예제 #1
SetSignerList::removeSignersFromLedger (Keylet const& accountKeylet,
        Keylet const& ownerDirKeylet, Keylet const& signerListKeylet)
    // We have to examine the current SignerList so we know how much to
    // reduce the OwnerCount.
    SLE::pointer signers = view().peek (signerListKeylet);

    // If the signer list doesn't exist we've already succeeded in deleting it.
    if (!signers)
        return tesSUCCESS;

    STArray const& actualList = signers->getFieldArray (sfSignerEntries);
    int const removeFromOwnerCount = ownerCountDelta (actualList.size()) * -1;

    // Remove the node from the account directory.
    auto const hint = (*signers)[sfOwnerNode];

    auto viewJ = ctx_.app.journal ("View");
    TER const result  = dirDelete(ctx_.view(), false, hint,
        ownerDirKeylet.key, signerListKeylet.key, false, (hint == 0), viewJ);

    if (result == tesSUCCESS)
            view().peek(accountKeylet), removeFromOwnerCount, viewJ);

    ctx_.view().erase (signers);

    return result;
예제 #2
SetSignerList::replaceSignerList ()
    auto const accountKeylet = keylet::account (account_);
    auto const ownerDirKeylet = keylet::ownerDir (account_);
    auto const signerListKeylet = keylet::signers (account_);

    // This may be either a create or a replace.  Preemptively remove any
    // old signer list.  May reduce the reserve, so this is done before
    // checking the reserve.
    if (TER const ter = removeSignersFromLedger (
        accountKeylet, ownerDirKeylet, signerListKeylet))
            return ter;

    auto const sle = view().peek(accountKeylet);

    // Compute new reserve.  Verify the account has funds to meet the reserve.
    auto const oldOwnerCount = (*sle)[sfOwnerCount];
    std::uint32_t const addedOwnerCount = ownerCountDelta (signers_.size ());

    auto const newReserve =
        view().fees().accountReserve(oldOwnerCount + addedOwnerCount);

    // We check the reserve against the starting balance because we want to
    // allow dipping into the reserve to pay fees.  This behavior is consistent
    // with CreateTicket.
    if (mPriorBalance < newReserve)
        return tecINSUFFICIENT_RESERVE;

    // Everything's ducky.  Add the ltSIGNER_LIST to the ledger.
    auto signerList = std::make_shared<SLE>(signerListKeylet);
    view().insert (signerList);
    writeSignersToSLE (signerList);

    auto viewJ = ctx_.app.journal ("View");
    // Add the signer list to the account's directory.
    std::uint64_t hint;
    TER result = dirAdd(ctx_.view (), hint, ownerDirKeylet.key,
        signerListKeylet.key, describeOwnerDir (account_), viewJ);

    JLOG(j_.trace) << "Create signer list for account " <<
        toBase58(account_) << ": " << transHuman (result);

    if (result != tesSUCCESS)
        return result;

    signerList->setFieldU64 (sfOwnerNode, hint);

    // If we succeeded, the new entry counts against the creator's reserve.
    adjustOwnerCount(view(), sle, addedOwnerCount, viewJ);

    return result;
예제 #3
CancelTicket::doApply ()
    uint256 const ticketId = ctx_.tx.getFieldH256 (sfTicketID);

    // VFALCO This is highly suspicious, we're requiring that the
    //        transaction provide the return value of getTicketIndex?
    SLE::pointer sleTicket = view().peek (keylet::ticket(ticketId));

    if (!sleTicket)
        return tecNO_ENTRY;

    auto const ticket_owner =
        sleTicket->getAccountID (sfAccount);

    bool authorized =
        account_ == ticket_owner;

    // The target can also always remove a ticket
    if (!authorized && sleTicket->isFieldPresent (sfTarget))
        authorized = (account_ == sleTicket->getAccountID (sfTarget));

    // And finally, anyone can remove an expired ticket
    if (!authorized && sleTicket->isFieldPresent (sfExpiration))
        using tp = NetClock::time_point;
        using d = tp::duration;
        auto const expiration = tp{d{sleTicket->getFieldU32(sfExpiration)}};

        if (view().parentCloseTime() >= expiration)
            authorized = true;

    if (!authorized)
        return tecNO_PERMISSION;

    std::uint64_t const hint (sleTicket->getFieldU64 (sfOwnerNode));

    if (! ctx_.view().dirRemove(
            keylet::ownerDir(ticket_owner), hint, ticketId, false))
        return tefBAD_LEDGER;

    auto viewJ = ctx_.app.journal ("View");
    adjustOwnerCount(view(), view().peek(
        keylet::account(ticket_owner)), -1, viewJ);
    ctx_.view ().erase (sleTicket);

    return tesSUCCESS;
예제 #4
SetTrust::doApply ()
    TER terResult = tesSUCCESS;

    STAmount const saLimitAmount (tx().getFieldAmount (sfLimitAmount));
    bool const bQualityIn (tx().isFieldPresent (sfQualityIn));
    bool const bQualityOut (tx().isFieldPresent (sfQualityOut));

    Currency const currency (saLimitAmount.getCurrency ());
    AccountID uDstAccountID (saLimitAmount.getIssuer ());

    // true, iff current is high account.
    bool const bHigh = account_ > uDstAccountID;

    auto const sle = view().peek(

    std::uint32_t const uOwnerCount = sle->getFieldU32 (sfOwnerCount);

    // The reserve required to create the line. Note that we allow up to
    // two trust lines without requiring a reserve because being able to
    // exchange currencies is a powerful Ripple feature.
    // This is also a security feature: if you're a gateway and you want to
    // be able to let someone use your services, you would otherwise have to
    // give them enough XRP to cover the incremental reserve for their trust
    // line. If they had no intention of using your services, they could use
    // the XRP for their own purposes. So we make it possible for gateways
    // to fund accounts in a way where there's no incentive to trick them
    // into creating an account you have no intention of using.

    XRPAmount const reserveCreate ((uOwnerCount < 2)
        ? XRPAmount (zero)
        : view().fees().accountReserve(uOwnerCount + 1));

    std::uint32_t uQualityIn (bQualityIn ? tx().getFieldU32 (sfQualityIn) : 0);
    std::uint32_t uQualityOut (bQualityOut ? tx().getFieldU32 (sfQualityOut) : 0);

    if (bQualityOut && QUALITY_ONE == uQualityOut)
        uQualityOut = 0;

    std::uint32_t const uTxFlags = tx().getFlags ();

    bool const bSetAuth = (uTxFlags & tfSetfAuth);
    bool const bSetNoRipple = (uTxFlags & tfSetNoRipple);
    bool const bClearNoRipple  = (uTxFlags & tfClearNoRipple);
    bool const bSetFreeze = (uTxFlags & tfSetFreeze);
    bool const bClearFreeze = (uTxFlags & tfClearFreeze);

    auto viewJ = ctx_.app.journal ("View");

    if (bSetAuth && !(sle->getFieldU32 (sfFlags) & lsfRequireAuth))
        j_.trace <<
            "Retry: Auth not required.";
        return tefNO_AUTH_REQUIRED;

    if (account_ == uDstAccountID)
        // The only purpose here is to allow a mistakenly created
        // trust line to oneself to be deleted. If no such trust
        // lines exist now, why not remove this code and simply
        // return an error?
        SLE::pointer sleDelete = view().peek (
            keylet::line(account_, uDstAccountID, currency));

        if (sleDelete)
            j_.warning <<
                "Clearing redundant line.";

            return trustDelete (view(),
                sleDelete, account_, uDstAccountID, viewJ);
            j_.trace <<
                "Malformed transaction: Can not extend credit to self.";
            return temDST_IS_SRC;

    SLE::pointer sleDst =
        view().peek (keylet::account(uDstAccountID));

    if (!sleDst)
        j_.trace <<
            "Delay transaction: Destination account does not exist.";
        return tecNO_DST;

    STAmount saLimitAllow = saLimitAmount;
    saLimitAllow.setIssuer (account_);

    SLE::pointer sleRippleState = view().peek (
        keylet::line(account_, uDstAccountID, currency));

    if (sleRippleState)
        STAmount        saLowBalance;
        STAmount        saLowLimit;
        STAmount        saHighBalance;
        STAmount        saHighLimit;
        std::uint32_t   uLowQualityIn;
        std::uint32_t   uLowQualityOut;
        std::uint32_t   uHighQualityIn;
        std::uint32_t   uHighQualityOut;
        auto const& uLowAccountID   = !bHigh ? account_ : uDstAccountID;
        auto const& uHighAccountID  =  bHigh ? account_ : uDstAccountID;
        SLE::ref        sleLowAccount   = !bHigh ? sle : sleDst;
        SLE::ref        sleHighAccount  =  bHigh ? sle : sleDst;

        // Balances

        saLowBalance    = sleRippleState->getFieldAmount (sfBalance);
        saHighBalance   = -saLowBalance;

        // Limits

        sleRippleState->setFieldAmount (!bHigh ? sfLowLimit : sfHighLimit, saLimitAllow);

        saLowLimit  = !bHigh ? saLimitAllow : sleRippleState->getFieldAmount (sfLowLimit);
        saHighLimit =  bHigh ? saLimitAllow : sleRippleState->getFieldAmount (sfHighLimit);

        // Quality in

        if (!bQualityIn)
            // Not setting. Just get it.

            uLowQualityIn   = sleRippleState->getFieldU32 (sfLowQualityIn);
            uHighQualityIn  = sleRippleState->getFieldU32 (sfHighQualityIn);
        else if (uQualityIn)
            // Setting.

            sleRippleState->setFieldU32 (!bHigh ? sfLowQualityIn : sfHighQualityIn, uQualityIn);

            uLowQualityIn   = !bHigh ? uQualityIn : sleRippleState->getFieldU32 (sfLowQualityIn);
            uHighQualityIn  =  bHigh ? uQualityIn : sleRippleState->getFieldU32 (sfHighQualityIn);
            // Clearing.

            sleRippleState->makeFieldAbsent (!bHigh ? sfLowQualityIn : sfHighQualityIn);

            uLowQualityIn   = !bHigh ? 0 : sleRippleState->getFieldU32 (sfLowQualityIn);
            uHighQualityIn  =  bHigh ? 0 : sleRippleState->getFieldU32 (sfHighQualityIn);

        if (QUALITY_ONE == uLowQualityIn)   uLowQualityIn   = 0;

        if (QUALITY_ONE == uHighQualityIn)  uHighQualityIn  = 0;

        // Quality out

        if (!bQualityOut)
            // Not setting. Just get it.

            uLowQualityOut  = sleRippleState->getFieldU32 (sfLowQualityOut);
            uHighQualityOut = sleRippleState->getFieldU32 (sfHighQualityOut);
        else if (uQualityOut)
            // Setting.

            sleRippleState->setFieldU32 (!bHigh ? sfLowQualityOut : sfHighQualityOut, uQualityOut);

            uLowQualityOut  = !bHigh ? uQualityOut : sleRippleState->getFieldU32 (sfLowQualityOut);
            uHighQualityOut =  bHigh ? uQualityOut : sleRippleState->getFieldU32 (sfHighQualityOut);
            // Clearing.

            sleRippleState->makeFieldAbsent (!bHigh ? sfLowQualityOut : sfHighQualityOut);

            uLowQualityOut  = !bHigh ? 0 : sleRippleState->getFieldU32 (sfLowQualityOut);
            uHighQualityOut =  bHigh ? 0 : sleRippleState->getFieldU32 (sfHighQualityOut);

        std::uint32_t const uFlagsIn (sleRippleState->getFieldU32 (sfFlags));
        std::uint32_t uFlagsOut (uFlagsIn);

        if (bSetNoRipple && !bClearNoRipple && (bHigh ? saHighBalance : saLowBalance) >= zero)
            uFlagsOut |= (bHigh ? lsfHighNoRipple : lsfLowNoRipple);
        else if (bClearNoRipple && !bSetNoRipple)
            uFlagsOut &= ~(bHigh ? lsfHighNoRipple : lsfLowNoRipple);

        if (bSetFreeze && !bClearFreeze && !sle->isFlag  (lsfNoFreeze))
            uFlagsOut           |= (bHigh ? lsfHighFreeze : lsfLowFreeze);
        else if (bClearFreeze && !bSetFreeze)
            uFlagsOut           &= ~(bHigh ? lsfHighFreeze : lsfLowFreeze);

        if (QUALITY_ONE == uLowQualityOut)  uLowQualityOut  = 0;

        if (QUALITY_ONE == uHighQualityOut) uHighQualityOut = 0;

        bool const bLowDefRipple        = sleLowAccount->getFlags() & lsfDefaultRipple;
        bool const bHighDefRipple       = sleHighAccount->getFlags() & lsfDefaultRipple;

        bool const  bLowReserveSet      = uLowQualityIn || uLowQualityOut ||
                                            ((uFlagsOut & lsfLowNoRipple) == 0) != bLowDefRipple ||
                                            (uFlagsOut & lsfLowFreeze) ||
                                            saLowLimit || saLowBalance > zero;
        bool const  bLowReserveClear    = !bLowReserveSet;

        bool const  bHighReserveSet     = uHighQualityIn || uHighQualityOut ||
                                            ((uFlagsOut & lsfHighNoRipple) == 0) != bHighDefRipple ||
                                            (uFlagsOut & lsfHighFreeze) ||
                                            saHighLimit || saHighBalance > zero;
        bool const  bHighReserveClear   = !bHighReserveSet;

        bool const  bDefault            = bLowReserveClear && bHighReserveClear;

        bool const  bLowReserved = (uFlagsIn & lsfLowReserve);
        bool const  bHighReserved = (uFlagsIn & lsfHighReserve);

        bool        bReserveIncrease    = false;

        if (bSetAuth)
            uFlagsOut |= (bHigh ? lsfHighAuth : lsfLowAuth);

        if (bLowReserveSet && !bLowReserved)
            // Set reserve for low account.
                sleLowAccount, 1, viewJ);
            uFlagsOut |= lsfLowReserve;

            if (!bHigh)
                bReserveIncrease = true;

        if (bLowReserveClear && bLowReserved)
            // Clear reserve for low account.
                sleLowAccount, -1, viewJ);
            uFlagsOut &= ~lsfLowReserve;

        if (bHighReserveSet && !bHighReserved)
            // Set reserve for high account.
                sleHighAccount, 1, viewJ);
            uFlagsOut |= lsfHighReserve;

            if (bHigh)
                bReserveIncrease    = true;

        if (bHighReserveClear && bHighReserved)
            // Clear reserve for high account.
                sleHighAccount, -1, viewJ);
            uFlagsOut &= ~lsfHighReserve;

        if (uFlagsIn != uFlagsOut)
            sleRippleState->setFieldU32 (sfFlags, uFlagsOut);

        if (bDefault || badCurrency() == currency)
            // Delete.

            terResult = trustDelete (view(),
                sleRippleState, uLowAccountID, uHighAccountID, viewJ);
        // Reserve is not scaled by load.
        else if (bReserveIncrease && mPriorBalance < reserveCreate)
            j_.trace <<
                "Delay transaction: Insufficent reserve to add trust line.";

            // Another transaction could provide XRP to the account and then
            // this transaction would succeed.
            terResult = tecINSUF_RESERVE_LINE;
            view().update (sleRippleState);

            j_.trace << "Modify ripple line";
    // Line does not exist.
    else if (! saLimitAmount &&                          // Setting default limit.
        (! bQualityIn || ! uQualityIn) &&           // Not setting quality in or setting default quality in.
        (! bQualityOut || ! uQualityOut) &&         // Not setting quality out or setting default quality out.
        (! ((view().flags() & tapENABLE_TESTING) ||
                ctx_.config.features)) || ! bSetAuth))
        j_.trace <<
            "Redundant: Setting non-existent ripple line to defaults.";
        return tecNO_LINE_REDUNDANT;
    else if (mPriorBalance < reserveCreate) // Reserve is not scaled by load.
        j_.trace <<
            "Delay transaction: Line does not exist. Insufficent reserve to create line.";

        // Another transaction could create the account and then this transaction would succeed.
        terResult = tecNO_LINE_INSUF_RESERVE;
        // Zero balance in currency.
        STAmount saBalance ({currency, noAccount()});

        uint256 index (getRippleStateIndex (
            account_, uDstAccountID, currency));

        j_.trace <<
            "doTrustSet: Creating ripple line: " <<
            to_string (index);

        // Create a new ripple line.
        terResult = trustCreate (view(),
            bSetNoRipple && !bClearNoRipple,
            bSetFreeze && !bClearFreeze,
            saLimitAllow,       // Limit for who is being charged.
            uQualityOut, viewJ);

    return terResult;
예제 #5
CreateTicket::doApply ()
    auto const sle = view().peek(keylet::account(account_));

    // A ticket counts against the reserve of the issuing account, but we
    // check the starting balance because we want to allow dipping into the
    // reserve to pay fees.
        auto const reserve = view().fees().accountReserve(
            sle->getFieldU32(sfOwnerCount) + 1);

        if (mPriorBalance < reserve)
            return tecINSUFFICIENT_RESERVE;

    NetClock::time_point expiration{};

    if (ctx_.tx.isFieldPresent (sfExpiration))
        expiration = NetClock::time_point(NetClock::duration(ctx_.tx[sfExpiration]));

        if (view().parentCloseTime() >= expiration)
            return tesSUCCESS;

    SLE::pointer sleTicket = std::make_shared<SLE>(ltTICKET,
        getTicketIndex (account_, ctx_.tx.getSequence ()));
    sleTicket->setAccountID (sfAccount, account_);
    sleTicket->setFieldU32 (sfSequence, ctx_.tx.getSequence ());
    if (expiration != NetClock::time_point{})
        sleTicket->setFieldU32 (sfExpiration, expiration.time_since_epoch().count());
    view().insert (sleTicket);

    if (ctx_.tx.isFieldPresent (sfTarget))
        AccountID const target_account (ctx_.tx.getAccountID (sfTarget));

        SLE::pointer sleTarget = view().peek (keylet::account(target_account));

        // Destination account does not exist.
        if (!sleTarget)
            return tecNO_TARGET;

        // The issuing account is the default account to which the ticket
        // applies so don't bother saving it if that's what's specified.
        if (target_account != account_)
            sleTicket->setAccountID (sfTarget, target_account);

    auto viewJ = ctx_.app.journal ("View");

    auto const page = dirAdd(view(), keylet::ownerDir (account_),
        sleTicket->key(), false, describeOwnerDir (account_), viewJ);

    JLOG(j_.trace()) <<
        "Creating ticket " << to_string (sleTicket->key()) <<
        ": " << (page ? "success" : "failure");

    if (!page)
        return tecDIR_FULL;

    sleTicket->setFieldU64(sfOwnerNode, *page);

    // If we succeeded, the new entry counts against the
    // creator's reserve.
    adjustOwnerCount(view(), sle, 1, viewJ);
    return tesSUCCESS;