예제 #1
파일: a800_slot.cpp 프로젝트: Enverex/mame
image_init_result a800_cart_slot_device::call_load()
	if (m_cart)
		uint32_t len;

		if (software_entry() != nullptr)
			const char *pcb_name;
			len = get_software_region_length("rom");

			m_cart->rom_alloc(len, tag());
			memcpy(m_cart->get_rom_base(), get_software_region("rom"), len);

			if ((pcb_name = get_feature("slot")) != nullptr)
				m_type = a800_get_pcb_id(pcb_name);
				m_type = A800_8K;
			len = length();

			// check whether there is an header, to identify the cart type
			if ((len % 0x1000) == 0x10)
				uint8_t header[16];
				fread(header, 0x10);
				m_type = identify_cart_type(header);
				len -= 0x10;    // in identify_cart_type the first 0x10 bytes are read, so we need to adjust here
			else    // otherwise try to guess based on size
				if (len == 0x8000)
					m_type = A5200_32K;
				if (len == 0x4000)
					m_type = A800_16K;
				if (len == 0x2000)
					m_type = A800_8K;
				if (len == 0x1000)
					m_type = A5200_4K;
				// also make a try with .hsi file (for .a52 files)
				std::string info;
				if (hashfile_extrainfo(*this, info) && info.compare("A13MIRRORING")==0)
					m_type = A5200_16K_2CHIPS;

			m_cart->rom_alloc(len, tag());
			fread(m_cart->get_rom_base(), len);
		if (m_type == A800_TELELINK2)

		logerror("%s loaded cartridge '%s' size %dK\n", machine().system().name, filename(), len/1024);
	return image_init_result::PASS;
예제 #2
파일: a800_slot.cpp 프로젝트: stengun/mame
bool a800_cart_slot_device::call_load()
	if (m_cart)
		UINT32 len;

		if (software_entry() != nullptr)
			const char *pcb_name;
			len = get_software_region_length("rom");

			m_cart->rom_alloc(len, tag());
			memcpy(m_cart->get_rom_base(), get_software_region("rom"), len);

			if ((pcb_name = get_feature("slot")) != nullptr)
				m_type = a800_get_pcb_id(pcb_name);
				m_type = A800_8K;
			len = length();

			// check whether there is an header, to identify the cart type
			if ((len % 0x1000) == 0x10)
				UINT8 header[16];
				fread(header, 0x10);
				m_type = identify_cart_type(header);
				len -= 0x10;    // in identify_cart_type the first 0x10 bytes are read, so we need to adjust here
			else    // otherwise try to guess based on size
				if (len == 0x8000)
					m_type = A5200_32K;
				if (len == 0x4000)
					m_type = A800_16K;
				if (len == 0x2000)
					m_type = A800_8K;
				if (len == 0x1000)
					m_type = A5200_4K;

			m_cart->rom_alloc(len, tag());
			fread(m_cart->get_rom_base(), len);
		if (m_type == A800_TELELINK2)

		printf("%s loaded cartridge '%s' size %dK\n", machine().system().name, filename(), len/1024);