void *irreference_new (t_symbol *s, short argc, t_atom *argv)
    t_irreference *x = (t_irreference *)object_alloc (this_class);
    t_atom_long num_in_chans = 1;

    if (argc && atom_gettype(argv) == A_LONG)
        num_in_chans = atom_getlong(argv++);
        num_in_chans = num_in_chans < 1 ? 1 : num_in_chans;
        num_in_chans = num_in_chans > HIRT_MAX_MEASURE_CHANS ? HIRT_MAX_MEASURE_CHANS : num_in_chans;

    dsp_setup((t_pxobject *)x, (long) (num_in_chans + 1));

    x->process_done = bangout(x);
    outlet_new(x, "signal");


    x->abs_progress = 0;

    x->T = 0;
    x->current_t = 0;
    x->fft_size = 0;
    x->start_rec = 0;
    x->stop_rec = 0;
    x->sample_rate = sys_getsr();

    if (!x->sample_rate)
        x->sample_rate = 44100;

    alloc_mem_swap(&x->rec_mem, 0, 0);
    alloc_mem_swap(&x->out_mem, 0, 0);

    x->current_length = 0;
    x->current_out_length = 0;
    x->out_length = 0;
    x->num_in_chans = (long) num_in_chans;
    x->num_active_ins = (long) num_in_chans;
    x->current_num_active_ins = (long) num_in_chans;

    x->smooth_mode = 1;

    atom_setlong(&x->deconvolve_delay, 10);

    attr_args_process(x, argc, argv);

void *irextract_new (t_symbol *s, short argc, t_atom *argv)
    t_irextract *x = (t_irextract *)object_alloc (this_class);

	x->process_done = bangout(x);
	x->bandlimit = 1;
	x->amp = -1;
	x->inv_amp = 0;
	x->fft_size = 0;
	x->sample_rate = 0;
	x->out_length_samps = 0;
	x->out_length = 0;
	x->gen_length = 0;
	alloc_mem_swap(&x->out_mem, 0, 0);
	x->measure_mode = SWEEP;

	attr_args_process(x, argc, argv);

void *irmeasure_new(t_symbol *s, short argc, t_atom *argv)
    t_irmeasure *x = (t_irmeasure *)object_alloc(this_class);
    t_atom_long num_out_chans = 1;
    t_atom_long num_in_chans = 1;
    long i;

    if (argc && atom_gettype(argv) == A_LONG)
        num_in_chans = atom_getlong(argv++);
        num_in_chans = num_in_chans < 1 ? 1 : num_in_chans;
        num_in_chans = num_in_chans > HIRT_MAX_MEASURE_CHANS ? HIRT_MAX_MEASURE_CHANS : num_in_chans;

    if (argc && atom_gettype(argv) == A_LONG)
        num_out_chans = atom_getlong(argv++);
        num_out_chans = num_out_chans < 1 ? 1 : num_out_chans;
        num_out_chans = num_out_chans > HIRT_MAX_MEASURE_CHANS ? HIRT_MAX_MEASURE_CHANS : num_out_chans;

    x->process_done = bangout(x);

    for (i = 0; i < num_out_chans + 1; i++)
        outlet_new(x, "signal");
    dsp_setup((t_pxobject *)x, (long) num_in_chans);


    x->bandlimit = 1;
    x->abs_progress = 0;
    x->amp = -1.0;
    x->inv_amp = 0;

    x->T2 = 0;
    x->current_t = 0;
    x->fft_size = 0;
    x->start_measurement = 0;
    x->stop_measurement = 0;
    x->test_tone = 0;
    x->no_dsp = 1;
    x->sample_rate = sys_getsr();

    if (!x->sample_rate)
        x->sample_rate = 44100.0;

    alloc_mem_swap(&x->rec_mem, 0, 0);
    alloc_mem_swap(&x->out_mem, 0, 0);

    x->num_in_chans = (long) num_in_chans;
    x->num_out_chans = (long) num_out_chans;
    x->num_active_ins = (long) num_in_chans;
    x->num_active_outs = (long) num_out_chans;
    x->current_num_active_ins = (long) num_in_chans;
    x->current_num_active_outs = (long) num_out_chans;

    x->measure_mode = SWEEP;
    x->phase = 0.0;

    attr_args_process(x, argc, argv);

예제 #4
void *dynamicdsp_new(t_symbol *s, long argc, t_atom *argv)
	t_dynamicdsp *x = (t_dynamicdsp *)object_alloc(dynamicdsp_class);
	t_symbol *patch_name_entered = NULL;
	t_symbol *tempsym;
	long ac = 0;
	t_atom av[MAX_ARGS];						
    void *outs[MAX_IO];
	long num_sig_ins = 2;
	long num_sig_outs = 2;
	long num_ins = 2;
	long num_outs = 2;	
    long max_obj_threads = ThreadSet::getNumProcessors();
	// Check if there is a patch name given to load
	if (argc && atom_gettype(argv) == A_SYM && atom_getsym(argv) != ps_declareio)
		patch_name_entered = atom_getsym(argv);
		argc--; argv++;
	// Check for the declareio symbol and ignore to maintain old style functionality
	if (argc && atom_gettype(argv) == A_SYM && atom_getsym(argv) == ps_declareio)
		argc--; argv++;
	// Check if there is a declaration of the number of inputs and outs (message and signal)

	if (argc && atom_gettype(argv) == A_LONG)
		if (atom_getlong(argv) >= 0 && atom_getlong(argv) < MAX_IO)
			num_sig_ins = atom_getlong(argv);
		argc--; argv++;
	if (argc && atom_gettype(argv) == A_LONG)
		if (atom_getlong(argv) >= 0 && atom_getlong(argv) < MAX_IO)
			num_sig_outs = atom_getlong(argv);
		argc--; argv++;
	if (argc && atom_gettype(argv) == A_LONG)
		if (atom_getlong(argv) >= 0 && atom_getlong(argv) < MAX_IO)
			num_ins = atom_getlong(argv);
		argc--; argv++;
	if (argc && atom_gettype(argv) == A_LONG)
		if (atom_getlong(argv) >= 0 && atom_getlong(argv) < MAX_IO)
			num_outs = atom_getlong(argv);
		argc--; argv++;
	if (argc && atom_gettype(argv) == A_LONG)
        if (atom_getlong(argv) < max_obj_threads)
            max_obj_threads = atom_getlong(argv);
        if (max_obj_threads < 1)
			max_obj_threads = 1;
		argc--; argv++;
	x->max_obj_threads = max_obj_threads;
	// Get arguments to patch that is being loaded if there are any
	if (argc && atom_gettype(argv) == A_SYM) 
		tempsym = atom_getsym(argv);
		argc--; argv++;
		if (tempsym == ps_args) 
			ac = argc;
			if (ac > MAX_ARGS)
				ac = MAX_ARGS;
			for (long i = 0; i < ac; i++, argv++)
				av[i] = *argv;
	// Multithreading Setup - defaults to multi-threading off for nested objects, on for non-nested
	if (Get_Dynamic_Object()) 
		x->multithread_flag = 0;									
		x->multithread_flag = 1;

	// Multithreading variables
	x->manual_threading = 1;
	x->request_manual_threading = 1;
	x->request_num_active_threads = max_obj_threads;
	// Set other variables to defaults
	x->num_sig_ins = num_sig_ins;
	x->num_sig_outs = num_sig_outs;
	x->num_ins = num_ins;
	x->num_outs = num_outs;
	x->update_thread_map = 0;
	x->last_vec_size = 64;
	x->last_samp_rate = 44100;
	// Create signal in/out buffers and zero
	x->sig_ins = (void **) malloc(num_sig_ins * sizeof(void *));
	x->sig_outs = (void **) malloc(num_sig_outs * sizeof(void *));
	for (long i = 0; i < num_sig_ins; i++)
		x->sig_ins[i] = NULL;
	for (long i = 0; i < num_sig_outs; i++)
		x->sig_outs[i] = NULL;
	// Make non-signal outlets first
    for (long i = num_outs - 1; i >= 0; i--)
        outs[i] = outlet_new((t_object *)x, NULL);
	// Make signal ins
	x->num_proxies = (num_sig_ins > num_ins) ? num_sig_ins : num_ins;
	dsp_setup((t_pxobject *) x, x->num_proxies);
	x->x_obj.z_misc = Z_NO_INPLACE;                                                             // due to output zeroing!!
	// Make signal outs
	for (long i = 0; i < num_sig_outs; i++)
		outlet_new((t_object *)x, "signal");
    // Get parent patcher
    x->parent_patch = (t_patcher *)gensym("#P")->s_thing;										// store reference to parent patcher
    // Setup temporary memory / threads / slots
	alloc_mem_swap(&x->temp_mem, 0, 0);
    x->threads = new ThreadSet((t_object *) x, reinterpret_cast<ThreadSet::procFunc *>(&dynamicdsp_threadprocess), max_obj_threads, num_sig_outs);
    x->slots = new ThreadedPatchSet((t_object *)x, x->parent_patch, num_ins, num_outs, outs);
	// Load patch
	if (patch_name_entered)
        x->slots->load(0, patch_name_entered, ac, av, x->last_vec_size, x->last_samp_rate);
	return x;