예제 #1
int SetDecodeXML()
    /* Adding rootcheck decoder to list */

    /* Setting ids - for our two lists */
        merror(DECODER_ERROR, ARGV0);
        merror(DECODER_ERROR, ARGV0);

    /* Done over here */
예제 #2
int ReadDecodeXML(const char *file)
    OS_XML xml;
    XML_NODE node = NULL;

    /* XML variables */
    /* These are the available options for the rule configuration */

    const char *xml_plugindecoder = "plugin_decoder";
    const char *xml_decoder = "decoder";
    const char *xml_decoder_name = "name";
    const char *xml_decoder_status = "status";
    const char *xml_usename = "use_own_name";
    const char *xml_parent = "parent";
    const char *xml_program_name = "program_name";
    const char *xml_prematch = "prematch";
    const char *xml_regex = "regex";
    const char *xml_order = "order";
    const char *xml_type = "type";
    const char *xml_fts = "fts";
    const char *xml_ftscomment = "ftscomment";
    const char *xml_accumulate = "accumulate";

    int i = 0;
    OSDecoderInfo *NULL_Decoder_tmp = NULL;

    /* Read the XML */
    if ((i = OS_ReadXML(file, &xml)) < 0) {
        if ((i == -2) && (strcmp(file, XML_LDECODER) == 0)) {
            return (-2);

        merror(XML_ERROR, ARGV0, file, xml.err, xml.err_line);
        return (0);

    /* Apply any variables found */
    if (OS_ApplyVariables(&xml) != 0) {
        merror(XML_ERROR_VAR, ARGV0, file, xml.err);
        return (0);

    /* Get the root elements */
    node = OS_GetElementsbyNode(&xml, NULL);
    if (!node) {
        if (strcmp(file, XML_LDECODER) != 0) {
            merror(XML_ELEMNULL, ARGV0);
            return (0);

        return (-2);

    /* Zero NULL_decoder */
    if (!NULL_Decoder) {
        os_calloc(1, sizeof(OSDecoderInfo), NULL_Decoder_tmp);
        NULL_Decoder_tmp->id = 0;
        NULL_Decoder_tmp->type = SYSLOG;
        NULL_Decoder_tmp->name = NULL;
        NULL_Decoder_tmp->fts = 0;
        NULL_Decoder = NULL_Decoder_tmp;

    i = 0;
    while (node[i]) {
        XML_NODE elements = NULL;
        OSDecoderInfo *pi;

        int j = 0;
        char *regex;
        char *prematch;
        char *p_name;

        if (!node[i]->element ||
                strcasecmp(node[i]->element, xml_decoder) != 0) {
            merror(XML_INVELEM, ARGV0, node[i]->element);
            return (0);

        /* Get name */
        if ((!node[i]->attributes) || (!node[i]->values) ||
                (!node[i]->values[0])  || (!node[i]->attributes[0]) ||
                (strcasecmp(node[i]->attributes[0], xml_decoder_name) != 0)) {
            merror(XML_INVELEM, ARGV0, node[i]->element);
            return (0);

        /* Check for additional entries */
        if (node[i]->attributes[1] && node[i]->values[1]) {
            if (strcasecmp(node[i]->attributes[0], xml_decoder_status) != 0) {
                merror(XML_INVELEM, ARGV0, node[i]->element);
                return (0);

            if (node[i]->attributes[2]) {
                merror(XML_INVELEM, ARGV0, node[i]->element);
                return (0);

        /* Get decoder options */
        elements = OS_GetElementsbyNode(&xml, node[i]);
        if (elements == NULL) {
            merror(XML_ELEMNULL, ARGV0);
            return (0);

        /* Create the OSDecoderInfo */
        pi = (OSDecoderInfo *)calloc(1, sizeof(OSDecoderInfo));
        if (pi == NULL) {
            merror(MEM_ERROR, ARGV0, errno, strerror(errno));
            return (0);

        /* Default values to the list */
        pi->parent = NULL;
        pi->id = 0;
        pi->name = strdup(node[i]->values[0]);
        pi->order = NULL;
        pi->plugindecoder = NULL;
        pi->fts = 0;
        pi->accumulate = 0;
        pi->type = SYSLOG;
        pi->prematch = NULL;
        pi->program_name = NULL;
        pi->regex = NULL;
        pi->use_own_name = 0;
        pi->get_next = 0;
        pi->regex_offset = 0;
        pi->prematch_offset = 0;

        regex = NULL;
        prematch = NULL;
        p_name = NULL;

        /* Check if strdup worked */
        if (!pi->name) {
            merror(MEM_ERROR, ARGV0, errno, strerror(errno));
            return (0);

        /* Add decoder */
        if (!addDecoder2list(pi->name)) {
            merror(MEM_ERROR, ARGV0, errno, strerror(errno));
            return (0);

        /* Loop over all the elements */
        while (elements[j]) {
            if (!elements[j]->element) {
                merror(XML_ELEMNULL, ARGV0);
                return (0);
            } else if (!elements[j]->content) {
                merror(XML_VALUENULL, ARGV0, elements[j]->element);
                return (0);

            /* Check if it is a child of a rule */
            else if (strcasecmp(elements[j]->element, xml_parent) == 0) {
                pi->parent = _loadmemory(pi->parent, elements[j]->content);

            /* Get the regex */
            else if (strcasecmp(elements[j]->element, xml_regex) == 0) {
                int r_offset;
                r_offset = ReadDecodeAttrs(elements[j]->attributes,

                if (r_offset & AFTER_ERROR) {
                    merror(DEC_REGEX_ERROR, ARGV0, pi->name);
                    return (0);

                /* Only the first regex entry may have an offset */
                if (regex && r_offset) {
                    merror(DUP_REGEX, ARGV0, pi->name);
                    merror(DEC_REGEX_ERROR, ARGV0, pi->name);
                    return (0);

                /* regex offset */
                if (r_offset) {
                    pi->regex_offset = r_offset;

                /* Assign regex */
                regex =

            /* Get the pre match */
            else if (strcasecmp(elements[j]->element, xml_prematch) == 0) {
                int r_offset;

                r_offset = ReadDecodeAttrs(

                if (r_offset & AFTER_ERROR) {
                    ErrorExit(DEC_REGEX_ERROR, ARGV0, pi->name);

                /* Only the first prematch entry may have an offset */
                if (prematch && r_offset) {
                    merror(DUP_REGEX, ARGV0, pi->name);
                    ErrorExit(DEC_REGEX_ERROR, ARGV0, pi->name);

                if (r_offset) {
                    pi->prematch_offset = r_offset;

                prematch =

            /* Get program name */
            else if (strcasecmp(elements[j]->element, xml_program_name) == 0) {
                p_name = _loadmemory(p_name, elements[j]->content);

            /* Get the FTS comment */
            else if (strcasecmp(elements[j]->element, xml_ftscomment) == 0) {

            else if (strcasecmp(elements[j]->element, xml_usename) == 0) {
                if (strcmp(elements[j]->content, "true") == 0) {
                    pi->use_own_name = 1;

            else if (strcasecmp(elements[j]->element, xml_plugindecoder) == 0) {
                int ed_c = 0;
                for (ed_c = 0; plugin_decoders[ed_c] != NULL; ed_c++) {
                    if (strcmp(plugin_decoders[ed_c],
                               elements[j]->content) == 0) {
                        /* Initialize plugin */
                        void (*dec_init)(void) = (void (*)(void)) plugin_decoders_init[ed_c];
                        pi->plugindecoder = (void (*)(void *)) plugin_decoders_exec[ed_c];

                /* Decoder not found */
                if (pi->plugindecoder == NULL) {
                    merror(INV_DECOPTION, ARGV0, elements[j]->element,
                    return (0);

            /* Get the type */
            else if (strcmp(elements[j]->element, xml_type) == 0) {
                if (strcmp(elements[j]->content, "firewall") == 0) {
                    pi->type = FIREWALL;
                } else if (strcmp(elements[j]->content, "ids") == 0) {
                    pi->type = IDS;
                } else if (strcmp(elements[j]->content, "web-log") == 0) {
                    pi->type = WEBLOG;
                } else if (strcmp(elements[j]->content, "syslog") == 0) {
                    pi->type = SYSLOG;
                } else if (strcmp(elements[j]->content, "squid") == 0) {
                    pi->type = SQUID;
                } else if (strcmp(elements[j]->content, "windows") == 0) {
                    pi->type = DECODER_WINDOWS;
                } else if (strcmp(elements[j]->content, "host-information") == 0) {
                    pi->type = HOST_INFO;
                } else if (strcmp(elements[j]->content, "ossec") == 0) {
                    pi->type = OSSEC_RL;
                } else {
                    merror("%s: Invalid decoder type '%s'.",
                           ARGV0, elements[j]->content);
                    return (0);

            /* Get the order */
            else if (strcasecmp(elements[j]->element, xml_order) == 0) {
                char **norder, **s_norder;
                int order_int = 0;

                /* Maximum number is 8 for the order */
                norder = OS_StrBreak(',', elements[j]->content, 8);
                s_norder = norder;
                os_calloc(8, sizeof(void *), pi->order);

                /* Initialize the function pointers */
                while (order_int < 8) {
                    pi->order[order_int] = NULL;
                order_int = 0;

                /* Check the values from the order */
                while (*norder) {
                    if (strstr(*norder, "dstuser") != NULL) {
                        pi->order[order_int] = (void (*)(void *, char *)) DstUser_FP;
                    } else if (strstr(*norder, "srcuser") != NULL) {
                        pi->order[order_int] = (void (*)(void *, char *)) SrcUser_FP;
                    /* User is an alias to dstuser */
                    else if (strstr(*norder, "user") != NULL) {
                        pi->order[order_int] = (void (*)(void *, char *)) DstUser_FP;
                    } else if (strstr(*norder, "srcip") != NULL) {
                        pi->order[order_int] = (void (*)(void *, char *)) SrcIP_FP;
                    } else if (strstr(*norder, "dstip") != NULL) {
                        pi->order[order_int] = (void (*)(void *, char *)) DstIP_FP;
                    } else if (strstr(*norder, "srcport") != NULL) {
                        pi->order[order_int] = (void (*)(void *, char *)) SrcPort_FP;
                    } else if (strstr(*norder, "dstport") != NULL) {
                        pi->order[order_int] = (void (*)(void *, char *)) DstPort_FP;
                    } else if (strstr(*norder, "protocol") != NULL) {
                        pi->order[order_int] = (void (*)(void *, char *)) Protocol_FP;
                    } else if (strstr(*norder, "action") != NULL) {
                        pi->order[order_int] = (void (*)(void *, char *)) Action_FP;
                    } else if (strstr(*norder, "id") != NULL) {
                        pi->order[order_int] = (void (*)(void *, char *)) ID_FP;
                    } else if (strstr(*norder, "url") != NULL) {
                        pi->order[order_int] = (void (*)(void *, char *)) Url_FP;
                    } else if (strstr(*norder, "data") != NULL) {
                        pi->order[order_int] = (void (*)(void *, char *)) Data_FP;
                    } else if (strstr(*norder, "extra_data") != NULL) {
                        pi->order[order_int] = (void (*)(void *, char *)) Data_FP;
                    } else if (strstr(*norder, "status") != NULL) {
                        pi->order[order_int] = (void (*)(void *, char *)) Status_FP;
                    } else if (strstr(*norder, "system_name") != NULL) {
                        pi->order[order_int] = (void (*)(void *, char *)) SystemName_FP;
                    } else if (strstr(*norder, "filename") != NULL) {
                        pi->order[order_int] = (void (*)(void *, char *)) FileName_FP;
                    } else {
                        ErrorExit("decode-xml: Wrong field '%s' in the order"
                                  " of decoder '%s'", *norder, pi->name);




            else if (strcasecmp(elements[j]->element, xml_accumulate) == 0) {
                /* Enable Accumulator */
                pi->accumulate = 1;

            /* Get the FTS order */
            else if (strcasecmp(elements[j]->element, xml_fts) == 0) {
                char **norder;
                char **s_norder;

                /* Maximum number is 8 for the FTS */
                norder = OS_StrBreak(',', elements[j]->content, 8);
                if (norder == NULL) {
                    ErrorExit(MEM_ERROR, ARGV0, errno, strerror(errno));

                /* Save the initial point to free later */
                s_norder = norder;

                /* Check the values from the FTS */
                while (*norder) {
                    if (strstr(*norder, "dstuser") != NULL) {
                        pi->fts |= FTS_DSTUSER;
                    if (strstr(*norder, "user") != NULL) {
                        pi->fts |= FTS_DSTUSER;
                    } else if (strstr(*norder, "srcuser") != NULL) {
                        pi->fts |= FTS_SRCUSER;
                    } else if (strstr(*norder, "srcip") != NULL) {
                        pi->fts |= FTS_SRCIP;
                    } else if (strstr(*norder, "dstip") != NULL) {
                        pi->fts |= FTS_DSTIP;
                    } else if (strstr(*norder, "id") != NULL) {
                        pi->fts |= FTS_ID;
                    } else if (strstr(*norder, "location") != NULL) {
                        pi->fts |= FTS_LOCATION;
                    } else if (strstr(*norder, "data") != NULL) {
                        pi->fts |= FTS_DATA;
                    } else if (strstr(*norder, "extra_data") != NULL) {
                        pi->fts |= FTS_DATA;
                    } else if (strstr(*norder, "system_name") != NULL) {
                        pi->fts |= FTS_SYSTEMNAME;
                    } else if (strstr(*norder, "name") != NULL) {
                        pi->fts |= FTS_NAME;
                    } else {
                        ErrorExit("decode-xml: Wrong field '%s' in the fts"
                                  " decoder '%s'", *norder, pi->name);


                /* Clear memory here */
            } else {
                merror("%s: Invalid element '%s' for "
                       "decoder '%s'",
                return (0);

            /* NEXT */

        } /* while(elements[j]) */


        /* Prematch must be set */
        if (!prematch && !pi->parent && !p_name) {
            merror(DECODE_NOPRE, ARGV0, pi->name);
            merror(DEC_REGEX_ERROR, ARGV0, pi->name);
            return (0);

        /* If pi->regex is not set, fts must not be set too */
        if ((!regex && (pi->fts || pi->order)) || (regex && !pi->order)) {
            merror(DEC_REGEX_ERROR, ARGV0, pi->name);
            return (0);

        /* For the offsets */
        if ((pi->regex_offset & AFTER_PARENT) && !pi->parent) {
            merror(INV_OFFSET, ARGV0, "after_parent");
            merror(DEC_REGEX_ERROR, ARGV0, pi->name);
            return (0);

        if (pi->regex_offset & AFTER_PREMATCH) {
            /* If after_prematch is set, but rule have
             * no parent, set AFTER_PARENT and unset
             * pre_match.
            if (!pi->parent) {
                pi->regex_offset = 0;
                pi->regex_offset |= AFTER_PARENT;
            } else if (!prematch) {
                merror(INV_OFFSET, ARGV0, "after_prematch");
                merror(DEC_REGEX_ERROR, ARGV0, pi->name);
                return (0);

        /* For the after_regex offset */
        if (pi->regex_offset & AFTER_PREVREGEX) {
            if (!pi->parent || !regex) {
                merror(INV_OFFSET, ARGV0, "after_regex");
                merror(DEC_REGEX_ERROR, ARGV0, pi->name);
                return (0);

        /* Check the prematch offset */
        if (pi->prematch_offset) {
            /* Only the after parent is allowed */
            if (pi->prematch_offset & AFTER_PARENT) {
                if (!pi->parent) {
                    merror(INV_OFFSET, ARGV0, "after_parent");
                    merror(DEC_REGEX_ERROR, ARGV0, pi->name);
                    return (0);
            } else {
                merror(DEC_REGEX_ERROR, ARGV0, pi->name);
                return (0);

        /* Compile the regex/prematch */
        if (prematch) {
            os_calloc(1, sizeof(OSRegex), pi->prematch);
            if (!OSRegex_Compile(prematch, pi->prematch, 0)) {
                merror(REGEX_COMPILE, ARGV0, prematch, pi->prematch->error);
                return (0);


        /* Compile the p_name */
        if (p_name) {
            os_calloc(1, sizeof(OSMatch), pi->program_name);
            if (!OSMatch_Compile(p_name, pi->program_name, 0)) {
                merror(REGEX_COMPILE, ARGV0, p_name, pi->program_name->error);
                return (0);


        /* We may not have the pi->regex */
        if (regex) {
            os_calloc(1, sizeof(OSRegex), pi->regex);
            if (!OSRegex_Compile(regex, pi->regex, OS_RETURN_SUBSTRING)) {
                merror(REGEX_COMPILE, ARGV0, regex, pi->regex->error);
                return (0);

            /* We must have the sub_strings to retrieve the nodes */
            if (!pi->regex->sub_strings) {
                merror(REGEX_SUBS, ARGV0, regex);
                return (0);


        /* Validate arguments */
        if (pi->plugindecoder && (pi->regex || pi->order)) {
            merror(DECODE_ADD, ARGV0, pi->name);
            return (0);

        /* Add osdecoder to the list */
        if (!OS_AddOSDecoder(pi)) {
            merror(DECODER_ERROR, ARGV0);
            return (0);

    } /* while (node[i]) */

    /* Clean node and XML structures */

    return (1);