예제 #1
void PrefInput::createHelp() {


	setWhatsThis(actions_editor, tr("Shortcut editor"),
        tr("This table allows you to change the key shortcuts of most "
           "available actions. Double click or press enter on a item, or "
           "press the <b>Change shortcut</b> button to enter in the "
           "<i>Modify shortcut</i> dialog. There are two ways to change a "
           "shortcut: if the <b>Capture</b> button is on then just "
           "press the new key or combination of keys that you want to "
           "assign for the action (unfortunately this doesn't work for all "
           "keys). If the <b>Capture</b> button is off "
           "then you could enter the full name of the key.") );


	setWhatsThis(left_click_combo, tr("Left click"),
		tr("Select the action for left click on the mouse.") );

	setWhatsThis(double_click_combo, tr("Double click"),
		tr("Select the action for double click on the mouse.") );

	setWhatsThis(middle_click_combo, tr("Middle click"),
		tr("Select the action for middle click on the mouse.") );

	setWhatsThis(xbutton1_click_combo, tr("X Button 1"),
		tr("Select the action for the X button 1.") );

	setWhatsThis(xbutton2_click_combo, tr("X Button 2"),
		tr("Select the action for the X button 2.") );

	setWhatsThis(wheel_function_combo, tr("Wheel function"),
		tr("Select the action for the mouse wheel.") );

	setWhatsThis(delay_left_check, tr("Don't trigger the left click function with a double click"),
		tr("If this option is enabled when you double click on the "
            "video area only the double click function will be triggered. "
            "The left click action won't be activated.") + " "+
		tr("By enabling this option the left click is delayed %1 milliseconds "
           "because it's necessary to wait that time to know if there's a double click or not.").arg(qApp->doubleClickInterval()+10) );

	setWhatsThis(wheel_function_seeking_reverse_check, tr("Reverse mouse wheel seeking"),
		tr("Check it to seek in the opposite direction.") );

	addSectionTitle(tr("Mouse wheel functions"));

	setWhatsThis(wheel_function_seek, tr("Media seeking"),
		tr("Check it to enable seeking as one function.") );

	setWhatsThis(wheel_function_volume, tr("Volume control"),
		tr("Check it to enable changing volume as one function.") );

	setWhatsThis(wheel_function_zoom, tr("Zoom video"),
		tr("Check it to enable zooming as one function.") );

	setWhatsThis(wheel_function_speed, tr("Change speed"),
		tr("Check it to enable changing speed as one function.") );
예제 #2
void TAdvanced::createHelp() {



    setWhatsThis(log_level_combo, tr("Log level"),
        tr("Select the level a message must have to be written to the log."
           " You can view the log with menu <b><i>Window - View log</i></b>."));

    setWhatsThis(log_verbose_check, tr("Verbose"),
        tr("Request verbose messages from the player for troubleshooting."));

    setWhatsThis(log_window_max_events_spinbox, tr("Log window events"),
        tr("Specify the number of log events to remember for the log window."));

    addSectionTitle(tr("Actions to run"));

    setWhatsThis(actions_to_run_edit, tr("Actions list"),
        tr("Here you can specify a list of <i>actions</i> which will be"
           " run every time a file is opened. You'll find all available"
           " actions in the <b>Actions</b> section. The actions must be"
           " separated by spaces. Checkable actions can be followed by"
           " <i>true</i> or <i>false</i> to enable or disable the action.")
        + "<br>" + tr("Example:") + " <i>auto_zoom fullscreen true</i><br>"
        + tr("Limitation: the actions are run only when a file is opened and"
             " not when the player process is restarted (e.g. you select an"
             " audio or video filter needing a  player restart)."));

    addSectionTitle(tr("Extra player options"));

    setWhatsThis(player_args_edit, tr("Options"),
        tr("Here you can pass extra command line options to the player."
           " Write them separated by spaces. They are stored per player."));

    addSectionTitle(tr("Extra filters"));

    setWhatsThis(player_vfilters_edit, tr("Video filters"),
        tr("Here you can add extra video filters. Write them separated by"
           " commas. Don't use spaces!"));

    setWhatsThis(player_afilters_edit, tr("Audio filters"),
        tr("Here you can add extra audio filters. Write them separated by"
           " commas. Don't use spaces!"));
	Writes a 'section' node containing the metadata of one single section.
	@param section: section object with the metadata of a section
void CitationsXMLGenerator::addSection(const CSection &section)
    addOpenningTag(aXMLFile, "section");
    if(section.getPSubSection()!=NULL) {
    addClosingTag(aXMLFile, "section");
예제 #4
void PrefInterface::createHelp() {


	setWhatsThis(mainwindow_resize_combo, tr("Autoresize"),
        tr("The main window can be resized automatically. Select the option "
           "you prefer.") );

	setWhatsThis(save_size_check, tr("Remember position and size"),
        tr("If you check this option, the position and size of the main "
           "window will be saved and restored when you run SMPlayer again.") );

	setWhatsThis(hide_video_window_on_audio_check, tr("Hide video window when playing audio files"),
        tr("If this option is enabled the video window will be hidden when playing audio files.") );

	setWhatsThis(recents_max_items_spin, tr("Recent files"),
        tr("Select the maximum number of items that will be shown in the "
           "<b>Open->Recent files</b> submenu. If you set it to 0 that "
           "menu won't be shown at all.") );

	setWhatsThis(language_combo, tr("Language"),
		tr("Here you can change the language of the application.") );

	setWhatsThis(iconset_combo, tr("Icon set"),
        tr("Select the icon set you prefer for the application.") );

	setWhatsThis(style_combo, tr("Style"),
        tr("Select the style you prefer for the application.") );

	setWhatsThis(gui_combo, tr("GUI"),
        tr("Select the GUI you prefer for the application. Currently "
           "there are two available: Default GUI and Mini GUI.<br>"
           "The <b>Default GUI</b> provides the traditional GUI, with the "
           "toolbar and control bar. The <b>Mini GUI</b> provides a "
           "more simple GUI, without toolbar and a control bar with few "
           "<b>Note:</b> this option will take effect the next "
           "time you run SMPlayer.") );

	setWhatsThis(changeFontButton, tr("Default font"),
        tr("You can change here the application's font.") );


	setWhatsThis(seek1, tr("Short jump"),
        tr("Select the time that should be go forward or backward when you "
           "choose the %1 action.").arg(tr("short jump")) );

	setWhatsThis(seek2, tr("Medium jump"),
        tr("Select the time that should be go forward or backward when you "
           "choose the %1 action.").arg(tr("medium jump")) );

	setWhatsThis(seek3, tr("Long jump"),
        tr("Select the time that should be go forward or backward when you "
           "choose the %1 action.").arg(tr("long jump")) );

	setWhatsThis(seek4, tr("Mouse wheel jump"),
        tr("Select the time that should be go forward or backward when you "
           "move the mouse wheel.") );

	setWhatsThis(timeslider_behaviour_combo, tr("Behaviour of time slider"),
        tr("Select what to do when dragging the time slider.") );

	setWhatsThis(seeking_method_group, tr("Seeking method"),
		tr("Sets the method to be used when seeking with the slider. "
           "Absolute seeking may be a little bit more accurate, while "
           "relative seeking may work better with files with a wrong length.") );

	setWhatsThis(precise_seeking_check, tr("Precise seeking"),
		tr("If this option is enabled, seeks are more accurate but they "
           "can be a little bit slower. May not work with some video formats.") +"<br>"+
		tr("Note: this option only works with MPlayer2") );


        tr("Use only one running instance of SMPlayer"),
        tr("Check this option if you want to use an already running instance "
           "of SMPlayer when opening other files.") );

	addSectionTitle(tr("Floating control"));

	setWhatsThis(floating_animated_check, tr("Animated"),
		tr("If this option is enabled, the floating control will appear "
           "with an animation.") );

	setWhatsThis(floating_width_slider, tr("Width"),
		tr("Specifies the width of the control (as a percentage).") );

	setWhatsThis(floating_margin_slider, tr("Margin"),
		tr("This option sets the number of pixels that the floating control "
           "will be away from the bottom of the screen. Useful when the "
           "screen is a TV, as the overscan might prevent the control to be "
           "visible.") );

	setWhatsThis(floating_compact_check, tr("Display in compact mode too"),
		tr("If this option is enabled, the floating control will appear "
           "in compact mode too. <b>Warning:</b> the floating control has not been "
           "designed for compact mode and it might not work properly.") );

#ifndef Q_OS_WIN
	setWhatsThis(floating_bypass_wm_check, tr("Bypass window manager"),
		tr("If this option is checked, the control is displayed bypassing the "
           "window manager. Disable this option if the floating control "
           "doesn't work well with your window manager.") );
예제 #5
void PrefAdvanced::createHelp() {


	setWhatsThis(monitoraspect_combo, tr("Monitor aspect"),
        tr("Select the aspect ratio of your monitor.") );

	setWhatsThis(mplayer_use_window_check, tr("Run MPlayer/MPV in its own window"),
        tr("If you check this option, the MPlayer/MPV video window won't be "
           "embedded in SMPlayer's main window but instead it will use its "
           "own window. Note that mouse and keyboard events will be handled "
           "directly by MPlayer/MPV, that means key shortcuts and mouse clicks "
           "probably won't work as expected when the MPlayer/MPV window has the "
           "focus.") );

	setWhatsThis(idx_check, tr("Rebuild index if needed"),
		tr("Rebuilds index of files if no index was found, allowing seeking. "
		   "Useful with broken/incomplete downloads, or badly created files. "
           "This option only works if the underlying media supports "
           "seeking (i.e. not with stdin, pipe, etc).<br> "
           "<b>Note:</b> the creation of the index may take some time.") );

	setWhatsThis(lavf_demuxer_check, tr("Use the lavf demuxer by default"),
		tr("If this option is checked, the lavf demuxer will be used for all formats."));

#ifdef Q_OS_WIN
	setWhatsThis(shortnames_check, tr("Pass short filenames (8+3) to MPlayer"),
		tr("Currently MPlayer can't open filenames which contains characters "
           "outside the local codepage. Checking this option will make "
           "SMPlayer to pass to MPlayer the short version of the filenames, "
           "and thus it will able to open them.") );

        tr("Repaint the background of the video window"),
		tr("Checking this option may reduce flickering, but it also might "
           "produce that the video won't be displayed properly.") );

		tr("Report MPlayer/MPV crashes"),
		tr("If this option is checked, a window will appear to inform "
           "about MPlayer/MPV crashes. Otherwise those failures will be "
           "silently ignored.") );

	setWhatsThis(correct_pts_combo, tr("Correct pts"),
		tr("Switches MPlayer/MPV to an experimental mode where timestamps for "
           "video frames are calculated differently and video filters which "
           "add new frames or modify timestamps of existing ones are "
           "supported. The more accurate timestamps can be visible for "
           "example when playing subtitles timed to scene changes with the "
           "SSA/ASS library enabled. Without correct pts the subtitle timing "
           "will typically be off by some frames. This option does not work "
           "correctly with some demuxers and codecs.") );

	setWhatsThis(actions_to_run_edit, tr("Actions list"),
		tr("Here you can specify a list of <i>actions</i> which will be "
           "run every time a file is opened. You'll find all available "
           "actions in the key shortcut editor in the <b>Keyboard and mouse</b> "
           "section. The actions must be separated by spaces. Checkable "
           "actions can be followed by <i>true</i> or <i>false</i> to "
           "enable or disable the action.") +"<br>"+
		tr("Example:") +" <i>auto_zoom compact true</i><br>" +
		tr("Limitation: the actions are run only when a file is opened and "
           "not when the mplayer process is restarted (e.g. you select an "
           "audio or video filter).") );

	setWhatsThis(colorkey_view, tr("Colorkey"),
        tr("If you see parts of the video over any other window, you can "
           "change the colorkey to fix it. Try to select a color close to "
           "black.") );

	setWhatsThis(show_tag_in_title_check, tr("Show tag info in window title"),
		tr("If this option is enabled, information from tags will be "
		   "shown in window title. "
           "Otherwise only the filename will be shown.") );

	addSectionTitle(tr("Options for MPlayer/MPV"));

	setWhatsThis(mplayer_args_edit, tr("Options"),
        tr("Here you can type options for MPlayer or MPV. Write them separated "
           "by spaces.") );

	setWhatsThis(mplayer_vfilters_edit, tr("Video filters"),
        tr("Here you can add video filters for MPlayer/MPV. Write them separated "
           "by commas. Don't use spaces!") );

	setWhatsThis(mplayer_afilters_edit, tr("Audio filters"),
        tr("Here you can add audio filters for MPlayer/MPV. Write them separated "
           "by commas. Don't use spaces!") );


	setWhatsThis(ipv4_button, tr("IPv4"),
		tr("Use IPv4 on network connections. Falls back on IPv6 automatically."));

	setWhatsThis(ipv6_button, tr("IPv6"),
		tr("Use IPv6 on network connections. Falls back on IPv4 automatically."));


	setWhatsThis(log_smplayer_check, tr("Log SMPlayer output"),
		tr("If this option is checked, SMPlayer will store the debugging "
           "messages that SMPlayer outputs "
           "(you can see the log in <b>Options -> View logs -> SMPlayer</b>). "
           "This information can be very useful for the developer in case "
           "you find a bug." ) );

	setWhatsThis(log_smplayer_save_check, tr("Save SMPlayer log to file"),
		tr("If this option is checked, the SMPlayer log wil be recorded to %1")
          .arg( "<i>"+ Paths::configPath() + "/smplayer_log.txt</i>" ) );

	setWhatsThis(log_mplayer_check, tr("Log MPlayer/MPV output"),
		tr("If checked, SMPlayer will store the output of MPlayer/MPV "
           "(you can see it in <b>Options -> View logs -> MPlayer/MPV</b>). "
           "In case of problems this log can contain important information, "
           "so it's recommended to keep this option checked.") );

	setWhatsThis(log_mplayer_save_check, tr("Autosave MPlayer/MPV log"),
		tr("If this option is checked, the MPlayer/MPV log will be saved to the "
           "specified file every time a new file starts to play. "
           "It's intended for external applications, so they can get "
           "info about the file you're playing.") );

	setWhatsThis(log_mplayer_save_name, tr("Autosave MPlayer/MPV log filename"),
 		tr("Enter here the path and filename that will be used to save the "
           "MPlayer/MPV log.") );

	setWhatsThis(log_filter_edit, tr("Filter for SMPlayer logs"),
		tr("This option allows to filter the SMPlayer messages that will "
           "be stored in the log. Here you can write any regular expression.<br>"
           "For instance: <i>^Core::.*</i> will display only the lines "
           "starting with <i>Core::</i>") );
예제 #6
void PrefGeneral::createHelp() {


	setWhatsThis(mplayerbin_edit, tr("mplayer2 executable"),
		tr("Here you must specify the mplayer2 "
           "executable that SMPlayer2 will use.<br>"
           "SMPlayer2 requires a recent version of mplayer2 (latest from git preferred)") + "<br><b>" +
        tr("If this setting is wrong, SMPlayer2 won't be able to play "
           "anything!") + "</b>");

	setWhatsThis(remember_all_check, tr("Remember settings"),
		tr("Usually SMPlayer2 will remember the settings for each file you "
           "play (audio track selected, volume, filters...). Disable this "
           "option if you don't like this feature.") );

	setWhatsThis(remember_time_check, tr("Remember time position"),
		tr("If you check this option, SMPlayer2 will remember the last position "
           "of the file when you open it again. This option works only with "
           "regular files (not with DVDs, CDs, URLs...).") );

	setWhatsThis(filesettings_method_combo, tr("Method to store the file settings"),
		tr("This option allows to change the way the file settings would be "
           "stored. The following options are available:") +"<ul><li>" + 
		tr("<b>one ini file</b>: the settings for all played files will be "
           "saved in a single ini file (%1)").arg(QString("<i>"+Paths::iniPath()+"/smplayer2.ini</i>")) + "</li><li>" +
		tr("<b>multiple ini files</b>: one ini file will be used for each played file. "
           "Those ini files will be saved in the folder %1").arg(QString("<i>"+Paths::iniPath()+"/file_settings</i>")) + "</li></ul>" +
		tr("The latter method could be faster if there is info for a lot of files.") );

	setWhatsThis(use_screenshots_check, tr("Enable screenshots"),
		tr("You can use this option to enable or disable the possibility to "
           "take screenshots.") );

	setWhatsThis(screenshot_edit, tr("Screenshots folder"),
		tr("Here you can specify a folder where the screenshots taken by "
           "SMPlayer2 will be stored. If the folder is not valid the "
           "screenshot feature will be disabled.") );

	setWhatsThis(close_on_finish_check, tr("Close when finished"),
		tr("If this option is checked, the main window will be automatically "
		   "closed when the current file/playlist finishes.") );

	setWhatsThis(pause_if_hidden_check, tr("Pause when minimized"),
		tr("If this option is enabled, the file will be paused when the "
           "main window is hidden. When the window is restored, playback "
           "will be resumed.") );

	// Video tab

	setWhatsThis(vo_combo, tr("Video output driver"),
		tr("Select the video output driver. %1 provides the best performance.")
#ifdef Q_OS_WIN

#ifndef Q_OS_WIN
	setWhatsThis(vdpau_filters_check, tr("Disable video filters when using vdpau"),
		tr("Usually video filters won't work when using vdpau as video output "
           "driver, so it's wise to keep this option checked.") );

	setWhatsThis(postprocessing_check, tr("Enable postprocessing by default"),
		tr("Postprocessing will be used by default on new opened files.") );

	setWhatsThis(autoq_spin, tr("Postprocessing quality"),
		tr("Dynamically changes the level of postprocessing depending on the "
           "available spare CPU time. The number you specify will be the "
           "maximum level used. Usually you can use some big number.") );

	setWhatsThis(deinterlace_combo, tr("Deinterlace by default"),
        tr("Select the deinterlace filter that you want to be used for new "
           "videos opened.") +" "+ 
        tr("<b>Note:</b> This option won't be used for TV channels.") );

	setWhatsThis(zoom_spin, tr("Default zoom"),
		tr("This option sets the default zoom which will be used for "
           "new videos.") );

	setWhatsThis(eq2_check, tr("Software video equalizer"),
		tr("You can check this option if video equalizer is not supported by "
           "your graphic card or the selected video output driver.<br>"
           "<b>Note:</b> this option can be incompatible with some video "
           "output drivers.") );

	setWhatsThis(direct_rendering_check, tr("Direct rendering"),
		tr("If checked, turns on direct rendering (not supported by all "
           "codecs and video outputs)<br>"
           "<b>Warning:</b> May cause OSD/SUB corruption!") );

	setWhatsThis(double_buffer_check, tr("Double buffering"),
		tr("Double buffering fixes flicker by storing two frames in memory, "
           "and displaying one while decoding another. If disabled it can "
           "affect OSD negatively, but often removes OSD flickering.") );

	setWhatsThis(use_slices_check, tr("Draw video using slices"),
		tr("Enable/disable drawing video by 16-pixel height slices/bands. "
           "If disabled, the whole frame is drawn in a single run. "
           "May be faster or slower, depending on video card and available "
           "cache. It has effect only with libmpeg2 and libavcodec codecs.") );

	setWhatsThis(start_fullscreen_check, tr("Start videos in fullscreen"),
		tr("If this option is checked, all videos will start to play in "
           "fullscreen mode.") );

	setWhatsThis(blackborders_on_fs_check, tr("Add black borders on fullscreen"),
		tr("If this option is enabled, black borders will be added to the "
           "image in fullscreen mode. This allows subtitles to be displayed "
           "on the black borders.") /* + "<br>" +
 		tr("This option will be ignored if mplayer2 uses its own window, as "
           "some video drivers (like gl) are already able to display the "
           "subtitles automatically in the black borders.") */ );

#ifdef Q_OS_WIN
	setWhatsThis(turn_screensaver_off_check, tr("Switch screensaver off"),
		tr("This option switches the screensaver off just before starting to "
           "play a file and switches it on when playback finishes. If this "
           "option is enabled, the screensaver won't appear even if playing "
           "audio files or when a file is paused."));

	setWhatsThis(avoid_screensaver_check, tr("Avoid screensaver"),
		tr("When this option is checked, SMPlayer2 will try to prevent the "
           "screensaver to be shown when playing a video file. The screensaver "
           "will be allowed to be shown if playing an audio file or in pause "
           "mode. This option only works if the SMPlayer2 window is in "
		   "the foreground."));
	setWhatsThis(screensaver_check, tr("Disable screensaver"),
		tr("Check this option to disable the screensaver while playing.<br>"
           "The screensaver will enabled again when play finishes.")

	// Audio tab

	setWhatsThis(ao_combo, tr("Audio output driver"),
		tr("Select the audio output driver.") 
#ifndef Q_OS_WIN
        + " " + 
		tr("%1 is the recommended one. Try to avoid %2 and %3, they are slow "
           "and can have an impact on performance.")

	setWhatsThis(audio_equalizer_check, tr("Enable the audio equalizer"),
		tr("Check this option if you want to use the audio equalizer.") );

	setWhatsThis(hwac3_check, tr("AC3/DTS pass-through S/PDIF"),
		tr("Uses hardware AC3 passthrough.") + "<br>" +
        tr("<b>Note:</b> none of the audio filters will be used when this "
           "option is enabled.") );

	setWhatsThis(channels_combo, tr("Channels by default"),
		tr("Requests the number of playback channels. mplayer2 "
           "asks the decoder to decode the audio into as many channels as "
           "specified. Then it is up to the decoder to fulfill the "
           "requirement. This is usually only important when playing "
           "videos with AC3 audio (like DVDs). In that case liba52 does "
           "the decoding by default and correctly downmixes the audio "
           "into the requested number of channels. "
           "<b>Note</b>: This option is honored by codecs (AC3 only), "
           "filters (surround) and audio output drivers (OSS at least).") );

	setWhatsThis(scaletempo_combo, tr("High speed playback without altering pitch"),
		tr("Allows to change the playback speed without altering pitch. ") );

	setWhatsThis(global_volume_check, tr("Global volume"),
		tr("If this option is checked, the same volume will be used for "
           "all files you play. If the option is not checked each "
           "file uses its own volume.") + "<br>" +
        tr("This option also applies for the mute control.") );

	setWhatsThis(softvol_check, tr("Software volume control"),
		tr("Check this option to use the software mixer, instead of "
           "using the sound card mixer.") );

	setWhatsThis(softvol_max_spin, tr("Max. Amplification"),
		tr("Sets the maximum amplification level in percent (default: 110). "
           "A value of 200 will allow you to adjust the volume up to a "
           "maximum of double the current level. With values below 100 the "
           "initial volume (which is 100%) will be above the maximum, which "
           "e.g. the OSD cannot display correctly.") );

	setWhatsThis(volnorm_check, tr("Volume normalization by default"),
		tr("Maximizes the volume without distorting the sound.") );

	setWhatsThis(autosync_check, tr("Audio/video auto synchronization"),
		tr("Gradually adjusts the A/V sync based on audio delay "
           "measurements.") );

	setWhatsThis(mc_spin, tr("A-V sync correction"),
		tr("Maximum A-V sync correction per frame (in seconds)") );

	addSectionTitle(tr("Preferred audio and subtitles"));

	setWhatsThis(audio_lang_edit, tr("Preferred audio language"),
		tr("Here you can type your preferred language for the audio streams. "
           "When a media with multiple audio streams is found, SMPlayer2 will "
           "try to use your preferred language.<br>"
           "This only will work with media that offer info about the language "
           "of the audio streams, like DVDs or mkv files.<br>"
           "This field accepts regular expressions. Example: <b>es|esp|spa</b> "
           "will select the audio track if it matches with <i>es</i>, "
           "<i>esp</i> or <i>spa</i>.") );

	setWhatsThis(subtitle_lang_edit, tr("Preferred subtitle language"),
		tr("Here you can type your preferred language for the subtitle stream. "
           "When a media with multiple subtitle streams is found, SMPlayer2 will "
           "try to use your preferred language.<br>"
           "This only will work with media that offer info about the language "
           "of the subtitle streams, like DVDs or mkv files.<br>"
           "This field accepts regular expressions. Example: <b>es|esp|spa</b> "
           "will select the subtitle stream if it matches with <i>es</i>, "
           "<i>esp</i> or <i>spa</i>.") );

	setWhatsThis(audio_track_spin, tr("Audio track"),
		tr("Specifies the default audio track which will be used when playing "
           "new files. If the track doesn't exist, the first one will be used. "
           "<br><b>Note:</b> the <i>\"preferred audio language\"</i> has "
           "preference over this option.") );

	setWhatsThis(subtitle_track_spin, tr("Subtitle track"),
		tr("Specifies the default subtitle track which will be used when "
           "playing new files. If the track doesn't exist, the first one "
           "will be used. <br><b>Note:</b> the <i>\"preferred subtitle "
           "language\"</i> has preference over this option.") );
