예제 #1
CVoid COpenALSoundSource::SetConeOuterVol( CFloat gain )
	alSourcef( m_soundSource, AL_CONE_OUTER_GAIN, gain );
예제 #2
CVoid COpenALSoundSource::SetConeAngle( CFloat inner, CFloat outer )
	alSourcef( m_soundSource, AL_CONE_INNER_ANGLE, inner );
	alSourcef( m_soundSource, AL_CONE_OUTER_ANGLE, outer );
예제 #3
CVoid COpenALSoundSource::SetVolume( CFloat vol )
	alSourcef( m_soundSource, AL_GAIN, vol );
예제 #4
CVoid COpenALSoundSource::SetVolume( CFloat vol, CFloat min, CFloat max )
	alSourcef( m_soundSource, AL_MIN_GAIN, min );
	alSourcef( m_soundSource, AL_MAX_GAIN, max );
	alSourcef( m_soundSource, AL_GAIN, vol );
예제 #5
CVoid COpenALSoundSource::SetMaxDistance( CFloat distance )
	alSourcef( m_soundSource, AL_MAX_DISTANCE, distance );
예제 #6
CVoid COpenALSoundSource::SetReferenceDistance( CFloat distance )
	alSourcef( m_soundSource, AL_REFERENCE_DISTANCE, distance );
예제 #7
CVoid COpenALSoundSource::SetPitch( CFloat pitch )
	alSourcef( m_soundSource, AL_PITCH, pitch );
예제 #8
CVoid COpenALSoundSource::SetRolloff( CFloat rolloff )
	alSourcef( m_soundSource, AL_ROLLOFF_FACTOR, rolloff );
예제 #9
void cargarSonido (void)

	ALsizei tamanyo;
	Uint8  *datos;
	ALfloat velocity[3]= { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 };
	ALfloat pitch = 1.0, gain = 1.0;
	SDL_AudioSpec wav_spec;

	// reservar memoria para los sonidos
	son = (sonidos *) malloc (sizeof (sonidos));

	// generar el buffer del rayo
	alGenBuffers (1, &son->bufferRayo);

	// cargar el sonido de un fichero
	SDL_LoadWAV ("blaster02.wav", &wav_spec, &datos, &tamanyo); 
	alBufferData (son->bufferRayo, AL_FORMAT_STEREO8, datos, tamanyo, wav_spec.freq);
	SDL_FreeWAV (datos);

	// generar la fuente del rayo
	alGenSources (1, &son->fuenteRayo);

    // inicializar los valores de la fuente
	alSourcef (son->fuenteRayo, AL_PITCH, pitch);
    alSourcef (son->fuenteRayo, AL_GAIN, gain);
    alSourcefv (son->fuenteRayo, AL_VELOCITY, velocity);
    alSourcei (son->fuenteRayo, AL_BUFFER, son->bufferRayo);
    alSourcei (son->fuenteRayo, AL_LOOPING, AL_FALSE);

	// generar el buffer de ganas
	alGenBuffers (1, &son->bufferGanas);

	// cargar el sonido de un fichero
	SDL_LoadWAV ("chewie04.wav", &wav_spec, &datos, &tamanyo); 
	alBufferData (son->bufferGanas, AL_FORMAT_STEREO8, datos, tamanyo, wav_spec.freq);
	SDL_FreeWAV (datos);

	// generar la fuente de ganas
	alGenSources (1, &son->fuenteGanas);

    // inicializar los valores de la fuente
	alSourcef (son->fuenteGanas, AL_PITCH, pitch);
    alSourcef (son->fuenteGanas, AL_GAIN, gain);
    alSourcefv (son->fuenteGanas, AL_VELOCITY, velocity);
    alSourcei (son->fuenteGanas, AL_BUFFER, son->bufferGanas);
    alSourcei (son->fuenteGanas, AL_LOOPING, AL_FALSE);

	// generar el buffer de pierdes
	alGenBuffers (1, &son->bufferPierdes);

	// cargar el sonido de un fichero
	SDL_LoadWAV ("chewie03.wav", &wav_spec, &datos, &tamanyo); 
	alBufferData (son->bufferPierdes, AL_FORMAT_STEREO8, datos, tamanyo, wav_spec.freq);
	SDL_FreeWAV (datos);

	// generar la fuente de pierdes
	alGenSources (1, &son->fuentePierdes);

    // inicializar los valores de la fuente
	alSourcef (son->fuentePierdes, AL_PITCH, pitch);
    alSourcef (son->fuentePierdes, AL_GAIN, gain);
    alSourcefv (son->fuentePierdes, AL_VELOCITY, velocity);
    alSourcei (son->fuentePierdes, AL_BUFFER, son->bufferPierdes);
    alSourcei (son->fuentePierdes, AL_LOOPING, AL_FALSE);

	// generar el buffer de acierto
	alGenBuffers (1, &son->bufferAcierto);

	// cargar el sonido de un fichero
	SDL_LoadWAV ("expl02.wav", &wav_spec, &datos, &tamanyo); 
	alBufferData (son->bufferAcierto, AL_FORMAT_STEREO8, datos, tamanyo, wav_spec.freq);
	SDL_FreeWAV (datos);

	// generar la fuente del acierto
	alGenSources (1, &son->fuenteAcierto);

    // inicializar los valores de la fuente
	alSourcef (son->fuenteAcierto, AL_PITCH, pitch);
    alSourcef (son->fuenteAcierto, AL_GAIN, gain);
    alSourcefv (son->fuenteAcierto, AL_VELOCITY, velocity);
    alSourcei (son->fuenteAcierto, AL_BUFFER, son->bufferAcierto);
    alSourcei (son->fuenteAcierto, AL_LOOPING, AL_FALSE);

	// generar el buffer de indy
	alGenBuffers (1, &son->bufferIndy);

	// cargar el sonido de un fichero
	SDL_LoadWAV ("indy.wav", &wav_spec, &datos, &tamanyo); 
	alBufferData (son->bufferIndy, AL_FORMAT_STEREO8, datos, tamanyo, wav_spec.freq);
	SDL_FreeWAV (datos);

	// generar la fuente de indy
	alGenSources (1, &son->fuenteIndy);

    // inicializar los valores de la fuente
	alSourcef (son->fuenteIndy, AL_PITCH, pitch);
    alSourcef (son->fuenteIndy, AL_GAIN, gain);
    alSourcefv (son->fuenteIndy, AL_VELOCITY, velocity);
    alSourcei (son->fuenteIndy, AL_BUFFER, son->bufferIndy);
    alSourcei (son->fuenteIndy, AL_LOOPING, AL_FALSE);

	// generar el buffer de rebote 1
	alGenBuffers (1, &son->bufferRebote1);

	// cargar el sonido de un fichero
	SDL_LoadWAV ("bounce1.wav", &wav_spec, &datos, &tamanyo); 
	alBufferData (son->bufferRebote1, AL_FORMAT_STEREO8, datos, tamanyo, wav_spec.freq);
	SDL_FreeWAV (datos);

	// generar la fuente de rebote 1
	alGenSources (1, &son->fuenteRebote1);

    // inicializar los valores de la fuente
	alSourcef (son->fuenteRebote1, AL_PITCH, pitch);
    alSourcef (son->fuenteRebote1, AL_GAIN, gain);
    alSourcefv (son->fuenteRebote1, AL_VELOCITY, velocity);
    alSourcei (son->fuenteRebote1, AL_BUFFER, son->bufferRebote1);
    alSourcei (son->fuenteRebote1, AL_LOOPING, AL_FALSE);

	// generar el buffer de rebote 2
	alGenBuffers (1, &son->bufferRebote2);

	// cargar el sonido de un fichero
	SDL_LoadWAV ("bounce2.wav", &wav_spec, &datos, &tamanyo); 
	alBufferData (son->bufferRebote2, AL_FORMAT_STEREO8, datos, tamanyo, wav_spec.freq);
	SDL_FreeWAV (datos);

	// generar la fuente de rebote 2
	alGenSources (1, &son->fuenteRebote2);

    // inicializar los valores de la fuente
	alSourcef (son->fuenteRebote2, AL_PITCH, pitch);
    alSourcef (son->fuenteRebote2, AL_GAIN, gain);
    alSourcefv (son->fuenteRebote2, AL_VELOCITY, velocity);
    alSourcei (son->fuenteRebote2, AL_BUFFER, son->bufferRebote2);
    alSourcei (son->fuenteRebote2, AL_LOOPING, AL_FALSE);

	// inicializar los valores del oyente
	alListenerfv (AL_VELOCITY, velocity);
예제 #10
파일: Sound.cpp 프로젝트: Smurf/sfml-audio
void Sound::SetPlayingOffset(float timeOffset)
    ALCheck(alSourcef(mySource, AL_SEC_OFFSET, timeOffset));
예제 #11
void C4MusicFileOgg::SetVolume(int iLevel)
	volume = ((float) iLevel) / 100.0f;
	if (channel) alSourcef(channel, AL_GAIN, volume);
예제 #12
 void setf(ALenum key, float val) {
     alSourcef(name_, key, val);
     check_error("alSourcef (source::setf)");
예제 #13
void SonicDog::alertObstacles( const CoordinateVect &obstacles, bool diff ) {
	int size = obstacles.size();
	// checkError( "alGenSources", AL );
	pthread_mutex_lock( &q_lock_ );
	if ( play_q_.size() > 0 ) {
		pthread_mutex_unlock( &q_lock_ );

	for ( int i = 0; i < size; i++ ) {
		SoundSrc *src = new SoundSrc;
		src->once = true;
		src->x = obstacles[i].first;
		src->z = obstacles[i].second;
		src->pause = 1.5;

		alGenSources( 1, &(src->source) );
		checkError( "alGenSources", AL );

		if ( diff ) {
			// src->buffer = alutCreateBufferWaveform( ALUT_WAVEFORM_IMPULSE, i*100.0f+200.0f, 0.0f, 0.5f );
			src->buffer = alutCreateBufferFromFile( "./ding.wav" );
			alSourcef( src->source, AL_PITCH, .2*i+1 );
		} else {
			// src->buffer = alutCreateBufferWaveform( ALUT_WAVEFORM_IMPULSE, 400.0f, 0.0f, 0.5f );
			src->buffer = alutCreateBufferFromFile( "./ding.wav" );
			alSourcef( src->source, AL_PITCH, 1 );

		if ( src->buffer == AL_NONE ) {
			checkError( "alutCreateBufferWaveform", ALUT );

		bool front = true;
		if ( regions_ ) {
			// move the location of the source in the OpenAL world to one of our discrete zones
			ALfloat pos[] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 };
			front = placeInRegion( src->x, src->z, pos );
			alSourcefv( src->source, AL_POSITION, pos );
		} else if ( cutoff_ ) {
			ALfloat pos[] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 };
			front = placeInCutoff( src->x, src->z, pos );
			alSourcefv( src->source, AL_POSITION, pos );
		} else {
			alSource3f( src->source, AL_POSITION, src->x, 0.0f, src->z );

		alSourcef( src->source, AL_GAIN, 10.0f );
		alSource3f( src->source, AL_VELOCITY, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f );
		alSourcei( src->source, AL_LOOPING, AL_FALSE );
		alSourcei( src->source, AL_BUFFER, src->buffer );

		if ( front ) {
			play_q_.push( src );
		} else if ( !front_only_ ) {
			play_q_.push( src );
		} else {
			alDeleteSources( 1, &(src->source) );
			alDeleteBuffers( 1, &(src->buffer) );
			delete src;
	pthread_mutex_unlock( &q_lock_ );
	pthread_cond_broadcast( &empty_q_lock_ );
예제 #14
void ALAudio::BGM_Pitch(int pitch) {
	alSourcef(bgm_src_->get(), AL_PITCH, pitch * 0.01f);
예제 #15
void SonicDog::startPlaying() {
	// find out if the client wants the sound to play
	bool can_play, once, removed;
	removed = false;
	pthread_mutex_lock( &play_lock_ );
	can_play = playing_;
	pthread_mutex_unlock( &play_lock_ );

	while ( can_play ) {
		pthread_mutex_lock( &q_lock_ );
		while ( play_q_.size() == 0 && !exit_ ) {
			pthread_cond_wait( &empty_q_lock_, &q_lock_ );
		// check that we can keep playing after being woken up
		if ( exit_ ) {
			pthread_mutex_unlock( &q_lock_ );
			pthread_exit( 0 );

		// there's stuff in the queue so pop off a source
		SoundSrc *src = play_q_.front();
		pthread_mutex_unlock( &q_lock_ );

		once = src->once;

		do {
			// play the sound at least once
			if ( once ) pthread_mutex_lock( &turns_lock_ );

			alSourcePlay( src->source );
			alutSleep( src->pause );
			if ( once ) pthread_mutex_unlock( &turns_lock_ );
			if ( !once ) alSourcef( src->source, AL_PITCH, calculatePitch( src->source ) );

			// check that we can keep playing
			pthread_mutex_lock( &play_lock_ );
			can_play = playing_;
			pthread_mutex_unlock( &play_lock_ );

			if ( !once ) {
				bool paused;

				// check if we're paused
				pthread_mutex_lock( &pause_lock_ );
				BoolMap::iterator p = paused_.find( src->id );
				assert( p != paused_.end() );
				paused = p->second;
				while ( paused ) {
					pthread_cond_wait( &pause_cond_lock_, &pause_lock_ );
					BoolMap::iterator p = paused_.find( src->id );
					assert( p != paused_.end() );
					paused = p->second;
				pthread_mutex_unlock( &pause_lock_ );

				// check if we've been removed
				pthread_mutex_lock( &remove_lock_ );
				BoolMap::iterator cont = removed_.find( src->id );
				if ( cont != removed_.end() ) {
					removed = cont->second;
				pthread_mutex_unlock( &remove_lock_ );
		} while ( can_play && !once && !removed );

		// remove this source if wasn't meant to be played only once
		if ( !src->once ) {
			// remove this source from the source map if it's in there
			pthread_mutex_lock( &sources_lock_ );
			SoundMap::iterator itr = sources_.find( src->id );
			if ( itr != sources_.end() ) {
				sources_.erase( itr );
			pthread_mutex_unlock( &sources_lock_ );

		// we're done with the source so clean it up
		alDeleteSources( 1, &(src->source) );
		alDeleteBuffers( 1, &(src->buffer) );
		delete src;

	// we've been stopped, so exit the thread
	pthread_exit( 0 );
예제 #16
Sound::SoundManager::SoundManager() :
        LogError() << "Could not open audio device";

    //m_Enumeration = alcIsExtensionPresent(NULL, "ALC_ENUMERATION_EXT");
    ALCenum error;

    error = alGetError();
    if (error != AL_NO_ERROR)
        LogError() << error;
    m_pContext = alcCreateContext(m_pDevice, NULL);
    if (!alcMakeContextCurrent(m_pContext))
        LogError() << "Could not make current context";

    ALfloat listenerOri[] = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f };

    alListener3f(AL_POSITION, 0, 0, 1.0f);
    error = alGetError();
    if (error != AL_NO_ERROR)
        LogError() << error;
    alListener3f(AL_VELOCITY, 0, 0, 0);
    error = alGetError();
    if (error != AL_NO_ERROR)
        LogError() << error;
    alListenerfv(AL_ORIENTATION, listenerOri);
    error = alGetError();
    if (error != AL_NO_ERROR)
        LogError() << error;

    ALuint source;

    alGenSources((ALuint)1, &source);
    error = alGetError();
    if (error != AL_NO_ERROR)
        LogError() << error;

    alSourcef(source, AL_PITCH, 1);
    error = alGetError();
    if (error != AL_NO_ERROR)
        LogError() << error;
    alSourcef(source, AL_GAIN, 1);
    error = alGetError();
    if (error != AL_NO_ERROR)
        LogError() << error;
    alSource3f(source, AL_POSITION, 0, 0, 0);
    error = alGetError();
    if (error != AL_NO_ERROR)
        LogError() << error;
    alSource3f(source, AL_VELOCITY, 0, 0, 0);
    error = alGetError();
    if (error != AL_NO_ERROR)
        LogError() << error;
    alSourcei(source, AL_LOOPING, AL_FALSE);
    error = alGetError();
    if (error != AL_NO_ERROR)
        LogError() << error;

    ALuint buffer;

    alGenBuffers((ALuint)1, &buffer);
    error = alGetError();
    if (error != AL_NO_ERROR)
        LogError() << error;

    ALsizei size, freq;
    ALenum format;
    ALvoid *data;
    ALboolean loop = AL_FALSE;

    alutLoadWAVFile(reinterpret_cast<ALbyte *>(const_cast<char *>("test.wav")), &format, &data, &size, &freq, &loop);
    error = alGetError();
    if (error != AL_NO_ERROR)
        LogError() << error;
    alBufferData(buffer, format, data, size, freq);
    alSourcei(source, AL_BUFFER, buffer);alSourcePlay(source);

    error = alGetError();
    if (error != AL_NO_ERROR)
        LogError() << error;

    ALint source_state;
    alGetSourcei(source, AL_SOURCE_STATE, &source_state);
    LogInfo() << "Play sound...";
    while (source_state == AL_PLAYING)
            alGetSourcei(source, AL_SOURCE_STATE, &source_state);
            error = alGetError();
            if (error != AL_NO_ERROR)
                LogError() << error;
            LogInfo() << "Play sound...";
    // cleanup context
    alDeleteSources(1, &source);
    alDeleteBuffers(1, &buffer);
    m_pDevice = alcGetContextsDevice(m_pContext);
예제 #17
	void set_volume(ALfloat const vol) {
		volume_ = vol;
		alSourcef(src_, AL_GAIN, vol);
예제 #18
파일: Sound.cpp 프로젝트: prophile/xsera
void SetMusicVolume(float mvol)
	alSourcef(musicSource, AL_GAIN, mvol);
예제 #19
void SFXOpenAL::setRolloff(float rolloff)
    alSourcef (m_sound_source, AL_ROLLOFF_FACTOR,  rolloff);
예제 #20
파일: sound_openal.c 프로젝트: naev/naev
 * @brief Initializes the sound subsystem.
 *    @return 0 on success.
int sound_al_init (void)
   int ret;
   ALuint s;
   ALint freq;
   ALint attribs[4] = { 0, 0, 0, 0 };

   /* Default values. */
   ret = 0;

   /* we'll need a mutex */
   sound_lock = SDL_CreateMutex();

   /* opening the default device */
   al_device = alcOpenDevice(NULL);
   if (al_device == NULL) {
      WARN(_("Unable to open default sound device"));
      ret = -1;
      goto snderr_dev;

   /* Query EFX extension. */
   if (conf.al_efx) {
      al_info.efx = alcIsExtensionPresent( al_device, "ALC_EXT_EFX" );
      if (al_info.efx == AL_TRUE) {
         attribs[0] = ALC_MAX_AUXILIARY_SENDS;
         attribs[1] = 4;
      al_info.efx = AL_FALSE;

   /* Create the OpenAL context */
   al_context = alcCreateContext( al_device, attribs );
   if (al_context == NULL) {
      WARN(_("Unable to create OpenAL context"));
      ret = -2;
      goto snderr_ctx;

   /* Clear the errors */

   /* Set active context */
   if (alcMakeContextCurrent( al_context )==AL_FALSE) {
      WARN(_("Failure to set default context"));
      ret = -4;
      goto snderr_act;

   /* Get context information. */
   alcGetIntegerv( al_device, ALC_FREQUENCY, sizeof(freq), &freq );

   /* Try to enable EFX. */
   if (al_info.efx == AL_TRUE)
   else {
      al_info.efx_reverb = AL_FALSE;
      al_info.efx_echo   = AL_FALSE;

   /* Allocate source for music. */
   alGenSources( 1, &music_source );

   /* Check for errors. */

   /* Start allocating the sources - music has already taken his */
   source_nstack  = 0;
   source_mstack  = 0;
   while (source_nstack < conf.snd_voices) {
      if (source_mstack < source_nstack+1) { /* allocate more memory */
         if (source_mstack == 0)
            source_mstack = conf.snd_voices;
            source_mstack *= 2;
         source_stack = realloc( source_stack, sizeof(ALuint) * source_mstack );
      alGenSources( 1, &s );
      source_stack[source_nstack] = s;

      /* How OpenAL distance model works:
       * Clamped:
       *  gain = distance_function( CLAMP( AL_REFERENCE_DISTANCE, AL_MAX_DISTANCE, distance ) );
       * Distance functions:
       *                                       AL_REFERENCE_DISTANCE
       *  * Inverse = ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
       *             1 - AL_ROLLOFF_FACTOR ( distance - AL_REFERENCE_DISTANCE )
       *  * Linear = ----------------------------------------------------------
       *                      AL_MAX_DISTANCE - AL_REFERENCE_DISTANCE
       *                  /       distance        \ -AL_ROLLOFF_FACTOR
       *  * Exponential = | --------------------- |
       *                  \ AL_REFERENCE_DISTANCE /
       * Some values:
       *  model    falloff  reference   100     1000    5000   10000
       *  linear     1        500      1.000   0.947   0.526   0.000
       *  inverse    1        500      1.000   0.500   0.100   0.050
       *  exponent   1        500      1.000   0.500   0.100   0.050
       *  inverse   0.5       500      1.000   0.667   0.182   0.095
       *  exponent  0.5       500      1.000   0.707   0.316   0.223
       *  inverse    2        500      1.000   0.333   0.052   0.026
       *  exponent   2        500      1.000   0.250   0.010   0.003
      alSourcef( s, AL_REFERENCE_DISTANCE, 500. ); /* Close distance to clamp at (doesn't get louder). */
      alSourcef( s, AL_MAX_DISTANCE,       25000. ); /* Max distance to clamp at (doesn't get quieter). */
      alSourcef( s, AL_ROLLOFF_FACTOR,     1. ); /* Determines how it drops off. */

      /* Set the filter. */
      if (al_info.efx == AL_TRUE)
         alSource3i( s, AL_AUXILIARY_SEND_FILTER, efx_directSlot, 0, AL_FILTER_NULL );

      /* Check for error. */
      if (alGetError() == AL_NO_ERROR)
   /* Reduce ram usage. */
   source_mstack = source_nstack;
   source_stack  = realloc( source_stack, sizeof(ALuint) * source_mstack );
   /* Copy allocated sources to total stack. */
   source_ntotal = source_mstack;
   source_total  = malloc( sizeof(ALuint) * source_mstack );
   memcpy( source_total, source_stack, sizeof(ALuint) * source_mstack );
   /* Copy allocated sources to all stack. */
   source_nall   = source_mstack;
   source_all    = malloc( sizeof(ALuint) * source_mstack );
   memcpy( source_all, source_stack, sizeof(ALuint) * source_mstack );

   /* Set up how sound works. */
   alDistanceModel( AL_INVERSE_DISTANCE_CLAMPED ); /* Clamping is fundamental so it doesn't sound like crap. */
   alDopplerFactor( 1. );
   sound_al_env( SOUND_ENV_NORMAL, 0. );

   /* Check for errors. */

   /* we can unlock now */

   /* debug magic */
   DEBUG(_("OpenAL started: %d Hz"), freq);
   DEBUG(_("Renderer: %s"), alGetString(AL_RENDERER));
   if (al_info.efx == AL_FALSE)
      DEBUG(_("Version: %s without EFX"), alGetString(AL_VERSION));
      DEBUG(_("Version: %s with EFX %d.%d"), alGetString(AL_VERSION),
            al_info.efx_major, al_info.efx_minor);

   return ret;

    * error handling
   alcDestroyContext( al_context );
   al_context = NULL;
   alcCloseDevice( al_device );
   al_device = NULL;
   SDL_DestroyMutex( sound_lock );
   sound_lock = NULL;
   return ret;
void LLAudioEngine_OpenAL::updateWind(LLVector3 wind_vec, F32 camera_altitude)
	LLVector3 wind_pos;
	F64 pitch;
	F64 center_freq;
	ALenum error;
	if (!mEnableWind)
	if (!mWindBuf)
	if (mWindUpdateTimer.checkExpirationAndReset(LL_WIND_UPDATE_INTERVAL))
		// wind comes in as Linden coordinate (+X = forward, +Y = left, +Z = up)
		// need to convert this to the conventional orientation DS3D and OpenAL use
		// where +X = right, +Y = up, +Z = backwards
		wind_vec.setVec(-wind_vec.mV[1], wind_vec.mV[2], -wind_vec.mV[0]);
		pitch = 1.0 + mapWindVecToPitch(wind_vec);
		center_freq = 80.0 * pow(pitch,2.5*(mapWindVecToGain(wind_vec)+1.0));
		mWindGen->mTargetFreq = (F32)center_freq;
		mWindGen->mTargetGain = (F32)mapWindVecToGain(wind_vec) * mMaxWindGain;
		mWindGen->mTargetPanGainR = (F32)mapWindVecToPan(wind_vec);
		alSourcei(mWindSource, AL_LOOPING, AL_FALSE);
		alSource3f(mWindSource, AL_POSITION, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
		alSource3f(mWindSource, AL_VELOCITY, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
		alSourcef(mWindSource, AL_ROLLOFF_FACTOR, 0.0);
		alSourcei(mWindSource, AL_SOURCE_RELATIVE, AL_TRUE);

	// ok lets make a wind buffer now

	ALint processed, queued, unprocessed;
	alGetSourcei(mWindSource, AL_BUFFERS_PROCESSED, &processed);
	alGetSourcei(mWindSource, AL_BUFFERS_QUEUED, &queued);
	unprocessed = queued - processed;

	// ensure that there are always at least 3x as many filled buffers
	// queued as we managed to empty since last time.
	mNumEmptyWindALBuffers = llmin(mNumEmptyWindALBuffers + processed * 3 - unprocessed, MAX_NUM_WIND_BUFFERS-unprocessed);
	mNumEmptyWindALBuffers = llmax(mNumEmptyWindALBuffers, 0);

	//llinfos << "mNumEmptyWindALBuffers: " << mNumEmptyWindALBuffers	<<" (" << unprocessed << ":" << processed << ")" << llendl;

	while (processed--) // unqueue old buffers
		ALuint buffer;
		ALenum error;
		alGetError(); /* clear error */
		alSourceUnqueueBuffers(mWindSource, 1, &buffer);
		error = alGetError();
		if (error != AL_NO_ERROR)
			llwarns << "LLAudioEngine_OpenAL::updateWind() error swapping (unqueuing) buffers" << llendl;
			alDeleteBuffers(1, &buffer);

	unprocessed += mNumEmptyWindALBuffers;
	while (mNumEmptyWindALBuffers > 0) // fill+queue new buffers
		ALuint buffer;
		alGetError(); /* clear error */
		if ((error=alGetError()) != AL_NO_ERROR)
			llwarns << "LLAudioEngine_OpenAL::updateWind() Error creating wind buffer: " << convertALErrorToString(error) << llendl;

		error = alGetError();
		if (error != AL_NO_ERROR)
			llwarns << "LLAudioEngine_OpenAL::updateWind() error swapping (bufferdata) buffers" << llendl;
		alSourceQueueBuffers(mWindSource, 1, &buffer);
		error = alGetError();
		if (error != AL_NO_ERROR)
			llwarns << "LLAudioEngine_OpenAL::updateWind() error swapping (queuing) buffers" << llendl;


	ALint playing;
	alGetSourcei(mWindSource, AL_SOURCE_STATE, &playing);
	if (playing != AL_PLAYING)

		lldebugs << "Wind had stopped - probably ran out of buffers - restarting: " 
				<< (unprocessed+mNumEmptyWindALBuffers) << " now queued." 
				<< llendl;
예제 #22
파일: sound_openal.c 프로젝트: naev/naev
 * @brief Creates a sound environment.
int sound_al_env( SoundEnv_t env, double param )
   int i;
   ALuint s;
   ALfloat f;

   switch (env) {
      case SOUND_ENV_NORMAL:
         /* Set global parameters. */
         alSpeedOfSound( 3433. );

         if (al_info.efx == AL_TRUE) {
            /* Disconnect the effect. */
            nalAuxiliaryEffectSloti( efx_directSlot,

            /* Set per-source parameters. */
            for (i=0; i<source_ntotal; i++) {
               s = source_total[i];
               alSourcef( s, AL_AIR_ABSORPTION_FACTOR, 0. );

      case SOUND_ENV_NEBULA:
         f = param / 1000.;

         /* Set global parameters. */
         alSpeedOfSound( 3433./(1. + f*2.) );

         if (al_info.efx == AL_TRUE) {

            if (al_info.efx_reverb == AL_TRUE) {
               /* Tweak the reverb. */
               nalEffectf( efx_reverb, AL_REVERB_DECAY_TIME,    10. );
               nalEffectf( efx_reverb, AL_REVERB_DECAY_HFRATIO, 0.5 );

               /* Connect the effect. */
               nalAuxiliaryEffectSloti( efx_directSlot,
                     AL_EFFECTSLOT_EFFECT, efx_reverb );

            /* Set per-source parameters. */
            for (i=0; i<source_ntotal; i++) {
               s = source_total[i];
               /* Value is from 0. (normal) to 10..
                * It represents the attenuation per meter. In this case it decreases by
                * 0.05*AB_FACTOR dB/meter where AB_FACTOR is the air absoprtion factor.
                * In our case each pixel represents 5 meters.
               alSourcef( s, AL_AIR_ABSORPTION_FACTOR, 3.*f );

   /* Check for errors. */


   return 0;
예제 #23
파일: sound_openal.c 프로젝트: naev/naev
 * @brief Plays a sound in a group.
int sound_al_playGroup( int group, alSound *s, int once )
   int i, j;
   alGroup_t *g;
   ALint state;
   double v;

   for (i=0; i<al_ngroups; i++) {

      /* Find group. */
      if (al_groups[i].id != group)

      g = &al_groups[i];
      g->state = VOICE_PLAYING;
      for (j=0; j<g->nsources; j++) {
         alGetSourcei( g->sources[j], AL_SOURCE_STATE, &state );

         /* No free ones, just smash the last one. */
         if (j == g->nsources-1) {
            if (state != AL_STOPPED)
               alSourceStop( g->sources[j] );
         /* Ignore playing/paused. */
         else if ((state == AL_PLAYING) || (state == AL_PAUSED))

         /* Attach buffer. */
         alSourcei( g->sources[j], AL_BUFFER, s->u.al.buf );

         /* Do not do positional sound. */
         alSourcei( g->sources[j], AL_SOURCE_RELATIVE, AL_TRUE );

         /* See if should loop. */
         alSourcei( g->sources[j], AL_LOOPING, (once) ? AL_FALSE : AL_TRUE );

         /* Set volume. */
         v = svolume * g->volume;
         if (g->speed)
            v *= svolume_speed;
         alSourcef( g->sources[j], AL_GAIN, v );

         /* Start playing. */
         alSourcePlay( g->sources[j] );

         /* Check for errors. */

         return 0;

      WARN(_("Group '%d' has no free sounds."), group );

      /* Group matched but not found. */

   if (i>=al_ngroups)
      WARN(_("Group '%d' not found."), group);

   return -1;
예제 #24
void OpenALStream::SoundLoop()
  Common::SetCurrentThreadName("Audio thread - openal");

  bool surround_capable = SConfig::GetInstance().bDPL2Decoder;
  bool float32_capable = false;
  bool fixed32_capable = false;

#if defined(__APPLE__)
  surround_capable = false;

  u32 ulFrequency = m_mixer->GetSampleRate();
  numBuffers = SConfig::GetInstance().iLatency + 2;  // OpenAL requires a minimum of two buffers

  memset(uiBuffers, 0, numBuffers * sizeof(ALuint));
  uiSource = 0;

  if (alIsExtensionPresent("AL_EXT_float32"))
    float32_capable = true;

  // As there is no extension to check for 32-bit fixed point support
  // and we know that only a X-Fi with hardware OpenAL supports it,
  // we just check if one is being used.
  if (strstr(alGetString(AL_RENDERER), "X-Fi"))
    fixed32_capable = true;

  // Clear error state before querying or else we get false positives.
  ALenum err = alGetError();

  // Generate some AL Buffers for streaming
  alGenBuffers(numBuffers, (ALuint*)uiBuffers);
  err = CheckALError("generating buffers");

  // Generate a Source to playback the Buffers
  alGenSources(1, &uiSource);
  err = CheckALError("generating sources");

  // Set the default sound volume as saved in the config file.
  alSourcef(uiSource, AL_GAIN, fVolume);

  // TODO: Error handling
  // ALenum err = alGetError();

  unsigned int nextBuffer = 0;
  unsigned int numBuffersQueued = 0;
  ALint iState = 0;

  soundTouch.setSetting(SETTING_USE_QUICKSEEK, 0);
  soundTouch.setSetting(SETTING_USE_AA_FILTER, 0);
  soundTouch.setSetting(SETTING_SEQUENCE_MS, 1);
  soundTouch.setSetting(SETTING_SEEKWINDOW_MS, 28);
  soundTouch.setSetting(SETTING_OVERLAP_MS, 12);

  while (m_run_thread.IsSet())
    // Block until we have a free buffer
    int numBuffersProcessed;
    alGetSourcei(uiSource, AL_BUFFERS_PROCESSED, &numBuffersProcessed);
    if (numBuffers == numBuffersQueued && !numBuffersProcessed)

    // Remove the Buffer from the Queue.
    if (numBuffersProcessed)
      ALuint unqueuedBufferIds[OAL_MAX_BUFFERS];
      alSourceUnqueueBuffers(uiSource, numBuffersProcessed, unqueuedBufferIds);
      err = CheckALError("unqueuing buffers");

      numBuffersQueued -= numBuffersProcessed;

    // num_samples_to_render in this update - depends on SystemTimers::AUDIO_DMA_PERIOD.
    const u32 stereo_16_bit_size = 4;
    const u32 dma_length = 32;
    const u64 ais_samples_per_second = 48000 * stereo_16_bit_size;
    u64 audio_dma_period = SystemTimers::GetTicksPerSecond() /
                           (AudioInterface::GetAIDSampleRate() * stereo_16_bit_size / dma_length);
    u64 num_samples_to_render =
        (audio_dma_period * ais_samples_per_second) / SystemTimers::GetTicksPerSecond();

    unsigned int numSamples = (unsigned int)num_samples_to_render;
    unsigned int minSamples =
        surround_capable ? 240 : 0;  // DPL2 accepts 240 samples minimum (FWRDURATION)

    numSamples = (numSamples > OAL_MAX_SAMPLES) ? OAL_MAX_SAMPLES : numSamples;
    numSamples = m_mixer->Mix(realtimeBuffer, numSamples, false);

    // Convert the samples from short to float
    for (u32 i = 0; i < numSamples * STEREO_CHANNELS; ++i)
      dest[i] = (float)realtimeBuffer[i] / (1 << 15);

    soundTouch.putSamples(dest, numSamples);

    double rate = (double)m_mixer->GetCurrentSpeed();
    if (rate <= 0)
      rate = (double)m_mixer->GetCurrentSpeed();

    // Place a lower limit of 10% speed.  When a game boots up, there will be
    // many silence samples.  These do not need to be timestretched.
    if (rate > 0.10)
      if (rate > 10)

    unsigned int nSamples = soundTouch.receiveSamples(sampleBuffer, OAL_MAX_SAMPLES * numBuffers);

    if (nSamples <= minSamples)

    if (surround_capable)
      DPL2Decode(sampleBuffer, nSamples, dpl2);

      // zero-out the subwoofer channel - DPL2Decode generates a pretty
      // good 5.0 but not a good 5.1 output.  Sadly there is not a 5.0
      // AL_FORMAT_50CHN32 to make this super-explicit.
      for (u32 i = 0; i < nSamples; ++i)
        dpl2[i * SURROUND_CHANNELS + 3 /*sub/lfe*/] = 0.0f;

      if (float32_capable)
        alBufferData(uiBuffers[nextBuffer], AL_FORMAT_51CHN32, dpl2,
                     nSamples * FRAME_SURROUND_FLOAT, ulFrequency);
      else if (fixed32_capable)

        for (u32 i = 0; i < nSamples * SURROUND_CHANNELS; ++i)
          // For some reason the ffdshow's DPL2 decoder outputs samples bigger than 1.
          // Most are close to 2.5 and some go up to 8. Hard clamping here, we need to
          // fix the decoder or implement a limiter.
          dpl2[i] = dpl2[i] * (INT64_C(1) << 31);
          if (dpl2[i] > INT_MAX)
            surround_int32[i] = INT_MAX;
          else if (dpl2[i] < INT_MIN)
            surround_int32[i] = INT_MIN;
            surround_int32[i] = (int)dpl2[i];

        alBufferData(uiBuffers[nextBuffer], AL_FORMAT_51CHN32, surround_int32,
                     nSamples * FRAME_SURROUND_INT32, ulFrequency);
        short surround_short[OAL_MAX_SAMPLES * SURROUND_CHANNELS * OAL_MAX_BUFFERS];

        for (u32 i = 0; i < nSamples * SURROUND_CHANNELS; ++i)
          dpl2[i] = dpl2[i] * (1 << 15);
          if (dpl2[i] > SHRT_MAX)
            surround_short[i] = SHRT_MAX;
          else if (dpl2[i] < SHRT_MIN)
            surround_short[i] = SHRT_MIN;
            surround_short[i] = (int)dpl2[i];

        alBufferData(uiBuffers[nextBuffer], AL_FORMAT_51CHN16, surround_short,
                     nSamples * FRAME_SURROUND_SHORT, ulFrequency);

      err = CheckALError("buffering data");
      if (err == AL_INVALID_ENUM)
        // 5.1 is not supported by the host, fallback to stereo
                 "Unable to set 5.1 surround mode.  Updating OpenAL Soft might fix this issue.");
        surround_capable = false;
      if (float32_capable)
        alBufferData(uiBuffers[nextBuffer], AL_FORMAT_STEREO_FLOAT32, sampleBuffer,
                     nSamples * FRAME_STEREO_FLOAT, ulFrequency);

        err = CheckALError("buffering float32 data");
        if (err == AL_INVALID_ENUM)
          float32_capable = false;
      else if (fixed32_capable)
        // Clamping is not necessary here, samples are always between (-1,1)
        for (u32 i = 0; i < nSamples * STEREO_CHANNELS; ++i)
          stereo_int32[i] = (int)((float)sampleBuffer[i] * (INT64_C(1) << 31));

        alBufferData(uiBuffers[nextBuffer], AL_FORMAT_STEREO32, stereo_int32,
                     nSamples * FRAME_STEREO_INT32, ulFrequency);
        // Convert the samples from float to short
        for (u32 i = 0; i < nSamples * STEREO_CHANNELS; ++i)
          stereo[i] = (short)((float)sampleBuffer[i] * (1 << 15));

        alBufferData(uiBuffers[nextBuffer], AL_FORMAT_STEREO16, stereo,
                     nSamples * FRAME_STEREO_SHORT, ulFrequency);

    alSourceQueueBuffers(uiSource, 1, &uiBuffers[nextBuffer]);
    err = CheckALError("queuing buffers");

    nextBuffer = (nextBuffer + 1) % numBuffers;

    alGetSourcei(uiSource, AL_SOURCE_STATE, &iState);
    if (iState != AL_PLAYING)
      // Buffer underrun occurred, resume playback
      err = CheckALError("occurred resuming playback");
예제 #25
 * ALboolean LoadALData()
 *	This function will load our sample data from the disk using the alut
 *	utility and send the data into OpenAL as a buffer. A source is then
 *	also created to play that buffer.
int LoadSoundBuffers()
    int theerror=0;
	// Variables to load into.
    if (total_loaded_buffers==0) { fprintf(stderr,"No Sounds to load!\n");
                                   return 0; }

	ALenum format;
	ALsizei size;
	ALvoid* data;
	ALsizei freq;
	ALboolean loop;

	// Load wav data into buffers.
	alGenBuffers(total_loaded_buffers, Buffers);
	if(alGetError() != AL_NO_ERROR) { fprintf(stderr,"Error Generating Buffers!\n");
                                      return 0; }

    for (unsigned int i=0; i<total_loaded_buffers; i++)
         alutLoadWAVFile((ALbyte *)filenames[i], &format, &data, &size, &freq, &loop);
	     if(theerror != AL_NO_ERROR) { fprintf(stderr,"Error (%u) loading Wav sound Buffer %u %s\n",theerror,i,filenames[i]);   }

         alBufferData(Buffers[i], format, data, size, freq);
	     if(theerror != AL_NO_ERROR) { fprintf(stderr,"Error (%u) loading Wav sound Buffer %u %s\n",theerror,i,filenames[i]);   }

         alutUnloadWAV(format, data, size, freq);
	     if(theerror != AL_NO_ERROR) { fprintf(stderr,"Error (%u) loading Wav sound Buffer %u %s\n",theerror,i,filenames[i]);   }

	     free(filenames[i]); /* Release memory for filename */
	// Bind buffers into audio sources.

	alGenSources(NUM_SOURCES, Sources);
	if(theerror != AL_NO_ERROR) { fprintf(stderr,"Error Generating Sources (%u)!\n",theerror);
                                  return 0; }

    for (unsigned int i=0; i<total_loaded_buffers; i++)
         /*alGenSources( 1, &Sources[i] );
         if(theerror != AL_NO_ERROR) { cout<<"Error Generating Sources ("<<theerror<<")!\n";
                                       return false; }   */
         alSourcei (Sources[i], AL_BUFFER,   Buffers[i]   );
         alSourcef (Sources[i], AL_PITCH,    1.0f              );
         alSourcef (Sources[i], AL_GAIN,     1.0f              );
	     alSourcefv(Sources[i], AL_POSITION, SourcesPos[i]);
	     alSourcefv(Sources[i], AL_VELOCITY, SourcesVel[i]);
	     alSourcei (Sources[i], AL_LOOPING,  AL_FALSE           );
	// Bind buffers into audio sources.

	// Do another error check and return.
	if(alGetError() != AL_NO_ERROR) return 0;


    return 1;
예제 #26
    void AudioWorld::initializeMusic()
        std::string datPath = "/_work/data/Scripts/_compiled/MUSIC.DAT";
        std::string datFile = Utils::getCaseSensitivePath(datPath, m_Engine.getEngineArgs().gameBaseDirectory);

        if (!Utils::fileExists(datFile)) {
            LogError() << "Failed to find MUSIC.DAT at: " << datFile;

        m_MusicVM = new Daedalus::DaedalusVM(datFile);

        m_MusicVM->getDATFile().iterateSymbolsOfClass("C_MUSICTHEME", [&](size_t i, Daedalus::PARSymbol& s) {
            Daedalus::GameState::MusicThemeHandle h = m_MusicVM->getGameState().createMusicTheme();
            Daedalus::GEngineClasses::C_MusicTheme& mt = m_MusicVM->getGameState().getMusicTheme(h);
            m_MusicVM->initializeInstance(ZMemory::toBigHandle(h), i, Daedalus::IC_MusicTheme);

            m_musicThemeSegments[s.name] = mt.file;

        // DirectMusic initialization
        std::string baseDir = m_Engine.getEngineArgs().gameBaseDirectory;
        std::string musicPath = Utils::getCaseSensitivePath("/_work/data/Music", baseDir);
        try {
            const auto sfFactory = DirectMusic::DlsPlayer::createFactory();
            m_musicContext = std::make_unique<DirectMusic::PlayingContext>(44100, 2, sfFactory);

            auto loader = [musicPath, baseDir](const std::string& name) {
                const auto search = Utils::lowered(Utils::stripFilePath(name));
                for (const auto& file : Utils::getFilesInDirectory(musicPath)) {
                    const auto lowercaseName = Utils::lowered(Utils::stripFilePath(file));
                    if (lowercaseName == search) {
                        return Utils::readBinaryFileContents(file);
                return std::vector<std::uint8_t>();


            for (const auto& segment : Utils::getFilesInDirectory(musicPath, "sgt")) {
                const auto lowercaseName = Utils::lowered(Utils::stripFilePath(segment));
                const auto segm = m_musicContext->loadSegment(segment);
                LogInfo() << "Loading " + segment;
                m_Segments[lowercaseName] = m_musicContext->prepareSegment(*segm);
            LogInfo() << "All segments loaded.";

            alGenBuffers(RE_NUM_MUSIC_BUFFERS, m_musicBuffers);
            alGenSources(1, &m_musicSource);

            // Set the default volume
            alSourcef(m_musicSource, AL_GAIN, 1);

            // Set the default position of the sound
            alSource3f(m_musicSource, AL_POSITION, 0, 0, 0);

            m_musicRenderThread = std::thread(&AudioWorld::musicRenderFunction, this);
        } catch (const std::exception& exc) {
            LogError() << "Couldn't initialize music system: " << exc.what();
예제 #27
size_t SonicDog::addObject( float x, float z, obj_t type ) {
	// instantiate the source and buffer for this sound source
	SoundSrc *src = new SoundSrc;
	src->id = object_id_;
	src->once = false;
	src->x = x;
	src->z = z;
	src->pause = 1.5;

	alGenSources( 1, &(src->source) );
	checkError( "alGenSources", AL );

	switch ( type ) {
		case BEAC: {
			// src->buffer = alutCreateBufferWaveform( ALUT_WAVEFORM_WHITENOISE, 500.0f, 0.0f, 0.5f );
			src->buffer = alutCreateBufferFromFile( "./beeps.wav" );
			checkError( "alutCreateBufferFromFile", ALUT );

			alSourcef( src->source, AL_GAIN, 10.0f );
		case OBS: {
			src->buffer = alutCreateBufferWaveform( ALUT_WAVEFORM_SQUARE, object_id_*100.0f + 100.0f, 0.0f, 0.7f );
			checkError( "alutCreateBufferWaveform", ALUT );

			alSourcef( src->source, AL_GAIN, 0.1f );
		default: break;

	alSourcef( src->source, AL_PITCH, 1 );
	alSource3f( src->source, AL_VELOCITY, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f );
	alSourcei( src->source, AL_LOOPING, AL_FALSE );
	alSourcei( src->source, AL_BUFFER, src->buffer );

	if ( regions_ ) {
		// move the location of the source in the OpenAL world to one of our discrete zones
		ALfloat pos[] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 };
		placeInRegion( x, z, pos );
		alSourcefv( src->source, AL_POSITION, pos );
	} else if ( cutoff_ ) {
		ALfloat pos[] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 };
		placeInCutoff( x, z, pos );	
		alSourcefv( src->source, AL_POSITION, pos );
	} else {
		alSource3f( src->source, AL_POSITION, x, 0.0f, z );

	// insert the src into our map
	pthread_mutex_lock( &sources_lock_ );
	sources_.insert( SoundMap::value_type( src->id, src ) );
	pthread_mutex_unlock( &sources_lock_ );

	// insert an entry for this source to our removed map
	pthread_mutex_lock( &remove_lock_ );
	removed_.insert( BoolMap::value_type( src->id, false ) );
	pthread_mutex_unlock( &remove_lock_ );

	// insert an entry for this source to our paused map
	pthread_mutex_lock( &pause_lock_ );
	paused_.insert( BoolMap::value_type( src->id, false ) );
	pthread_mutex_unlock( &pause_lock_ );

	// alSourcePlay( src->source );

	// then insert it into the play queue
	pthread_mutex_lock( &q_lock_ );
	play_q_.push( src );
	pthread_mutex_unlock( &q_lock_ );

	// alert the threads that a new object has been added
	pthread_cond_broadcast( &empty_q_lock_ );

	// increment the id counter

	return src->id;
예제 #28
 static void setBackgroundVolume(float volume)
 	alSourcef(s_backgroundSource, AL_GAIN, volume);
예제 #29
		void AudioDevice::al_setSourcePitch(AudioSource* source, float pitch)
			alSourcef(source->m_ID, AL_PITCH, pitch);
예제 #30
int main(int argc, char **argv)
	ALboolean enumeration;
	const ALCchar *devices;
	const ALCchar *defaultDeviceName = argv[1];
	int ret;
	WaveInfo *wave;
	char *bufferData;
	ALCdevice *device;
	ALvoid *data;
	ALCcontext *context;
	ALsizei size, freq;
	ALenum format;
	ALuint buffer, source;
	ALfloat listenerOri[] = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f };
	ALboolean loop = AL_FALSE;
	ALCenum error;
	ALint source_state;

	enumeration = alcIsExtensionPresent(NULL, "ALC_ENUMERATION_EXT");
	if (enumeration == AL_FALSE)
		fprintf(stderr, "enumeration extension not available\n");

	list_audio_devices(alcGetString(NULL, ALC_DEVICE_SPECIFIER));

	if (!defaultDeviceName)
		defaultDeviceName = alcGetString(NULL, ALC_DEFAULT_DEVICE_SPECIFIER);

	device = alcOpenDevice(defaultDeviceName);
	if (!device) {
		fprintf(stderr, "unable to open default device\n");
		return -1;

	fprintf(stdout, "Device: %s\n", alcGetString(device, ALC_DEVICE_SPECIFIER));


	context = alcCreateContext(device, NULL);
	if (!alcMakeContextCurrent(context)) {
		fprintf(stderr, "failed to make default context\n");
		return -1;
	TEST_ERROR("make default context");

	/* set orientation */
	alListener3f(AL_POSITION, 0, 0, 1.0f);
	TEST_ERROR("listener position");
    	alListener3f(AL_VELOCITY, 0, 0, 0);
	TEST_ERROR("listener velocity");
	alListenerfv(AL_ORIENTATION, listenerOri);
	TEST_ERROR("listener orientation");

	alGenSources((ALuint)1, &source);
	TEST_ERROR("source generation");

	alSourcef(source, AL_PITCH, 1);
	TEST_ERROR("source pitch");
	alSourcef(source, AL_GAIN, 1);
	TEST_ERROR("source gain");
	alSource3f(source, AL_POSITION, 0, 0, 0);
	TEST_ERROR("source position");
	alSource3f(source, AL_VELOCITY, 0, 0, 0);
	TEST_ERROR("source velocity");
	alSourcei(source, AL_LOOPING, AL_FALSE);
	TEST_ERROR("source looping");

	alGenBuffers(1, &buffer);
	TEST_ERROR("buffer generation");

	/* load data */
	wave = WaveOpenFileForReading("test.wav");
	if (!wave) {
		fprintf(stderr, "failed to read wave file\n");
		return -1;

	ret = WaveSeekFile(0, wave);
	if (ret) {
		fprintf(stderr, "failed to seek wave file\n");
		return -1;

	bufferData = malloc(wave->dataSize);
	if (!bufferData) {
		return -1;

	ret = WaveReadFile(bufferData, wave->dataSize, wave);
	if (ret != wave->dataSize) {
		fprintf(stderr, "short read: %d, want: %d\n", ret, wave->dataSize);
		return -1;

	alBufferData(buffer, to_al_format(wave->channels, wave->bitsPerSample),
			bufferData, wave->dataSize, wave->sampleRate);
	TEST_ERROR("failed to load buffer data");
	alutLoadWAVFile("test.wav", &format, &data, &size, &freq, &loop);
	TEST_ERROR("loading wav file");

	alBufferData(buffer, format, data, size, freq);
	TEST_ERROR("buffer copy");

	alSourcei(source, AL_BUFFER, buffer);
	TEST_ERROR("buffer binding");

	TEST_ERROR("source playing");

	alGetSourcei(source, AL_SOURCE_STATE, &source_state);
	TEST_ERROR("source state get");
	while (source_state == AL_PLAYING) {
		alGetSourcei(source, AL_SOURCE_STATE, &source_state);
		TEST_ERROR("source state get");

	/* exit context */
	alDeleteSources(1, &source);
	alDeleteBuffers(1, &buffer);
	device = alcGetContextsDevice(context);

	return 0;