PLUGIN_EXPORT bool PLUGIN_CALL OnPlayerWeaponShot(int playerid, int weaponid, int hittype, int hitid, float x, float y, float z) { if (hittype == BULLET_HIT_TYPE_PLAYER_OBJECT) { boost::unordered_map<int, Player>::iterator p = core->getData()->players.find(playerid); if (p != core->getData()->players.end()) { for (boost::unordered_map<int, int>::iterator i = p->second.internalObjects.begin(); i != p->second.internalObjects.end(); ++i) { if (i->second == hitid) { int objectid = i->first; for (std::set<AMX*>::iterator a = core->getData()->interfaces.begin(); a != core->getData()->interfaces.end(); ++a) { int amxIndex = 0; if (!amx_FindPublic(*a, "OnPlayerShootDynamicObject", &amxIndex)) { amx_Push(*a, amx_ftoc(z)); amx_Push(*a, amx_ftoc(y)); amx_Push(*a, amx_ftoc(x)); amx_Push(*a, static_cast<cell>(objectid)); amx_Push(*a, static_cast<cell>(weaponid)); amx_Push(*a, static_cast<cell>(playerid)); amx_Exec(*a, NULL, amxIndex); } } break; } } } } else if (hittype == BULLET_HIT_TYPE_VEHICLE) { for (boost::unordered_map<int, int>::iterator i = core->getData()->internalVehicles.begin(); i != core->getData()->internalVehicles.end(); ++i) { if (i->second == hitid) { int vehicleid = i->first; for (std::set<AMX*>::iterator a = core->getData()->interfaces.begin(); a != core->getData()->interfaces.end(); ++a) { int amxIndex = 0; if (!amx_FindPublic(*a, "OnPlayerShootDynamicVehicle", &amxIndex)) { amx_Push(*a, amx_ftoc(z)); amx_Push(*a, amx_ftoc(y)); amx_Push(*a, amx_ftoc(x)); amx_Push(*a, static_cast<cell>(vehicleid)); amx_Push(*a, static_cast<cell>(weaponid)); amx_Push(*a, static_cast<cell>(playerid)); amx_Exec(*a, NULL, amxIndex); } } break; } } } return true; }
bool CGamemodeManager::Load(char* gmFile) { if (this->gmIsInit) Unload(); FILE* f = fopen(gmFile, "rb"); if (!f) return false; fclose(f); memset((void*)&(this->gmAMX), 0, sizeof(AMX)); this->gmSleepTime = 0.0f; strcpy(szGameModeFileName, gmFile); int err = aux_LoadProgram(&(this->gmAMX), szGameModeFileName); if (err != AMX_ERR_NONE) { AMXPrintError(this, &(this->gmAMX), err); logprintf("Failed to load '%s' script.", szGameModeFileName); return false; } amx_CoreInit(&(this->gmAMX)); amx_FloatInit(&(this->gmAMX)); amx_StringInit(&(this->gmAMX)); amx_FileInit(&(this->gmAMX)); amx_TimeInit(&(this->gmAMX)); //amx_DGramInit(&(this->gmAMX)); amx_CustomInit(&(this->gmAMX)); amx_sampDbInit(&(this->gmAMX)); __Plugins->DoAmxLoad(&(this->gmAMX)); this->gmIsInit = true; int tmp; if (!amx_FindPublic(&(this->gmAMX), "OnGameModeInit", &tmp)) amx_Exec(&(this->gmAMX), (cell*)&tmp, tmp); __NetGame->filterscriptsManager->OnGameModeInit(); cell ret = 0; err = amx_Exec(&(this->gmAMX), &ret, AMX_EXEC_MAIN); if (err == AMX_ERR_SLEEP) { this->gmIsSleeping = true; this->gmSleepTime = ((float)ret / 1000.0f); } else if (err != AMX_ERR_NONE) { this->gmIsSleeping = false; AMXPrintError(this, &(this->gmAMX), err); } return true; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { size_t memsize; void *program; AMX amx; cell ret = 0; int err; if (argc != 2 || (memsize = aux_ProgramSize(argv[1])) == 0) ErrorExit("Usage: PRUN3 <filename>\n\n" "The filename must include the extension", 0); program = VirtualAlloc(NULL, memsize, MEM_RESERVE, PAGE_READWRITE); if (program == NULL) ErrorExit("Failed to reserve memory", 0); __try { err = aux_LoadProgram(&amx, argv[1], program); if (err != AMX_ERR_NONE) ErrorExit("Load error %d (invalid file format or version mismatch)", err); signal(SIGINT,sigabort); amx_CoreInit(&amx); err = aux_RegisterNatives(&amx); if (err != AMX_ERR_NONE) ErrorExit("The program uses native functions that this run-time does not provide", 0); err = amx_Exec(&amx, &ret, AMX_EXEC_MAIN); while (err == AMX_ERR_SLEEP) err = amx_Exec(&amx, &ret, AMX_EXEC_CONT); if (err != AMX_ERR_NONE) printf("Run time error %d on address %ld\n", err, amx.cip); else if (ret != 0) printf("%s returns %ld\n", argv[1], (long)ret); } __except (aux_CommitMemory(GetExceptionInformation(), program, memsize)) { /* nothing */ } /* try */ /* Decommitting memory that is not committed does not fail, so you can just * decommit all memory. Releasing memory that is partially committed fails, * even if you also include the MEM_RELEASE flag (tested on WIndows98), so * you must call VirtualFree twice in a row. */ VirtualFree(program, memsize, MEM_DECOMMIT); VirtualFree(program, 0, MEM_RELEASE); amx_CoreCleanup(&amx); return 0; }
void CGamemodeManager::Frame(float time) { if (!this->gmIsInit) return; if (!this->gmIsSleeping) return; if (this->gmSleepTime > 0.0f) { this->gmSleepTime -= time; } else { cell ret; int err = amx_Exec(&(this->gmAMX), &ret, AMX_EXEC_CONT); if (err == AMX_ERR_SLEEP) { this->gmIsSleeping = true; this->gmSleepTime = ((float)ret / 1000.0f); } else { this->gmIsSleeping = false; AMXPrintError(this, &(this->gmAMX), err); } } }
// forward OnServerSendRPC(player_id, rpc_id, BitStream:bs); bool Callbacks::OnServerSendRPC(int player_id, int rpc_id, RakNet::BitStream *bs) { cell retval{}; auto &AMXs = Callbacks::GetAmxMap(); for (auto &i : AMXs) { auto amx = i.first; const auto &public_data = i.second._public_on_server_send_rpc; if (public_data.exists) { if (bs) bs->ResetReadPointer(); amx_Push(amx, reinterpret_cast<cell>(bs)); amx_Push(amx, static_cast<cell>(rpc_id)); amx_Push(amx, static_cast<cell>(player_id)); amx_Exec(amx, &retval,; if (retval == 0) return false; } } return true; }
int Handler::HandleModule(const char *module, bool isClass) { if (m_iModFunc < 0) return 0; /** * This is the most minimalistic handler of them all */ cell hea_addr, *phys_addr, retval; Debugger *pd; pd = DisableDebugHandler(m_pAmx); //temporarily set prenit m_pAmx->flags |= AMX_FLAG_PRENIT; amx_Push(m_pAmx, isClass ? 1 : 0); amx_PushString(m_pAmx, &hea_addr, &phys_addr, module, 0, 0); int err = amx_Exec(m_pAmx, &retval, m_iModFunc); amx_Release(m_pAmx, hea_addr); m_pAmx->flags &= ~AMX_FLAG_PRENIT; EnableDebugHandler(m_pAmx, pd); if (err != AMX_ERR_NONE) return 0; return (int)retval; }
static void pawnExec( Pawn * pawn ) { chSysLock(); pawn->isRunning = 0; chSysUnlock(); uint32_t i; unsigned char * tmp = (unsigned char *)&pawn->amx; for ( i=0; i<sizeof( pawn->amx ); i++ ) tmp[i] = 0; pawn-> = (uint8_t *)pawn->memblock; uint8_t * rom = (uint8_t *)(PAWN_FLASH_START + PAWN_PAGE_SIZE * PAWN_START_PAGE); pawn->result = amx_Init( &pawn->amx, rom ); if ( pawn->result != AMX_ERR_NONE ) return; static cell ret = 0; chSysLock(); pawn->isRunning = 1; chSysUnlock(); pawn->error = amx_Exec( &pawn->amx, &ret, AMX_EXEC_MAIN ); pawn->result = ret; amx_Cleanup( &pawn->amx ); chSysLock(); pawn->isRunning = 0; chSysUnlock(); }
// forward OnQueryError(connectionId, query[], callback[], errno, error[]); int Script::OnQueryError(unsigned int connectionId, const char* query, const char* callback, int error_number, const char* error) { if (OnQueryError_index_ == CallbackNotFoundIndex) return 0; // Attempt to find the OnQueryError callback in the script. if (OnQueryError_index_ == 0) { if (amx_FindPublic(runtime_, "OnQueryError", &OnQueryError_index_) != AMX_ERR_NONE) { OnQueryError_index_ = CallbackNotFoundIndex; return 0; } } cell returnValue, stringCell[3], *physicalCell; // Push the arguments to OnQueryError in reverse order. amx_PushString(runtime_, &stringCell[0], &physicalCell, error, 0, 0); amx_Push(runtime_, error_number); amx_PushString(runtime_, &stringCell[1], &physicalCell, callback, 0, 0); amx_PushString(runtime_, &stringCell[2], &physicalCell, query, 0, 0); amx_Push(runtime_, connectionId); // Execute and get the return value. amx_Exec(runtime_, &returnValue, OnQueryError_index_); // Clean up the strings we pushed to Pawn's stack. amx_Release(runtime_, stringCell[0]); amx_Release(runtime_, stringCell[1]); amx_Release(runtime_, stringCell[2]); return returnValue; }
// forward OnConnectionAttempt(connectionHandle, bool: succeeded, server[], username[], errno, error[]); int Script::OnConnectionAttempt(unsigned int connectionId, bool succeeded, const char* server, const char* username, int error_number, const char* error) { if (OnConnectionAttempt_index_ == CallbackNotFoundIndex) return 0; // Attempt to find the OnConnectionAttempt callback in the script. if (OnConnectionAttempt_index_ == 0) { if (amx_FindPublic(runtime_, "OnConnectionAttempt", &OnConnectionAttempt_index_) != AMX_ERR_NONE) { OnConnectionAttempt_index_ = CallbackNotFoundIndex; return 0; } } cell returnValue, stringCell[3], *physicalCell; // We've now got the callback. Push the arguments in reverse order. amx_PushString(runtime_, &stringCell[0], &physicalCell, error, 0, 0); amx_Push(runtime_, error_number); amx_PushString(runtime_, &stringCell[1], &physicalCell, username, 0, 0); amx_PushString(runtime_, &stringCell[2], &physicalCell, server, 0, 0); amx_Push(runtime_, succeeded); amx_Push(runtime_, connectionId); // Execute and get the return value. amx_Exec(runtime_, &returnValue, OnConnectionAttempt_index_); // Clean up the strings we pushed to Pawn's stack. amx_Release(runtime_, stringCell[0]); amx_Release(runtime_, stringCell[1]); amx_Release(runtime_, stringCell[2]); return returnValue; }
void CGamemodeManager::Unload() { for( _PlayerID playerid = 0; playerid < MAX_PLAYERS; playerid ++ ) { if( __NetGame->playerPool->GetSlotState( playerid ) ) { __NetGame->playerPool->GetPlayer( playerid )->GetKeyBinder()->OnGameModeUnloaded(); } } int tmp; if (!amx_FindPublic(&this->gmAMX, "OnGameModeExit", &tmp)) amx_Exec(&this->gmAMX, (cell*)&tmp, tmp); __NetGame->filterscriptsManager->OnGameModeExit(); if(__NetGame->scriptTimerManager) __NetGame->scriptTimerManager->DeleteForMode(&this->gmAMX); if (this->gmIsInit) { aux_FreeProgram(&this->gmAMX); __Plugins->DoAmxUnload(&this->gmAMX); amx_sampDbCleanup(&this->gmAMX); //amx_DGramCleanup(&this->gmAMX); amx_TimeCleanup(&this->gmAMX); amx_FileCleanup(&this->gmAMX); amx_StringCleanup(&this->gmAMX); amx_FloatCleanup(&this->gmAMX); amx_CoreCleanup(&this->gmAMX); } this->gmIsInit = false; this->gmIsSleeping = false; }
PLUGIN_EXPORT bool PLUGIN_CALL OnVehicleRespray(int playerid, int vehicleid, int color1, int color2) { for (boost::unordered_map<int, int>::iterator i = core->getData()->internalVehicles.begin(); i != core->getData()->internalVehicles.end(); ++i) { if (i->second == vehicleid) { for (std::set<AMX*>::iterator a = core->getData()->interfaces.begin(); a != core->getData()->interfaces.end(); ++a) { int amxIndex = 0; if (!amx_FindPublic(*a, "OnDynamicVehicleRespray", &amxIndex)) { amx_Push(*a, static_cast<cell>(color2)); amx_Push(*a, static_cast<cell>(color1)); amx_Push(*a, static_cast<cell>(i->first)); amx_Push(*a, static_cast<cell>(playerid)); amx_Exec(*a, NULL, amxIndex); } } boost::unordered_map<int, Item::SharedVehicle>::iterator p = core->getData()->vehicles.find(i->first); if (p != core->getData()->vehicles.end()) { p->second->color1 = color1; p->second->color2 = color2; } break; } } return true; }
AmxArgument SAMP::CallAmxFunction(const std::string& functionName, const AmxArguments& arguments) { if (!ms_pAmxVM) return false; // Push arguments onto the stack for (const auto& argument : arguments.GetList()) { switch (argument.GetType()) { case eAmxArgumentType::Boolean: amx_Push(ms_pAmxVM, static_cast<cell>(argument.GetBool())); break; case eAmxArgumentType::Number: amx_Push(ms_pAmxVM, static_cast<cell>(argument.GetNumber())); break; case eAmxArgumentType::String: cell amx_addr, *amx_physaddr; amx_PushString(ms_pAmxVM, &amx_addr, &amx_physaddr, argument.GetString(), 0, 0); break; } } // Call function cell amx_return; amx_Exec(ms_pAmxVM, &amx_return, AMX_EXEC_MAIN); return AmxArgument(amx_return); }
PLUGIN_EXPORT bool PLUGIN_CALL OnVehicleDamageStatusUpdate(int vehicleid, int playerid) { for (boost::unordered_map<int, int>::iterator i = core->getData()->internalVehicles.begin(); i != core->getData()->internalVehicles.end(); ++i) { if (i->second == vehicleid) { for (std::set<AMX*>::iterator a = core->getData()->interfaces.begin(); a != core->getData()->interfaces.end(); ++a) { int amxIndex = 0; if (!amx_FindPublic(*a, "OnDynamicVehDamageStatusUpdate", &amxIndex)) { amx_Push(*a, static_cast<cell>(playerid)); amx_Push(*a, static_cast<cell>(i->first)); amx_Exec(*a, NULL, amxIndex); } } boost::unordered_map<int, Item::SharedVehicle>::iterator p = core->getData()->vehicles.find(i->first); if (p != core->getData()->vehicles.end()) { /* if (!p->second->touched) { p->second->touched = true; core->getStreamer()->movingVehicles.insert(p->second); } */ p->second->lastUpdatedTick = GetTickCount(); GetVehicleDamageStatus(i->first, &p->second->panels, &p->second->doors, &p->second->lights, &p->second->tires); } break; } } return true; }
int ProfilerHandler::Exec(cell *retval, int index) { if (profiler_.call_stack()->is_empty()) { switch (state_) { case PROFILER_ATTACHING: if (!Attach()) { break; } // fallthrough case PROFILER_STARTING: CompleteStart(); break; } } if (state_ == PROFILER_STARTED) { try { int error = profiler_.ExecHook(retval, index, amx_Exec); if (state_ == PROFILER_STOPPING && profiler_.call_stack()->is_empty()) { CompleteStop(); } return error; } catch (const std::exception &e) { PrintException(e); } } return amx_Exec(amx(), retval, index); }
PLUGIN_EXPORT bool PLUGIN_CALL OnTrailerUpdate(int playerid, int vehicleid) { for (boost::unordered_map<int, int>::iterator i = core->getData()->internalVehicles.begin(); i != core->getData()->internalVehicles.end(); ++i) { if (i->second == vehicleid) { for (std::set<AMX*>::iterator a = core->getData()->interfaces.begin(); a != core->getData()->interfaces.end(); ++a) { int amxIndex = 0; cell ret = 1; if (!amx_FindPublic(*a, "OnDynamicTrailerUpdate", &amxIndex)) { amx_Push(*a, static_cast<cell>(i->first)); amx_Push(*a, static_cast<cell>(playerid)); amx_Exec(*a, &ret, amxIndex); if(!ret) return false; } } boost::unordered_map<int, Item::SharedVehicle>::iterator p = core->getData()->vehicles.find(i->first); if (p != core->getData()->vehicles.end()) { if (!p->second->touched) { p->second->touched = true; core->getStreamer()->movingVehicles.insert(p->second); } p->second->lastUpdatedTick = GetTickCount(); } break; } } return true; }
PLUGIN_EXPORT bool PLUGIN_CALL OnVehicleMod(int playerid, int vehicleid, int componentid) { for (boost::unordered_map<int, int>::iterator i = core->getData()->internalVehicles.begin(); i != core->getData()->internalVehicles.end(); ++i) { if (i->second == vehicleid) { for (std::set<AMX*>::iterator a = core->getData()->interfaces.begin(); a != core->getData()->interfaces.end(); ++a) { int amxIndex = 0; if (!amx_FindPublic(*a, "OnDynamicVehicleMod", &amxIndex)) { amx_Push(*a, static_cast<cell>(componentid)); amx_Push(*a, static_cast<cell>(i->first)); amx_Push(*a, static_cast<cell>(playerid)); amx_Exec(*a, NULL, amxIndex); } } boost::unordered_map<int, Item::SharedVehicle>::iterator p = core->getData()->vehicles.find(i->first); if (p != core->getData()->vehicles.end()) { if (!Utility::isInContainer(p->second->carmods, componentid)) { Utility::addToContainer(p->second->carmods, componentid); } } break; } } return true; }
//__declspec(naked) //__cdecl int FIXES_logprintf(char * str, ...) { va_list ap; char dst[1024]; va_start(ap, str); vsnprintf(dst, 1024, str, ap); va_end(ap); printf("%s\n", dst); // So we can use "printf" without getting stuck in endless loops. if (!bInPrint) { for (int i = 0; i != 17; ++i) { if (gAMXPtr[i] != -1) { cell ret, addr; amx_PushString(gAMXFiles[i], &addr, 0, dst, 0, 0); amx_Exec(gAMXFiles[i], &ret, gAMXPtr[i]); amx_Release(gAMXFiles[i], addr); if (ret == 1) { return 1; } } } } return 1; }
bool CCallbackManager::OnRemoteRCONPacket(unsigned int binaryAddress, int port, char *password, bool success, char* command) { int idx = -1; cell ret = 1; for(std::vector<AMX*>::const_iterator iter = m_vecAMX.begin(); iter != m_vecAMX.end(); ++iter) { if(!amx_FindPublic(*iter, "OnRemoteRCONPacket", &idx)) { cell amx_addr, *phys_addr; in_addr in; in.s_addr = binaryAddress; amx_PushString(*iter, &amx_addr, &phys_addr, command, 0, 0); amx_Push(*iter, static_cast<cell>(success)); amx_PushString(*iter, &amx_addr, &phys_addr, password, 0, 0); amx_Push(*iter, static_cast<cell>(port)); amx_PushString(*iter, &amx_addr, &phys_addr, inet_ntoa(in), 0, 0); amx_Exec(*iter, &ret, idx); amx_Release(*iter, amx_addr); if (!ret) return 0; } } return !!ret; }
PLUGIN_EXPORT bool PLUGIN_CALL OnPlayerGiveDamageActor(int playerid, int actorid, float amount, int weaponid, int bodypart) { for (boost::unordered_map<int, int>::iterator i = core->getData()->internalActors.begin(); i != core->getData()->internalActors.end(); ++i) { if (i->second == actorid) { int actorid = i->first; for (std::set<AMX*>::iterator a = core->getData()->interfaces.begin(); a != core->getData()->interfaces.end(); ++a) { int amxIndex = 0; if (!amx_FindPublic(*a, "OnPlayerGiveDamageDynamicActor", &amxIndex)) { amx_Push(*a, static_cast<cell>(bodypart)); amx_Push(*a, static_cast<cell>(weaponid)); amx_Push(*a, amx_ftoc(amount)); amx_Push(*a, static_cast<cell>(actorid)); amx_Push(*a, static_cast<cell>(playerid)); amx_Exec(*a, NULL, amxIndex); } } break; } } return true; }
static int AMXAPI amx_ExecHookProc(AMX *amx, cell *retval, int index) { amx_ExecHook.Remove(); bool canDoExec = true; if (index == AMX_EXEC_MAIN) { gamemode = amx; sampgdk::Wrapper::GetInstance().CallPublicHook(amx, retval, "OnGameModeInit"); } else { if (amx == gamemode && index != AMX_EXEC_CONT) { canDoExec = sampgdk::Wrapper::GetInstance().CallPublicHook(amx, retval, currentPublic.c_str()); } if (index == AMX_EXEC_GDK) { amx->stk += amx->paramcount * sizeof(cell); amx->paramcount = 0; } } int error = AMX_ERR_NONE; if (canDoExec) { error = amx_Exec(amx, retval, index); if (index == AMX_EXEC_GDK) { error = AMX_ERR_NONE; } } amx_ExecHook.Reinstall(); return error; }
int main(int argc,char *argv[]) { extern AMX_NATIVE_INFO console_Natives[]; extern AMX_NATIVE_INFO core_Natives[]; AMX amx; cell ret = 0; int err; if (argc != 2) PrintUsage(argv[0]); err = aux_LoadProgram(&amx, argv[1], NULL); if (err != AMX_ERR_NONE) ErrorExit(&amx, err); amx_Register(&amx, console_Natives, -1); err = amx_Register(&amx, core_Natives, -1); if (err != AMX_ERR_NONE) ErrorExit(&amx, err); err = amx_Exec(&amx, &ret, AMX_EXEC_MAIN); if (err != AMX_ERR_NONE) ErrorExit(&amx, err); printf("%s returns %ld\n", argv[1], (long)ret); aux_FreeProgram(&amx); return 0; }
PLUGIN_EXPORT bool PLUGIN_CALL OnPlayerSelectObject(int playerid, int type, int objectid, int modelid, float x, float y, float z) { if (type == SELECT_OBJECT_PLAYER_OBJECT) { boost::unordered_map<int, Player>::iterator p = core->getData()->players.find(playerid); if (p != core->getData()->players.end()) { for (boost::unordered_map<int, int>::iterator i = p->second.internalObjects.begin(); i != p->second.internalObjects.end(); ++i) { if (i->second == objectid) { int objectid = i->first; for (std::set<AMX*>::iterator a = core->getData()->interfaces.begin(); a != core->getData()->interfaces.end(); ++a) { int amxIndex = 0; if (!amx_FindPublic(*a, "OnPlayerSelectDynamicObject", &amxIndex)) { amx_Push(*a, amx_ftoc(z)); amx_Push(*a, amx_ftoc(y)); amx_Push(*a, amx_ftoc(x)); amx_Push(*a, static_cast<cell>(modelid)); amx_Push(*a, static_cast<cell>(objectid)); amx_Push(*a, static_cast<cell>(playerid)); amx_Exec(*a, NULL, amxIndex); } } break; } } } } return false; }
//General "Network" / Gamemode AMX Code void CNetwork::OnServerChangeMap() { printf("OnServerChangeMap() has been called.\n"); int idx; cell ret = 0; CBaseEntity *entity = new CBaseEntity; Precache *precache = new Precache; CBasePlayer *pPlayer = new CBasePlayer(); //Dump all the clients from the table because the map was changed.. for(size_t i=0; i<ReadInt32(SVS_MAXCLIENTS); i++) { if(pPlayer->IsClientConnected(i)) { if(pPlayer->IsClientOnTable(i)) { OnClientDisconnect(i, REASON_MAPCHANGE); } } } delete pPlayer; //amx push would go below here.. (So we can push the OnServerChangeMap data to the loaded AMX script later) if (!amx_FindPublic(&inimod_amx, "OnServerChangeMap", &idx)) { amx_Exec(&inimod_amx, &ret, idx); precache->PreloadCached(false); //Don't delete anything the users precached.. } if((long)ret == 1) { printf("ret returned %d\n", ret); } entity->OnServerChangeMap(); delete entity; delete precache; }
PLUGIN_EXPORT bool PLUGIN_CALL OnVehicleSpawn(int vehicleid) { for (boost::unordered_map<int, int>::iterator i = core->getData()->internalVehicles.begin(); i != core->getData()->internalVehicles.end(); ++i) { if (i->second == vehicleid) { for (std::set<AMX*>::iterator a = core->getData()->interfaces.begin(); a != core->getData()->interfaces.end(); ++a) { int amxIndex = 0; if (!amx_FindPublic(*a, "OnDynamicVehicleSpawn", &amxIndex)) { amx_Push(*a, static_cast<cell>(i->first)); amx_Exec(*a, NULL, amxIndex); } } boost::unordered_map<int, Item::SharedVehicle>::iterator p = core->getData()->vehicles.find(i->first); if (p != core->getData()->vehicles.end()) { if (p->second->touched) { p->second->touched = false; p->second->used = true; } } break; } } return true; }
int pawnExec( Pawn * p ) { int err; cell retVal; err = amx_Exec( &p->amx, &retVal, AMX_EXEC_MAIN ); return (err == AMX_ERR_NONE) ? PAWN_OK : PAWN_ERR_EXEC; }
void Streamer::executeCallbacks() { for (std::vector<boost::tuple<bool, int, int> >::const_iterator c = areaCallbacks.begin(); c != areaCallbacks.end(); ++c) { if (c->get<0>()) { for (std::set<AMX*>::iterator a = core->getData()->interfaces.begin(); a != core->getData()->interfaces.end(); ++a) { int amxIndex = 0; if (!amx_FindPublic(*a, "OnPlayerEnterDynamicArea", &amxIndex)) { amx_Push(*a, static_cast<cell>(c->get<1>())); amx_Push(*a, static_cast<cell>(c->get<2>())); amx_Exec(*a, NULL, amxIndex); } } } else { for (std::set<AMX*>::iterator a = core->getData()->interfaces.begin(); a != core->getData()->interfaces.end(); ++a) { int amxIndex = 0; if (!amx_FindPublic(*a, "OnPlayerLeaveDynamicArea", &amxIndex)) { amx_Push(*a, static_cast<cell>(c->get<1>())); amx_Push(*a, static_cast<cell>(c->get<2>())); amx_Exec(*a, NULL, amxIndex); } } } } areaCallbacks.clear(); for (std::vector<int>::const_iterator c = objectCallbacks.begin(); c != objectCallbacks.end(); ++c) { for (std::set<AMX*>::iterator a = core->getData()->interfaces.begin(); a != core->getData()->interfaces.end(); ++a) { int amxIndex = 0; if (!amx_FindPublic(*a, "OnDynamicObjectMoved", &amxIndex)) { amx_Push(*a, static_cast<cell>(*c)); amx_Exec(*a, NULL, amxIndex); } } } objectCallbacks.clear(); }
int CNetwork::OnServerThink( void ) { int idx; cell ret = 0; if(!amx_FindPublic(&inimod_amx, "ServerThink", &idx)) { amx_Exec(&inimod_amx, &ret, idx); } return (int)ret; }
int FilterScript::Init(cell *retval) { int error, index; error = amx_FindPublic(&amx_, "OnFilterScriptInit", &index) == AMX_ERR_NONE; if (error != AMX_ERR_NONE) { error = amx_Exec(&amx_, retval, index) == AMX_ERR_NONE; } return error; }
PLUGIN_EXPORT void PLUGIN_CALL ProcessTick() { while(!amxQueue.empty()) { int amx_idx; attackData toamx; std::list<AMX *>::iterator end = amxList.end(); aat_Debug("* ProcessTick() is not empty, executing..."); boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(gMutex); toamx = amxQueue.front(); amxQueue.pop(); lock.unlock(); for(std::list<AMX *>::iterator amx = amxList.begin(); amx != end; amx++) { if(toamx.type > 4) { cell amxAddress; if(!amx_FindPublic(*amx, "OnRemoteAttackAttempt", &amx_idx)) { amx_PushString(*amx, &amxAddress, NULL,, NULL, NULL); amx_Push(*amx, (toamx.type - 5)); amx_Exec(*amx, NULL, amx_idx); amx_Release(*amx, amxAddress); } } else { if(!amx_FindPublic(*amx, "OnIngameAttackAttempt", &amx_idx)) { amx_Push(*amx, atoi(; amx_Push(*amx, toamx.type); amx_Exec(*amx, NULL, amx_idx); } } } } }
int CNetwork::ExecMain() { cell ret; this->err = amx_Exec(&inimod_amx, &ret, AMX_EXEC_MAIN); if (err != AMX_ERR_NONE) Error( this->err); if (ret != 0) printf("Returns %ld\n", (long)ret); return ret; }