예제 #1
bool SVGTextLayoutEngine::currentVisualCharacterMetrics(SVGInlineTextBox* textBox, RenderSVGInlineText* text, SVGTextMetrics& metrics)
    SVGTextLayoutAttributes& attributes = text->layoutAttributes();
    Vector<SVGTextMetrics>& textMetricsValues = attributes.textMetricsValues();

    unsigned textMetricsSize = textMetricsValues.size();
    unsigned boxStart = textBox->start();
    unsigned boxLength = textBox->len();

    if (m_visualMetricsListOffset == textMetricsSize)
        return false;

    while (m_visualMetricsListOffset < textMetricsSize) {
        SVGTextMetrics& visualMetrics = textMetricsValues.at(m_visualMetricsListOffset);

        // Advance to text box start location.
        if (m_visualCharacterOffset < boxStart) {

        // Stop if we've finished processing this text box.
        if (m_visualCharacterOffset >= boxStart + boxLength)
            return false;

        metrics = visualMetrics;
        return true;

    return false;
예제 #2
bool SVGTextLayoutEngine::currentVisualCharacterMetrics(SVGInlineTextBox* textBox, Vector<SVGTextMetrics>& visualMetricsValues, SVGTextMetrics& visualMetrics)
    unsigned textMetricsSize = visualMetricsValues.size();
    unsigned boxStart = textBox->start();
    unsigned boxLength = textBox->len();

    if (m_visualMetricsListOffset == textMetricsSize)
        return false;

    while (m_visualMetricsListOffset < textMetricsSize) {
        // Advance to text box start location.
        if (m_visualCharacterOffset < boxStart) {

        // Stop if we've finished processing this text box.
        if (m_visualCharacterOffset >= boxStart + boxLength)
            return false;

        visualMetrics = visualMetricsValues[m_visualMetricsListOffset];
        return true;

    return false;
예제 #3
void SVGTextLayoutEngine::layoutTextOnLineOrPath(SVGInlineTextBox* textBox, RenderSVGInlineText* text, const RenderStyle* style)
    SVGElement* lengthContext = static_cast<SVGElement*>(text->parent()->node());
    RenderObject* textParent = text->parent();
    bool definesTextLength = textParent ? parentDefinesTextLength(textParent) : false;

    const SVGRenderStyle* svgStyle = style->svgStyle();

    m_visualMetricsListOffset = 0;
    m_visualCharacterOffset = 0;

    Vector<SVGTextMetrics>& textMetricsValues = text->layoutAttributes().textMetricsValues();
    const UChar* characters = text->characters();

    const Font& font = style->font();
    SVGTextLayoutEngineSpacing spacingLayout(font);
    SVGTextLayoutEngineBaseline baselineLayout(font);

    bool didStartTextFragment = false;
    bool applySpacingToNextCharacter = false;

    float lastAngle = 0;
    float baselineShift = baselineLayout.calculateBaselineShift(svgStyle, lengthContext);
    baselineShift -= baselineLayout.calculateAlignmentBaselineShift(m_isVerticalText, text);

    // Main layout algorithm.
    while (true) {
        // Find the start of the current text box in this list, respecting ligatures.
        SVGTextMetrics visualMetrics = SVGTextMetrics::emptyMetrics();
        if (!currentVisualCharacterMetrics(textBox, text, visualMetrics))

        if (visualMetrics == SVGTextMetrics::emptyMetrics()) {

        SVGTextLayoutAttributes logicalAttributes;
        if (!currentLogicalCharacterAttributes(logicalAttributes))

        SVGTextMetrics logicalMetrics = SVGTextMetrics::emptyMetrics();
        if (!currentLogicalCharacterMetrics(logicalAttributes, logicalMetrics))

        Vector<float>& xValues = logicalAttributes.xValues();
        Vector<float>& yValues = logicalAttributes.yValues();
        Vector<float>& dxValues = logicalAttributes.dxValues();
        Vector<float>& dyValues = logicalAttributes.dyValues();
        Vector<float>& rotateValues = logicalAttributes.rotateValues();

        float x = xValues.at(m_logicalCharacterOffset);
        float y = yValues.at(m_logicalCharacterOffset);

        // When we've advanced to the box start offset, determine using the original x/y values,
        // whether this character starts a new text chunk, before doing any further processing.
        if (m_visualCharacterOffset == textBox->start())

        float angle = 0;
        if (!rotateValues.isEmpty()) {
            float newAngle = rotateValues.at(m_logicalCharacterOffset);
            if (newAngle != SVGTextLayoutAttributes::emptyValue())
                angle = newAngle;

        // Calculate glyph orientation angle.
        const UChar* currentCharacter = characters + m_visualCharacterOffset;
        float orientationAngle = baselineLayout.calculateGlyphOrientationAngle(m_isVerticalText, svgStyle, *currentCharacter);

        // Calculate glyph advance & x/y orientation shifts.
        float xOrientationShift = 0;
        float yOrientationShift = 0;
        float glyphAdvance = baselineLayout.calculateGlyphAdvanceAndOrientation(m_isVerticalText, visualMetrics, orientationAngle, xOrientationShift, yOrientationShift);

        // Assign current text position to x/y values, if needed.
        updateCharacerPositionIfNeeded(x, y);

        // Apply dx/dy value adjustments to current text position, if needed.
        updateRelativePositionAdjustmentsIfNeeded(dxValues, dyValues);

        // Calculate SVG Fonts kerning, if needed.
        float kerning = spacingLayout.calculateSVGKerning(m_isVerticalText, visualMetrics.glyph());

        // Calculate CSS 'kerning', 'letter-spacing' and 'word-spacing' for next character, if needed.
        float spacing = spacingLayout.calculateCSSKerningAndSpacing(svgStyle, lengthContext, currentCharacter);

        float textPathOffset = 0;
        if (m_inPathLayout) {
            float scaledGlyphAdvance = glyphAdvance * m_textPathScaling;
            if (m_isVerticalText) {
                // If there's an absolute y position available, it marks the beginning of a new position along the path.
                if (y != SVGTextLayoutAttributes::emptyValue())
                    m_textPathCurrentOffset = y + m_textPathStartOffset;

                m_textPathCurrentOffset += m_dy - kerning;
                m_dy = 0;

                // Apply dx/dy correction and setup translations that move to the glyph midpoint.
                xOrientationShift += m_dx + baselineShift;
                yOrientationShift -= scaledGlyphAdvance / 2;
            } else {
                // If there's an absolute x position available, it marks the beginning of a new position along the path.
                if (x != SVGTextLayoutAttributes::emptyValue())
                    m_textPathCurrentOffset = x + m_textPathStartOffset;

                m_textPathCurrentOffset += m_dx - kerning;
                m_dx = 0;

                // Apply dx/dy correction and setup translations that move to the glyph midpoint.
                xOrientationShift -= scaledGlyphAdvance / 2;
                yOrientationShift += m_dy - baselineShift;

            // Calculate current offset along path.
            textPathOffset = m_textPathCurrentOffset + scaledGlyphAdvance / 2;

            // Move to next character.
            m_textPathCurrentOffset += scaledGlyphAdvance + m_textPathSpacing + spacing * m_textPathScaling;

            // Skip character, if we're before the path.
            if (textPathOffset < 0) {

            // Stop processing, if the next character lies behind the path.
            if (textPathOffset > m_textPathLength)

            bool ok = false;
            FloatPoint point = m_textPath.pointAtLength(textPathOffset, ok);

            x = point.x();
            y = point.y();
            angle = m_textPath.normalAngleAtLength(textPathOffset, ok);

            // For vertical text on path, the actual angle has to be rotated 90 degrees anti-clockwise, not the orientation angle!
            if (m_isVerticalText)
                angle -= 90;
        } else {
            // Apply all previously calculated shift values.
            if (m_isVerticalText) {
                x += baselineShift;
                y -= kerning;
            } else {
                x -= kerning;
                y -= baselineShift;

            x += m_dx;
            y += m_dy;

        // Determine wheter we have to start a new fragment.
        bool shouldStartNewFragment = false;

        if (m_dx || m_dy)
            shouldStartNewFragment = true;

        if (!shouldStartNewFragment && (m_isVerticalText || m_inPathLayout))
            shouldStartNewFragment = true;

        if (!shouldStartNewFragment && (angle || angle != lastAngle || orientationAngle))
            shouldStartNewFragment = true;

        if (!shouldStartNewFragment && (kerning || applySpacingToNextCharacter || definesTextLength))
            shouldStartNewFragment = true;

        // If we already started a fragment, close it now.
        if (didStartTextFragment && shouldStartNewFragment) {
            applySpacingToNextCharacter = false;
            recordTextFragment(textBox, textMetricsValues);

        // Eventually start a new fragment, if not yet done.
        if (!didStartTextFragment || shouldStartNewFragment) {

            didStartTextFragment = true;
            m_currentTextFragment.characterOffset = m_visualCharacterOffset;
            m_currentTextFragment.metricsListOffset = m_visualMetricsListOffset;
            m_currentTextFragment.x = x;
            m_currentTextFragment.y = y;

            // Build fragment transformation.
            if (angle)

            if (xOrientationShift || yOrientationShift)
                m_currentTextFragment.transform.translate(xOrientationShift, yOrientationShift);

            if (orientationAngle)

            m_currentTextFragment.isTextOnPath = m_inPathLayout && m_textPathScaling != 1;
            if (m_currentTextFragment.isTextOnPath) {
                if (m_isVerticalText)
                    m_currentTextFragment.lengthAdjustTransform.scaleNonUniform(1, m_textPathScaling);
                    m_currentTextFragment.lengthAdjustTransform.scaleNonUniform(m_textPathScaling, 1);

        // Update current text position, after processing of the current character finished.
        if (m_inPathLayout)
            updateCurrentTextPosition(x, y, glyphAdvance);
        else {
            // Apply CSS 'kerning', 'letter-spacing' and 'word-spacing' to next character, if needed.
            if (spacing)
                applySpacingToNextCharacter = true;

            float xNew = x - m_dx;
            float yNew = y - m_dy;

            if (m_isVerticalText)
                xNew -= baselineShift;
                yNew += baselineShift;

            updateCurrentTextPosition(xNew, yNew, glyphAdvance + spacing);

        lastAngle = angle;

    if (!didStartTextFragment)

    // Close last open fragment, if needed.
    recordTextFragment(textBox, textMetricsValues);