

    /* save old state */
    prev_hdc = wnd->hdc;
    prev_ps = wnd->ps;
    if( isdlg ) {
        _wpi_getclientrect( hwnd, &client );
    } else {
        WinQueryWindowRect( hwnd, &client );
    width = client.xRight - client.xLeft;
    height = client.yTop - client.yBottom;

    wnd->ps = &ps;
    //hps = _wpi_beginpaint( hwnd, pinfo->normal_pres, wnd->ps );
    hps = _wpi_beginpaint( hwnd, NULL, wnd->ps );
    if( pinfo->compatible_pres == (WPI_PRES)NULL ) {
        compat_created = TRUE;
        pinfo->compatible_pres = _wpi_createcompatiblepres( hps, GUIMainHInst, &pinfo->compatible_hdc );
        pinfo->draw_bmp = _wpi_createcompatiblebitmap( hps, width, height );
        pinfo->old_bmp = _wpi_selectbitmap( pinfo->compatible_pres, pinfo->draw_bmp );

    // the condition is here VERY conservative!!
    // its gains have to analyzed
    if( compat_created || pinfo->force_count ) {
        wnd->hdc = pinfo->compatible_pres;
        //wnd->hdc = hps;
        _wpi_torgbmode( wnd->hdc );
        fill_area = *(wnd->ps);
        if( isdlg ) {
            _wpi_inflaterect( GUIMainHInst, &fill_area, 10, 10);
        WinFillRect( wnd->hdc, &fill_area, GUIGetBack( wnd, GUI_BACKGROUND ) );
        wnd->prev_font = NULL;
        if( wnd->font != NULL ) {
            wnd->prev_font = _wpi_selectfont( wnd->hdc, wnd->font );

        /* send paint to app */
        GUIGetUpdateRows( wnd, hwnd, &row_num.start, &row_num.num );
        if( row_num.num > 0 ) {
            GUIEVENTWND( wnd, GUI_PAINT, &row_num );

        /* finish painting */
        if( wnd->prev_font != NULL ) {
            _wpi_getoldfont( wnd->hdc, wnd->prev_font );
            wnd->prev_font = NULL;

        if( pinfo->force_count ) {

    //_wpi_bitblt( hps, client.xLeft, client.yBottom, width, height,
    //       wnd->hdc, 0, 0, SRCCOPY );

    if( pinfo->in_use == 1 ) {
        //_wpi_bitblt( hps, client.xLeft, client.yBottom, width, height,
        //               wnd->hdc, 0, 0, SRCCOPY );
        _wpi_bitblt( hps, ps.xLeft, ps.yBottom,
                     ps.xRight - ps.xLeft,
                     ps.yTop - ps.yBottom,
                     ps.xLeft, ps.yBottom,
                     SRCCOPY );
        if( pinfo->delete_when_done ) {
            GUIFreePaintHandles( pinfo, TRUE );

    if( isdlg ) {
        flags = DB_AREAATTRS | DB_DLGBORDER;
  #ifdef _M_I86
        if( WinQueryActiveWindow( HWND_DESKTOP, FALSE ) != hwnd ) {
        if( WinQueryActiveWindow( HWND_DESKTOP ) != hwnd ) {
        //if( _wpi_getfocus() != hwnd ) {
            flags |= DB_PATINVERT;
        WinQueryWindowRect( hwnd, &client );
        WinDrawBorder( hps, &client, 1, 1, 0, 0, flags );

    _wpi_endpaint( hwnd, hps, wnd->ps );

    /* restore old state */
    wnd->hdc = prev_hdc;
    wnd->ps = prev_ps;

    if( pinfo->in_use ) {


void GUIInvalidatePaintHandles( gui_window *wnd )
    GUIFreeWndPaintHandles( wnd, FALSE );
예제 #6
void _wtextout(

    char                *text,
    float               x,
    float               y,
    int                 hor_align,
    int                 ver_align,
    void                *wfont
) {
    WORD                horiz_flags;
    WORD                vert_flags;
    WPI_FONT            old_font;
    int                 dx;
    int                 dy;
    WPI_TEXTMETRIC      font_info;
    int                 len;
    int                 bk_mode;
    int                 px1;
    int                 py1;
    int                 px2;
    int                 py2;
    int                 width;
    int                 height;
    WPI_FONT            font;

    font = (WPI_FONT) wfont;

    bk_mode = _wpi_getbackmode( Win_dc );
    _wpi_setbackmode( Win_dc, TRANSPARENT );

    len = strlen( text );

    convert_pt( x, y, &dx, &dy );

    old_font = _wpi_selectfont( Win_dc, font );

    if( Text_path == TEXT_VERTICAL ) {
        _wpi_gettextmetrics( Win_dc, &font_info );
        width = _wpi_metricmaxcharwidth( font_info );
        height = len * _wpi_metricheight( font_info );
    } else {
        _wpi_gettextextent( Win_dc, text, len, &width, &height );
    px1 = px2 = dx;
    py1 = py2 = dy;

    switch( hor_align ) {

    case TEXT_H_LEFT:
        horiz_flags = TA_LEFT;
        px2 += width;

    case TEXT_H_CENTER:
        horiz_flags = TA_CENTER;
        px1 -= width / 2;
        px2 += width / 2;

    case TEXT_H_RIGHT:
        horiz_flags = TA_RIGHT;
        px2 -= width;

    switch( ver_align ) {

    case TEXT_V_TOP:
        py2 += height * WPI_VERT_MULT;

    case TEXT_V_CENTER:
        py1 -= height / 2 * WPI_VERT_MULT;
        py2 += height / 2 * WPI_VERT_MULT;

    case TEXT_V_BOTTOM:
        py2 -= height * WPI_VERT_MULT;
    rgn_rectangle( px1, py1, px2, py2 );

    if( Text_path == TEXT_HORIZONTAL ) {
        /* normal right path */
        switch( ver_align ) {

        case TEXT_V_TOP:
#ifdef PLAT_OS2
            /* OS/2 has problems with TA_LEFT && TA_TOP aligned text */
            /* This is a messy solution until we actually figure out */
            /* what the problem is.                                  */
            vert_flags = TA_BOTTOM;
            _wpi_gettextmetrics( Win_dc, &font_info );
            dy += _wpi_metricheight( font_info ) * WPI_VERT_MULT;
            vert_flags = TA_TOP;

        case TEXT_V_CENTER:
#ifdef PLAT_OS2
            vert_flags = TA_HALF;
            /* OS/2 has a much cleverer way of doing this */
            /* but Windows apparently doesn't             */
            vert_flags = TA_TOP;
            _wpi_gettextmetrics( Win_dc, &font_info );
            dy -= _wpi_metricheight( font_info ) / 2 * WPI_VERT_MULT;

        case TEXT_V_BOTTOM:
            vert_flags = TA_BOTTOM;

        _wpi_settextalign( Win_dc, horiz_flags, vert_flags );
        _wpi_textout( Win_dc, dx, dy, text, len );

    } else {
        /* must display text vertically... do it by hand */

        vert_flags = TA_TOP;
        _wpi_settextalign( Win_dc, horiz_flags, vert_flags );

        switch( ver_align ) {

        case TEXT_V_BOTTOM:
            dy -= _wpi_metricheight( font_info ) * len * WPI_VERT_MULT;

        case TEXT_V_CENTER:
            dy -= (_wpi_metricheight( font_info ) * len) / 2 * WPI_VERT_MULT;
        _wpi_settextalign( Win_dc, horiz_flags, vert_flags );

        for( ; len > 0; --len, dy += _wpi_metricheight( font_info )
                                * WPI_VERT_MULT, ++text ) {
            _wpi_textout( Win_dc, dx, dy, text, 1 );
    _wpi_getoldfont( Win_dc, old_font );
    _wpi_setbackmode( Win_dc, bk_mode );