예제 #1
파일: adg-adim.c 프로젝트: bert/adg
static gboolean
_adg_get_info(AdgADim *adim, CpmlVector vector[],
              CpmlPair *center, gdouble *distance)
    AdgDim *dim;
    AdgADimPrivate *data;
    AdgPoint *ref1_point, *ref2_point, *pos_point;
    const CpmlPair *ref1, *ref2, *pos;
    const CpmlPair *org1, *org2;
    gdouble factor;

    dim = (AdgDim *) adim;
    data = adim->data;
    ref1_point = adg_dim_get_ref1(dim);
    ref2_point = adg_dim_get_ref2(dim);
    pos_point  = adg_dim_get_pos(dim);

    /* Check if the needed points are all properly defined */
    if (! adg_point_update(ref1_point) ||
        ! adg_point_update(ref2_point) ||
        ! adg_point_update(pos_point)  ||
        ! adg_point_update(data->org1) ||
        ! adg_point_update(data->org2))
        return FALSE;

    ref1 = (CpmlPair *) ref1_point;
    ref2 = (CpmlPair *) ref2_point;
    pos  = (CpmlPair *) pos_point;
    org1 = (CpmlPair *) data->org1;
    org2 = (CpmlPair *) data->org2;

    /* Check if the given points have valid coordinates */
    if (cpml_pair_equal(ref1, org1)) {
        g_warning(_("%s: ref1 and org1 cannot be coincidents (%lf, %lf)"),
                  G_STRLOC, ref1->x, ref1->y);
        return FALSE;

    if (cpml_pair_equal(ref2, org2)) {
        g_warning(_("%s: ref2 and org2 cannot be coincidents (%lf, %lf)"),
                  G_STRLOC, ref2->x, ref2->y);
        return FALSE;

    vector[0].x = ref1->x - org1->x;
    vector[0].y = ref1->y - org1->y;
    vector[2].x = ref2->x - org2->x;
    vector[2].y = ref2->y - org2->y;

    factor = vector[0].x * vector[2].y - vector[0].y * vector[2].x;
    if (factor == 0) {
        /* Parallel lines: hang with an error message */
        g_warning(_("%s: trying to set an angular dimension on parallel lines"),
        return FALSE;

    factor = ((ref1->y - ref2->y) * vector[2].x -
              (ref1->x - ref2->x) * vector[2].y) / factor;

    center->x = ref1->x + vector[0].x * factor;
    center->y = ref1->y + vector[0].y * factor;
    *distance = cpml_pair_distance(center, pos);
    data->angle1 = cpml_vector_angle(&vector[0]);
    data->angle2 = cpml_vector_angle(&vector[2]);
    while (data->angle2 < data->angle1)
        data->angle2 += G_PI * 2;

    cpml_vector_from_angle(&vector[1], (data->angle1 + data->angle2) / 2);

    return TRUE;
예제 #2
파일: adg-adim.c 프로젝트: bert/adg
static void
_adg_arrange(AdgEntity *entity)
    AdgADim *adim;
    AdgDim *dim;
    AdgADimPrivate *data;
    AdgAlignment *quote;
    const cairo_matrix_t *global, *local;
    CpmlPair ref1, ref2, base1, base12, base2;
    CpmlPair pair;
    CpmlExtents extents;
    AdgEntity *marker_entity;

    if (_ADG_OLD_ENTITY_CLASS->arrange)

    adim = (AdgADim *) entity;

    if (! _adg_update_geometry(adim))

    dim = (AdgDim *) adim;
    data = adim->data;
    quote = adg_dim_get_quote(dim);


    if (data->cairo.path.status == CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
        AdgEntity *quote_entity = (AdgEntity *) quote;
        adg_entity_set_global_map(quote_entity, &data->quote.global_map);

    global = adg_entity_get_global_matrix(entity);
    local = adg_entity_get_local_matrix(entity);
    extents.is_defined = FALSE;

    cpml_pair_copy(&ref1, (CpmlPair *) adg_dim_get_ref1(dim));
    cpml_pair_copy(&ref2, (CpmlPair *) adg_dim_get_ref2(dim));
    cpml_pair_copy(&base1, &data->point.base1);
    cpml_pair_copy(&base12, &data->point.base12);
    cpml_pair_copy(&base2, &data->point.base2);

    /* Apply the local matrix to the relevant points */
    cpml_pair_transform(&ref1, local);
    cpml_pair_transform(&ref2, local);
    cpml_pair_transform(&base1, local);
    cpml_pair_transform(&base12, local);
    cpml_pair_transform(&base2, local);

    /* Combine points and global shifts to build the path */
    pair.x = ref1.x + data->shift.from1.x;
    pair.y = ref1.y + data->shift.from1.y;
    cpml_pair_to_cairo(&pair, &data->cairo.data[6]);

    pair.x = base1.x + data->shift.base1.x;
    pair.y = base1.y + data->shift.base1.y;
    cpml_pair_to_cairo(&pair, &data->cairo.data[1]);

    pair.x += data->shift.to1.x;
    pair.y += data->shift.to1.y;
    cpml_pair_to_cairo(&pair, &data->cairo.data[8]);

    pair.x = base12.x + data->shift.base12.x;
    pair.y = base12.y + data->shift.base12.y;
    cpml_pair_to_cairo(&pair, &data->cairo.data[3]);

    pair.x = ref2.x + data->shift.from2.x;
    pair.y = ref2.y + data->shift.from2.y;
    cpml_pair_to_cairo(&pair, &data->cairo.data[10]);

    pair.x = base2.x + data->shift.base2.x;
    pair.y = base2.y + data->shift.base2.y;
    cpml_pair_to_cairo(&pair, &data->cairo.data[4]);

    pair.x += data->shift.to2.x;
    pair.y += data->shift.to2.y;
    cpml_pair_to_cairo(&pair, &data->cairo.data[12]);

    /* Play with header lengths to show or hide the extension lines */
    if (data->has_extension1) {
        data->cairo.data[7].header.length = data->has_extension2 ? 2 : 6;
    } else {
        data->cairo.data[2].header.length = data->has_extension2 ? 7 : 11;

    data->cairo.path.status = CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS;

    /* Arrange the quote */
    if (quote != NULL) {
        AdgEntity *quote_entity;
        gdouble angle;
        cairo_matrix_t map;

        quote_entity = (AdgEntity *) quote;
        angle = adg_dim_quote_angle(dim, (data->angle1 + data->angle2) / 2 + G_PI_2);
        cpml_pair_from_cairo(&pair, &data->cairo.data[3]);

        adg_alignment_set_factor_explicit(quote, 0.5, 0);

        cairo_matrix_init_translate(&map, pair.x, pair.y);
        cairo_matrix_rotate(&map, angle);
        adg_entity_set_global_map(quote_entity, &map);
        cpml_extents_add(&extents, adg_entity_get_extents(quote_entity));

        adg_matrix_copy(&data->quote.global_map, &map);

    /* Arrange the trail */
    if (data->trail != NULL) {
        CpmlExtents trail_extents;
        cpml_extents_copy(&trail_extents, adg_trail_get_extents(data->trail));
        cpml_extents_transform(&trail_extents, global);
        cpml_extents_add(&extents, &trail_extents);
    } else {

    /* Arrange the markers */
    if (data->marker1 != NULL) {
        marker_entity = (AdgEntity *) data->marker1;
        adg_marker_set_segment(data->marker1, data->trail, 1);
        cpml_extents_add(&extents, adg_entity_get_extents(marker_entity));
    if (data->marker2 != NULL) {
        marker_entity = (AdgEntity *) data->marker2;
        adg_marker_set_segment(data->marker2, data->trail, 1);
        cpml_extents_add(&extents, adg_entity_get_extents(marker_entity));

    adg_entity_set_extents(entity, &extents);
예제 #3
static void
    AdgDim *dim;
    AdgModel *model;
    AdgPoint *origin, *explicit_point, *model_point;
    AdgPoint *ref1;

    dim = ADG_DIM(adg_rdim_new());
    model = ADG_MODEL(adg_path_new());
    origin = adg_point_new();
    explicit_point = adg_point_new();
    model_point = adg_point_new();

    adg_point_set_pair_explicit(origin, 0, 0);
    adg_point_set_pair_explicit(explicit_point, 123, 321);
    adg_model_set_named_pair(model, "named-pair", (CpmlPair *) explicit_point);
    adg_point_set_pair_from_model(model_point, model, "named-pair");

    /* Ensure ADG does not consider an explicit point equals to
     * a point bound to a named pair with the same coordinates */
    g_assert_false(adg_point_equal(explicit_point, model_point));

    ref1 = adg_dim_get_ref1(dim);

    /* Using the public APIs */
    adg_dim_set_ref1_explicit(dim, 0, 0);
    ref1 = adg_dim_get_ref1(dim);
    g_assert_true(adg_point_equal(ref1, origin));

    adg_dim_set_ref1(dim, NULL);
    ref1 = adg_dim_get_ref1(dim);

    adg_dim_set_ref1(dim, explicit_point);
    ref1 = adg_dim_get_ref1(dim);
    g_assert_true(adg_point_equal(ref1, explicit_point));

    adg_dim_set_ref1_from_model(dim, model, "dummy");
    ref1 = adg_dim_get_ref1(dim);

    adg_dim_set_ref1_from_model(dim, model, "named-pair");
    ref1 = adg_dim_get_ref1(dim);
    g_assert_true(adg_point_equal(ref1, model_point));

    /* Using GObject property methods */
    g_object_set(dim, "ref1", origin, NULL);
    g_object_get(dim, "ref1", &ref1, NULL);
    g_assert_true(adg_point_equal(ref1, origin));

    g_object_set(dim, "ref1", NULL, NULL);
    g_object_get(dim, "ref1", &ref1, NULL);

    g_object_set(dim, "ref1", explicit_point, NULL);
    g_object_get(dim, "ref1", &ref1, NULL);
    g_assert_true(adg_point_equal(ref1, explicit_point));

    adg_dim_set_ref1_from_model(dim, model, "dummy");
    g_object_get(dim, "ref1", &ref1, NULL);

    g_object_set(dim, "ref1", model_point, NULL);
    g_object_get(dim, "ref1", &ref1, NULL);
    g_assert_true(adg_point_equal(ref1, model_point));
