int add_tlb_entry (uint32 va, uint32 pa, uint8 perms) { uint32 h; tlb_entry *t; h = hash (va); if (size_of_hash_list (h) < 8) { t = malloc (sizeof (tlb_entry)); if (t == NULL) { return (-1); } t->va = va & 0xFFFFF000; t->pa = pa; t->perms = perms; add_to_hash_list (&tlb[h], t); return 0; } else { /*Right now, just replacing the first one*/ /*TODO:decide which entry to replace*/ tlb_entry *entry_to_modify = tlb[h]; entry_to_modify->va = va; entry_to_modify->pa = pa; entry_to_modify->perms = perms; return 0; } }
main() { FILE *fp; int i,rc; DB_PTR entry; char name_to_search [16]; fp = fopen ("", "r"); if (fp == NULL) { printf ("failed to open\n"); exit (-1); } for (i = 0; i < MAX_HASH_BUCKETS; i++) { hashtable[i] = NULL; } while (1) { entry = malloc (sizeof (struct database)); if (entry == NULL) { printf ("malloc failed\n"); exit (-2); } rc = read_entry (fp, entry); if (rc == -1) { free (entry); break; } int index = hash (entry->name); add_to_hash_list (&hashtable[index], entry); } printf("%s\n", hashtable[0]->name); while (1) { printf ("entry name to search: "); scanf ("%s", name_to_search); printf ("\n"); if (strcmp (name_to_search, "exit") == 0) { printf ("bye\n"); exit (0); } entry = search_hash_list (hashtable, name_to_search); if (entry) { printf ("weight = %d height = %d\n", entry->weight, entry->height); } else { printf ("Name not found\n"); } } }