예제 #1
LogWindow::LogWindow(QWidget *parent) :
    ui(new Ui::LogWindow)
    QMutexLocker lock(&sMutex);
    if(sInstance != 0)
        qFatal("Log Window cannot be instantiated more than once");

    mLogFile.setFileName(QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath() + "/logfile.log");
    mLogFile.open(QFile::Append | QFile::Text | QIODevice::Unbuffered);

    mHighlighter = new LogSyntaxHighlighter(ui->plainTextEdit->document());

    addLogType(QtDebugMsg, tr("Debug"), "DBG", Qt::blue);
    addLogType(QtWarningMsg, tr("Warning"), "WRN", Qt::darkYellow);
    addLogType(QtCriticalMsg, tr("Error"), "ERR", Qt::red);
    addLogType(QtInfoMsg, tr("Info"), "INF", QColor(64, 64, 64));

    sInstance = this;
    mPreviousHandler = qInstallMessageHandler(&LogWindow::logMessage);
    connect(&mTimer,SIGNAL(timeout()), SLOT(onTimeout()));
예제 #2
 * Reads in the configuration values stored in the configuration file and 
 * stores each value in its corresponding global variables.
void parseConfFile() {
    FILE *fd;
    char buf[512];
    char *param;
    char *value;

    // These variables reused for each service section
    char service[512];
    char log[512];
    int maxAttempts = 0;
    char pattern[512];
    int enableSync = 1;

    bzero(log, sizeof(char) * 512);
    bzero(pattern, sizeof(char) * 512);
    bzero(service, sizeof(char) * 512);

    strncpy(centralServer, UPDATE_SERVER, 256);
    DBG("Parsing conf file %s\n", CONF_FILE);

    if (!(fd = fopen(CONF_FILE, "r")))
        err(1, "Failed to open configuration file %s", CONF_FILE);
    while (fgets(buf, 512, fd)) {
        // Ignore comments and empty lines 
        if (buf[0] == '#' || strcmp(buf, "\n") == 0)
        // Start of the next service
        if (buf[0] == '[') {
            // Record info for previous service
            if (service[0] != '\0')
                addLogType(service, log, pattern, maxAttempts);

            bzero(log, sizeof(char) * 512);
            bzero(pattern, sizeof(char) * 512);
            maxAttempts = 0;
            if ((value = strtok(&buf[1], "]")) == NULL)
                errx(1, "Missing terminating ']' for service");
            strncpy(service, value, 512);
        else {
            // Parse the values from lines of the form "parameter=value"
            if ((param = strtok(buf, "=")) == NULL)
                errx(1, "Invalid line in configuration file: %s", buf);
            if ((value = strtok(NULL, "\n")) == NULL )
                errx(1, "Must enter a value in conf file for %s\n", param);

            DBG("Config Param: %s=%s\n", param, value);

            // Store the value of the parameter in the corresponsing variable
            if (strncmp(param, "KEY", 512) == 0)
                strncpy(key, value, 512);
            else if (strncmp(param, "MAX_ATTEMPT", 512) == 0)
                maxAttempts = atoi(value);
            else if (strncmp(param, "FIREWALL", 512) == 0) {
                // Store the firewall as an integer so that we can use it in a
                // switch instead of doing string comparisons all the time
                if (strncmp(value, "iptables", 512) == 0)
                    firewall = IPTABLES;
            else if (strncmp(param, "CHAIN_NAME", 512) == 0)
                strncpy(chainName, value, 512);
            else if (strncmp(param, "SYNC_INTERVAL", 512) == 0)
                syncInterval = atoi(value);
            else if (strncmp(param, "MAINT_INTERVAL", 512) == 0)
                maintInterval = atoi(value);
            else if (strncmp(param, "LOG_ROTATE_INTERVAL", 512) == 0)
                logRotateInterval = atoi(value);
            else if (strncmp(param, "LOG", 512) == 0)
                strncpy(log, value, 512);
            else if (strncmp(param, "PATTERN", 512) == 0)
                strncpy(pattern, value, 512);
            else if (strncmp(param, "ENABLE_SYNC", 512) == 0)
                enableSync = atoi(value);
            else if (strncmp(param, "EMAIL", 512) == 0) {
                if (strncmp(value, "", 2) != 0) {
                    strncpy(alertEmail, value, 512);
            else if (strncmp(param, "TEST_MODE", 512) == 0) {
                if (atoi(value) == 1) {
                    strncpy(centralServer, TEST_SERVER, 256); 
                errx(1, "Invalid parameter in conf file: %s\n", param);

    if (enableSync == 0)
        syncInterval = 0;

    // Write info for the last service
    if (service[0] != '\0')
        addLogType(service, log, pattern, maxAttempts);

    // Make sure they provided a value for everything that is required
    if (!firewall || !strcmp(key, "") ||  !strcmp(chainName, ""))
        errx(1, "Please provide all configuration values");

    DBG("Using central server: %s\n", centralServer);
