예제 #1
 * This creates a Tab OCR
void KOCRBase::ocrIntro( )
    m_ocrPage = addVBoxPage( i18n("OCR") );

    // Caption - Label and image
    /* labelstring */
    (void) new QLabel( i18n("<b>Starting Optical Character Recognition with %1</b><p>").
                       arg( ocrEngineName() ), m_ocrPage );
    // Find the kadmos logo and display if available
    KStandardDirs stdDir;
    QString logo = stdDir.findResource( "data", "kooka/pics/" + ocrEngineLogo() );

    kdDebug(28000)<< "Reading logo " << logo << endl;
    QPixmap pix;
    QWidget *pa = m_ocrPage;

    if( pix.load( logo ))
        QHBox *hb_cap = new QHBox( m_ocrPage );
        hb_cap->setSpacing( KDialog::spacingHint());

        QLabel *imgLab = new QLabel( hb_cap );
        imgLab->setAlignment( Qt::AlignHCenter | Qt::AlignTop  );
        imgLab->setPixmap( pix );
        pa = hb_cap;

    (void) new KActiveLabel( ocrEngineDesc(), pa );
예제 #2
파일: scandialog.cpp 프로젝트: KDE/kooka
ScanDialog::ScanDialog( QWidget *parent, const char *name, bool modal )
   : KScanDialog( Tabbed, Close|Help, parent, name, modal ),
    QVBox *page = addVBoxPage( i18n("&Scanning") );

    splitter = new QSplitter( Horizontal, page, "splitter" );
    Q_CHECK_PTR( splitter );

    m_scanParams = 0;
    m_device = new KScanDevice( this );
    connect(m_device, SIGNAL(sigNewImage(QImage *, ImgScanInfo*)),
            this, SLOT(slotFinalImage(QImage *, ImgScanInfo *)));

    connect( m_device, SIGNAL(sigScanStart(const ImgScanInfo *)), this, SLOT(slotScanStart()));
    connect( m_device, SIGNAL(sigScanFinished(KScanStat)),
	     this, SLOT(slotScanFinished(KScanStat)));
    connect( m_device, SIGNAL(sigAcquireStart()), this, SLOT(slotAcquireStart()));
    /* Create a preview widget to the right side of the splitter */
    m_previewer = new Previewer( splitter );
    Q_CHECK_PTR(m_previewer );

    /* ... and connect to the selector-slots. They communicate user's
     * selection to the scanner parameter engine */
    /* a new preview signal */
    connect( m_device, SIGNAL( sigNewPreview( QImage*, ImgScanInfo* )),
             this, SLOT( slotNewPreview( QImage* )));

    m_previewer->setEnabled( false ); // will be enabled in setup()

    /* Options-page */
    createOptionsTab( );

예제 #3
void KOCRBase::spellCheckIntro()
    m_spellchkPage = addVBoxPage( i18n("Spell-checking") );

    /* Want the spell checking at all? Checkbox here */
    QGroupBox *gb1 = new QGroupBox( 1, Qt::Horizontal, i18n("OCR Post Processing"), m_spellchkPage );
    m_cbWantCheck = new QCheckBox( i18n("Enable spell-checking for validation of the OCR result"),
                                   gb1 );
    /* Spellcheck options */
    m_gbSpellOpts = new QGroupBox( 1, Qt::Horizontal, i18n("Spell-Check Options"),
                                   m_spellchkPage );

    KSpellConfig *sCfg = new KSpellConfig( m_gbSpellOpts, "SPELLCHK", m_spellConfig, false );
    /* A space eater */
    QWidget *spaceEater = new QWidget(m_spellchkPage);
    spaceEater->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::Ignored, QSizePolicy::Ignored ));

    /* connect toggle button */
    connect( m_cbWantCheck, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(slWantSpellcheck(bool)));
    m_cbWantCheck->setChecked( m_userWantsSpellCheck );
    m_gbSpellOpts->setEnabled( m_userWantsSpellCheck );
    m_spellConfig = sCfg;

    connect( sCfg, SIGNAL(configChanged()),
            this, SLOT(slSpellConfigChanged()));
예제 #4
void KasAboutDialog::addInfoPage()
   TQVBox *aboutPage = addVBoxPage( i18n("About"), i18n("About Kasbar"), Icon( "appearance" ) );
   aboutPage->setSpacing( spacingHint() );

   new TQLabel( i18n( "<qt><body>"
		     "<h2>Kasbar Version: %1</h2>"
		     "<b>KDE Version:</b> %2"
		     "</body></qt>" )
	       aboutPage );

   KTextBrowser *text5 = new KTextBrowser( aboutPage );
   text5->setText( i18n( "<html><body>"
			 "<p>Kasbar TNG began as a port of the original Kasbar applet to "
			 "the (then new) extension API, but ended up as a complete "
			 "rewrite because of the range of features needed by different "
			 "groups of users. In the process of the rewrite all the standard "
			 "features provided by the default taskbar were added, along with "
			 "some more original ones such as thumbnails."
			 "You can find information about the latest developments in Kasbar at "
			 "<a href=\"%3\">%4</a>, the Kasbar homepage."
			 "</body></html>" )
		   .arg( HOMEPAGE_URL ).arg( HOMEPAGE_URL ) );

   text5->setWordWrap( TQTextEdit::WidgetWidth );
예제 #5
void KasPrefsDialog::addIndicatorsPage()
   TQVBox *indicatorsPage = addVBoxPage( i18n("Indicators"), TQString::null, Icon( "bell" ) );

   (void) new TQWidget( indicatorsPage, "spacer" );
   (void) new TQWidget( indicatorsPage, "spacer" );
예제 #6
void KasAboutDialog::addAuthorsPage()
   TQVBox *authorsPage = addVBoxPage( i18n("Authors"),
				     i18n("Kasbar Authors"), 
				     Icon( "kuser" ) );

   KTextBrowser *text = new KTextBrowser( authorsPage );
   text->setText( i18n(

     "<b>Richard Moore</b> <a href=\"mailto:[email protected]\">[email protected]</a><br>"
     "<b>Homepage:</b> <a href=\"http://xmelegance.org/\">http://xmelegance.org/</a>"

     "<p>Developer and maintainer of the Kasbar TNG code.</p>"


     "<b>Daniel M. Duley (Mosfet)</b> <a href=\"mailto:[email protected]\">[email protected]</a><br>"
     "<b>Homepage:</b> <a href=\"http://www.mosfet.org/\">http://www.mosfet.org/</a>"

     "<p>Mosfet wrote the original Kasbar applet on which this "
     "extension is based. There is little of the original code "
     "remaining, but the basic look in opaque mode is almost "
     "identical to this first implementation.</p>"

     "</html>" ) );

   text->setWordWrap( TQTextEdit::WidgetWidth );
예제 #7
void KasPrefsDialog::addBehavePage()
   TQVBox *behavePage = addVBoxPage( i18n("Behavior"), TQString::null, Icon( "window_list" ) );

   groupWindowsCheck = new TQCheckBox( i18n("&Group windows"), behavePage );
   TQWhatsThis::add( groupWindowsCheck,
		    i18n( "Enables the grouping together of related windows." ) );
   groupWindowsCheck->setChecked( kasbar->groupWindows() );
   connect( groupWindowsCheck, TQT_SIGNAL( toggled(bool) ),
	    kasbar, TQT_SLOT( setGroupWindows(bool) ) );

   showAllWindowsCheck = new TQCheckBox( i18n("Show all &windows"), behavePage );
   TQWhatsThis::add( showAllWindowsCheck,
		    i18n( "Enables the display of all windows, not just those on the current desktop." ) );
   showAllWindowsCheck->setChecked( kasbar->showAllWindows() );
   connect( showAllWindowsCheck, TQT_SIGNAL( toggled(bool) ), kasbar, TQT_SLOT( setShowAllWindows(bool) ) );

   groupInactiveCheck = new TQCheckBox( i18n("&Group windows on inactive desktops"), behavePage );
   TQWhatsThis::add( groupInactiveCheck,
		    i18n( "Enables the grouping together of windows that are not on the current desktop." ) );
   groupInactiveCheck->setChecked( kasbar->groupInactiveDesktops() );
   connect( groupInactiveCheck, TQT_SIGNAL( toggled(bool) ),
	    kasbar, TQT_SLOT( setGroupInactiveDesktops(bool) ) );

   onlyShowMinimizedCheck = new TQCheckBox( i18n("Only show &minimized windows"), behavePage );
   TQWhatsThis::add( onlyShowMinimizedCheck,
		    i18n( "When this option is checked only minimized windows are shown in the bar. " \
			  "This gives Kasbar similar behavior to the icon handling in older environments " \
			  "like CDE or OpenLook." ) );
   onlyShowMinimizedCheck->setChecked( kasbar->onlyShowMinimized() );
   connect( onlyShowMinimizedCheck, TQT_SIGNAL( toggled(bool) ), kasbar, TQT_SLOT( setOnlyShowMinimized(bool) ) );

   (void) new TQWidget( behavePage, "spacer" );
   (void) new TQWidget( behavePage, "spacer" );
예제 #8
void KasAboutDialog::addGPLPage()
   TQVBox *gplPage = addVBoxPage( i18n("GPL License"), TQString::null, Icon( "filefind" ) );

   new TQLabel( i18n( "Kasbar may be used under the terms of either the BSD license, "
		     "or the GNU Public License." ), gplPage );

   KTextBrowser *text3 = new KTextBrowser( gplPage );
   text3->setText( "Some more text of unsurpassed tediousness goes here." );
   text3->setWordWrap( TQTextEdit::NoWrap );

   TQString gplFile = locate("data", "LICENSES/GPL_V2");
   if ( !gplFile.isEmpty() ) {
     TQString result;
     TQFile file( gplFile );

     if ( file.open( IO_ReadOnly ) )
        TQTextStream str(&file);
        result += str.read();

     text3->setText( result );
예제 #9
TQVBox *KJanusWidget::addVBoxPage( const TQString &itemName,
				  const TQString &header,
				  const TQPixmap &pixmap )
  TQStringList items;
  items << itemName;
  return addVBoxPage(items, header, pixmap);
예제 #10
ConfigDlg::ConfigDlg(QWidget *parent, const char *name)
: KDialogBase(IconList, i18n("Configuration"), Ok|Cancel, Ok, parent, name, true)
	QVBox	*page1 = addVBoxPage(i18n("Personal"), i18n("Personal Settings"), DesktopIcon("kdmconfig"));
	m_general = new ConfGeneral(page1, "Personal");

	QVBox	*page2 = addVBoxPage(i18n("Page setup"), i18n("Page Setup"), DesktopIcon("editcopy"));
	m_fax = new ConfFax(page2, "Fax");

	QVBox	*page3 = addVBoxPage(i18n("System"), i18n("Fax System Selection"), DesktopIcon("kdeprintfax"));
	m_system = new ConfSystem(page3, "System");

	QVBox	*page4 = addVBoxPage(i18n("Filters"), i18n("Filters Configuration"), DesktopIcon("filter"));
	m_filters = new ConfFilters(page4, "Filters");

	resize(450, 300);
예제 #11
ConfigDlg::ConfigDlg(QWidget *parent, const char *name)
 : KDialogBase(KDialogBase::TreeList, WStyle_DialogBorder, parent, name, true, "Settings", KDialogBase::Ok|KDialogBase::Cancel)

  QVBox *frame;

  QStringList path;

  path << i18n("Languages");
  setFolderIcon(path, BarIcon("protoeditor", KIcon::SizeSmall));

  QValueList<LanguageSettings*> llist = Protoeditor::self()->settings()->languageSettingsList();
  QValueList<LanguageSettings*>::iterator it;
  for(it = llist.begin(); it != llist.end(); ++it)
    path << i18n("Languages") << (*it)->languageName();
    frame = addVBoxPage(path, (*it)->languageName(), BarIcon((*it)->iconName(), KIcon::SizeSmall));

  path << i18n("Sites");
  frame= addVBoxPage(path, i18n("Sites"), BarIcon("package_network", KIcon::SizeSmall));
  m_siteSettingsWidget = new SiteSettingsWidget(frame);//->reparent(((QWidget*)frame), 0, QPoint());

  path << i18n("External Applications");
  frame = addVBoxPage(path, i18n("External Applications"), BarIcon("gear", KIcon::SizeSmall));
  m_extAppSettingsWidget = new ExtAppSettingsWidget(frame, i18n("External Applications"));//->reparent(((QWidget*)frame), 0, QPoint());

  resize(QSize(590, 300).expandedTo(minimumSizeHint()));
예제 #12
QVBox* KGameDialog::addConfigPage(KGameDialogConfig* widget, const QString& title)
 if (!widget) {
	kdError(11001) << "Cannot add NULL config widget" << endl;
	return 0;
 QVBox* page = addVBoxPage(title);
 addConfigWidget(widget, page);
 return page;
예제 #13
EditFunction::EditFunction( XParser* parser, QWidget* parent, const char* name ) : 
	KDialogBase( IconList, "Caption", Help|Ok|Cancel, Ok, parent, name ), m_parser(parser)
	QVBox *page0 = addVBoxPage( i18n("Function"), i18n( "Function" ), SmallIcon( "func", 32 ) );
	editfunctionpage = new EditFunctionPage( page0 );
	QVBox *page1 = addVBoxPage( i18n("Derivatives"), i18n( "Derivatives" ), SmallIcon( "deriv_func", 32 ) );
	editderivativespage = new EditDerivativesPage( page1 );
	QVBox *page2 = addVBoxPage( i18n("Integral"), i18n( "Integral" ), SmallIcon( "integral_func", 32 ) );
	editintegralpage = new EditIntegralPage( page2 );
	for( int number = 0; number < SLIDER_COUNT; number++ )
		editfunctionpage->listOfSliders->insertItem( i18n( "Slider No. %1" ).arg( number +1) );
	connect( editfunctionpage->cmdParameter, SIGNAL ( clicked() ), this, SLOT( cmdParameter_clicked() ) );
	connect( editfunctionpage->useNoParameter, SIGNAL ( toggled(bool) ), this, SLOT( noParameter_toggled(bool) ) );
	connect( editfunctionpage->customMinRange, SIGNAL ( toggled(bool) ), this, SLOT( customMinRange_toggled(bool) ) );
	connect( editfunctionpage->customMaxRange, SIGNAL ( toggled(bool) ), this, SLOT( customMaxRange_toggled(bool) ) );
    m_updatedfunction = 0;
예제 #14
PreferencesDialog::PreferencesDialog(KFileItemList media, QWidget *parent, const char *name)
    : KDialogBase(Tabbed, i18n("Media Applet Preferences"), Ok | Cancel | Default, Ok, parent, name, true), mMedia(media)
    QVBox *types_page = addVBoxPage(i18n("Medium Types"));
    mpMediumTypesListView = new KListView(types_page);

    // mpMediumTypesListView->setFullWidth(true);
    mpMediumTypesListView->addColumn(i18n("Types to Display"));
    QWhatsThis::add(mpMediumTypesListView, i18n("Deselect the medium types which you do not want to see in the applet"));

    QVBox *media_page = addVBoxPage(i18n("Media"));
    mpMediaListView = new KListView(media_page);

    // mpMediaListView->setFullWidth(true);
    mpMediaListView->addColumn(i18n("Media to Display"));
    QWhatsThis::add(mpMediaListView, i18n("Deselect the media which you do not want to see in the applet"));

예제 #15
void KasPrefsDialog::addBackgroundPage()
   TQVBox *bgPage = addVBoxPage( i18n("Background"), TQString::null, Icon( "background" ) );

   transCheck = new TQCheckBox( i18n("Trans&parent"), bgPage );
   TQWhatsThis::add( transCheck, i18n( "Enables pseudo-transparent mode." ) );
   transCheck->setChecked( kasbar->isTransparent() );
   connect( transCheck, TQT_SIGNAL( toggled(bool) ), kasbar, TQT_SLOT( setTransparent(bool) ) );

   tintCheck = new TQCheckBox( i18n("Enable t&int"), bgPage );
   TQWhatsThis::add( tintCheck,
		    i18n( "Enables tinting the background that shows through in transparent mode." ) );
   tintCheck->setChecked( kasbar->hasTint() );
   connect( tintCheck, TQT_SIGNAL( toggled(bool) ), kasbar, TQT_SLOT( setTint(bool) ) );

   TQHBox *tintColBox = new TQHBox( bgPage );
   TQWhatsThis::add( tintColBox,
		    i18n( "Specifies the color used for the background tint." ) );
   connect( tintCheck, TQT_SIGNAL( toggled(bool) ), tintColBox, TQT_SLOT( setEnabled(bool) ) );
   tintColBox->setEnabled( kasbar->hasTint() );

   TQLabel *tintLabel = new TQLabel( i18n("Tint &color:"), tintColBox );

   tintButton = new KColorButton( kasbar->tintColor(), tintColBox );
   connect( tintButton, TQT_SIGNAL( changed( const TQColor & ) ),
	    kasbar, TQT_SLOT( setTintColor( const TQColor & ) ) );
   tintLabel->setBuddy( tintButton );

   TQHBox *tintAmtBox = new TQHBox( bgPage );
   TQWhatsThis::add( tintAmtBox,
		    i18n( "Specifies the strength of the background tint." ) );
   connect( tintCheck, TQT_SIGNAL( toggled(bool) ), tintAmtBox, TQT_SLOT( setEnabled(bool) ) );
   tintAmtBox->setEnabled( kasbar->hasTint() );

   TQLabel *tintStrengthLabel = new TQLabel( i18n("Tint &strength: "), tintAmtBox );

   int percent = (int) (kasbar->tintAmount() * 100.0);
   tintAmount = new TQSlider( 0, 100, 1, percent, Qt::Horizontal, tintAmtBox );
   tintAmount->setTracking( true );
   connect( tintAmount, TQT_SIGNAL( valueChanged( int ) ),
	    kasbar, TQT_SLOT( setTintAmount( int ) ) );
   tintStrengthLabel->setBuddy( tintAmount );

   (void) new TQWidget( bgPage, "spacer" );
   (void) new TQWidget( bgPage, "spacer" );
   (void) new TQWidget( bgPage, "spacer" );
예제 #16
void KasPrefsDialog::addThumbsPage()
   TQVBox *thumbsPage = addVBoxPage( i18n("Thumbnails"), TQString::null, Icon( "icons" ) );

   thumbsCheck = new TQCheckBox( i18n("Enable thu&mbnails"), thumbsPage );
   TQWhatsThis::add( thumbsCheck,
		    i18n( "Enables the display of a thumbnailed image of the window when "
			  "you move your mouse pointer over an item. The thumbnails are "
			  "approximate, and may not reflect the current window contents.\n\n"
			  "Using this option on a slow machine may cause performance problems." ) );
   thumbsCheck->setChecked( kasbar->thumbnailsEnabled() );
   connect( thumbsCheck, TQT_SIGNAL( toggled(bool) ), kasbar, TQT_SLOT( setThumbnailsEnabled(bool) ) );

   embedThumbsCheck = new TQCheckBox( i18n("&Embed thumbnails"), thumbsPage );
   embedThumbsCheck->setChecked( kasbar->embedThumbnails() );
   connect( embedThumbsCheck, TQT_SIGNAL( toggled(bool) ), kasbar, TQT_SLOT( setEmbedThumbnails(bool) ) );

   TQHBox *thumbSizeBox = new TQHBox( thumbsPage );
   TQWhatsThis::add( thumbSizeBox,
		    i18n( "Controls the size of the window thumbnails. Using large sizes may "
			  "cause performance problems." ) );
   TQLabel *thumbSizeLabel = new TQLabel( i18n("Thumbnail &size: "), thumbSizeBox );
   int percent = (int) (kasbar->thumbnailSize() * 100.0);
   thumbSizeSlider = new TQSlider( 0, 100, 1, percent, Qt::Horizontal, thumbSizeBox );
   connect( thumbSizeSlider, TQT_SIGNAL( valueChanged( int ) ),
	    kasbar, TQT_SLOT( setThumbnailSize( int ) ) );
   thumbSizeLabel->setBuddy( thumbSizeSlider );

   TQHBox *thumbUpdateBox = new TQHBox( thumbsPage );
   thumbUpdateBox->setSpacing( spacingHint() );
   TQWhatsThis::add( thumbUpdateBox,
		    i18n( "Controls the frequency with which the thumbnail of the active window "
			  "is updated. If the value is 0 then no updates will be performed.\n\n"
			  "Using small values may cause performance problems on slow machines." ) );
   TQLabel *thumbUpdateLabel = new TQLabel( i18n("&Update thumbnail every: "), thumbUpdateBox );
   thumbUpdateSpin = new TQSpinBox( 0, 1000, 1, thumbUpdateBox );
   thumbUpdateSpin->setValue( kasbar->thumbnailUpdateDelay() );
   connect( thumbUpdateSpin, TQT_SIGNAL( valueChanged( int ) ),
   	    kasbar, TQT_SLOT( setThumbnailUpdateDelay( int ) ) );
   (void) new TQLabel( i18n("seconds"), thumbUpdateBox );
   thumbUpdateLabel->setBuddy( thumbUpdateSpin );

   (void) new TQWidget( thumbsPage, "spacer" );
   (void) new TQWidget( thumbsPage, "spacer" );
   (void) new TQWidget( thumbsPage, "spacer" );
예제 #17
void KonviConfigDialog::addPageInternal(QWidget *page,
                                        const QStringList &items,
                                        const QString &pixmapName,
                                        const QString &header)
        kdDebug(240) << "KonviConfigDialog::addPage: can not add a page after the dialog has been shown.";
        case TreeList:
        case IconList:
        case Tabbed:
            QVBox *frame = addVBoxPage(items, header, SmallIcon(pixmapName, 16));
            frame->setSpacing( 0 );
            frame->setMargin( 0 );
            page->reparent(((QWidget*)frame), 0, QPoint());
            m_lastAddedIndex = pageIndex(frame);

        case Swallow:
            page->reparent(this, 0, QPoint());

        case Plain:
            QFrame *main = plainPage();
            QVBoxLayout *topLayout = new QVBoxLayout( main, 0, 0 );
            page->reparent(((QWidget*)main), 0, QPoint());
            topLayout->addWidget( page );

            kdDebug(240) << "KonviConfigDialog::addpage: unknown type.";
예제 #18
void KateConfigDialog::addPluginPage (Kate::Plugin *plugin)
  if (!Kate::pluginConfigInterfaceExtension(plugin))

  for (uint i=0; i<Kate::pluginConfigInterfaceExtension(plugin)->configPages(); i++)
    TQStringList path;
    path << i18n("Application")<<i18n("Plugins") << Kate::pluginConfigInterfaceExtension(plugin)->configPageName(i);
    TQVBox *page=addVBoxPage(path, Kate::pluginConfigInterfaceExtension(plugin)->configPageFullName(i), Kate::pluginConfigInterfaceExtension(plugin)->configPagePixmap(i, TDEIcon::SizeSmall));

    PluginPageListItem *info=new PluginPageListItem;
    info->plugin = plugin;
    info->page = Kate::pluginConfigInterfaceExtension(plugin)->configPage (i, page);
    connect( info->page, TQT_SIGNAL( changed() ), this, TQT_SLOT( slotChanged() ) );
예제 #19
void KasPrefsDialog::addAdvancedPage()
   TQVBox *advancedPage = addVBoxPage( i18n("Advanced"), TQString::null, Icon( "misc" ) );

   // Startup notifier
   notifierCheck = new TQCheckBox( i18n("Enable &startup notifier"), advancedPage );
   TQWhatsThis::add( notifierCheck,
		    i18n( "Enables the display of tasks that are starting but have not yet "
			  "created a window." ) );
   notifierCheck->setChecked( kasbar->notifierEnabled() );
   connect( notifierCheck, TQT_SIGNAL( toggled(bool) ), kasbar, TQT_SLOT( setNotifierEnabled(bool) ) );

   // Status advanced
   modifiedCheck = new TQCheckBox( i18n("Enable &modified indicator"), advancedPage );
   TQWhatsThis::add( modifiedCheck,
		    i18n( "Enables the display of a floppy disk state icon for windows containing "
			  "a modified document." ) );
   modifiedCheck->setChecked( kasbar->showModified() );
   connect( modifiedCheck, TQT_SIGNAL( toggled(bool) ), kasbar, TQT_SLOT( setShowModified(bool) ) );

   progressCheck = new TQCheckBox( i18n("Enable &progress indicator"), advancedPage );
   TQWhatsThis::add( progressCheck,
		    i18n( "Enables the display of a progress bar in the label of windows show "
			  "are progress indicators." ) );
   progressCheck->setChecked( kasbar->showProgress() );
   connect( progressCheck, TQT_SIGNAL( toggled(bool) ), kasbar, TQT_SLOT( setShowProgress(bool) ) );

   attentionCheck = new TQCheckBox( i18n("Enable &attention indicator"), advancedPage );
   TQWhatsThis::add( attentionCheck,
		    i18n( "Enables the display of an icon that indicates a window that needs attention." ) );
   attentionCheck->setChecked( kasbar->showAttention() );
   connect( attentionCheck, TQT_SIGNAL( toggled(bool) ), kasbar, TQT_SLOT( setShowAttention(bool) ) );

   inactiveFramesCheck = new TQCheckBox( i18n("Enable frames for inactive items"), advancedPage );
   TQWhatsThis::add( inactiveFramesCheck,
		    i18n( "Enables frames around inactive items, if you want the bar to disappear into " \
			  "the background you should probably uncheck this option." ) );
   inactiveFramesCheck->setChecked( kasbar->paintInactiveFrames() );
   connect( inactiveFramesCheck, TQT_SIGNAL( toggled(bool) ), kasbar, TQT_SLOT( setPaintInactiveFrames(bool) ) );

   (void) new TQWidget( advancedPage, "spacer" );
   (void) new TQWidget( advancedPage, "spacer" );
예제 #20
파일: scandialog.cpp 프로젝트: KDE/kooka
void ScanDialog::createOptionsTab( void )

   QVBox *page = addVBoxPage( i18n("&Options"));

   QGroupBox *gb = new QGroupBox( 1, Qt::Horizontal, i18n("Startup Options"), page, "GB_STARTUP" );
   QLabel *label = new QLabel( i18n( "Note: changing these options will affect the scan plugin on next start." ),
			       gb );
   label->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Fixed ) );

   /* Checkbox for asking for scanner on startup */
   cb_askOnStart = new QCheckBox( i18n( "&Ask for the scan device on plugin startup"), gb );
   QToolTip::add( cb_askOnStart,
		  i18n("You can uncheck this if you do not want to be asked which scanner to use on startup."));
   Q_CHECK_PTR( cb_askOnStart );

   /* Checkbox for network access */
   cb_network = new QCheckBox( i18n( "&Query the network for scan devices"), gb );
   QToolTip::add( cb_network,
		  i18n("Check this if you want to query for configured network scan stations."));
   Q_CHECK_PTR( cb_network );

   /* Read settings for startup behavior */
   KConfig *gcfg = KGlobal::config();
   bool skipDialog  = gcfg->readBoolEntry( STARTUP_SKIP_ASK, false );
   bool onlyLocal   = gcfg->readBoolEntry( STARTUP_ONLY_LOCAL, false );

   /* Note: flag must be inverted because of question is 'the other way round' */
   cb_askOnStart->setChecked( !skipDialog );
   connect( cb_askOnStart, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(slotAskOnStartToggle(bool)));

   cb_network->setChecked( !onlyLocal );
   connect( cb_network, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(slotNetworkToggle(bool)));

   QWidget *spaceEater = new QWidget( page );
   Q_CHECK_PTR( spaceEater );
   spaceEater->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Expanding) );

예제 #21
/** Set page general */
void KEducaPrefs::setPageGeneral()
    QVBox *mainFrame = addVBoxPage( i18n("Miscellaneous"), i18n("Various Settings"), DesktopIcon("misc"));

    QButtonGroup *buttonGroup1 = new QButtonGroup( mainFrame, "ButtonGroup1" );
    buttonGroup1->setTitle( i18n( "General" ) );
    buttonGroup1->setColumnLayout(0, Qt::Vertical );
    buttonGroup1->layout()->setSpacing( 0 );
    buttonGroup1->layout()->setMargin( 0 );
    QVBoxLayout *buttonGroup1Layout = new QVBoxLayout( buttonGroup1->layout() );
    buttonGroup1Layout->setAlignment( Qt::AlignTop );
    buttonGroup1Layout->setSpacing( 6 );
    buttonGroup1Layout->setMargin( 11 );

    _resultAfterNext = new QRadioButton( buttonGroup1, "RadioButton1" );
    _resultAfterNext->setText( i18n( "Show results of the answer after press next" ) );
    buttonGroup1Layout->addWidget( _resultAfterNext );

    _resultAfterFinish = new QRadioButton( buttonGroup1, "RadioButton2" );
    _resultAfterFinish->setText( i18n( "Show results when finish the test" ) );
    buttonGroup1Layout->addWidget( _resultAfterFinish );

    QGroupBox *GroupBox1 = new QGroupBox( mainFrame, "GroupBox7" );
    GroupBox1->setTitle( i18n( "Order" ) );
    GroupBox1->setColumnLayout(0, Qt::Vertical );
    GroupBox1->layout()->setSpacing( 0 );
    GroupBox1->layout()->setMargin( 0 );
    QVBoxLayout *GroupBox1Layout = new QVBoxLayout( GroupBox1->layout() );
    GroupBox1Layout->setAlignment( Qt::AlignTop );
    GroupBox1Layout->setSpacing( 6 );
    GroupBox1Layout->setMargin( 11 );
    _randomQuestions = new QCheckBox( GroupBox1, "CheckBox1" );
    _randomQuestions->setText( i18n( "Show questions in random order" ) );
    GroupBox1Layout->addWidget( _randomQuestions );

    _randomAnswers = new QCheckBox( GroupBox1, "CheckBox2" );
    _randomAnswers->setText( i18n( "Show answers in random order" ) );
    GroupBox1Layout->addWidget( _randomAnswers );
예제 #22
HighscoresDialog::HighscoresDialog(int rank, QWidget *parent)
    : KDialogBase(internal->nbGameTypes()>1 ? TreeList : Plain,
                  i18n("Highscores"), Close|User1|User2, Close,
                  parent, "show_highscores", true, true,
                  KGuiItem(i18n("Configure..."), "configure"),
                  KGuiItem(i18n("Export..."))), _rank(rank), _tab(0)
    _widgets.resize(internal->nbGameTypes(), 0);

    if ( internal->nbGameTypes()>1 ) {
        for (uint i=0; i<internal->nbGameTypes(); i++) {
            QString title = internal->manager.gameTypeLabel(i, Manager::I18N);
            QString icon = internal->manager.gameTypeLabel(i, Manager::Icon);
            QWidget *w = addVBoxPage(title, QString::null,
                                     BarIcon(icon, KIcon::SizeLarge));
            if ( i==internal->gameType() ) createPage(w);

        connect(this, SIGNAL(aboutToShowPage(QWidget *)),
                SLOT(createPage(QWidget *)));
    } else {
예제 #23
void KOCRBase::imgIntro()
    m_imgPage = addVBoxPage( i18n("Image") );
    (void) new QLabel( i18n("Image Information"), m_imgPage );

    // Caption - Label and image
    m_imgHBox = new QHBox( m_imgPage );

    m_imgHBox->setSpacing( KDialog::spacingHint());

    m_previewPix = new QLabel( m_imgHBox );
    m_previewPix->setAlignment( Qt::AlignCenter );
    m_previewPix->setFrameStyle( QFrame::Panel | QFrame::Sunken );
    // m_previewPix->resize(m_previewSize);

    /* See introduceImage where the meta box is filled with data from the
     * incoming widget.
    m_metaBox = new QVBox( m_imgHBox );
예제 #24
KateConfigDialog::KateConfigDialog(KateMainWindow *parent, Kate::View *view)
    : KDialogBase(KDialogBase::TreeList, i18n("Configure"), KDialogBase::Ok | KDialogBase::Apply | KDialogBase::Cancel | KDialogBase::Help,
                  KDialogBase::Ok, parent, "configdialog")
    KConfig *config = KateApp::self()->config();

    KWin::setIcons(winId(), KateApp::self()->icon(), KateApp::self()->miniIcon());


    mainWindow = parent;

    setMinimumSize(600, 400);

    v = view;


    QStringList path;


    path << i18n("Application");
    setFolderIcon(path, SmallIcon("kate", KIcon::SizeSmall));


    // BEGIN General page
    path << i18n("Application") << i18n("General");
    QFrame *frGeneral = addPage(path, i18n("General Options"), BarIcon("gohome", KIcon::SizeSmall));

    QVBoxLayout *lo = new QVBoxLayout(frGeneral);

    // GROUP with the one below: "Appearance"
    QButtonGroup *bgStartup = new QButtonGroup(1, Qt::Horizontal, i18n("&Appearance"), frGeneral);

    // show full path in title
    cb_fullPath = new QCheckBox(i18n("&Show full path in title"), bgStartup);
    QWhatsThis::add(cb_fullPath, i18n("If this option is checked, the full document path will be shown in the window caption."));
    connect(cb_fullPath, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(slotChanged()));

    // GROUP with the one below: "Behavior"
    bgStartup = new QButtonGroup(1, Qt::Horizontal, i18n("&Behavior"), frGeneral);

    // sync the konsole ?
    cb_syncKonsole = new QCheckBox(bgStartup);
    cb_syncKonsole->setText(i18n("Sync &terminal emulator with active document"));
    QWhatsThis::add(cb_syncKonsole, i18n("If this is checked, the built in Konsole will <code>cd</code> to the directory "
                                         "of the active document when started and whenever the active document changes, "
                                         "if the document is a local file."));
    connect(cb_syncKonsole, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(slotChanged()));

    // modified files notification
    cb_modNotifications = new QCheckBox(i18n("Wa&rn about files modified by foreign processes"), bgStartup);
    QWhatsThis::add(cb_modNotifications, i18n("If enabled, when Kate receives focus you will be asked what to do with "
                                              "files that have been modified on the hard disk. If not enabled, you will "
                                              "be asked what to do with a file that has been modified on the hard disk only "
                                              "when that file gains focus inside Kate."));
    connect(cb_modNotifications, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(slotChanged()));

    // GROUP with the one below: "Meta-informations"
    bgStartup = new QButtonGroup(1, Qt::Horizontal, i18n("Meta-Information"), frGeneral);

    // save meta infos
    cb_saveMetaInfos = new QCheckBox(bgStartup);
    cb_saveMetaInfos->setText(i18n("Keep &meta-information past sessions"));
    QWhatsThis::add(cb_saveMetaInfos, i18n("Check this if you want document configuration like for example "
                                           "bookmarks to be saved past editor sessions. The configuration will be "
                                           "restored if the document has not changed when reopened."));
    connect(cb_saveMetaInfos, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(slotChanged()));

    // meta infos days
    QHBox *hbDmf = new QHBox(bgStartup);
    QLabel *lDmf = new QLabel(i18n("&Delete unused meta-information after:"), hbDmf);
    sb_daysMetaInfos = new QSpinBox(0, 180, 1, hbDmf);
    sb_daysMetaInfos->setSuffix(i18n(" day(s)"));
    connect(cb_saveMetaInfos, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), hbDmf, SLOT(setEnabled(bool)));
    connect(sb_daysMetaInfos, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(slotChanged()));

    lo->addStretch(1); // :-] works correct without autoadd
    // END General page


    // BEGIN Session page
    path << i18n("Application") << i18n("Sessions");
    QFrame *frSessions = addPage(path, i18n("Session Management"), BarIcon("history", KIcon::SizeSmall));

    lo = new QVBoxLayout(frSessions);

    // GROUP with the one below: "Startup"
    bgStartup = new QButtonGroup(1, Qt::Horizontal, i18n("Elements of Sessions"), frSessions);

    // restore view  config
    cb_restoreVC = new QCheckBox(bgStartup);
    cb_restoreVC->setText(i18n("Include &window configuration"));
    cb_restoreVC->setChecked(config->readBoolEntry("Restore Window Configuration", true));
    QWhatsThis::add(cb_restoreVC, i18n("Check this if you want all your views and frames restored each time you open Kate"));
    connect(cb_restoreVC, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(slotChanged()));

    QRadioButton *rb1, *rb2, *rb3;

    sessions_start = new QButtonGroup(1, Qt::Horizontal, i18n("Behavior on Application Startup"), frSessions);

    sessions_start->insert(rb1 = new QRadioButton(i18n("&Start new session"), sessions_start), 0);
    sessions_start->insert(rb2 = new QRadioButton(i18n("&Load last-used session"), sessions_start), 1);
    sessions_start->insert(rb3 = new QRadioButton(i18n("&Manually choose a session"), sessions_start), 2);

    QString sesStart(config->readEntry("Startup Session", "manual"));
    if(sesStart == "new")
    else if(sesStart == "last")

    connect(rb1, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(slotChanged()));
    connect(rb2, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(slotChanged()));
    connect(rb3, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(slotChanged()));

    sessions_exit = new QButtonGroup(1, Qt::Horizontal, i18n("Behavior on Application Exit or Session Switch"), frSessions);

    sessions_exit->insert(rb1 = new QRadioButton(i18n("&Do not save session"), sessions_exit), 0);
    sessions_exit->insert(rb2 = new QRadioButton(i18n("&Save session"), sessions_exit), 1);
    sessions_exit->insert(rb3 = new QRadioButton(i18n("&Ask user"), sessions_exit), 2);

    QString sesExit(config->readEntry("Session Exit", "save"));
    if(sesExit == "discard")
    else if(sesExit == "save")

    connect(rb1, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(slotChanged()));
    connect(rb2, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(slotChanged()));
    connect(rb3, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(slotChanged()));

    lo->addStretch(1); // :-] works correct without autoadd
    // END Session page


    // file selector page
    path << i18n("Application") << i18n("File Selector");

    QVBox *page = addVBoxPage(path, i18n("File Selector Settings"), BarIcon("fileopen", KIcon::SizeSmall));
    fileSelConfigPage = new KFSConfigPage(page, "file selector config page", mainWindow->fileselector);
    connect(fileSelConfigPage, SIGNAL(changed()), this, SLOT(slotChanged()));

    path << i18n("Application") << i18n("Document List");
    page = addVBoxPage(path, i18n("Document List Settings"), BarIcon("view_text", KIcon::SizeSmall));
    filelistConfigPage = new KFLConfigPage(page, "file list config page", mainWindow->filelist);
    connect(filelistConfigPage, SIGNAL(changed()), this, SLOT(slotChanged()));

    path << i18n("Application") << i18n("Plugins");
    /*QVBox **/ page = addVBoxPage(path, i18n("Plugin Manager"), BarIcon("connect_established", KIcon::SizeSmall));
    KateConfigPluginPage *configPluginPage = new KateConfigPluginPage(page, this);
    connect(configPluginPage, SIGNAL(changed()), this, SLOT(slotChanged()));

    // Tools->External Tools menu
    path << i18n("Application") << i18n("External Tools");
    page = addVBoxPage(path, i18n("External Tools"), BarIcon("configure", KIcon::SizeSmall));
    configExternalToolsPage = new KateExternalToolsConfigWidget(page, "external tools config page");
    connect(configExternalToolsPage, SIGNAL(changed()), this, SLOT(slotChanged()));

    // editor widgets from kwrite/kwdialog
    path << i18n("Editor");
    setFolderIcon(path, SmallIcon("edit", KIcon::SizeSmall));

    for(uint i = 0; i < KTextEditor::configInterfaceExtension(v->document())->configPages(); i++)
        path << i18n("Editor") << KTextEditor::configInterfaceExtension(v->document())->configPageName(i);
        /*QVBox **/ page = addVBoxPage(path, KTextEditor::configInterfaceExtension(v->document())->configPageFullName(i),
                                       KTextEditor::configInterfaceExtension(v->document())->configPagePixmap(i, KIcon::SizeSmall));

        KTextEditor::ConfigPage *cPage = KTextEditor::configInterfaceExtension(v->document())->configPage(i, page);
        connect(cPage, SIGNAL(changed()), this, SLOT(slotChanged()));

    KatePluginList &pluginList(KatePluginManager::self()->pluginList());
    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < pluginList.size(); ++i)
        if(pluginList[i].load && Kate::pluginConfigInterfaceExtension(pluginList[i].plugin))

    dataChanged = false;
예제 #25
void KasPrefsDialog::addLookPage()
   TQVBox *lookPage = addVBoxPage( i18n("Appearance"), TQString::null, Icon( "appearance" ) );

   // Item size

   TQGrid *itemSizeBox = new TQGrid( 2, lookPage );
   itemSizeBox->setSpacing( spacingHint() );

   TQWhatsThis::add( itemSizeBox,
		    i18n( "Specifies the size of the task items." ) );

   TQLabel *itemSizeLabel = new TQLabel( i18n("Si&ze:"), itemSizeBox );

   itemSizeCombo = new TQComboBox( itemSizeBox );
   itemSizeCombo->insertItem( i18n( "Enormous" ) );
   itemSizeCombo->insertItem( i18n( "Huge" ) );
   itemSizeCombo->insertItem( i18n( "Large" ) );
   itemSizeCombo->insertItem( i18n( "Medium" ) );
   itemSizeCombo->insertItem( i18n( "Small" ) );
   itemSizeCombo->insertItem( i18n( "Custom" ) );

   itemSizeLabel->setBuddy( itemSizeCombo );

   connect( itemSizeCombo, TQT_SIGNAL( activated( int ) ),
	    kasbar, TQT_SLOT( setItemSize( int ) ) );
   connect( itemSizeCombo, TQT_SIGNAL( activated( int ) ), TQT_SLOT( itemSizeChanged( int ) ) );

   new TQWidget( itemSizeBox );

   customSize = new TQSpinBox( 5, 1000, 1, itemSizeBox );

   customSize->setValue( kasbar->itemExtent() );

   connect( customSize, TQT_SIGNAL( valueChanged( int ) ),
	    kasbar, TQT_SLOT( setItemExtent( int ) ) );
   connect( customSize, TQT_SIGNAL( valueChanged( int ) ),
	    kasbar, TQT_SLOT( customSizeChanged( int ) ) );

   int sz = kasbar->itemSize();
   itemSizeCombo->setCurrentItem( sz );
   customSize->setEnabled( sz == KasBar::Custom );

   // Boxes per line

   TQHBox *maxBoxesBox = new TQHBox( lookPage );
   TQWhatsThis::add( maxBoxesBox,
		    i18n( "Specifies the maximum number of items that should be placed in a line "
			  "before starting a new row or column. If the value is 0 then all the "
			  "available space will be used." ) );
   TQLabel *maxBoxesLabel = new TQLabel( i18n("Bo&xes per line: "), maxBoxesBox );

   TDEConfig *conf = kasbar->config();
   if ( conf )
       conf->setGroup( "Layout" );
   maxBoxesSpin = new KIntSpinBox( 0, 50, 1,
				   conf ? conf->readNumEntry( "MaxBoxes", 0 ) : 11,
				   maxBoxesBox, "maxboxes" );
   connect( maxBoxesSpin, TQT_SIGNAL( valueChanged( int ) ), kasbar, TQT_SLOT( setMaxBoxes( int ) ) );
   maxBoxesLabel->setBuddy( maxBoxesSpin );

   // Mode

   detachedCheck = new TQCheckBox( i18n("&Detach from screen edge"), lookPage );
   TQWhatsThis::add( detachedCheck, i18n( "Detaches the bar from the screen edge and makes it draggable." ) );

   detachedCheck->setEnabled( !kasbar->isStandAlone() );
   detachedCheck->setChecked( kasbar->isDetached() );
   connect( detachedCheck, TQT_SIGNAL( toggled(bool) ), kasbar, TQT_SLOT( setDetached(bool) ) );

   (void) new TQWidget( lookPage, "spacer" );
   (void) new TQWidget( lookPage, "spacer" );
   (void) new TQWidget( lookPage, "spacer" );
예제 #26
void KasPrefsDialog::addColorsPage()
   TQVBox *colorsPage = addVBoxPage( i18n("Colors"), TQString::null, Icon( "colors" ) );

   // Item label colors
   TQGrid *group = new TQGrid( 2, colorsPage );

   TQLabel *labelPenLabel = new TQLabel( i18n("Label foreground:"), group );

   labelPenButton = new KColorButton( res->labelPenColor(), group );
   connect( labelPenButton, TQT_SIGNAL( changed( const TQColor & ) ),
	    res, TQT_SLOT( setLabelPenColor( const TQColor & ) ) );
   labelPenLabel->setBuddy( labelPenButton );

   TQLabel *labelBackgroundLabel = new TQLabel( i18n("Label background:"), group );
   labelBackgroundButton = new KColorButton( res->labelBgColor(), group );
   connect( labelBackgroundButton, TQT_SIGNAL( changed( const TQColor & ) ),
	    res, TQT_SLOT( setLabelBgColor( const TQColor & ) ) );
   labelBackgroundLabel->setBuddy( labelBackgroundButton );

   // Inactive colors
   group = new TQGrid( 2, colorsPage );

   TQLabel *inactivePenLabel = new TQLabel( i18n("Inactive foreground:"), group );
   inactivePenButton = new KColorButton( res->inactivePenColor(), group );
   connect( inactivePenButton, TQT_SIGNAL( changed( const TQColor & ) ),
	    res, TQT_SLOT( setInactivePenColor( const TQColor & ) ) );
   inactivePenLabel->setBuddy( inactivePenButton );

   TQLabel *inactiveBgLabel = new TQLabel( i18n("Inactive background:"), group );
   inactiveBgButton = new KColorButton( res->inactiveBgColor(), group );
   connect( inactiveBgButton, TQT_SIGNAL( changed( const TQColor & ) ),
	    res, TQT_SLOT( setInactiveBgColor( const TQColor & ) ) );
   inactiveBgLabel->setBuddy( inactiveBgButton );

   // Active colors
   group = new TQGrid( 2, colorsPage );

   TQLabel *activePenLabel = new TQLabel( i18n("Active foreground:"), group );
   activePenButton = new KColorButton( res->activePenColor(), group );
   connect( activePenButton, TQT_SIGNAL( changed( const TQColor & ) ),
	    res, TQT_SLOT( setActivePenColor( const TQColor & ) ) );
   activePenLabel->setBuddy( activePenButton );

   TQLabel *activeBgLabel = new TQLabel( i18n("Active background:"), group );
   activeBgButton = new KColorButton( res->activeBgColor(), group );
   connect( activeBgButton, TQT_SIGNAL( changed( const TQColor & ) ),
	    res, TQT_SLOT( setActiveBgColor( const TQColor & ) ) );
   activeBgLabel->setBuddy( activeBgButton );

   group = new TQGrid( 2, colorsPage );

   TQLabel *progressLabel = new TQLabel( i18n("&Progress color:"), group );
   progressButton = new KColorButton( res->progressColor(), group );
   connect( progressButton, TQT_SIGNAL( changed( const TQColor & ) ),
	    res, TQT_SLOT( setProgressColor( const TQColor & ) ) );
   progressLabel->setBuddy( progressButton );

   TQLabel *attentionLabel = new TQLabel( i18n("&Attention color:"), group );
   attentionButton = new KColorButton( res->attentionColor(), group );
   connect( attentionButton, TQT_SIGNAL( changed( const TQColor & ) ),
	    res, TQT_SLOT( setAttentionColor( const TQColor & ) ) );
   attentionLabel->setBuddy( attentionButton );

   (void) new TQWidget( colorsPage, "spacer" );
예제 #27
Options::Options(QWidget *parent)
    : KDialogBase(Tabbed, i18n("Options"), Ok | Cancel, Ok, parent, 0, false){

    fRemote = false;

    DCache = dc = opts->DCache;
    PCache = pc = opts->PCache;
    privCmd = prc = opts->privCmd;

    if (DCache >= Opts::SESSION) {
      cacheObj::clearDCache(); // clear dir caches if needed
    if (PCache >= Opts::SESSION) {
      cacheObj::clearPCache(); // clear package caches if needed

      QVBox *page = addVBoxPage(i18n("&Types"));

      framet = new QGroupBox(1,Qt::Horizontal,i18n("Handle Package Type"), page);

      hh =  new QGroupBox(1,Qt::Horizontal,i18n("Remote Host"),framet);
      huse = new QCheckBox(i18n("Use remote host (Debian APT only):"),hh);
      connect(huse,  SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(useRemote()));
      hosts = new KComboBox( true, hh, "combo" );
      KCompletion *comp = hosts->completionObject();
      connect(hosts,SIGNAL(returnPressed(const QString&)),comp,SLOT(addItem(const QString&)));
      //      hosts->setInsertionPolicy(QComboBox::NoInsertion);

      int i;
      QString msgStr;
      for (i = 0; i < kpinterfaceN; i++)  {
	if (kpinterface[i]) {
	  if (kpinterface[i]->hasProgram) {
	    msgStr = kpinterface[i]->name;
	  } else {
	    msgStr = kpinterface[i]->name;
	    msgStr = i18n("%1: %2 not found")
	  packageBox[i] = new QGroupBox(2,Qt::Horizontal,msgStr, framet, "box");
	  packageHandle[i] =  new QCheckBox(i18n("Enable"), packageBox[i]);
	  connect(packageHandle[i], SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(scanLocates()));
	  locate[i] = new QPushButton(i18n("Location of Packages"),packageBox[i]);
	  connect(locate[i], SIGNAL(clicked()), kpinterface[i], SLOT(setLocation()));
	} else {
	  packageHandle[i] =  0;

      QVBox *page = addVBoxPage(i18n("Cac&he"));

      bc = new QButtonGroup(page);
      bc->setTitle(i18n("Cache Remote Package Folders"));
      connect( bc, SIGNAL(clicked(int)), SLOT(PDCache(int)) );

      QVBoxLayout* vc = new QVBoxLayout( bc, 15, 10, "vc");
      vc->addSpacing( bc->fontMetrics().height() );

      dcache[0] = new QRadioButton(i18n("Always"),bc);

      dcache[1] = new QRadioButton(i18n("During a session"),bc);

      dcache[2] = new QRadioButton(i18n("Never"),bc);

      bp = new QButtonGroup(page);
      bp->setTitle(i18n("Cache Remote Package Files"));
      connect( bp, SIGNAL(clicked(int)), SLOT(PPCache(int)) );

      QVBoxLayout* vp = new QVBoxLayout( bp, 15, 10, "vp");
      vp->addSpacing( bp->fontMetrics().height() );

      pcache[0] = new QRadioButton(i18n("Always"),bp);

      pcache[1] = new QRadioButton(i18n("During a session"),bp);

      pcache[2] = new QRadioButton(i18n("Never"),bp);

      QGroupBox* cd = new QGroupBox (1, Qt::Horizontal, i18n("Cache Folder"), page) ;
      cd->setSizePolicy (QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Fixed) ;

      cachedir = new KURLRequester("", cd, "cachedir");

      QWidget *page = addVBoxPage(i18n("&Misc"));
      QVBoxLayout *vf = new QVBoxLayout(page);

      //      vf->setSpacing(KDialog::spacingHint());

      bs = new QButtonGroup(page);
      bs->setTitle(i18n("Execute Privileged Commands Using"));
      connect( bs, SIGNAL(clicked(int)), SLOT(PPrivs(int)) );
      QVBoxLayout* vs = new QVBoxLayout( bs, 15, 10, "bs");
      vs->addSpacing( bs->fontMetrics().height() );
      privs[0] = new QRadioButton(i18n("su command"),bs);
      privs[1] = new QRadioButton(i18n("sudo command"),bs);
      privs[2] = new QRadioButton(i18n("ssh command"),bs);
      valid = new QCheckBox(i18n("Verify file list"), page, "valid");

      pkgRead = new QCheckBox(i18n("Read information from all local package files"), page, "pkgr");


    connect( this, SIGNAL(okClicked()), SLOT(apply_slot()) );
    connect( this, SIGNAL(closeClicked()), SLOT(cancel_slot()) );
    connect( this, SIGNAL(cancelClicked()), SLOT(cancel_slot()) );


예제 #28
PMSettingsDialog::PMSettingsDialog( PMPart* part, QWidget* parent, const char* name )
      : KDialogBase( TreeList, i18n( "Configure" ), Ok | Apply | Cancel | Default, Ok,
                     parent, name )
   QStringList sl;
   QWidget* w = 0;
   PMSettingsDialogPage* p = 0;

   m_pPart = part;

   setShowIconsInTreeList( true );

   sl.clear( );
   sl.append( i18n( "Povray" ) );
   w = addVBoxPage( sl, i18n( "Povray Options" ),
                    SmallIcon( "pmconfigurepovray", 22 ) );
   p = new PMPovraySettings( w );
   registerPage( w, p );

   sl.clear( );
   sl.append( i18n( "Graphical View" ) );
   sl.append( i18n( "OpenGL" ) );
   w = addVBoxPage( sl, i18n( "OpenGL Display Settings" ),
                    SmallIcon( "pmconfigureopengl", 22 ) );
   p = new PMOpenGLSettings( w );
   registerPage( w, p );

   sl.clear( );
   sl.append( i18n( "Graphical View" ) );
   setFolderIcon( sl, SmallIcon( "pmconfiguregraphicalview", 22 ) );
   sl.append( i18n( "Colors" ) );
   w = addVBoxPage( sl, i18n( "Color Settings" ),
                    SmallIcon( "pmconfigurecolors", 22 ) );
   p = new PMColorSettings( w );
   registerPage( w, p );

   sl.clear( );
   sl.append( i18n( "Graphical View" ) );
   sl.append( i18n( "Grid" ) );
   w = addVBoxPage( sl, i18n( "Grid Settings" ),
                    SmallIcon( "pmconfiguregrid", 22 ) );
   p = new PMGridSettings( w );
   registerPage( w, p );

   sl.clear( );
   sl.append( i18n( "Graphical View" ) );
   sl.append( i18n( "Objects" ) );
   w = addVBoxPage( sl, i18n( "Display Settings for Objects" ),
                    SmallIcon( "pmconfigureobjects", 22 ) );
   p = new PMObjectSettings( w );
   registerPage( w, p );

   sl.clear( );
   sl.append( i18n( "Properties View" ) );
   setFolderIcon( sl, SmallIcon( "pmconfiguredialogview", 22 ) );
   sl.append( i18n( "Texture Preview" ) );
   w = addVBoxPage( sl, i18n( "Display Settings for Texture Previews" ),
                    SmallIcon( "pmconfiguretexturepreview", 22 ) );
   p = new PMPreviewSettings( w );
   registerPage( w, p );

   sl.clear( );
   sl.append( i18n( "View Layout" ) );
   w = addVBoxPage( sl, i18n( "Display Settings for View Layouts" ),
                    SmallIcon( "pmconfigureviewlayout", 22 ) );
   p = new PMLayoutSettings( w );
   registerPage( w, p );

   sl.clear( );
   sl.append( i18n( "Object Libraries" ) );
   w = addVBoxPage( sl, i18n( "Display Settings for Object Libraries" ),
                    SmallIcon( "pmconfigureobjectlibrary", 22 ) );
   p = new PMObjectLibrarySettings( w );
   registerPage( w, p );

   sl.clear( );
   sl.append( i18n( "Plugins" ) );
   w = addVBoxPage( sl, i18n( "Plugin Settings" ) );
   p = new PMPluginSettings( w );
   registerPage( w, p );

   displaySettings( );

   resize( s_size );