예제 #1
build_depend_list(command_t comm, token_stream_t token_stream)
  //command_stream_t cmd_stream = command_stream_head;

  if(comm == NULL)
    printf("NUll command\n");
       //the sub_head is t->head 
       //token_t token_now = sub_head->next;
        token_t curr_node = token_stream->head->next;
      while(curr_node != NULL)
        if(curr_node->t_type == RIGHT_DERCTION)
         { add_out_list (curr_node->next->text, comm);
          curr_node = curr_node->next;
        else if(curr_node->text != NULL)
          add_filename_to_dependlist(curr_node->text, comm);
        curr_node = curr_node->next;
    //token_stream = token_stream->next;
    //cmd_stream = cmd_stream->next;
예제 #2
EDGE * GRAPH::new_edge_c(VERTEX * from, VERTEX * to)
	EDGE * e = m_e_free_list.get_free_elem();
	if (e == NULL) {
		e = (EDGE*)_xmalloc(sizeof(EDGE));
	EDGE_from(e) = from;
	EDGE_to(e) = to;
	add_in_list(to, e);
	add_out_list(from, e);
	return e;	
예제 #3
make_command_tree(token_stream_t t)
  token_t sub_head = t->head;//the sub_head is t->head 
  token_t token_now = sub_head->next;
  Stack_t operators =initStack();
  Stack_t operands =initStack();//build two stacks to hold operands and operators
  command_t comm;//one command
  command_t prev = NULL;
  int line = token_now->line; 
  int counter=0;
  //if(token_now->next == NULL)
   // printf("Heere\n");
   // printf("the %d time loop, the type is %d", counter,token_now->t_type);
    if( !(token_now->t_type == LEFT_DERCTION || token_now->t_type == RIGHT_DERCTION) )
        // make new command
        comm = (command_t)checked_malloc(sizeof( struct command ));
       // add_filename_to_dependlist(token_now->text,comm);
      case AND:
      comm->type = AND_COMMAND;
      while (  !is_empty(operators) &&( top(operators)->type == PIPE_COMMAND || top(operators)->type == OR_COMMAND || top(operators)->type == AND_COMMAND ))
            command_t pop_ops = pop(operators);//pop until the top ops has smaller presendence than
            if (! (pop_ops, operands))
                error(2, 0, "Line %d: Syntax error. Not enough children to create new tree.", line);
                return NULL;
          push(operators,comm);//push ADD command to ops
          token_now = token_now->next;

        case OR:
      comm->type = OR_COMMAND;
      while (  !is_empty(operators) &&( top(operators)->type == PIPE_COMMAND || top(operators)->type == OR_COMMAND || top(operators)->type == AND_COMMAND ))
            command_t pop_ops = pop(operators);//pop until the top ops has smaller presendence than
            if (!make_command_branch(pop_ops, operands))
               error(2, 0, "Line %d: Syntax error. Not enough children to create new tree.", line);
                return NULL;
          push(operators,comm);//push ADD command to ops
          token_now = token_now->next;

        // push OR to ops

        case PIPELINE:
      comm->type = PIPE_COMMAND;
      while (  !is_empty(operators) && top(operators)->type == PIPE_COMMAND )
            command_t pop_ops = pop(operators);//pop until the top ops has smaller presendence than
            if (!make_command_branch(pop_ops, operands))
                error(2, 0, "Line %d: Syntax error. Not enough children to create new tree.", line);
                return NULL;
          push(operators,comm);//push PIPE command to ops
          token_now = token_now->next;

        case SEMICOLON:
          comm->type = SEQUENCE_COMMAND;

        // always pop since SEMICOLON <= all ops
          while (!is_empty(operators))
            command_t pop_ops = pop(operators);
              if (!make_command_branch(pop_ops, operands))
                error(2, 0, "Line %d: Syntax error. Not enough children to create new tree.", line);
                return NULL;

        // push SEMICOLON to ops
          token_now = token_now->next;

        case WORD:
          comm->type = SIMPLE_COMMAND;
          //seprated by word
          int num_words = 1;
          token_t count = token_now;
          while(count!=NULL&&count->next!=NULL&&count->next->t_type==WORD)//while next is still word
            count = count ->next;
          comm->u.word = (char**)checked_malloc((num_words+1)*sizeof(char**));
          comm->u.word[0] = token_now->text;
          int i =1;
          while(i< num_words)
            token_now = token_now->next;
            comm->u.word[i] = token_now->text;
           // add_filename_to_dependlist(comm->u.word[i],comm);
            //if(i == num_words)
          comm->u.word[num_words] = NULL;
          token_now = token_now->next;

        case SUBSHELL:
        comm->type = SUBSHELL_COMMAND;

        // process subshell command tree
        token_stream_t subshell_token = convert_buffer_to_token_stream(token_now->text, strlen(token_now->text));
        command_t subshell_command = make_command_tree(subshell_token);
        comm->u.subshell_command = subshell_command;

        // push SUBSHELL tree to operands
        push(operands, comm);
        token_now = token_now->next;

      case LEFT_DERCTION:
        // check that previous command is a subshell or word
        if (prev== NULL || !(prev->type == SIMPLE_COMMAND || prev->type == SUBSHELL_COMMAND))
         error(2, 0, "Line %d: Syntax error. ONLY words and SUBSHELL can follow redirection", line);
          return NULL;
       /* else if (prev->output != NULL)
          error(2, 0, "Line %d: Syntax error. Previous command already has output. ", line);
          return NULL;
        else if (prev->input != NULL)
          error(2, 0, "Line %d: Syntax error. Previous command already has input.", line);
          return NULL;

        token_now= token_now->next;
        if (token_now->t_type == WORD) // followed by a word
          //which is valid input
            prev->input = token_now->text;
           // add_filename_to_dependlist(prev->input,comm);
          error(2, 0, "Line %d: Syntax error. Redirects must be followed by words.", line);
          return NULL;
        token_now= token_now->next;
        // no pushing required

        case RIGHT_DERCTION:
        // check that previous command is a subshell or word
        if (prev== NULL || !(prev->type == SIMPLE_COMMAND || prev->type == SUBSHELL_COMMAND))
          error(2, 0, "Line %d: Syntax error. ONLY words and SUBSHELL can follow redirection", line);
          return NULL;
        else if (prev->output != NULL)
          error(2, 0, "Line %d: Syntax error. Previous command already has output. ", line);
          return NULL;
        /*else if (prev->input != NULL)
          //error(2, 0, "Line %d: Syntax error. Previous command already has input.", line);
          return NULL;

        token_now= token_now->next;
        if (token_now->t_type == WORD) // followed by a word
          //which is valid output
            prev->output = token_now->text;
            //add output word to outfile_list
            outfile_t new_outfile = add_out_list (prev);
            prev->outfile_ptr = new_outfile;
          error(2, 0, "Line %d: Syntax error. Redirects must be followed by words.", line);
          return NULL;

        // no pushing required
        token_now= token_now->next;
        token_now = token_now->next;
     prev = comm;
    // printf("the previous command is: %d\n", prev->type);
  //printf("end first while");
 while(size(operators) > 0)
      command_t pop_ops = pop(operators);

      if (!make_command_branch(pop_ops, operands))
          error(2, 0, "Line %d: Syntax error. Not enough children to create new tree.", line);
          return NULL;

  // check for single root
    if (size(operands) != 1)
      error(2, 0, "Line %d: Syntax error. Tree did not converge into single root.", line);
      return NULL;

    command_t root = pop(operands); // the root should be the final tree left in operands

    return root;