예제 #1
static void getEstimatedAttitude(void)
    int32_t axis;
    int32_t accMag = 0;
    static t_fp_vector EstM;
    static t_fp_vector EstN = { .A = { 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f } };
    static float accLPF[3];
    static uint32_t previousT;
    uint32_t currentT = micros();
    uint32_t deltaT;
    float scale, deltaGyroAngle[3];
    deltaT = currentT - previousT;
    scale = deltaT * gyro.scale;
    previousT = currentT;

    // Initialization
    for (axis = 0; axis < 3; axis++) {
        deltaGyroAngle[axis] = gyroADC[axis] * scale;
        if (cfg.acc_lpf_factor > 0) {
            accLPF[axis] = accLPF[axis] * (1.0f - (1.0f / cfg.acc_lpf_factor)) + accADC[axis] * (1.0f / cfg.acc_lpf_factor);
            accSmooth[axis] = accLPF[axis];
        } else {
            accSmooth[axis] = accADC[axis];
        accMag += (int32_t)accSmooth[axis] * accSmooth[axis];
    accMag = accMag * 100 / ((int32_t)acc_1G * acc_1G);

    rotateV(&EstG.V, deltaGyroAngle);

    // Apply complimentary filter (Gyro drift correction)
    // If accel magnitude >1.15G or <0.85G and ACC vector outside of the limit range => we neutralize the effect of accelerometers in the angle estimation.
    // To do that, we just skip filter, as EstV already rotated by Gyro
    if (72 < (uint16_t)accMag && (uint16_t)accMag < 133) {
        for (axis = 0; axis < 3; axis++)
            EstG.A[axis] = (EstG.A[axis] * (float)mcfg.gyro_cmpf_factor + accSmooth[axis]) * INV_GYR_CMPF_FACTOR;

    f.SMALL_ANGLE = (EstG.A[Z] > smallAngle);

    // Attitude of the estimated vector
    anglerad[ROLL] = atan2f(EstG.V.Y, EstG.V.Z);
    anglerad[PITCH] = atan2f(-EstG.V.X, sqrtf(EstG.V.Y * EstG.V.Y + EstG.V.Z * EstG.V.Z));
    angle[ROLL] = lrintf(anglerad[ROLL] * (1800.0f / M_PI));
    angle[PITCH] = lrintf(anglerad[PITCH] * (1800.0f / M_PI));

    if (sensors(SENSOR_MAG)) {
        rotateV(&EstM.V, deltaGyroAngle);
        for (axis = 0; axis < 3; axis++)
            EstM.A[axis] = (EstM.A[axis] * (float)mcfg.gyro_cmpfm_factor + magADC[axis]) * INV_GYR_CMPFM_FACTOR;
        heading = calculateHeading(&EstM);
    } else {
        rotateV(&EstN.V, deltaGyroAngle);
        normalizeV(&EstN.V, &EstN.V);
        heading = calculateHeading(&EstN);

    acc_calc(deltaT); // rotate acc vector into earth frame

    if (cfg.throttle_correction_value) {

        float cosZ = EstG.V.Z / sqrtf(EstG.V.X * EstG.V.X + EstG.V.Y * EstG.V.Y + EstG.V.Z * EstG.V.Z);

        if (cosZ <= 0.015f) { // we are inverted, vertical or with a small angle < 0.86 deg
            throttleAngleCorrection = 0;
        } else {
            int angle = lrintf(acosf(cosZ) * throttleAngleScale);
            if (angle > 900)
                angle = 900;
            throttleAngleCorrection = lrintf(cfg.throttle_correction_value * sinf(angle / (900.0f * M_PI / 2.0f))) ;

예제 #2
파일: imu.c 프로젝트: stormin13/cleanflight
static void getEstimatedAttitude(void)
    int32_t axis;
    int32_t accMag = 0;
    static t_fp_vector EstM;
    static t_fp_vector EstN = { .A = { 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f } };
    static float accLPF[3];
    static uint32_t previousT;
    uint32_t currentT = micros();
    uint32_t deltaT;
    float scale;
    fp_angles_t deltaGyroAngle;
    deltaT = currentT - previousT;
    scale = deltaT * gyroScaleRad;
    previousT = currentT;

    // Initialization
    for (axis = 0; axis < 3; axis++) {
        deltaGyroAngle.raw[axis] = gyroADC[axis] * scale;
        if (imuRuntimeConfig->acc_lpf_factor > 0) {
            accLPF[axis] = accLPF[axis] * (1.0f - (1.0f / imuRuntimeConfig->acc_lpf_factor)) + accADC[axis] * (1.0f / imuRuntimeConfig->acc_lpf_factor);
            accSmooth[axis] = accLPF[axis];
        } else {
            accSmooth[axis] = accADC[axis];
        accMag += (int32_t)accSmooth[axis] * accSmooth[axis];
    accMag = accMag * 100 / ((int32_t)acc_1G * acc_1G);

    rotateV(&EstG.V, &deltaGyroAngle);

    // Apply complimentary filter (Gyro drift correction)
    // If accel magnitude >1.15G or <0.85G and ACC vector outside of the limit range => we neutralize the effect of accelerometers in the angle estimation.
    // To do that, we just skip filter, as EstV already rotated by Gyro

    float invGyroComplimentaryFilterFactor = (1.0f / (imuRuntimeConfig->gyro_cmpf_factor + 1.0f));

    if (72 < (uint16_t)accMag && (uint16_t)accMag < 133) {
        for (axis = 0; axis < 3; axis++)
            EstG.A[axis] = (EstG.A[axis] * imuRuntimeConfig->gyro_cmpf_factor + accSmooth[axis]) * invGyroComplimentaryFilterFactor;

    f.SMALL_ANGLE = (EstG.A[Z] > smallAngle);

    // Attitude of the estimated vector
    anglerad[AI_ROLL] = atan2f(EstG.V.Y, EstG.V.Z);
    anglerad[AI_PITCH] = atan2f(-EstG.V.X, sqrtf(EstG.V.Y * EstG.V.Y + EstG.V.Z * EstG.V.Z));
    inclination.values.rollDeciDegrees = lrintf(anglerad[AI_ROLL] * (1800.0f / M_PI));
    inclination.values.pitchDeciDegrees = lrintf(anglerad[AI_PITCH] * (1800.0f / M_PI));

    if (sensors(SENSOR_MAG)) {
        rotateV(&EstM.V, &deltaGyroAngle);
        // FIXME what does the _M_ mean?
        float invGyroComplimentaryFilter_M_Factor = (1.0f / (imuRuntimeConfig->gyro_cmpfm_factor + 1.0f));
        for (axis = 0; axis < 3; axis++) {
            EstM.A[axis] = (EstM.A[axis] * imuRuntimeConfig->gyro_cmpfm_factor + magADC[axis]) * invGyroComplimentaryFilter_M_Factor;
        heading = calculateHeading(&EstM);
    } else {
        rotateV(&EstN.V, &deltaGyroAngle);
        normalizeV(&EstN.V, &EstN.V);
        heading = calculateHeading(&EstN);

    acc_calc(deltaT); // rotate acc vector into earth frame