예제 #1
void RenderThemeGtk::adjustRepaintRect(const RenderObject* renderObject, IntRect& rect)
    ControlPart part = renderObject->style()->appearance();
    switch (part) {
    case CheckboxPart:
    case RadioPart: {
        // We ignore the interior focus property and always expand the focus rect. In GTK+, the
        // focus indicator is usually on the text next to a checkbox or radio button, but that doesn't
        // happen in WebCore. By expanding the focus rectangle unconditionally we increase its prominence.
        adjustRectForFocus(part == CheckboxPart ? gtkCheckButton() : gtkRadioButton(), rect, true);
예제 #2
static void paintToggle(RenderThemeGtk* theme, RenderObject* renderObject, const PaintInfo& info, const IntRect& rect, GtkWidget* widget)
    // We do not call gtk_toggle_button_set_active here, because some themes begin a series of
    // animation frames in a "toggled" signal handler. This puts some checkboxes in a half-way
    // checked state. Every GTK+ theme I tested merely looks at the shadow type (and not the
    // 'active' property) to determine whether or not to draw the check.
    gtk_widget_set_sensitive(widget, theme->isEnabled(renderObject) && !theme->isReadOnlyControl(renderObject));
    gtk_widget_set_direction(widget, gtkTextDirection(renderObject->style().direction()));

    bool indeterminate = theme->isIndeterminate(renderObject);
    gtk_toggle_button_set_inconsistent(GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON(widget), indeterminate);

    GtkShadowType shadowType = GTK_SHADOW_OUT;
    if (indeterminate) // This originates from the Mozilla code.
        shadowType = GTK_SHADOW_ETCHED_IN;
    else if (theme->isChecked(renderObject))
        shadowType = GTK_SHADOW_IN;

    WidgetRenderingContext widgetContext(info.context, rect);
    IntRect buttonRect(IntPoint(), rect.size());
    GtkStateType toggleState = getGtkStateType(theme, renderObject);
    const char* detail = 0;
    if (GTK_IS_RADIO_BUTTON(widget)) {
        detail = "radiobutton";
        widgetContext.gtkPaintOption(buttonRect, widget, toggleState, shadowType, detail);
    } else {
        detail = "checkbutton";
        widgetContext.gtkPaintCheck(buttonRect, widget, toggleState, shadowType, detail);

    if (theme->isFocused(renderObject)) {
        IntRect focusRect(buttonRect);
        adjustRectForFocus(widget, focusRect, true);
        widgetContext.gtkPaintFocus(focusRect, widget, toggleState, detail);