예제 #1
int OCCEdge::createArc(OCCVertex *start, OCCVertex *end, OCCStruct3d center) {
    try {
        gp_Pnt aP1(start->X(), start->Y(), start->Z());
        gp_Pnt aP2(center.x, center.y, center.z);
        gp_Pnt aP3(end->X(), end->Y(), end->Z());
        Standard_Real Radius = aP1.Distance(aP2);
        gce_MakeCirc MC(aP2,gce_MakePln(aP1, aP2, aP3).Value(), Radius);
        const gp_Circ& Circ = MC.Value();
        Standard_Real Alpha1 = ElCLib::Parameter(Circ, aP1);
        Standard_Real Alpha2 = ElCLib::Parameter(Circ, aP3);
        Handle(Geom_Circle) C = new Geom_Circle(Circ);
        Handle(Geom_TrimmedCurve) arc = new Geom_TrimmedCurve(C, Alpha1, Alpha2, false);
        this->setShape(BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge(arc, start->vertex, end->vertex));
    } catch(Standard_Failure &err) {
        Handle_Standard_Failure e = Standard_Failure::Caught();
        const Standard_CString msg = e->GetMessageString();
        if (msg != NULL && strlen(msg) > 1) {
        } else {
            setErrorMessage("Failed to create arc");
        return 0;
    return 1;
예제 #2
template <class cCRNode> void  cTplCoxRoyAlgo<cCRNode>::SetStdCostRegul(double aCoeff,double aCste,int aVmin)
    for (int anX=X0(); anX<X1() ; anX++)
        for (int anY=Y0(); anY<Y1() ; anY++)
             for (int aZ = ZMin(anX,anY); aZ< ZMax(anX,anY) ; aZ++)
                 cRoyPt    aP1 (anX,anY,aZ);
                 cCRNode & aS1 = NodeOfP(aP1);
                 int  aC1 = aS1.ResidualFlow(mDirZPlus);

                 for (int anEdg=0; anEdg<NbEdges() ; anEdg++)
                     if (aS1.EdgeIsValide(anEdg) && (!tabCRIsVertical[anEdg]))
                           cRoyPt aP2(aP1,anEdg);
                           cCRNode & aS2 = NodeOfP(aP2);
                           int aC2 = aS2.ResidualFlow(mDirZPlus);

                           double aCost = aCste + aCoeff*(aC1+aC2)/2.0;
                           if (Cnx8())
                               aCost *= tabCRIsArcV8[anEdg] ? 0.2928 : 0.4142 ;
                           int iCost = int(aCost+0.5);
                           if (iCost<aVmin)
                              iCost = aVmin;
예제 #3
void BiScroller::MasqMakeOneLine
           U_INT1 * aDataImR,
           U_INT1 * aDataImG,
           U_INT1 * aDataImB,
           INT      aY,
           INT      anX0,
           INT      anX1,
           U_INT1 * aLine1,
           U_INT1 * aLine2
   static U_INT1 * aLR=0;
   static U_INT1 * aLG=0;
   static U_INT1 * aLB=0;
   if (aLR==0)
       aLR = new U_INT1 [256] ;
       aLG = new U_INT1 [256] ;
       aLB = new U_INT1 [256] ;

        // Pt3dr aP0(128,0,0);
        // Pt3dr aP1(255,128,255);
        // Pt3dr aP0(0,0,128);
        // Pt3dr aP1(255,128,255);
        Pt3dr aP0(0,80,0);
        Pt3dr aP1(255,255,128);

        for (int aK=0 ; aK< 256 ; aK++)
          double aPds0 = 1- aK /255.0;
          double aPds1 = 1-aPds0;
          Pt3dr aCol = aP0 *aPds0 +  aP1*aPds1;
          aLR[aK] = round_ni(aCol.x);
          aLG[aK] = round_ni(aCol.y);
          aLB[aK] = round_ni(aCol.z);

   TIm2D<U_INT1,INT> aTM(mImMasq);
   Pt2di aP(anX0,aY);

   Pt2dr aQ0 = mScrGray->to_user(Pt2dr(aP));
   Pt2dr aQ1 = mScrGray->to_user(Pt2dr(aP)+Pt2dr(1,0));
   double aDx = aQ1.x -aQ0.x;
   double aXQ0 = aQ0.x;
   int aYQ0 = round_ni(aQ0.y);

   for (; aP.x<anX1 ; aP.x++)
       bool inM = (aTM.get(Pt2di(round_ni(aXQ0),aYQ0),0)!=0);
       int aCoul = aLine1[aP.x];

       aDataImR[aP.x] = inM?aLR[aCoul]:aCoul ;
       aDataImG[aP.x] = inM?aLG[aCoul]:aCoul ;
       aDataImB[aP.x] = inM?aLB[aCoul]:aCoul ;
        aXQ0 +=aDx;
예제 #4

/*                                               */
/*                  cImagH                       */
/*                                               */

double  cAppliReduc::ErrorSolLoc()
     double aSomEr = 0.0;
     double aSomP  = 0.0;
     for (int aKIm1=0 ; aKIm1<int(mIms.size()) ; aKIm1++)
          cImagH * anI1 = mIms[aKIm1];
          cElHomographie  aCurH1 = anI1->HF()->HomCur();
          if (anI1->C2CI())
             double aPdsE = 1 /  anI1->PdsEchant();
             const std::vector<cLink2Img*> & aVL = anI1->VLink();
             for (int aKL=0 ; aKL<int(aVL.size()) ; aKL++)
                 cLink2Img * aLnk = aVL[aKL];
                 cImagH* anI2 = aLnk->Dest();
                 cElHomographie  aCurH2 = anI2->HF()->HomCur();
                 cElHomographie  aCurH2Inv = aCurH2.Inverse();
                 if (anI2->C2CI())
                    cElHomographie aH12 = aLnk->Hom12();
                    const std::vector<Pt3dr> & anEch = aLnk->EchantP1();

                    for (int aKEch = 0 ; aKEch< int(anEch.size()) ; aKEch++)
                        Pt3dr  aP3d =   anEch[aKEch];
                        Pt2dr aP1(aP3d.x,aP3d.y);
                        Pt2dr aP2 = aH12.Direct(aP1);
                        double aPds = aP3d.z * aPdsE;

                        Pt2dr aRes = aCurH2Inv.Direct(aCurH1.Direct(aP1)) - aP2;

                        double anEr = square_euclid(aRes);

                        aSomEr+= anEr * aPds;
                        aSomP+= aPds;
     return sqrt(aSomEr/aSomP);
예제 #5
void PbHom(const std::string & anOri)
   const std::string & aDir = "/media/data1/Calib-Sony/FacadePlane-2000/";
   const std::string & aIm1 = "DSC05180.ARW";
   const std::string & aIm2 = "DSC05182.ARW";

   cInterfChantierNameManipulateur * aICNM = cInterfChantierNameManipulateur::BasicAlloc(aDir);
   std::string    aKeyOri =  "NKS-Assoc-Im2Orient@-" + anOri;

    std::string aNameOri1 =  aICNM->Assoc1To1(aKeyOri,aIm1,true);
    std::string aNameOri2 =  aICNM->Assoc1To1(aKeyOri,aIm2,true);

    CamStenope * aCS1 = CamOrientGenFromFile(aNameOri1,aICNM);
    CamStenope * aCS2 = CamOrientGenFromFile(aNameOri2,aICNM);

    Pt2dr aP1 (774,443);
    Pt2dr aP2 (5541,3758);

    Pt3dr aTer1  = aCS1->ImEtProf2Terrain(aP1,1.0);
    Pt2dr aProj1 = aCS1->R3toF2(aTer1);

    std::cout << "P & Proj Init1" << aP1 << aProj1 << " " << euclid(aP1-aProj1) << "\n";

    Pt3dr aTer2  = aCS2->ImEtProf2Terrain(aP2,1.0);
    Pt2dr aProj2 = aCS2->R3toF2(aTer2);

    std::cout << "P & Proj Init2" << aP2 << aProj2 << " " << euclid(aP2-aProj2) << "\n";

    double aDist;
    Pt3dr aTerInter = aCS1->PseudoInter(aP1,*aCS2,aP2,&aDist);

    aProj1 = aCS1->R3toF2(aTerInter);
    aProj2 = aCS2->R3toF2(aTerInter);

    std::cout << "Proj Inter " << aDist << " " << (aP1-aProj1) << " " << (aP2-aProj2) << "\n";

    std::cout << "\n";
예제 #6
int OCCEdge::createLine(OCCVertex *start, OCCVertex *end) {
    try {
        gp_Pnt aP1(start->X(), start->Y(), start->Z());
        gp_Pnt aP2(end->X(), end->Y(), end->Z());
        GC_MakeLine line(aP1, aP2);
        this->setShape(BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge(line, start->vertex, end->vertex));
    } catch(Standard_Failure &err) {
        Handle_Standard_Failure e = Standard_Failure::Caught();
        const Standard_CString msg = e->GetMessageString();
        if (msg != NULL && strlen(msg) > 1) {
        } else {
            setErrorMessage("Failed to create line");
        return 0;
    return 1;
예제 #7
int OCCEdge::createArc3P(OCCVertex *start, OCCVertex *end, OCCStruct3d aPoint) {
    try {
        gp_Pnt aP1(start->X(), start->Y(), start->Z());
        gp_Pnt aP2(aPoint.x, aPoint.y, aPoint.z);
        gp_Pnt aP3(end->X(), end->Y(), end->Z());
        GC_MakeArcOfCircle arc(aP1, aP2, aP3);
        this->setShape(BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge(arc, start->vertex, end->vertex));
    } catch(Standard_Failure &err) {
        Handle_Standard_Failure e = Standard_Failure::Caught();
        const Standard_CString msg = e->GetMessageString();
        if (msg != NULL && strlen(msg) > 1) {
        } else {
            setErrorMessage("Failed to create arc");
        return 0;
    return 1;
예제 #8
int OCCEdge::createCircle(OCCStruct3d center, OCCStruct3d normal, double radius)
    try {
        gp_Pnt aP1(center.x, center.y, center.z);
        gp_Dir aD1(normal.x, normal.y, normal.z);
        if (radius <= Precision::Confusion()) {
            StdFail_NotDone::Raise("radius to small");
        gce_MakeCirc circle(aP1, aD1, radius);
    } catch(Standard_Failure &err) {
        Handle_Standard_Failure e = Standard_Failure::Caught();
        const Standard_CString msg = e->GetMessageString();
        if (msg != NULL && strlen(msg) > 1) {
        } else {
            setErrorMessage("Failed to create circle");
        return 0;
    return 1;
예제 #9
void cAppliReduc::AmelioHomLocal(cImagH & anIm)
    double aPdsLVMStd = 0.1;
    double aPdsFreezC = 100;
    double aPdsEvol = 10;;

    int aNbIterSupl =  3;
    int aMaxIterProgr = 6;

    const std::vector<cLink2Img*> & aVLImC = mImCAmel->VLink();

    for (int aKIm=0 ; aKIm<int(mIms.size()) ; aKIm++)
        mIms[aKIm]->GainLoc() = 0;
        mIms[aKIm]->InitLoc() = false;

    std::vector<cImagH *> aVIms ;

    for (int aKL=0 ; aKL<int(aVLImC.size()) ; aKL++)
         cLink2Img * aLnK = aVLImC[aKL];
         cImagH * anIm = aLnK->Dest();
         anIm->GainLoc() = aLnK->PdsEchant() + 1e-7;
         anIm->C2CI() = true;
    mImCAmel->GainLoc() = 1e10;
    mImCAmel->InitLoc() = true;
    mImCAmel->C2CI() = true;
    int aNbIm2Init =  aVIms.size();

   cCmpPtrImOnGain aCmpPtrIm;

   int aNbIterProgr = std::min(aMaxIterProgr,round_up(aVIms.size()/3.0));
   int aNbIterTot = aNbIterProgr + aNbIterSupl;

   double aErrorIn = ErrorSolLoc();
   if (Show(eShowGlob))
       std::cout << "ERROR IN " <<  aErrorIn << "\n";
   for (int aNbIter =0 ; aNbIter < aNbIterTot ; aNbIter ++)
        if (aNbIter < aNbIterProgr)
            int aK0 = (aNbIter *aNbIm2Init) / aNbIterProgr;
            int aK1 = ((aNbIter+1) *aNbIm2Init) / aNbIterProgr;
            for (int aKIm=aK0; aKIm<aK1 ; aKIm++)
                ElPackHomologue aPack;
                cImagH * anIm =  aVIms[aKIm];
                const std::vector<cLink2Img*> & aVL = anIm->VLink();
                int aNbInit=0;
                for (int aKL=0 ; aKL<int(aVL.size()) ; aKL++)
                     cLink2Img * aLnK = aVL[aKL];
                     cImagH * anI2 = aLnK->Dest();
                     if (anI2->InitLoc())
                        const std::vector<Pt3dr> &  anEch = aLnK->EchantP1();
                        cElHomographie aH = anI2->HF()->HomCur() * aLnK->Hom12();

                        for (int aKP=0 ; aKP<int(anEch.size()) ; aKP++)
                            const Pt3dr & aP3d = anEch[aKP];
                            Pt2dr aP1 (aP3d.x,aP3d.y);
                            double aPds = aP3d.z;
                            Pt2dr aP2 = aH.Direct(aP1);
                cElHomographie aNewH(aPack,true);
                if (Show(eShowDetail)) std::cout << anIm->Name() << " : " << aNbInit << "\n";

            for (int aKIm=aK0; aKIm<aK1 ; aKIm++)
                aVIms[aKIm]->InitLoc() = true;
            if (Show(eShowDetail)) std::cout << "==============================\n";

        if (mDoCompensLoc)

            double aSomEr=0;
            double aSomP=0;

             for (int aKIm1=0 ; aKIm1<int(mIms.size()) ; aKIm1++)
                  cImagH * anI1 = mIms[aKIm1];
                  anI1->AddViscositty((anI1== mImCAmel) ? aPdsFreezC : aPdsLVMStd);
                  cElHomographie  aCurH1 = anI1->HF()->HomCur();
                  if (anI1->InitLoc())
                       double aPdsE = aPdsEvol /  anI1->PdsEchant();
                       const std::vector<cLink2Img*> & aVL = anI1->VLink();
                       for (int aKL=0 ; aKL<int(aVL.size()) ; aKL++)
                            cLink2Img * aLnk = aVL[aKL];
                            cImagH* anI2 = aLnk->Dest();
                            cElHomographie  aCurH2 = anI2->HF()->HomCur();
                            cElHomographie  aCurH2Inv = aCurH2.Inverse();
                            if (anI2->InitLoc())
                                double aSomRes = 0;
                                double aSomCtrl = 0;
                                cElHomographie aH12 = aLnk->Hom12();
                                const std::vector<Pt3dr> & anEch = aLnk->EchantP1();
                                cEqHomogFormelle * anEq = aLnk->EqHF();
                                int aNbPts =  anEch.size();

                                for (int aKEch = 0 ; aKEch<int(aNbPts) ; aKEch++)
                                     Pt3dr  aP3d =  anEch[aKEch];
                                     Pt2dr aP1(aP3d.x,aP3d.y);
                                     Pt2dr aP2 = aH12.Direct(aP1);
                                     double aPds = aP3d.z * aPdsE;

                                     Pt2dr aRes = anEq->StdAddLiaisonP1P2(aP1,aP2,aPds,false);
                                     Pt2dr aCtrl = aCurH2Inv.Direct(aCurH1.Direct(aP1)) - aP2;
                                     aSomRes += euclid(aRes);
                                     aSomCtrl += euclid(aCtrl);

                                     double anEr = square_euclid(aRes);

                                     aSomEr+= anEr * aPds;
                                     aSomP+= aPds;

                            std::cout  << anEq
                                       << " N12=" << anI1->Name() << " " << anI2->Name() 
                                       << " ; RES = " << aSomRes/aNbPts << " Ctrl=" << aSomCtrl/aNbPts << "\n";
              // getchar();

              // anI->HF()->SetModeCtrl(cNameSpaceEqF::eHomFigee);
             if (Show(eShowDetail)) std::cout << "ERR = " << sqrt(aSomEr/aSomP) << "\n";

   for (int aKIm1=0 ; aKIm1<int(mIms.size()) ; aKIm1++)
        cImagH * anI1 = mIms[aKIm1];
        anI1->H2ImC() = anI1->HF()->HomCur();
   double aErrorOut = ErrorSolLoc();
   if (Show(eShowGlob))
      std::cout << "ERROR OUT " <<  aErrorOut << " DELTA=" << aErrorOut - aErrorIn << "\n";
예제 #10
파일: b_0_46_4.cpp 프로젝트: jakexie/micmac
void cBenchCorrSub::MakeACorrel()

     REAL aSzVgn = 10.0;
     REAL aStep  = 0.5;

     OptCorrSubPix_Diff<U_INT1> aOCSPD

     OptimTranslationCorrelation<U_INT1> aOpComb
          0.001, 1.0, 1,

     TIm2D<REAL4,REAL8> aTDX(mDistX);
     TIm2D<REAL4,REAL8> aTDY(mDistY);

     INT NbStep = 30;
     std::vector<cStat> aStatRef(NbStep);
     std::vector<cStat> aStatComb(NbStep);
     cStat aStatCombRef;

    ElTimer aChrono;
    REAL aTimeComb =0;
    REAL aTimeDiff =0;

     for (INT aKP=0 ; aKP<100 ; aKP++)
         Pt2dr aP1(Rand(aSzVgn,mSz.x),Rand(aSzVgn,mSz.y));

	 Pt2dr aPComb = aP1+aOpComb.param();

	 Pt2dr aPComb1Rec(aTDX.getr(aPComb),aTDY.getr(aPComb));
	 Pt2dr aP2Opt =  aP1;

         if (aKP % 10 ==0)
           for (INT aCp =0 ; aCp < 10 ; aCp++)
           aTimeComb += aChrono.uval();

           for (INT aCp =0 ; aCp < 10 ; aCp++)
           aTimeDiff += aChrono.uval();

	 for (INT aKOpt =0 ; aKOpt<NbStep ; aKOpt++)
	     Pt3dr aPOpt = aOCSPD.Optim(aP1,aP2Opt);

	     aP2Opt = Pt2dr(aPOpt.x,aPOpt.y);

	     Pt2dr aP1Rec(aTDX.getr(aP2Opt),aTDY.getr(aP2Opt));
	     REAL aDistRef =  euclid (aP1,aP1Rec);
	     REAL aDistComb =  euclid  (aP2Opt,aPComb);
	     // cout << aDistRef  << " " << aDistComb  << " "  << "\n";
     for (INT aKOpt =0 ; aKOpt<NbStep ; aKOpt++)
          cout << "Step " << aKOpt 
	       << " DIST MED " << aStatRef[aKOpt].Med()
               << "  / Comb " <<  aStatComb[aKOpt].Med() 
	       << "\n";
     cout << "DMED Comb " << aStatCombRef.Med() << "\n";
     cout << "Time "
          << " Diff " << aTimeDiff
          << " Comb " << aTimeComb
          << "\n";
     BENCH_ASSERT(aStatComb[NbStep-1].Med() < 1e-1);
예제 #11
void Test_DBL()
    Pt2dr aP0(-10,-20);
    Pt2dr aP1(1500,2000);
    Pt2di aNb(10,15);

    cDistorBilin aDBL1(aP0,aP1,aNb);
    Box2dr aBoxRab1 = aDBL1.BoxRab(0.3);

   // Verif interpol/extrapol de fon lineaire est exacte 

    for (int aTime=0 ; aTime<10000 ; aTime++)
        double aF = pow(2.0,NRrandC()*8);
        Pt2dr aPP = Pt2dr(NRrandC(),NRrandC()) * aF;
        for (int aK=0 ; aK<10; aK++)
            Pt2dr aP0 = aBoxRab1.RandomlyGenereInside();
            Pt2dr aP1 = aDBL1.Direct(aP0);
            Pt2dr aQ1 = aPP + aP0 * aF;
            double aDist = euclid(aP1,aQ1);
            if (aDist>1e-9)
                ELISE_ASSERT(false,"Test_DBL Affine");

   // Test copy

    for (int aK=0 ; aK<10000 ; aK++)
         cDistorBilin aDBL2 = aDBL1;
         Pt2dr aP0 = aBoxRab1.RandomlyGenereInside();
         Pt2dr aP1 = aDBL1.Direct(aP0);
         Pt2dr aP2 = aDBL2.Direct(aP0);
         double aDist = euclid(aP1,aP2);
         ELISE_ASSERT(aDist==0,"Test_DBL dist");
   //  V_SetScalingTranslate

    for (int aTime=0 ; aTime<10000 ; aTime++)
        double aF = pow(2.0,NRrandC()*8);
        Pt2dr aPP = Pt2dr(NRrandC(),NRrandC()) * aF;
        cDistorBilin aDBL2 = aDBL1;
        Box2dr aBoxRab2 = aDBL2.BoxRab(0.3);

        for (int aK=0 ; aK<10; aK++)
            Pt2dr aP0 = aBoxRab2.RandomlyGenereInside();
            Pt2dr aP2 = aDBL2.Direct(aP0);

            Pt2dr aP1 = (aDBL1.Direct(aPP+aP0*aF)-aPP) /aF;
            double aDist = euclid(aP1 - aP2);


   //  Verif Inverse

    for (int aTime=0 ; aTime<100000 ; aTime++)

        for (int aK=0 ; aK<10; aK++)
            Pt2dr aP0 = aBoxRab1.RandomlyGenereInside();
            Pt2dr aP1 = aDBL1.Direct(aP0);
            Pt2dr aP2 = aDBL1.Inverse(aP1);

            double aDist = euclid(aP0 - aP2);
            // std::cout << "D= " << aDist << "\n";


    std::cout << "DONE Test cDistorBilin\n";
예제 #12
void cElHJaPlan3D::Show
          Video_Win aW,
          INT       aCoul,
          bool ShowDroite,
          bool ShowInterEmpr
    if (aCoul >=0)

    Box2dr aBoxW(Pt2dr(0,0),Pt2dr(aW.sz()));
    for (INT aK=0; aK<INT(mVInters.size()) ; aK++)
        cElHJaDroite * aDr =mVInters[aK];
	if (aDr)
            ElSeg3D aSeg = aDr->Droite();
	    Pt3dr aQ0 = aSeg.P0();
	    Pt3dr aQ1 = aSeg.P1();
	    Pt2dr aP0(aQ0.x,aQ0.y);
	    Pt2dr aP1(aQ1.x,aQ1.y);

	    Seg2d aS(aP0,aP1);
            Seg2d aSC = aS.clipDroite(aBoxW);
            if (ShowDroite && (! aSC.empty()))

    tFullSubGrPl aSGrFul;
    if (ShowInterEmpr)
        for (tItSomGrPl itS=mGr->begin(aSGrFul) ; itS.go_on() ; itS++)
	    for (tItArcGrPl itA=(*itS).begin(aSGrFul) ; itA.go_on() ; itA++)
                 tSomGrPl &s1 = (*itA).s1();
                 tSomGrPl &s2 = (*itA).s2();
		 if (&s1 < &s2)

    // for (INT aK=0 ; aK<INT(mFacOblig.size()) ; aK++)
    //    mFacOblig[aK]->Show(PI/2.0,P8COL::cyan,false);