void ParticleBatchNode::addChildByTagOrName(ParticleSystem* child, int zOrder, int tag, const std::string &name, bool setTag)
    // If this is the 1st children, then copy blending function
    if (_children.empty())
    CCASSERT( _blendFunc.src  == child->getBlendFunc().src && _blendFunc.dst  == child->getBlendFunc().dst, "Can't add a ParticleSystem that uses a different blending function");
    //no lazy sorting, so don't call super addChild, call helper instead
    int pos = 0;
    if (setTag)
        pos = addChildHelper(child, zOrder, tag, "", true);
        pos = addChildHelper(child, zOrder, 0, name, false);
    //get new atlasIndex
    int atlasIndex = 0;
    if (pos != 0)
        ParticleSystem* p = static_cast<ParticleSystem*>(_children.at(pos-1));
        atlasIndex = p->getAtlasIndex() + p->getTotalParticles();
        atlasIndex = 0;
    insertChild(child, atlasIndex);
    // update quad info
예제 #2
void Node::addChild(Node* child, int localZOrder, const std::string &name)
    CCASSERT(child != nullptr, "Argument must be non-nil");
    CCASSERT(child->_parent == nullptr, "child already added. It can't be added again");

    addChildHelper(child, localZOrder, INVALID_TAG, name, false);
// override addChild:
void ParticleBatchNode::addChild(Node * aChild, int zOrder, int tag)
    CCASSERT( aChild != nullptr, "Argument must be non-nullptr");
    CCASSERT( dynamic_cast<ParticleSystem*>(aChild) != nullptr, "CCParticleBatchNode only supports QuadParticleSystems as children");
    ParticleSystem* child = static_cast<ParticleSystem*>(aChild);
    CCASSERT( child->getTexture()->getName() == _textureAtlas->getTexture()->getName(), "CCParticleSystem is not using the same texture id");
    // If this is the 1st children, then copy blending function
    if (_children.empty())

    CCASSERT( _blendFunc.src  == child->getBlendFunc().src && _blendFunc.dst  == child->getBlendFunc().dst, "Can't add a ParticleSystem that uses a different blending function");

    //no lazy sorting, so don't call super addChild, call helper instead
    auto pos = addChildHelper(child,zOrder,tag);

    //get new atlasIndex
    int atlasIndex = 0;

    if (pos != 0)
        ParticleSystem* p = static_cast<ParticleSystem*>(_children.at(pos-1));
        atlasIndex = p->getAtlasIndex() + p->getTotalParticles();
        atlasIndex = 0;

    insertChild(child, atlasIndex);

    // update quad info
예제 #4
/* "add" logic MUST only be on this method
* If a class want's to extend the 'addChild' behavior it only needs
* to override this method
void Node::addChild(Node *child, int localZOrder, int tag)
    CCASSERT( child != nullptr, "Argument must be non-nil");
    CCASSERT( child->_parent == nullptr, "child already added. It can't be added again");

    addChildHelper(child, localZOrder, tag, "", true);
예제 #5
void CCParticleBatchNode::addChild(CCNode * child, int zOrder, int tag)
    CCAssert( child != NULL, "Argument must be non-NULL");
    CCAssert( dynamic_cast<CCParticleSystem*>(child) != NULL, "CCParticleBatchNode only supports CCQuadParticleSystems as children");
    CCParticleSystem* pChild = (CCParticleSystem*)child;
    CCAssert( pChild->getTexture()->getName() == m_pTextureAtlas->getTexture()->getName(), "CCParticleSystem is not using the same texture id");
    // If this is the 1st children, then copy blending function
    if( m_pChildren->count() == 0 ) 

    CCAssert( m_tBlendFunc.src  == pChild->getBlendFunc().src && m_tBlendFunc.dst  == pChild->getBlendFunc().dst, "Can't add a PaticleSystem that uses a different blending function");

    //no lazy sorting, so don't call super addChild, call helper instead
    unsigned int pos = addChildHelper(pChild,zOrder,tag);

    //get new atlasIndex
    unsigned int atlasIndex = 0;

    if (pos != 0) 
        CCParticleSystem* p = (CCParticleSystem*)m_pChildren->objectAtIndex(pos-1);
        atlasIndex = p->getAtlasIndex() + p->getTotalParticles();

        atlasIndex = 0;

    insertChild(pChild, atlasIndex);

    // update quad info