예제 #1
 * sss_handle_accept()
 * This routine is called when ever our listening socket has an incoming
 * connection request. Since this example has only data transfer socket, 
 * we just look at it to see whether its in use... if so, we accept the 
 * connection request and call the telent_send_menu() routine to transmit
 * instructions to the user. Otherwise, the connection is already in use; 
 * reject the incoming request by immediately closing the new socket.
 * We'll also print out the client's IP address.
void sss_handle_accept(int listen_socket, SSSConn* conn)
  int                 socket, len;
  struct sockaddr_in  incoming_addr;

  len = sizeof(incoming_addr);

  if ((conn)->fd == -1)
     if((socket=accept(listen_socket,(struct sockaddr*)&incoming_addr,&len))<0)
                                 "[sss_handle_accept] accept failed");
        (conn)->fd = socket;
        printf("[sss_handle_accept] accepted connection request from %s\n",
    printf("[sss_handle_accept] rejected connection request from %s\n",

예제 #2
 * SSSSimpleSocketServerTask()
 * This MicroC/OS-II thread spins forever after first establishing a listening
 * socket for our sss connection, binding it, and listening. Once setup,
 * it perpetually waits for incoming data to either the listening socket, or
 * (if a connection is active), the sss data socket. When data arrives, 
 * the approrpriate routine is called to either accept/reject a connection 
 * request, or process incoming data.
void SSSSimpleSocketServerTask()
  // Объявления используемых переменных
	int errcode;
	int is_alive;
	int flag_exit = 0;
	char buffer_in[1024];
	char buffer_out[3] = {'1','\r','\n'};
	int len_buff = 1024;
	int fd_listen;
	struct sockaddr_in addr;
	edge_capture = 0xF;

    // Регистрируем обработчик прерываний от кнопок

  while (1)
	  // Создаем сокет, если не удалось создать, выдаем сообщение в консоль
	  if ((fd_listen = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) < 0)
	      alt_NetworkErrorHandler(EXPANDED_DIAGNOSIS_CODE,"[sss_task] Socket creation failed");
	  // Инициализируем структуру sockaddr_in, указав семейство адресов,
	  // IP-адрес и номер порта серверного приложения
	  // (для примера см. simple_socket_server)
	  addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
	  addr.sin_port = htons(SSS_PORT);
	  addr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr("");

	  // Устанавливаем соединение с сервером
	  errcode = connect(fd_listen, (struct sockaddr *)&addr, sizeof(addr));
	  if (errcode)
		  printf("Unable to connect to server!\n");

	  // Получаем меню от сервера, выводим в консоль
	  errcode = recv(fd_listen, &buffer_in, len_buff, 0);
	  if (errcode == SOCKET_ERROR)
		  printf("Unable to get data from server!\n");


	  is_alive = 1;
		  // Ожидаем сообщение о нажатии кнопки от обработчика прерывания

		  if (edge_capture != NONE_PRESSED)  // if button pressed
			  switch(edge_capture) {
		      	  case (BTN_RIGHT_PRESSED):
		      			buffer_out[0] = 'q';
		      	  	  	flag_exit = 1;
		          case (BTN_LEFT_PRESSED):
						buffer_out[0] = '1';
		          case (BTN_CNTR_LEFT):
						buffer_out[0] = '2';
		          case (BTN_CNTR_RIGHT):
						buffer_out[0] = '3';

		  // Отправляем соответствующую команду на сервер
		  errcode = send(fd_listen, &buffer_out, 3, 0);
      	  if (errcode == SOCKET_ERROR)
      		  printf("Unable to send data to server!\n");
	       edge_capture = 0xF;
		  // Если была отправлена команда 'q', выходим из внутреннего
		  // цикла
	      if (flag_exit) {
	    	  flag_exit = 0;
	      // В противном случае получаем ответ от сервера, выводим его
		  // в консоль
	      errcode = recv(fd_listen, &buffer_in, len_buff, 0);
	      if (errcode == SOCKET_ERROR)
	    	  printf("Unable to get data from server!\n");
	  while (is_alive);

	  // Разрываем соединение
	  errcode = socketclose(fd_listen);
	  if (errcode == SOCKET_ERROR)
		  printf("Unable to close connection!\n");

	  printf("Connection closed.\n");

	  // Ожидаем сообщение о нажатии кнопки от обработчика прерывания
	  // Перед повторным установлением соединения
	  while (edge_capture == NONE_PRESSED);
  } /* while (1) */

예제 #3
 * SSSSimpleSocketServerTask()
 * This MicroC/OS-II thread spins forever after first establishing a listening
 * socket for our sss connection, binding it, and listening. Once setup,
 * it perpetually waits for incoming data to either the listening socket, or
 * (if a connection is active), the sss data socket. When data arrives, 
 * the approrpriate routine is called to either accept/reject a connection 
 * request, or process incoming data.
void SSSSimpleSocketServerTask()
  int fd_listen, max_socket;
  struct sockaddr_in addr;
  static SSSConn conn;
  fd_set readfds;
   * Sockets primer...
   * The socket() call creates an endpoint for TCP of UDP communication. It 
   * returns a descriptor (similar to a file descriptor) that we call fd_listen,
   * or, "the socket we're listening on for connection requests" in our sss
   * server example.
  if ((fd_listen = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) < 0)
    alt_NetworkErrorHandler(EXPANDED_DIAGNOSIS_CODE,"[sss_task] Socket creation failed");
   * Sockets primer, continued...
   * Calling bind() associates a socket created with socket() to a particular IP
   * port and incoming address. In this case we're binding to SSS_PORT and to
   * INADDR_ANY address (allowing anyone to connect to us. Bind may fail for 
   * various reasons, but the most common is that some other socket is bound to
   * the port we're requesting. 
  addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
  addr.sin_port = htons(SSS_PORT);
  addr.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
  if ((bind(fd_listen,(struct sockaddr *)&addr,sizeof(addr))) < 0)
    alt_NetworkErrorHandler(EXPANDED_DIAGNOSIS_CODE,"[sss_task] Bind failed");
   * Sockets primer, continued...
   * The listen socket is a socket which is waiting for incoming connections.
   * This call to listen will block (i.e. not return) until someone tries to 
   * connect to this port.
  if ((listen(fd_listen,1)) < 0)
    alt_NetworkErrorHandler(EXPANDED_DIAGNOSIS_CODE,"[sss_task] Listen failed");

  /* At this point we have successfully created a socket which is listening
   * on SSS_PORT for connection requests from any remote address.
  printf("[sss_task] Simple Socket Server listening on port %d\n", SSS_PORT);
     * For those not familiar with sockets programming...
     * The select() call below basically tells the TCPIP stack to return 
     * from this call when any of the events I have expressed an interest 
     * in happen (it blocks until our call to select() is satisfied). 
     * In the call below we're only interested in either someone trying to 
     * connect to us, or data being available to read on a socket, both of 
     * these are a read event as far as select is called.
     * The sockets we're interested in are passed in in the readfds 
     * parameter, the format of the readfds is implementation dependant
     * Hence there are standard MACROs for setting/reading the values:
     *   FD_ZERO  - Zero's out the sockets we're interested in
     *   FD_SET   - Adds a socket to those we're interested in
     *   FD_ISSET - Tests whether the chosen socket is set 
    FD_SET(fd_listen, &readfds);
    max_socket = fd_listen+1;

    if (conn.fd != -1)
      FD_SET(conn.fd, &readfds);
      if (max_socket <= conn.fd)
        max_socket = conn.fd+1;

    select(max_socket, &readfds, NULL, NULL, NULL);

     * If fd_listen (the listening socket we originally created in this thread
     * is "set" in readfs, then we have an incoming connection request. We'll
     * call a routine to explicitly accept or deny the incoming connection 
     * request (in this example, we accept a single connection and reject any
     * others that come in while the connection is open).
    if (FD_ISSET(fd_listen, &readfds))
      sss_handle_accept(fd_listen, &conn);
     * If sss_handle_accept() accepts the connection, it creates *another*
     * socket for sending/receiving data over sss. Note that this socket is
     * independant of the listening socket we created above. This socket's
     * descriptor is stored in conn.fd. If conn.fs is set in readfs... we have
     * incoming data for our sss server, and we call our receiver routine
     * to process it.
      if ((conn.fd != -1) && FD_ISSET(conn.fd, &readfds))
  } /* while(1) */