예제 #1
// convenience function to accept Vector3f.  Only x and y are adjusted
void AC_Avoid::adjust_velocity(const float kP, const float accel_cmss, Vector3f &desired_vel)
    Vector2f des_vel_xy(desired_vel.x, desired_vel.y);
    adjust_velocity(kP, accel_cmss, des_vel_xy);
    desired_vel.x = des_vel_xy.x;
    desired_vel.y = des_vel_xy.y;
예제 #2
/// Enforce the mass conservation by adjusting the outlet flow rate
/// The details ware published in the paper 
/// "W. Zuo, J. Hu, Q. Chen 2010. 
/// Improvements on FFD modeling by using different numerical schemes, 
/// Numerical Heat Transfer, Part B Fundamentals, 58(1), 1-16."
///\param para Pointer to FFD parameters
///\param var Pointer to FFD simulation variables
///\param BINDEX Pointer to boundary index
///\return 0 if no error occurred
int mass_conservation(PARA_DATA *para, REAL **var, int **BINDEX) {
  int i, j, k;
  int it;
  int imax = para->geom->imax, jmax = para->geom->jmax;
  int kmax = para->geom->kmax;
  int index= para->geom->index;
  int IMAX = imax+2, IJMAX = (imax+2)*(jmax+2);
  REAL *u = var[VX], *v = var[VY], *w = var[VZ];
  REAL dvel;
  REAL *flagp = var[FLAGP]; 
  dvel = adjust_velocity(para, var, BINDEX); //(mass_in-mass_out)/area_out

  | Adjust the outflow
  for(it=0;it<index;it++) {
    i = BINDEX[0][it];
    j = BINDEX[1][it];
    k = BINDEX[2][it];
    if(flagp[IX(i,j,k)]==2) {
      if(i==0) u[IX(i,j,k)] -= dvel;
      if(i==imax+1) u[IX(i-1,j,k)]+= dvel;
      if(j==0) v[IX(i,j,k)] -= dvel;
      if(j==jmax+1) v[IX(i,j-1,k)] += dvel;
      if(k==0) w[IX(i,j,k)] -= dvel;
      if(k==kmax+1) w[IX(i,j,k-1)] += dvel;

  return 0;
} // End of mass_conservation()
예제 #3
void interact(particle& p0, particle& p1, time_t new_time) {
  interaction_info info(p0, p1, new_time);
  assert (info.discriminant_quarter >= 0);
  p0.last_time = new_time;
  p0.last_position = info.new_pos0;
  p0.last_kinetic_energy = divide(info.total_momentum_sq*p0.mass - info.total_momentum*isqrt(info.discriminant_quarter*4) + p1.mass*(info.new_kinetic_energy*(p0.mass+p1.mass) - info.total_momentum_sq),
    rounding_strategy<round_down, negative_continuous_with_positive>());
  p0.last_energy_of_proximity_to_next = info.new_eop;
  p1.last_time = new_time;
  p1.last_position = info.new_pos1;
  p1.last_kinetic_energy = info.new_kinetic_energy - p0.last_kinetic_energy;

class particles_interact : public event {
  particles_interact(entity_id id0, entity_id id0) : id0(id0),id1(id1) {}
  entity_id id0;
  entity_id id1;

  void operator()(time_steward::accessor* accessor)const override {
    particle& p0 = accessor->get_mut<particle>(accessor->get(id0));
    particle& p1 = accessor->get_mut<particle>(accessor->get(id1));
    interact(p0, p1);

class particle_repulsion_preparer : public trigger {
  player_moves_around(entity_id id0, entity_id id0) : id0(id0),id1(id1) {}
  entity_id id0;
  entity_id id1;

  void operator()(time_steward::accessor* accessor)const override {
    particle const& p0 = accessor->get<particle>(accessor->get(id0));
    particle const& p1 = accessor->get<particle>(accessor->get(id1));
    const time_t t = max(p0.last_time, p1.last_time);
    const position_t pos0 = p0.last_position + p0.approx_velocity*(t-p0.last_time);
    const position_t dp = pos1 - pos0;
    const velocity_t dv = p1.approx_velocity - p0.approx_velocity;
    time_t t2 = t-1;
    if (dv > 0) {
      t2 = t + divide(dp, dv*10, rounding_strategy<round_down, negative_is_forbidden>());
    if (dv < 0) {
      t2 = t + divide(dp, -dv*12, rounding_strategy<round_down, negative_is_forbidden>());
      while (!can_interact(p0, p1, t2)) {
        t2 = divide(t2+t, 2, rounding_strategy<round_down, negative_continuous_with_positive>());
    if (t2 >= t) {
      accessor->anticipate_event(t2, std::shared_ptr<event>(new particles_interact(id0, id1)));

class initialize_world : public event {
  void operator()(time_steward::accessor* accessor)const override {
    std::vector<particle> particles;
    const uint32_t num_particles = 4;
    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < num_particles; ++i) {
      particle p;
      p.last_time = 0;
    particles[0].mass = 1200 * grams * identity(mass_units/grams);
    particles[0].last_position = 0 * meters * identity(position_units/meters);
    supernaturally_set_velocity(particles[0], 10 * milli*meters/seconds * identity(velocity_units/(milli*meters/seconds)));
    particles[1].mass = 1200 * grams * identity(mass_units/grams);
    particles[1].last_position = 1 * meters * identity(position_units/meters);
    supernaturally_set_velocity(particles[1], -10 * milli*meters/seconds * identity(velocity_units/(milli*meters/seconds)));
    particles[2].mass = 1 * grams * identity(mass_units/grams);
    particles[2].last_position = 2 * meters * identity(position_units/meters);
    supernaturally_set_velocity(particles[2], 0 * milli*meters/seconds * identity(velocity_units/(milli*meters/seconds)));
    particles[3].mass = 8000 * grams * identity(mass_units/grams);
    particles[3].last_position = 20 * meters * identity(position_units/meters);
    supernaturally_set_velocity(particles[3], -10000 * milli*meters/seconds * identity(velocity_units/(milli*meters/seconds)));
    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < num_particles; ++i) {
      entity_id id = siphash_id::combining(i);
      entity_ref e = accessor->get(id);
      particle& p = particles[i];
      if (i+1 < num_particles) {
        p.last_energy_of_proximity_to_next = energy_of_proximity(p.last_position, particles[i+1].last_kinetic_energy);
        accessor->set_trigger(id, std::shared_ptr<trigger>(new player_could_hit_walls(id, siphash_id::combining(i+1))));
      accessor->set<particle>(e, p);
 * The task 'VehicleTask' updates the current velocity of the vehicle
void VehicleTask(void* pdata)
  INT8U err, err_tmr_1, err_tmr_start, err_sem;  
  void* msg;
  INT8U* throttle; 
  INT8S acceleration;  /* Value between 40 and -20 (4.0 m/s^2 and -2.0 m/s^2) */
  INT8S retardation;   /* Value between 20 and -10 (2.0 m/s^2 and -1.0 m/s^2) */
  INT16U position = 0; /* Value between 0 and 20000 (0.0 m and 2000.0 m)  */
  INT16S wind_factor;   /* Value between -10 and 20 (2.0 m/s^2 and -1.0 m/s^2) */

  Sem_VehicleTask = OSSemCreate(0);

  printf("Vehicle task created!\n");
    SWTimer_VehicleTask = OSTmrCreate(0, VEHICLE_PERIOD, OS_TMR_OPT_PERIODIC, Tmr_Callback_Vehicle_Task, (void *)0,"S/W Timer 2",&err_tmr_1);
    if(err_tmr_1 == OS_ERR_NONE){
        printf("Timer for VECHICLE TASK is created\n"); 
        OSTmrStart(SWTimer_VehicleTask, &err_tmr_start);
        if(err_tmr_start == OS_ERR_NONE){
            printf("Timer started in VEHICLE TASK \n");
        else {
            printf("Problem starting timer in VEHICLE TASK \n");
      else {
      printf("Error while creating Vehicle task timer \n");     
      if(err_tmr_1 == OS_ERR_TMR_INVALID_DLY)
      printf(" Delay INVALID : VEHICLE TASK\n");

        // Wait for user inputs
        OSSemPend(Sem_SwitchIO_IP , 0, &err_sem);
        OSSemPend(Sem_ButtonIO_IP, 0, &err_sem);
        if((brake_pedal == on) && (CUR_VELOCITY > 0)){
            CUR_VELOCITY = CUR_VELOCITY - 10;
           // if(CUR_VELOCITY < -200)         // Max value for velocity
            //CUR_VELOCITY = -200; 
            printf("********** Brake brake_pedal : %d ********** \n", CUR_VELOCITY);
      err = OSMboxPost(Mbox_Velocity, (void *) &CUR_VELOCITY);
      printf("Vehicle task Posted MBoxPost_Velocity \n");

        printf("SEM ACCESS VEHICLE TASK\n\n");
      /* Non-blocking read of mailbox: 
       - message in mailbox: update throttle
       - no message:         use old throttle
      printf("Vehicle task waiting for MBoxPost_Throttle for 1 unit time \n");
      msg = OSMboxPend(Mbox_Throttle, 1, &err); 
      if (err == OS_NO_ERR) 
         throttle = (INT8U*) msg;

      printf("Vehicle task GOT MBoxPost_Throttle \n");
      /* Retardation : Factor of Terrain and Wind Resistance */
      if (CUR_VELOCITY > 0)
         wind_factor = CUR_VELOCITY * CUR_VELOCITY / 10000 + 1;
         wind_factor = (-1) * CUR_VELOCITY * CUR_VELOCITY / 10000 + 1;
      if (position < 4000) 
         retardation = wind_factor; // even ground
      else if (position < 8000)
          retardation = wind_factor + 15; // traveling uphill
        else if (position < 12000)
            retardation = wind_factor + 25; // traveling steep uphill
          else if (position < 16000)
              retardation = wind_factor; // even ground
            else if (position < 20000)
                retardation = wind_factor - 10; //traveling downhill
                  retardation = wind_factor - 5 ; // traveling steep downhill
      acceleration = *throttle / 2 - retardation;     
      position = adjust_position(position, CUR_VELOCITY, acceleration, 300); 
      CUR_VELOCITY = adjust_velocity(CUR_VELOCITY, acceleration, brake_pedal, 300); 
      printf("Position: %dm\n", position / 10);
      printf("Velocity: %4.1fm/s\n", CUR_VELOCITY /10.0);
      printf("Throttle: %dV Time : %d \n\n", *throttle / 10, (int) (alt_timestamp() / (alt_timestamp_freq()/1000)));
      INT32U stk_size;
  err = OSTaskStkChk(16, &stk_data);
      stk_size = stk_data.OSUsed;
      printf("Stack Used OverLoadDetection : %d \n", stk_size);
      err = OSTaskStkChk(14, &stk_data);
      stk_size = stk_data.OSUsed;
      printf("Stack Used DYNAMIV_UTI : %d \n", stk_size);
      err = OSTaskStkChk(12, &stk_data);
      stk_size = stk_data.OSUsed;
      printf("Stack Used CONTROLTASK: %d \n", stk_size);
      err = OSTaskStkChk(10, &stk_data);
      stk_size = stk_data.OSUsed;
      printf("Stack Used VehicleTask: %d \n", stk_size);
      err = OSTaskStkChk(8, &stk_data);
      stk_size = stk_data.OSUsed;
      printf("Stack Used SwitchIO: %d \n", stk_size);
      err = OSTaskStkChk(7, &stk_data);
      stk_size = stk_data.OSUsed;
      printf("Stack Used ButtonIO: %d \n", stk_size);
      err = OSTaskStkChk(6, &stk_data);
      stk_size = stk_data.OSUsed;
      printf("Stack Used WatchDog: %d \n", stk_size);
      err = OSTaskStkChk(5, &stk_data);
      stk_size = stk_data.OSUsed;
      printf("Stack Used Start Task: %d \n", stk_size);
      show_velocity_on_sevenseg((INT8S) (CUR_VELOCITY / 10));
     // OSSemPend(Sem_VehicleTask,0,&err_sem);
예제 #5
 * Updates Tux's position taking into account gravity, friction, tree 
 * collisions, etc.  This is the main physics function.
update_player_pos(float timestep)
    ppogl::Vec3d surf_nml;   // normal vector of terrain
    ppogl::Vec3d tmp_vel;
    float speed;
    float paddling_factor; 
    ppogl::Vec3d local_force;
    float flap_factor;
    pp::Plane surf_plane;
    float dist_from_surface;

    if(timestep > 2.0*EPS){
		for(int i=0; i<GameMgr::getInstance().numPlayers; i++){
			solve_ode_system(players[i], timestep);
	for(int i=0; i<GameMgr::getInstance().numPlayers; i++){
		Player& plyr=players[i];
		tmp_vel = plyr.vel;
		//Set position, orientation, generate particles
    	surf_plane = get_local_course_plane( plyr.pos );
    	surf_nml = surf_plane.nml;
		dist_from_surface = surf_plane.distance( plyr.pos );
		adjust_velocity( &plyr.vel, surf_plane );
		adjust_position( &plyr.pos, surf_plane, dist_from_surface );

		speed = tmp_vel.normalize();

		set_tux_pos( plyr, plyr.pos );
		adjust_orientation( plyr, timestep, plyr.vel, 
				dist_from_surface, surf_nml );

    	flap_factor = 0;

			double factor;
			factor = (GameMgr::getInstance().time - plyr.control.paddle_time) / PADDLING_DURATION;
	    		paddling_factor = 0;
	    		flap_factor = factor;
	   			paddling_factor = factor;
	    		flap_factor = 0;
			paddling_factor = 0.0;

		// calculate force in Tux's local coordinate system
    	local_force = plyr.orientation.conjugate().rotate(plyr.net_force);

			flap_factor = (GameMgr::getInstance().time - plyr.control.jump_start_time) / JUMP_FORCE_DURATION;

		tux[i].adjustJoints( plyr.control.turn_animation, plyr.control.is_braking,
		       	paddling_factor, speed, local_force, flap_factor );