bool pop3_client::pop3_uidl(acl::socket_stream& conn, std::vector<acl::string>& out) { if (conn.puts("UIDL") == -1) { logger_error("send UIDL to pop3 server(%s) error %s, " "user: %s", pop3_ip_.c_str(), acl::last_serror(), auth_account_.c_str()); return false; } acl::string line; if (conn.gets(line) == false) { logger_error("gets UIDL's reply from server(%s) error(%s), " "user: %s", pop3_ip_.c_str(), acl::last_serror(), auth_account_.c_str()); return false; } if (line.ncompare("+OK", 3, false) != 0) { logger_error("UIDL's reply(%s) error from server %s, user: %s", line.c_str(), pop3_ip_.c_str(), auth_account_.c_str()); return false; } logger("UIDL's first reply: %s", line.c_str()); while (true) { if (conn.gets(line) == false) { logger_error("UIDL's reply error %s, from server %s, " "user %s", acl::last_serror(), pop3_ip_.c_str(), auth_account_.c_str()); return false; } logger("UIDL: %s", line.c_str()); if (line == ".") break; char* ptr = line.c_str(); char* p1 = acl_mystrtok(&ptr, " \t"); if (ptr == NULL || *ptr == 0) { logger_error("invalid UIDL's reply(%s) from server %s, " "user %s", p1, pop3_ip_.c_str(), auth_account_.c_str()); return false; } out.push_back(ptr); } meter_.total_uidl = out.size(); return true; }
/* * rfc1035NamePack() * * Packs a name into a buffer. Names are packed as a * sequence of labels, terminated with NULL label. * Note message compression is not supported here. * Returns number of octets packed. */ static int rfc1035NamePack(char *buf, size_t sz, const char *name) { const char *myname = "rfc1035NamePack"; int off = 0; char *copy, *ptr; char *t; copy = acl_mystrdup(name); /* * NOTE: use of strtok here makes names like valid. */ ptr = copy; for (t = acl_mystrtok(&ptr, "."); t; t = acl_mystrtok(&ptr, ".")) off += rfc1035LabelPack(buf + off, sz - off, t); acl_myfree(copy); off += rfc1035LabelPack(buf + off, sz - off, NULL); if (off > (int) sz) acl_msg_fatal("%s: off(%d) > sz(%d)", myname, off, sz); return off; }
int main(void) { char *src = acl_mystrdup("hello \tworld! you're welcome to China!"); char *ptr, *src_saved; ACL_VSTRING* buf; const char* s = "hello"; unsigned int n1 = (unsigned int) -1; unsigned long n2 = (unsigned long) -1; unsigned long long n3 = (unsigned long long) -1; const char *str2 = "hello world, you're welcome!"; ACL_ARGV *tokens = acl_argv_split(str2, " \t,'!"); ACL_ITER iter; printf("----------------------------------------------\r\n"); acl_foreach(iter, tokens) printf("tokens[%d]: %s\r\n", iter.i, (const char*); printf("total: %d\r\n", iter.size); acl_argv_free(tokens); printf("----------------------------------------------\r\n"); src_saved = src; printf("src: %s\r\n", src); while ((ptr = acl_mystrtok(&src, " \t!'")) != NULL) { printf("--------------------------------------\r\n"); printf("ptr: |%s|\r\n", ptr); printf("src: |%s|\r\n", src); printf("src_saved: |%s|\r\n", src_saved); } acl_myfree(src_saved); printf("----------------------------------------------\r\n"); buf = acl_vstring_alloc(1); acl_vstring_sprintf(buf, "%*lu, s: %s, n1: %20u, n2: %20lu, n3: %20llu\n", (int) sizeof(unsigned long) * 4, (unsigned long) getpid(), s, n1, n2, n3); printf("buf: %s\r\n", acl_vstring_str(buf)); acl_vstring_free(buf); printf("Enter any key to continue ...\r\n"); getchar(); test_quote_split(); return 0; }
ACL_ARGV *acl_argv_splitn_append(ACL_ARGV *argvp, const char *str, const char *delim, size_t n) { char *saved_string = argvp->slice ? acl_slice_pool_strdup(__FILE__, __LINE__, argvp->slice, str) : acl_mystrdup(str); char *bp = saved_string; char *arg; while (n-- > 0 && (arg = acl_mystrtok(&bp, delim)) != 0) acl_argv_add(argvp, arg, (char *) 0); acl_argv_terminate(argvp); if (argvp->slice) acl_slice_pool_free(__FILE__, __LINE__, saved_string); else acl_myfree(saved_string); return (argvp); }
int name_mask_delim_opt(const char *context, const NAME_MASK *table, const char *names, const char *delim, int flags) { const char *myname = "name_mask"; char *saved_names = acl_mystrdup(names); char *bp = saved_names; int result = 0; const NAME_MASK *np; char *name; int (*lookup) (const char *, const char *); if (flags & NAME_MASK_ANY_CASE) lookup = strcasecmp; else lookup = strcmp; /* * Break up the names string, and look up each component in the table. If * the name is found, merge its mask with the result. */ while ((name = acl_mystrtok(&bp, delim)) != 0) { for (np = table; /* void */ ; np++) { if (np->name == 0) { if (flags & NAME_MASK_FATAL) acl_msg_fatal("unknown %s value \"%s\" in \"%s\"", context, name, names); if (flags & NAME_MASK_RETURN) { acl_msg_warn("unknown %s value \"%s\" in \"%s\"", context, name, names); return (0); } break; } if (lookup(name, np->name) == 0) { acl_debug(DEBUG_NAME_MASK, 1) ("%s: %s", myname, name); result |= np->mask; break; } } } acl_myfree(saved_names); return (result); }
ACL_ARGV *acl_argv_splitn4(const char *str, const char *delim, size_t n, ACL_SLICE_POOL *slice) { ACL_ARGV *argvp = acl_argv_alloc2(n > 0 ? (int) n : 1, slice); char *saved_string = slice ? acl_slice_pool_strdup(__FILE__, __LINE__, slice, str) : acl_mystrdup(str); char *bp = saved_string; char *arg; while (n-- > 0 && (arg = acl_mystrtok(&bp, delim)) != 0) acl_argv_add(argvp, arg, (char *) 0); acl_argv_terminate(argvp); if (slice) acl_slice_pool_free(__FILE__, __LINE__, saved_string); else acl_myfree(saved_string); return (argvp); }
static ACL_CFG_LINE *_create_cfg_line(char *data, const char *delimiter) { ACL_CFG_LINE *cfg_line = NULL; ACL_ARRAY *a = NULL; int i, n; char *ptr, *pdata, *pitem; #undef ERETURN #define ERETURN(x) do { \ if (a) \ acl_array_destroy(a, acl_myfree_fn); \ if (cfg_line) { \ if (cfg_line->value) \ acl_myfree(cfg_line); \ acl_myfree(cfg_line); \ } \ return (x); \ } while (0); if (data == NULL) return (NULL); pdata = data; cfg_line = (ACL_CFG_LINE *) acl_mycalloc(1, sizeof(ACL_CFG_LINE)); if (cfg_line == NULL) return (NULL); a = acl_array_create(10); while (1) { ptr = acl_mystrtok(&pdata, delimiter); if (ptr == NULL) break; pitem = acl_mystrdup(ptr); if (pitem == NULL) { ERETURN (NULL); } if (acl_array_append(a, (void *) pitem) < 0) { ERETURN (NULL); } } cfg_line->ncount = 0; cfg_line->pdata = NULL; n = acl_array_size(a); if (n > 0) { cfg_line->value = (char **) acl_mycalloc(1 + n, sizeof(char *)); if (cfg_line->value == NULL) { ERETURN (NULL); } for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { pitem = (char *) acl_array_index(a, i); if (pitem == NULL) break; cfg_line->value[i] = pitem; if (cfg_line->value[i] == NULL) ERETURN (NULL); cfg_line->ncount++; } } /* NOTICE: in acl_array_destroy, please don't input acl_myfree, but * NULL as the second parameter, because the mystrup's result * set are stored in cfg_line->value now:) */ acl_array_destroy(a, NULL); return (cfg_line); }
bool pop3_client::pop3_list(acl::socket_stream& conn, std::vector<size_t>& out) { if (conn.puts("LIST") == -1) { logger_error("send LIST to pop3 server(%s) error %s, " "user: %s", pop3_ip_.c_str(), acl::last_serror(), auth_account_.c_str()); return false; } acl::string line; if (conn.gets(line) == false) { logger_error("gets LIST's reply from server(%s) error(%s), " "user: %s", pop3_ip_.c_str(), acl::last_serror(), auth_account_.c_str()); return false; } if (line.ncompare("+OK", 3, false) != 0) { logger_error("LIST's reply(%s) error from server %s, user: %s", line.c_str(), pop3_ip_.c_str(), auth_account_.c_str()); return false; } logger("LIST's first reply: %s", line.c_str()); while (true) { if (conn.gets(line) == false) { logger_error("LIST's reply error %s, from server %s, " "user %s", acl::last_serror(), pop3_ip_.c_str(), auth_account_.c_str()); return false; } logger("LIST: %s", line.c_str()); if (line == ".") break; char* ptr = line.c_str(); char* p1 = acl_mystrtok(&ptr, " \t"); if (ptr == NULL || *ptr == 0) { logger_error("invalid LIST's reply(%s) from server %s, " "user %s", p1, pop3_ip_.c_str(), auth_account_.c_str()); return false; } int len = atoi(ptr); if (len <= 0) { logger_error("invalid LIST size(%d) from server %s, " "user %s", len, pop3_ip_.c_str(), auth_account_.c_str()); return false; } out.push_back((size_t) len); meter_.total_size += len; } meter_.total_list = out.size(); return true; }
/* 分析配置文件中的第四个参数, 将其进行分解并存入动态数组之中 */ ACL_ARRAY *aut_parse_args_list(const char *str_in) { const char *myname = "aut_parse_args_list"; ACL_ARRAY *argvs_array = NULL; AUT_ARG_ITEM *arg_item = NULL; char *ptr_item, *pstr, *pstr_saved, *pname, *pvalue; char *ptr; int len; char tbuf[256]; argvs_array = acl_array_create(10); pstr = acl_mystrdup(str_in); pstr_saved = pstr; #define SKIP_WHILE(_cond, _ptr) { while (*_ptr && (_cond)) _ptr++; } #define SKIP_WHILE_DEC(_cond, _ptr) { while (*_ptr && (_cond)) _ptr--; } len = strlen("="); while (1) { /* 找到每一参数项, 分隔符为逗号 */ ptr_item = acl_mystrtok(&pstr, ","); if (ptr_item == NULL) break; /* 删除变量名前的空格和 tab */ SKIP_WHILE((*ptr_item == ' ' || *ptr_item == '\t'), ptr_item); pname = ptr_item; /* 先找到等于号分隔符 */ pvalue = strstr(ptr_item, "="); if (pvalue == NULL) /* not found '=' */ continue; ptr = pvalue; /* 删除等号左边的空格或 tab */ SKIP_WHILE_DEC((*ptr == ' ' || *ptr == '\t'), ptr); if (ptr < pvalue) *(++ptr) = 0; *pvalue = 0; pvalue += len; /* skip '=' */ /* 删除等号右边的空格和ab */ SKIP_WHILE((*pvalue == ' ' || *pvalue == '\t'), pvalue); if (*pvalue == 0) continue; /* 分配一个参数项 */ arg_item = (AUT_ARG_ITEM *) acl_mycalloc(1, sizeof(AUT_ARG_ITEM)); arg_item->name = acl_mystrdup(pname); arg_item->value = acl_mystrdup(pvalue); /* 把该参数项加入到动态数组之中 */ if (acl_array_append(argvs_array, (void *) arg_item) < 0) aut_log_fatal("%s(%d): append to array error(%s)", myname, __LINE__, acl_last_strerror(tbuf, sizeof(tbuf))); } acl_myfree(pstr_saved); return (argvs_array); }