예제 #1
파일: OAI_GRAN.cpp 프로젝트: AMDmi3/7kaa
//----- Begin of function Nation::think_surrender -----//
int Nation::think_surrender()
	//--- don't surrender if the nation still has a town ---//

	int rc=0;

	if( total_population == 0 )
		rc = 1;

	if( cash <= 0 && income_365days()==0 )
		rc = 1;

	if( !rc )
		return 0;

	//---- see if there is any nation worth getting our surrender ---//

	Nation* nationPtr;
	int	  curRating, bestRating=0, bestNationRecno=0;

	if( !king_unit_recno )		// if there is no successor to the king, the nation will tend more to surrender
		bestRating = -100;

	for( int i=nation_array.size() ; i>0 ; i-- )
		if( nation_array.is_deleted(i) || i==nation_recno )

		nationPtr = nation_array[i];

		if( nationPtr->cash <= 300 )		// don't surrender to an ecnomically handicapped nation

		curRating = ai_surrender_to_rating(i);

		//--- if the nation will tend to surrender if there is only a small number of units left ---//

		curRating += 50 - total_unit_count*5;

		if( curRating > bestRating )
			bestRating 		 = curRating;
			bestNationRecno = i;


	if( bestNationRecno )
		return 1;

	return 0;
예제 #2
파일: oai_talk.cpp 프로젝트: mecirt/7k2
//----- Begin of function Nation::consider_accept_surrender_request -----//
// Consider accepting the cash offer and sell the throne to another kingdom.
// talkMsg->talk_para1 - the amount offered.
int Nation::consider_accept_surrender_request(TalkMsg* talkMsg)
	Nation* nationPtr = nation_array[talkMsg->from_nation_recno];
	int    offeredAmt = talkMsg->talk_para1 * 10;			// *10 to restore its original value which has been divided by 10 to cope with <short> upper limit

	//--- if the nation does not have any towns, camps or generals, it will have a larger tendency to surrender. ---//

	int weakNation = (ai_town_count==0 && ai_camp_count==0 && ai_general_count==0);

	//---- only surrender to nations of the same nationality or Fryhtan species ----//

	if( is_human() != nationPtr->is_human() )
		return 0;

	//---- don't surrender to the player if the player is already the most powerful nation ---//

	if( !weakNation && !nationPtr->is_ai() && config.ai_aggressiveness >= OPTION_HIGH )
		if( nation_array.max_overall_nation_recno == nationPtr->nation_recno )
			return 0;

	//--- if we are running out of cash, ignore all normal thinking ---//

	if( !(cash < 100 && profit_365days() < 0) && !weakNation )
		//----- never surrender to a weaker nation ------//

		if( nationPtr->overall_rank_rating() < overall_rank_rating() )
			return 0;

		//------ don't surrender if we are still strong -----//

		if( overall_rank_rating() > 30 + pref_peacefulness/4 )		// 30 to 55
			return 0;

		//---- don't surrender if our cash is more than the amount they offered ----//

		if( offeredAmt < cash * (75+pref_cash_reserve/2) / 100 )		// 75% to 125%
			return 0;

		//-- if there are only two nations left, don't surrender if we still have some power --//

		if( nation_array.nation_count == 2 )
			if( overall_rank_rating() > 20 - 10 * pref_military_courage / 100 )
				return 0;


	int surrenderToRating = ai_surrender_to_rating(talkMsg->from_nation_recno);

	surrenderToRating += 100 * offeredAmt / 10000;

	int acceptRating = overall_rank_rating()*13 + 100;

	//------ AI aggressiveness effects -------//

	switch( config.ai_aggressiveness )
			if( nationPtr->is_ai() )		// tend to accept AI kingdom offer easier
				acceptRating -= 75;
				acceptRating += 75;

			if( nationPtr->is_ai() )		// tend to accept AI kingdom offer easier
				acceptRating -= 150;
				acceptRating += 150;

	return surrenderToRating > acceptRating;