예제 #1
uint add_implicit_edges(int type, sharder<als_edge_type>& shrd ){

    case IMPLICIT_RATING_DISABLED: return 0;
    default: assert(false);

  uint added = 0;
  uint toadd  = implicitratingpercentage*N*M;
  logstream(LOG_INFO)<<"Going to add: " << toadd << " implicit edges. " << std::endl;
  assert(toadd >= 1);
  for (uint j=0; j< toadd; j++){
    ivec item = ::randi(1,0,N-1);
    ivec user = ::randi(1,0,M-1);
    shrd.preprocessing_add_edge(user[0], item[0], als_edge_type(implicitratingvalue));
  logstream(LOG_INFO)<<"Finished adding " << toadd << " implicit edges. " << std::endl;
  return added;
예제 #2
파일: io.hpp 프로젝트: abello/graphchi-cpp
int convert_matrixmarket(std::string base_filename, size_t nodes = 0, size_t edges = 0, int tokens_per_row = 3, int type = TRAINING, int allow_square = true) {
  // Note, code based on: http://math.nist.gov/MatrixMarket/mmio/c/example_read.c
  FILE *f;
  size_t nz;

   * Create sharder object
  int nshards;
  if ((nshards = find_shards<als_edge_type>(base_filename, get_option_string("nshards", "auto")))) {
    if (check_origfile_modification_earlier<als_edge_type>(base_filename, nshards)) {
      logstream(LOG_INFO) << "File " << base_filename << " was already preprocessed, won't do it again. " << std::endl;
      read_global_mean(base_filename, type);
      return nshards;

  sharder<als_edge_type> sharderobj(base_filename);

  detect_matrix_size(base_filename, f, type == TRAINING?M:Me, type == TRAINING?N:Ne, nz, nodes, edges, type);
  if (f == NULL){
    if (type == TRAINING){
      logstream(LOG_FATAL)<<"Failed to open training input file: " << base_filename << std::endl;
    else if (type == VALIDATION){
      logstream(LOG_INFO)<<"Validation file: "  << base_filename << " is not found. " << std::endl;
      return -1;

  compute_matrix_size(nz, type);   
  uint I, J;
  double val = 1.0;
  bool active_edge = true;
  int zero_entries = 0;

  for (size_t i=0; i<nz; i++)
      if (tokens_per_row == 3){
        int rc = fscanf(f, "%u %u %lg\n", &I, &J, &val);
        if (rc != 3)
          logstream(LOG_FATAL)<<"Error when reading input file: " << i << std::endl;
        if (val == 0 && ! allow_zeros)
          logstream(LOG_FATAL)<<"Encountered zero edge [ " << I << " " <<J << " 0] in line: " << i << " . Run with --allow_zeros=1 to ignore zero weights." << std::endl;
        else if (val == 0){
      else if (tokens_per_row == 2){
        int rc = fscanf(f, "%u %u\n", &I, &J);
        if (rc != 2)
          logstream(LOG_FATAL)<<"Error when reading input file: " << i << std::endl;
      else assert(false);

      if (I ==987654321 || J== 987654321) //hack - to be removed later
      I-=(uint)input_file_offset;  /* adjust from 1-based to 0-based */
      if (I >= M)
        logstream(LOG_FATAL)<<"Row index larger than the matrix row size " << I+1 << " > " << M << " in line: " << i << std::endl;
      if (J >= N)
        logstream(LOG_FATAL)<<"Col index larger than the matrix col size " << J+1 << " > " << N << " in line; " << i << std::endl;
      if (minval != -1e100 && val < minval)
        logstream(LOG_FATAL)<<"Found illegal rating value: " << val << " where min value is: " << minval << std::endl;
      if (maxval != 1e100 && val > maxval)
        logstream(LOG_FATAL)<<"Found illegal rating value: " << val << " where max value is: " << maxval << std::endl;

      active_edge = decide_if_edge_is_active(i, type);

      if (active_edge){
        if (type == TRAINING)
          globalMean += val;
        else globalMean2 += val;
        sharderobj.preprocessing_add_edge(I, (M==N && allow_square)?J:M + J, als_edge_type((float)val));

    if (type == TRAINING){
      uint toadd = 0;
      if (implicitratingtype == IMPLICIT_RATING_RANDOM)
        toadd = add_implicit_edges(implicitratingtype, sharderobj);
      globalMean += implicitratingvalue * toadd;
      L += toadd;
      globalMean /= L;
      logstream(LOG_INFO) << "Global mean is: " << globalMean << " Now creating shards." << std::endl;
    else {
      globalMean2 /= Le;
      logstream(LOG_INFO) << "Global mean is: " << globalMean2 << " Now creating shards." << std::endl;
    write_global_mean(base_filename, type);

  if (zero_entries)
     logstream(LOG_WARNING)<<"Found " << zero_entries << " zero edges!" << std::endl; 

  logstream(LOG_INFO) << "Now creating shards." << std::endl;

  // Shard with a specified number of shards, or determine automatically if not defined
  nshards = sharderobj.execute_sharding(get_option_string("nshards", "auto"));
  logstream(LOG_INFO) << "Successfully finished sharding for " << base_filename<< std::endl;
  logstream(LOG_INFO) << "Created " << nshards << " shards." << std::endl;

  return nshards;
예제 #3
파일: io.hpp 프로젝트: abello/graphchi-cpp
int convert_matrixmarket_and_item_similarity(std::string base_filename, std::string similarity_file, int tokens_per_row, vec & degrees) {
  FILE *f = NULL, *fsim = NULL;
  size_t nz, nz_sim;
   * Create sharder object
  int nshards;
  if ((nshards = find_shards<als_edge_type>(base_filename, get_option_string("nshards", "auto")))) {
    if (check_origfile_modification_earlier<als_edge_type>(base_filename, nshards)) {
      logstream(LOG_INFO) << "File " << base_filename << " was already preprocessed, won't do it again. " << std::endl;
      read_global_mean(base_filename, TRAINING);
      return nshards;

  sharder<als_edge_type> sharderobj(base_filename);

  detect_matrix_size(base_filename, f, M, N, nz);
  if (f == NULL)
    logstream(LOG_FATAL)<<"Failed to open training input file: " << base_filename << std::endl;
  uint N_row = 0 ,N_col = 0;
  detect_matrix_size(similarity_file, fsim, N_row, N_col, nz_sim);
  if (fsim == NULL || nz_sim == 0)
    logstream(LOG_FATAL)<<"Failed to open item similarity input file: " << similarity_file << std::endl;
  if (N_row != N || N_col != N)
    logstream(LOG_FATAL)<<"Wrong item similarity file matrix size: " << N_row <<" x " << N_col << "  Instead of " << N << " x " << N << std::endl;
  L=nz + nz_sim;


  uint I, J;
  double val = 1.0;
  int zero_entries = 0;
  unsigned int actual_edges = 0;
    logstream(LOG_INFO) << "Starting to read matrix-market input. Matrix dimensions: "
      << M << " x " << N << ", non-zeros: " << nz << std::endl;

    for (size_t i=0; i<nz; i++){
      if (tokens_per_row == 3){
        int rc = fscanf(f, "%u %u %lg\n", &I, &J, &val);
        if (rc != 3)
          logstream(LOG_FATAL)<<"Error when reading input file in line: " << i << std::endl;
        if (val == 0 && ! allow_zeros)
          logstream(LOG_FATAL)<<"Zero weight encountered at input file line: " << i << " . Run with --allow_zeros=1 to ignore zero weights." << std::endl;
        else if (val == 0) { zero_entries++; continue; }
      else if (tokens_per_row == 2){
        int rc = fscanf(f, "%u %u\n", &I, &J);
        if (rc != 2)
          logstream(LOG_FATAL)<<"Error when reading input file: " << i << std::endl;
      else assert(false);

      I-=input_file_offset;  /* adjust from 1-based to 0-based */
      if (I >= M)
        logstream(LOG_FATAL)<<"Row index larger than the matrix row size " << I << " > " << M << " in line: " << i << std::endl;
      if (J >= N)
        logstream(LOG_FATAL)<<"Col index larger than the matrix col size " << J << " > " << N << " in line; " << i << std::endl;
      if (I< (uint)start_user || I >= (uint)end_user){
      sharderobj.preprocessing_add_edge(I, M + J, als_edge_type((float)val, 0));
      //std::cout<<"adding an edge: " <<I << " -> " << M+J << std::endl;

    logstream(LOG_DEBUG)<<"Finished loading " << actual_edges << " ratings from file: " << base_filename << std::endl;

    for (size_t i=0; i<nz_sim; i++){
      if (tokens_per_row == 3){
        int rc = fscanf(fsim, "%u %u %lg\n", &I, &J, &val);
        if (rc != 3)
          logstream(LOG_FATAL)<<"Error when reading input file: " << similarity_file << " line: " << i << std::endl;
      else if (tokens_per_row == 2){
        int rc = fscanf(fsim, "%u %u\n", &I, &J);
        if (rc != 2)
          logstream(LOG_FATAL)<<"Error when reading input file: " << i << std::endl;
      else assert(false);

      I-=input_file_offset;  /* adjust from 1-based to 0-based */
      if (I >= N)
        logstream(LOG_FATAL)<<"Row index larger than the matrix row size " << I << " > " << M << " in line: " << i << std::endl;
      if (J >= N)
        logstream(LOG_FATAL)<<"Col index larger than the matrix col size " << J << " > " << N << " in line; " << i << std::endl;
      if (I == J)
        logstream(LOG_FATAL)<<"Item similarity to itself found for item " << I << " in line; " << i << std::endl;
      //std::cout<<"Adding an edge between "<<M+I<< " : " << M+J << "  " << (I<J)  << " " << val << std::endl; 
      sharderobj.preprocessing_add_edge(M+I, M+J, als_edge_type(I < J? val: 0, I>J? val: 0));

    L = actual_edges;
    logstream(LOG_DEBUG)<<"Finished loading " << nz_sim << " ratings from file: " << similarity_file << std::endl;
    write_global_mean(base_filename, TRAINING);

    if (zero_entries)
      logstream(LOG_WARNING)<<"Found " << zero_entries << " edges with zero weight!" << std::endl;

  logstream(LOG_INFO) << "Now creating shards." << std::endl;

  // Shard with a specified number of shards, or determine automatically if not defined
  nshards = sharderobj.execute_sharding(get_option_string("nshards", "auto"));
  logstream(LOG_INFO) << "Successfully finished sharding for " << base_filename << std::endl;
  logstream(LOG_INFO) << "Created " << nshards << " shards." << std::endl;

  return nshards;
예제 #4
파일: io.hpp 프로젝트: abello/graphchi-cpp
int convert_matrixmarket4(std::string base_filename, bool add_time_edges = false, bool square = false, int type = TRAINING, int matlab_time_offset = 1) {
  // Note, code based on: http://math.nist.gov/MatrixMarket/mmio/c/example_read.c
  FILE *f = NULL;
  size_t nz;
   * Create sharder object
  int nshards;
  if ((nshards = find_shards<als_edge_type>(base_filename, get_option_string("nshards", "auto")))) {

    if (check_origfile_modification_earlier<als_edge_type>(base_filename, nshards)) {
      logstream(LOG_INFO) << "File " << base_filename << " was already preprocessed, won't do it again. " << std::endl;
      read_global_mean(base_filename, type);
    if (type == TRAINING)
      time_nodes_offset = M+N;
     return nshards;

  sharder<als_edge_type> sharderobj(base_filename);

  detect_matrix_size(base_filename, f, type == TRAINING? M:Me, type == TRAINING? N:Ne, nz);
  if (f == NULL){
    if (type == VALIDATION){
      logstream(LOG_INFO)<< "Did not find validation file: " << base_filename << std::endl;
      return -1;
    else if (type == TRAINING)
      logstream(LOG_FATAL)<<"Failed to open training input file: " << base_filename << std::endl;

  if (type == TRAINING)
     time_nodes_offset = M+N;
 compute_matrix_size(nz, type); 

  uint I, J;
  double val, time;
  bool active_edge = true;

    for (size_t i=0; i<nz; i++)
      int rc = fscanf(f, "%d %d %lg %lg\n", &I, &J, &time, &val);
      if (rc != 4)
        logstream(LOG_FATAL)<<"Error when reading input file - line " << i << std::endl;
      if (time < 0)
        logstream(LOG_FATAL)<<"Time (third columns) should be >= 0 " << std::endl;
      I-=input_file_offset;  /* adjust from 1-based to 0-based */
      if (I >= M)
        logstream(LOG_FATAL)<<"Row index larger than the matrix row size " << I << " > " << M << " in line: " << i << std::endl;
      if (J >= N)
        logstream(LOG_FATAL)<<"Col index larger than the matrix col size " << J << " > " << N << " in line; " << i << std::endl;
      K = std::max((int)time, (int)K);
      time -= matlab_time_offset;
      if (time < 0 && add_time_edges)
        logstream(LOG_FATAL)<<"Time bins should be >= " << matlab_time_offset << " in row " << i << std::endl;

      //only for tensor ALS we add edges between user and time bin and also item and time bin
      //time bins are numbered beteen M+N to M+N+K
      if (!weighted_als)
         time += time_nodes_offset;

      //avoid self edges
      if (square && I == J)

      active_edge = decide_if_edge_is_active(i, type);

      if (active_edge){
        if (type == TRAINING)
        globalMean += val;
        else globalMean2 += val;
        sharderobj.preprocessing_add_edge(I, (square? J : (M + J)), als_edge_type(val, time));
      //in case of a tensor, add besides of the user-> movie edge also
      //time -> user and time-> movie edges
      if (add_time_edges){
        sharderobj.preprocessing_add_edge((uint)time, I, als_edge_type(val, M+J));
        sharderobj.preprocessing_add_edge((uint)time, M+J , als_edge_type(val, I));

    if (type == TRAINING){
      uint toadd = 0;
      if (implicitratingtype == IMPLICIT_RATING_RANDOM)
        toadd = add_implicit_edges4(implicitratingtype, sharderobj);
      globalMean += implicitratingvalue * toadd;
      L += toadd;
      globalMean /= L;
      logstream(LOG_INFO) << "Global mean is: " << globalMean << " time bins: " << K << " . Now creating shards." << std::endl;
    else {
      globalMean2 /= Le;
      logstream(LOG_INFO) << "Global mean is: " << globalMean2 << " time bins: " << K << " . Now creating shards." << std::endl;
    write_global_mean(base_filename, type);


  logstream(LOG_INFO) << "Now creating shards." << std::endl;

  // Shard with a specified number of shards, or determine automatically if not defined
  nshards = sharderobj.execute_sharding(get_option_string("nshards", "auto"));

  return nshards;
예제 #5
int convert_matrixmarket_N(std::string base_filename, bool square, int limit_rating = 0) {
  // Note, code based on: http://math.nist.gov/MatrixMarket/mmio/c/example_read.c
  FILE *f;
  size_t nz;

  int nshards;
  if (validation_only && (nshards = find_shards<als_edge_type>(base_filename, get_option_string("nshards", "auto")))) {
    if (check_origfile_modification_earlier<als_edge_type>(base_filename, nshards)) {
      logstream(LOG_INFO) << "File " << base_filename << " was already preprocessed, won't do it again. " << std::endl;
      FILE * infile = fopen((base_filename + ".gm").c_str(), "r");
      int node_id_maps_size = 0;
      assert( fscanf(infile, "%d\n%d\n%ld\n%d\n%lf\n%d\n%d\n%d\n", &M, &N, &L, &fc.total_features, &globalMean, &node_id_maps_size, &latent_factors_inmem_size,&num_feature_bins_size) ==8);
      assert(node_id_maps_size >= 0);
      assert(latent_factors_inmem_size >=M+N);
      for (int i=0; i < (int)fc.node_id_maps.size(); i++){
        char buf[256];
        sprintf(buf, "%s.map.%d", training.c_str(), i);
        load_map_from_txt_file(fc.node_id_maps[i].string2nodeid, buf, 2);
        assert(fc.node_id_maps[i].string2nodeid.size() > 0);
      logstream(LOG_INFO)<<"Finished loading " << node_id_maps_size << " maps. "<<std::endl;
      return nshards;

   * Create sharder object
  sharder<als_edge_type> sharderobj(base_filename);

  detect_matrix_size(base_filename, f, M, N, nz, 0, 0, 0);
  if (f == NULL)
    logstream(LOG_FATAL) << "Could not open file: " << base_filename << ", error: " << strerror(errno) << std::endl;
  if (M == 0 && N == 0)
    logstream(LOG_FATAL)<<"Failed to detect matrix size. Please prepare a file named: " << base_filename << ":info with matrix market header, as explained here: http://bickson.blogspot.co.il/2012/12/collaborative-filtering-3rd-generation_14.html " << std::endl;

  logstream(LOG_INFO) << "Starting to read matrix-market input. Matrix dimensions: " << M << " x " << N << ", non-zeros: " << nz << std::endl;

  if (has_header_titles){
    char * linebuf = NULL;
    size_t linesize;
    char linebuf_debug[1024];

    /* READ LINE */
    int rc = getline(&linebuf, &linesize, f);
    if (rc == -1)
      logstream(LOG_FATAL)<<"Error header line " << " [ " << linebuf_debug << " ] " << std::endl;

    strncpy(linebuf_debug, linebuf, 1024);
    char *pch = strtok(linebuf,ptokens);
    if (pch == NULL)
      logstream(LOG_FATAL)<<"Error header line " << " [ " << linebuf_debug << " ] " << std::endl;


    while (pch != NULL){
      pch = strtok(NULL, ptokens);
      if (pch == NULL)

  compute_matrix_size(nz, TRAINING);
  uint I, J;
  int val_array_len = std::max(1, fc.total_features);
  assert(val_array_len < FEATURE_WIDTH);
  std::vector<float> valarray; valarray.resize(val_array_len);
  float val = 0.0f;

  if (limit_rating > 0 && limit_rating < (int)nz)
    nz = limit_rating;

  char linebuf_debug[1024];
  for (size_t i=0; i<nz; i++)

    if (!read_line(f, base_filename, i,I, J, val, valarray, TRAINING, linebuf_debug))
      logstream(LOG_FATAL)<<"Failed to read line: " <<i<< " in file: " << base_filename << std::endl;

    if (I>= M || J >= N || I < 0 || J < 0){
      if (i == 0)
        logstream(LOG_FATAL)<<"Failed to parse first line, there are too many tokens. Did you forget the --has_header_titles=1 flag when file has string column headers? [ " << linebuf_debug << " ] " << " I : " << I << " J: " << J << std::endl;
        logstream(LOG_FATAL)<<"Problem parsing input line number: " << i <<" in file: " << base_filename << ".  Can not add edge from " << I << " to  J " << J << 
                            " since matrix size is: " << M <<"x" <<N<< " [ original line: " << linebuf_debug << " ] . You probaably need to increase matrix size in the matrix market header." << std::endl;

    bool active_edge = decide_if_edge_is_active(i, TRAINING);

    if (active_edge){
      //calc stats
      globalMean += val;
      sharderobj.preprocessing_add_edge(I, square?J:M+J, als_edge_type(val, &valarray[0], val_array_len));


  //calc stats
  assert(L > 0);
  //assert(globalMean != 0);
  if (globalMean == 0)
    logstream(LOG_WARNING)<<"Found global mean of the data to be zero (val_pos). Please verify this is correct." << std::endl;
  globalMean /= L;
  logstream(LOG_INFO)<<"Computed global mean is: " << globalMean << std::endl;
  inputGlobalMean = globalMean;


  if (fc.hash_strings){
    for (int i=0; i< fc.total_features+2; i++){
      if (fc.node_id_maps[i].string2nodeid.size() == 0)
        logstream(LOG_FATAL)<<"Failed sanity check for feature number : " << i << " no values find in data " << std::endl;

  logstream(LOG_INFO) << "Now creating shards." << std::endl;
  // Shard with a specified number of shards, or determine automatically if not defined
  nshards = sharderobj.execute_sharding(get_option_string("nshards", "auto"));

  return nshards;
예제 #6
int convert_matrixmarket4(std::string base_filename, bool add_time_edges = false, bool square = false) {
  // Note, code based on: http://math.nist.gov/MatrixMarket/mmio/c/example_read.c
  int ret_code;
  MM_typecode matcode;
  FILE *f;
  size_t nz;
   * Create sharder object
  int nshards;
  if ((nshards = find_shards<als_edge_type>(base_filename, get_option_string("nshards", "auto")))) {
    logstream(LOG_INFO) << "File " << base_filename << " was already preprocessed, won't do it again. " << std::endl;
    FILE * inf = fopen((base_filename + ".gm").c_str(), "r");
    int rc = fscanf(inf,"%d\n%d\n%ld\n%lg\n%d\n",&M, &N, &L, &globalMean, &K);
    if (rc != 5)
      logstream(LOG_FATAL)<<"Failed to read global mean from file" << base_filename << ".gm" << std::endl;
    if (K <= 0)
      logstream(LOG_FATAL)<<"Incorrect number of time bins K in .gm file " << base_filename << ".gm" << std::endl;

    logstream(LOG_INFO) << "Read matrix of size " << M << " x " << N << " Global mean is: " << globalMean << " time bins: " << K << " Now creating shards." << std::endl;
    return nshards;

  sharder<als_edge_type> sharderobj(base_filename);

  if ((f = fopen(base_filename.c_str(), "r")) == NULL) {
    logstream(LOG_FATAL) << "Could not open file: " << base_filename << ", error: " << strerror(errno) << std::endl;

  if (mm_read_banner(f, &matcode) != 0)
    logstream(LOG_FATAL) << "Could not process Matrix Market banner. File: " << base_filename << std::endl;

  /*  This is how one can screen matrix types if their application */
  /*  only supports a subset of the Matrix Market data types.      */

  if (mm_is_complex(matcode) || !mm_is_sparse(matcode))
    logstream(LOG_FATAL) << "Sorry, this application does not support complex values and requires a sparse matrix." << std::endl;

  /* find out size of sparse matrix .... */

  if ((ret_code = mm_read_mtx_crd_size(f, &M, &N, &nz)) !=0) {
    logstream(LOG_FATAL) << "Failed reading matrix size: error=" << ret_code << std::endl;

  logstream(LOG_INFO) << "Starting to read matrix-market input. Matrix dimensions: " 
    << M << " x " << N << ", non-zeros: " << nz << std::endl;

  uint I, J;
  double val, time;

  if (!sharderobj.preprocessed_file_exists()) {
    for (size_t i=0; i<nz; i++)
      int rc = fscanf(f, "%d %d %lg %lg\n", &I, &J, &time, &val);
      if (rc != 4)
        logstream(LOG_FATAL)<<"Error when reading input file: " << i << std::endl;
      if (time < 0)
        logstream(LOG_FATAL)<<"Time (third columns) should be >= 0 " << std::endl;
      I--;  /* adjust from 1-based to 0-based */
      if (I >= M)
        logstream(LOG_FATAL)<<"Row index larger than the matrix row size " << I << " > " << M << " in line: " << i << std::endl;
      if (J >= N)
        logstream(LOG_FATAL)<<"Col index larger than the matrix col size " << J << " > " << N << " in line; " << i << std::endl;
      K = std::max((int)time, (int)K);
      //avoid self edges
      if (square && I == J)
      globalMean += val; 
      sharderobj.preprocessing_add_edge(I, (square? J : (M + J)), als_edge_type(val, time+M+N));
      //in case of a tensor, add besides of the user-> movie edge also
      //time -> user and time-> movie edges
      if (add_time_edges){
        sharderobj.preprocessing_add_edge((uint)time + M + N, I, als_edge_type(val, M+J));
        sharderobj.preprocessing_add_edge((uint)time + M + N, M+J , als_edge_type(val, I));

    uint toadd = 0;
    if (implicitratingtype == IMPLICIT_RATING_RANDOM)
      toadd = add_implicit_edges4(implicitratingtype, sharderobj);
    globalMean += implicitratingvalue * toadd;
    L += toadd;

    globalMean /= L;
    logstream(LOG_INFO) << "Global mean is: " << globalMean << " time bins: " << K << " . Now creating shards." << std::endl;
    FILE * outf = fopen((base_filename + ".gm").c_str(), "w");
    fprintf(outf, "%d\n%d\n%ld\n%lg\n%d\n", M, N, L, globalMean, K);

  } else {
    logstream(LOG_INFO) << "Matrix already preprocessed, just run sharder." << std::endl;

  logstream(LOG_INFO) << "Now creating shards." << std::endl;

  // Shard with a specified number of shards, or determine automatically if not defined
  nshards = sharderobj.execute_sharding(get_option_string("nshards", "auto"));

  return nshards;
예제 #7
int convert_matrixmarket(std::string base_filename, SharderPreprocessor<als_edge_type> * preprocessor = NULL) {
  // Note, code based on: http://math.nist.gov/MatrixMarket/mmio/c/example_read.c
  int ret_code;
  MM_typecode matcode;
  FILE *f;
  size_t nz;   

  std::string suffix = "";
  if (preprocessor != NULL) {
    suffix = preprocessor->getSuffix();

   * Create sharder object
  int nshards;
  if ((nshards = find_shards<als_edge_type>(base_filename+ suffix, get_option_string("nshards", "auto")))) {
    logstream(LOG_INFO) << "File " << base_filename << " was already preprocessed, won't do it again. " << std::endl;
    FILE * inf = fopen((base_filename + ".gm").c_str(), "r");
    int rc = fscanf(inf,"%d\n%d\n%ld\n%lg\n%d\n",&M, &N, &L, &globalMean, &K);
    if (rc != 5)
      logstream(LOG_FATAL)<<"Failed to read global mean from file" << base_filename+ suffix << ".gm" << std::endl;
    logstream(LOG_INFO) << "Opened matrix size: " <<M << " x " << N << " Global mean is: " << globalMean << " time bins: " << K << " Now creating shards." << std::endl;
    return nshards;

  sharder<als_edge_type> sharderobj(base_filename + suffix);

  if ((f = fopen(base_filename.c_str(), "r")) == NULL) {
    logstream(LOG_FATAL) << "Could not open file: " << base_filename << ", error: " << strerror(errno) << std::endl;

  if (mm_read_banner(f, &matcode) != 0)
    logstream(LOG_FATAL) << "Could not process Matrix Market banner. File: " << base_filename << std::endl;

  /*  This is how one can screen matrix types if their application */
  /*  only supports a subset of the Matrix Market data types.      */

  if (mm_is_complex(matcode) || !mm_is_sparse(matcode))
    logstream(LOG_FATAL) << "Sorry, this application does not support complex values and requires a sparse matrix." << std::endl;

  /* find out size of sparse matrix .... */

  if ((ret_code = mm_read_mtx_crd_size(f, &M, &N, &nz)) !=0) {
    logstream(LOG_FATAL) << "Failed reading matrix size: error=" << ret_code << std::endl;


  logstream(LOG_INFO) << "Starting to read matrix-market input. Matrix dimensions: " 
    << M << " x " << N << ", non-zeros: " << nz << std::endl;

  uint I, J;
  double val;
  if (!sharderobj.preprocessed_file_exists()) {
    for (size_t i=0; i<nz; i++)

      int rc = fscanf(f, "%d %d %lg\n", &I, &J, &val);
      if (rc != 3)
        logstream(LOG_FATAL)<<"Error when reading input file: " << i << std::endl;
      I--;  /* adjust from 1-based to 0-based */
      if (I >= M)
        logstream(LOG_FATAL)<<"Row index larger than the matrix row size " << I << " > " << M << " in line: " << i << std::endl;
      if (J >= N)
        logstream(LOG_FATAL)<<"Col index larger than the matrix col size " << J << " > " << N << " in line; " << i << std::endl;
      globalMean += val; 
      sharderobj.preprocessing_add_edge(I, M + J, als_edge_type((float)val));
    uint toadd = 0;
    if (implicitratingtype == IMPLICIT_RATING_RANDOM)
      toadd = add_implicit_edges(implicitratingtype, sharderobj);
    globalMean += implicitratingvalue * toadd;
    L += toadd;

    globalMean /= L;
    logstream(LOG_INFO) << "Global mean is: " << globalMean << " Now creating shards." << std::endl;

    if (preprocessor != NULL) {
      preprocessor->reprocess(sharderobj.preprocessed_name(), base_filename);

    FILE * outf = fopen((base_filename + ".gm").c_str(), "w");
    fprintf(outf, "%d\n%d\n%ld\n%lg\n%d\n", M, N, L, globalMean, K);

  } else {
    logstream(LOG_INFO) << "Matrix already preprocessed, just run sharder." << std::endl;

  logstream(LOG_INFO) << "Now creating shards." << std::endl;

  // Shard with a specified number of shards, or determine automatically if not defined
  nshards = sharderobj.execute_sharding(get_option_string("nshards", "auto"));
  logstream(LOG_INFO) << "Successfully finished sharding for " << base_filename + suffix << std::endl;
  logstream(LOG_INFO) << "Created " << nshards << " shards." << std::endl;

  return nshards;