예제 #1
static Boolean parseSourceFilterAttribute(char const* sdpLine,
					  struct in_addr& sourceAddr) {
  // Check for a "a=source-filter:incl IN IP4 <something> <source>" line.
  // Note: At present, we don't check that <something> really matches
  // one of our multicast addresses.  We also don't support more than
  // one <source> #####
  Boolean result = False; // until we succeed
  char* sourceName = strDupSize(sdpLine); // ensures we have enough space
  do {
    if (sscanf(sdpLine, "a=source-filter: incl IN IP4 %*s %s",
	       sourceName) != 1) break;

    // Now, convert this name to an address, if we can:
    NetAddressList addresses(sourceName);
    if (addresses.numAddresses() == 0) break;

    netAddressBits sourceAddrBits
      = *(netAddressBits*)(addresses.firstAddress()->data());
    if (sourceAddrBits == 0) break;

    sourceAddr.s_addr = sourceAddrBits;
    result = True;
  } while (0);

  delete[] sourceName;
  return result;
예제 #2
void Codec20::readNewTopologyAndHash(Transport& transport, HeaderParams& params) const{
    // Just consume the header's byte
	// Do not evaluate new topology right now
	int newTopologyId = transport.readVInt();
    params.topologyId.setId(newTopologyId); //update topologyId reference
    uint32_t clusterSize = transport.readVInt();
    TRACE("Coded20::readNewToplogyAndhash(): clusterSize=%d",clusterSize);
    std::vector<InetSocketAddress> addresses(clusterSize);
    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < clusterSize; i++) {
       std::string host(transport.readString());
       int16_t port = transport.readUnsignedShort();
       addresses[i] = InetSocketAddress(host, port);

    uint8_t hashFunctionVersion = transport.readByte();
    uint32_t numSegments = transport.readVInt();

    std::vector<std::vector<InetSocketAddress>> segmentOwners(numSegments);

    if (hashFunctionVersion > 0) {
       TRACE("Codec20::readNewTopologyAndHash: numSegments=%d", numSegments);
       for (uint32_t i = 0; i < numSegments; i++) {
          uint8_t numOwners = transport.readByte();
          for (uint8_t j = 0; j < numOwners; j++) {
             uint32_t memberIndex = transport.readVInt();
             segmentOwners[i][j] = addresses[memberIndex];

    TransportFactory &tf = transport.getTransportFactory();
    bool noTopologyInfo=false;
    int currentTopology = 0;
      currentTopology = tf.getTopologyId(params.cacheName);
    catch (std::exception &e)
    int topologyAge = tf.getTopologyAge();
    if (noTopologyInfo || (params.topologyAge == topologyAge && currentTopology != newTopologyId)) {
       params.topologyId = newTopologyId;
       if (hashFunctionVersion == 0) {
             TRACE("Not using a consistent hash function (hash function version == 0).");
       } else {
             TRACE("Updating client hash function with %u number of segments", numSegments);
          numSegments, hashFunctionVersion, params.cacheName, params.topologyId.getId());
    } else {
       TRACE("Outdated topology received (topology id = %d, topology age = %d), so ignoring it: s",
             newTopologyId, topologyAge/*, Arrays.toString(addresses)*/);
예제 #3
static QByteArray localName()
    QByteArray result(QHostInfo::localDomainName().toLatin1());
    if (!result.isEmpty())
        return result;
    QList<QHostAddress> addresses(QNetworkInterface::allAddresses());
    if (!addresses.isEmpty())
        return "[" + addresses.first().toString().toLatin1() + "]";
    return "localhost.localdomain";
void TMailMessage::parse(const QString &str)
    QRegExp rx("(\\n\\n|\\r\\n\\r\\n)", Qt::CaseSensitive, QRegExp::RegExp2);
    int idx = rx.indexIn(str, 0);
    int bdidx = idx + rx.matchedLength();

    if (idx < 0) {
        tError("Not found mail headers");
    } else {
        QString header = str.left(idx);
        QByteArray ba;
        ba.reserve((int)(header.length() * 1.2));
        int i = 0;
        while (i < header.length()) {
            char c = header[i].toLatin1();
            if (c > 0) {
                ba += c;
            } else {  // not Latin-1 char
                int j = indexOfUsAscii(header, i);
                if (j < 0) {
                    j = header.length();

                ba += THttpUtility::toMimeEncoded(header.mid(i, j - i), textCodec);
                i = j;

        // Parses header

        // Sets body
        QString body = str.mid(bdidx);
예제 #5
static KMime::Types::Mailbox::List stripMyAddressesFromAddressList(const KMime::Types::Mailbox::List &list, const KMime::Types::AddrSpecList me)
    KMime::Types::Mailbox::List addresses(list);
    for (KMime::Types::Mailbox::List::Iterator it = addresses.begin(); it != addresses.end();) {
        if (me.contains(it->addrSpec())) {
            it = addresses.erase(it);
        } else {

    return addresses;
예제 #6
// ============================================================================
// put IOpaqueAddress in NTuple (has sense only for Event tag collection Ntuples)
// ============================================================================
StatusCode Tuples::TupleObj::column
( const std::string&    name    ,
  IOpaqueAddress*       address )
  if (  invalid    () ) { return InvalidTuple     ; }
  if ( !evtColType () ) { return InvalidOperation ; }
  if ( 0 == address )
  { return Error ( "column('" + name +
                   "') IOpaqueAddress* is NULL!" , InvalidObject ) ; }
  Address* item = addresses( name );
  if ( 0 == item      ) { return InvalidItem      ; }
  *item = address ;
  return StatusCode::SUCCESS ;
예제 #7
netAddressBits MediaSubsession::connectionEndpointAddress() const {
  do {
    // Get the endpoint name from with us, or our parent session:
    char const* endpointString = connectionEndpointName();
    if (endpointString == NULL) {
      endpointString = parentSession().connectionEndpointName();
    if (endpointString == NULL) break;

    // Now, convert this name to an address, if we can:
    NetAddressList addresses(endpointString);
    if (addresses.numAddresses() == 0) break;

    return *(netAddressBits*)(addresses.firstAddress()->data());
  } while (0);

  // No address known:
  return 0;
예제 #8
static QByteArray localName()
    QByteArray result(QHostInfo::localDomainName().toLatin1());
    if (!result.isEmpty())
        return result;
    QList<QHostAddress> addresses(QNetworkInterface::allAddresses());
    if (addresses.isEmpty())
        return "localhost.localdomain";
    QHostAddress addr;
    // try to find a non-loopback address
    foreach (const QHostAddress &a, addresses) {
        if (!a.isLoopback() && !a.isNull()) {
            addr = a;
    if (addr.isNull())
        addr = addresses.first();

    return "[" + addr.toString().toLatin1() + "]";
예제 #9
파일: playSIP.cpp 프로젝트: glo/ee384b
char* getSDPDescriptionFromURL(Medium* client, char const* url,
			       char const* username, char const* password,
			       char const* proxyServerName,
			       unsigned short proxyServerPortNum,
			       unsigned short clientStartPortNum) {
  SIPClient* sipClient = (SIPClient*)client;

  if (proxyServerName != NULL) {
    // Tell the SIP client about the proxy:
    NetAddressList addresses(proxyServerName);
    if (addresses.numAddresses() == 0) {
      client->envir() << "Failed to find network address for \""
		      << proxyServerName << "\"\n";
    } else {
      NetAddress address = *(addresses.firstAddress());
      unsigned proxyServerAddress // later, allow for IPv6 #####
	= *(unsigned*)(address.data());
      if (proxyServerPortNum == 0) proxyServerPortNum = 5060; // default

      sipClient->setProxyServer(proxyServerAddress, proxyServerPortNum);

  if (clientStartPortNum == 0) clientStartPortNum = 8000; // default

  char* result;
  if (username != NULL && password != NULL) {
    result = sipClient->inviteWithPassword(url, username, password);
  } else {
    result = sipClient->invite(url);

  extern unsigned statusCode;
  statusCode = sipClient->inviteStatus();
  return result;
예제 #10
void getSDPDescription(RTSPClient::responseHandler* afterFunc) {
  extern char* proxyServerName;
  if (proxyServerName != NULL) {
    // Tell the SIP client about the proxy:
    NetAddressList addresses(proxyServerName);
    if (addresses.numAddresses() == 0) {
      ourSIPClient->envir() << "Failed to find network address for \"" << proxyServerName << "\"\n";
    } else {
      NetAddress address = *(addresses.firstAddress());
      unsigned proxyServerAddress // later, allow for IPv6 #####
	= *(unsigned*)(address.data());
      extern unsigned short proxyServerPortNum;
      if (proxyServerPortNum == 0) proxyServerPortNum = 5060; // default

      ourSIPClient->setProxyServer(proxyServerAddress, proxyServerPortNum);

  extern unsigned short desiredPortNum;
  unsigned short clientStartPortNum = desiredPortNum;
  if (clientStartPortNum == 0) clientStartPortNum = 8000; // default

  extern char const* streamURL;
  char const* username = ourAuthenticator == NULL ? NULL : ourAuthenticator->username();
  char const* password = ourAuthenticator == NULL ? NULL : ourAuthenticator->password();
  char* result;
  if (username != NULL && password != NULL) {
    result = ourSIPClient->inviteWithPassword(streamURL, username, password);
  } else {
    result = ourSIPClient->invite(streamURL);

  int resultCode = result == NULL ? -1 : 0;
  afterFunc(NULL, resultCode, strDup(result));
예제 #11
 ref_vector(R &&r) : adaptor_range<derefs, std::vector<T *>>(
    derefs(), map(addresses(), std::forward<R>(r))) {
QByteArray TMailMessage::fromAddress() const
    QList<QByteArray> addr = addresses("From");
    return addr.value(0);
void GenerateCustomer::Process(int numberOfCustomers)
	ifstream names(m_nameFile);
	if (names)
		cout << "Successfully opened names file" << endl;
		cout << "Failed to open names file" << endl;

	ifstream addresses(m_addressFile);
	if (addresses)
		cout << "Successfully opened addresses file" << endl;
		cout << "Failed to open addresses file" << endl;

	ifstream numbers(m_numberFile);
	if (numbers)
		cout << "Successfully opened numbers file" << endl;
		cout << "Failed to open numbers file" << endl;

	ofstream output("output.txt");

	if (output)
		cout << "Successfully opened output file" << endl;
		cout << "Failed to open output file" << endl;

	char *processing = new char[256];

	for (int idx = 0; idx < numberOfCustomers; idx++)

		output << "EXECUTE [dbo].[AddCust] \"";
		//First name
		names.getline(processing, 256, ',');
		output << processing << " ";
		//Last name
		names.getline(processing, 256, '\n');
		output << processing << "\", ";

		addresses.getline(processing, 256, ',');
		output << "\"" << processing << ", ";

		addresses.getline(processing, 256, ',');
		output << processing << ", ";

		addresses.getline(processing, 256, ',');
		output << processing << ", ";

		addresses.getline(processing, 256, '\n');
		output << processing << "\", ";

		//Phone number
		numbers.getline(processing, 256, '\n');
		output << " " << processing << ", ";

		//User ID & end line
		output << "NULL\n";

예제 #14
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    boost::program_options::options_description desc("");
		("multicast-address", boost::program_options::value<std::string>(),     "")
		("interface",         boost::program_options::value<std::string>(),     "")
		("rtsp-port",         boost::program_options::value<boost::uint16_t>(), "")
		("avg-bit-rate",      boost::program_options::value<int>(),             "")
		("buffer-size",       boost::program_options::value<size_t>(),          "")
	    ("stats-interval",    boost::program_options::value<size_t>(),          "");
    boost::program_options::variables_map vm;
    boost::program_options::store(boost::program_options::parse_command_line(argc, argv, desc), vm);

    if (vm.count("interface"))
        std::string interfaceAddress = vm["interface"].as<std::string>();
        NetAddressList addresses(interfaceAddress.c_str());
        if (addresses.numAddresses() == 0)
            std::cout << "Failed to find network address for \"" << interfaceAddress << "\"" << std::endl;
            return -1;
        ReceivingInterfaceAddr = *(unsigned*)(addresses.firstAddress()->data());
    char sourceAddressStr[INET_ADDRSTRLEN];
    inet_ntop(AF_INET, &(ReceivingInterfaceAddr), sourceAddressStr, sizeof(sourceAddressStr));
    std::cout << "Using source address " << sourceAddressStr << std::endl;
    if (vm.count("rtsp-port"))
        rtspPort = vm["rtsp-port"].as<boost::uint16_t>();
        rtspPort = 8555;
    std::cout << "Using RTSP port " << rtspPort << std::endl;
    // Create 'groupsocks' for RTP and RTCP:
        inet_pton(AF_INET, vm["multicast-address"].as<std::string>().c_str(), &(destinationAddress.s_addr));
        inet_pton(AF_INET, "", &(destinationAddress.s_addr));

	if (vm.count("avg-bit-rate"))
		avgBitRate = vm["avg-bit-rate"].as<int>();
    std::string bitRateString = to_human_readable_byte_count(avgBitRate, true, false);
	std::cout << "Using an average encoding bit rate of " << bitRateString << "/s per face" << std::endl;

	if (vm.count("buffer-size"))
		bufferSize = vm["buffer-size"].as<size_t>();
	std::string bufferSizeString = to_human_readable_byte_count(bufferSize, false, false);
	std::cout << "Using a buffer size of " << bufferSizeString << std::endl;

	size_t statsInterval;
	if (vm.count("stats-interval"))
		statsInterval = vm["stats-interval"].as<size_t>();

    boost::thread networkThread = boost::thread(&networkLoop);


    Process unityProcess(CUBEMAPEXTRACTIONPLUGIN_ID, false);
	Process thisProcess(ALLOSERVER_ID, true);

    while (true)
        std::cout << "Waiting for Unity ..." << std::endl;
        std::cout << "Connected to Unity :)" << std::endl;
        std::cout << "Lost connection to Unity :(" << std::endl;

    return 0;
예제 #15
Boolean SIPClient::parseSIPURL(UsageEnvironment& env, char const* url,
			       NetAddress& address,
			       portNumBits& portNum) {
  do {
    // Parse the URL as "sip:<username>@<address>:<port>/<etc>"
    // (with ":<port>" and "/<etc>" optional)
    // Also, skip over any "<username>[:<password>]@" preceding <address>
    char const* prefix = "sip:";
    unsigned const prefixLength = 4;
    if (_strncasecmp(url, prefix, prefixLength) != 0) {
      env.setResultMsg("URL is not of the form \"", prefix, "\"");

    unsigned const parseBufferSize = 100;
    char parseBuffer[parseBufferSize];
    unsigned addressStartIndex = prefixLength;
    while (url[addressStartIndex] != '\0'
	   && url[addressStartIndex++] != '@') {}
    char const* from = &url[addressStartIndex];

    // Skip over any "<username>[:<password>]@"
    char const* from1 = from;
    while (*from1 != '\0' && *from1 != '/') {
      if (*from1 == '@') {
	from = ++from1;

    char* to = &parseBuffer[0];
    unsigned i;
    for (i = 0; i < parseBufferSize; ++i) {
      if (*from == '\0' || *from == ':' || *from == '/') {
	// We've completed parsing the address
	*to = '\0';
      *to++ = *from++;
    if (i == parseBufferSize) {
      env.setResultMsg("URL is too long");

    NetAddressList addresses(parseBuffer);
    if (addresses.numAddresses() == 0) {
      env.setResultMsg("Failed to find network address for \"",
			   parseBuffer, "\"");
    address = *(addresses.firstAddress());

    portNum = 5060; // default value
    char nextChar = *from;
    if (nextChar == ':') {
      int portNumInt;
      if (sscanf(++from, "%d", &portNumInt) != 1) {
	env.setResultMsg("No port number follows ':'");
      if (portNumInt < 1 || portNumInt > 65535) {
	env.setResultMsg("Bad port number");
      portNum = (portNumBits)portNumInt;

    return True;
  } while (0);

  return False;
예제 #16
void MiniCluster<Dtype>::run(shared_ptr<Solver<Dtype> > root_solver,
                             const vector<int>& gpus,
                             int total_gpus) {
  RDMAAdapter adapter;
  LOG(INFO) << "Found RDMA adapter " << adapter.name();

  // Create channel for each peer
  vector<shared_ptr<RDMAChannel> > peers(size_);
  for (int i = 0; i < size_; ++i) {
    if (i != rank_) {
      peers[i].reset(new RDMAChannel(adapter));
  // Connect channels all to all
  for (int i = 0; i < size_; ++i) {
    vector<string> addresses(1);
    if (i != rank_) {
      addresses[0] = peers[i]->address();
    for (int j = 0; j < addresses.size(); ++j)
      LOG(INFO) << addresses[j];
    if (i == rank_) {
      for (int j = 0; j < size_; ++j) {
        if (j != rank_) {
  vector<shared_ptr<P2PSync<Dtype> > > syncs(gpus.size());
  // RDMASync will create all necessary buffers
  syncs[0].reset(new RDMASync<Dtype>(root_solver, peers, rank_));
  // Create channel for each peer
  vector<shared_ptr<SocketChannel> > peers(size_);
  for (int i = 0; i < size_; ++i) {
    if (i != rank_) {
      peers[i].reset(new SocketChannel());

  SocketAdapter adapter(&peers);
  // Get all channels to connect to
  vector<string> addresses(1);
  // Set local address to send to master in AllGather.
  // If you are master, you still need to set it, so
  // that it is sent to everyone during regular broadcast in AllGather
  addresses[0] = adapter.address();
  LOG(INFO) << "Adapter address " << adapter.address().c_str();
  for (int j = 0; j < addresses.size(); ++j)
    LOG(INFO) << "ADDRESS [" << addresses.at(j).c_str() << "]";

  // Connect to all channnels
  for (int j = 0; j < size_; ++j) {
    if (j != rank_) {
      LOG(INFO) << "Connecting to [" << addresses[j].c_str() << "]";

#ifndef CPU_ONLY
  vector<shared_ptr<P2PSync<Dtype> > > syncs(gpus.size());
  syncs[0].reset(new SocketSync<Dtype>(root_solver, peers, rank_));
  vector<shared_ptr<P2PSyncCPU<Dtype> > > syncs(1);
  syncs[0].reset(new SocketSyncCPU<Dtype>(root_solver, peers, rank_));

#ifndef CPU_ONLY
  syncs[0]->prepare(gpus, &syncs);
  LOG(INFO)<< "Starting Optimization";

  // Switch to total number of GPUs once the datareaders are ready
  for (int i = 1; i < syncs.size(); ++i) {

  // Run root solver on current thread

  for (int i = 1; i < syncs.size(); ++i) {
  LOG(INFO) << "Starting solver...";

예제 #17
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
  // Begin by setting up our usage environment:
  TaskScheduler* scheduler = BasicTaskScheduler::createNew();
  env = BasicUsageEnvironment::createNew(*scheduler);

  progName = argv[0];

  gettimeofday(&startTime, NULL);

  // Allow ourselves to be shut down gracefully by a SIGHUP or a SIGUSR1:
  signal(SIGHUP, signalHandlerShutdown);
  signal(SIGUSR1, signalHandlerShutdown);

  unsigned short desiredPortNum = 0;

  // unfortunately we can't use getopt() here, as Windoze doesn't have it
  while (argc > 2) {
    char* const opt = argv[1];
    if (opt[0] != '-') usage();
    switch (opt[1]) {

    case 'p': { // specify start port number
      int portArg;
      if (sscanf(argv[2], "%d", &portArg) != 1) {
      if (portArg <= 0 || portArg >= 65536 || portArg&1) {
	*env << "bad port number: " << portArg
		<< " (must be even, and in the range (0,65536))\n";
      desiredPortNum = (unsigned short)portArg;
      ++argv; --argc;

    case 'r': { // do not receive data (instead, just 'play' the stream(s))
      createReceivers = False;

    case 'q': { // output a QuickTime file (to stdout)
      outputQuickTimeFile = True;

    case '4': { // output a 'mp4'-format file (to stdout)
      outputQuickTimeFile = True;
      generateMP4Format = True;

    case 'i': { // output an AVI file (to stdout)
      outputAVIFile = True;

    case 'I': { // specify input interface...
      NetAddressList addresses(argv[2]);
      if (addresses.numAddresses() == 0) {
	*env << "Failed to find network address for \"" << argv[2] << "\"";
      ReceivingInterfaceAddr = *(unsigned*)(addresses.firstAddress()->data());
      ++argv; --argc;

    case 'a': { // receive/record an audio stream only
      audioOnly = True;
      singleMedium = "audio";

    case 'v': { // receive/record a video stream only
      videoOnly = True;
      singleMedium = "video";

    case 'V': { // disable verbose output
      verbosityLevel = 0;

    case 'd': { // specify duration, or how much to delay after end time
      float arg;
      if (sscanf(argv[2], "%g", &arg) != 1) {
      if (argv[2][0] == '-') { // not "arg<0", in case argv[2] was "-0"
	// a 'negative' argument was specified; use this for "durationSlop":
	duration = 0; // use whatever's in the SDP
	durationSlop = -arg;
      } else {
	duration = arg;
	durationSlop = 0;
      ++argv; --argc;

    case 'D': { // specify maximum number of seconds to wait for packets:
      if (sscanf(argv[2], "%u", &interPacketGapMaxTime) != 1) {
      ++argv; --argc;

    case 'c': { // play continuously
      playContinuously = True;

    case 'S': { // specify an offset to use with "SimpleRTPSource"s
      if (sscanf(argv[2], "%d", &simpleRTPoffsetArg) != 1) {
      if (simpleRTPoffsetArg < 0) {
	*env << "offset argument to \"-S\" must be >= 0\n";
      ++argv; --argc;

    case 'O': { // Don't send an "OPTIONS" request before "DESCRIBE"
      sendOptionsRequest = False;

    case 'o': { // Send only the "OPTIONS" request to the server
      sendOptionsRequestOnly = True;

    case 'm': { // output multiple files - one for each frame
      oneFilePerFrame = True;

    case 'n': { // notify the user when the first data packet arrives
      notifyOnPacketArrival = True;

    case 't': {
      // stream RTP and RTCP over the TCP 'control' connection
      if (controlConnectionUsesTCP) {
	streamUsingTCP = True;
      } else {

    case 'T': {
      // stream RTP and RTCP over a HTTP connection
      if (controlConnectionUsesTCP) {
	if (argc > 3 && argv[2][0] != '-') {
	  // The next argument is the HTTP server port number:
	  if (sscanf(argv[2], "%hu", &tunnelOverHTTPPortNum) == 1
	      && tunnelOverHTTPPortNum > 0) {
	    ++argv; --argc;

      // If we get here, the option was specified incorrectly:

    case 'u': { // specify a username and password
      username = argv[2];
      password = argv[3];
      argv+=2; argc-=2;
      if (allowProxyServers && argc > 3 && argv[2][0] != '-') {
	// The next argument is the name of a proxy server:
	proxyServerName = argv[2];
	++argv; --argc;

	if (argc > 3 && argv[2][0] != '-') {
	  // The next argument is the proxy server port number:
	  if (sscanf(argv[2], "%hu", &proxyServerPortNum) != 1) {
	  ++argv; --argc;

    case 'A': { // specify a desired audio RTP payload format
      unsigned formatArg;
      if (sscanf(argv[2], "%u", &formatArg) != 1
	  || formatArg >= 96) {
      desiredAudioRTPPayloadFormat = (unsigned char)formatArg;
      ++argv; --argc;

    case 'M': { // specify a MIME subtype for a dynamic RTP payload type
      mimeSubtype = argv[2];
      if (desiredAudioRTPPayloadFormat==0) desiredAudioRTPPayloadFormat =96;
      ++argv; --argc;

    case 'w': { // specify a width (pixels) for an output QuickTime or AVI movie
      if (sscanf(argv[2], "%hu", &movieWidth) != 1) {
      movieWidthOptionSet = True;
      ++argv; --argc;

    case 'h': { // specify a height (pixels) for an output QuickTime or AVI movie
      if (sscanf(argv[2], "%hu", &movieHeight) != 1) {
      movieHeightOptionSet = True;
      ++argv; --argc;

    case 'f': { // specify a frame rate (per second) for an output QT or AVI movie
      if (sscanf(argv[2], "%u", &movieFPS) != 1) {
      movieFPSOptionSet = True;
      ++argv; --argc;

    case 'F': { // specify a prefix for the audio and video output files
      fileNamePrefix = argv[2];
      ++argv; --argc;

    case 'b': { // specify the size of buffers for "FileSink"s
      if (sscanf(argv[2], "%u", &fileSinkBufferSize) != 1) {
      ++argv; --argc;

    case 'B': { // specify the size of input socket buffers
      if (sscanf(argv[2], "%u", &socketInputBufferSize) != 1) {
      ++argv; --argc;

    // Note: The following option is deprecated, and may someday be removed:
    case 'l': { // try to compensate for packet loss by repeating frames
      packetLossCompensate = True;

    case 'y': { // synchronize audio and video streams
      syncStreams = True;

    case 'H': { // generate hint tracks (as well as the regular data tracks)
      generateHintTracks = True;

    case 'Q': { // output QOS measurements
      qosMeasurementIntervalMS = 1000; // default: 1 second

      if (argc > 3 && argv[2][0] != '-') {
	// The next argument is the measurement interval,
	// in multiples of 100 ms
	if (sscanf(argv[2], "%u", &qosMeasurementIntervalMS) != 1) {
	qosMeasurementIntervalMS *= 100;
	++argv; --argc;

    case 's': { // specify initial seek time (trick play)
      double arg;
      if (sscanf(argv[2], "%lg", &arg) != 1 || arg < 0) {
      initialSeekTime = arg;
      ++argv; --argc;

    case 'z': { // scale (trick play)
      float arg;
      if (sscanf(argv[2], "%g", &arg) != 1 || arg == 0.0f) {
      scale = arg;
      ++argv; --argc;

    default: {

    ++argv; --argc;
  if (argc != 2) usage();
  if (outputQuickTimeFile && outputAVIFile) {
    *env << "The -i and -q (or -4) flags cannot both be used!\n";
  Boolean outputCompositeFile = outputQuickTimeFile || outputAVIFile;
  if (!createReceivers && outputCompositeFile) {
    *env << "The -r and -q (or -4 or -i) flags cannot both be used!\n";
  if (outputCompositeFile && !movieWidthOptionSet) {
    *env << "Warning: The -q, -4 or -i option was used, but not -w.  Assuming a video width of "
	 << movieWidth << " pixels\n";
  if (outputCompositeFile && !movieHeightOptionSet) {
    *env << "Warning: The -q, -4 or -i option was used, but not -h.  Assuming a video height of "
	 << movieHeight << " pixels\n";
  if (outputCompositeFile && !movieFPSOptionSet) {
    *env << "Warning: The -q, -4 or -i option was used, but not -f.  Assuming a video frame rate of "
	 << movieFPS << " frames-per-second\n";
  if (audioOnly && videoOnly) {
    *env << "The -a and -v flags cannot both be used!\n";
  if (sendOptionsRequestOnly && !sendOptionsRequest) {
    *env << "The -o and -O flags cannot both be used!\n";
  if (tunnelOverHTTPPortNum > 0) {
    if (streamUsingTCP) {
      *env << "The -t and -T flags cannot both be used!\n";
    } else {
      streamUsingTCP = True;
  if (!createReceivers && notifyOnPacketArrival) {
    *env << "Warning: Because we're not receiving stream data, the -n flag has no effect\n";
  if (durationSlop < 0) {
    // This parameter wasn't set, so use a default value.
    // If we're measuring QOS stats, then don't add any slop, to avoid
    // having 'empty' measurement intervals at the end.
    durationSlop = qosMeasurementIntervalMS > 0 ? 0.0 : 5.0;

  char* url = argv[1];

  // Create our client object:
  ourClient = createClient(*env, verbosityLevel, progName);
  if (ourClient == NULL) {
    *env << "Failed to create " << clientProtocolName
		<< " client: " << env->getResultMsg() << "\n";

  if (sendOptionsRequest) {
    // Begin by sending an "OPTIONS" command:
    char* optionsResponse
      = getOptionsResponse(ourClient, url, username, password);
    if (sendOptionsRequestOnly) {
      if (optionsResponse == NULL) {
	*env << clientProtocolName << " \"OPTIONS\" request failed: "
	     << env->getResultMsg() << "\n";
      } else {
	*env << clientProtocolName << " \"OPTIONS\" request returned: "
	     << optionsResponse << "\n";
    delete[] optionsResponse;

  // Open the URL, to get a SDP description:
  char* sdpDescription
    = getSDPDescriptionFromURL(ourClient, url, username, password,
			       proxyServerName, proxyServerPortNum,
  if (sdpDescription == NULL) {
    *env << "Failed to get a SDP description from URL \"" << url
		<< "\": " << env->getResultMsg() << "\n";

  *env << "Opened URL \"" << url
	  << "\", returning a SDP description:\n" << sdpDescription << "\n";

  // Create a media session object from this SDP description:
  session = MediaSession::createNew(*env, sdpDescription);
  delete[] sdpDescription;
  if (session == NULL) {
    *env << "Failed to create a MediaSession object from the SDP description: " << env->getResultMsg() << "\n";
  } else if (!session->hasSubsessions()) {
    *env << "This session has no media subsessions (i.e., \"m=\" lines)\n";

  // Then, setup the "RTPSource"s for the session:
  MediaSubsessionIterator iter(*session);
  MediaSubsession *subsession;
  Boolean madeProgress = False;
  char const* singleMediumToTest = singleMedium;
  while ((subsession = iter.next()) != NULL) {
    // If we've asked to receive only a single medium, then check this now:
    if (singleMediumToTest != NULL) {
      if (strcmp(subsession->mediumName(), singleMediumToTest) != 0) {
		  *env << "Ignoring \"" << subsession->mediumName()
			  << "/" << subsession->codecName()
			  << "\" subsession, because we've asked to receive a single " << singleMedium
			  << " session only\n";
      } else {
	// Receive this subsession only
	singleMediumToTest = "xxxxx";
	    // this hack ensures that we get only 1 subsession of this type

    if (desiredPortNum != 0) {
      desiredPortNum += 2;

    if (createReceivers) {
      if (!subsession->initiate(simpleRTPoffsetArg)) {
	*env << "Unable to create receiver for \"" << subsession->mediumName()
	     << "/" << subsession->codecName()
	     << "\" subsession: " << env->getResultMsg() << "\n";
      } else {
	*env << "Created receiver for \"" << subsession->mediumName()
	     << "/" << subsession->codecName()
	     << "\" subsession (client ports " << subsession->clientPortNum()
	     << "-" << subsession->clientPortNum()+1 << ")\n";
	madeProgress = True;
	if (subsession->rtpSource() != NULL) {
	  // Because we're saving the incoming data, rather than playing
	  // it in real time, allow an especially large time threshold
	  // (1 second) for reordering misordered incoming packets:
	  unsigned const thresh = 1000000; // 1 second
	  // Set the RTP source's OS socket buffer size as appropriate - either if we were explicitly asked (using -B),
	  // or if the desired FileSink buffer size happens to be larger than the current OS socket buffer size.
	  // (The latter case is a heuristic, on the assumption that if the user asked for a large FileSink buffer size,
	  // then the input data rate may be large enough to justify increasing the OS socket buffer size also.)
	  int socketNum = subsession->rtpSource()->RTPgs()->socketNum();
	  unsigned curBufferSize = getReceiveBufferSize(*env, socketNum);
	  if (socketInputBufferSize > 0 || fileSinkBufferSize > curBufferSize) {
	    unsigned newBufferSize = socketInputBufferSize > 0 ? socketInputBufferSize : fileSinkBufferSize;
	    newBufferSize = setReceiveBufferTo(*env, socketNum, newBufferSize);
	    if (socketInputBufferSize > 0) { // The user explicitly asked for the new socket buffer size; announce it:
	      *env << "Changed socket receive buffer size for the \""
		   << subsession->mediumName()
		   << "/" << subsession->codecName()
		   << "\" subsession from "
		   << curBufferSize << " to "
		   << newBufferSize << " bytes\n";
    } else {
      if (subsession->clientPortNum() == 0) {
	*env << "No client port was specified for the \""
	     << subsession->mediumName()
	     << "/" << subsession->codecName()
	     << "\" subsession.  (Try adding the \"-p <portNum>\" option.)\n";
      } else {
		madeProgress = True;
  if (!madeProgress) shutdown();

  // Perform additional 'setup' on each subsession, before playing them:

  // Create output files:
  if (createReceivers) {
    if (outputQuickTimeFile) {
      // Create a "QuickTimeFileSink", to write to 'stdout':
      qtOut = QuickTimeFileSink::createNew(*env, *session, "stdout",
					   movieWidth, movieHeight,
      if (qtOut == NULL) {
	*env << "Failed to create QuickTime file sink for stdout: " << env->getResultMsg();

      qtOut->startPlaying(sessionAfterPlaying, NULL);
    } else if (outputAVIFile) {
      // Create an "AVIFileSink", to write to 'stdout':
      aviOut = AVIFileSink::createNew(*env, *session, "stdout",
				      movieWidth, movieHeight,
      if (aviOut == NULL) {
	*env << "Failed to create AVI file sink for stdout: " << env->getResultMsg();

      aviOut->startPlaying(sessionAfterPlaying, NULL);
    } else {
      // Create and start "FileSink"s for each subsession:
      madeProgress = False;
      while ((subsession = iter.next()) != NULL) {
	if (subsession->readSource() == NULL) continue; // was not initiated

	// Create an output file for each desired stream:
	char outFileName[1000];
	if (singleMedium == NULL) {
	  // Output file name is
	  //     "<filename-prefix><medium_name>-<codec_name>-<counter>"
	  static unsigned streamCounter = 0;
	  snprintf(outFileName, sizeof outFileName, "%s%s-%s-%d",
		   fileNamePrefix, subsession->mediumName(),
		   subsession->codecName(), ++streamCounter);
	} else {
	  sprintf(outFileName, "stdout");
	FileSink* fileSink;
	if (strcmp(subsession->mediumName(), "audio") == 0 &&
	    (strcmp(subsession->codecName(), "AMR") == 0 ||
	     strcmp(subsession->codecName(), "AMR-WB") == 0)) {
	  // For AMR audio streams, we use a special sink that inserts AMR frame hdrs:
	  fileSink = AMRAudioFileSink::createNew(*env, outFileName,
						 fileSinkBufferSize, oneFilePerFrame);
	} else if (strcmp(subsession->mediumName(), "video") == 0 &&
	    (strcmp(subsession->codecName(), "H264") == 0)) {
	  // For H.264 video stream, we use a special sink that insert start_codes:
	  fileSink = H264VideoFileSink::createNew(*env, outFileName,
						 fileSinkBufferSize, oneFilePerFrame);
	} else {
	  // Normal case:
	  fileSink = FileSink::createNew(*env, outFileName,
					 fileSinkBufferSize, oneFilePerFrame);
	subsession->sink = fileSink;
	if (subsession->sink == NULL) {
	  *env << "Failed to create FileSink for \"" << outFileName
		  << "\": " << env->getResultMsg() << "\n";
	} else {
	  if (singleMedium == NULL) {
	    *env << "Created output file: \"" << outFileName << "\"\n";
	  } else {
	    *env << "Outputting data from the \"" << subsession->mediumName()
			<< "/" << subsession->codecName()
			<< "\" subsession to 'stdout'\n";

	  if (strcmp(subsession->mediumName(), "video") == 0 &&
	      strcmp(subsession->codecName(), "MP4V-ES") == 0 &&
	      subsession->fmtp_config() != NULL) {
	    // For MPEG-4 video RTP streams, the 'config' information
	    // from the SDP description contains useful VOL etc. headers.
	    // Insert this data at the front of the output file:
	    unsigned configLen;
	    unsigned char* configData
	      = parseGeneralConfigStr(subsession->fmtp_config(), configLen);
	    struct timeval timeNow;
	    gettimeofday(&timeNow, NULL);
	    fileSink->addData(configData, configLen, timeNow);
	    delete[] configData;


	  // Also set a handler to be called if a RTCP "BYE" arrives
	  // for this subsession:
	  if (subsession->rtcpInstance() != NULL) {

	  madeProgress = True;
      if (!madeProgress) shutdown();

  // Finally, start playing each subsession, to start the data flow:


  env->taskScheduler().doEventLoop(); // does not return

  return 0; // only to prevent compiler warning
void GenerateEmployee::Process(int numberOfEmployees)
	ifstream usernames(m_usernameFile);
	if (usernames)
		cout << "Successfully opened username file" << endl;
		cout << "Failed to open usernames file" << endl;

	ifstream numbers(m_numberFile);
	if (numbers)
		cout << "Successfully opened number file" << endl;
		cout << "Failed to open number file" << endl;

	ifstream addresses(m_addressFile);
	if (addresses)
		cout << "Successfully opened address file" << endl;
		cout << "Failed to open address file" << endl;

	ofstream output("output.txt");
	if (output)
		cout << "Successfully opened output file" << endl;
		cout << "Failed to open output file" << endl;

	char *processing = new char[256];

	for (int idx = 0; idx < numberOfEmployees; idx++)
		output << "EXECUTE [dbo].[AddUser] ";

		usernames.getline(processing, 256, '\n');
		output << "\"" << processing << "\", ";

		//Phone number
		numbers.getline(processing, 256, '\n');
		output << processing << ", ";

		//Permissions (31 for now)
		output << "31, ";

		addresses.getline(processing, 256, ',');
		output << "\"" << processing << ", ";

		addresses.getline(processing, 256, ',');
		output << processing << ", ";

		addresses.getline(processing, 256, ',');
		output << processing << ", ";

		addresses.getline(processing, 256, '\n');
		output << processing << "\"";

		//End line
		output << '\n';
예제 #19
파일: backtrace.hpp 프로젝트: bnkr/nerve
 iterator end() const { return (addresses() + this->size()); }
예제 #20
파일: backtrace.hpp 프로젝트: bnkr/nerve
 iterator begin() const { return addresses(); }
예제 #21
파일: misc.cpp 프로젝트: fanquake/bitcoin
UniValue deriveaddresses(const JSONRPCRequest& request)
    if (request.fHelp || request.params.empty() || request.params.size() > 2) {
        throw std::runtime_error(
            {"\nDerives one or more addresses corresponding to an output descriptor.\n"
            "Examples of output descriptors are:\n"
            "    pkh(<pubkey>)                        P2PKH outputs for the given pubkey\n"
            "    wpkh(<pubkey>)                       Native segwit P2PKH outputs for the given pubkey\n"
            "    sh(multi(<n>,<pubkey>,<pubkey>,...)) P2SH-multisig outputs for the given threshold and pubkeys\n"
            "    raw(<hex script>)                    Outputs whose scriptPubKey equals the specified hex scripts\n"
            "\nIn the above, <pubkey> either refers to a fixed public key in hexadecimal notation, or to an xpub/xprv optionally followed by one\n"
            "or more path elements separated by \"/\", where \"h\" represents a hardened child key.\n"
            "For more information on output descriptors, see the documentation in the doc/descriptors.md file.\n"},
                {"descriptor", RPCArg::Type::STR, RPCArg::Optional::NO, "The descriptor."},
                {"range", RPCArg::Type::RANGE, RPCArg::Optional::OMITTED_NAMED_ARG, "If a ranged descriptor is used, this specifies the end or the range (in [begin,end] notation) to derive."},
                "[ address ] (array) the derived addresses\n"
                "First three native segwit receive addresses\n" +
                HelpExampleCli("deriveaddresses", "\"wpkh([d34db33f/84h/0h/0h]xpub6DJ2dNUysrn5Vt36jH2KLBT2i1auw1tTSSomg8PhqNiUtx8QX2SvC9nrHu81fT41fvDUnhMjEzQgXnQjKEu3oaqMSzhSrHMxyyoEAmUHQbY/0/*)#trd0mf0l\" \"[0,2]\"")

    RPCTypeCheck(request.params, {UniValue::VSTR, UniValueType()}); // Range argument is checked later
    const std::string desc_str = request.params[0].get_str();

    int64_t range_begin = 0;
    int64_t range_end = 0;

    if (request.params.size() >= 2 && !request.params[1].isNull()) {
        std::tie(range_begin, range_end) = ParseDescriptorRange(request.params[1]);

    FlatSigningProvider key_provider;
    auto desc = Parse(desc_str, key_provider, /* require_checksum = */ true);
    if (!desc) {
        throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_ADDRESS_OR_KEY, strprintf("Invalid descriptor"));

    if (!desc->IsRange() && request.params.size() > 1) {
        throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Range should not be specified for an un-ranged descriptor");

    if (desc->IsRange() && request.params.size() == 1) {
        throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Range must be specified for a ranged descriptor");

    UniValue addresses(UniValue::VARR);

    for (int i = range_begin; i <= range_end; ++i) {
        FlatSigningProvider provider;
        std::vector<CScript> scripts;
        if (!desc->Expand(i, key_provider, scripts, provider)) {
            throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_ADDRESS_OR_KEY, strprintf("Cannot derive script without private keys"));

        for (const CScript &script : scripts) {
            CTxDestination dest;
            if (!ExtractDestination(script, dest)) {
                throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_ADDRESS_OR_KEY, strprintf("Descriptor does not have a corresponding address"));


    // This should not be possible, but an assert seems overkill:
    if (addresses.empty()) {
        throw JSONRPCError(RPC_MISC_ERROR, "Unexpected empty result");

    return addresses;
예제 #22
 ref_vector(std::initializer_list<std::reference_wrapper<T>> il) :
    adaptor_range<derefs, std::vector<T *>>(derefs(), map(addresses(), il)) {
예제 #23
	QList<QPair<QString, QVariant>> EntryBase::GetVCardRepresentation () const
		Account_->GetClientConnection ()->FetchVCard (GetJID ());

		const auto vcard = GetVCard ();

		QList<QPair<QString, QVariant>> result
			{ tr ("Photo"), QImage::fromData (vcard.photo ()) },
			{ "JID", vcard.from () },
			{ tr ("Real name"), vcard.fullName () },
			{ tr ("Birthday"), vcard.birthday () },
			{ "URL", vcard.url () },
			{ tr ("About"), vcard.description () }

		for (const auto& phone : vcard.phones ())
			if (phone.number ().isEmpty ())

			QStringList attrs;
			if (phone.type () & QXmppVCardPhone::Preferred)
				attrs << tr ("preferred");
			if (phone.type () & QXmppVCardPhone::Home)
				attrs << tr ("home");
			if (phone.type () & QXmppVCardPhone::Work)
				attrs << tr ("work");
			if (phone.type () & QXmppVCardPhone::Cell)
				attrs << tr ("cell");

			result.append ({ tr ("Phone"), attrs.isEmpty () ?
						phone.number () :
						phone.number () + " (" + attrs.join (", ") + ")" });

		for (const auto& email : vcard.emails ())
			if (email.address ().isEmpty ())

			QStringList attrs;
			if (email.type () == QXmppVCardEmail::Preferred)
				attrs << tr ("preferred");
			if (email.type () == QXmppVCardEmail::Home)
				attrs << tr ("home");
			if (email.type () == QXmppVCardEmail::Work)
				attrs << tr ("work");
			if (email.type () == QXmppVCardEmail::X400)
				attrs << "X400";

			result.append ({ "Email", attrs.isEmpty () ?
						email.address () :
						email.address () + " (" + attrs.join (", ") + ")" });

		for (const auto& address : vcard.addresses ())
			if ((address.country () + address.locality () + address.postcode () +
					address.region () + address.street ()).isEmpty ())

			QStringList attrs;
			if (address.type () & QXmppVCardAddress::Home)
				attrs << tr ("home");
			if (address.type () & QXmppVCardAddress::Work)
				attrs << tr ("work");
			if (address.type () & QXmppVCardAddress::Postal)
				attrs << tr ("postal");
			if (address.type () & QXmppVCardAddress::Preferred)
				attrs << tr ("preferred");

			QString str;
			QStringList fields;
			auto addField = [&fields] (const QString& label, const QString& val)
				if (!val.isEmpty ())
					fields << label.arg (val);
			addField (tr ("Country: %1"), address.country ());
			addField (tr ("Region: %1"), address.region ());
			addField (tr ("Locality: %1", "User's locality"), address.locality ());
			addField (tr ("Street: %1"), address.street ());
			addField (tr ("Postal code: %1"), address.postcode ());

			result.append ({ tr ("Address"), fields });

#if QXMPP_VERSION >= 0x000800
		const auto& orgInfo = vcard.organization ();
		result.append ({ tr ("Organization"), orgInfo.organization () });
		result.append ({ tr ("Organization unit"), orgInfo.unit () });
		result.append ({ tr ("Job title"), orgInfo.title () });
		result.append ({ tr ("Job role"), orgInfo.role () });
		return result;
예제 #24
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
  // Begin by setting up our usage environment:
  TaskScheduler* scheduler = BasicTaskScheduler::createNew();
  env = BasicUsageEnvironment::createNew(*scheduler);

  progName = argv[0];

  gettimeofday(&startTime, NULL);

  // Allow ourselves to be shut down gracefully by a SIGHUP or a SIGUSR1:
  signal(SIGHUP, signalHandlerShutdown);
  signal(SIGUSR1, signalHandlerShutdown);

  // unfortunately we can't use getopt() here, as Windoze doesn't have it
  while (argc > 2) {
    char* const opt = argv[1];
    if (opt[0] != '-') usage();
    switch (opt[1]) {

    case 'p': { // specify start port number
      int portArg;
      if (sscanf(argv[2], "%d", &portArg) != 1) {
      if (portArg <= 0 || portArg >= 65536 || portArg&1) {
	*env << "bad port number: " << portArg
		<< " (must be even, and in the range (0,65536))\n";
      desiredPortNum = (unsigned short)portArg;
      ++argv; --argc;

    case 'r': { // do not receive data (instead, just 'play' the stream(s))
      createReceivers = False;

    case 'q': { // output a QuickTime file (to stdout)
      outputQuickTimeFile = True;

    case '4': { // output a 'mp4'-format file (to stdout)
      outputQuickTimeFile = True;
      generateMP4Format = True;

    case 'i': { // output an AVI file (to stdout)
      outputAVIFile = True;

    case 'I': { // specify input interface...
      NetAddressList addresses(argv[2]);
      if (addresses.numAddresses() == 0) {
	*env << "Failed to find network address for \"" << argv[2] << "\"";
      ReceivingInterfaceAddr = *(unsigned*)(addresses.firstAddress()->data());
      ++argv; --argc;

    case 'a': { // receive/record an audio stream only
      audioOnly = True;
      singleMedium = "audio";

    case 'v': { // receive/record a video stream only
      videoOnly = True;
      singleMedium = "video";

    case 'V': { // disable verbose output
      verbosityLevel = 0;

    case 'd': { // specify duration, or how much to delay after end time
      float arg;
      if (sscanf(argv[2], "%g", &arg) != 1) {
      if (argv[2][0] == '-') { // not "arg<0", in case argv[2] was "-0"
	// a 'negative' argument was specified; use this for "durationSlop":
	duration = 0; // use whatever's in the SDP
	durationSlop = -arg;
      } else {
	duration = arg;
	durationSlop = 0;
      ++argv; --argc;

    case 'D': { // specify maximum number of seconds to wait for packets:
      if (sscanf(argv[2], "%u", &interPacketGapMaxTime) != 1) {
      ++argv; --argc;

    case 'c': { // play continuously
      playContinuously = True;

    case 'S': { // specify an offset to use with "SimpleRTPSource"s
      if (sscanf(argv[2], "%d", &simpleRTPoffsetArg) != 1) {
      if (simpleRTPoffsetArg < 0) {
	*env << "offset argument to \"-S\" must be >= 0\n";
      ++argv; --argc;

    case 'O': { // Don't send an "OPTIONS" request before "DESCRIBE"
      sendOptionsRequest = False;

    case 'o': { // Send only the "OPTIONS" request to the server
      sendOptionsRequestOnly = True;

    case 'm': { // output multiple files - one for each frame
      oneFilePerFrame = True;

    case 'n': { // notify the user when the first data packet arrives
      notifyOnPacketArrival = True;

    case 't': {
      // stream RTP and RTCP over the TCP 'control' connection
      if (controlConnectionUsesTCP) {
	streamUsingTCP = True;
      } else {

    case 'T': {
      // stream RTP and RTCP over a HTTP connection
      if (controlConnectionUsesTCP) {
	if (argc > 3 && argv[2][0] != '-') {
	  // The next argument is the HTTP server port number:
	  if (sscanf(argv[2], "%hu", &tunnelOverHTTPPortNum) == 1
	      && tunnelOverHTTPPortNum > 0) {
	    ++argv; --argc;

      // If we get here, the option was specified incorrectly:

    case 'u': { // specify a username and password
      username = argv[2];
      password = argv[3];
      argv+=2; argc-=2;
      if (allowProxyServers && argc > 3 && argv[2][0] != '-') {
	// The next argument is the name of a proxy server:
	proxyServerName = argv[2];
	++argv; --argc;

	if (argc > 3 && argv[2][0] != '-') {
	  // The next argument is the proxy server port number:
	  if (sscanf(argv[2], "%hu", &proxyServerPortNum) != 1) {
	  ++argv; --argc;

      ourAuthenticator = new Authenticator;
      ourAuthenticator->setUsernameAndPassword(username, password);

    case 'A': { // specify a desired audio RTP payload format
      unsigned formatArg;
      if (sscanf(argv[2], "%u", &formatArg) != 1
	  || formatArg >= 96) {
      desiredAudioRTPPayloadFormat = (unsigned char)formatArg;
      ++argv; --argc;

    case 'M': { // specify a MIME subtype for a dynamic RTP payload type
      mimeSubtype = argv[2];
      if (desiredAudioRTPPayloadFormat==0) desiredAudioRTPPayloadFormat =96;
      ++argv; --argc;

    case 'w': { // specify a width (pixels) for an output QuickTime or AVI movie
      if (sscanf(argv[2], "%hu", &movieWidth) != 1) {
      movieWidthOptionSet = True;
      ++argv; --argc;

    case 'h': { // specify a height (pixels) for an output QuickTime or AVI movie
      if (sscanf(argv[2], "%hu", &movieHeight) != 1) {
      movieHeightOptionSet = True;
      ++argv; --argc;

    case 'f': { // specify a frame rate (per second) for an output QT or AVI movie
      if (sscanf(argv[2], "%u", &movieFPS) != 1) {
      movieFPSOptionSet = True;
      ++argv; --argc;

    case 'F': { // specify a prefix for the audio and video output files
      fileNamePrefix = argv[2];
      ++argv; --argc;

    case 'b': { // specify the size of buffers for "FileSink"s
      if (sscanf(argv[2], "%u", &fileSinkBufferSize) != 1) {
      ++argv; --argc;

    case 'B': { // specify the size of input socket buffers
      if (sscanf(argv[2], "%u", &socketInputBufferSize) != 1) {
      ++argv; --argc;

    // Note: The following option is deprecated, and may someday be removed:
    case 'l': { // try to compensate for packet loss by repeating frames
      packetLossCompensate = True;

    case 'y': { // synchronize audio and video streams
      syncStreams = True;

    case 'H': { // generate hint tracks (as well as the regular data tracks)
      generateHintTracks = True;

    case 'Q': { // output QOS measurements
      qosMeasurementIntervalMS = 1000; // default: 1 second

      if (argc > 3 && argv[2][0] != '-') {
	// The next argument is the measurement interval,
	// in multiples of 100 ms
	if (sscanf(argv[2], "%u", &qosMeasurementIntervalMS) != 1) {
	qosMeasurementIntervalMS *= 100;
	++argv; --argc;

    case 's': { // specify initial seek time (trick play)
      double arg;
      if (sscanf(argv[2], "%lg", &arg) != 1 || arg < 0) {
      initialSeekTime = arg;
      ++argv; --argc;

    case 'z': { // scale (trick play)
      float arg;
      if (sscanf(argv[2], "%g", &arg) != 1 || arg == 0.0f) {
      scale = arg;
      ++argv; --argc;

    default: {

    ++argv; --argc;
  if (argc != 2) usage();
  if (outputQuickTimeFile && outputAVIFile) {
    *env << "The -i and -q (or -4) flags cannot both be used!\n";
  Boolean outputCompositeFile = outputQuickTimeFile || outputAVIFile;
  if (!createReceivers && outputCompositeFile) {
    *env << "The -r and -q (or -4 or -i) flags cannot both be used!\n";
  if (outputCompositeFile && !movieWidthOptionSet) {
    *env << "Warning: The -q, -4 or -i option was used, but not -w.  Assuming a video width of "
	 << movieWidth << " pixels\n";
  if (outputCompositeFile && !movieHeightOptionSet) {
    *env << "Warning: The -q, -4 or -i option was used, but not -h.  Assuming a video height of "
	 << movieHeight << " pixels\n";
  if (outputCompositeFile && !movieFPSOptionSet) {
    *env << "Warning: The -q, -4 or -i option was used, but not -f.  Assuming a video frame rate of "
	 << movieFPS << " frames-per-second\n";
  if (audioOnly && videoOnly) {
    *env << "The -a and -v flags cannot both be used!\n";
  if (sendOptionsRequestOnly && !sendOptionsRequest) {
    *env << "The -o and -O flags cannot both be used!\n";
  if (tunnelOverHTTPPortNum > 0) {
    if (streamUsingTCP) {
      *env << "The -t and -T flags cannot both be used!\n";
    } else {
      streamUsingTCP = True;
  if (!createReceivers && notifyOnPacketArrival) {
    *env << "Warning: Because we're not receiving stream data, the -n flag has no effect\n";
  if (durationSlop < 0) {
    // This parameter wasn't set, so use a default value.
    // If we're measuring QOS stats, then don't add any slop, to avoid
    // having 'empty' measurement intervals at the end.
    durationSlop = qosMeasurementIntervalMS > 0 ? 0.0 : 5.0;

  streamURL = argv[1];

  // Create our client object:
  ourClient = createClient(*env, streamURL, verbosityLevel, progName);
  if (ourClient == NULL) {
    *env << "Failed to create " << clientProtocolName
		<< " client: " << env->getResultMsg() << "\n";

  if (sendOptionsRequest) {
    // Begin by sending an "OPTIONS" command:
  } else {
    continueAfterOPTIONS(NULL, 0, NULL);

  // All subsequent activity takes place within the event loop:
  env->taskScheduler().doEventLoop(); // does not return

  return 0; // only to prevent compiler warning
예제 #25
int main(int argc, char **argv){

  int ii=0, ans=0, nn=0;
  int det=0;
  char yn[100]="\0";
  int mapLNfill;
//  shmSetup();
  mapLNfill = mmapSetup();
  if (mapLNfill == -1) return 0;

  Shared memory creation and attachment
//  shmKey = ftok("/Users/c4g/src/LNfill/include/lnfill.conf",'b');       // key unique identifier for shared memory, other programs use 'LN' tag
//  shmKey = ftok("/Users/c4g/src/LNfill/include/lnfill.conf",'b');  // key unique identifier for shared memory, other programs use include this
  shmKey = ftok("include/lnfill.conf",'b');  // key unique identifier for shared memory, other programs use include this
  //  shmKey = ftok("SHM_PATH",'b');                                   // key unique identifier for shared memory, other programs use 'LN' tag
  //  shmKey = ftok("/Users/gross/Desktop/LNfill/LNdata",'b');         // key unique identifier for shared memory, other programs use 'LN' tag
  shmid = shmget(shmKey, sizeof (struct lnfill), 0666); // gets the ID of shared memory, size, permissions, create if necessary by changing to  0666 | IPC_CREAT)
  lnptr = shmat (shmid, (void *)0, 0);                              // now link to area so it can be used; struct lnfill pointer char *lnptr
  if (lnptr == (struct lnfill *)(-1)){                              // check for errors

  //  printf ("%li = %li\n",shmKey, shmid);

  //  printf ("shm size = %li\n",sizeof (struct lnfill) );
  //  printf ("pid = %li\n", lnptr->pid);

  while (ans != 100){
    scanf ("%i", &ans);          // read in ans (pointer is indicated)     
    switch (ans){
    case 0:                   // end program but not lnfill
      if (munmap(lnptr, sizeof (struct lnfill*)) == -1) {
	perror("Error un-mmapping the file");
      //shmdt(lnptr);           // detach from shared memory segment
      return 0;

    case 1:                      // display temps and limits
      if (lnptr->command == 8 || lnptr->command == 7 || lnptr->command == 18) break;  // don't force an update
      lnptr->command = 1;        // command (3) stored in SHM so lnfill can do something
      kill(lnptr->pid,SIGALRM);  // send an alarm to let lnfill know it needs to do command (1)

    case 2:                    // Change limit and timing parameters
      if (lnptr->command == 8 || lnptr->command == 7 || lnptr->command == 18) break;  // don't force an update
      printf (" Which detector do you want to change? 1-20, outside this range to do nothing \n");
      if ((det > 0) && (det < 21)){

	printf("Filling interval ? (usually 28800 s (8 hrs.)) \n");
	scanf ("%lf",&zz.interval);
	printf("Filling time max ? (usually 420 s) \n");
	scanf ("%lf",&zz.max);
	printf("Filling time min ? (usually 150 s) \n");
	scanf ("%lf",&zz.min);
	printf("RTD temperature limit ? (usually ~90 or 6 K above coldest value) \n");
	scanf ("%lf",&zz.limit);
	printf("Outlet temperature limit ? (usually ~90 or few degrees below value) \n");
	scanf ("%lf",&zz.limit);

	lnptr->ge[det].interval = zz.interval;
	lnptr->ge[det].max = zz.max;
	lnptr->ge[det].min = zz.min;
	lnptr->ge[det].limit = zz.limit;
	lnptr->ge[det].olimit = zz.olimit;
	lnptr->ge[det].next = time(NULL) + lnptr->ge[det].interval;

	printf("Detector next fill time has been set to %.0lf s from now \n",lnptr->ge[det].interval);


    case 3:                   // Add or remove detector from system
      activemax = activeList();
      printf (" Which detector do you want to change? 1-20, outside this range to do nothing \n");
      if ((det > 0) && (det < 21)){
	if (lnptr->ge[det].onoff == 0) {
	  printf("RTD is which U6 channel? (0-13) \n");
	  scanf ("%i",&zz.chanRTD);
	  printf("Overflo is which U6 channel? (0-13) \n");
	  scanf ("%i",&zz.chanOFLO);
	  printf("Filling interval ? (usually 28800 s (8 hrs.)) \n");
	  scanf ("%i",&zz.interval);
	  //	  scanf ("%i",&zz.interval);
	  printf("Filling time max ? (usually 420 s) \n");
	  scanf ("%i",&zz.max);
	  printf("Filling time min ? (usually 150 s) \n");
	  scanf ("%i",&zz.min);
	  printf("RTD temperature limit ? (usually ~90 or 6 K above coldest value) \n");
	  scanf ("%lf",&zz.limit);
	  printf("Outlet temperature limit ? (usually ~90 or few degrees below detector value) \n");
	  scanf ("%lf",&zz.olimit);
	  printf(" %i %i %lf %lf \n", zz.chanRTD, zz.chanOFLO, zz.limit,zz.olimit);
	  zz.onoff = 1;
	  lnptr->ge[det] = zz;
	  lnptr->ge[det].next = time(NULL) + lnptr->ge[det].interval;
	  printf("Detector next fill time has been set to %.0lf s from now \n",lnptr->ge[det].interval);

	else {
	  lnptr->ge[det].onoff = 0;       // turn channel off
	  lnptr->ge[det].chanOFLO = -1;   // set U6 channels to -1
	  lnptr->ge[det].chanRTD = -1;    // set U6 channels to -1
      //      lnptr->command = 3;        // command (3) stored in SHM so lnfill can do something not needed...user can force a fill

      // do I force an RTD read here or wait up to a minute for the natural read?
    case 4:                   // display temps and limits

    case 5:                   // Save setup into lnfill.conf
      printf ("Saving current setup into lnfill.conf (hope you made a copy of the old one) ....\n");

    case 7:                   // force fill 1 detector
      if (lnptr->command == 8) {
	printf("Already started a fill ALL ..... returning to menu \n");
      if (lnptr->command == 7) {
	printf("Already filling a detector .... should have done a fill ALL ..... returning to menu \n");
      printf ("Which detector do you wish to fill ....  <0 do nothing\n");
      printf ("Det Name  iBar  \n");
      printf ("--- ----  ----  \n");
      for (ii=1; ii < 21; ii++){
	if (lnptr->ge[ii-1].chanIbar >=0) printf ("%2i   %3s   %2i  \n",ii, lnptr->ge[ii-1].name, lnptr->ge[ii-1].chanIbar);
      if (nn < 0) break;
      lnptr->com1 = nn-1;
      lnptr->command = 8;                         // command (8) stored in SHM to start a fill
      kill(lnptr->pid,SIGALRM);                   // send an alarm to let lnfill know it needs to do command (8)
      // put in detector and value questions

    case 8:                   // force fill all detectors
      printf ("force fill ALL detectors here....\n");
      if (lnptr->command == 8 || lnptr->command == 7) {
	printf("Already started a fill ALL ..... returning to menu \n");
      lnptr->com1 = -1;          // fill all flag
      lnptr->command = 8;        // command (8) stored in SHM so lnfill can do something
      kill(lnptr->pid,SIGALRM);  // send an alarm to let lnfill know it needs to do command (8)

    case 9:                   // do initial cool down of a detector
      printf ("Begin the initial cool down of detectors with next fill 1 hour....\n");
      printf ("Which detector do you wish to fill .... <0 do nothing \n");
      printf ("Det  Name  iBar  \n");
      printf ("---  ----  ----  \n");
      printf (" 0   ALL    --   \n");
      for (ii=1; ii < 21; ii++){
	if (lnptr->ge[ii-1].chanIbar >=0) printf ("%2i   %3s   %2i  \n",ii, lnptr->ge[ii-1].name, lnptr->ge[ii-1].chanIbar);
      if (nn < 0 || nn > 6) break;
      //      if (nn == 0) lnptr->com1 = -1;
      //      else 
	lnptr->com1 = nn-1;
      lnptr->command = 18;      
      kill(lnptr->pid,SIGALRM);   // send an alarm to let lnfill know it needs to do command (3)
      // put in detector and value questions

    case 10:                   // Close all valves
      printf ("Closing valves and opening manifold ....\n");
      lnptr->command = ans;  
      kill(lnptr->pid,SIGALRM);  // send an alarm to let lnfill know it needs to do command (10)

    case 11:                   // Close tanl valve
      printf ("Closing tank ....\n");
      lnptr->command = ans;  
      kill(lnptr->pid,SIGALRM);  // send an alarm to let lnfill know it needs to do command (10)

    case 12:                   // Open tank valve
      printf ("Opening tank ....\n");
      lnptr->command = ans;  
      kill(lnptr->pid,SIGALRM);  // send an alarm to let lnfill know it needs to do command (10)

    case 13:                   // Close manifold
      printf ("Closing manifold ....\n");
      lnptr->command = ans;  
      kill(lnptr->pid,SIGALRM);  // send an alarm to let lnfill know it needs to do command (10)

    case 14:                   // Open manifold
      printf ("Opening manifold ....\n");
      lnptr->command = ans;  
      kill(lnptr->pid,SIGALRM);  // send an alarm to let lnfill know it needs to do command (10)

    case 15:                   // Close a detector valve
      printf ("Which detector valve do you wish to close ? (1-20 from 1st column) \n");
      for (ii=1; ii < 21; ii++){
	if (lnptr->ge[ii-1].chanIbar >=0) printf ("%2i   %3s   %2i  \n",ii, lnptr->ge[ii-1].name, lnptr->ge[ii-1].chanIbar);
      lnptr->command = 20 + nn;
      kill(lnptr->pid,SIGALRM);  // send an alarm to let lnfill know it needs to do command (10)

    case 16:                   // Open a detector valve
      printf ("Which detector valve do you wish to open ? (1-20 from 1st column) \n");
      for (ii=1; ii < 21; ii++){
	if (lnptr->ge[ii-1].chanIbar >=0) printf ("%2i   %3s   %2i  \n",ii, lnptr->ge[ii-1].name, lnptr->ge[ii-1].chanIbar);
      lnptr->command = 40 + nn;
      kill(lnptr->pid,SIGALRM);  // send an alarm to let lnfill know it needs to do command (10)

    case 17:                    // Get valve status directly from ibootbar 
      printf ("ibootBar outlet status  \n");
      lnptr->command = 17;
      kill(lnptr->pid,SIGALRM);  // send an alarm to let lnfill know it needs to do command (10)

    case 18:                   // do initial cool down of a detector

      printf (" Do you really want to reset all alarms?  y/n \n");
      if (strcmp(yn,"Y") == 0 || strcmp(yn,"y") == 0) { 
	//      if (yn == 'Y' || yn == 'y'){
	for (ii=0; ii < 20; ii++){
	  if (lnptr->ge[det].onoff == 1) strcpy(lnptr->ge[ii].status,"OK");
	  else strcpy(lnptr->ge[ii].status,"OFF");
      } else printf ("No alarms were reset");
      if (strcmp(zzz,"Y") == 0 || strcmp(zzz,"y") == 0) { 
	for (ii=0; ii < 20; ii++){
	  if (lnptr->ge[det].onoff == 1) strcpy(lnptr->ge[ii].status,"OK");
	  else strcpy(lnptr->ge[ii].status,"OFF");

    case 19:
      if (lnptr->com2 == 0) {
	printf (" Do you really want to toggle the LN HV Emergency Shutdown ON?  y/n \n");
	if (strcmp(yn,"Y") == 0 || strcmp(yn,"y") == 0) { 
	//	if (yn == 'Y' || yn == 'y'){
	//	scanf("%1s",&zzz);
	  printf (" Turning emergency shutdown ON \n If shutdown occurs you must run bash script to clear events and shutdown!\n");
	  lnptr->com2 = 1;
	  printf (" Emergency shutdown is ON \n");
	else {
	  printf (" Emergency shutdown is staying OFF \n");
      else {
	printf (" Do you really want to toggle the LN Emergency Shutdown OFF?  y/n \n");
	if (strcmp(yn,"Y") == 0 || strcmp(yn,"y") == 0) { 
	//	char yn = getchar();
	  //	if (yn == 'Y' || yn == 'y'){
	  //	scanf("%1s",&zzz);
	  printf (" Turning emergency shutdown OFF \n You better know that the Ge detectors are COLD! \n And remember to turn it back on when done !\n");
	  lnptr->com2 = 0;
	  printf (" Emergency shutdown is OFF \n");
	else {
	  printf (" Emergency shutdown is staying ON \n");
    case 61:                    // Get valve status directly from ibootbar 
      printf ("Input email addresses  \n");
      if (lnptr->command == 61) kill(lnptr->pid,SIGALRM);

    case 100:                 // End ALL lnfill programs

    default:                  // Do nothing and go back to the list of options
      ans = 0;

   Wrap up the program ending the lnfill-u6, detaching and getting rid of the shared memory segment

   Release the shared memory and close the U3

  if (munmap(lnptr, sizeof (struct lnfill*)) == -1) {
    perror("Error un-mmapping the file");
/* Decide here whether to close(fd) and exit() or not. Depends... */
  shmdt(lnptr);                      // detach from shared memory segment
  shmctl(shmid, IPC_RMID, NULL);     // remove the shared memory segment hopefully forever
  return 0;
예제 #26
static UniValue getaddednodeinfo(const JSONRPCRequest& request)
    if (request.fHelp || request.params.size() > 1)
        throw std::runtime_error(
            "getaddednodeinfo ( \"node\" )\n"
            "\nReturns information about the given added node, or all added nodes\n"
            "(note that onetry addnodes are not listed here)\n"
            "1. \"node\"   (string, optional) If provided, return information about this specific node, otherwise all nodes are returned.\n"
            "  {\n"
            "    \"addednode\" : \"\",   (string) The node IP address or name (as provided to addnode)\n"
            "    \"connected\" : true|false,          (boolean) If connected\n"
            "    \"addresses\" : [                    (list of objects) Only when connected = true\n"
            "       {\n"
            "         \"address\" : \"\",  (string) The globalboost server IP and port we're connected to\n"
            "         \"connected\" : \"outbound\"           (string) connection, inbound or outbound\n"
            "       }\n"
            "     ]\n"
            "  }\n"
            "  ,...\n"
            + HelpExampleCli("getaddednodeinfo", "\"\"")
            + HelpExampleRpc("getaddednodeinfo", "\"\"")

        throw JSONRPCError(RPC_CLIENT_P2P_DISABLED, "Error: Peer-to-peer functionality missing or disabled");

    std::vector<AddedNodeInfo> vInfo = g_connman->GetAddedNodeInfo();

    if (!request.params[0].isNull()) {
        bool found = false;
        for (const AddedNodeInfo& info : vInfo) {
            if (info.strAddedNode == request.params[0].get_str()) {
                vInfo.assign(1, info);
                found = true;
        if (!found) {
            throw JSONRPCError(RPC_CLIENT_NODE_NOT_ADDED, "Error: Node has not been added.");

    UniValue ret(UniValue::VARR);

    for (const AddedNodeInfo& info : vInfo) {
        UniValue obj(UniValue::VOBJ);
        obj.pushKV("addednode", info.strAddedNode);
        obj.pushKV("connected", info.fConnected);
        UniValue addresses(UniValue::VARR);
        if (info.fConnected) {
            UniValue address(UniValue::VOBJ);
            address.pushKV("address", info.resolvedAddress.ToString());
            address.pushKV("connected", info.fInbound ? "inbound" : "outbound");
        obj.pushKV("addresses", addresses);

    return ret;
예제 #27
Boolean DarwinInjector
::setDestination(char const* remoteRTSPServerNameOrAddress,
		 char const* remoteFileName,
		 char const* sessionName,
		 char const* sessionInfo,
		 portNumBits remoteRTSPServerPortNumber,
		 char const* remoteUserName,
		 char const* remotePassword,
		 char const* sessionAuthor,
		 char const* sessionCopyright,
		 int timeout) {
  char* sdp = NULL;
  char* url = NULL;
  Boolean success = False; // until we learn otherwise

  do {
    // Construct a RTSP URL for the remote stream:
    char const* const urlFmt = "rtsp://%s:%u/%s";
    unsigned urlLen
      = strlen(urlFmt) + strlen(remoteRTSPServerNameOrAddress) + 5 /* max short len */ + strlen(remoteFileName);
    url = new char[urlLen];
    sprintf(url, urlFmt, remoteRTSPServerNameOrAddress, remoteRTSPServerPortNumber, remoteFileName);

    // Begin by creating our RTSP client object:
    fRTSPClient = new RTSPClientForDarwinInjector(envir(), url, fVerbosityLevel, fApplicationName, this);
    if (fRTSPClient == NULL) break;

    // Get the remote RTSP server's IP address:
    struct in_addr addr;
      NetAddressList addresses(remoteRTSPServerNameOrAddress);
      if (addresses.numAddresses() == 0) break;
      NetAddress const* address = addresses.firstAddress();
      addr.s_addr = *(unsigned*)(address->data());
    AddressString remoteRTSPServerAddressStr(addr);

    // Construct a SDP description for the session that we'll be streaming:
    char const* const sdpFmt =
      "o=- %u %u IN IP4\r\n"
      "c=IN IP4 %s\r\n"
      "t=0 0\r\n"
      "a=x-qt-text-cmt:source application:%s\r\n"
      // plus, %s for each substream SDP
    unsigned sdpLen = strlen(sdpFmt)
      + 20 /* max int len */ + 20 /* max int len */
      + strlen(sessionName)
      + strlen(sessionInfo)
      + strlen(remoteRTSPServerAddressStr.val())
      + strlen(sessionName)
      + strlen(sessionInfo)
      + strlen(fApplicationName)
      + strlen(sessionAuthor)
      + strlen(sessionCopyright)
      + fSubstreamSDPSizes;
    unsigned const sdpSessionId = our_random32();
    unsigned const sdpVersion = sdpSessionId;
    sdp = new char[sdpLen];
    sprintf(sdp, sdpFmt,
	    sdpSessionId, sdpVersion, // o= line
	    sessionName, // s= line
	    sessionInfo, // i= line
	    remoteRTSPServerAddressStr.val(), // c= line
	    sessionName, // a=x-qt-text-nam: line
	    sessionInfo, // a=x-qt-text-inf: line
	    fApplicationName, // a=x-qt-text-cmt: line
	    sessionAuthor, // a=x-qt-text-aut: line
	    sessionCopyright // a=x-qt-text-cpy: line
    char* p = &sdp[strlen(sdp)];
    SubstreamDescriptor* ss;
    for (ss = fHeadSubstream; ss != NULL; ss = ss->next()) {
      sprintf(p, "%s", ss->sdpLines());
      p += strlen(p);

    // Do a RTSP "ANNOUNCE" with this SDP description:
    Authenticator auth;
    Authenticator* authToUse = NULL;
    if (remoteUserName[0] != '\0' || remotePassword[0] != '\0') {
      auth.setUsernameAndPassword(remoteUserName, remotePassword);
      authToUse = &auth;
    fWatchVariable = 0;
    (void)fRTSPClient->sendAnnounceCommand(sdp, genericResponseHandler, authToUse);

    // Now block (but handling events) until we get a response:

    delete[] fResultString;
    if (fResultCode != 0) break; // an error occurred with the RTSP "ANNOUNCE" command

    // Next, tell the remote server to start receiving the stream from us.
    // (To do this, we first create a "MediaSession" object from the SDP description.)
    fSession = MediaSession::createNew(envir(), sdp);
    if (fSession == NULL) break;

    ss = fHeadSubstream;
    MediaSubsessionIterator iter(*fSession);
    MediaSubsession* subsession;
    ss = fHeadSubstream;
    unsigned streamChannelId = 0;
    while ((subsession = iter.next()) != NULL) {
      if (!subsession->initiate()) break;

      fWatchVariable = 0;
      (void)fRTSPClient->sendSetupCommand(*subsession, genericResponseHandler,
					  True /*streamOutgoing*/,
					  True /*streamUsingTCP*/);
      // Now block (but handling events) until we get a response:

      delete[] fResultString;
      if (fResultCode != 0) break; // an error occurred with the RTSP "SETUP" command

      // Tell this subsession's RTPSink and RTCPInstance to use
      // the RTSP TCP connection:
      ss->rtpSink()->setStreamSocket(fRTSPClient->socketNum(), streamChannelId++);
      if (ss->rtcpInstance() != NULL) {
      ss = ss->next();
    if (subsession != NULL) break; // an error occurred above

    // Tell the RTSP server to start:
    fWatchVariable = 0;
    (void)fRTSPClient->sendPlayCommand(*fSession, genericResponseHandler);

    // Now block (but handling events) until we get a response:

    delete[] fResultString;
    if (fResultCode != 0) break; // an error occurred with the RTSP "PLAY" command

    // Finally, make sure that the output TCP buffer is a reasonable size:
    increaseSendBufferTo(envir(), fRTSPClient->socketNum(), 100*1024);

    success = True;
  } while (0);

  delete[] sdp;
  delete[] url;
  return success;
예제 #28
netAddressBits ourIPAddress(UsageEnvironment& env) {
  static netAddressBits ourAddress = 0;
  int sock = -1;
  struct in_addr testAddr;

  if (ReceivingInterfaceAddr != INADDR_ANY) {
    // Hack: If we were told to receive on a specific interface address, then 
    // define this to be our ip address:
    ourAddress = ReceivingInterfaceAddr;

  if (ourAddress == 0) {
    // We need to find our source address
    struct sockaddr_in fromAddr;
    fromAddr.sin_addr.s_addr = 0;

    // Get our address by sending a (0-TTL) multicast packet,
    // receiving it, and looking at the source address used.
    // (This is kinda bogus, but it provides the best guarantee
    // that other nodes will think our address is the same as we do.)
    do {
      loopbackWorks = 0; // until we learn otherwise

      testAddr.s_addr = our_inet_addr(""); // arbitrary
      Port testPort(15947); // ditto

      sock = setupDatagramSocket(env, testPort);
      if (sock < 0) break;

      if (!socketJoinGroup(env, sock, testAddr.s_addr)) break;

      unsigned char testString[] = "hostIdTest";
      unsigned testStringLength = sizeof testString;

      if (!writeSocket(env, sock, testAddr, testPort.num(), 0,
		       testString, testStringLength)) break;

      // Block until the socket is readable (with a 5-second timeout):
      fd_set rd_set;
      FD_SET((unsigned)sock, &rd_set);
      const unsigned numFds = sock+1;
      struct timeval timeout;
      timeout.tv_sec = 5;
      timeout.tv_usec = 0;
      int result = select(numFds, &rd_set, NULL, NULL, &timeout);
      if (result <= 0) break;

      unsigned char readBuffer[20];
      int bytesRead = readSocket(env, sock,
				 readBuffer, sizeof readBuffer,
      if (bytesRead != (int)testStringLength
	  || strncmp((char*)readBuffer, (char*)testString, testStringLength) != 0) {

      // We use this packet's source address, if it's good:
      loopbackWorks = !badAddressForUs(fromAddr.sin_addr.s_addr);
    } while (0);

    if (sock >= 0) {
      socketLeaveGroup(env, sock, testAddr.s_addr);

    if (!loopbackWorks) do {
      // We couldn't find our address using multicast loopback,
      // so try instead to look it up directly - by first getting our host name, and then resolving this host name
      char hostname[100];
      hostname[0] = '\0';
      int result = gethostname(hostname, sizeof hostname);
      if (result != 0 || hostname[0] == '\0') {
	env.setResultErrMsg("initial gethostname() failed");

      // Try to resolve "hostname" to an IP address:
      NetAddressList addresses(hostname);
      NetAddressList::Iterator iter(addresses);
      NetAddress const* address;

      // Take the first address that's not bad:
      netAddressBits addr = 0;
      while ((address = iter.nextAddress()) != NULL) {
	netAddressBits a = *(netAddressBits*)(address->data());
	if (!badAddressForUs(a)) {
	  addr = a;

      // Assign the address that we found to "fromAddr" (as if the 'loopback' method had worked), to simplify the code below: 
      fromAddr.sin_addr.s_addr = addr;
    } while (0);

    // Make sure we have a good address:
    netAddressBits from = fromAddr.sin_addr.s_addr;
    if (badAddressForUs(from)) {
      char tmp[100];
      sprintf(tmp, "This computer has an invalid IP address: %s", AddressString(from).val());
      from = 0;

    ourAddress = from;

    // Use our newly-discovered IP address, and the current time,
    // to initialize the random number generator's seed:
    struct timeval timeNow;
    gettimeofday(&timeNow, NULL);
    unsigned seed = ourAddress^timeNow.tv_sec^timeNow.tv_usec;
  return ourAddress;
예제 #29
int CommandGenerate::execute(const std::vector<std::string>& p_args) {
	if(p_args.size() < 10) {
		return -1;

	unsigned int platformId = atol(p_args[1].c_str());
	unsigned int deviceId = atol(p_args[2].c_str());
	unsigned int staggerSize = atol(p_args[3].c_str());
	unsigned int threadsNumber = atol(p_args[4].c_str());
	unsigned int hashesNumber = atol(p_args[5].c_str());
	unsigned int nonceSize = PLOT_SIZE * staggerSize;

	std::cerr << "Threads number: " << threadsNumber << std::endl;
	std::cerr << "Hashes number: " << hashesNumber << std::endl;

	unsigned int numjobs = (p_args.size() - 5)/4;
	std::cerr << numjobs << " plot(s) to do." << std::endl;
	unsigned int staggerMbSize = staggerSize / 4;
	std::cerr << "Non-GPU memory usage: " << staggerMbSize*numjobs << "MB" << std::endl;
	std::vector<std::string> paths(numjobs);
	std::vector<std::ofstream *> out_files(numjobs);
	std::vector<unsigned long long> addresses(numjobs);
	std::vector<unsigned long long> startNonces(numjobs);
	std::vector<unsigned long long> endNonces(numjobs);
	std::vector<unsigned int> noncesNumbers(numjobs);
	std::vector<unsigned char*> buffersCpu(numjobs);
	std::vector<bool> saving_thread_flags(numjobs);
	std::vector<std::future<void>> save_threads(numjobs);
	unsigned long long maxNonceNumber = 0;
	unsigned long long totalNonces = 0;

	int returnCode = 0;

	try {
		for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numjobs; i++) {
			std::cerr << "----" << std::endl;
			std::cerr << "Job number " << i << std::endl;
			unsigned int argstart = 6 + i*4;
			paths[i] = std::string(p_args[argstart]);
			addresses[i] = strtoull(p_args[argstart+1].c_str(), NULL, 10);
			startNonces[i] = strtoull(p_args[argstart+2].c_str(), NULL, 10);
			noncesNumbers[i] = atol(p_args[argstart+3].c_str());
			maxNonceNumber = std::max(maxNonceNumber, (long long unsigned int)noncesNumbers[i]);
			totalNonces += noncesNumbers[i];

			std::ostringstream outFile;
			outFile << paths[i] << "/" << addresses[i] << "_" << startNonces[i] << "_" << \
				noncesNumbers[i] << "_" << staggerSize;
			std::ios_base::openmode file_mode = std::ios::out | std::ios::binary | std::ios::trunc;
			out_files[i] = new std::ofstream(outFile.str(), file_mode);

			if(noncesNumbers[i] % staggerSize != 0) {
				noncesNumbers[i] -= noncesNumbers[i] % staggerSize;
				noncesNumbers[i] += staggerSize;

			endNonces[i] = startNonces[i] + noncesNumbers[i];
			unsigned int noncesGbSize = noncesNumbers[i] / 4 / 1024;
			std::cerr << "Path: " << outFile.str() << std::endl;
			std::cerr << "Nonces: " << startNonces[i] << " to " << endNonces[i] << " (" << noncesGbSize << " GB)" << std::endl;
			std::cerr << "Creating CPU buffer" << std::endl;
			buffersCpu[i] = new unsigned char[nonceSize];
			if(!buffersCpu[i]) {
				throw std::runtime_error("Unable to create the CPU buffer (probably out of host memory.)");
			saving_thread_flags[i] = false;
			std::cerr << "----" << std::endl;

		cl_platform_id platforms[4];
		cl_uint platformsNumber;
		cl_device_id devices[32];
		cl_uint devicesNumber;
		cl_context context = 0;
		cl_command_queue commandQueue = 0;
		cl_mem bufferGpuGen = 0;
		cl_mem bufferGpuScoops = 0;
		cl_program program = 0;
		cl_kernel kernelStep1 = 0;
		cl_kernel kernelStep2 = 0;
		cl_kernel kernelStep3 = 0;

		int error;

		std::cerr << "Retrieving OpenCL platforms" << std::endl;
		error = clGetPlatformIDs(4, platforms, &platformsNumber);
		if(error != CL_SUCCESS) {
			throw OpenclError(error, "Unable to retrieve the OpenCL platforms");

		if(platformId >= platformsNumber) {
			throw std::runtime_error("No platform found with the provided id");

		std::cerr << "Retrieving OpenCL GPU devices" << std::endl;
		error = clGetDeviceIDs(platforms[platformId], CL_DEVICE_TYPE_CPU | CL_DEVICE_TYPE_GPU, 32, devices, &devicesNumber);
		if(error != CL_SUCCESS) {
			throw OpenclError(error, "Unable to retrieve the OpenCL devices");

		if(deviceId >= devicesNumber) {
			throw std::runtime_error("No device found with the provided id");

		std::cerr << "Creating OpenCL context" << std::endl;
		context = clCreateContext(0, 1, &devices[deviceId], NULL, NULL, &error);
		if(error != CL_SUCCESS) {
			throw OpenclError(error, "Unable to create the OpenCL context");

		std::cerr << "Creating OpenCL command queue" << std::endl;
		commandQueue = clCreateCommandQueue(context, devices[deviceId], 0, &error);
		if(error != CL_SUCCESS) {
			throw OpenclError(error, "Unable to create the OpenCL command queue");

		std::cerr << "Creating OpenCL GPU generation buffer" << std::endl;
		bufferGpuGen = clCreateBuffer(context, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, sizeof(cl_uchar) * GEN_SIZE * staggerSize, 0, &error);
		if(error != CL_SUCCESS) {
			throw OpenclError(error, "Unable to create the OpenCL GPU generation buffer");

		std::cerr << "Creating OpenCL GPU scoops buffer" << std::endl;
		bufferGpuScoops = clCreateBuffer(context, CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY, sizeof(cl_uchar) * nonceSize, 0, &error);
		if(error != CL_SUCCESS) {
			throw OpenclError(error, "Unable to create the OpenCL GPU scoops buffer");

		std::cerr << "Creating OpenCL program" << std::endl;
		std::string source = loadSource("kernel/nonce.cl");
		const char* sources[] = {source.c_str()};
		size_t sourcesLength[] = {source.length()};
		program = clCreateProgramWithSource(context, 1, sources, sourcesLength, &error);
		if(error != CL_SUCCESS) {
			throw OpenclError(error, "Unable to create the OpenCL program");

		std::cerr << "Building OpenCL program" << std::endl;
		error = clBuildProgram(program, 1, &devices[deviceId], "-I kernel", 0, 0);
		if(error != CL_SUCCESS) {
			size_t logSize;
			clGetProgramBuildInfo(program, devices[deviceId], CL_PROGRAM_BUILD_LOG, 0, 0, &logSize);

			char* log = new char[logSize];
			clGetProgramBuildInfo(program, devices[deviceId], CL_PROGRAM_BUILD_LOG, logSize, (void*)log, 0);
			std::cerr << log << std::endl;
			delete[] log;

			throw OpenclError(error, "Unable to build the OpenCL program");

		std::cerr << "Creating OpenCL step1 kernel" << std::endl;
		kernelStep1 = clCreateKernel(program, "nonce_step1", &error);
		if(error != CL_SUCCESS) {
			throw OpenclError(error, "Unable to create the OpenCL kernel");

		std::cerr << "Setting OpenCL step1 kernel static arguments" << std::endl;
		error = clSetKernelArg(kernelStep1, 2, sizeof(cl_mem), (void*)&bufferGpuGen);
		if(error != CL_SUCCESS) {
			throw OpenclError(error, "Unable to set the OpenCL kernel arguments");

		std::cerr << "Creating OpenCL step2 kernel" << std::endl;
		kernelStep2 = clCreateKernel(program, "nonce_step2", &error);
		if(error != CL_SUCCESS) {
			throw OpenclError(error, "Unable to create the OpenCL kernel");

		std::cerr << "Setting OpenCL step2 kernel static arguments" << std::endl;
		error = clSetKernelArg(kernelStep2, 1, sizeof(cl_mem), (void*)&bufferGpuGen);
		if(error != CL_SUCCESS) {
			throw OpenclError(error, "Unable to set the OpenCL kernel arguments");

		std::cerr << "Creating OpenCL step3 kernel" << std::endl;
		kernelStep3 = clCreateKernel(program, "nonce_step3", &error);
		if(error != CL_SUCCESS) {
			throw OpenclError(error, "Unable to create the OpenCL kernel");

		std::cerr << "Setting OpenCL step3 kernel static arguments" << std::endl;
		error = clSetKernelArg(kernelStep3, 0, sizeof(cl_uint), (void*)&staggerSize);
		error = clSetKernelArg(kernelStep3, 1, sizeof(cl_mem), (void*)&bufferGpuGen);
		error = clSetKernelArg(kernelStep3, 2, sizeof(cl_mem), (void*)&bufferGpuScoops);
		if(error != CL_SUCCESS) {
			throw OpenclError(error, "Unable to set the OpenCL kernel arguments");

		size_t globalWorkSize = staggerSize;
		size_t localWorkSize = (staggerSize < threadsNumber) ? staggerSize : threadsNumber;
		time_t startTime = time(0);
		unsigned int totalNoncesCompleted = 0;
		for (unsigned long long nonce_ordinal = 0; nonce_ordinal < maxNonceNumber; nonce_ordinal += staggerSize) {
			for (unsigned int jobnum = 0; jobnum < paths.size(); jobnum += 1) {
				unsigned long long nonce = startNonces[jobnum] + nonce_ordinal;
				if (nonce > endNonces[jobnum]) {

				std::cout << "Running with start nonce " << nonce << std::endl;
				// Is a cl_ulong always an unsigned long long?
				unsigned int error = 0;
				error = clSetKernelArg(kernelStep1, 0, sizeof(cl_ulong), (void*)&addresses[jobnum]);
				if(error != CL_SUCCESS) {
					throw OpenclError(error, "Unable to set the OpenCL step1 kernel arguments");
				error = clSetKernelArg(kernelStep1, 1, sizeof(cl_ulong), (void*)&nonce);
				if(error != CL_SUCCESS) {
					throw OpenclError(error, "Unable to set the OpenCL step1 kernel arguments");

				error = clEnqueueNDRangeKernel(commandQueue, kernelStep1, 1, 0, &globalWorkSize, &localWorkSize, 0, 0, 0);
				if(error != CL_SUCCESS) {
					throw OpenclError(error, "Error in step1 kernel launch");

				unsigned int hashesSize = hashesNumber * HASH_SIZE;
				for(int hashesOffset = PLOT_SIZE ; hashesOffset > 0 ; hashesOffset -= hashesSize) {
					error = clSetKernelArg(kernelStep2, 0, sizeof(cl_ulong), (void*)&nonce);
					error = clSetKernelArg(kernelStep2, 2, sizeof(cl_uint), (void*)&hashesOffset);
					error = clSetKernelArg(kernelStep2, 3, sizeof(cl_uint), (void*)&hashesNumber);
					if(error != CL_SUCCESS) {
						throw OpenclError(error, "Unable to set the OpenCL step2 kernel arguments");

					error = clEnqueueNDRangeKernel(commandQueue, kernelStep2, 1, 0, &globalWorkSize, &localWorkSize, 0, 0, 0);
					if(error != CL_SUCCESS) {
						throw OpenclError(error, "Error in step2 kernel launch");

					error = clFinish(commandQueue);
					if(error != CL_SUCCESS) {
						throw OpenclError(error, "Error in step2 kernel finish");

				totalNoncesCompleted += staggerSize;
				double percent = 100.0 * (double)totalNoncesCompleted / totalNonces;
				time_t currentTime = time(0);
				double speed = (double)totalNoncesCompleted / difftime(currentTime, startTime) * 60.0;
				double estimatedTime = (double)(totalNonces - totalNoncesCompleted) / speed;
				std::cerr << "\r" << percent << "% (" << totalNoncesCompleted << "/" << totalNonces << " nonces)";
				std::cerr << ", " << speed << " nonces/minutes";
				std::cerr << ", ETA: " << ((int)estimatedTime / 60) << "h" << ((int)estimatedTime % 60) << "m" << ((int)(estimatedTime * 60.0) % 60) << "s";
				std::cerr << "...                    ";

				error = clEnqueueNDRangeKernel(commandQueue, kernelStep3, 1, 0, &globalWorkSize, &localWorkSize, 0, 0, 0);
				if(error != CL_SUCCESS) {
					throw OpenclError(error, "Error in step3 kernel launch");

				if (saving_thread_flags[jobnum]) {
					save_threads[jobnum].wait(); // Wait for last job to finish
					saving_thread_flags[jobnum] = false;

				error = clEnqueueReadBuffer(commandQueue, bufferGpuScoops, CL_TRUE, 0, sizeof(cl_uchar) * nonceSize, buffersCpu[jobnum], 0, 0, 0);
				if(error != CL_SUCCESS) {
					throw OpenclError(error, "Error in synchronous read");
				saving_thread_flags[jobnum] = true;
				save_threads[jobnum] = std::async(std::launch::async, save_nonces, nonceSize, out_files[jobnum], buffersCpu[jobnum]);

		//Clean up
		for (unsigned int i = 0; i < paths.size(); i += 1) {
		  if (saving_thread_flags[i]) {
		    std::cerr << "waiting for final save to " << paths[i] << " to finish" << std::endl;
		    saving_thread_flags[i] = false;
		    std::cerr << "done waiting for final save" << std::endl;
		    if (buffersCpu[i]) {
		      delete[] buffersCpu[i];
		if(kernelStep3) { clReleaseKernel(kernelStep3); }
		if(kernelStep2) { clReleaseKernel(kernelStep2); }
		if(kernelStep1) { clReleaseKernel(kernelStep1); }
		if(program) { clReleaseProgram(program); }
		if(bufferGpuGen) { clReleaseMemObject(bufferGpuGen); }
		if(bufferGpuScoops) { clReleaseMemObject(bufferGpuScoops); }
		if(commandQueue) { clReleaseCommandQueue(commandQueue); }
		if(context) { clReleaseContext(context); }

		time_t currentTime = time(0);
		double elapsedTime = difftime(currentTime, startTime) / 60.0;
		double speed = (double)totalNonces / elapsedTime;
		std::cerr << "\r100% (" << totalNonces << "/" << totalNonces << " nonces)";
		std::cerr << ", " << speed << " nonces/minutes";
		std::cerr << ", " << ((int)elapsedTime / 60) << "h" << ((int)elapsedTime % 60) << "m" << ((int)(elapsedTime * 60.0) % 60) << "s";
		std::cerr << "                    " << std::endl;
	} catch(const OpenclError& ex) {
		std::cerr << "[ERROR] [" << ex.getCode() << "] " << ex.what() << std::endl;
		returnCode = -1;
	} catch(const std::exception& ex) {
		std::cerr << "[ERROR] " << ex.what() << std::endl;
		returnCode = -1;
	return returnCode;