예제 #1
	: OptionsDialog(Common::ConfigManager::kApplicationDomain, "globaloptions") {

	// The tab widget
	TabWidget *tab = new TabWidget(this, "globaloptions_tabwidget");

	// 1) The graphics tab
	addGraphicControls(tab, "globaloptions_");

	// 2) The audio tab
	addAudioControls(tab, "globaloptions_");

	int volControlPos = g_gui.evaluator()->getVar("volumeControlsInAudio", true);

	if (volControlPos)
		addVolumeControls(tab, "globaloptions_");

	addSubtitleControls(tab, "globaloptions_");

	if (!volControlPos) {
		addVolumeControls(tab, "globaloptions_");

	// TODO: cd drive setting

	// 3) The MIDI tab
	addMIDIControls(tab, "globaloptions_");

	// 4) The miscellaneous tab

#if !( defined(__DC__) || defined(__GP32__) )
	// These two buttons have to be extra wide, or the text will be
	// truncated in the small version of the GUI.

	// Save game path
	new ButtonWidget(tab, "globaloptions_savebutton", "Save Path: ", kChooseSaveDirCmd, 0);
	_savePath = new StaticTextWidget(tab, "globaloptions_savepath", "/foo/bar");

	new ButtonWidget(tab, "globaloptions_themebutton", "Theme Path:", kChooseThemeDirCmd, 0);
	_themePath = new StaticTextWidget(tab, "globaloptions_themepath", "None");

	new ButtonWidget(tab, "globaloptions_extrabutton", "Extra Path:", kChooseExtraDirCmd, 0);
	_extraPath = new StaticTextWidget(tab, "globaloptions_extrapath", "None");

	new ButtonWidget(tab, "globaloptions_keysbutton", "Keys", kChooseKeyMappingCmd, 0);

	// TODO: joystick setting

	// Activate the first tab

	// Add OK & Cancel buttons
	new ButtonWidget(this, "globaloptions_cancel", "Cancel", kCloseCmd, 0);
	new ButtonWidget(this, "globaloptions_ok", "OK", kOKCmd, 0);

	_keysDialog = new KeysDialog();
예제 #2
EditGameDialog::EditGameDialog(const String &domain, const String &desc)
	: OptionsDialog(domain, "GameOptions") {
	// Retrieve all game specific options.
	const EnginePlugin *plugin = 0;
	// To allow for game domains without a gameid.
	// TODO: Is it intentional that this is still supported?
	String gameId(ConfMan.get("gameid", domain));
	if (gameId.empty())
		gameId = domain;
	// Retrieve the plugin, since we need to access the engine's MetaEngine
	// implementation.
	EngineMan.findGame(gameId, &plugin);
	if (plugin) {
		_engineOptions = (*plugin)->getExtraGuiOptions(domain);
	} else {
		warning("Plugin for target \"%s\" not found! Game specific settings might be missing", domain.c_str());

	// GAME: Path to game data (r/o), extra data (r/o), and save data (r/w)
	String gamePath(ConfMan.get("path", _domain));
	String extraPath(ConfMan.get("extrapath", _domain));
	String savePath(ConfMan.get("savepath", _domain));

	// GAME: Determine the description string
	String description(ConfMan.get("description", domain));
	if (description.empty() && !desc.empty()) {
		description = desc;

	// GUI:  Add tab widget
	TabWidget *tab = new TabWidget(this, "GameOptions.TabWidget");

	// 1) The game tab

	// GUI:  Label & edit widget for the game ID
	if (g_system->getOverlayWidth() > 320)
		new StaticTextWidget(tab, "GameOptions_Game.Id", _("ID:"), _("Short game identifier used for referring to saved games and running the game from the command line"));
		new StaticTextWidget(tab, "GameOptions_Game.Id", _c("ID:", "lowres"), _("Short game identifier used for referring to saved games and running the game from the command line"));
	_domainWidget = new DomainEditTextWidget(tab, "GameOptions_Game.Domain", _domain, _("Short game identifier used for referring to saved games and running the game from the command line"));

	// GUI:  Label & edit widget for the description
	if (g_system->getOverlayWidth() > 320)
		new StaticTextWidget(tab, "GameOptions_Game.Name", _("Name:"), _("Full title of the game"));
		new StaticTextWidget(tab, "GameOptions_Game.Name", _c("Name:", "lowres"), _("Full title of the game"));
	_descriptionWidget = new EditTextWidget(tab, "GameOptions_Game.Desc", description, _("Full title of the game"));

	// Language popup
	_langPopUpDesc = new StaticTextWidget(tab, "GameOptions_Game.LangPopupDesc", _("Language:"), _("Language of the game. This will not turn your Spanish game version into English"));
	_langPopUp = new PopUpWidget(tab, "GameOptions_Game.LangPopup", _("Language of the game. This will not turn your Spanish game version into English"));
	_langPopUp->appendEntry(_("<default>"), (uint32)Common::UNK_LANG);
	_langPopUp->appendEntry("", (uint32)Common::UNK_LANG);
	const Common::LanguageDescription *l = Common::g_languages;
	for (; l->code; ++l) {
		if (checkGameGUIOptionLanguage(l->id, _guioptionsString))
			_langPopUp->appendEntry(l->description, l->id);

	// Platform popup
	if (g_system->getOverlayWidth() > 320)
		_platformPopUpDesc = new StaticTextWidget(tab, "GameOptions_Game.PlatformPopupDesc", _("Platform:"), _("Platform the game was originally designed for"));
		_platformPopUpDesc = new StaticTextWidget(tab, "GameOptions_Game.PlatformPopupDesc", _c("Platform:", "lowres"), _("Platform the game was originally designed for"));
	_platformPopUp = new PopUpWidget(tab, "GameOptions_Game.PlatformPopup", _("Platform the game was originally designed for"));
	const Common::PlatformDescription *p = Common::g_platforms;
	for (; p->code; ++p) {
		_platformPopUp->appendEntry(p->description, p->id);

	// 2) The engine tab (shown only if there are custom engine options)
	if (_engineOptions.size() > 0) {

		addEngineControls(tab, "GameOptions_Engine.", _engineOptions);

	// 3) The graphics tab
	_graphicsTabId = tab->addTab(g_system->getOverlayWidth() > 320 ? _("Graphics") : _("GFX"));

	if (g_system->getOverlayWidth() > 320)
		_globalGraphicsOverride = new CheckboxWidget(tab, "GameOptions_Graphics.EnableTabCheckbox", _("Override global graphic settings"), 0, kCmdGlobalGraphicsOverride);
		_globalGraphicsOverride = new CheckboxWidget(tab, "GameOptions_Graphics.EnableTabCheckbox", _c("Override global graphic settings", "lowres"), 0, kCmdGlobalGraphicsOverride);

	addGraphicControls(tab, "GameOptions_Graphics.");

	// 4) The audio tab

	if (g_system->getOverlayWidth() > 320)
		_globalAudioOverride = new CheckboxWidget(tab, "GameOptions_Audio.EnableTabCheckbox", _("Override global audio settings"), 0, kCmdGlobalAudioOverride);
		_globalAudioOverride = new CheckboxWidget(tab, "GameOptions_Audio.EnableTabCheckbox", _c("Override global audio settings", "lowres"), 0, kCmdGlobalAudioOverride);

	addAudioControls(tab, "GameOptions_Audio.");
	addSubtitleControls(tab, "GameOptions_Audio.");

	// 5) The volume tab
	if (g_system->getOverlayWidth() > 320)
		tab->addTab(_c("Volume", "lowres"));

	if (g_system->getOverlayWidth() > 320)
		_globalVolumeOverride = new CheckboxWidget(tab, "GameOptions_Volume.EnableTabCheckbox", _("Override global volume settings"), 0, kCmdGlobalVolumeOverride);
		_globalVolumeOverride = new CheckboxWidget(tab, "GameOptions_Volume.EnableTabCheckbox", _c("Override global volume settings", "lowres"), 0, kCmdGlobalVolumeOverride);

	addVolumeControls(tab, "GameOptions_Volume.");

	// 6) The MIDI tab
	_globalMIDIOverride = NULL;
	if (!_guioptions.contains(GUIO_NOMIDI)) {

		if (g_system->getOverlayWidth() > 320)
			_globalMIDIOverride = new CheckboxWidget(tab, "GameOptions_MIDI.EnableTabCheckbox", _("Override global MIDI settings"), 0, kCmdGlobalMIDIOverride);
			_globalMIDIOverride = new CheckboxWidget(tab, "GameOptions_MIDI.EnableTabCheckbox", _c("Override global MIDI settings", "lowres"), 0, kCmdGlobalMIDIOverride);

		addMIDIControls(tab, "GameOptions_MIDI.");

	// 7) The MT-32 tab
	_globalMT32Override = NULL;
	if (!_guioptions.contains(GUIO_NOMIDI)) {

		if (g_system->getOverlayWidth() > 320)
			_globalMT32Override = new CheckboxWidget(tab, "GameOptions_MT32.EnableTabCheckbox", _("Override global MT-32 settings"), 0, kCmdGlobalMT32Override);
			_globalMT32Override = new CheckboxWidget(tab, "GameOptions_MT32.EnableTabCheckbox", _c("Override global MT-32 settings", "lowres"), 0, kCmdGlobalMT32Override);

		addMT32Controls(tab, "GameOptions_MT32.");

	// 8) The Paths tab
	if (g_system->getOverlayWidth() > 320)
		tab->addTab(_c("Paths", "lowres"));

	// These buttons have to be extra wide, or the text will be truncated
	// in the small version of the GUI.

	// GUI:  Button + Label for the game path
	if (g_system->getOverlayWidth() > 320)
		new ButtonWidget(tab, "GameOptions_Paths.Gamepath", _("Game Path:"), 0, kCmdGameBrowser);
		new ButtonWidget(tab, "GameOptions_Paths.Gamepath", _c("Game Path:", "lowres"), 0, kCmdGameBrowser);
	_gamePathWidget = new StaticTextWidget(tab, "GameOptions_Paths.GamepathText", gamePath);

	// GUI:  Button + Label for the additional path
	if (g_system->getOverlayWidth() > 320)
		new ButtonWidget(tab, "GameOptions_Paths.Extrapath", _("Extra Path:"), _("Specifies path to additional data used by the game"), kCmdExtraBrowser);
		new ButtonWidget(tab, "GameOptions_Paths.Extrapath", _c("Extra Path:", "lowres"), _("Specifies path to additional data used by the game"), kCmdExtraBrowser);
	_extraPathWidget = new StaticTextWidget(tab, "GameOptions_Paths.ExtrapathText", extraPath, _("Specifies path to additional data used by the game"));

	_extraPathClearButton = addClearButton(tab, "GameOptions_Paths.ExtraPathClearButton", kCmdExtraPathClear);

	// GUI:  Button + Label for the save path
	if (g_system->getOverlayWidth() > 320)
		new ButtonWidget(tab, "GameOptions_Paths.Savepath", _("Save Path:"), _("Specifies where your saved games are put"), kCmdSaveBrowser);
		new ButtonWidget(tab, "GameOptions_Paths.Savepath", _c("Save Path:", "lowres"), _("Specifies where your saved games are put"), kCmdSaveBrowser);
	_savePathWidget = new StaticTextWidget(tab, "GameOptions_Paths.SavepathText", savePath, _("Specifies where your saved games are put"));

	_savePathClearButton = addClearButton(tab, "GameOptions_Paths.SavePathClearButton", kCmdSavePathClear);

	// Activate the first tab
	_tabWidget = tab;

	// Add OK & Cancel buttons
	new ButtonWidget(this, "GameOptions.Cancel", _("Cancel"), 0, kCloseCmd);
	new ButtonWidget(this, "GameOptions.Ok", _("OK"), 0, kOKCmd);