예제 #1
int sci_uigetfont(char *fname, void* pvApiCtx)
    SciErr sciErr;

    int* piAddrfontNameAdr  = NULL;
    int* piAddrfontSizeAdr  = NULL;
    int* piAddrboldAdr      = NULL;
    int* boldAdr            = NULL;
    int* piAddritalicAdr    = NULL;
    int* italicAdr          = NULL;
    double* fontSizeAdr     = NULL;

    int fontChooserID = 0;
    int nbRow = 0;
    int nbCol = 0;

    char **fontNameAdr = NULL;
    int fontNameSize   = 0;

    char *selectedFontName  = NULL;
    int selectedFontSize    = 0;
    BOOL selectedBold       = FALSE;
    BOOL selectedItalic     = FALSE;

    CheckInputArgument(pvApiCtx, 0, 4);
    CheckOutputArgument(pvApiCtx, 1, 4);

    /* Default font name */
    if (nbInputArgument(pvApiCtx) >= 1)
        if ((checkInputArgumentType(pvApiCtx, 1, sci_strings)))
            sciErr = getVarAddressFromPosition(pvApiCtx, 1, &piAddrfontNameAdr);
            if (sciErr.iErr)
                printError(&sciErr, 0);
                return 1;

            // Retrieve a matrix of string at position 1.
            if (getAllocatedMatrixOfString(pvApiCtx, piAddrfontNameAdr, &nbRow, &nbCol, &fontNameAdr))
                Scierror(202, _("%s: Wrong type for argument #%d: string expected.\n"), fname, 1);
                return 1;

            fontNameSize = nbRow * nbCol;
            if (fontNameSize != 1)
                freeAllocatedMatrixOfString(nbRow, nbCol, fontNameAdr);
                Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong size for input argument #%d: string expected.\n"), fname, 1);
                return FALSE;
            Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: string expected.\n"), fname, 1);
            return FALSE;

    /* Default font size */
    if (nbInputArgument(pvApiCtx) >= 2)
        if ((checkInputArgumentType(pvApiCtx, 2, sci_matrix)))
            sciErr = getVarAddressFromPosition(pvApiCtx, 2, &piAddrfontSizeAdr);
            if (sciErr.iErr)
                printError(&sciErr, 0);
                return 1;

            // Retrieve a matrix of double at position 2.
            sciErr = getMatrixOfDouble(pvApiCtx, piAddrfontSizeAdr, &nbRow, &nbCol, &fontSizeAdr);
            if (sciErr.iErr)
                printError(&sciErr, 0);
                Scierror(202, _("%s: Wrong type for argument #%d: A real expected.\n"), fname, 2);
                return 1;

            if (nbRow * nbCol != 1)
                freeAllocatedMatrixOfString(nbRow, nbCol, fontNameAdr);
                Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong size for input argument #%d: A real expected.\n"), fname, 2);
                return FALSE;
            freeAllocatedMatrixOfString(nbRow, nbCol, fontNameAdr);
            Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: A real expected.\n"), fname, 2);
            return FALSE;

    /* Is the default font bold ? */
    if (nbInputArgument(pvApiCtx) >= 3)
        if ((checkInputArgumentType(pvApiCtx, 3, sci_boolean)))
            sciErr = getVarAddressFromPosition(pvApiCtx, 3, &piAddrboldAdr);
            if (sciErr.iErr)
                printError(&sciErr, 0);
                return 1;

            // Retrieve a matrix of boolean at position 3.
            sciErr = getMatrixOfBoolean(pvApiCtx, piAddrboldAdr, &nbRow, &nbCol, &boldAdr);
            if (sciErr.iErr)
                printError(&sciErr, 0);
                Scierror(202, _("%s: Wrong type for argument #%d: Boolean matrix expected.\n"), fname, 3);
                return 1;

            if (nbRow * nbCol != 1)
                freeAllocatedMatrixOfString(nbRow, nbCol, fontNameAdr);
                Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong size for input argument #%d: A boolean expected.\n"), fname, 3);
                return FALSE;

            freeAllocatedMatrixOfString(nbRow, nbCol, fontNameAdr);
            Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: A boolean expected.\n"), fname, 3);
            return FALSE;

    /* Is the default font italic ? */
    if (nbInputArgument(pvApiCtx) >= 4)
        if ((checkInputArgumentType(pvApiCtx, 4, sci_boolean)))
            sciErr = getVarAddressFromPosition(pvApiCtx, 4, &piAddritalicAdr);
            if (sciErr.iErr)
                printError(&sciErr, 0);
                return 1;

            // Retrieve a matrix of boolean at position 4.
            sciErr = getMatrixOfBoolean(pvApiCtx, piAddritalicAdr, &nbRow, &nbCol, &italicAdr);
            if (sciErr.iErr)
                printError(&sciErr, 0);
                Scierror(202, _("%s: Wrong type for argument #%d: Boolean matrix expected.\n"), fname, 4);
                return 1;

            if (nbRow * nbCol != 1)
                freeAllocatedMatrixOfString(nbRow, nbCol, fontNameAdr);
                Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong size for input argument #%d: A boolean expected.\n"), fname, 4);
                return FALSE;

            freeAllocatedMatrixOfString(nbRow, nbCol, fontNameAdr);
            Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: A boolean expected.\n"), fname, 4);
            return FALSE;

    /* Create the Java Object */
    fontChooserID = createFontChooser();

    /* Default font */
    if (fontNameAdr != NULL)
        setFontChooserFontName(fontChooserID, fontNameAdr[0]);

    /* Default size */
    if (fontSizeAdr != 0)
        setFontChooserFontSize(fontChooserID, (int)fontSizeAdr[0]);

    /* Default bold */
    if (boldAdr != 0)
        setFontChooserBold(fontChooserID, booltoBOOL(boldAdr[0]));

    /* Default italic */
    if (italicAdr != 0)
        setFontChooserItalic(fontChooserID, booltoBOOL(italicAdr[0]));

    /* Display it and wait for a user input */

    /* Return the selected font */

    /* Read the user answer */
    selectedFontName = getFontChooserFontName(fontChooserID);

    if (strcmp(selectedFontName, "")) /* The user selected a font */
        selectedFontSize = getFontChooserFontSize(fontChooserID);
        selectedBold = getFontChooserBold(fontChooserID);
        selectedItalic = getFontChooserItalic(fontChooserID);

        nbRow = 1;
        nbCol = 1;
        if (nbOutputArgument(pvApiCtx) >= 1)
            sciErr = createMatrixOfString(pvApiCtx, nbInputArgument(pvApiCtx) + 1, nbRow, nbCol, (const char * const*) &selectedFontName);
            if (sciErr.iErr)
                printError(&sciErr, 0);
                Scierror(999, _("%s: Memory allocation error.\n"), fname);
                return 1;

        if (selectedFontName)

        if (nbOutputArgument(pvApiCtx) >= 2)
            sciErr = allocMatrixOfDouble(pvApiCtx, nbInputArgument(pvApiCtx) + 2, nbRow, nbCol, &fontSizeAdr);
            if (sciErr.iErr)
                printError(&sciErr, 0);
                Scierror(999, _("%s: Memory allocation error.\n"), fname);
                return 1;

            *fontSizeAdr = selectedFontSize;

        if (nbOutputArgument(pvApiCtx) >= 3)
            sciErr = allocMatrixOfBoolean(pvApiCtx, nbInputArgument(pvApiCtx) + 3, nbRow, nbCol, &boldAdr);
            if (sciErr.iErr)
                printError(&sciErr, 0);
                Scierror(999, _("%s: Memory allocation error.\n"), fname);
                return 1;

            *boldAdr = selectedBold;

        if (nbOutputArgument(pvApiCtx) >= 4)
            sciErr = allocMatrixOfBoolean(pvApiCtx, nbInputArgument(pvApiCtx) + 4, nbRow, nbCol, &italicAdr);
            if (sciErr.iErr)
                printError(&sciErr, 0);
                Scierror(999, _("%s: Memory allocation error.\n"), fname);
                return 1;

            *italicAdr = selectedItalic;
    else /* The user canceled */
        if (selectedFontName)
        nbRow = 0;
        nbCol = 0;
        if (nbOutputArgument(pvApiCtx) >= 1)
            /* Return "" as font name */
            char* fontNameEmpty = NULL;
            if (allocSingleString(pvApiCtx, nbInputArgument(pvApiCtx) + 1, nbRow * nbCol, (const char**) &fontNameEmpty))
                Scierror(999, _("%s: Memory allocation error.\n"), fname);
                return 1;

        if (nbOutputArgument(pvApiCtx) >= 2)
            /* Return [] as font size */
            sciErr = allocMatrixOfDouble(pvApiCtx, nbInputArgument(pvApiCtx) + 2, nbRow, nbCol, &fontSizeAdr);
            if (sciErr.iErr)
                printError(&sciErr, 0);
                Scierror(999, _("%s: Memory allocation error.\n"), fname);
                return 1;

        if (nbOutputArgument(pvApiCtx) >= 3)
            /* Return [] as bold value */
            sciErr = allocMatrixOfBoolean(pvApiCtx, nbInputArgument(pvApiCtx) + 3, nbRow, nbCol, &boldAdr);
            if (sciErr.iErr)
                printError(&sciErr, 0);
                Scierror(999, _("%s: Memory allocation error.\n"), fname);
                return 1;

        if (nbOutputArgument(pvApiCtx) >= 4)
            /* Return [] as italic value */
            sciErr = allocMatrixOfBoolean(pvApiCtx, nbInputArgument(pvApiCtx) + 4, nbRow, nbCol, &italicAdr);
            if (sciErr.iErr)
                printError(&sciErr, 0);
                Scierror(999, _("%s: Memory allocation error.\n"), fname);
                return 1;

    AssignOutputVariable(pvApiCtx, 1) = nbInputArgument(pvApiCtx) + 1;
    AssignOutputVariable(pvApiCtx, 2) = nbInputArgument(pvApiCtx) + 2;
    AssignOutputVariable(pvApiCtx, 3) = nbInputArgument(pvApiCtx) + 3;
    AssignOutputVariable(pvApiCtx, 4) = nbInputArgument(pvApiCtx) + 4;

    if (fontNameSize)
        freeAllocatedMatrixOfString(nbRow, nbCol, fontNameAdr);
    return TRUE;
예제 #2
int sci_xget(char *fname, unsigned long fname_len)
    SciErr sciErr;

    int* piAddrl1 = NULL;
    char* l1 = NULL;
    int* piAddrl2 = NULL;
    double* l2 = NULL;
    char* l3 = NULL;

    int m1 = 0, m2 = 0, n2 = 0, i = 0;
    int one = 1;

    BOOL keyFound = FALSE;

    if (nbInputArgument(pvApiCtx) <= 0)
        sci_demo(fname, fname_len);
        return 0;

    CheckInputArgument(pvApiCtx, 1, 2);
    CheckOutputArgument(pvApiCtx, 0, 1);

    sciErr = getVarAddressFromPosition(pvApiCtx, 1, &piAddrl1);
    if (sciErr.iErr)
        printError(&sciErr, 0);
        return 1;

    // Retrieve a matrix of double at position 1.
    if (getAllocatedSingleString(pvApiCtx, piAddrl1, &l1))
        Scierror(202, _("%s: Wrong type for argument #%d: A string expected.\n"), fname, 1);
        return 1;

    /* check if key is valid */
    for (i = 0; i < NUMSETFONC ; i++)
        if (strcmp((l1), KeyTab_[i]) == 0)
            keyFound = TRUE;

    if (!keyFound)
        Scierror(999, _("%s: Unrecognized input argument: '%s'.\n"), fname, (l1));
        return -1;

    if (nbInputArgument(pvApiCtx) == 2)
        sciErr = getVarAddressFromPosition(pvApiCtx, 2, &piAddrl2);
        if (sciErr.iErr)
            printError(&sciErr, 0);
            return 1;

        // Retrieve a matrix of double at position 2.
        sciErr = getMatrixOfDouble(pvApiCtx, piAddrl2, &m2, &n2, &l2);
        if (sciErr.iErr)
            printError(&sciErr, 0);
            Scierror(202, _("%s: Wrong type for argument #%d: A real expected.\n"), fname, 2);
            return 1;

        if (m2 != 1 || n2 != 1)
            Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong size for input argument #%d: A real scalar expected.\n"), fname, 2);
            return 1;


    if (strcmp(l1, "fpf") == 0 || strcmp(l1, "auto clear") == 0)
        int bufl;
        char buf[4096];
        /*     special case for global variables set */
        xgetg((l1), buf, &bufl, m1, bsiz);
        if (allocSingleString(pvApiCtx, nbInputArgument(pvApiCtx) + 1, bufl * one, (const char **)&l3))
            Scierror(999, _("%s: Memory allocation error.\n"), fname);
            return 1;

        strncpy((l3), buf, bufl);
        AssignOutputVariable(pvApiCtx, 1) = nbInputArgument(pvApiCtx) + 1;
    else if (strcmp(l1, "colormap") == 0)
        int iObjUID = 0;
        // Force figure creation if none exists.
        iObjUID = getCurrentFigure();

        get_color_map_property(pvApiCtx, iObjUID);

        AssignOutputVariable(pvApiCtx, 1) = nbInputArgument(pvApiCtx) + 1;
    else if (strcmp(l1, "mark") == 0)
        int iObjUID = getOrCreateDefaultSubwin();
        int iMarkStyle = 0;
        int* piMarkStyle = &iMarkStyle;
        int iMarkSize = 0;
        int* piMarkSize = &iMarkSize;
        double pdblResult[2];

        getGraphicObjectProperty(iObjUID, __GO_MARK_STYLE__, jni_int, (void**)&piMarkStyle);
        getGraphicObjectProperty(iObjUID, __GO_MARK_SIZE__, jni_int, (void**)&piMarkSize);
        pdblResult[0] = iMarkStyle;
        pdblResult[1] = iMarkSize;

        createMatrixOfDouble(pvApiCtx, nbInputArgument(pvApiCtx) + 1, 1, 2, pdblResult);
        AssignOutputVariable(pvApiCtx, 1) = nbInputArgument(pvApiCtx) + 1;
    else if (strcmp(l1, "mark size") == 0)
        int iObjUID = getOrCreateDefaultSubwin();
        get_mark_size_property(pvApiCtx, iObjUID);

        AssignOutputVariable(pvApiCtx, 1) = nbInputArgument(pvApiCtx) + 1;
    else if (strcmp(l1, "line style") == 0)
        get_line_style_property(pvApiCtx, getOrCreateDefaultSubwin());

        AssignOutputVariable(pvApiCtx, 1) = nbInputArgument(pvApiCtx) + 1;
    else if (strcmp(l1, "clipping") == 0)
        double *clipBox = NULL;
        int iObjUID = getOrCreateDefaultSubwin();

        getGraphicObjectProperty(iObjUID, __GO_CLIP_BOX__, jni_double_vector, (void **)&clipBox);

        createMatrixOfDouble(pvApiCtx, nbInputArgument(pvApiCtx) + 1, 1, 4, clipBox);
        AssignOutputVariable(pvApiCtx, 1) = nbInputArgument(pvApiCtx) + 1;
    else if (strcmp(l1, "font") == 0)
        int iObjUID = getOrCreateDefaultSubwin();
        double dblFontSize = 0;
        double* pdblFontSize = &dblFontSize;
        int iFontStyle = 0;
        int* piFontStyle = &iFontStyle;
        double pdblResult[2];

        getGraphicObjectProperty(iObjUID, __GO_FONT_SIZE__, jni_double, (void **)&pdblFontSize);
        getGraphicObjectProperty(iObjUID, __GO_FONT_STYLE__, jni_int, (void**)&piFontStyle);

        pdblResult[0] = iFontStyle;
        pdblResult[1] = dblFontSize;

        createMatrixOfDouble(pvApiCtx, nbInputArgument(pvApiCtx) + 1, 1, 2, pdblResult);
        AssignOutputVariable(pvApiCtx, 1) = nbInputArgument(pvApiCtx) + 1;
    else if (strcmp(l1, "font size") == 0)
        double dblFontSize = 0;
        double* pdblFontSize = &dblFontSize;
        getGraphicObjectProperty(getOrCreateDefaultSubwin(), __GO_FONT_SIZE__, jni_double, (void **)&pdblFontSize);

        createScalarDouble(pvApiCtx, nbInputArgument(pvApiCtx) + 1, dblFontSize);
        AssignOutputVariable(pvApiCtx, 1) = nbInputArgument(pvApiCtx) + 1;
    else if (strcmp(l1, "dashes") == 0)
        int iLineStyle = 0;
        int* piLineStyle = &iLineStyle;

        getGraphicObjectProperty(getOrCreateDefaultSubwin(), __GO_LINE_STYLE__, jni_int, (void**)&piLineStyle);

        createScalarDouble(pvApiCtx, nbInputArgument(pvApiCtx) + 1, iLineStyle);
        AssignOutputVariable(pvApiCtx, 1) = nbInputArgument(pvApiCtx) + 1;
    else if (strcmp(l1, "hidden3d") == 0)
        get_hidden_color_property(pvApiCtx, getOrCreateDefaultSubwin());

        AssignOutputVariable(pvApiCtx, 1) = nbInputArgument(pvApiCtx) + 1;
    else if (strcmp(l1, "window") == 0 || strcmp(l1, "figure") == 0)
        int iFigureId = 0;
        int* piFigureId = &iFigureId;

        getGraphicObjectProperty(getCurrentFigure(), __GO_ID__, jni_int, (void**)&piFigureId);
        createScalarDouble(pvApiCtx, nbInputArgument(pvApiCtx) + 1, iFigureId);
        AssignOutputVariable(pvApiCtx, 1) = nbInputArgument(pvApiCtx) + 1;
    else if (strcmp(l1, "thickness") == 0)
        get_thickness_property(pvApiCtx, getOrCreateDefaultSubwin());

        AssignOutputVariable(pvApiCtx, 1) = nbInputArgument(pvApiCtx) + 1;
    else if (strcmp(l1, "wdim") == 0 || strcmp(l1, "wpdim") == 0)
        int *piFigureSize = NULL;
        double pdblFigureSize[2];

        getGraphicObjectProperty(getCurrentFigure(), __GO_SIZE__, jni_int_vector, (void **) &piFigureSize);
        pdblFigureSize[0] = (double) piFigureSize[0];
        pdblFigureSize[1] = (double) piFigureSize[1];

        createMatrixOfDouble(pvApiCtx, nbInputArgument(pvApiCtx) + 1, 1, 2, pdblFigureSize);
        AssignOutputVariable(pvApiCtx, 1) = nbInputArgument(pvApiCtx) + 1;
    else if (strcmp(l1, "wpos") == 0)
        int *piFigurePosition = NULL;
        double pdblFigurePosition[2];

        getGraphicObjectProperty(getCurrentFigure(), __GO_POSITION__, jni_int_vector, (void **) &piFigurePosition);
        pdblFigurePosition[0] = piFigurePosition[0];
        pdblFigurePosition[1] = piFigurePosition[1];

        createMatrixOfDouble(pvApiCtx, nbInputArgument(pvApiCtx) + 1, 1, 2, pdblFigurePosition);
        AssignOutputVariable(pvApiCtx, 1) = nbInputArgument(pvApiCtx) + 1;
    else if (strcmp(l1, "viewport") == 0)
        int* viewport = NULL;
        double pdblViewport[2];

        getGraphicObjectProperty(getCurrentFigure(), __GO_VIEWPORT__, jni_int_vector, (void **)&viewport);
        pdblViewport[0] = viewport[0];
        pdblViewport[1] = viewport[1];

        createMatrixOfDouble(pvApiCtx, nbInputArgument(pvApiCtx) + 1, 1, 2, pdblViewport);
        AssignOutputVariable(pvApiCtx, 1) = nbInputArgument(pvApiCtx) + 1;
    else if (strcmp(l1, "background") == 0)
        get_background_property(pvApiCtx, getOrCreateDefaultSubwin());

        AssignOutputVariable(pvApiCtx, 1) = nbInputArgument(pvApiCtx) + 1;
    else if (  strcmp(l1, "color") == 0
               || strcmp(l1, "foreground") == 0
               || strcmp(l1, "pattern") == 0)
        get_foreground_property(pvApiCtx, getOrCreateDefaultSubwin());

        AssignOutputVariable(pvApiCtx, 1) = nbInputArgument(pvApiCtx) + 1;
    else if (strcmp(l1, "lastpattern") == 0)
        int iNumColors = 0;
        int* piNumColors = &iNumColors;

        getGraphicObjectProperty(getCurrentFigure(), __GO_COLORMAP_SIZE__, jni_int, (void**)&piNumColors);

        createScalarDouble(pvApiCtx, nbInputArgument(pvApiCtx) + 1, iNumColors);

        AssignOutputVariable(pvApiCtx, 1) = nbInputArgument(pvApiCtx) + 1;
    else if (strcmp(l1, "line mode") == 0)
        int iLineMode = 0;
        int* lineMode = &iLineMode;

        getGraphicObjectProperty(getOrCreateDefaultSubwin(), __GO_LINE_MODE__, jni_bool, (void **)&lineMode);

        createScalarDouble(pvApiCtx, nbInputArgument(pvApiCtx) + 1, iLineMode);

        AssignOutputVariable(pvApiCtx, 1) = nbInputArgument(pvApiCtx) + 1;
    else if (strcmp(l1, "white") == 0)
        int iNumColors = 0;
        int* piNumColors = &iNumColors;

        getGraphicObjectProperty(getCurrentFigure(), __GO_COLORMAP_SIZE__, jni_int, (void**)&piNumColors);

        /* White is lqst colormap index + 2 */
        createScalarDouble(pvApiCtx, nbInputArgument(pvApiCtx) + 1, iNumColors + 2);

        AssignOutputVariable(pvApiCtx, 1) = nbInputArgument(pvApiCtx) + 1;
    else if (strcmp(l1, "wresize") == 0)
        // autoresize property
        int iAutoResize = 0;
        int* piAutoResize =  &iAutoResize;

        getGraphicObjectProperty(getCurrentFigure(), __GO_AUTORESIZE__, jni_bool, (void **)&piAutoResize);

        createScalarDouble(pvApiCtx, nbInputArgument(pvApiCtx) + 1, iAutoResize);

        AssignOutputVariable(pvApiCtx, 1) = nbInputArgument(pvApiCtx) + 1;
    else if (strcmp(l1, "clipgrf") == 0)
        /* clip_state : 0 = off, 1 = on */
        int iClipState = 0;
        int* piClipState = &iClipState;

        getGraphicObjectProperty(getOrCreateDefaultSubwin(), __GO_CLIP_STATE__, jni_int, (void**)&piClipState);

        createScalarDouble(pvApiCtx, nbInputArgument(pvApiCtx) + 1, iClipState);
        AssignOutputVariable(pvApiCtx, 1) = nbInputArgument(pvApiCtx) + 1;
    else if (strcmp(l1, "clipoff") == 0)
        int iClipState = 0;
        int* piClipState = &iClipState;

        getGraphicObjectProperty(getOrCreateDefaultSubwin(), __GO_CLIP_STATE__, jni_int, (void**)&piClipState);

        /* clip_state : 0 = off, 1 = on */
        if (iClipState == 0)
            createScalarDouble(pvApiCtx, nbInputArgument(pvApiCtx) + 1, 1);
            createScalarDouble(pvApiCtx, nbInputArgument(pvApiCtx) + 1, 0);
        AssignOutputVariable(pvApiCtx, 1) = nbInputArgument(pvApiCtx) + 1;
        Scierror(999, _("%s: Unrecognized input argument: '%s'.\n"), fname, (l1));
        return -1;

    return 0;