static gboolean amp_target_node_erase (AmpNode *target, AmpNode *parent, AmpProject *project, GError **error) { gboolean ok; GList * token_list; token_list = amp_target_node_get_all_token (AMP_TARGET_NODE (target)); ok = amp_target_node_delete_token (project, AMP_TARGET_NODE (target), token_list, error); g_list_free (token_list); /* Remove installation directory variable if the removed target was the * only one using it */ if (ok) { AnjutaProjectNode *node; const gchar *installdir; AnjutaProjectProperty *prop; gboolean used = FALSE; prop = amp_node_get_property_from_token (ANJUTA_PROJECT_NODE (target), AM_TOKEN__PROGRAMS, 6); installdir = prop->value; for (node = anjuta_project_node_first_child (ANJUTA_PROJECT_NODE (parent)); node != NULL; node = anjuta_project_node_next_sibling (node)) { if (node != ANJUTA_PROJECT_NODE (target)) { prop = amp_node_get_property_from_token (node, AM_TOKEN__PROGRAMS, 6); if ((prop != NULL) && (g_strcmp0 (installdir, prop->value) == 0)) { used = TRUE; break; } } } if (!used) { GList *item; for (item = anjuta_project_node_get_properties (ANJUTA_PROJECT_NODE (parent)); item != NULL; item = g_list_next (item)) { AmpProperty *prop = (AmpProperty *)item->data; if ((((AmpPropertyInfo *)prop->>token_type == AM_TOKEN_DIR) && (g_strcmp0 (prop->, installdir) == 0)) { /* Remove directory variable */ anjuta_token_remove_list (anjuta_token_list (prop->token)); amp_group_node_update_makefile (AMP_GROUP_NODE (parent), prop->token); break; } } } }; return ok; }
static AnjutaToken * amp_property_rename_target (AmpProject *project, AnjutaProjectNode *node) { AnjutaProjectNode *group; GList *infos; GList *item; GString *new_name; AmpNodeInfo *info; GList *list; AnjutaToken *update = NULL; AnjutaToken *existing_target_list; gboolean after; gchar *target_dir; g_return_val_if_fail (anjuta_project_node_get_node_type (node) == ANJUTA_PROJECT_TARGET, NULL); group = anjuta_project_node_parent_type (node, ANJUTA_PROJECT_GROUP); /* Find all program properties */ infos = NULL; for (item = anjuta_project_node_get_properties_info (node); item != NULL; item = g_list_next (item)) { AmpPropertyInfo *info = (AmpPropertyInfo *)item->data; if (info->token_type == AM_TOKEN__PROGRAMS) { infos = g_list_insert_sorted (infos, info, compare_property_position); } } /* Create new name */ new_name = g_string_new (NULL); for (item = infos; item != NULL; item = g_list_next (item)) { AmpPropertyInfo *info = (AmpPropertyInfo *)item->data; AmpProperty *prop; /* Check if property is enabled by another property */ if (info->link != NULL) { AnjutaProjectProperty *en_prop; en_prop = anjuta_project_node_get_property (node, info->link->id); if ((en_prop->value != NULL) && (*en_prop->value == '1')) continue; } prop = (AmpProperty *)anjuta_project_node_get_property (node, info->; if ((prop == (AmpProperty *)info->base.default_value) || (g_strcmp0 (prop->base.value, info->base.default_value->value) == 0)) { /* Default value, add only string properties */ if (info->base.type == ANJUTA_PROJECT_PROPERTY_STRING) { g_string_append (new_name, info->suffix); g_string_append_c (new_name, '_'); } } else { switch (info->base.type) { case ANJUTA_PROJECT_PROPERTY_STRING: if ((info->flags & AM_PROPERTY_DIRECTORY) && (strlen (prop->base.value) > 4) && (strcmp (prop->base.value + strlen (prop->base.value) - 3, "dir") == 0)) { /* Remove "dir" suffix */ g_string_append_len (new_name, prop->base.value, strlen (prop->base.value) - 3); } else { g_string_append (new_name, prop->base.value); } g_string_append_c (new_name, '_'); break; case ANJUTA_PROJECT_PROPERTY_BOOLEAN: if ((prop->base.value != NULL) && (g_strcmp0 (prop->base.value, info->base.default_value->value) != 0)) { g_string_append (new_name, info->suffix); } break; default: break; } } } info = (AmpNodeInfo *)amp_project_get_type_info (project, anjuta_project_node_get_full_type (node)); g_string_append (new_name, info->prefix); if ((anjuta_project_node_get_full_type (node) & ANJUTA_PROJECT_ID_MASK) == ANJUTA_PROJECT_DATA) { list = amp_target_node_get_token (AMP_TARGET_NODE (node), AM_TOKEN__DATA); if ((list != NULL) && (list->data != NULL)) { AnjutaToken *old_token; AnjutaToken *parent; parent = (AnjutaToken *)list->data; old_token = anjuta_token_first_word (parent); if (old_token != NULL) { AnjutaToken *token; token = anjuta_token_new_string (ANJUTA_TOKEN_ADDED, new_name->str); update = anjuta_token_insert_word_after (parent, old_token, token); anjuta_token_remove_word (old_token); update = parent; } } } else { // Check if the target already exist. after = TRUE; for (item = amp_group_node_get_token (AMP_GROUP_NODE (group), AM_GROUP_TARGET); item != NULL; item = g_list_next (item)) { existing_target_list = (AnjutaToken *)item->data; gchar *target_name = anjuta_token_evaluate (anjuta_token_first_word (existing_target_list)); gboolean same; same = strcmp (target_name, new_name->str) == 0; g_free (target_name); if (after) { GList *list; GList *item; list = amp_target_node_get_token (AMP_TARGET_NODE (node), ANJUTA_TOKEN_ARGUMENT); for (item = g_list_first (list); item != NULL; item = g_list_next (item)) { AnjutaToken *arg = (AnjutaToken *)item->data; AnjutaToken *target_list; if (arg != NULL) { target_list = anjuta_token_list (arg); if (anjuta_token_list (target_list) == existing_target_list) { /* token in group_node are stored in reverse order */ after = FALSE; break; } } } } if (same) { existing_target_list = anjuta_token_last_item (existing_target_list); break; } existing_target_list = NULL; } if (existing_target_list != NULL) { GList *token_list; /* Get old tokens */ token_list = g_list_copy (amp_target_node_get_token (AMP_TARGET_NODE (node), ANJUTA_TOKEN_ARGUMENT)); /* Add target in already existing list */ amp_target_add_in_list (project, existing_target_list, node, after, NULL); /* Remove old token */ amp_target_node_delete_token (project, AMP_TARGET_NODE (node), token_list, NULL); g_list_free (token_list); } else { list = amp_target_node_get_token (AMP_TARGET_NODE (node), ANJUTA_TOKEN_ARGUMENT); for (item = g_list_first (list); item != NULL; item = g_list_next (item)) { AnjutaToken *arg = (AnjutaToken *)item->data; AnjutaToken *target_list; if (arg == NULL) continue; target_list = anjuta_token_list (arg); if (anjuta_token_nth_word (target_list, 1) == NULL) { /* Only one target in list, just replace list name */ AnjutaToken *target_variable = anjuta_token_list (target_list); if (target_variable != NULL) { AnjutaToken *old_token; old_token = anjuta_token_first_word (target_variable); if (old_token != NULL) { AnjutaToken *token; token = anjuta_token_new_string (ANJUTA_TOKEN_ADDED, new_name->str); update = anjuta_token_insert_word_after (target_variable, old_token, token); anjuta_token_remove_word (old_token); update = target_variable; } } } else { gchar *old_target; AmpNodeInfo *info; gboolean after = TRUE; AnjutaToken *sibling = NULL; AnjutaTokenStyle *style; AnjutaToken *token; old_target = anjuta_token_evaluate (arg); /* Find sibling target */ if (anjuta_token_first_word (target_list) == arg) { sibling = anjuta_token_next_word (arg); after = FALSE; } else { for (sibling = anjuta_token_first_word (target_list); sibling != NULL; sibling = anjuta_token_next_word (sibling)) { if (anjuta_token_next_word (sibling) == arg) break; } after = TRUE; } /* More than one target, remove target in list */ arg = anjuta_token_remove_word (arg); if (arg != NULL) amp_group_node_update_makefile (AMP_GROUP_NODE (group), arg); /* Add target in new list */ style = anjuta_token_style_new_from_base (project->am_space_list); anjuta_token_style_update (style, target_list); info = (AmpNodeInfo *)amp_project_get_type_info (project, anjuta_project_node_get_full_type (node)); target_list = amp_project_write_target (AMP_GROUP_NODE (group), info->token, new_name->str, after, sibling); token = anjuta_token_new_string (ANJUTA_TOKEN_ARGUMENT | ANJUTA_TOKEN_ADDED, old_target); anjuta_token_insert_word_after (target_list, NULL, token); /* Try to use the same style than the current target list */ anjuta_token_style_format (style, target_list); anjuta_token_style_free (style); amp_group_node_update_makefile (AMP_GROUP_NODE (group), token); amp_target_node_add_token (AMP_TARGET_NODE (node), ANJUTA_TOKEN_ARGUMENT, token); g_free (old_target); update = anjuta_token_list (target_list); } } } } /* Add directory variable if needed */ target_dir = NULL; for (item = anjuta_project_node_get_properties (node); item != NULL; item = g_list_next (item)) { AmpProperty *prop = (AmpProperty *)item->data; if ((((AmpPropertyInfo *)prop->>token_type == AM_TOKEN__PROGRAMS) && (((AmpPropertyInfo *)prop->>flags & AM_PROPERTY_DIRECTORY)) { target_dir = prop->base.value; if ((strlen (target_dir) <= 3) || (strcmp (target_dir + strlen(target_dir) - 3, "dir") != 0)) { target_dir = g_strconcat (target_dir, "dir", NULL); g_free (prop->base.value); prop->base.value = target_dir; } break; } } /* If it is a standard directory do not add a variable*/ if (target_dir != NULL) { const gchar **std_dir; for (std_dir = AmpStandardDirectory; *std_dir != NULL; std_dir++) { if (strcmp(*std_dir, target_dir) == 0) { target_dir = NULL; break; } } } if (target_dir != NULL) { for (item = anjuta_project_node_get_properties (group); item != NULL; item = g_list_next (item)) { AmpProperty *prop = (AmpProperty *)item->data; if ((((AmpPropertyInfo *)prop->>token_type == AM_TOKEN_DIR) && (g_strcmp0 (prop->, target_dir) == 0)) { /* Find already existing directory variable */ target_dir = NULL; break; } } } if ((update != NULL) && (target_dir != NULL)) { update = anjuta_token_insert_token_list (FALSE, update, AM_TOKEN_DIR, NULL, ANJUTA_TOKEN_NAME, target_dir, ANJUTA_TOKEN_SPACE, " ", ANJUTA_TOKEN_OPERATOR, "=", ANJUTA_TOKEN_SPACE, " ", ANJUTA_TOKEN_LIST, NULL, ANJUTA_TOKEN_SPACE, " ", ANJUTA_TOKEN_EOL, "\n", NULL); } g_string_free (new_name, TRUE); return update; }