예제 #1
TEuler GToE(matrix g)
  double x,sf;
  TEuler f;
  x = g[2][2];
    sf = sqrt(1-x*x);
    sf = 0.0;
    f.a1 = -g[2][1]/sf;
    f.a1 = acos2(f.a1);
    if(g[2][0]<0) f.a1 = 2*PI-f.a1;
    f.a = acos2(x);
    f.a2 = g[1][2]/sf;
    f.a2 = acos2(f.a2);
    if(g[0][2]<0) f.a2 = 2*PI-f.a2;
    f.a1 = g[1][1];
    f.a1 = acos2(f.a1);
    if(g[0][1]<0) f.a1 = 2*PI-f.a1;
    f.a = 0;
    f.a2 = 0;
예제 #2
파일: tools.c 프로젝트: qshu/rebound
struct reb_orbit reb_tools_particle_to_orbit_err(double G, struct reb_particle p, struct reb_particle primary, int* err){
	struct reb_orbit o;
	if (primary.m <= TINY){	
		*err = 1;			// primary has no mass.
		return reb_orbit_nan;
	double mu,dx,dy,dz,dvx,dvy,dvz,vsquared,vcircsquared,vdiffsquared;
	double hx,hy,hz,vr,rvr,muinv,ex,ey,ez,nx,ny,n,ea;
	mu = G*(p.m+primary.m);
	dx = p.x - primary.x;
	dy = p.y - primary.y;
	dz = p.z - primary.z;
	dvx = p.vx - primary.vx;
	dvy = p.vy - primary.vy;
	dvz = p.vz - primary.vz;
	o.r = sqrt ( dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz );
	vsquared = dvx*dvx + dvy*dvy + dvz*dvz;
	o.v = sqrt(vsquared);
	vcircsquared = mu/o.r;	
	o.a = -mu/( vsquared - 2.*vcircsquared );	// semi major axis
	hx = (dy*dvz - dz*dvy); 					//angular momentum vector
	hy = (dz*dvx - dx*dvz);
	hz = (dx*dvy - dy*dvx);
	o.h = sqrt ( hx*hx + hy*hy + hz*hz );		// abs value of angular momentum

	vdiffsquared = vsquared - vcircsquared;	
	if(o.r <= TINY){							
		*err = 2;									// particle is on top of primary
		return reb_orbit_nan;
	vr = (dx*dvx + dy*dvy + dz*dvz)/o.r;	
	rvr = o.r*vr;
	muinv = 1./mu;

	ex = muinv*( vdiffsquared*dx - rvr*dvx );
	ey = muinv*( vdiffsquared*dy - rvr*dvy );
	ez = muinv*( vdiffsquared*dz - rvr*dvz );
 	o.e = sqrt( ex*ex + ey*ey + ez*ez );		// eccentricity
	o.n = o.a/fabs(o.a)*sqrt(fabs(mu/(o.a*o.a*o.a)));	// mean motion (negative if hyperbolic)
	o.P = 2*M_PI/o.n;									// period (negative if hyperbolic)

	o.inc = acos2(hz, o.h, 1.);			// cosi = dot product of h and z unit vectors.  Always in [0,pi], so pass dummy disambiguator
										// will = 0 if h is 0.

	nx = -hy;							// vector pointing along the ascending node = zhat cross h
	ny =  hx;		
	n = sqrt( nx*nx + ny*ny );

	// Omega, pomega and theta are measured from x axis, so we can always use y component to disambiguate if in the range [0,pi] or [pi,2pi]
	o.Omega = acos2(nx, n, ny);			// cos Omega is dot product of x and n unit vectors. Will = 0 if i=0.
	ea = acos2(1.-o.r/o.a, o.e, vr);	// from definition of eccentric anomaly.  If vr < 0, must be going from apo to peri, so ea = [pi, 2pi] so ea = -acos(cosea)
	o.M = ea - o.e*sin(ea);						// mean anomaly (Kepler's equation)

	// in the near-planar case, the true longitude is always well defined for the position, and pomega for the pericenter if e!= 0
	// we therefore calculate those and calculate the remaining angles from them
	if(o.inc < MIN_INC || o.inc > M_PI - MIN_INC){	// nearly planar.  Use longitudes rather than angles referenced to node for numerical stability.
		o.pomega = acos2(ex, o.e, ey);		// cos pomega is dot product of x and e unit vectors.  Will = 0 if e=0.
		o.theta = acos2(dx, o.r, dy);			// cos theta is dot product of x and r vectors (true longitude).  Will = 0 if e = 0.
		if(o.inc < M_PI/2.){
			o.omega = o.pomega - o.Omega;
			o.f = o.theta - o.pomega;
			o.l = o.pomega + o.M;
			o.omega = o.Omega - o.pomega;
			o.f = o.pomega - o.theta;
			o.l = o.pomega - o.M;
	// in the non-planar case, we can't calculate the broken angles from vectors like above.  omega+f is always well defined, and omega if e!=0
		double wpf = acos2(nx*dx + ny*dy, n*o.r, dz);	// omega plus f.  Both angles measured in orbital plane, and always well defined for i!=0.
		o.omega = acos2(nx*ex + ny*ey, n*o.e, ez);
		if(o.inc < M_PI/2.){
			o.pomega = o.Omega + o.omega;
			o.f = wpf - o.omega;
			o.theta = o.Omega + wpf;
			o.l = o.pomega + o.M;
			o.pomega = o.Omega - o.omega;
			o.f = wpf - o.omega;
			o.theta = o.Omega - wpf;
			o.l = o.pomega - o.M;

	return o;