예제 #1
QString FileReader::readFile(const QString &fileName)
    qtTrace() << "FileReader::readFile" << "fileName" << fileName << "adjusted" << adjustPath(fileName);
    QString content;
    QFile file(adjustPath(fileName));
    if (file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) {
        QTextStream stream(&file);
        content = stream.readAll();
    return content;
예제 #2
파일: qmlwindow.cpp 프로젝트: kitizz/nutmeg
QmlWindow::QmlWindow(QUrl qmlSource, bool persistent, QWidget *parent, bool delayViewInit)
    : QWidget(parent)
    , m_view(0)
    , m_source(qmlSource)
    , m_lastSize(QSize())
    , m_exiting(false)
    , m_persistent(persistent)
    m_menuBar = new QMenuBar(0);

    m_view = new QQuickView();
    m_view->connect(m_view->engine(), &QQmlEngine::quit, m_view, &QWindow::close);

    // Set the OpenGL version
//    QSurfaceFormat format;
//    format.setMajorVersion(3);
//    format.setMinorVersion(3);
//    format.setProfile(QSurfaceFormat::CoreProfile);
//    m_view->setFormat(format);

    // TODO: Remove this hack. Look at this post:
    // http://www.qtcentre.org/threads/43236-Loading-a-qmldir-from-a-qrc-file?p=198993#post198993

    QString libpath = adjustPath("");
    qDebug() << "Lib path:" << libpath;

    if (!delayViewInit)
예제 #3
void RDirNode::setParent(RDirNode* parent) {
    if(parent != 0 && this->parent == parent) return;

    this->parent = parent;

예제 #4
static int execute(char *info, FILE *fs, FILE *fh)
    char temp[MAX_PATH_LEN];
    char opt[256];
    char id[50];
    char fileIn[MAX_PATH_LEN];
    int size;
    int nbElem;
    int timing;
    unsigned char *data;

    timing = -1;
    strcpy(opt, "");
    nbElem = sscanf(info, "%s %s \"%[^\"]\" %d \"%[^\"]\"", temp, id, temp, &timing, opt);

    if (nbElem < 3)
        printf("Wrong XGM definition\n");
        printf("XGM name file [timing [options]]\n");
        printf("  name\t\tXGM music variable name\n");
        printf("  file\tpath of the .vgm or .xgm music file to convert to binary data array\n");
        printf("  timing\tdefine the XGM base timing\n");
        printf("      \t -1 (default) = AUTO (NTSC or PAL depending the information in source VGM file)\n");
        printf("      \t  0 = NTSC (XGM is generated for NTSC system)\n");
        printf("      \t  1 = PAL (XGM is generated for PAL system)\n");
        printf("  options\toptionals parameters for xgmtool\n");
        printf("      \t ex: \"-dr -di\" to disable some sample auto process (see xgmtool to get more info)\n");

        return FALSE;

    // adjust input file path
    adjustPath(resDir, temp, fileIn);

    strcpy(temp, fileIn);
    strcat(temp, ".bin");

    // convert VGM/XGM to bin
    if (!xgmtool(fileIn, temp, timing, opt))
        printf("Error while converting '%s' to BIN format\n", fileIn);
        return FALSE;

    // read data from binary file
    data = in(temp, &size);
    // clean temp file

    // error while reading data
    if (!data) return FALSE;

    outXGM(data, size, 256, fs, fh, id, TRUE);

    return TRUE;
void ModuleMgr::setStoragePath(const std::string& storagePath)
    if (_storagePath.size() > 0)

    _storagePath = storagePath;
예제 #6
파일: kiosek.cpp 프로젝트: zarubond/Kiosek
void Kiosek::openQml(const QString &path)
    QString new_path=adjustPath(path);

    QVariant returnedValue;
    QVariant msg(new_path);
    QMetaObject::invokeMethod(loader, "openView",
            Q_RETURN_ARG(QVariant, returnedValue),
                              Q_ARG(QVariant, msg));
예제 #7
void AssetsManagerEx::setStoragePath(const std::string& storagePath)
    _storagePath = storagePath;
    _tempStoragePath = _storagePath;
    _tempStoragePath.insert(_storagePath.size() - 1, TEMP_PACKAGE_SUFFIX);
예제 #8
DeclarativeView::DeclarativeView(QWindow *parent) :
    //auto client = new Vreen::Client(this);
    //auto con = new Vreen::OAuthConnection(1865463, client); //qutIM id
    //con->setConnectionOption(Vreen::Connection::ShowAuthDialog, true);
    //rootContext()->setContextProperty("client", client);

예제 #9
void RDirNode::setParent(RDirNode* parent) {
    if(parent != 0 && this->parent == parent) return;

    this->parent = parent;


    //set depth
    if(parent == 0) {
        depth = 1;
    } else {
        depth = parent->getDepth() + 1;
예제 #10
void Platform::setup()
    // Load built-in fonts.
    QDirIterator it(adjustPath(QLatin1String("fonts")));
    while (it.hasNext()) {
        if (it.fileInfo().completeSuffix().toLower() == "ttf") {

    // Setup of WebView.
    setAttribute(Qt::WA_InputMethodEnabled, true);


    QWebSettings *settings = view->settings();

    settings->setAttribute(QWebSettings::LocalStorageEnabled, true);


    if (!isDebugMode()) {
    } else {
        settings->setAttribute(QWebSettings::DeveloperExtrasEnabled, true);

    // Setup of Widget.
    resize(1000, 700);
예제 #11
static int execute(char *info, FILE *fs, FILE *fh)
    char temp[MAX_PATH_LEN];
    char id[50];
    char fileIn[MAX_PATH_LEN];
    int size;
    int nbElem;
    unsigned char *data;

    nbElem = sscanf(info, "%s %s \"%[^\"]\"", temp, id, temp);

    if (nbElem < 3)
        printf("Wrong VGM definition\n");
        printf("VGM name file\n");
        printf("  name\t\tVGM music variable name\n");
        printf("  file\tpath of the .vgm music file to convert to binary data array\n");

        return FALSE;

    // adjust input file path
    adjustPath(resDir, temp, fileIn);

    strcpy(temp, fileIn);
//    removeExtension(temp);
//    strcat(temp, ".tfc");
//    // do TFM conversion
//    if (!tfmcom(fileIn, temp))
//    {
//        printf("Error while doing VGM conversion on '%s'\n", fileIn);
//        return FALSE;
//    }

    // read data from VGM file
    data = in(temp, &size);

    // error while reading data
    if (!data) return FALSE;

    outVGM(data, size, 2, fs, fh, id, TRUE);

    return TRUE;
예제 #12
파일: map.c 프로젝트: clbr/SGDK
static int execute(char *info, FILE *fs, FILE *fh)
    char temp[MAX_PATH_LEN];
    char id[50];
    char fileIn[MAX_PATH_LEN];
    char packedStr[256];
    int w, h;
    int packed;
    int transInd;
    int nbElem;
    tilemap_ *result;

    packed = 0;
    transInd = 0;

    nbElem = sscanf(info, "%s %s \"%[^\"]\" %d %d %s", temp, id, temp, &w, &h, packedStr);

    if (nbElem < 5)
        printf("Wrong MAP definition\n");
        printf("MAP name \"file\" width height [packed]\n");
        printf("  name      Map variable name\n");
        printf("  file      the map file to convert to Map structure (.map Mappy file)\n");
        printf("  width     the map width\n");
        printf("  height    the map height\n");
        printf("  packed    compression type, accepted values:\n");
        printf("              -1 / BEST / AUTO = use best compression\n");
        printf("               0 / NONE        = no compression\n");
        printf("               1 / APLIB       = aplib library (good compression ratio but slow)\n");
        printf("               2 / FAST / LZ4W = custom lz4 compression (average compression ratio but fast)\n");

        return FALSE;

    // adjust input file path
    adjustPath(resDir, temp, fileIn);
    // get packed value
    packed = getCompression(packedStr);

    printf("MAP resource not yet supported !\n");

    return FALSE;
예제 #13
void setupTranslations(QApplication *app, QTranslator *translator) {
    QString locale = QLocale::system().name();
    QString translationsDir = adjustPath("i18n");
    qDebug() << "Locale:" << locale << " translationsDir:" << translationsDir;

    // fall back to using English translation, if one specific to the current
    // setting of the device is not available.
    if (!(translator->load("tr_"+locale, translationsDir))) {
        qDebug() << "Translation for locale " << locale << " not found, loading default english";
        if (!translator->load("tr_en", translationsDir)) {
            qWarning() << "Translation for default english not found either. Annoying.";
        } else {
            qDebug() << "Default english translation used for locale " << locale;
    } else {
        qDebug() << "Found translation used for locale " << locale;
예제 #14
void Platform::boot(const QString core)
    QString app = adjustPath(core);

    if (!isDebugMode() && !QFile::exists(app)) {
        QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("ThinReportsEditor Booting Error"),
                              "Unable to load application.");



    connect(view, SIGNAL(loadFinished(bool)), this, SLOT(init()));
    connect(view->page()->mainFrame(), SIGNAL(javaScriptWindowObjectCleared()),
            this, SLOT(populateJavaScript()));
    connect(view->page(), SIGNAL(windowCloseRequested()), this, SLOT(windowCloseRequested()));
    connect(view, SIGNAL(linkClicked(QUrl)), this, SLOT(openUrl(QUrl)));

예제 #15
파일: palette.c 프로젝트: elraro/SGDK
static int execute(char *info, FILE *fs, FILE *fh)
    char temp[MAX_PATH_LEN];
    char id[50];
    char fileIn[MAX_PATH_LEN];
    int ind, size;
    int w, h, bpp;
    int nbElem;
    short *palette;

    ind = 0;
    nbElem = sscanf(info, "%s %s \"%[^\"]\" %d", temp, id, temp, &ind);

    if (nbElem < 3)
        printf("Wrong PALETTE definition\n");
        printf("PALETTE name file [index]\n");
        printf("  name\t\tPalette variable name\n");
        printf("  file\tpath of the .pal or image file to convert to Palette structure (should be a 8bpp .bmp or .png)\n");
        printf("  index\tstart index where to copy the palette in CRAM\n");

        return FALSE;

    // adjust input file path
    adjustPath(resDir, temp, fileIn);

    // PAL file ?
    if (!strcasecmp(getFileExtension(fileIn), "pal"))
        // get palette data
        palette = (unsigned short*) readFile(fileIn, &size);
        size /= 2;
        // retrieve basic infos about the image
        if (!Img_getInfos(fileIn, &w, &h, &bpp)) return FALSE;

        // retrieve palette data
        palette = Img_getPalette(fileIn, &size);

        // special case where we use the image as palette
        if (h == 1)
            int i, imgSize;
            unsigned short *tmpPalette;
            unsigned char *data;

            tmpPalette = malloc(size * 2);
            data = Img_getData(fileIn, &imgSize, 1, 1);

            // set temp palette from pixel value
            for(i = 0; i < w; i++)
                tmpPalette[i] = palette[data[i]];

            // then store in palette
            memcpy(palette, tmpPalette, size * 2);

    outPalette(palette, 0, size, fs, fh, id, TRUE);

    return TRUE;
예제 #16
파일: bitmap.c 프로젝트: ehaliewicz/SGDK
static int execute(char *info, FILE *fs, FILE *fh)
    char temp[MAX_PATH_LEN];
    char id[50];
    char fileIn[MAX_PATH_LEN];
    int w, h, bpp;
    int isize, psize;
    int packed;
    int transInd;
    int nbElem;
    unsigned char *data;
    unsigned short *palette;
    unsigned char maxIndex;

    packed = 0;
    transInd = 0;

    nbElem = sscanf(info, "%s %s \"%[^\"]\" %d %d", temp, id, temp, &packed, &transInd);

    if (nbElem < 3)
        printf("Wrong BITMAP definition\n");
        printf("BITMAP name \"file\" [packed]\n");
        printf("  name\t\tBitmap variable name\n");
        printf("  file\tthe image to convert to Bitmap structure (should be a 8bpp .bmp or .png)\n");
        printf("  packed\tset to 1 to pack the Bitmap data, by default 0 is assumed.\n\n");

        return FALSE;

    // adjust input file path
    adjustPath(resDir, temp, fileIn);

    // retrieve basic infos about the image
    if (!Img_getInfos(fileIn, &w, &h, &bpp)) return FALSE;

    // adjust bitmap size on pixel pair
    w = ((w + 1) / 2) * 2;

    // get image data (always 8bpp)
    data = Img_getData(fileIn, &isize, 2, 1);
    if (!data) return FALSE;

    // find max color index
    maxIndex = getMaxIndex(data, isize);
    // not allowed here
    if (maxIndex >= 16)
        printf("Error: Image %s use color index >= 16\n", fileIn);
        printf("BITMAP resource require image with a maximum of 16 colors.\n");
        printf("Use 4bpp image instead if you are unsure.\n");
        return FALSE;

    // convert to 4BPP
    data = to4bppAndFree(data, isize);
    isize /= 2;
    if (!data) return FALSE;

    // pack data
    if (packed)
        data = pack(data, 0, isize, &isize, &packed);
        if (!data) return FALSE;

    // get palette
    palette = Img_getPalette(fileIn, &psize);
    if (!palette) return FALSE;

    // we keep 16 colors max
    psize = MIN(16, psize);

    strcpy(temp, id);
    strcat(temp, "_palette");
    outPalette(palette, 0, psize, fs, fh, temp, FALSE);

    outBitmap(data, packed, w, h, isize, fs, fh, id, TRUE);

    return TRUE;