static void tst6() { params_ref ps; reslimit rlim; nlsat::solver s(rlim, ps); anum_manager & am =; nlsat::pmanager & pm =; nlsat::assignment as(am); nlsat::explain& ex = s.get_explain(); nlsat::var x0, x1, x2, a, b, c, d; a = s.mk_var(false); b = s.mk_var(false); c = s.mk_var(false); d = s.mk_var(false); x0 = s.mk_var(false); x1 = s.mk_var(false); x2 = s.mk_var(false); polynomial_ref p1(pm), p2(pm), p3(pm), p4(pm), p5(pm); polynomial_ref _x0(pm), _x1(pm), _x2(pm); polynomial_ref _a(pm), _b(pm), _c(pm), _d(pm); _x0 = pm.mk_polynomial(x0); _x1 = pm.mk_polynomial(x1); _x2 = pm.mk_polynomial(x2); _a = pm.mk_polynomial(a); _b = pm.mk_polynomial(b); _c = pm.mk_polynomial(c); _d = pm.mk_polynomial(d); p1 = (_a*(_x0^2)) + _x2 + 2; p2 = (_b*_x1) - (2*_x2) - _x0 + 8; nlsat::scoped_literal_vector lits(s); lits.push_back(mk_gt(s, p1)); lits.push_back(mk_gt(s, p2)); lits.push_back(mk_gt(s, (_c*_x0) + _x2 + 1)); lits.push_back(mk_gt(s, (_d*_x0) - _x1 + 5*_x2)); scoped_anum zero(am), one(am), two(am); am.set(zero, 0); am.set(one, 1); am.set(two, 2); as.set(0, one); as.set(1, one); as.set(2, two); as.set(3, two); as.set(4, two); as.set(5, one); as.set(6, one); s.set_rvalues(as); project(s, ex, x0, 2, lits.c_ptr()); project(s, ex, x1, 3, lits.c_ptr()); project(s, ex, x2, 3, lits.c_ptr()); project(s, ex, x2, 2, lits.c_ptr()); project(s, ex, x2, 4, lits.c_ptr()); project(s, ex, x2, 3, lits.c_ptr()+1); }
static void tst7() { params_ref ps; reslimit rlim; nlsat::solver s(rlim, ps); anum_manager & am =; nlsat::pmanager & pm =; nlsat::var x0, x1, x2, a, b, c, d; a = s.mk_var(false); b = s.mk_var(false); c = s.mk_var(false); d = s.mk_var(false); x0 = s.mk_var(false); x1 = s.mk_var(false); x2 = s.mk_var(false); polynomial_ref p1(pm), p2(pm), p3(pm), p4(pm), p5(pm); polynomial_ref _x0(pm), _x1(pm), _x2(pm); polynomial_ref _a(pm), _b(pm), _c(pm), _d(pm); _x0 = pm.mk_polynomial(x0); _x1 = pm.mk_polynomial(x1); _x2 = pm.mk_polynomial(x2); _a = pm.mk_polynomial(a); _b = pm.mk_polynomial(b); _c = pm.mk_polynomial(c); _d = pm.mk_polynomial(d); p1 = _x0 + _x1; p2 = _x2 - _x0; p3 = (-1*_x0) - _x1; nlsat::scoped_literal_vector lits(s); lits.push_back(mk_gt(s, p1)); lits.push_back(mk_gt(s, p2)); lits.push_back(mk_gt(s, p3)); nlsat::literal_vector litsv(lits.size(), lits.c_ptr()); lbool res = s.check(litsv); SASSERT(res == l_false); for (unsigned i = 0; i < litsv.size(); ++i) { s.display(std::cout, litsv[i]); std::cout << " "; } std::cout << "\n"; litsv.reset(); litsv.append(2, lits.c_ptr()); res = s.check(litsv); SASSERT(res == l_true); s.display(std::cout);, s.value(x0)); std::cout << "\n";, s.value(x1)); std::cout << "\n";, s.value(x2)); std::cout << "\n"; }
void TestEval::apply01() { const ExprSymbol& x1 = ExprSymbol::new_("x1"); const ExprSymbol& x2 = ExprSymbol::new_("x2"); Function f1(x1,x1,"f1"); Function f2(x2,f1(x2)); IntervalVector _x2(1,Interval(2,2)); check(f2.eval(_x2), Interval(2,2)); CPPUNIT_ASSERT((f2.eval(_x2)).is_superset(Interval(2,2))); }
static void tst8() { params_ref ps; reslimit rlim; nlsat::solver s(rlim, ps); anum_manager & am =; nlsat::pmanager & pm =; nlsat::assignment as(am); nlsat::explain& ex = s.get_explain(); nlsat::var x0, x1, x2, a, b, c, d; a = s.mk_var(false); b = s.mk_var(false); c = s.mk_var(false); d = s.mk_var(false); x0 = s.mk_var(false); x1 = s.mk_var(false); x2 = s.mk_var(false); polynomial_ref p1(pm), p2(pm), p3(pm), p4(pm), p5(pm); polynomial_ref _x0(pm), _x1(pm), _x2(pm); polynomial_ref _a(pm), _b(pm), _c(pm), _d(pm); _x0 = pm.mk_polynomial(x0); _x1 = pm.mk_polynomial(x1); _x2 = pm.mk_polynomial(x2); _a = pm.mk_polynomial(a); _b = pm.mk_polynomial(b); _c = pm.mk_polynomial(c); _d = pm.mk_polynomial(d); scoped_anum zero(am), one(am), two(am), six(am); am.set(zero, 0); am.set(one, 1); am.set(two, 2); am.set(six, 6); as.set(0, two); // a as.set(1, one); // b as.set(2, six); // c as.set(3, zero); // d as.set(4, zero); // x0 as.set(5, zero); // x1 as.set(6, two); // x2 s.set_rvalues(as); nlsat::scoped_literal_vector lits(s); lits.push_back(mk_eq(s, (_a*_x2*_x2) - (_b*_x2) - _c)); project(s, ex, x2, 1, lits.c_ptr()); }
static void *parallel64_t(void *input) { int i; threads64_t *in = (threads64_t *) input; const int start = in->thread * in->size / NUM_THREADS; const int stop = in->thread + 1 == NUM_THREADS ? in->size : (in->thread + 1) * in->size / NUM_THREADS; const int curr = in->thread * HIST_SIZE; uint32_t *A = &in->histA[curr]; uint32_t *B = &in->histB[curr]; uint32_t *C = &in->histC[curr]; uint32_t *D = &in->histD[curr]; uint32_t *E = &in->histE[curr]; uint32_t *F = &in->histF[curr]; for (i=start;i<stop;++i) { const uint64_t pos = (in->array[i] = in->position(in->array[i])); A[_x1(pos)]++; B[_x2(pos)]++; C[_x3(pos)]++; D[_x4(pos)]++; E[_x5(pos)]++; F[_x6(pos)]++; } pthread_exit(NULL); }
/* unconditional Monte Carlo simulation for discrete tests. */ SEXP mcarlo_mean(SEXP x, SEXP y, SEXP lx, SEXP ly, SEXP length, SEXP samples, SEXP test) { double *fact = NULL, *res = NULL, observed = 0; int *n = NULL, *ncolt = NULL, *nrowt = NULL, *workspace = NULL; int *num = INTEGER(length), *nr = INTEGER(lx), *nc = INTEGER(ly); int *xx = INTEGER(x), *yy = INTEGER(y), *B = INTEGER(samples); int i = 0, k = 0, npermuts = 0; SEXP result; /* allocate and initialize the result. */ PROTECT(result = allocVector(REALSXP, 3)); res = REAL(result); res[0] = res[1] = res[2] = 0; // initial test score / mean score / nb permutations /* allocate and compute the factorials needed by rcont2. */ allocfact(*num); /* allocate and initialize the workspace for rcont2. */ workspace = alloc1dcont(*nc); /* initialize the contingency table. */ n = alloc1dcont(*nr * (*nc)); /* initialize the marginal frequencies. */ nrowt = alloc1dcont(*nr); ncolt = alloc1dcont(*nc); /* compute the joint frequency of x and y. */ for (k = 0; k < *num; k++) n[CMC(xx[k] - 1, yy[k] - 1, *nr)]++; /* compute the marginals. */ for (i = 0; i < *nr; i++) for (k = 0; k < *nc; k++) { nrowt[i] += n[CMC(i, k, *nr)]; ncolt[k] += n[CMC(i, k, *nr)]; }/*FOR*/ /* initialize the random number generator. */ GetRNGstate(); /* pick up the observed value of the test statistic, then generate a set of random contingency tables (given row and column totals) and adds their test scores to compute the mean.*/ switch(INT(test)) { case MUTUAL_INFORMATION: observed = 2 * _mi(n, nrowt, ncolt, nr, nc, num); for (k = 0; k < *B; k++) { rcont2(nr, nc, nrowt, ncolt, num, fact, workspace, n); res[1] += 2 * _mi(n, nrowt, ncolt, nr, nc, num); npermuts++; } break; case PEARSON_X2: observed = _x2(n, nrowt, ncolt, nr, nc, num); for (k = 0; k < *B; k++) { rcont2(nr, nc, nrowt, ncolt, num, fact, workspace, n); res[1] += _x2(n, nrowt, ncolt, nr, nc, num); npermuts++; } break; }/*SWITCH*/ PutRNGstate(); /* save the observed and mean values of the statistic, and the number of permutations performed. */ res[0] = observed; res[1] /= *B; // mean res[2] = npermuts; UNPROTECT(1); return result; }/*MCARLO_MEAN*/
/* unconditional Monte Carlo simulation for discrete tests. */ SEXP mcarlo(SEXP x, SEXP y, SEXP lx, SEXP ly, SEXP length, SEXP samples, SEXP test, SEXP alpha) { double *fact = NULL, *res = NULL, observed = 0; int *n = NULL, *ncolt = NULL, *nrowt = NULL, *workspace = NULL; int *num = INTEGER(length), *nr = INTEGER(lx), *nc = INTEGER(ly); int *xx = INTEGER(x), *yy = INTEGER(y), *B = INTEGER(samples); int i = 0, k = 0, npermuts = 0, enough = ceil(NUM(alpha) * (*B)) + 1; SEXP result; /* allocate and initialize the result. */ PROTECT(result = allocVector(REALSXP, 3)); res = REAL(result); res[0] = res[1] = res[2] = 0; // initial test score / p-value / nb permutations /* allocate and compute the factorials needed by rcont2. */ allocfact(*num); /* allocate and initialize the workspace for rcont2. */ workspace = alloc1dcont(*nc); /* initialize the contingency table. */ n = alloc1dcont(*nr * (*nc)); /* initialize the marginal frequencies. */ nrowt = alloc1dcont(*nr); ncolt = alloc1dcont(*nc); /* compute the joint frequency of x and y. */ for (k = 0; k < *num; k++) n[CMC(xx[k] - 1, yy[k] - 1, *nr)]++; /* compute the marginals. */ for (i = 0; i < *nr; i++) for (k = 0; k < *nc; k++) { nrowt[i] += n[CMC(i, k, *nr)]; ncolt[k] += n[CMC(i, k, *nr)]; }/*FOR*/ /* initialize the random number generator. */ GetRNGstate(); /* pick up the observed value of the test statistic, then generate a set of random contingency tables (given row and column totals) and check how many tests are greater than the original one.*/ switch(INT(test)) { case MUTUAL_INFORMATION: observed = _mi(n, nrowt, ncolt, nr, nc, num); for (k = 0; k < *B; k++) { rcont2(nr, nc, nrowt, ncolt, num, fact, workspace, n); if (_mi(n, nrowt, ncolt, nr, nc, num) > observed) { sequential_counter_check(res[1]); }/*THEN*/ npermuts++; }/*FOR*/ observed = 2 * observed; break; case PEARSON_X2: observed = _x2(n, nrowt, ncolt, nr, nc, num); for (k = 0; k < *B; k++) { rcont2(nr, nc, nrowt, ncolt, num, fact, workspace, n); if (_x2(n, nrowt, ncolt, nr, nc, num) > observed) { sequential_counter_check(res[1]); }/*THEN*/ npermuts++; }/*FOR*/ break; }/*SWITCH*/ PutRNGstate(); /* save the observed value of the statistic, the corresponding p-value, and the number of permutations performed. */ res[0] = observed; res[1] /= (*B); res[2] = npermuts; UNPROTECT(1); return result; }/*MCARLO*/