int rien_feedbackStep( ) { int tmp; acado_timer tmr; acado_tic( &tmr ); acado_condenseFdb( ); condenseTime += acado_toc( &tmr ); acado_tic( &tmr ); tmp = acado_solve( ); qpTime = acado_toc( &tmr ); acado_tic( &tmr ); acado_expand( ); condenseTime += acado_toc( &tmr ); return tmp; }
int rien_preparationStep( ) { int ret; acado_timer tmr; acado_tic( &tmr ); ret = acado_modelSimulation(); simTime = acado_toc( &tmr ); acado_evaluateObjective( ); acado_tic( &tmr ); acado_regularizeHessian( ); regularizeTime = acado_toc( &tmr ); acado_tic( &tmr ); acado_condensePrep( ); condenseTime = acado_toc( &tmr ); return ret; }
base::Vector6d NMPC::calcControl(const base::Vector6d &reference, const base::VectorXd &pose_samples, const base::Vector6d &efforts) { /* Get the time before start of the loop */ acado_timer t; acado_tic( &t ); calcTrajectory(reference); updateStates(pose_samples, efforts); /* Prepare first step */ acado_preparationStep(); /* The "real-time iterations" loop */ for(int iter = 0; iter < num_steps_; ++iter) { acado_feedbackStep( ); // Optional: shift the initialization (look at acado_common.h) // shiftStates(2, 0, 0); // shiftControls( 0 ); /* Prepare for the next step */ acado_preparationStep(); } base::Vector6d control = base::Vector6d::Zero(); for (int i = 0; i < kNumControls; i++) control[i] = acadoVariables.u[i]; control_derivative_ = control; /* Read the elapsed time */ elapsed_time_ = acado_toc( &t ); return control; }
/** The MEX interface function. */ void mexFunction( int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[] ) { static unsigned initialized = 0; unsigned ctrl; int ctrlIndex, i, j; unsigned strategy; unsigned initType; real_t* xEnd = NULL; real_t* uEnd = NULL; const mxArray* src = prhs[ 0 ]; const char *infoNames[ 9 ] = {"status", "cpuTime", "simTime", "qpTime", "condenseTime", "regularizeTime", "kktValue", "objValue", "nIterations"}; mxArray* info; double status, cpuTime, kktValue, objValue; double tmp[ 1 ]; mxArray* shPtr; acado_timer tmr; double nIterations = 0; const char *outNames[ NOO_4 ]; outNames[ 0 ] = "info"; outNames[ 1 ] = "x"; outNames[ 2 ] = "u"; outNames[ 3 ] = "mu"; #if ACADO_NXA outNames[ NOO ] = "z"; #endif #if ACADO_USE_ARRIVAL_COST == 1 outNames[ NOO_2 ] = "xAC"; outNames[NOO_2 + 1] = "SAC"; #endif #if ACADO_COMPUTE_COVARIANCE_MATRIX == 1 outNames[ NOO_3 ] = "sigmaN"; #endif if (nrhs != 1) mexErrMsgTxt( "This function requires exactly one input: a structure with parameters."); if (nlhs != 1) mexErrMsgTxt( "This function returns one output."); if( !mxIsStruct( src ) ) mexErrMsgTxt("The function argument must be a structure."); /* Get the control flag. */ if (getArray(0, src, 0, "control", tmp, 1, 1) == 0) ctrl = (unsigned)tmp[ 0 ]; else ctrl = 0; /* Get the initialization flag. */ if (getArray(0, src, 0, "initialization", tmp, 1, 1) == 0) initType = (unsigned)tmp[ 0 ]; else initType = 0; /* Copy MATLAB arrays to C arrays. */ getArray(1, src, 0, "x", acadoVariables.x, ACADO_N + 1, ACADO_NX); getArray(1, src, 0, "u", acadoVariables.u, ACADO_N, ACADO_NU); getArray(1, src, 0, "mu",, ACADO_N, ACADO_NX); #if ACADO_NXA getArray(1, src, 0, "z", acadoVariables.z, ACADO_N, ACADO_NXA); #endif #if ACADO_NOD getArray(1, src, 0, "od", acadoVariables.od, ACADO_N + 1, ACADO_NOD); #endif #if ACADO_INITIAL_STATE_FIXED getArray(1, src, 0, "x0", acadoVariables.x0, ACADO_NX, 1); #endif /* ACADO_INITIAL_STATE_FIXED */ #if (ACADO_HARDCODED_CONSTRAINT_VALUES == 0) && ( (ACADO_QP_SOLVER == ACADO_QPOASES) || (ACADO_QP_SOLVER == ACADO_QPOASES3) ) if (!initialized) { acado_initializeSolver(); } /* Bounds */ #if ACADO_INITIAL_STATE_FIXED == 1 getArray(1, src, 0, "lbValues", acadoVariables.lbValues, ACADO_N * ACADO_NU, 1); getArray(1, src, 0, "ubValues", acadoVariables.ubValues, ACADO_N * ACADO_NU, 1); #else getArray(1, src, 0, "lbValues", acadoVariables.lbValues, ACADO_NX + ACADO_N * ACADO_NU, 1); getArray(1, src, 0, "ubValues", acadoVariables.ubValues, ACADO_NX + ACADO_N * ACADO_NU, 1); #endif /* ACADO_INITIAL_STATE_FIXED == 0 */ #if QPOASES_NCMAX > 0 /* Affine constraints */ getArray(1, src, 0, "lbAValues", acadoVariables.lbAValues, QPOASES_NCMAX, 1); getArray(1, src, 0, "ubAValues", acadoVariables.ubAValues, QPOASES_NCMAX, 1); #endif /* QPOASES_NCMAX > 0 */ #endif /* (ACADO_HARDCODED_CONSTRAINT_VALUES == 0) && ( (ACADO_QP_SOLVER == ACADO_QPOASES) || (ACADO_QP_SOLVER == ACADO_QPOASES3) ) */ #if (ACADO_QP_SOLVER == ACADO_QPDUNES) if (!initialized) { acado_initializeSolver(); } #endif #if ACADO_USE_ARRIVAL_COST == 1 getArray(1, src, 0, "xAC", acadoVariables.xAC, ACADO_NX, 1); getArray(1, src, 0, "SAC", acadoVariables.SAC, ACADO_NX, ACADO_NX); getArray(1, src, 0, "WL", acadoVariables.WL, ACADO_NX, ACADO_NX); #endif /* Shifting strategy */ shPtr = mxGetField(src, 0, "shifting"); if (shPtr != NULL) { if( !mxIsStruct( shPtr ) ) mexErrMsgTxt("Field \"shifting\" must be defined with a structure."); /* Get the shifting strategy flag */ getArray(1, shPtr, 0, "strategy", tmp, 1, 1); strategy = (unsigned)tmp[ 0 ]; if (strategy > 2) mexErrMsgTxt("Valid options for the shifting strategy are 1 or 2."); getArray(0, shPtr, 0, "xEnd", xEnd, ACADO_NX, 1); getArray(0, shPtr, 0, "uEnd", uEnd, ACADO_NU, 1); } else strategy = 0; acado_tic( &tmr ); /* Call solver */ switch ( ctrl ) { case 0: /* Simple operational mode. Run one RTI with optional shifting. */ if ( !initialized ) { memset(&acadoWorkspace, 0, sizeof( acadoWorkspace )); #if ACADO_HARDCODED_CONSTRAINT_VALUES == 1 acado_initializeSolver(); #endif /* ACADO_HARDCODED_CONSTRAINT_VALUES == 1 */ /*for( i = 0; i < ACADO_N*ACADO_RK_NIS; i++ ) { for( j = 0; j < ACADO_RK_NSTAGES*(ACADO_NX+ACADO_NXA); j++ ) { acadoWorkspace.rk_A_traj[i*ACADO_RK_NSTAGES*(ACADO_NX+ACADO_NXA)*ACADO_RK_NSTAGES*(ACADO_NX+ACADO_NXA)+j*ACADO_RK_NSTAGES*(ACADO_NX+ACADO_NXA)+j] = 1.0; } }*/ if (initType == 1) { acado_initializeNodesByForwardSimulation(); } #if ACADO_USE_ARRIVAL_COST == 1 acado_updateArrivalCost( 1 ); #endif /* ACADO_USE_ARRIVAL_COST == 1 */ initialized = 1; } else if (strategy == 1 || strategy == 2) { #if ACADO_USE_ARRIVAL_COST == 1 acado_updateArrivalCost( 0 ); #endif /* ACADO_USE_ARRIVAL_COST == 1 */ acado_shiftStates(strategy, xEnd, uEnd); acado_shiftControls(uEnd); } rien_preparationStep(); status = (double)rien_feedbackStep(); kktValue = acado_getKKT(); objValue = acado_getObjective(); #if ( (ACADO_QP_SOLVER == ACADO_QPOASES) || (ACADO_QP_SOLVER == ACADO_QPOASES3) ) nIterations = (double)acado_getNWSR(); #endif /* ( (ACADO_QP_SOLVER == ACADO_QPOASES) || (ACADO_QP_SOLVER == ACADO_QPOASES3) ) */ break; case 1: /* Initialize */ memset(&acadoWorkspace, 0, sizeof( acadoWorkspace )); acado_initializeSolver(); if (initType == 1) { acado_initializeNodesByForwardSimulation(); } #if ACADO_USE_ARRIVAL_COST == 1 acado_updateArrivalCost( 1 ); #endif /* ACADO_USE_ARRIVAL_COST == 1 */ break; case 2: /* Preparation step */ rien_preparationStep(); break; case 3: /* Feedback step */ status = (double)rien_feedbackStep(); kktValue = acado_getKKT(); objValue = acado_getObjective(); #if ( (ACADO_QP_SOLVER == ACADO_QPOASES) || (ACADO_QP_SOLVER == ACADO_QPOASES3) ) nIterations = (double)acado_getNWSR(); #endif /* ( (ACADO_QP_SOLVER == ACADO_QPOASES) || (ACADO_QP_SOLVER == ACADO_QPOASES3) ) */ break; case 4: /* Shifting */ #if ACADO_USE_ARRIVAL_COST == 1 acado_updateArrivalCost( 0 ); #endif /* ACADO_USE_ARRIVAL_COST == 1 */ acado_shiftStates(strategy, xEnd, uEnd); acado_shiftControls( uEnd ); break; default: /* Return an error */ mexErrMsgTxt("Unknown control code."); } cpuTime = acado_toc( &tmr ); /* Prepare return argument */ plhs[ 0 ] = mxCreateStructMatrix(1, 1, NOO_4, outNames); setArray(plhs[ 0 ], 0, "x", acadoVariables.x, ACADO_N + 1, ACADO_NX); setArray(plhs[ 0 ], 0, "u", acadoVariables.u, ACADO_N, ACADO_NU); setArray(plhs[ 0 ], 0, "mu",, ACADO_N, ACADO_NX); #if ACADO_NXA > 0 setArray(plhs[ 0 ], 0, "z", acadoVariables.z, ACADO_N, ACADO_NXA); #endif #if ACADO_USE_ARRIVAL_COST == 1 setArray(plhs[ 0 ], 0, "xAC", acadoVariables.xAC, ACADO_NX, 1); setArray(plhs[ 0 ], 0, "SAC", acadoVariables.SAC, ACADO_NX, ACADO_NX); #endif /* ACADO_USE_ARRIVAL_COST */ #if ACADO_COMPUTE_COVARIANCE_MATRIX == 1 setArray(plhs[ 0 ], 0, "sigmaN", acadoVariables.sigmaN, ACADO_NX, ACADO_NX); #endif /* ACADO_COMPUTE_COVARIANCE_MATRIX */ /* Create the info structure. */ info = mxCreateStructMatrix(1, 1, 9, infoNames); setArray(info, 0, "status", &status, 1, 1); setArray(info, 0, "cpuTime", &cpuTime, 1, 1); setArray(info, 0, "simTime", &simTime, 1, 1); setArray(info, 0, "qpTime", &qpTime, 1, 1); setArray(info, 0, "condenseTime", &condenseTime, 1, 1); setArray(info, 0, "regularizeTime", ®ularizeTime, 1, 1); setArray(info, 0, "kktValue", &kktValue, 1, 1); setArray(info, 0, "objValue", &objValue, 1, 1); #if ( (ACADO_QP_SOLVER == ACADO_QPOASES) || (ACADO_QP_SOLVER == ACADO_QPOASES3) ) setArray(info, 0, "nIterations", &nIterations, 1, 1); #endif /* ( (ACADO_QP_SOLVER == ACADO_QPOASES) || (ACADO_QP_SOLVER == ACADO_QPOASES3) ) */ mxSetField(plhs[ 0 ], 0, "info", info); /* Cleanup of the allocated memory */ FREE( xEnd ); FREE( uEnd ); }