static void parseVELFPVELOCFile(const QString&datFileName, Mesh* mesh) {
    // these files are optional, so if not present, reading is skipped
    int nnodes = mesh->nodes().size();
    QFileInfo fi(datFileName);
    QVector<float> maxVel(nnodes);

        QString nodesFileName(fi.dir().filePath("VELFP.OUT"));
        QFile nodesFile(nodesFileName);
        if (! | QIODevice::Text)) return;
        QTextStream nodesStream(&nodesFile);
        int node_inx = 0;

        // VELFP.OUT - COORDINATES (NODE NUM, X, Y, MAX VEL) - Maximum floodplain flow velocity;
        while (!nodesStream.atEnd())
            if (node_inx == nnodes) throw LoadStatus::Err_IncompatibleMesh;

            QString line = nodesStream.readLine();
            QStringList lineParts = line.split(" ", QString::SkipEmptyParts);
            if (lineParts.size() != 4) {
                throw LoadStatus::Err_UnknownFormat;

            float val = getFloat(lineParts[3]);
            maxVel[node_inx] = val;


        QString nodesFileName(fi.dir().filePath("VELOC.OUT"));
        QFile nodesFile(nodesFileName);
        if (! | QIODevice::Text)) return;
        QTextStream nodesStream(&nodesFile);
        int node_inx = 0;

        // VELOC.OUT - COORDINATES (NODE NUM, X, Y, MAX VEL)  - Maximum channel flow velocity
        while (!nodesStream.atEnd())
            if (node_inx == nnodes) throw LoadStatus::Err_IncompatibleMesh;

            QString line = nodesStream.readLine();
            QStringList lineParts = line.split(" ", QString::SkipEmptyParts);
            if (lineParts.size() != 4) {
                throw LoadStatus::Err_UnknownFormat;

            float val = getFloat(lineParts[3]);
            if (!is_nodata(val)) { // overwrite value from VELFP if it is not 0
                maxVel[node_inx] = val;


    addStaticDataset(maxVel, "Velocity/Maximums", DataSet::Scalar, datFileName, mesh);
예제 #2
파일: mdal_flo2d.cpp 프로젝트: DelazJ/QGIS
void MDAL::DriverFlo2D::parseDEPTHFile( const std::string &datFileName, const std::vector<double> &elevations )
  // this file is optional, so if not present, reading is skipped
  std::string depthFile( fileNameFromDir( datFileName, "DEPTH.OUT" ) );
  if ( !MDAL::fileExists( depthFile ) )
    return; //optional file

  std::ifstream depthStream( depthFile, std::ifstream::in );
  std::string line;

  size_t nVertices = mMesh->verticesCount();
  std::vector<double> maxDepth( nVertices );
  std::vector<double> maxWaterLevel( nVertices );

  size_t vertex_idx = 0;

  while ( std::getline( depthStream, line ) )
    line = MDAL::rtrim( line );
    if ( vertex_idx == nVertices ) throw MDAL_Status::Err_IncompatibleMesh;

    std::vector<std::string> lineParts = MDAL::split( line, ' ' );
    if ( lineParts.size() != 4 )
      throw MDAL_Status::Err_UnknownFormat;

    double val = getDouble( lineParts[3] );
    maxDepth[vertex_idx] = val;

    //water level
    if ( !is_nodata( val ) ) val += elevations[vertex_idx];
    maxWaterLevel[vertex_idx] = val;


  addStaticDataset( true, maxDepth, "Depth/Maximums", datFileName );
  addStaticDataset( true, maxWaterLevel, "Water Level/Maximums", datFileName );
static void parseDEPTHFile(const QString&datFileName, Mesh* mesh, const QVector<float>& elevations) {
    // this file is optional, so if not present, reading is skipped
    QFileInfo fi(datFileName);
    QString nodesFileName(fi.dir().filePath("DEPTH.OUT"));
    QFile nodesFile(nodesFileName);
    if (! | QIODevice::Text)) return;
    QTextStream nodesStream(&nodesFile);

    int nnodes = mesh->nodes().size();
    QVector<float> maxDepth(nnodes);
    QVector<float> maxWaterLevel(nnodes);

    int node_inx = 0;

    while (!nodesStream.atEnd())
        if (node_inx == nnodes) throw LoadStatus::Err_IncompatibleMesh;

        QString line = nodesStream.readLine();
        QStringList lineParts = line.split(" ", QString::SkipEmptyParts);
        if (lineParts.size() != 4) {
            throw LoadStatus::Err_UnknownFormat;

        float val = getFloat(lineParts[3]);
        maxDepth[node_inx] = val;

        //water level
        if (!is_nodata(val)) val += elevations[node_inx];
        maxWaterLevel[node_inx] = val;


    addStaticDataset(maxDepth, "Depth/Maximums", DataSet::Scalar, datFileName, mesh);
    addStaticDataset(maxWaterLevel, "Water Level/Maximums", DataSet::Scalar, datFileName, mesh);
Mesh* Crayfish::loadFlo2D( const QString& datFileName, LoadStatus* status )
    if (status) status->clear();
    Mesh* mesh = 0;

        // Parse all nodes
        Mesh::Nodes nodes;
        parseCADPTSFile(datFileName, nodes);

        // Parse all elements
        Mesh::Elements elements;
        QVector<float> elevations = parseFPLAINFile(datFileName, elements);

        // Create mesh
        mesh = new Mesh(nodes, elements);

        // create output for bed elevation
        addStaticDataset(elevations, "Bed Elevation", DataSet::Bed, datFileName, mesh);

        // Create Depth and Velocity datasets Time varying datasets
        parseTIMDEPFile(datFileName, mesh, elevations);

        // Maximum Depth and Water Level
        parseDEPTHFile(datFileName, mesh, elevations);

        // Maximum Velocity
        parseVELFPVELOCFile(datFileName, mesh);


    catch (LoadStatus::Error error)
        if (status) status->mLastError = (error);
        if (mesh) delete mesh;
        mesh = 0;

    return mesh;
예제 #5
파일: mdal_flo2d.cpp 프로젝트: DelazJ/QGIS
std::unique_ptr< MDAL::Mesh > MDAL::DriverFlo2D::load( const std::string &resultsFile, MDAL_Status *status )
  mDatFileName = resultsFile;
  if ( status ) *status = MDAL_Status::None;
  std::vector<CellCenter> cells;

    // Parse mMesh info
    parseCADPTSFile( mDatFileName, cells );
    std::vector<double> elevations;
    parseFPLAINFile( elevations, mDatFileName, cells );
    double cell_size = calcCellSize( cells );

    // Create mMesh
    createMesh( cells, cell_size / 2.0 );

    // create output for bed elevation
    addStaticDataset( false, elevations, "Bed Elevation", mDatFileName );

    if ( parseHDF5Datasets( mDatFileName ) )
      // some problem with HDF5 data, try text files
      parseOUTDatasets( mDatFileName, elevations );

  catch ( MDAL_Status error )
    if ( status ) *status = ( error );

  return std::unique_ptr<Mesh>( mMesh.release() );
예제 #6
파일: mdal_flo2d.cpp 프로젝트: DelazJ/QGIS
void MDAL::DriverFlo2D::parseVELFPVELOCFile( const std::string &datFileName )
  // these files are optional, so if not present, reading is skipped
  size_t nVertices = mMesh->verticesCount();
  std::vector<double> maxVel( nVertices );

    std::string velocityFile( fileNameFromDir( datFileName, "VELFP.OUT" ) );
    if ( !MDAL::fileExists( velocityFile ) )
      return; //optional file

    std::ifstream velocityStream( velocityFile, std::ifstream::in );
    std::string line;

    size_t vertex_idx = 0;

    // VELFP.OUT - COORDINATES (ELEM NUM, X, Y, MAX VEL) - Maximum floodplain flow velocity;
    while ( std::getline( velocityStream, line ) )
      if ( vertex_idx == nVertices ) throw MDAL_Status::Err_IncompatibleMesh;

      line = MDAL::rtrim( line );
      std::vector<std::string> lineParts = MDAL::split( line, ' ' );
      if ( lineParts.size() != 4 )
        throw MDAL_Status::Err_UnknownFormat;

      double val = getDouble( lineParts[3] );
      maxVel[vertex_idx] = val;


    std::string velocityFile( fileNameFromDir( datFileName, "VELOC.OUT" ) );
    if ( !MDAL::fileExists( velocityFile ) )
      return; //optional file

    std::ifstream velocityStream( velocityFile, std::ifstream::in );
    std::string line;

    size_t vertex_idx = 0;

    // VELOC.OUT - COORDINATES (ELEM NUM, X, Y, MAX VEL)  - Maximum channel flow velocity
    while ( std::getline( velocityStream, line ) )
      if ( vertex_idx == nVertices ) throw MDAL_Status::Err_IncompatibleMesh;

      line = MDAL::rtrim( line );
      std::vector<std::string> lineParts = MDAL::split( line, ' ' );
      if ( lineParts.size() != 4 )
        throw MDAL_Status::Err_UnknownFormat;

      double val = getDouble( lineParts[3] );
      if ( !is_nodata( val ) ) // overwrite value from VELFP if it is not 0
        maxVel[vertex_idx] = val;


  addStaticDataset( true, maxVel, "Velocity/Maximums", datFileName );